Greasy Fork is available in English.
use discord app to open discord link instead of open in browser
// ==UserScript==// @name open discord link in app// @namespace @version 0.02// @description use discord app to open discord link instead of open in browser// @author x94fujo6// @match *://*/*// ==/UserScript==/* jshint esversion: 9 */(async function () {const script_name = "open discord link in app";let count = 0, id;await wait_tab();id = setInterval(() => {let r###lt = main();if (!r###lt) {count++;}if (count >= 10) {clearInterval(id);}}, 1000);function main() {let reg = /https\:\/\/(discordapp\.com\/channels.*|discord\.com\/channels.*)/,links = document.querySelectorAll("a"),discord_links;if (links.length > 0) {discord_links = [...links].filter(a => a.href.match(reg));if (discord_links.length > 0) {[...discord_links].forEach(a => a.href = a.href.replace(reg, "discord://$1"));return true;}}return false;}function wait_tab() {return new Promise(resolve => {if (document.visibilityState === "visible") return resolve();document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {if (document.visibilityState === "visible") {return resolve();}});});}})();