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GM_config 中文版

สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/447340/1252278/GM_config_zh.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name          GM_config_zh
// @author        Mike Medley & zxf10608 & maomao1###
// @version       1.0.1
// @description   GM_config 中文版
// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_setValue
// @grant         GM_deleteValue
// @exclude       *
// @license       LGPL 3
// ==/UserScript==
// The GM_config constructor
function GM_configStruct() {
// call init() if settings were passed to constructor
if (arguments.length) {
GM_configInit(this, arguments)
function noop() {}
// This is the initializer function
function GM_configInit(config, args) {
// Initialize instance variables
if (typeof config.fields == 'undefined') {
config.fields = {}
config.onInit = config.onInit || noop
config.onOpen = config.onOpen || noop
config.onSave = config.onSave || noop
config.onClose = config.onClose || noop
config.onReset = config.onReset || noop
config.isOpen = false
config.title = '用户脚本设置'
config.css = {
'#GM_config * { font-family: arial,tahoma,myriad pro,sans-serif; }',
'#GM_config { background: #FFF; }',
"#GM_config input[type='radio'] { margin-right: 8px; }",
'#GM_config .indent40 { margin-left: 40%; }',
'#GM_config .field_label { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin-right: 6px; }',
'#GM_config .radio_label { font-size: 14px; }',
'#GM_config .block { display: block; }',
'#GM_config .saveclose_buttons { margin: 16px 10px 10px; padding: 2px 12px; }',
'#GM_config .reset, #GM_config .reset a,' +
' #GM_config_buttons_holder { color: #000; text-align: right; }',
'#GM_config .config_header { font-size: 20pt; margin: 0; }',
'#GM_config .config_desc, #GM_config .section_desc, #GM_config .reset { font-size: 9pt; }',
'#GM_config .center { text-align: center; }',
'#GM_config .section_header_holder { margin-top: 8px; }',
'#GM_config .config_var { margin: 0 0 4px; }',
'#GM_config .section_header { background: #414141; border: 1px solid #000; color: #FFF;' +
' font-size: 12pt; margin: 0; }',
'#GM_config .section_desc { background: #EFEFEF; border: 1px solid #CCC; color: #575757;' +
' font-size: 10pt; margin: 0 0 6px; }',
// newer
"#GM_config input[type='number'] { width: 60px; }",
'#GM_config .nav-tabs { margin: 10 0}',
'#GM_config .nav-tabs > div { display: inline; padding: 3px 10px; }',
'#pv-prefs .section_header_holder { padding-left: 10px; }',
].join('\n') + '\n',
'#GM_config { background: #EEE; }',
'#GM_config textarea { width: 98%; height: 45px; margin-top: 5px; }',
'#GM_config .field_label { display: inline-block; font-weight: normal; }',
// 在同一行内的设置
"#GM_config .inline input[type='checkbox'] {margin: 3px 3px 3px 0px;}",
'#GM_config .inline .config_var { margin-left: 15px; }',
// 内容样式
'#GM_config .config_var { font-size: 14px; padding: 5px; margin: 0; }',
'#GM_config .config_header a { text-decoration: none; color: #000; }',
'#GM_config .nav-tabs { margin: 20 0}',
'#GM_config .nav-tabs > div { font-size: 15px; color: #999; cursor: pointer; padding: 10px 20px; }',
'#GM_config .nav-tabs > .active { cursor: default; color: #FFF; }',
'#GM_config .nav-tabs > div:hover { color: #FFF; }',
].join('\n') + '\n',
// 仿 Mouseover Popup Image Viewer 样式
'#GM_config { background: #EEE; }',
'#GM_config textarea { width: 98%; height: 45px; margin-top: 5px; }',
'#GM_config .config_var { font-size: 12px; }',
'#GM_config .inline .config_var { margin-left: 15px; }',
'#GM_config .field_label { display: inline-block; font-weight: normal; }',
'#GM_config { padding: 20px 30px; margin: 0; }',
'#GM_config .config_header { margin-bottom: 10px; }',
'#GM_config div.config_var { padding: 7px 0; }',
].join('\n') + '\n',
basicPrefix: 'GM_config',
stylish: '',
if (args.length == 1 && typeof args[0].id == 'string' && typeof args[0].appendChild != 'function')
var settings = args[0]
else {
// Provide backwards-compatibility with argument style intialization
var settings = {}
// loop through GM_config.init() arguments
for (var i = 0, l = args.length, arg; i < l; ++i) {
