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Filter beatmap by favorites (osu! website only)
Filter beatmap by favorites
const options = {// global optionsglobal: {// enable animationanimation: {// enable [true/false]enable: true,// duration [ms]duration: 700,},// filter method [threshold, percentile]filterMethod: "percentile",// compare method [less, lessEqual, greater, greaterEqual]compareMethod: "lessEqual",// opacity of filtered beatmap [0~1]opacity: 0.15,},// favorites filterfavorites: {// threshold of favorite countthreshold: 100,// percentile of favorite countpercentile: 75,},};
const options = {// (全域選項)global: {// (啟用動畫)animation: {// enable (啟用)enable: true,// (持續時間 [毫秒])duration: 700,},// (過濾方法 [門檻, 百分位數])filterMethod: "percentile",// (比較方法 [小於, 小於等於, 大於, 大於等於])compareMethod: "lessEqual",// (過濾後的 beatmap 透明度 [0~1])opacity: 0.15,},// (收藏數過濾)favorites: {// (收藏數門檻)threshold: 100,// (收藏數百分位數)percentile: 75,},};