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屏蔽所有Youtube广告 Youtube AD blocker (Block all ad). Including blocking Youtube Music.

Block all video ads, insert ads, page ads. Including Youtube Music. 屏蔽所有视频广告、插入广告、页面广告。包括Youtube Music

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雄天海哈哈 25-10-2022
Last: ChenZihanAuthor 24-11-2022
Good 好ying 加
朱家畇 07-07-2022
Last: ChenZihanAuthor 09-10-2022
Good 真好用感謝製作者
zhang30369 13-04-2022
Last: ChenZihanAuthor 13-04-2022
OK 不支持Safari浏览器呢
cream jan 23-02-2022
Last: ChenZihanAuthor 24-02-2022
Bad 根本没用

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