arg = args[i]
// An element to use as the config window
if (typeof arg.appendChild == 'function') {
settings.frame = arg
switch (typeof arg) {
case 'object':
for (var j in arg) {
// could be a callback functions or settings object
if (typeof arg[j] != 'function') {
// we are in the settings object
if (typeof arg[j] == 'string') {
settings.frameStyle = arg
} else {
settings.fields = arg // store settings object
break // leave the loop
} // otherwise it must be a callback function
if (!settings.events) settings.events = {}
settings.events[j] = arg[j]
case 'function': // passing a bare function is set to open callback
settings.events = { open: arg }
case 'string': // could be custom CSS or the title string
// if (/[\w\.]+\s*\{\s*[\w-]+\s*:\s*\w+[\s|\S]*\}/.test(arg))
if (/[\w\.]+\s*\{\s*[\w-]+\s*:[\s|\S]*\}/.test(arg)) settings.css = arg
else if (arg) settings.title = arg
/* Initialize everything using the new settings object */
// Set the id
if (settings.id) config.id = settings.id
else if (typeof config.id == 'undefined') config.id = 'GM_config'
// Set the title
if (settings.title) config.title = settings.title
// Set the custom css
if (settings.css) config.css.stylish = settings.css
if (settings.skin) {
var skin = config.css['skin_' + settings.skin]
if (skin) {
config.css.basic += skin
// Set the frame
if (settings.frame) config.frame = settings.frame
if (settings.frameStyle) config.frameStyle = settings.frameStyle
config.isTabs = settings.isTabs
// Set the event callbacks
if (settings.events) {
var events = settings.events
for (var e in events) config['on' + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)] = events[e]
// Create the fields
if (settings.fields) {
var stored = config.read(), // read the stored settings
fields = settings.fields,
customTypes = settings.types || {}
for (var id in fields) {
var field = fields[id]
// for each field definition create a field object
if (field)
config.fields[id] = new GM_configField(field, stored[id], id, customTypes[field.type])
else if (config.fields[id]) delete config.fields[id]
// If the id has changed we must modify the default style
if (config.id != config.css.basicPrefix) {
config.css.basic = config.css.basic.replace(
new RegExp('#' + config.css.basicPrefix, 'gm'),
'#' + config.id,
config.css.basicPrefix = config.id
GM_configStruct.prototype = {
// Support old method of initalizing
init: function () {
GM_configInit(this, arguments)
// call GM_config.open() from your script to open the menu
open: function () {
// Die if the menu is already open on this page
// You can have multiple instances but you can't open the same instance twice
var match = top.document.getElementById(this.id)
if (match && (match.tagName == 'IFRAME' || match.childNodes.length > 0)) return
// Sometimes "this" gets overwritten so create an alias
var config = this
// Function to build the mighty config window :)
function buildConfigWin(body, head) {
var create = config.create,
fields = config.fields,
configId = config.id,
bodyWrapper = create('div', { id: configId + '_wrapper' })
// Append the style which is our default style plus the user style
create('style', {
type: 'text/css',
textContent: config.css.basic + config.css.stylish,
// Add header and title
id: configId + '_header',
className: 'config_header block center',
// Append elements
var section = bodyWrapper,
secNum = 0 // Section count
var lastParentNode = null
// loop through fields
for (var id in fields) {
var field = fields[id],
settings = field.settings
if (settings.section) {
// the start of a new section
section = bodyWrapper.appendChild(
create('div', {
className: 'section_header_holder',
id: configId + '_section_' + secNum,
if (Object.prototype.toString.call(settings.section) !== '[object Array]')
settings.section = [settings.section]
if (settings.section[0])
className: 'section_header center',
id: configId + '_section_header_' + secNum,
if (settings.section[1])
className: 'section_desc center',
id: configId + '_section_desc_' + secNum,
if (settings.line == 'start' && lastParentNode) {
// 切换到下一行
