Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name 网购优惠查询小助手,淘宝、天猫、#东隐藏优惠券自动查询,搜索结果优惠券信息直接展示,无需进入详情页,快速对比同款优惠信息,持续维护中 // @name:zh 网购优惠查询小助手,淘宝、天猫、#东隐藏优惠券自动查询,搜索结果优惠券信息直接展示,无需进入详情页,快速对比同款优惠信息,持续维护中 // @name:zh-TW 網購優惠查詢小助手,淘寶、天貓、#东隱藏優惠券自動查詢,搜索結果優惠券信息直接展示,無需進入詳情頁,快速對比同款優惠信息,持續維護中 // @description 网购优惠查询小助手功能:1,淘宝、天猫商品详情页自动显示优惠券信息,包括隐藏优惠券的信息,点击#券按钮可快速#取优惠券。2.淘宝、天猫、#东搜索商品列表,每个商品自动显示优惠券面额,为你提供快速对比的效果! // @description:zh 网购优惠查询小助手功能:1,淘宝、天猫商品详情页自动显示优惠券信息,包括隐藏优惠券的信息,点击#券按钮可快速#取优惠券。2.淘宝、天猫、#东搜索商品列表,每个商品自动显示优惠券面额,为你提供快速对比的效果! // @description:zh-TW 網購優惠查詢小助手功能:1,淘寶、天貓商品詳情頁自動顯示優惠券信息,包括隱藏優惠券的信息,點擊#券按鈕可快速#取優惠券。2.淘寶、天貓、#東搜索商品列表,每個商品自動顯示優惠券面額,爲你提供快速對比的效果! // @namespace coupon // @version 1.80 // @author zhihu // @license End-User License Agreement // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @icon  // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.setValue // @antifeature referral-link 【此提示为GreasyFork代码规范要求含有查券功能的脚本必须添加,请知悉!】 // @connect // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; //全局对象 // const window = unsafeWindow || window; const API_DOMAIN = '//'; // const API_DOMAIN = ''; //---------------------------公共方法开始--------------------------- const Utils = { //兼容 Tampermonkey | Violentmonkey | Greasymonkey 4.0+ getValue: function (name, value) { if (typeof GM_getValue === "function") { return GM_getValue(name, value); } else { return GM.getValue(name, value); } }, //兼容 Tampermonkey | Violentmonkey | Greasymonkey 4.0+ setValue: function (name, value) { if (typeof GM_setValue === "function") { GM_setValue(name, value); } else { GM.setValue(name, value); } }, /** * 添加css * @params {String||Array} css - css样式 */ appendStyle(css) { let style = document.createElement('style'); if (css instanceof Array) { style.textContent = css.join(''); } else { style.textContent = css } style.type = 'text/css'; let doc = document.head || document.documentElement; doc.appendChild(style); }, /** * 添加js文件 * @params {String} url - js文件地址 */ appendScript: function (type, content) { let script = document.createElement('script'); if (type === 'url') { script.src = content; } else { script.innerHTML = content; } var docu = document.body; docu.appendChild(script); }, getObjectValue(object, path, defValue) { let obj = object; if (typeof path === 'string') { const reg = /[^\[\].]+/g; path = path.match(reg); } for (const key of path) { if (!obj) { return defValue } obj = obj[key]; } return obj === undefined ? defValue : obj; }, getQueryParam(query, url = '') { let search = '' if (url && url.indexOf('?' !== -1)) { search = url.split('?').slice(1).join(); } else { search ='?', '') } const queryArr = search.split('&'); let param = null; queryArr.forEach(item => { const paramArr = item.split('='); if (paramArr[0] === query) { param = paramArr[1]; } }); return param; }, getUrlid(url) { var id = ""; if (url.indexOf("?") != -1) { url = url.split("?")[0] } if (url.indexOf("#") != -1) { url = url.split("#")[0] } var text = url.split("/"); id = text[text.length - 1]; id = id.replace(".html", ""); return id }, monitorElement(attr) { let attrArr = []; if (attr instanceof Array && attr.length > 0) { attrArr = [...attr]; } else { attrArr.push(attr) } let element = null; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { attrArr.forEach(ele => { let timer = null, count = 0; element = document.querySelector(ele); timer = setInterval(() => { if (element) { clearInterval(timer); resolve(element); } if (count > 50) { clearInterval(timer); reject('未找到元素节点'); } console.log(1) element = document.querySelector(ele); count++ }, 200) }) }) } } const initData = { "basicHasCouponBtnText": "点击#取优惠券", "basicNoCommissionBtnText": "搜索同款优惠", "basicNoCouponBtnText": "立即购买", "basicRedirectApi": "{URL}", "basicQqGroup": "", "basicQqGroupUrl": "", "jdDetailCouponMountElement": [ ".summary-price.J-summary-price" ], "jdDetailCouponMountElementPosition": 'afterend', "jdListCouponMountElement": [ ".more2_lk", ".J-goods-list .gl-i-wrap .p-img a", ".productList_goods-list__wMdJe .productList_gl-item__kt547 .productList_p-img__FGbqQ a" ], "jdGoodsTitleElement":[ ".sku-name", ], "jdSearchUrl":"//{KEYWORD}&origin_id=&sort=0", "jdDetailIsOpenApi": false, "jdDetailApiUrl": "", "jdDetailApiR###ltIndex": "", "jdDetailApiR###ltGoodsIdType": "itemId", "jdListIsOpenApi": false, "jdListApiUrl": "", "jdListApiR###ltIndex": "", "jdListApiR###ltGoodsIdType": "itemId", "taobaoDetailCouponMountElement": [ ".Actions--root--hwEujgc", ".footWrap--LePfCZWd" ], "taobaoDetailCouponMountElementPosition": 'afterbegin', "taobaoListCouponMountElement": [ '.item-link', '.Content--content--sgSCZ12 .Card--doubleCardWrapper--L2XFE73', '.item .photo .J_TGoldData', //店铺分类页 '.feeds-item a',// 天猫超市分类页 ], "taobaoGoodsTitleElement":[ "h1.mainTitle--O1XCl8e2", "h1.ItemHeader--mainTitle--3CIjqW5" ], "taobaoSearchUrl":"//{KEYWORD}&origin_id=&sort=0", "taobaoDetailIsOpenApi": true, "taobaoDetailApiUrl": "{ID}&m=shangpin", "taobaoDetailApiR###ltIndex": "shorturl", "taobaoDetailApiR###ltGoodsIdType": "link", "taobaoListIsOpenApi": false, "taobaoListApiUrl": "{ID}&m=shangpin", "taobaoListApiR###ltIndex": "shorturl", "taobaoListApiR###ltGoodsIdType": "link", } class Coupon { initElement = null; // ## platform = ''; //优惠券查询地址 couponApiUrl = ''; // 是否开启第三方API isOpenApi = false; //第三方API地址 apiUrl = ''; // 第三方API返回索引 apiR###ltIndex = null; // 第三方API返回商品ID格式 apiR###ltGoodsIdType = 'id'; constructor(platform) { this.platform = platform; } getParamUrl(id) { let paramUrl = `?platform=${this.platform}&id=${id}`; if (!this.isOpenApi || !this.apiUrl || !this.apiR###ltIndex || !this.apiR###ltGoodsIdType) { paramUrl += '&type=id'; return Promise.resolve(paramUrl); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const api = this.apiUrl.replace('{ID}', id); fetch(api, { method: 'GET', mode: 'cors', }).then(r => r.json()).then(response => { const data = Utils.getObjectValue(response, this.apiR###ltIndex); if (data) { paramUrl += `&type=${this.apiR###ltGoodsIdType}&${this.apiR###ltGoodsIdType}=${data}`; } else { paramUrl += '&type=id'; } resolve(paramUrl); }).catch(err => { paramUrl += '&type=id'; resolve(paramUrl); }) }) } /* 获取优惠券信息 return {Promise} */ getCouponInfo() { if (!this.couponApiUrl) throw new TypeError('优惠券查询地址不存在'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(this.couponApiUrl, { method: 'GET', mode: 'cors', }).then(r => r.json()).then(response => { console.log(response) if (response.code === 1) { resolve( } else { reject(new TypeError(response.message)) } }).catch(err => { reject(err) }) }); } } class DetailCoupon extends Coupon { couponMountElement = ''; couponMountElementPosition = 'afterbegin'; goodsTitleElememt = []; searchUrl = ''; constructor(platform) { super(platform); switch (platform) { case 'taobao': this.couponMountElement = initData.taobaoDetailCouponMountElement||''; this.couponMountElementPosition = initData.taobaoDetailCouponMountElementPosition||'afterbegin'; this.goodsTitleElememt = initData.taobaoGoodsTitleElement; this.searchUrl = initData.taobaoSearchUrl; this.isOpenApi = initData.taobaoDetailIsOpenApi||false; this.apiUrl = initData.taobaoDetailApiUrl||''; this.apiR###ltIndex = initData.taobaoDetailApiR###ltIndex||''; this.apiR###ltGoodsIdType = initData.taobaoDetailApiR###ltGoodsIdType||''; break; case 'jd': this.couponMountElement = initData.jdDetailCouponMountElement||''; this.couponMountElementPosition = initData.jdDetailCouponMountElementPosition||'afterbegin'; this.goodsTitleElememt = initData.jdGoodsTitleElement; this.searchUrl = initData.jdSearchUrl; this.isOpenApi = initData.jdDetailIsOpenApi||false; this.apiUrl = initData.jdDetailApiUrl||''; this.apiR###ltIndex = initData.jdDetailApiR###ltIndex||''; this.apiR###ltGoodsIdType = initData.jdDetailApiR###ltGoodsIdType||''; break; } console.log('constructor', platform) this.addCouponElement(); } async addCouponElement() { let couponInfo = null; try { let goodsId = '' //获取商品ID和优惠券API链接 if (this.platform == 'taobao') { goodsId = Utils.getQueryParam('id') || null; } else if (this.platform === 'jd') { goodsId = Utils.getUrlid(window.location.href) || null; } console.log(goodsId) // 拼接请求URL const paramUrl = await this.getParamUrl(goodsId); this.couponApiUrl = API_DOMAIN + '/api/script/detail' + paramUrl; // 获取优惠券信息 couponInfo = await this.getCouponInfo(); // 如果是#东,另外添加#券按钮 if(this.platform === 'jd'){ this.addJdBtnElement(couponInfo); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } const element = await Utils.monitorElement(this.couponMountElement); this.appendCouponHtml(couponInfo, element); } async appendCouponHtml(couponInfo = null, element) { let tips = '点击右侧按钮搜索同款商品优惠👉', btnLink = '', btnText = initData.basicNoCommissionBtnText, mainHtml = '<div style="padding:10px 0;color:#FF0036;font-size:28px;font-weight:bold;text-align: center;"> 暂未发现可用优惠券 </div>' if (!couponInfo||!couponInfo.shortUrl) { // 获取商品标题 const title = (await Utils.monitorElement(this.goodsTitleElememt)).innerText||''; if(!this.searchUrl||this.searchUrl.indexOf('{KEYWORD}')<0){ throw new Error('this.searchUrl未设置或this.searchUrl不包含{KEYWORD}替换字段') } btnLink = this.searchUrl.replace('{KEYWORD}',encodeURIComponent(title)); console.log(title) } else if (couponInfo && couponInfo.hasCoupon) { if (this.platform === 'taobao') { tips = '👇赶紧使用手淘APP扫码#取吧' } else if (this.platform === 'jd') { tips = '👇使用#东APP或微信扫码#取吧' } btnLink = `${API_DOMAIN}/api/script/coupon?url=${encodeURIComponent(couponInfo.shortUrl)}&platform=${this.platform}`; btnText = initData.basicHasCouponBtnText; mainHtml = ` <div style="display:flex;align-items: flex-start;"> <img style="width:100px;height:100px" src="${API_DOMAIN}/api/script/qrcode?text=${couponInfo.shortUrl}"> <div style="margin-left:10px"> <div style="color:#FF0036;font-size:28px;line-height: 36px;font-weight:bold;">${couponInfo.couponInfo}</div> <div style="color:#333;margin-top:8px;font-size:12px;line-height: 1;">使用时间: ${couponInfo.couponEndTime} 到期 </div> <div style="color:#333;margin-top:8px;font-size:12px;line-height: 1;">券值:¥${couponInfo.couponAmount} </div> <div style="color:#333;margin-top:8px;font-size:12px;line-height: 1;">券后价:¥${couponInfo.actualPrice}</div> </div> </div> ` } else if (couponInfo&&couponInfo.shortUrl) { if (this.platform === 'taobao') { tips = '👇赶紧使用手淘APP扫码购买吧' } else if (this.platform === 'jd') { tips = '👇使用#东APP或微信扫码购买吧'; // 添加跳转 if(location.href.indexOf(couponInfo.sign) == -1){ const url = initData.basicRedirectApi.replace('{URL}',encodeURIComponent(couponInfo.longUrl)) window.location.replace(url); } } btnLink = `${API_DOMAIN}/api/script/coupon?url=${encodeURIComponent(couponInfo.shortUrl)}&platform=${this.platform}`; btnText = initData.basicNoCouponBtnText; mainHtml = ` <div style="display:flex;align-items: center;"> <img style="width:100px;height:100px" src="${API_DOMAIN}/api/script/qrcode?text=${couponInfo.shortUrl}"> <div style="margin-left:10px"> <div style="padding:10px 0;color:#FF0036;font-size:28px;font-weight:bold;text-align: center;"> 暂未发现可用优惠券 </div> </div> </div> ` } const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'width:450px;height:auto;border-radius:16px;margin-bottom:10px;font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, PingFang SC, Hiragino Sans GB, Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif;'; div.innerHTML = ` <div style="display:flex;justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;border-radius: 16px 16px 0 0;background:linear-gradient(90deg, #FF7C54, #FE293D);height:45px;width:100%;padding:0 16px;box-sizing: border-box;"> <span style="font-size:16px;color:#fff">${tips}</span> <span id="zhihuCouponBtn" style="color: #FF0036;background: #fff;padding: 5px 10px;border-radius: 6px;font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;cursor:pointer">${btnText}</span> </div> <div style="width:100%;padding:10px 16px;box-sizing: border-box;background:#fff;border-radius:0 0 16px 16px;border: 1px solid #f0f3f5;"> ${mainHtml} </div> `; console.log(div) element.insertAdjacentElement(this.couponMountElementPosition, div); // 跳转#券页 document.querySelector('#zhihuCouponBtn').onclick = () => { } } async addJdBtnElement(couponInfo){ const a = document.createElement('a'); a.classList.add('btn-lg'); = 'background-color: rgb(253 2 57);color: #fff;font-weight:700'; if(couponInfo.hasCoupon){ a.href = initData.basicRedirectApi.replace('{URL}',encodeURIComponent(couponInfo.longUrl)) }else{ a.href = `${API_DOMAIN}/api/script/coupon?url=${encodeURIComponent(couponInfo.shortUrl)}&platform=${this.platform}` }"_blank"; a.innerText = '#券下单'; document.querySelector("#choose-btns").insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', a); } } class ListCoupon extends Coupon { initElement = null; constructor(element, platform) { super(platform); switch (platform) { case 'taobao': this.isOpenApi = initData.taobaoListIsOpenApi||false; this.apiUrl = initData.taobaoListApiUrl||''; this.apiR###ltIndex = initData.taobaoListApiR###ltIndex||''; this.apiR###ltGoodsIdType = initData.taobaoListApiR###ltGoodsIdType||''; break; case 'jd': this.isOpenApi = initData.jdListIsOpenApi||false; this.apiUrl = initData.jdListApiUrl||''; this.apiR###ltIndex = initData.jdListApiR###ltIndex||''; this.apiR###ltGoodsIdType = initData.jdListApiR###ltGoodsIdType||''; break; } this.addCouponElement(element); } async addCouponElement(element) { try { let goodsId = '' //获取商品ID和优惠券API链接 if (this.platform == 'taobao' || this.platform == 'tmallcs') { const href = element.getAttribute('href'); goodsId = Utils.getQueryParam('id', href) || null; } else if (this.platform === 'jd') { const href = element.getAttribute('href'); goodsId = Utils.getUrlid(href) || null; } // 添加查询提示 = 'relative'; this.appendInitCouponHtml(element, 'beforeend'); // 拼接请求URL const paramUrl = await