Set up filters for your sub feed
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Sub Feed Filter 2 // @version 1.47 // @description Set up filters for your sub feed // @author Callum Latham // @namespace // @license MIT // @match *://* // @match *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @require // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // ==/UserScript== /* global $Config */ (() => { // Don't run in frames (e.g. stream chat frame) if (window.parent !== window) { // noinspection JSAnnotator return; } // User config const LONG_PRESS_TIME = 400; const REGEXP_FLAGS = 'i'; // Dev config const VIDEO_TYPE_IDS = { GROUPS: { ALL: 'All', STREAMS: 'Streams', PREMIERES: 'Premieres', NONE: 'None', }, INDIVIDUALS: { STREAMS_SCHEDULED: 'Scheduled Streams', STREAMS_LIVE: 'Live Streams', STREAMS_FINISHED: 'Finished Streams', PREMIERES_SCHEDULED: 'Scheduled Premieres', PREMIERES_LIVE: 'Live Premieres', SHORTS: 'Shorts', FUNDRAISERS: 'Fundraisers', NORMAL: 'Basic Videos', }, }; const CUTOFF_VALUES = [ 'Minimum', 'Maximum', ]; const BADGE_VALUES = [ 'Exclude', 'Include', 'Require', ]; function getVideoTypes(children) { const registry = new Set(); const register = (value) => { if (registry.has(value)) { throw new Error(`Overlap found at '${value}'.`); } registry.add(value); }; for (const {value} of children) { switch (value) { case VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.GROUPS.ALL: Object.values(VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS).forEach(register); break; case VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.GROUPS.STREAMS: register(VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.STREAMS_SCHEDULED); register(VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.STREAMS_LIVE); register(VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.STREAMS_FINISHED); break; case VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.GROUPS.PREMIERES: register(VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.PREMIERES_SCHEDULED); register(VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.PREMIERES_LIVE); break; default: register(value); } } return registry; } const $config = new $Config( 'YTSFF_TREE', (() => { const regexPredicate = (value) => { try { RegExp(value); } catch { return 'Value must be a valid regular expression.'; } return true; }; const videoTypeOptions = Object.values({ ...VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.GROUPS, ...VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS, }); return { get: (_, configs) => Object.assign(...configs), children: [ { label: 'Filters', get: (() => { const getRegex = ({children}) => children.length === 0 ? null : new RegExp({value}) => `(${value})`).join('|'), REGEXP_FLAGS); return ({children}) => ({ filters:{'children': [channel, video, type]}) => ({ channels: getRegex(channel), videos: getRegex(video), types: type.children.length === 0 ? Object.values(VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS) : getVideoTypes(type.children), })), }); })(), children: [], seed: { label: 'Filter Name', value: '', children: [ { label: 'Channel Regex', children: [], seed: { value: '^', predicate: regexPredicate, }, }, { label: 'Video Regex', children: [], seed: { value: '^', predicate: regexPredicate, }, }, { label: 'Video Types', children: [ { value: VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.GROUPS.ALL, options: videoTypeOptions, }, ], seed: { value: VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.GROUPS.NONE, options: videoTypeOptions, }, childPredicate: (children) => { try { getVideoTypes(children); } catch ({message}) { return message; } return true; }, }, ], }, }, { label: 'Cutoffs', get: ({children}) => ({ cutoffs:{children}) => { const boundaries = [Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY]; for (const {'children': [{'value': boundary}, {value}]} of children) { boundaries[boundary === CUTOFF_VALUES[0] ? 