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[TS] Linx Amender

Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            [TS] Linx Amender
// @namespace       TimidScript
// @version         3.0.34
// @description     Generic tracking/redirection/open-in-new-tab removal; Amend page title; URL redirector; and more power functionality. Has rules for Pixiv, deviantArt, twitter, youtube, blogger, Batota etc.
// @author          TimidScript
// @homepageURL     https://openuserjs.org/users/TimidScript
// @copyright       © 2014+ TimidScript, Some Rights Reserved.
// @license         https://github.com/TimidScript/UserScripts/blob/master/license.txt
// @include         *
// @require         https://greasyfork.org/scripts/19967/code/TSL - GM_update.js
// @require         https://greasyfork.org/scripts/19968/code/TSLibrary - Generic.js
// @require         https://greasyfork.org/scripts/19970/code/TSLibrary - Draggable Table Rows.js
// @homeURL         https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/4407
// @grant           GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant           GM_getValue
// @grant           GM_setValue
// @grant           GM_deleteValue
// @grant           GM_listValues
// @grant           GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant           GM_setClipboard
// @run-at          document-start
// @icon            ###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###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
// ==/UserScript==
/* License + Copyright Notice
License can be found at: https://github.com/TimidScript/UserScripts/blob/master/license.txt
Below is a copy of the license the may not be up-to-date.
Copyright © TimidScript, Some Rights Reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
following conditions are met:
1) GPL-3 License is met that does not conflict with the rest of the license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
2) This notice must be included
3) Due credits and link to original author's homepage (included in this notice).
4) Notify the original author of redistribution
5) Clear clarification of the License and Notice to the end user
6) Do not upload on OpenUserJS.org or any other site that infringes on this license
TimidScript's Homepages:  GitHub:      https://github.com/TimidScript
GreasyFork:  https://greasyfork.org/users/1455
/* Information
Order of rule execution
- URL Rules (Does not run in iframes)
- Title Rules (Does not run in iframes)
- CSS Rules
- Script Rules
- Attrib & Click in Order
Hotkey F9       - Brings up settings window
Hotkey Alt+F9   - Brings up settings window + ForceUpdate
Online Rules URL Default:
Default Online Rules can be set using GM_setValue
GM_setValue("OnlineRul###RL", "https://newlocation/LinxAmenderRules.txt");
Version History
3.0.34 (2016-10-28)
- Set default background and text color
3.0.33 (2016-05-27)
- Altered license
3.0.32 (2016-05-25)
- Moving to GreasyFork and preparing the removal of files from OUJS
3.0.31 (2016-04-11)
- Bug fix for amending title https://github.com/TimidScript/UserScripts/issues/7#issuecomment-208044262
3.0.30e (2016-04-10)
- updateURL added
3.0.30 (2015-06-27)
- Bug Fix: Check if rule urls are defined
3.0.29 (2015-06-27)
- Changed styling of main table to make it transparent
- URI script icon
3.0.28 (2015-06-19)
- Removed onload event (changes 3.0.26) and MO.reConnect timeout to fix the issue mentioned in previous 3.0.26.
3.0.27 (2015-05-22)
- A fix for uBlock users. https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/4308/
3.0.26 (2015-04-22)
- Bug Fix: MO does not always capture changes when document is loaded in background. Added onload event which parses
all links.
3.0.25 (2014-01-16)
- Temporary fix for FireFox 35 security increase until GreaseMonkey update.  https://github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/2033
3.0.24 (2014-11-29)
- Slight changes to html styling
3.0.23 (2014-10-18)
- Fix for "Error: Permission denied to access property 'handler'"
3.0.22 (2014-10-12)
- Bug fix: amendNodes removal of attributes
- Pixiv bookmark add exclude added
3.0.21 (2014-10-01)
- Bug fix: was skipping one node for every 50 (max=n+50) nodes parsed in the amendNodes.parseNodes
for loop.
3.0.20 (2014-09-23)
- Last fix was a failure. MutationObserver still causes huge lagging. Might be better
just to have an interval timer with a parsed tag. One more try at fixing it, by going
back to disconnect.
- If no rules are present at site the MO is disconnected. Can be reconnected if you
refresh, create/enable title rules.
3.0.19 (2014-09-22)
- Much more efficient than before with less hanging
- Slight delay before parsing as it seems to cause issues with some sites utilising ajax.
- amendNodes now runs asynchronous to stop hanging the browser when the webpage is large. This
problem is mainly caused with auto-paging scripts like Schmoogle.
- Changed the order of execution. CSS Rules now runs in iframes and they are executed after
Title Rules.
- Using busy flag to capture all changes now and no longer disconnecting the MutationObserver.
This fixes a lot of issues caused by pages with lots of nodes to parse through.
3.0.18 (2014-09-18)
- Bug fixes for G-Chrome
- onkeydown replaced with onkeyup as it is not fired in G-Chrome
- table not showing text and needs to be put in span
- Settings are lost in g-chrome. Reaseon unknown
3.0.17 (2014-09-07)
- Removed logging
- Using TSL-Generic addScript functionality
- Bug Fix: Script rules where running at the same time as Attrib and Click. Now they have their
own function.