lastParentNode = null
// Create field elements and append to current section
;(lastParentNode || section).appendChild(
(field.wrapper = field.toNode(configId, lastParentNode)),
if (settings.line == 'start') {
lastParentNode = field.wrapper
} else if (settings.line == 'end') {
lastParentNode = null
// Add save and close buttons
{ id: configId + '_buttons_holder' },
create('button', {
id: configId + '_saveBtn',
textContent: '确定',
title: '部分选项需要刷新页面才能生效',
className: 'saveclose_buttons',
onclick: function () {
create('button', {
id: configId + '_closeBtn',
textContent: '取消',
title: '取消本次设置,所有选项还原',
className: 'saveclose_buttons',
onclick: function () {
{ className: 'reset_holder block' },
// Reset link
create('a', {
id: configId + '_resetLink',
textContent: '恢复默认设置',
href: '#',
title: '恢复所有设置的内容为默认值',
className: 'reset',
onclick: function (e) {
body.appendChild(bodyWrapper) // Paint everything to window at once
config.center() // Show and center iframe
top.addEventListener('resize', config.center, false) // Center frame on resize
// Call the open() callback function
config.frame.contentDocument || config.frame.ownerDocument,
config.frame.contentWindow || window,
if (config.isTabs) {
// Close frame on window close
function () {
// Now that everything is loaded, make it visible
config.frame.style.display = 'block'
config.isOpen = true
// Change this in the onOpen callback using this.frame.setAttribute('style', '')
var defaultStyle =
'bottom: auto; border: 1px solid #000; display: none; height: 75%;' +
' left: 0; margin: 0; max-height: 95%; max-width: 95%; opacity: 0;' +
' overflow: auto; padding: 0; position: fixed; right: auto; top: 0;' +
' width: 75%; z-index: 999999999;'
// Either use the element passed to init() or create an iframe
if (this.frame) {
this.frame.id = this.id // Allows for prefixing styles with the config id
this.frame.setAttribute('style', defaultStyle)
buildConfigWin(this.frame, this.frame.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0])
} else {
// Create frame
(this.frame = this.create('iframe', {
id: this.id,
style: defaultStyle,
if (this.frameStyle) {
Object.keys(this.frameStyle).forEach(function (key) {
config.frame.style[key] = config.frameStyle[key]
// In WebKit src can't be set until it is added to the page
this.frame.src = 'about:blank'
// we wait for the iframe to load before we can modify it
function (e) {
var frame = config.frame
var body = frame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
body.id = config.id // Allows for prefixing styles with the config id
buildConfigWin(body, frame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0])
save: function () {
var forgotten = this.write()
this.onSave(forgotten) // Call the save() callback function
close: function () {
if (!this.frame) return
// If frame is an iframe then remove it
if (this.frame.contentDocument) {
this.frame = null
} else {
// else wipe its content
this.frame.innerHTML = ''
this.frame.style.display = 'none'
// Null out all the fields so we don't leak memory
var fields = this.fields
for (var id in fields) {
var field = fields[id]
field.wrapper = null
field.node = null
this.onClose() //  Call the close() callback function
this.isOpen = false
set: function (name, val) {
this.fields[name].value = val
if (this.fields[name].node) {
get: function (name, getLive) {
var field = this.fields[name],
fieldVal = null
if (getLive && field.node) {
fieldVal = field.toValue()
return fieldVal != null ? fieldVal : field.value
write: function (store, obj) {
if (!obj) {
var values = {},
forgotten = {},
fields = this.fields
for (var id in fields) {
var field = fields[id]
var value = field.toValue()
if (field.save) {
if (value != null) {
values[id] = value
field.value = value
} else values[id] = field.value
} else forgotten[id] = value
try {
this.setValue(store || this.id, this.stringify(obj || values))
} catch (e) {
this.log('GM_config failed to save settings!')
return forgotten
read: function (store) {
try {
var rval = this.parser(this.getValue(store || this.id, '{}'))
} catch (e) {
this.log('GM_config failed to read saved settings!')