0 : 1] = value; } return boundaries; }), }), children: [ { label: 'Watched (%)', children: [], seed: { childPredicate: ([{'value': boundary}, {value}]) => { if (boundary === CUTOFF_VALUES[0]) { return value < 100 ? true : 'Minimum must be less than 100%'; } return value > 0 ? true : 'Maximum must be greater than 0%'; }, children: [ { value: CUTOFF_VALUES[1], options: CUTOFF_VALUES, }, {value: 100}, ], }, }, { label: 'View Count', children: [], seed: { childPredicate: ([{'value': boundary}, {value}]) => { if (boundary === CUTOFF_VALUES[1]) { return value > 0 ? true : 'Maximum must be greater than 0'; } return true; }, children: [ { value: CUTOFF_VALUES[0], options: CUTOFF_VALUES, }, { value: 0, predicate: (value) => Math.floor(value) === value ? true : 'Value must be an integer', }, ], }, }, { label: 'Duration (Minutes)', children: [], seed: { childPredicate: ([{'value': boundary}, {value}]) => { if (boundary === CUTOFF_VALUES[1]) { return value > 0 ? true : 'Maximum must be greater than 0'; } return true; }, children: [ { value: CUTOFF_VALUES[0], options: CUTOFF_VALUES, }, {value: 0}, ], }, }, ], }, { label: 'Badges', get: ({children}) => ({badges:{value}) => BADGE_VALUES.indexOf(value))}), children: [ { label: 'Verified', value: BADGE_VALUES[1], options: BADGE_VALUES, }, { label: 'Official Artist', value: BADGE_VALUES[1], options: BADGE_VALUES, }, ], }, ], }; })(), { headBase: '#c80000', headButtonExit: '#000000', borderHead: '#ffffff', borderTooltip: '#c80000', }, { zIndex: 10000, scrollbarColor: 'initial', }, ); const KEY_IS_ACTIVE = 'YTSFF_IS_ACTIVE'; // State let button; // Video element helpers function getSubPage() { return document.querySelector('.ytd-page-manager[page-subtype="subscriptions"]'); } function getAllVideos() { const subPage = getSubPage(); return [...subPage.querySelectorAll('#primary > ytd-rich-grid-renderer > #contents > :not(:first-child):not(ytd-continuation-item-renderer)')]; } function firstWordEquals(element, word) { return element.innerText.split(' ')[0] === word; } function getVideoBadges(video) { return video.querySelectorAll('.video-badge'); } function getChannelBadges(video) { const container = video.querySelector('ytd-badge-supported-renderer.ytd-channel-name'); return container ? [...container.querySelectorAll('.badge')] : []; } function isShorts(video) { return video.matches('[is-shorts] *'); } function getMetadataLine(video) { return video.querySelector(isShorts(video) ? '.shortsLockupViewModelHostOutsideMetadata' : '#metadata-line'); } function isScheduled(video) { if (isShorts(video)) { return false; } return VIDEO_PREDICATES[VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.STREAMS_SCHEDULED](video) || VIDEO_PREDICATES[VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.PREMIERES_SCHEDULED](video); } function getUploadTimeNode(video) { const children = [...getMetadataLine(video).children].filter((child) => child.matches('.inline-metadata-item')); return children.length > 1 ? children[1] : null; } // Config testers const VIDEO_PREDICATES = { [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.STREAMS_SCHEDULED]: (video) => { const metadataLine = getMetadataLine(video); return firstWordEquals(metadataLine, 'Scheduled'); }, [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.STREAMS_LIVE]: (video) => { for (const badge of getVideoBadges(video)) { if (firstWordEquals(badge, 'LIVE')) { return true; } } return false; }, [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.STREAMS_FINISHED]: (video) => { const uploadTimeNode = getUploadTimeNode(video); return uploadTimeNode && firstWordEquals(uploadTimeNode, 'Streamed'); }, [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.PREMIERES_SCHEDULED]: (video) => { const metadataLine = getMetadataLine(video); return firstWordEquals(metadataLine, 'Premieres'); }, [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.PREMIERES_LIVE]: (video) => { for (const badge of getVideoBadges(video)) { if (firstWordEquals(badge, 'PREMIERING') || firstWordEquals(badge, 'PREMIERE')) { return true; } } return false; }, [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.SHORTS]: isShorts, [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.NORMAL]: (video) => { const uploadTimeNode = getUploadTimeNode(video); return uploadTimeNode ? new RegExp('^\\d+ .