adds links to anilist/mal site to anilist (uses just the duckduckgo I'm feeling ducky feature with the anime name)
// ==UserScript== // @name Anilist more links (MAL/AniDB) // @namespace // @version 0.5.1 // @description adds links to anilist/mal site to anilist (uses just the duckduckgo I'm feeling ducky feature with the anime name) // @author Alistair1231 // @match* // @icon // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== function createButton(linkcolor="#5B0BB5e0", link, text, iconDomain) { const anchorTag = document.createElement('a'); anchorTag.setAttribute('data-v-c1b7ee7c', ''); anchorTag.setAttribute('href', link); anchorTag.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); anchorTag.setAttribute('class', 'external-link'); anchorTag.setAttribute('style', `--link-color:${linkcolor};`); const divTag = document.createElement('div'); divTag.setAttribute('data-v-c1b7ee7c', ''); divTag.setAttribute('class', 'icon-wrap'); divTag.setAttribute('style', `background:black;`); const imgTag = document.createElement('img'); imgTag.setAttribute('data-v-c1b7ee7c', ''); imgTag.setAttribute('src', '' + iconDomain + '.ico'); imgTag.setAttribute('class', 'icon'); // min-width: 25px; = "25px"; const spanTag = document.createElement('span'); spanTag.setAttribute('data-v-c1b7ee7c', ''); spanTag.setAttribute('class', 'name'); spanTag.textContent = text; divTag.appendChild(imgTag); anchorTag.appendChild(divTag); anchorTag.appendChild(spanTag); return anchorTag; } function run() { // if no external links there, add the div to the sidebar if (document.querySelectorAll("div.external-links h2~div").length === 0) { var myDiv = document.createElement("div"); myDiv.setAttribute("data-v-7a1f9df8", ""); myDiv.setAttribute("data-v-1c97ba07", ""); myDiv.setAttribute("class", "external-links"); myDiv.innerHTML = "<h2 data-v-7a1f9df8=\"\">External & Streaming links<\/h2><div data-v-7a1f9df8=\"\" class=\"external-links-wrap\"><\/div>"; document.querySelector("div.sidebar").appendChild(myDiv); } var linkBar = document.querySelectorAll("div.external-links h2~div"); var name = document.querySelector(".content h1").innerText.replace(':',''); var mal = "!myanimelist+" + name; var malButton = createButton(linkcolor="#5B0BB5e0", link=mal, text="MAL",iconDomain=""); var anidb = "!anidb+" + name; var anidbButton = createButton(linkcolor="#5B0BB5e0", link=anidb, text="AniDB",iconDomain=""); if (document.querySelectorAll("a.external-link[href*='https://duckduckgo.']").length === 0) { linkBar[0].prepend(malButton); linkBar[0].prepend(anidbButton); } } function checkReady() { var contentH1 = document.querySelector(".content h1"); if (contentH1) { run(); } else{ console.log("title not loaded, trying again in 200ms"); setTimeout(checkReady, 200); } } (function() { let url; let lastUrl = location.href; let mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(() => { url = location.href; if (url !== lastUrl) { lastUrl = url; checkReady(); } }) mutationObserver.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); checkReady(); })();