var rval = {}
return rval
reset: function () {
var fields = this.fields
// Reset all the fields
for (var id in fields) fields[id].reset()
this.onReset() // Call the reset() callback function
create: function () {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 1:
var A = document.createTextNode(arguments[0])
var A = document.createElement(arguments[0]),
B = arguments[1]
for (var b in B) {
if (b.indexOf('on') == 0) A.addEventListener(b.substring(2), B[b], false)
else if (
',style,accesskey,id,name,src,href,which,for'.indexOf(',' + b.toLowerCase()) != -1
A.setAttribute(b, B[b])
else if (typeof B[b] != 'undefined') A[b] = B[b]
if (typeof arguments[2] == 'string') A.innerHTML = arguments[2]
else for (var i = 2, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) A.appendChild(arguments[i])
return A
center: function () {
var node = this.frame
if (!node) return
var style = node.style,
beforeOpacity = style.opacity
if (style.display == 'none') style.opacity = '0'
style.display = ''
style.top = Math.floor(top.innerHeight / 2 - node.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px'
style.left = Math.floor(top.innerWidth / 2 - node.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'
style.opacity = '1'
remove: function (el) {
if (el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
toTabs: function () {
// 转为 tab 的形式
var body = this.frame.tagName == 'IFRAME' ? this.frame.contentWindow.document : this.frame,
configId = this.id
var $ = function (id) {
return body.getElementById(configId + '_' + id)
var headers = body.querySelectorAll('.section_header')
if (!headers.length) return
var anch = this.create('div', {
// id: configId + '_tab_holder',
className: 'nav-tabs',
for (var i = 0, header; i < headers.length; i++) {
header = headers[i]
if (i == 0) {
anch.addEventListener('click', this.toggleTab.bind(this), false)
$('section_0').parentNode.insertBefore(anch, $('section_0'))
var curTab = localStorage.getItem('picviewerCE.config.curTab') || 0
this.toggleTab(parseInt(curTab, 10))
toggleTab: function (e) {
var body = this.frame.tagName == 'IFRAME' ? this.frame.contentWindow.document : this.frame,
configId = this.id
var curTab = typeof e == 'number' ? e : /\_(\d+)/.exec(e.target.id)[1]
;[].forEach.call(body.querySelectorAll('.section_header'), function (header, i) {
if (i == curTab) {
} else {
;[].forEach.call(body.querySelectorAll('.section_header_holder'), function (holder, i) {
holder.style.display = i == curTab ? 'block' : 'none'
localStorage.setItem('picviewerCE.config.curTab', curTab)
// Define a bunch of API stuff
;(function () {
var isGM = typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_getValue('a', 'b') != 'undefined',
// Define value storing and reading API
if (!isGM) {
setValue = function (name, value) {
return localStorage.setItem(name, value)
getValue = function (name, def) {
var s = localStorage.getItem(name)
return s == null ? def : s
// We only support JSON parser outside GM
stringify = JSON.stringify
parser = JSON.parse
} else {
setValue = GM_setValue
getValue = GM_getValue
stringify =
typeof JSON == 'undefined'
? function (obj) {
return obj.toSource()
: JSON.stringify
parser =
typeof JSON == 'undefined'
? function (jsonData) {
return new Function('return ' + jsonData + ';')()
: JSON.parse
GM_configStruct.prototype.isGM = isGM
GM_configStruct.prototype.setValue = setValue
GM_configStruct.prototype.getValue = getValue
GM_configStruct.prototype.stringify = stringify
GM_configStruct.prototype.parser = parser
GM_configStruct.prototype.log = window.console
? console.log
: isGM && typeof GM_log != 'undefined'
? GM_log
: window.opera
? opera.postError
: function () {
/* no logging */
function GM_configDefaultValue(type, options) {
var value
if (type && type.indexOf('unsigned ') == 0) type = type.substring(9)
switch (type) {
case 'radio':
case 'select':
value = options[0]
case 'checkbox':
value = false
case 'int':
case 'integer':
case 'float':
case 'number':
value = 0
value = ''
return value
function GM_configField(settings, stored, id, customType) {
// Store the field's settings
this.settings = settings
this.id = id
this.node = null
this.wrapper = null
this.save = typeof settings.save == 'undefined' ? true : settings.save
// Buttons are static and don't have a stored value
if (settings.type == 'button') this.save = false
if (settings.type == 'span') this.save = false
// if a default value wasn't passed through init() then
//   if the type is custom use its default value
//   else use default value for type
// else use the default value passed through init()
this['default'] =
typeof settings['default'] == 'undefined'
? customType
? customType['default']
: GM_configDefaultValue(settings.type, settings.options)
: settings['default']
// Store the field's value
this.value = typeof stored == 'undefined' ? this['default'] : stored
// Setup methods for a custom type
if (customType) {
this.toNode = customType.toNode
this.toValue = customType.toValue
this.reset = customType.reset
GM_configField.prototype = {