+ ago$').test(uploadTimeNode.innerText) : false; }, [VIDEO_TYPE_IDS.INDIVIDUALS.FUNDRAISERS]: (video) => { for (const badge of getVideoBadges(video)) { if (firstWordEquals(badge, 'Fundraiser')) { return true; } } return false; }, }; const CUTOFF_GETTERS = [ // Watched % (video) => { const progressBar = video.querySelector('#progress'); if (!progressBar) { return 0; } return Number.parseInt(, -1)); }, // View count (video) => { if (isScheduled(video)) { return 0; } const {innerText} = [...getMetadataLine(video).children].find( (child) => child.matches('.inline-metadata-item') || child.matches('div[aria-label~=views]'), ); const [valueString] = innerText.split(' '); const lastChar = valueString.slice(-1); if (/\d/.test(lastChar)) { return Number.parseInt(valueString); } const valueNumber = Number.parseFloat(valueString.slice(0, -1)); switch (lastChar) { case 'B': return valueNumber * 1000000000; case 'M': return valueNumber * 1000000; case 'K': return valueNumber * 1000; } return valueNumber; }, // Duration (minutes) (video) => { const timeElement = video.querySelector('ytd-thumbnail-overlay-time-status-renderer'); let minutes = 0; if (timeElement) { const timeParts = timeElement.innerText.split(':').map((_) => Number.parseInt(_)); let timeValue = 1 / 60; for (let i = timeParts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { minutes += timeParts[i] * timeValue; timeValue *= 60; } } return Number.isNaN(minutes) ? 0 : minutes; }, ]; const BADGE_PREDICATES = [ // Verified (video) => getChannelBadges(video) .some((badge) => badge.classList.contains('badge-style-type-verified')), // Official Artist (video) => getChannelBadges(video) .some((badge) => badge.classList.contains('badge-style-type-verified-artist')), ]; // Hider functions function loadVideo(video) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const test = () => { if (video.querySelector('#interaction')) { observer.disconnect(); resolve(); } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(test); observer.observe(video, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, }); test(); }); } function shouldHide({filters, cutoffs, badges}, video) { for (let i = 0; i < BADGE_PREDICATES.length; ++i) { if (badges[i] !== 1 && Boolean(badges[i]) !== BADGE_PREDICATES[i](video)) { return true; } } for (let i = 0; i < CUTOFF_GETTERS.length; ++i) { const [lowerBound, upperBound] = cutoffs[i]; const value = CUTOFF_GETTERS[i](video); if (value < lowerBound || value > upperBound) { return true; } } const channelName = video.querySelector('ytd-channel-name#channel-name')?.innerText; const videoName = ( video.querySelector('#video-title') || video.querySelector('.shortsLockupViewModelHostOutsideMetadataTitle') ).innerText; for (const {'channels': channelRegex, 'videos': videoRegex, types} of filters) { if ((!channelRegex || channelName && channelRegex.test(channelName)) && (!videoRegex || videoRegex.test(videoName))) { for (const type of types) { if (VIDEO_PREDICATES[type](video)) { return true; } } } } return false; } const hideList = (() => { const list = []; let hasReverted = true; function hide(element, doHide) { element.hidden = false; if (doHide) { = 'none'; } else {'display'); } } return { 'add'(element, doHide = true) { if (button.isActive) { hasReverted = false; } list.push({element, doHide, wasHidden: element.hidden}); if (button.isActive) { hide(element, doHide); } }, 'revert'(doErase) { if (!hasReverted) { hasReverted = true; for (const {element, doHide, wasHidden} of list) { hide(element, !doHide); element.hidden = wasHidden; } } if (doErase) { list.length = 0; } }, 'ensure'() { if (!hasReverted) { return; } hasReverted = false; for (const {element, doHide} of list) { hide(element, doHide); } }, }; })(); const showList = (() => { const ATTRIBUTE = 'is-in-first-column'; const list = []; const observers = []; let rowLength; let rowRemaining = 1; let hasReverted = true; function disconnectObservers() { for (const observer of observers) { observer.disconnect(); } observers.length = 0; } function show(element, isFirst) { const act = isFirst ? () => element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE, true) : () => element.removeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE); act(); const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { observer.disconnect(); act(); // Avoids observation cycle that I can't figure out the cause of window.setTimeout(() => { observer.observe(element, {attributeFilter: [ATTRIBUTE]}); }, 0); }); observer.observe(element, {attributeFilter: [ATTRIBUTE]}); observers.push(observer); } return { 'add'(element) { if (list.length === 0) { rowLength = element.itemsPerRow ?? 