This is to toggle annoying Youtube CE Element near the end of the video
// ==UserScript== // @name Shift Space Toggle Youtube CE Element // @name:en Shift Space Toggle Youtube CE Element // @name:ja Shift Space Toggle Youtube CE Element // @name:zh-TW Shift Space Toggle Youtube CE Element // @name:zh-CN Shift Space Toggle Youtube CE Element // @name Shift Space Toggle Youtube CE Element // @namespace // @version 0.5.1 // @description This is to toggle annoying Youtube CE Element near the end of the video // @description:en This is to toggle annoying Youtube CE Element near the end of the video // @description:ja これは、ビデオの終わり近くにある迷惑な Youtube CE 要素を切り替えるためのものです。 // @description:zh-TW 這是為了切換在影片結尾附近煩人的 Youtube CE 元素 // @description:zh-CN 這是為了切換在影片結尾附近煩人的 Youtube CE 元素 // @author CY Fung // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion:6 */ (function() { 'use strict'; let videoElm = null; const ceElems = []; let isPassiveAvailable = null let earliestShown = -1; let endTime = -1; const WeakRef = window?.WeakRef; let videoReady = false let lastPress = -1 const allowList = [ 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'BODY', 'HTML', 'VIDEO', 'A', 'YTD-PLAYER', 'YTD-WATCH-FLEXY', 'YTD-PAGE-MANAGER', 'YTD-MINIPLAYER' ]; function cacheCEElems() { const m = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-player#ytd-player .ytp-ce-element'); if (m.length === 0) return false; ceElems.length = 0; for (const elm of m) { ceElems.push(new WeakRef(elm)) } return true; } function videoTimeUpdate(evt) { //passive = true //capture = false if (!videoReady) { if (evt?.target?.matches('ytd-player#ytd-player video')) { videoReady = true if (cacheCEElems() === false) setTimeout(cacheCEElems, 180); } } if (ceElems.length === 0) return; const video =; const anyShown = ceElems.some((elmRef) => elmRef.deref()?.classList?.contains('ytp-ce-element-show') === true) //console.log(135, anyShown, video.currentTime) if (anyShown) { if (earliestShown > 0 && -earliestShown < -video.currentTime) { earliestShown = video.currentTime endTime = video.duration } else if (earliestShown < 0) { videoElm = new WeakRef(video); earliestShown = video.currentTime endTime = video.duration } } } function initialForVideoDetection(evt) { //passive = true //capture = true const video = evt?.target; if (video?.nodeName === 'VIDEO' && typeof video.src == 'string') {} else return; videoReady = false; ceElems.length = 0; videoElm = null; earliestShown = -1; endTime = -1; new Promise(function() { if (video.hasAttribute('usr-video-cem')) return; video.setAttribute('usr-video-cem', ''); if (isPassiveAvailable === null) isPassiveAvailable = checkPassive(); video.addEventListener('timeupdate', videoTimeUpdate, optCapture(true, false)); }) } function pageKeyDownfunction(evt) { //passive = false //capture = true if (evt.code === 'Space' && evt.shiftKey) { if (!allowList.includes( return; if (endTime > earliestShown && earliestShown > 0) { let video = videoElm?.deref(); if (!video) return; let p = (video.currentTime - earliestShown) / (endTime - earliestShown); if (p >= 0 && p <= 1) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); for (const ceElem of ceElems) { ceElem?.deref()?.classList.toggle('ytp-ce-element-show'); } } } } } function checkPassive() { let passiv###pported = false; try { const options = { get passive() { passiv###pported = true; return false; } }; window.addEventListener("test", null, options); window.removeEventListener("test", null, options); } catch (err) { passiv###pported = false; } return passiv###pported } const optCapture = (passive, capture) => isPassiveAvailable ? { passive, capture } : capture; new Promise(function() { if (isPassiveAvailable === null) isPassiveAvailable = checkPassive(); document.addEventListener('canplay', initialForVideoDetection, optCapture(true, true)); }) document.addEventListener('keydown', pageKeyDownfunction, true) //ytp-ce-video ytp-ce-top-left-quad ytp-ce-size-853 ytp-ce-element-show // Your code here... })();