3.0.16 (2014-08-29)
- Added GM_update
- Check if update URL is valid
- Bug Fix: Skip CSS rules in amendNodes
3.0.15 (2014-08-21) First public release
- Replacement of the previous scripts "[TS] Direct Outgoing Links" and "[TS] Title Amender"
- Starts with version 3.#.#
- Ability to amend node attributes
- Ability to amend page title
- Ability to amend page URL (redirect)
- Ability to imitate mouse clicks function
- Ability to add simply javascripts
- Ability to add CSS script
- Import "[TS] Direct Outgoing Links" exports
- Import "[TS] Title Amender" exports
Some of the script that I have that it replaces
- [TS] Youtube Secure
- [TS] Direct Outgoing Links
- [TS] Title Amender
- [TS] Blogger NCR
- [TS] Voltaire Network Language Picker
if (window === window.top) console.info("[TS] Linx Amender: " + document.location.host);
else console.info("[TS] Linx Amender iframe: " + document.location.host);
/* Global Variables
Global Variables
var iDocument = document;
var isOnline = false;
var log = {};
var DialogPaste =
show: function ()
var dialog = TSL.createElementHTML('<div id="LinxPasteDialog"><div style="background-color: #FFFFBC; border-top: 1px black solid; padding: 5px 5px; margin: 0 2px;">Copy the Linx Rules you want from another profile and then you can paste them here (ctrl-v) and press accept totransfer them onto this profile.</div><div style="text-align: center;"><textarea id="LinxPasteText" rows="8" wrap="off" style="width: 99%; resize: vertical;"></textarea></div><div class="solidBar"><input id="LinxPImport" type="button" value="Import" /><input id="LinxPCancel" type="button" value="Cancel" /></div></div>', iDocument);
iDocument.getElementById("LinxPImport").onclick = DialogPaste.cbPasteImport;
iDocument.getElementById("LinxPCancel").onclick = DialogPaste.cbPasteCancel;
cbPasteCancel: function (e)
TSL.removeNode("LinxPasteDialog", iDocument);
importRules: function (data)
var rules = data.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
if (!rules[i].trim() || rules[i][0] == "/") continue;
var rule = JSON.parse(rules[i]);
if (!rule.id) continue;
var id = rule.id;
delete rule.id;
if (GM_getValue(id) && !confirm("Rule with same ID already exists; would you like to override it"))
id = id[0] + new Date().getTime();
DialogEdit.saveRuleCompact(id, rule, true);
cbPasteImport: function (e)
TSL.removeNode("LinxPasteDialog", iDocument)
var DialogEdit =
show: function (rule, id)
var dialog = TSL.createElementHTML('<div id="LinxEditDialog"><div class="solidBar" style="text-align: center;"><b>Linx Rule Editor</b></div><table id="LinxEdit"><tbody><tr><td style="min-width: 140px;">Name</td><td style="width: 99%;"><input id="RuleName" type="text" /></td></tr><tr><td>URLs <sup>1</sup></td><td><textarea id="RuleURLs" title="Regular expression for website URLs these rules apply to" style="resize: vertical; height: 50px;"></textarea></td></tr><tr id="RowScr"><td>Javascript Code <sup>4</sup></td><td><textarea id="RuleScript" title="Javascript code" style="resize: vertical; height: 100px;"></textarea></td></tr><tr id="RowVar"><td>Script Variables <sup>5</sup></td><td><input id="RuleScriptValues" type="text" /></td></tr><tr id="RowSel"><td>Node Selectors <sup>2</sup></td><td><input id="RuleSelectors" type="text" value="a" title="Value used in querySelector to get nodes" /><div id="nthNode" style="background-color: #FBE6A8; padding: 2px 5px; margin: 0 -1px; border-bottom: 1px solid black;">(n =<input id="RuleNth" type="text" value="0" style="width: 25px; text-align: right;" />) Apply rule on the nth node. "0" implies all the nodes.</div></td></tr><tr id="RowReg"><td title="Uses regular expression to change node attribute value">Attribute Rules <sup>3</sup></td><td><table id="RegexesTable" class="class3Columns"><tbody><tr><td><input type="text" title="Attribute name whose content you wish to change" /></td><td><div><input type="text" title="Regular expression search value." style="width: 47%" /><input type="text" title="Regular expression replace value." style="width: 47%" /></div></td><td><button>-</button><button>+</button>↓ Drag ↑</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td title="Sample Website URL">Sample Website</td><td><input id="RuleSampleURL" type="text" /></td></tr><tr id="RowDes"><td title="Rule Description">Description</td><td><textarea id="RuleDescription" title="Description of what the rule does" style="resize: vertical; height: 50px;"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="border-top: 1px black solid; background-color: #FFFFCE; padding: 5px; font-size: small;"><div id="TGuide" style="text-align: center; margin: 0px; padding: 3px; background-color: yellow; color: red; cursor: pointer;"><b>Click to toggle the Guide</b></div><ol id="OL" style="padding: 0 20px; margin: 0; display: none;"><li>List of URLs, that the Linx Rule works on, separated by newlines. Takes&nbsp;<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_regexp.asp">regular expression</a>.&nbsp;To perform a literal URL string search start the value with the escape character "@".To negate (exclude) a URL start it with the character "¬". A negate (exclude) URL should first have the "¬" character; example "¬@" and not "@¬".</li><li>Value used in "<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_element_queryselector.asp">querySelectorAll</a>" to get nodes.</li><li><ul style="padding: 0 10px;"><li>If the attribute name starts with "=" character it treats the text as object key. Example "=textContent" or "=innerHTML" to do search & replace on the elements content instead of attribute. Be careful when editing the node&quot;s "innerHTML" and especially the "outerHTML" properties, as bad edits can lead to infinite loop.</li><li>To remove an attribute start the name value with "-"; example: name="-target" & search="_blank" removes "target" attribute if the value is "_blank". Search="" implies remove the attribute without checking the attribute value.</li><li>To create an attribute start the name with the value "+". The search string will be ignored, while the replace string will be used to set the attribute value.</li><li>Search value takes regular expressions. Default search is case insensitive and global. To toggle them start search value with: "@1" = sensitive; "@2" = global off; "@3" = sensitive & global off.</li></ul></li><li>A JS script that is added to the document on load. NOT recommended except on rare occasions, for exceptionally short scripts that are not deserving, in their own right, a complete user script.