3; } if (button.isActive) { hasReverted = false; } const isFirst = --rowRemaining === 0; if (isFirst) { rowRemaining = rowLength; } list.push({element, isFirst, wasFirst: element.hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTE)}); if (button.isActive) { show(element, isFirst); } }, 'revert'(doErase) { if (!hasReverted) { hasReverted = true; disconnectObservers(); for (const {element, wasFirst} of list) { show(element, wasFirst); } } if (doErase) { list.length = 0; rowRemaining = 1; } }, 'ensure'() { if (!hasReverted) { return; } hasReverted = false; for (const {element, isFirst} of list) { show(element, isFirst); } }, 'lineFeed'() { rowRemaining = 1; }, }; })(); async function hideVideo(element, config) { // video, else shorts container if (element.tagName === 'YTD-RICH-ITEM-RENDERER') { await loadVideo(element); if (shouldHide(config, element)) { hideList.add(element); } else { showList.add(element); } return; } let doHide = true; for (const video of element.querySelectorAll('ytd-rich-item-renderer')) { await loadVideo(video); if (shouldHide(config, video)) { hideList.add(video); } else { showList.add(video); doHide = false; } } if (doHide) { hideList.add(element); } else { showList.lineFeed(); } } async function hideVideos(videos = getAllVideos()) { const config = $config.get(); for (const video of videos) { await Promise.all([ hideVideo(video, config), // Allow the page to update visually before moving on new Promise((resolve) => { window.setTimeout(resolve, 0); }), ]); } } // Helpers function resetConfig(fullReset = true) { hideList.revert(fullReset); showList.revert(fullReset); } function hideFromMutations(mutations) { const videos = []; for (const {addedNodes} of mutations) { for (const node of addedNodes) { switch (node.tagName) { case 'YTD-RICH-ITEM-RENDERER': case 'YTD-RICH-SECTION-RENDERER': videos.push(node); } } } hideVideos(videos); } function getButtonDock() { return document .querySelector('ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"]') .querySelector('#contents') .querySelector('#title-container') .querySelector('#top-level-buttons-computed'); } // Button class ClickHandler { constructor(button, onShortClick, onLongClick) { this.onShortClick = function () { onShortClick(); window.clearTimeout(this.longClickTimeout); window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onShortClick); }.bind(this); this.onLongClick = function () { window.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onShortClick); onLongClick(); }.bind(this); this.longClickTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.onLongClick, LONG_PRESS_TIME); window.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onShortClick); } } class Button { wasActive; isActive = false; isDormant = false; constructor() { this.element = (() => { const getSVG = () => { const svgNamespace = ''; const bottom = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, 'path'); bottom.setAttribute('d', 'M128.25,175.6c1.7,1.8,2.7,4.1,2.7,6.6v139.7l60-51.3v-88.4c0-2.5,1-4.8,2.7-6.6L295.15,65H26.75L128.25,175.6z'); const top = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, 'rect'); top.setAttribute('x', '13.95'); top.setAttribute('width', '294'); top.setAttribute('height', '45'); const g = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, 'g'); g.appendChild(bottom); g.appendChild(top); const svg = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, 'svg'); svg.setAttribute('viewBox', '-50 -50 400 400'); svg.setAttribute('focusable', 'false'); svg.appendChild(g); return svg; }; const getNewButton = () => { const {parentElement, 'children': [, openerTemplate]} = getButtonDock(); const button = openerTemplate.cloneNode(false); if (openerTemplate.innerText) { throw new Error('too early'); } // 🤷♀️ const policy = trustedTypes?.createPolicy('policy', {createHTML: (string) => string}) ?? {createHTML: (string) => string}; parentElement.appendChild(button); button.innerHTML = policy.createHTML(openerTemplate.innerHTML); button.querySelector('yt-button-shape').innerHTML = policy.createHTML(openerTemplate.querySelector('yt-button-shape').innerHTML); button.querySelector('a').removeAttribute('href'); button.querySelector('yt-icon').appendChild(getSVG()); button.querySelector('tp-yt-paper-tooltip').remove(); return button; }; return getNewButton(); })(); this.element.