create: GM_configStruct.prototype.create,
toNode: function (configId, lastParentNode) {
var field = this.settings,
value = this.value,
options = field.options,
type = field.type,
id = this.id,
labelPos = field.labelPos,
create = this.create
function addLabel(pos, labelEl, parentNode, beforeEl) {
if (!beforeEl) {
beforeEl = lastParentNode ? parentNode.lastChild : parentNode.firstChild // oneLine 的修正
switch (pos) {
case 'right':
case 'below':
if (pos == 'below') parentNode.appendChild(create('br', {}))
if (pos == 'above') parentNode.insertBefore(create('br', {}), beforeEl)
parentNode.insertBefore(labelEl, beforeEl)
var retNode = create('div', {
className: 'config_var',
id: configId + '_' + id + '_var',
title: field.title || '',
// Retrieve the first prop
for (var i in field) {
firstProp = i
var label =
field.label && type != 'button'
? create(
id: configId + '_' + id + '_field_label',
for: configId + '_field_' + id,
className: 'field_label',
: null
switch (type) {
case 'span':
label = null
this.node = create('span', {
innerHTML: field.label,
className: 'field_label',
title: field.title,
style: field.style,
retNode = this.node
case 'textarea':
(this.node = create('textarea', {
innerHTML: value,
id: configId + '_field_' + id,
className: 'block' + (field.className ? ' ' + field.className : ''),
cols: field.cols ? field.cols : 20,
rows: field.rows ? field.rows : 2,
placeholder: field.placeholder,
case 'radio':
var wrap = create('div', {
id: configId + '_field_' + id,
className: field.className,
this.node = wrap
for (var i = 0, len = options.length; i < len; ++i) {
var radLabel = create(
className: 'radio_label',
var rad = wrap.appendChild(
create('input', {
value: options[i],
type: 'radio',
name: id,
checked: options[i] == value,
var radLabelPos =
labelPos && (labelPos == 'left' || labelPos == 'right')
? labelPos
: firstProp == 'options'
? 'left'
: 'right'
addLabel(radLabelPos, radLabel, wrap, rad)
case 'select':
var wrap = create('select', {
id: configId + '_field_' + id,
this.node = wrap
for (var i = 0, len = options.length; i < len; ++i) {
var option = options[i]
value: option,
selected: option == value,
// fields using input elements
var props = {
id: configId + '_field_' + id,
type: type,
value: type == 'button' ? field.label : value,
switch (type) {
case 'checkbox':
props.checked = value
case 'button':
props.size = field.size ? field.size : 25
if (field.script) field.click = field.script
if (field.click) props.onclick = field.click
case 'hidden':
// type = text, int, or float
props.type = 'text'
props.size = field.size ? field.size : 25
retNode.appendChild((this.node = create('input', props)))
if (label) {
// If the label is passed first, insert it before the field
// else insert it after
if (!labelPos) labelPos = firstProp == 'label' || type == 'radio' ? 'left' : 'right'
addLabel(labelPos, label, retNode)
return retNode
toValue: function () {
var node = this.node,
field = this.settings,
type = field.type,
unsigned = false,
rval = null
if (!node) return rval
if (type.indexOf('unsigned ') == 0) {
type = type.substring(9)
unsigned = true
switch (type) {
case 'checkbox':
rval = node.checked
case 'select':
rval = node[node.selectedIndex].value
case 'radio':
var radios = node.getElementsByTagName('input')
for (var i = 0, len = radios.length; i < len; ++i)
if (radios[i].checked) rval = radios[i].value
case 'button':
case 'int':
case 'integer':
case 'float':
case 'number':
var num = Number(node.value)
var warn = '字符 "' + field.label + '" 必须输入' + (unsigned ? ' 正 ' : 'n ') + '整数值'
if (
isNaN(num) ||
(type.substr(0, 3) == 'int' && Math.ceil(num) != Math.floor(num)) ||
(unsigned && num < 0)
) {
alert(warn + '.')
return null
if (!this._checkNumberRange(num, warn)) return null
rval = num
rval = node.value
return rval // value read successfully
reset: function () {
var node = this.node,
field = this.settings,
type = field.type
if (!node) return
switch (type) {
case 'checkbox':
node.checked = this['default']
case 'select':
for (var i = 0, len = node.options.length; i < len; ++i)
if (node.options[i].value == this['default']) node.selectedIndex = i
case 'radio':
var radios = node.getElementsByTagName('input')
for (var i = 0, len = radios.length; i < len; ++i)
if (radios[i].value == this['default']) radios[i].checked = true
case 'button':
node.value = this['default']
remove: function (el) {
GM_configStruct.prototype.remove(el || this.wrapper)
this.wrapper = null
this.node = null
reload: function () {
var wrapper = this.wrapper
if (wrapper) {
var fieldParent = wrapper.parentNode
fieldParent.insertBefore((this.wrapper = this.toNode()), wrapper)
_checkNumberRange: function (num, warn) {
var field = this.settings
if (typeof field.min == 'number' && num < field.min) {
alert(warn + '必须大于或等于' + field.min + '.')
return null
if (typeof field.max == 'number' && num > field.max) {
alert(warn + '必须小于或等于' + field.max + '.')
return null
return true
// Create default instance of GM_config
var GM_config = new GM_configStruct()