this.getParamUrl(goodsId); this.couponApiUrl = API_DOMAIN + '/api/script/search' + paramUrl; // 获取优惠券信息 const r###lt = await this.getCouponInfo(); //添加优惠券节点 this.appendCouponHtml(r###lt); } catch (error) { console.log('error', error) this.appendCouponHtml() } } appendInitCouponHtml(element, position = "beforeend") { const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: absolute;top: 10px;right: 10px;z-index: 99999999;font-size: 12px;'; div.innerHTML = ` <span style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);border-radius: 6px;padding: 5px 10px;color: #fff;">正在搜索优惠</span> `; this.initElement = div; element.insertAdjacentElement(position, this.initElement); } appendCouponHtml(r###lt = null) { let html = `<span style="background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);border-radius: 6px;padding: 5px 10px;color: #fff;">暂无优惠</span>` if (r###lt && r###lt.hasCoupon) { html = `<span style="background: rgb(253 2 57);border-radius: 6px;padding: 5px 10px;color: #fff;">有券:减${r###lt.couponAmount}元</span>` } if (this.initElement) this.initElement.innerHTML = html } } async function getInitData(){ const request = ()=>{ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(API_DOMAIN + '/api/script/init',{ method:'GET', mode:'cors', }).then(r=>r.json()).then(response=>{ if(response.code === 1){ resolve( }else{ resolve(null) } }).catch(err=>{ resolve(null) }) }) } // 查询是否有缓存 const key = 'scriptInitData' const cache = sessionStorage.getItem(key); let _initData = {}; if(cache){ _initData = JSON.parse(cache) }else{ const data = await request(); data&& Object.assign(_initData,data); // 存储 sessionStorage.setItem(key,JSON.stringify(_initData)); } Object.assign(initData,_initData); } async function detailCouponInit(platform) { console.log(platform) await getInitData(); new DetailCoupon(platform); //移除节点 // if( instanceof Array && > 0){ // const blackElement =; // blackElement.forEach(item => { // Utils.monitorElement(item).then(selector=>{ // selector.remove() // }) // }) // } } async function listCouponInit(platform) { await getInitData(); let clss = ''; if (platform === 'taobao') { clss = initData.taobaoListCouponMountElement; } else if (platform === 'jd') { clss = initData.jdListCouponMountElement; } console.log(clss) if (!(clss instanceof Array) || clss.length === 0) return //监听商品卡片 setInterval(() => { //遍历class数组 for (let i = 0; i < clss.length; i++) { const elements = document.querySelectorAll(clss[i]); if (elements && elements.length > 0) { Array.from(elements).forEach(element => { if (element.classList.contains('zhihu-coupon-added')) return; //添加class标记 element.classList.add('zhihu-coupon-added'); new ListCoupon(element, platform); }) } } }, 1000) } //网址匹配 const siteMap = [ { match: ['', '', '*', '*', '.**', '*'], platform: 'taobao', initFunc: listCouponInit }, { match: ['','*','*','*'], platform: 'jd', initFunc: listCouponInit }, { match: ['*', '*', '*'], platform: 'taobao', initFunc: detailCouponInit }, { match: ['*', '*','*'], platform: 'jd', initFunc: detailCouponInit }, ] //生成正则表达式 function createReg(arr) { return new RegExp(arr.join('|')) } //根据网址匹配 for (const site of siteMap) { let reg = createReg(site.match) let host = window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname let r###lt = reg.test(host.toLowerCase()) if (r###lt) { console.log(host, r###lt) let platform = site.platform || ''; site.initFunc(platform); } } // Your code here... })();