// ==UserScript== // @name:zh-CN 帖子导出工具 // @name Posts_Dumper // @namespace https://blog.chrxw.com // @version 1.4 // @description:zh-CN 导出帖子内容到数据库 // @description 导出帖子内容到数据库 // @author Chr_ // @match https://keylol.com/* // @match https://dev.keylol.com/* // @connect // @connect store.steampowered.com // @license AGPL-3.0 // @icon https://blog.chrxw.com/favicon.ico // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== setTimeout(async () => { 'use strict'; const port = 8000; const host = ''; const matchTid = new RegExp(/(?:t|tid=)(\d+)/); const treadList = document.querySelector("#threadlisttableid"); if (treadList !== null) {//获取帖子列表 function genBtn(name, foo) { const b = document.createElement('button'); b.textContent = name; b.className = 'pd_btn'; b.addEventListener('click', foo); return b; } function genDiv(cls) { const d = document.createElement('div'); d.className = cls ?? 'pd_div'; return d; } function genSpan(text) { const s = document.createElement('span'); s.textContent = text; return s; } function genHr() { const b = document.createElement('hr'); return b; } function genBr() { const b = document.createElement('br'); return b; } function genIframe() { const i = document.createElement('iframe'); return i; } function genText() { const t = document.createElement('input'); t.placeholder = '帖子ID'; t.className = 'pd_text'; return t; } const panel = genDiv('pd_panel'); const tempIframe = genIframe(); const tempIframe2 = genIframe(); const tempIframe3 = genIframe(); const tempIFrames = [tempIframe, tempIframe2, tempIframe3]; const status = await testBackend(); const statusTips = genSpan(status ? '连接成功' : '连接失败'); const btnGrubNew = genBtn('抓取尚未记录的', async () => { const postLists = treadList.querySelectorAll("th.common>a.pd_not_added.xst,th.new>a.pd_not_added.xst,th.lock>a.pd_not_added.xst"); const total = postLists.length; if (total > 0) { statusTips.textContent = `开始抓取,共 ${total} 篇`; const workTread = tempIFrames.length; for (let i = 0; i < total; i += workTread) { const max = Math.min(i + workTread, total); const tasks = []; for (let j = i; j < max; j++) { const postTag = postLists[j]; const tid = grubTid(postTag.href); const url = genUrl(tid) + '?utm=######'; tempIFrames[j - i].src = url; postTag.classList.remove('pd_not_added'); postTag.classList.add('pd_done'); tasks.push(waitUnitlDone(tid)); } await Promise.all(tasks); statusTips.textContent = `抓取进度 ${max}/${total}`; } statusTips.textContent = '抓取结束'; } else { statusTips.textContent = '没有可以抓取的帖子'; } await freshPostList(); }); const btnGrubAll = genBtn('抓取所有', async () => { const postLists = treadList.querySelectorAll("th.common>a.xst,th.new>a.xst,th.lock>a.xst"); const total = postLists.length; if (total > 0) { statusTips.textContent = `开始抓取,共 ${total} 篇`; const workTread = tempIFrames.length; for (let i = 0; i < total; i += workTread) { const max = Math.min(i + workTread, total); const tasks = []; for (let j = i; j < max; j++) { const postTag = postLists[j]; const tid = grubTid(postTag.href); const url = genUrl(tid) + '?utm=######'; tempIFrames[j - i].src = url; postTag.classList.remove('pd_not_added'); postTag.classList.add('pd_done'); tasks.push(waitUnitlDone(tid)); } await Promise.all(tasks); statusTips.textContent = `抓取进度 ${max}/${total}`; } statusTips.textContent = '抓取结束'; } else { statusTips.textContent = '没有可以抓取的帖子'; } await freshPostList(); }); const txtTid = genText(); const btnGrubOne = genBtn('手动抓取', async () => { const tid = parseInt(txtTid.value); if (!(tid > 0)) { alert('请输入整数 TID'); return; } statusTips.textContent = `TID ${tid} 开始抓取`; const url = genUrl(tid) + '?utm=######'; tempIframe.src = url; const r###lt = await waitUnitlDone(tid); postTag.classList.remove('pd_not_added'); postTag.classList.remove('pd_added'); postTag.classList.add('pd_done'); statusTips.textContent = `TID ${tid} ${r###lt}`; await freshPostList(); }); const btnExportExcel = genBtn('导出Excel', () => { window.open(`http://${host}:${port}/api/excel`); }); const btnExportBBCode = genBtn('导出BBCode', () => { window.open(`http://${host}:${port}/api/bbcode`); }); const btnResetDB = genBtn('重置数据库(删除所有数据)', async () => { if (confirm('真的要删除所有数据吗?')) { await deleteAllData(); } }); const btnControl = genBtn('在管理面板浏览数据', () => { window.open(`http://${host}:${port}/index.html`); }); panel.appendChild(statusTips); panel.appendChild(genHr()); if (status) { panel.appendChild(btnGrubNew); panel.appendChild(btnGrubAll); panel.appendChild(genHr()); panel.appendChild(txtTid); panel.appendChild(btnGrubOne); panel.appendChild(genHr()); panel.appendChild(btnExportExcel); panel.appendChild(btnExportBBCode); panel.appendChild(genHr()); panel.appendChild(btnResetDB); panel.appendChild(genHr()); panel.appendChild(btnControl); panel.appendChild(genHr()); panel.appendChild(tempIframe); panel.appendChild(genBr()); panel.appendChild(tempIframe2); panel.appendChild(genBr()); panel.appendChild(tempIframe3); document.getElementById('autopbn').addEventListener('click', async () => { setTimeout(async () => { await freshPostList(); }, 500); }); //判断是否已抓取 await freshPostList(); } else { panel.appendChild(genSpan('请检查软件是否运行以及端口是否被占用')); setTimeout(() => { panel.style.display = 'none'; }, 3000); } document.body.appendChild(panel); } else if (ifNeedGrub()) {//抓取帖子内容 const tid = grubTid(location.href); const post_url = genUrl(tid); const post_title = document.getElementById('thread_subject')?.textContent ?? '获取失败'; const eleAuthor = document.querySelector('div.pi>div.authi>a.xw1'); const author_nick = eleAuthor?.textContent ?? '获取失败'; const author_uid = eleAuthor?.href.replace('https://keylol.com/suid-', '') ?? '获取失败'; const post_date = document.querySelector('div.pti>div.authi>em[id]')?.textContent.substring(4) ?? '获取失败'; const eleContent = document.querySelector('td[id^=postmessage'); const nodes = eleContent?.childNodes ?? []; const contentLines = []; function node2text(node) { switch (node.nodeName) { case 'I': case 'A': case 'IFRAME': case 'STYLE': case 'SCRIPT': case 'IMG': return; case "DIV": if (node.classList.contains('aimg_tip')) { return; } } if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { const raw = node.textContent?.trim(); if (raw && raw.length > 2 && raw.search('未经许可,严禁转载') === -1) { contentLines.push(raw); } } else { if (node.childNodes?.length > 0) { for (let child of node.childNodes) { node2text(child); } } } } for (let node of nodes) { node2text(node); } const content = contentLines.join('\n'); const steamLinks = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='https://store.steampowered.com/'],a[href^='https://steamdb.info/app/']"); const grubAppid = new RegExp(/app\/(\d+)\/?/); const appIDsSet = new Set(); for (const ele of steamLinks) { const href = ele.href; if (href) { const appID = parseInt(grubAppid.exec(href)?.[1] ?? 0); if (appID > 0) { appIDsSet.add(appID); } } } const appIDs = [...appIDsSet]; const bbcodes = []; const excels = []; const tasks = []; for (let appid of appIDs) { tasks.push(getGameName(appid)); } const values = await Promise.all(tasks); for (let [succ, name, appid] of values) { if (!succ) { name = `【${name ?? '读取出错'}】`; } bbcodes.push(`[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/${appid}/]${name}[/url]`); excels.push(`${name} https://store.steampowered.com/app/${appid}/`); } const game_list = appIDs.join(' | '); const game_bbcode = bbcodes.join('\n'); const game_excel = excels.join('\r\n'); const data = { tid, post_url, post_title, author_nick, author_uid, post_date, content, game_list, game_bbcode, game_excel }; console.log(data); try { GM_setValue(tid, '抓取完成'); await savePostData(data); } catch (error) { GM_setValue(tid, error); } } //显示是否已经抓取 async function freshPostList() { const tidSet = await getPostIds(); const postLists = treadList.querySelectorAll("th.common>a.xst,th.new>a.xst,th.lock>a.xst"); for (let postTag of postLists) { const tid = grubTid(postTag.href); postTag.classList.remove('pd_not_added'); postTag.classList.remove('pd_added'); postTag.classList.remove('pd_done'); if (tidSet.has(tid)) { postTag.classList.add('pd_added'); postTag.title = '【已抓取】'; } else { postTag.classList.add('pd_not_added'); postTag.title = '【未抓取】'; } } } //判断是否需要抓取 function ifNeedGrub() { if (location.search.endsWith('utm=######')) { return matchTid.test(location.href) >= 0; } else { return false; } } //提取tid function grubTid(url) { return matchTid.exec(url)?.