</li><li>Defined <b>string</b> variables separated by semi-clone, that are accessed through the JS code using "LA_get". example <code>LA_get("lang");</code> in source code [4] and in Variable [5] it&quot;s <code>lang=en;</code>. Look at the "Online Rules" script rules for functioning examples.</li></ol></td></tr></tbody></table><div class="solidBar"><input id="LinxRuleA" type="button" value="Attribute Rule" ruletype="1" style="float: left;" /><input id="LinxRuleT" type="button" value="Title Rule" ruletype="2" style="float: left;" /><input id="LinxRuleU" type="button" value="URL Rule" ruletype="3" style="float: left;" /><input id="LinxRuleC" type="button" value="Click Rule" ruletype="4" style="float: left;" /><input id="LinxRuleS" type="button" value="Script Rule" ruletype="5" style="float: left;" /><input id="LinxRuleX" type="button" value="CSS Rule" ruletype="6" style="float: left;" /><input id="LinxEAccept" type="button" value="Accept" /><input id="LinxECancel" type="button" value="Cancel" /></div></div>', iDocument);
var btn = iDocument.getElementById("TGuide");
btn.onclick = function () { var OL = iDocument.getElementById("OL"); OL.style.display = (OL.style.display) ? null : "none"; };
TSRegisterTable(iDocument.getElementById("RegexesTable"), function ()
var ipts = iDocument.getElementsByClassName("solidBar")[1].getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < ipts.length; i++) ipts[i].onclick = DialogEdit.adjustEditButtons;
iDocument.getElementById("LinxEAccept").onclick = DialogEdit.cbAccept;
iDocument.getElementById("LinxECancel").onclick = DialogEdit.cbCancel;
if (!rule) return;
//------------ Fill edit form ------------ //
if (id) iDocument.getElementById("LinxEdit").ruleID = id;
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleName"), rule.name);
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleDescription"), rule.description);
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleURLs"), rule.URLs);
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleSampleURL"), rule.sampleURL);
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleNth"), rule.nthNode, 0);
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleScript"), rule.script, "");
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleScriptValues"), rule.scriptVariables);
//Save all settings even though rule type may note require it
setValue(iDocument.getElementById("RuleSelectors"), rule.selectors);
ipts[rule.type - 1].click();
function setValue(el, value, defaultValue)
if (defaultValue == undefined) defaultValue = "";
el.value = (value) ? value : defaultValue;
function addRegexes(rules)
var tb = iDocument.getElementById("RegexesTable");
for (var i = 0; i < rule.regexes.length; i++)
var row = tb.rows[i];
if (i > 0)
row = tb.insertRow(-1);
row.innerHTML = tb.rows[0].innerHTML;
var ipts = row.getElementsByTagName("input");
setValue(ipts[0], rule.regexes[i].name);
setValue(ipts[1], rule.regexes[i].search);
setValue(ipts[2], rule.regexes[i].replace);
adjustEditButtons: function (e)
var ruleType = this.getAttribute("ruletype");
iDocument.getElementById("RegexesTable").className = (ruleType == 1) ? "class3Columns" : "class2Columns";
iDocument.getElementById("RowReg").cells[0].innerHTML = this.value + "s <sup>3</sup>";
iDocument.getElementById("RowScr").cells[0].innerHTML = (ruleType == 5) ? "Javascript Code <sup>4</sup>" : "CSS Code";
iDocument.getElementById("RowSel").style.display = (ruleType == 1 || ruleType == 4) ? null : "none";
iDocument.getElementById("RowReg").style.display = (ruleType < 4) ? null : "none";
iDocument.getElementById("RowDes").style.display = (ruleType == 2) ? "none" : null;
iDocument.getElementById("RowScr").style.display = (ruleType >= 5) ? null : "none";
iDocument.getElementById("RowVar").style.display = (ruleType == 5) ? null : "none";
var ipts = this.parentElement.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) ipts[i].style.color = null;
this.style.color = "#FF04FF";
//Adjust the regex buttons in the rules table
adjustRuleREButtons: function ()
var tb = iDocument.getElementById("RegexesTable");
var btns = tb.getElementsByTagName("button");
for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++)
if ((i + 1) % 2 == 1)
btns[i].onclick = DialogEdit.cbRuleRemove;
btns[i].onclick = DialogEdit.cbRuleAdd;
btns[i].style.visibility = (i + 1 < btns.length) ? "hidden" : null;
if (tb.rows.length == 1) btns[0].disabled = true;
//Compacts rule before saving
saveRuleCompact: function (id, rule, keepTimeStamp)
//Remove duplicate URLs and empty lines
if (rule.URLs)
var urls = rule.URLs.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++)
if (urls[i].trim().length == 0)
urls.splice(i, 1);
else for (var j = i + 1; j < urls.length; j++)
if (urls[i] == urls[j])
urls.splice(j, 1);
rule.URLs = urls.join("\n");
//Remove properties with empty string
//for (var key in rule) if (!rule[key]) delete rule[key];
var regexes = rule.regexes
//Remove empty or unwanted regex values
for (var i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++)
var regi = regexes[i];
//Remove empty properties
for (var key in regi)
if (!regi[key]) delete regi[key];
//Remove useless regexes
if ((rule.type != 2 || rule.type != 3) //URL and Title
&& (!regi.name || regi.name.trim().length == 0)
&& (!regi.search || regi.search.trim().length == 0)
&& (!regi.replace || regi.replace.trim().length == 0))
regexes.splice(i, 1);
//Remove duplicate regexes
for (var i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++)
var regi = regexes[i];
for (var j = i + 1; j < regexes.length; j++)
var regj = regexes[j];
if (regi.name == regj.name && regi.search == regj.search && regi.replace == regj.replace)
regexes.splice(j, 1);
if (!keepTimeStamp || !rule.timestamp) rule.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
GM_setValue(id, JSON.stringify(rule));
cbCancel: function (e)
TSL.removeNode("LinxEditDialog", iDocument);
cbAccept: function (e)
var rule = new Object();
AddDataItem("name", iDocument.getElementById("RuleName").value);
AddDataItem("URLs", iDocument.getElementById("RuleURLs").value);
if (rule.type != 4) AddDataItem("description", iDocument.getElementById("RuleDescription").value);
AddDataItem("sampleURL", iDocument.getElementById("RuleSampleURL").value);
AddDataItem("nthNode", iDocument.getElementById("RuleNth").value);
AddDataItem("script", iDocument.getElementById("RuleScript").value);
