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Sploop.io Tracers

Draws tracers on enemies, teammates and animals


คุณอาจชื่นชอบ Dsync Client [Sploop.io]

// ==UserScript==// @name Sploop.io Tracers// @author Murka// @description Draws tracers on enemies, teammates and animals// @icon https://sploop.io/img/ui/favicon.png// @version 0.2// @match *://sploop.io/*// @run-at document-start// @grant none// @license MIT// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/919633// ==/UserScript==/* jshint esversion:6 *//*Author: MurkaGithub: https://github.com/Murka007Discord: https://discord.gg/sG9cyfGPj5Greasyfork: https://greasyfork.org/en/users/919633Description:- Draws tracers at enemies, teammates and animals- You can choose your tracers mode, `ARROWS` or `LINES`- If you will have any issues with this script, report about it in my discord*/(function() {"use strict";// Customize tracers by changing valueswindow.tracers = {mode: "ARROWS", // ARROWS, LINEScolor: {teammate: "#a4cc4f",enemy: "#cc5151"}};const log = console.log;function createHook(target, prop, setter) {if (!window.hooks) {window.hooks = {setter: [],getter: []};}window.hooks.setter.push(setter);const symbol = Symbol(prop);Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {get() {return this[symbol];},set(value) {for (const setter of window.hooks.setter) {setter(this, symbol, value);}},configurable: true})}const myPlayer = {id: null,data: null};// Get player idwindow.WebSocket = new Proxy(WebSocket, {construct(target, args) {const socket = new target(...args);socket.addEventListener("message", function(event) {try {const data = JSON.parse(event.data);if (data[0] === 35) {myPlayer.id = data[1];}} catch(err) {}})return socket;}})createHook(Object.prototype, "i", function(that, symbol, value) {that[symbol] = value;if (myPlayer.id === value) myPlayer.data = that;});function formatPosition(args) {const [ img, x, y ] = args;return {x: x + 0.5 * img.width / 2,y: y - 67.5};}function triangle(ctx, x, y, width, height, angle, color) {ctx.save();ctx.translate(x, y);ctx.rotate(angle);ctx.fillStyle = color;ctx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(width, 0);ctx.lineTo(0, -height);ctx.lineTo(-width, 0);ctx.closePath();ctx.fill();ctx.restore();}function lines(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {ctx.save();ctx.strokeStyle = color;ctx.lineCap = "round";ctx.lineWidth = 5;ctx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);ctx.stroke();ctx.restore();}const COLOR = {TEAMMATE: "#a4cc4f",ENEMY: "#cc5151"};// drawImage is called when the game draws a health gaugeCanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage = new Proxy(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage, {apply(target, _this, args) {const data = target.apply(_this, args);const [ img, x, y, w, h ] = args;if (img instanceof HTMLCanvasElement &&[COLOR.TEAMMATE, COLOR.ENEMY].includes(_this.fillStyle) &&myPlayer.data !== null &&w === img.width * 0.5 &&h === img.height * 0.5) {const { gU: x1, gV: y1 } = myPlayer.data;const { x: x2, y: y2 } = formatPosition(args);const angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);const isMyPlayer = angle === -Math.PI/2 && _this.fillStyle === COLOR.TEAMMATE;const { teammate, enemy } = window.tracers.color;const color = _this.fillStyle === COLOR.TEAMMATE ? teammate : enemy;if (!isMyPlayer) {const x = x1 + 80 * Math.cos(angle);const y = y1 + 80 * Math.sin(angle);switch (window.tracers.mode) {case "ARROWS":triangle(_this, x, y, 15, 40, angle + Math.PI / 2, color);break;case "LINES":lines(_this, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);break;}}}return data;}})})();