Greasy Fork is available in English.
Highlights videos of the channels that you mark as favorite (only for Grid view). Tap the heart icon on the channel page to add it to your favorites.
- // ==UserScript==// @name Youtube favorites channels// @name:ru Избранные каналы Youtube// @namespace @version 0.2// @description Highlights videos of the channels that you mark as favorite (only for Grid view). Tap the heart icon on the channel page to add it to your favorites.// @description:ru Выделяет видео избранных каналов среди остальных (только в режиме Сетки). Нажмите значок сердца на странице канала, чтобы добавить его в избранное.// @author dark1103// @include*// @icon @require @grant GM_getValue// @grant GM_setValue// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';var bg_color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow';function getFav(){var fav = GM_getValue("fav1");if(fav === undefined){fav = [];}return fav;}function onLoaded(){var name = $('#channel-name #text').eq(0).text();var isFav = getFav().includes(name);$('#fav-button').remove();var node = $('<div id="fav-button" class="style-scope ytd-c4-tabbed-header-renderer" style="line-height: 38px;font-size: large;cursor: pointer;">' + (isFav ? '💖' : '🤍') + '</div>');node.appendTo($('#inner-header-container #buttons'));node.on('click', function(){var fav = getFav();if(isFav){fav = fav.filter(item => item !== name);isFav = false;}else{fav.push(name);isFav = true;}$('#fav-button').html(isFav ? '💖' : '🤍');GM_setValue("fav1", fav);});}function highlightFav(){if(location.href === ''){var fav = getFav();$('ytd-grid-video-renderer').filter(function(){var name = $(this).find('#channel-name #text').text();return fav.includes(name);}).css('background-color', bg_color);}}function createMutationListener(){var target = document.querySelector('body')// Create an observer instance linked to the callback functionconst observer2 = new MutationObserver(function(mutationsList, observer) {// Use traditional 'for loops' for IE 11for(const mutation of mutationsList) {if (mutation.type === 'childList') {var target = $(;//console.log(target);if(target.prop("tagName") === 'ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer'.toUpperCase()){highlightFav();}}}});// Start observing the target node for configured mutationsobserver2.observe(target, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true });}$(document).ready(function(){onLoaded();highlightFav();createMutationListener();});var oldHref = document.location.href;var bodyList = document.querySelector("body"),observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {if (oldHref != document.location.href) {oldHref = document.location.href;setTimeout(function(){onLoaded();highlightFav();}, 1000);onLoaded();highlightFav();}});});observer.observe(bodyList, {childList: true,subtree: true});})();