AddDataItem("scriptVariables", iDocument.getElementById("RuleScriptValues").value);
var ipts = iDocument.getElementsByClassName("solidBar")[1].getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (ipts[i].style.color) rule.type = i + 1;
//Only need for Attribute Rule
AddDataItem("selectors", iDocument.getElementById("RuleSelectors").value);
//Fill the RegexesTable
rule.regexes = new Array(0);
var rows = iDocument.getElementById("RegexesTable").rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
var ipts = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("input");
var regex = new Object();
if (ipts[0].value) regex.name = ipts[0].value;
if (ipts[1].value) regex.search = ipts[1].value;
if (ipts[2].value) regex.replace = ipts[2].value;
var name = iDocument.getElementById("LinxEdit").ruleID;
if (name)
var r = GM_getValue(name);
if (r)
r = JSON.parse(r)
rule.enabled = r.enabled
name = "L" + new Date().getTime();
rule.enabled = true;
DialogEdit.saveRuleCompact(name, rule);
TSL.removeNode("LinxEditDialog", iDocument);
if (rule.type == 2) ParseNodes(true);
function AddDataItem(name, val)
if (val && val.trim()) rule[name] = val;
cbRuleAdd: function (e)
var tb = this.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
var row = tb.insertRow(-1);
row.innerHTML = tb.rows[0].innerHTML;
var ipts = row.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < ipts.length; i++) ipts[i].value = "";
cbRuleRemove: function (e)
var DialogMain =
show: function (forceUpdate)
if (document.getElementById("LinxFrame")) return;
var iframe = TSL.createElement(
"id": "LinxFrame",
"style": "position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; border: none; height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: 9999999999999999999999999; background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128,0.25);"
iframe.onload = function ()
iDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
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TSL.addStyle(null, '#LinxEditDialog, #LinxPasteDialog{position: fixed;width: 80%;min-width: 800px;border: 1px double #000000;left: 0;right: 0;margin: 50px auto;padding: 3px;background-color: #BABAB3;z-index: 100;}#LinxEdit{width: 100%;background-color: #FFFFBC;border: 1px solid black;padding: 5px 0 0 0;}#LinxEdit input, #LinxEdit textarea{width: 99%;}#LinxURLs{resize: vertical;}#RegexesTable{width: 100%;text-align: left;cursor: pointer;user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-webkit-user-select: none;background-color: #E5DEAE;}#RegexesTable tr td:last-child{width: 140px;}.class2Columns tr td:first-child{display: none;}.class3Columns td:nth-child(1){width: 100px;}.class3Columns input:nth-child(1){width: auto;}.class3Columns tr td:nth-child(2){text-align: center;}code{background-color: #CDC6C6;}', iDocument);
TSL.addStyle(null, '.descriptionBox {background-color:#EDF4FF; padding: 0 4px; margin: 0 0 2px 240px; }', iDocument);
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var dialog = TSL.createElementHTML('<div id="LinxMain"><div class="gradientBar"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/WznrrlJ.png?1" style="height: 24px; vertical-align: middle;" /><span style="color: yellow;">TimidScript - Linx Amender</span><sub style="padding-left: 5px;">If you like the script, rate & favour in <a href="https://openuserjs.org/scripts/TimidScript/%5BTS%5D_Linx_Amender">OUJS</a> / <a href="https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4407">GF</a></sub></div><div style="width: 100%; min-height: 200px; overflow-y: auto; background-color: #FFFFE8;"><table id="LinxTable" class="localRules"><tbody></tbody></table></div><div style="background-color: #F7EFC1; border-top: 1px black solid; padding: 0 5px; font-size: small;"><div id="ToggleUL" style="text-align: center; padding: 2px 0 3px 0; margin: 0; background-color: yellow; border-bottom: 1px black solid; color: red; cursor: pointer;"><b>Click to toggle the Guide</b></div><ul style="padding: 2px 20px; margin: 0; display: none;"><li>Rules are parsed first according to type and then table order. First (URL), then (Title), then (Script) and finally (Attribute & Click)</li><li>You can sort the rows by dragging them.</li><li>If you have some useful new <b>Linx Rules</b> or updates, please consider sharing them and make the "<b>Online Rules</b>" more comprehensive.&nbsp;Ctrl-Select the rules you want to share and press the "Copy Rules" button below and then paste the rule at the end of the&nbsp;<b>"Linx Rules"</b> thread found on&nbsp;<a href="https://github.com/TimidScript/GreasyMonkey/issues/1" target="_blank">GitHub</a>. If you do not have or wish to create a GitHub account then raise them on <a href="https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/1209/linx-amender-rules-thread">Greasy Fork</a>.<ul style="padding: 0 20px; margin: 0;"><li>Use descriptive names and if necessary fill out the rule description.</li><li>Title rules are not included in the online resource and should not be shared.</li><li>Third-party Script rules are most likely not going to be included as I would need to vouch for them</li><li>ID&quot;s of defunct rules should also be submitted.</li></ul></li><li>The copy button and the filter rule type buttons have alternative functionality when you press them with ctrl.</li><li>ctrl+m merges selected rules of the same type without removing the originals. Works only on Attribute, Title and URL rules.</li><li>F9 to bring up the this dialog</li></ul></div><div class="gradientBar"><span class="inputHolder"><button class="btnCD" title="Display Rule Description"><b>D</b></button><button class="btnCW" title="Current Website filter"><b>W</b></button><button class="btnCA" title="Attribute rule filter"><b>A</b></button><button class="btnCC" title="Click rule filter"><b>C</b></button><button class="btnCS" title="Script rule filter"><b>S</b></button><button class="btnCT" title="Title rule filter"><b>T</b></button><button class="btnCU" title="URL rule filter"><b>U</b></button><button class="btnCX" title="CSS rule filter"><b>X</b></button></span><input id="LinxSort" type="button" value="Sort Rules" /><input id="LinxSelectAll" type="button" value="Select All" /><input id="LinxSelectInverse" type="button" value="Inverse Selection" /><br /><span class="inputHolder"><input id="LinxNewRule" type="button" value="New Rule" /></span><input id="LinxOnlineRules" type="button" value="Online Rules" /><input id="LinxCopy" type="button" value="Copy Rules" /><input id="LinxPaste" type="button" value="Paste Rules" /><input id="LinxExit" type="button" value="Exit" style="margin-right: 5px; float: right; width: 100px;" /></div></div>', iDocument);
