gives user possibility to clear website data, directly from page user uses.
// ==UserScript== // @name Cat Cleaner+++ // @namespace - // @version 1.1.1 // @description gives user possibility to clear website data, directly from page user uses. // @author NotYou // @include * // @match *://*/* // @run-at document-body // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @grant GM.notification // ==/UserScript== /* ICONS LICENSED UNDER "Linkware" LICENSE BACKLINK: README FILE: */ (function() { const TITLE = 'Cat Cleaner+++' if(!GM.registerMenuCommand) { warn('No GM.registerMenuCommand, initialization is aborted') return void 0 } const REGISTER_DATA = [ { label: 'Clear Cookies', icon: '', onclick: clearCookies, text: 'Cookies for that website are cleared.', }, { label: 'Clear Local Storage', icon: '', onclick: clearLocalStorage, text: 'Local storage for that website is cleared.', }, { label: 'Clear Session Storage', icon: '', onclick: clearSessionStorage, text: 'Session storage for that website is cleared.', }, { label: 'Clear Cache', icon: '', onclick: clearCache, text: 'Cache storage for that website is cleared.', }, { label: 'Clear IndexedDB (Chrome-based browsers only)', icon: '', onclick: clearIndexedDB, text: 'Indexed databases for that website are cleared.', }, { label: 'Clear Everything', icon: '', onclick: clearEverything, text: 'Cookies, local storage, session storage, cache storage, indexed db for that website are cleared.', } ] for (let i = 0; i < REGISTER_DATA.length; i++) { const currentRegisterData = REGISTER_DATA[i] const { label, icon, onclick, text } = currentRegisterData GM.registerMenuCommand(label, () => { let validFunctionInitialization = false try { validFunctionInitialization = onclick() } catch(e) { warn( + ' function failed initialization, error: ' + e) } if(validFunctionInitialization) { if(GM.notification) { GM.notification({ title: TITLE, image: icon, text }) } else { warn(text) } } }) } function clearCookies() { const cookieLength = document.cookie.split(';').length for (let i = 0; i < cookieLength; i++) { const cookie = document.cookie document.cookie = cookie + ';max-age=0' } return true } function clearLocalStorage() { localStorage.clear() return true } function clearSessionStorage() { sessionStorage.clear() return true } function clearCache() { caches.keys().then(keyList => Promise.all( => caches.delete(key) ) )) return true } function clearIndexedDB() { if(!indexedDB.databases) { warn('This function is only for Chrome-based browsers!') return false } indexedDB.databases().then(databases => { databases.forEach(database => { indexedDB.deleteDatabase(database) }) }) return true } function clearEverything() { clearCookies() clearLocalStorage() clearSessionStorage() clearCache() clearIndexedDB() return true } function warn(message) { alert(TITLE + '\n' + message) } })()