[1] ?? url.match(matchTid); } //生成链接 function genUrl(tid) { return `https://keylol.com/t${tid}-1-1`; } //----------------------------------- //检测后台连通性 function testBackend() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $http.get(`http://${host}:${port}/api/test`) .then((response) => { resolve(response?.code === 666); }) .catch((reason) => { resolve(false); }); }); } //检测是否抓取完成 function waitUnitlDone(tid) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let t1, t2; t1 = setInterval(() => { const fin = GM_getValue(tid); if (fin) { clearInterval(t1); clearInterval(t2); GM_deleteValue(tid); resolve(fin); } }, 50); t2 = setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(t1); GM_deleteValue(tid); resolve('操作超时'); }, 10000); }); } //获取已抓取的帖子tid列表 function getPostIds() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $http.get(`http://${host}:${port}/api/posts/ids`) .then((response) => { const tidSet = new Set(); if (response?.code !== 0) { console.error(response?.msg ?? '消息为空'); } else { const data = response?.data ?? []; for (let o of data) { tidSet.add(o); } } resolve(tidSet); }) .catch((reason) => { reject(reason); }); }); } //上传抓取结果 function savePostData(data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $http.post(`http://${host}:${port}/api/post`, JSON.stringify(data)) .then((response) => { console.log(response); resolve(response?.code !== 0); }) .catch((reason) => { console.log(reason); resolve(false); }); }); } //删除所有数据 function deleteAllData() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $http.delete(`http://${host}:${port}/api/posts`) .then((response) => { console.log(response); resolve(response?.code !== 0); }) .catch((reason) => { console.log(reason); resolve(false); }); }); } //获取游戏名 function getGameName(appid) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $http.get(`https://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails?appids=${appid}&l=schinese`) .then((response) => { const { success, data } = response[appid]; resolve([success, data['name'], appid]); }) .catch((reason) => { console.log(reason); resolve(false, reason, appid); }); }); } }, 500); //----------------------------------- class Request { 'use strict'; constructor(timeout = 3000) { this.timeout = timeout; } get(url, opt = {}) { return this.#baseRequest(url, 'GET', opt, 'json'); } getHtml(url, opt = {}) { return this.#baseRequest(url, 'GET', opt, ''); } getText(url, opt = {}) { return this.#baseRequest(url, 'GET', opt, 'text'); } post(url, data, opt = {}) { opt.data = data; opt.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" }; return this.#baseRequest(url, 'POST', opt, 'json'); } delete(url, opt = {}) { return this.#baseRequest(url, 'DELETE', opt, 'json'); } #baseRequest(url, method = 'GET', opt = {}, responseType = 'json') { Object.assign(opt, { url, method, responseType, timeout: this.timeout }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { opt.ontimeout = opt.onerror = reject; opt.onload = ({ readyState, status, response, responseXML, responseText }) => { if (readyState === 4 && status === 200) { if (responseType == 'json') { resolve(response); } else if (responseType == 'text') { resolve(responseText); } else { resolve(responseXML); } } else { console.error('网络错误'); console.log(readyState); console.log(status); console.log(response); reject('解析出错'); } }; GM_xmlhttpRequest(opt); }); } } const $http = new Request(); //CSS表 GM_addStyle(` .pd_div { vertical-align: middle; } .pd_panel { background: rgba(58, 58, 58, 0.5); position: fixed; top: 50%; right: 0px; text-align: center; transform: translate(0px, -50%); z-index: 100; padding: 5px; border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; } .pd_panel > *:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 5px; } .pd_panel > hr { margin: 5px 0 5px; } .pd_panel > span { color: #fff; } .pd_panel > iframe { width: 200px; height: 50px; } .pd_added::before { content: "✅"; } .pd_not_added::before { content: "❌"; } .pd_done::before { content: "🤔"; } .pd_text { width: 90px; text-align: center; } `);