var btns = iDocument.getElementsByClassName("gradientBar")[1].getElementsByTagName("input");
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btns[i].onclick = DialogMain.cbButtonClick;
var btns = iDocument.getElementsByClassName("inputHolder")[0].getElementsByTagName("button");
for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++)
btns[i].onclick = DialogMain.cbFilter;
btns[1].click(); //Disable Website filter
function (complete)
if (complete) DialogMain.saveOrder();
window.onresize = DialogMain.cbWindowResized;
iDocument.getElementById("ToggleUL").onclick = function (e)
this.nextElementSibling.style.display = (this.nextElementSibling.style.display) ? null : "none";
iDocument.onkeydown = DialogMain.cbKeyDown;
populateTable: function (sort)
var table = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable");
table.firstElementChild.innerHTML = "";
var rules = GetOrderedRules();
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
if ((isOnline && rules[i].id[0] == "O") || (!isOnline && rules[i].id[0] == "L"))
DialogMain.addRuleRow(rules[i], isOnline);
if (sort)
var rows = table.rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length - 1; i++)
for (var j = i + 1; j < rows.length; j++)
if (rows[i].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase() > rows[j].getAttribute("name").toLowerCase())
table.firstElementChild.insertBefore(rows[j], rows[i]);
addRuleRow: function (rule, online)
var row = iDocument.getElementById(name);
if (!row)
row = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable").insertRow(-1);
row.id = rule.id;
var name = (rule.name) ? rule.name : "";
row.setAttribute("name", name);
row.title = (rule.description) ? rule.description : name;
var html = '<td>' + ((rule.timestamp) ? "<span style='float:right'>[" + rule.timestamp + "]</span>" : "") + '<button class="btnEnabled">Enabled</button>';
//GM_setValue("AccessLevel", 2);
if (online) html += '<button class="btnEnabled">Run First</button>' +
((GM_getValue("AccessLevel", 0) & 2)
? '<button class="rowBtn">Edit</button><button class="rowBtn">Copy</button><button class="rowBtn">Delete</button>'
: '<button class="rowBtn">Copy</button>');
else html += '<button class="rowBtn">Edit</button><button class="rowBtn">Copy</button><button class="rowBtn">Delete</button>';
var url = (rule.sampleURL && rule.sampleURL.match(/^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}\/?([^\s<>\#%"\,\{\}\\|\\\^\[\]`]+)?$/));
var idC = ["btnCA", "btnCT", "btnCU", "btnCC", "btnCS", "btnCX"], idS = ["Attrib", "Title", "URL", "Click", "Script", "CSS"];
html += ((url) ? '<a target="_blank" href="' + rule.sampleURL + '">' : '')
+ '<button class=' + idC[rule.type - 1] + ">" + idS[rule.type - 1];
if (rule.description) rule.description = rule.description.replace("\n", "<br/>");
html += '</button>' + ((url) ? "</a>" : "") + "<span>" + name + "</span>"
+ ((rule.description) ? '<div class="descriptionBox">' + rule.description + "<div>" : "")
+ '</td>';
row.innerHTML = html;
var btns = row.getElementsByTagName("button");
btns[0].className = (rule.enabled) ? "btnEnabled" : "btnDisabled";
if (online) btns[1].className = (rule.runFirst) ? "btnEnabled" : "btnDisabled";
for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++)
btns[i].onclick = DialogMain.cbRowButtonClick;
row.onclick = DialogMain.cbRowClick;
hideControlBar: function (hide)
var btns = iDocument.getElementsByClassName("rowBtn");
for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) btns[i].disabled = (hide) ? "disabled" : null;
var lm = iDocument.getElementById("LinxMain");
var g = lm.getElementsByClassName("gradientBar")[1];
g.style.visibility = (hide) ? "hidden" : null;
saveOrder: function ()
var rows = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable").rows;
var ids = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
GM_setValue(((isOnline) ? "RuleOrderO" : "RuleOrderL"), ids.join());
deselectRows: function (hiddenOnly)
var rows = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable").rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if (!hiddenOnly || (hiddenOnly && rows[i].style.display == "none"))
rows[i].className = rows[i].className.replace(/\s*rowSelected\s*/gi, "");
descriptionBoxDisplay: function (hidden)
var name = (isOnline) ? "HideDescriptionO" : "HideDescriptionL";
if (hidden === undefined)
hidden = GM_getValue(name, !isOnline);
if (hidden) iDocument.getElementsByClassName("btnCD")[0].className = "btnCD btnDisabled";
else iDocument.getElementsByClassName("btnCD")[0].className = "btnCD";
else GM_setValue(name, hidden);
if (hidden) TSL.addStyle("dbHidden", ".descriptionBox { display: none; }", iDocument);
else TSL.removeNode("dbHidden", iDocument);
cbWindowResized: function (e)
var lm = iDocument.getElementById("LinxMain");
var total = lm.children[0].clientHeight + lm.children[3].clientHeight + lm.children[2].clientHeight;
lm.children[1].style.height = (lm.clientHeight - total) + "px";
lm.children[1].style.minHeight = lm.children[1].style.height + "px";
cbButtonClick: function (e)
switch (this.id)
case "LinxExit":
case "LinxNewRule":
case "LinxSort":
if (!confirm("Sorting will lose current order. Do you wish to continue?")) return;
case "LinxSelectAll":
var rows = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable").rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if (rows[i].style.display != "none")
rows[i].className = rows[i].className.replace(/\s*rowSelected\s*/gi, "") + " rowSelected";
case "LinxSelectInverse":
var rows = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable").rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if (rows[i].style.display != "none")
rows[i].className = (rows[i].className.match("rowSelected"))
? rows[i].className.replace(/\s*rowSelected\s*/gi, "") : rows[i].className + " rowSelected";
case "LinxCopy":
var rules = "";
var rows = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable").rows;
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if (!rows[i].className.match("rowSelected")) continue;
var rule = GM_getValue(rows[i].id, null);
if (!rule) continue;
rule = JSON.parse(rule);
delete rule.runFirst; //Remove the online attribute if it exists
//To place ID at the front.