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this)); GM.getValue(KEY_IS_ACTIVE, true).then((isActive) => { this.isActive = isActive; this.update(); const videoObserver = new MutationObserver(hideFromMutations); videoObserver.observe( document.querySelector('ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"]').querySelector('div#contents'), {childList: true}, ); hideVideos(); }); let resizeCount = 0; window.addEventListener('resize', () => { const resizeId = ++resizeCount; this.forceInactive(); const listener = ({detail}) => { // column size changed if (detail.actionName === 'yt-window-resized') { window.setTimeout(() => { if (resizeId !== resizeCount) { return; } this.forceInactive(false); // Don't bother re-running filters if the sub page isn't shown if (this.isDormant) { return; } resetConfig(); hideVideos(); }, 1000); document.body.removeEventListener('yt-action', listener); } }; document.body.addEventListener('yt-action', listener); }); } forceInactive(doForce = true) { if (doForce) { // if wasActive isn't undefined, forceInactive was already called if (this.wasActive === undefined) { // Saves a GM.getValue call later this.wasActive = this.isActive; this.isActive = false; } } else { this.isActive = this.wasActive; this.wasActive = undefined; } } update() { if (this.isActive) { this.setButtonActive(); } } setButtonActive() { if (this.isActive) { this.element.querySelector('svg').style.setProperty('fill', 'var(--yt-spec-call-to-action)'); } else { this.element.querySelector('svg').style.setProperty('fill', 'currentcolor'); } } toggleActive() { this.isActive = !this.isActive; this.setButtonActive(); GM.setValue(KEY_IS_ACTIVE, this.isActive); if (this.isActive) { hideList.ensure(); showList.ensure(); } else { hideList.revert(false); showList.revert(false); } } async onLongClick() { await $config.edit(); resetConfig(); hideVideos(); } onMouseDown(event) { if (event.button === 0) { new ClickHandler(this.element, this.toggleActive.bind(this), this.onLongClick.bind(this)); } } } // Main (() => { const loadButton = async () => { if (button) { button.isDormant = false; hideVideos(); return; } try { await $config.ready; } catch (error) { if (!$config.reset) { throw error; } if (!window.confirm(`${error.message}\n\nWould you like to erase your data?`)) { return; } $config.reset(); } try { getButtonDock(); button = new Button(); } catch { const emitter = document.getElementById('page-manager'); const bound = () => { loadButton(); emitter.removeEventListener('yt-action', bound); }; emitter.addEventListener('yt-action', bound); } }; const isGridView = () => { return Boolean( document.querySelector('ytd-browse[page-subtype="subscriptions"]:not([hidden])') && document.querySelector('ytd-browse > ytd-two-column-browse-r###lts-renderer ytd-rich-grid-renderer ytd-rich-item-renderer ytd-rich-grid-media'), ); }; function onNavigate({detail}) { if (detail.endpoint.browseEndpoint) { const {params, browseId} = detail.endpoint.browseEndpoint; // Handle navigation to the sub feed if ((params === 'MAE%3D' || !params && (!button || isGridView())) && browseId === 'F###bscriptions') { const emitter = document.querySelector('ytd-app'); const event = 'yt-action'; if (button || isGridView()) { loadButton(); } else { const listener = ({detail}) => { if (detail.actionName === 'ytd-update-grid-state-action') { if (isGridView()) { loadButton(); } emitter.removeEventListener(event, listener); } }; emitter.addEventListener(event, listener); } return; } } // Handle navigation away from the sub feed if (button) { button.isDormant = true; hideList.revert(true); showList.revert(true); } } document.body.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', onNavigate); })(); })();