bypass countdown for websites that distribute APK files.
// ==UserScript== // @name Bypass Countdown (Multi-site) // @namespace - // @version 1.1.2 // @description bypass countdown for websites that distribute APK files. // @author NotYou // @include *://* // @include *://*/download* // @include *://**download* // @include *://**download* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://*/download* // @include *://*/download* // @include *://*/file* // @include *://*?download* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://*/?download=links* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @run-at document-end // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @grant none // ==/UserScript== init('', ` #timer,[rel*="sponsored"],.banner {display: none !important;} #pre_download {display: block !important;} .box-file-img > img {border-radius: 8px;}`) init('', ` .collapsible-body {max-height: unset !important;} #waitdownloads_types_2, #waitdownloads_types_2 > a {text-decoration: none;transform: scale(2);font-size: 0px;} #waitdownloads_types_2 > a::before {background: rgb(71, 181, 21);color: rgb(255, 255, 255);content: "DOWNLOAD";border-radius: 20px;padding: 2px 8px;font-size: 15px;} #waitdownloads_types_2 > a > i, #please_wait_seconds_types_2, p.truncate.has-text-align-center.has-inline-color.has-cyan-bluish-gray-color, #apps .base-timer {display: none !important;}`) let apkmody = ['', '', '', ''] for (let i = 0; i < apkmody.length; i++) { init(apkmody[i], ` #download-loading {display: none !important;} #download {display: block !important;}`) } init('', ` .counter, .telegram-cdn-btn, .page-cdn-notimer {display: none;} .download-btn-group {display: unset !important;}`) init('', ` .counter {display: none;} .counter ~ * {display: block !important;}`) init('', ` #dwn-btn *, .download__faq-text[style] {display: block !important;} .download__timer {display: none !important;}`) init('', ` .bx-download .bxt.sdl_text {display: none;} .show_download_links {display: block !important;}`) init('', ` #mdtimer {display: none;} #mdtimer + .button-download {display:block !important;}`) init('', ` #download-loading {display: none;} #download {display: block !important;}`) init('', () => { document.querySelector('#download-now').style.display = 'block' addStyle('#download-loading {display: none !important;}') }) init('', () => { let href = document.querySelector('#page-body + script').textContent.match(/= \"(.*?)\"/)[1] addStyle(` .counter {display: none !important;} #pageDownload2WrapButton > a {display: flex !important;}`) document.querySelector('#pageDownload2WrapButton > a').href = href document.querySelector('#downloadHere').href = href }) init('', () => { = document.querySelector('[type="text/css"] + script').textContent.match(/= '(<a.*?)'/)[1] = 'download-new' }) init('', () => { try { document.querySelector('#progress_new').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', ` <div id="download" class="text-center mb-4" style="display: block;"> <a id="no-link" class="btn btn-secondary px-5" href="${document.querySelector('[id="no-link download"]').href}" download=""> <svg class="svg-5 mr-1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 576 512"><path d="M528 288h-92.1l46.1-46.1c30.1-30.1 8.8-81.9-33.9-81.9h-64V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-96c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v112h-64c-42.6 0-64.2 51.7-33.9 81.9l46.1 46.1H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v128c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V336c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-400-80h112V48h96v160h112L288 368 128 208zm400 256H48V336h140.1l65.9 65.9c18.8 18.8 49.1 18.7 67.9 0l65.9-65.9H528v128zm-88-64c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24z"></path></svg> <span class="align-middle moddroid">Download</span></a></div>`) } catch(e) {} addStyle( `#accordion-downloads .collapse:not(.show) {display: unset !important;} #download {display: block !important;} #progress_new, .waitme, #download + #download {display: none !important;}`) }) function init(url, s) { if(match(url)) { if(typeof s === 'string') { addStyle(s) } else { s() } } } function match(url) { return != -1 } function addStyle(css) { var style = document.createElement('style') style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css.replaceAll(' ', ''))) document.head.appendChild(style) }