var out = new Object();
out.id = rows[i].id;
if (e.ctrlKey && !isOnline)
rule.id = out.id.replace("L", "O");
delete rule.enabled;
else if (e.ctrlKey && isOnline) rule.id = out.id.replace("O", "L");
for (var key in rule) out[key] = rule[key];
rules += JSON.stringify(out) + "\r\n";
if (count == 0) return;
rules = rules.replace(/\r\n$/, "");
if (e.ctrlKey) alert("[" + count + "] Selected rules have been converted to online rules and copied into the clipboard.");
else alert("[" + count + "] Selected rules have been copied into the clipboard.");
case "LinxPaste":
case "LinxOnlineRules":
var tb = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable");
if (this.style.color)
isOnline = false;
this.style.color = null;
tb.className = "localRules";
isOnline = true;
this.style.color = "#F0F";
tb.className = "onlineRules";
cbFilter: function (e)
var btns = iDocument.getElementsByClassName("inputHolder")[0].getElementsByTagName("button");
if (e && e.ctrlKey) for (var i = 2; i < btns.length; i++) btns[i].className = ((btns[i] == this) ? btns[i].className.replace(/\s*btnDisabled\s*/, "") : btns[i].className.replace(/(\s*btnDisabled\s*)?$/, " btnDisabled"));
else if (e) this.className = (this.className.indexOf("btnDisabled") >= 0) ? this.className.replace(/\s*btnDisabled\s*/, "") : this.className + " btnDisabled";
var flag = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++)
if (btns[i].className.indexOf("btnDisabled") < 0) flag += Math.pow(2, (i + 1));
var rules = GetSiteRules(true);
var tb = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable");
DialogMain.descriptionBoxDisplay(!(flag & 2)); //Hide description box
for (var i = 0; i < tb.rows.length; i++)
var row = tb.rows[i];
var display = (flag & 4) ? "none" : null;
if (flag & 4) //Website filter flag
for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++)
if (row.id == rules[j].id) display = null;
if (!(flag & 8) && row.getElementsByClassName("btnCA").length == 1) display = "none";
if (!(flag & 16) && row.getElementsByClassName("btnCC").length == 1) display = "none";
if (!(flag & 32) && row.getElementsByClassName("btnCS").length == 1) display = "none";
if (!(flag & 64) && row.getElementsByClassName("btnCT").length == 1) display = "none";
if (!(flag & 128) && row.getElementsByClassName("btnCU").length == 1) display = "none";
if (!(flag & 256) && row.getElementsByClassName("btnCX").length == 1) display = "none";
row.style.display = display;
DialogMain.deselectRows(true); //Deselect hidden rows
cbRowButtonClick: function (e)
//Attrib, Title or URL button pressed
if (this.className.indexOf("btnC") == 0) return true;
var row = this.parentElement.parentElement;
var rule = GM_getValue(row.id);
if (!rule)
return true;
rule = JSON.parse(rule);
switch (this.textContent)
case "Edit":
DialogEdit.show(rule, row.id);
case "Copy":
date = new Date();
rule.name = ((rule.name) ? rule.name : "") + " [Copy-" + row.id + "]";
if (isOnline)
var id = row.id.replace("O", "L");
if (GM_getValue(id) && !confirm("Rule with same ID already exists; would you like to override it"))
id = id[0] + new Date().getTime();
DialogEdit.show(rule, id);
else DialogEdit.show(rule);
case "Delete":
//if (e.ctrlKey || confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete the rule \"" + rule.name + "\"   [" + row.id + "]"))
if (confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete the rule \"" + rule.name + "\"   [" + row.id + "]"))
TSL.removeNode(row, iDocument);
case "Run First":
rule.runFirst = !(this.className == "btnEnabled");
GM_setValue(row.id, JSON.stringify(rule));
this.className = (rule.runFirst) ? "btnEnabled" : "btnDisabled";
if (rule.type == 2) ParseNodes(true);
rule.enabled = !(this.className == "btnEnabled");
GM_setValue(row.id, JSON.stringify(rule));
this.className = (rule.enabled) ? "btnEnabled" : "btnDisabled";
if (rule.type == 2) ParseNodes(true);
return true;
Highlights row if clicked on.
cbRowClick: function (e)
if (!e.ctrlKey) DialogMain.deselectRows();
if (e.ctrlKey && this.className.match(/\s*rowSelected\s*/)) this.className = this.className.replace(/\s*rowSelected\s*/, "");
else this.className = this.className.replace(/rowSelected/, "") + " rowSelected";
cbKeyDown: function (e)
if (!e.ctrlKey || e.keyCode != 77 || iDocument.getElementById("LinxEditDialog") || iDocument.getElementById("LinxPasteDialog")) return;
var rules = new Array();
var rows = iDocument.getElementById("LinxTable").rows;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if (rows[i].className.indexOf("rowSelected") < 0) continue;
var name = rows[i].id;
var rule = GM_getValue(name);
if (rule)
rule = JSON.parse(rule);
if (rule.type > 3) continue;
rule.id = name;
if (rules.length == 0) return;
var mergedRuleCount = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
var mergedRule = new Object();
mergedRule.URLs = "";
mergedRule.regexes = new Array();
mergedRule.selectors = "";
mergedRule.type = i;
var count = 0;
var ids = "";
for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++)
var rule = rules[j];
if (rule.type != mergedRule.type) continue;
ids += rule.id + " + ";
if (!mergedRule.name) mergedRule.name = rule.name;
if (!mergedRule.description) mergedRule.description = rule.description;
if (rule.URLs) mergedRule.URLs += rule.URLs + "\n";
if (rule.selectors) mergedRule.selectors += rule.selectors + " , ";
if (!mergedRule.nthNode) mergedRule.nthNode = rule.nthNode;
if (rule.regexes) mergedRule.regexes = mergedRule.regexes.concat(rule.regexes);
if (!mergedRule.sampleURL) mergedRule.sampleURL = rule.sampleURL;
if (count > 1)
mergedRule.name = mergedRule.name.replace(/ \[Merged \d+ Rules\]$/i, "") + " [Merged " + count + " Rules]";
mergedRule.selectors = mergedRule.selectors.replace(/" , "$/, "");
DialogEdit.saveRuleCompact(("L" + new Date().getTime()), mergedRule);
log.log("Merged rules ", ids.replace(/ \+ $/, ""));
if (mergedRuleCount)
alert(mergedRuleCount + " merged rule(s) created. Merging can cause unintended consequence, so check the created rules.");
onlineRul###pdate: function (forceUpdate)
//----------- Do Online Rules Update -----------//
var date1 = GM_getValue("OnlineRulesTimestamp", 0);
var date2 = new Date().getTime();
var diff = (date2 - date1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
//Number of days before online checking again.
if (!forceUpdate && diff < 7) return;
var url = GM_getValue("OnlineRul###RL", "https://github.com/TimidScript/GreasyMonkey/raw/master/data/LinxAmenderRules.txt");
if (!url.match(/((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www.|[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[\+~%\/.\w-_]*)?\??(?:[-\+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[\w]*))?)/i))
if (url.toLowerCase() != "disabled" && url.length != 0) log.error("Invalid update URL: ", url);
url: url,
method: "GET",
timeout: 5000,
headers: { "User-agent": navigator.userAgent, "Accept": "text/html" },
onload: function (response)
if (response.status == 200)
log.log("Rules downloaded");
var rules = GetOrderedRules();
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
if (rules[i].id[0] == "O")
var strRules = response.responseText.replace(/("id":")L(\d+")/gi, "$1O$2"); //Change the rule type to Online if not already the case
strRules = strRules.replace(/,"enabled":true,/gi, ',"enabled":false,'); //Disable all rules
//Set the stored rule values for enabled and runFirst.
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
if (rules[i].id[0] == "O" && (rules[i].enabled || rules[i].runFirst))
var rule = GM_getValue(rules[i].id);
if (!rule) continue;
rule = JSON.parse(rule);
rule.enabled = rules[i].enabled;
rule.runFirst = rules[i].runFirst;
GM_setValue(rules[i].id, JSON.stringify(rule));
GM_setValue("OnlineRulesTimestamp", new Date().getTime());
log.info("Downloaded Online Rules");
iDocument.getElementsByClassName("gradientBar")[0].innerHTML += " <span style='color: yellow;'>(Online Rules Updated)<span>";
{ log.error("Unable to get online rules: ", url); log.warn(response); }
ontimeout: function (response) { log.error("Unable to get online rules due to timeout error. URL: " + url); log.warn(response); },
onerror: function (response) { log.error("Error trying to get online rule. URL: " + url); log.warn(response); }
runFirstEnabled is only set when parsing through nodes. For listing in table you
want the online rules to proceed the local rules.
function GetOrderedRules(runFirstEnabled)
var rules = new Array();
var ruleOrder = GM_getValue("RuleOrderL", "");
ruleOrder += "," + GM_getValue("RuleOrderO", "");
var names = GM_listValues();
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
var name = names[i];
if (!name.match(/^[ol]\d+$/i)) continue;
var rule = GM_getValue(name);
if (!rule) continue;
rule = JSON.parse(rule);
rule.id = name;
for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) //Insert it in the correct place
if ((runFirstEnabled && rule.runFirst && !rules[j].runFirst) || //Online rule runs before offline rule
(ruleOrder.indexOf(rule.id) >= 0 && ruleOrder.indexOf(rule.id) < ruleOrder.indexOf(rules[j].id)))
rules.splice(j, 0, rule);
rule = null;
if (rule) rules.push(rule); //Hasn't been added so insert at the end
return rules;
function createRE(str, rule, regex, checkFlags)
if (regex && regex.raised) return null;
var re;
var flags = "gi";
if (checkFlags)
if (str.indexOf("@1") == 0) flags = "g";
if (str.indexOf("@2") == 0) flags = "i";
if (str.indexOf("@3") == 0) flags = "";
if (flags != "gi") str = str.substr(2);
re = new RegExp(str, flags);
catch (err)
log.warn(rule.name + " [" + rule.id + "] : " + str);
if (regex) regex.raised = true;
return null;
return re;
Returns an ordered array containing all the enabled rules that are relevant to
the current site. Use forceEnable to enable it by force.
function GetSiteRules(forceEnable)
var rules = GetOrderedRules(true);
var filterdRules = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
var rule = rules[i];
if (!forceEnable && (!rule.enabled || !rule.URLs)) continue;
var URLs = (rule.URLs) ? rule.URLs.split("\n") : "";
var addRule = false;
for (var j = 0; j < URLs.length; j++)
if (URLs[j].trim().length == 0) continue; //Skip it invalid URL
var str = URLs[j];
var negate = (str[0] == "¬");
var literal = (str.search(/^¬?\@/) >= 0);
str = str.replace(/^¬?\@/, "");
if (literal) str = TSL.escapeRegExp(str);
var re = new createRE(str, rule);
var found = (document.URL.search(re) >= 0);
if (negate && found)
addRule = false;
break; //Negate overrides all other positive search
else if (!negate && found)
addRule = true;
if (addRule) filterdRules.push(rule);
return filterdRules;
Parses through nodes and applies relevant rules.
function ParseNodes(resetTitle)
var time = new Date().getTime();
log.log("Parsing Nodes -: " + time);
/* Reparse title to take into account rule changes. For links you need to
refresh the page */
if (resetTitle)
var title = document.head.getElementsByTagName("title")[0];
delete title.newTitle;
if (title.original)
title.textContent = title.original;
delete title.original;
var rules = GetSiteRules();
log.log("Parsing Nodes A: " + time + " (" + (new Date().getTime() - time) + ") Rule Count: " + rules.length);
if (rules.length == 0)
if (window === window.top)
if (document.readyState != "loading") amendPageTitle(rules);
if (document.readyState == "loading")
if (!document.parsed)
document.parsed = true;
log.warn("Parsing Nodes B: " + time + " (" + (new Date().getTime() - time) + ")");
//setTimeout(amendNodes, 250, rules);
/* Gets the rules regular expression parameter values
function getREParams(ruleRE)
var name = ((ruleRE.name) ? ruleRE.name : "").trim();
var search = (ruleRE.search) ? ruleRE.search : "";
var replace = (ruleRE.replace) ? ruleRE.replace : "";
return { "name": name, "search": search, "replace": replace };
/* Apply rules to the document URL
function amendURL(rules)
var url = document.URL;
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length ; i++)
var rule = rules[i];
if (rule.type != 3) continue;
for (var j = 0; j < rule.regexes.length; j++)
var reParms = getREParams(rule.regexes[j]);
var re = createRE(reParms.search, rule, rule.regexes[i], true);
if (re) url = url.replace(re, reParms.replace);
if (url != document.URL) document.location = url;
/* Append CSS scripts to header
function appendCSS(rules)
if (document.head.appendedCSS) return;
document.head.appendedCSS = true;
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length ; i++)
if (rules[i].type == 6) TSL.addStyle(null, rules[i].script);
/* Append JS Scripts to header
function appendScripts(rules)
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length ; i++)
var rule = rules[i];
if (rule.type != 5 || document.getElementById(rule.id)) continue;
log.warn("Adding JS script: " + rule.name + " [" + rule.id + "]");
//Apply script variables
if (rule.scriptVariables)
var vars = rule.scriptVariables.split(";");
for (var j = 0; j < vars.length; j++)
var v = vars[j].split("=");
if (v.length != 2) continue;
var s = "LA_get\\(['\"]" + TSL.escapeRegExp(v[0]) + "['\"]\\)";
var re = new RegExp(s);
rule.script = rule.script.replace(re, '"' + v[1] + '"');
//var script = TSL.createElement("script", { "type": "text/javascript" });
//script.textContent = rule.script;
//script.id = rule.id;
TSL.addScript(rule.id, rule.script);
/* Apply rules to the document title
function amendPageTitle(rules)
var title = document.head.getElementsByTagName("title")[0];
if (title && title.original != title.textContent && title.newTitle != title.textContent)
title.original = title.textContent;
var newTitle = title.textContent;
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length ; i++)
var rule = rules[i];
if (rule.type != 2) continue;
for (var j = 0; j < rule.regexes.length; j++)
var reParms = getREParams(rule.regexes[j]);
var re = createRE(reParms.search, rule, rule.regexes[i], true);
if (re) newTitle = newTitle.replace(re, reParms.replace);
title.textContent = newTitle;
title.newTitle = newTitle;
/* Apply rules to nodes (Attrib & Scripts)
function amendNodes(rules)
var r = n = -1;
function parseRules()
if (r >= rules.length)
log.info("Parsing Nodes Z: " + time + " (" + (new Date().getTime() - time) + ")");
var rule = rules[r];
if (rule.type != 1 && rule.type != 4) //If not attrib of click rule skip
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(rule.selectors);
log.log("Rule : ", rule);
if (rule.nthNode != 0) nodes = [nodes[rule.nthNode - 1]]; //Shrink the array if only applying one node
log.log("Number of nodes " + nodes.length);
n = -1;
parseNodes(rule, nodes);
function parseNodes(rule, nodes)
if (n >= nodes.length)
To make the parsing quicker and not hang. we are parsing x number of nodes at a time through a
for loop and then a setTimeout.
max = n + x;
var max = n + 50;
log.log("Parse nodes " + n + " - " + (max - 1));
for (; n < nodes.length && n < max; n++)
var node = nodes[n];
if (node.parsed && node.time != time) continue;
node.time = time; //Store the time as you want to apply all rules in the first parse.
node.parsed = true;
if (rule.type == 4) node.click(); // ---- Click Rule
else // ---- Attrib rule
for (var j = 0; j < rule.regexes.length; j++)
var regex = rule.regexes[j];
var reParms = getREParams(regex);
if (regex.raised || reParms.name.length == 0 || (reParms.name[0] != "=" && reParms.name[0] != "+" && !node.hasAttribute(reParms.name.replace(/^-/, "")))) continue;
if (reParms.name[0] == "=")
{   //Operations done on node property
var name = reParms.name.substr(1);
//if (node.hasOwnProperty(name))
if (!(name in node))
regex.raised = true;
log.error("Node object property \"" + name + "\" does not exist. Rule: " + rule.name + "[" + rule.id + "]");
var re = createRE(reParms.search, rule, regex, true);
if (!re) continue;
var v1 = node[name];
var v2 = v1.replace(re, reParms.replace);
if (v1 != v2) node[name] = v2;
else if (reParms.name[0] == "+") node.setAttribute(reParms.name.substr(1), reParms.replace);
else if (reParms.name[0] == "-")
var name = reParms.name.substr(1);
if (reParms.search.length == 0) node.removeAttribute(name);
var v1 = node.getAttribute(name);
var re = createRE(reParms.search, rule, regex, true);
if (re && v1.match(re)) node.removeAttribute(name);
else //Standard search and replace on attribute value
var re = createRE(reParms.search, rule, regex, true);
if (!re) continue;
var v1 = node.getAttribute(reParms.name);
var v2 = v1.replace(re, reParms.replace);
if (v1 != v2) node.setAttribute(reParms.name, v2);
n--; //We do this so as not to skip a node
setTimeout(parseNodes, 0, rule, nodes);
var MO =
timeout: null,
Observer: null,
disconnected: true,
monitorChanges: function ()
if (!MO.Observer)
var mo = window.MutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;
if (mo) MO.Observer = new mo(MO.callback);
if (MO.Observer && MO.disconnected)
MO.disconnected = false;
MO.Observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });
callback: function ()
MO.disconnected = true;
setTimeout(function ()
}, 250);
reConnect: function (norules)
if (MO.disconnected && !norules)
var DEBUG = false;
DEBUG = (window === window.top && DEBUG);
if (!DEBUG)
log.info = function () { };
log.log = function () { };
log.warn = function () { };
log.error = function () { };
log.info = console.info;
log.log = console.log;
log.warn = console.warn;
log.error = console.error;
(function ()
if (window === window.top)
if (window === window.top) GM_registerMenuCommand("[TS] Linx Amender", DialogMain.show);
window.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 120) DialogMain.show(e.altKey); }, true);
setTimeout(ParseNodes, 250);