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// ==UserScript==
// @name         dulst.com的CardFighit Vanguard OverDulst文本替换汉化
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/450728-dulst-com%E7%9A%84cardfighit-vanguard-overdulst%E6%96%87%E6%9C%AC%E6%9B%BF%E6%8D%A2%E6%B1%89%E5%8C%96
// @version      0.9.9
// @description  通过将英文替换为中文的方法,汉化卡片战斗先导者OD的网页游戏
// @author       库X崔羊羊
// @match        https://dulst.com/overdulst*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=dulst.com
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/450726-elementgetter1-2-0/code/ElementGetter120.js?version=1089539
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals ElementGetter */
//Stand up, The Vanguard!!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
(function() {
'use strict';
const fanyi1 = {
'Aegismare Dragon': '神盾幻马龙',
'Acrobat Presenter': '杂技主持人',
'Alert Guard Gunner': '警戒守卫枪手',
'Uncanny Burning': '怪异燃烧',
'Violate Dragon': '违抗龙',
'Vairina Arcs': '瓦尔里#·弓弧',
'Vairina Valiente': '瓦尔里#·勇气',
'Vairina': '瓦尔里#',
'Eminence Jaboberus': '出众三头巨犬',
'Electro Spartan': '电光斯巴达',
'Autonomic Caution': '自律警报器',
'Grapple External': '搏击外来者',
'Granaroad Fairtigar': '暗红·化虎',
'Ghost Chase': '幽灵追猎',
'Conduct Spark Dragon': '电光导流龙',
'Sunburst Evolution': '骤阳之进化',
'Sunrise Egg': '拂晓之蛋',
'Sunrise Egg (Reward)': '拂晓之蛋(奖品)',
'Sunrise Egg (Beta Promo)': '拂晓之蛋(封测限定)',
'Sunlight Punishment': '阳光之惩戒',
'Shadow Leak Magician': '渗影奇术师',
'Steam Artist Pithana': '蒸汽艺术家 皮坦#',
'Steam Gunner Brody': '蒸汽枪手 布罗迪',
'Steam Scara Mal-Nigal': '蒸汽测量者 玛尔尼加尔',
'Steam Detective Uvaritt': '蒸汽侦探 乌巴里特',
'Steam Battler Gungnram': '蒸汽战士 贡古努拉姆',
'Security Patroller': '安保巡逻员',
'Selfish Engraver': '自私雕刻师',
'Dark Strain Dragon': '暗黑重压龙',
'Direful Doll Simone': '恐怖人偶 希蒙涅',
'Tartarus Beatscram': '地狱猛打并列争球',
'Twin Buckler Dragon': '双盾龙',
'Diabolos \'Violence\' Bruce': '魔惧会 “暴虐” 布鲁斯',
'Diabolos \'Violence\' Bruce (DSR)': '魔惧会 “暴虐” 布鲁斯(异画)',
'Diabolos \'Bad\' Steve': '魔惧会 “恶童” 史蒂夫',
'Diabolos \'Anger\' Richard': '魔惧会 “愤怒” 理查德',
'Diabolos \'Innocent\' Matt': '魔惧会 “无垢” 玛特',
'Diabolos \'Innocent\' Matt (Reward)': '魔惧会 “无垢” 玛特(奖品)',
'Diabolos Officer Gillian': '魔惧会指挥 基里安',
'Diabolos Girls Arianna': '魔惧会女孩 雅莉安娜',
'Diabolos Girls Maimai': '魔惧会女孩 麦麦',
'Diabolos Boys Eden': '魔惧会男孩 伊登',
'Diabolos Boys Jake': '魔惧会男孩 杰克',
'Deep Soniker': '深度音速',
'Divine Sister Tartine': '神圣修女 果酱面包片',
'Divine Sister Pastelitos': '神圣修女 酥皮馅饼',
'Divine Sister Faciata': '神圣修女 珐希亚塔',
'Divine Sister Lepisto': '神圣修女 莱比斯托',
'Dragritter Alwalith': '龙族骑士 阿尔瓦利斯',
'Dragritter Zafar': '龙族骑士 扎法尔',
'Dragritter Dabbaax': '龙族骑士 达巴弗',
'Trickstar': '托里科斯塔',
'Trickstar (DSR)': '托里科斯塔 (异画)',
'Nikkari Aoe': '笑面青江',
'Vital Leaver': '致命掠夺',
'Hydrolic Ram Dragon': '液压撞击龙',
'Huckle Hustle': '喧闹砍伐',
'Brothers\' Soul': '兄弟会之魂',
'Platinum Wolf': '白金之狼',
'Planar Prevent Dragon': '预防气息龙',
'Flinty Slasher': '燧石斩击',
'Protobulb Dragon': '原始阀门龙',
'Painkiller Angel': '止痛天使',
'Heshikiri Hasebe': '压切长谷部',
'Hopeful Testode': '希望龟甲阵',
'Useful Recharger': '有益再充能者',
'Recusal Hate Dragon': '憎恶回避龙',
'Looting Petal Stomalia': '根植花瓣 斯特玛利亚',
'Lost Child of Attachment': '留恋的迷路人',
'Gloomy Tour': '暗淡游灵',
'White Light Dragon Parasolace': '白光龙 慰藉副栉龙',
'White Crow Sorcerer Taxus': '白乌的魔术师 红豆杉',
'White Fang Witch Disma': '白牙之魔女 松叶菊',
'Jeweled Combination Jewelion': '宝珠合体 玉石式',
'Grief Despair and Rejection': '悲叹与绝望,以及拒绝',
'Spurring Maiden Ellenia': '鞭挞的少女 伊蕾尼娅',
'Icicle Ein Aizer': '冰冥之贵公子 艾扎',
'Hakata Toushirou': '博多藤四郎',
'Fudou Yukimitsu': '不动行光',
'Psychic Prima Miranda': '超动之舞姬 米兰达',
'Hyperspeed Robo Chevalstud': '超速机器人 良种骏马',
'Yamatonokami Yasusada': '大和守安定',
'Big Snake Witch Solaria': '大蛇之魔女 美蛛花',
'Lightning Thief Monster Jabattail': '盗电怪兽 贾巴特尔',
'Crawl you \'Insects\'!': '在地上爬行吧,“下等生物”!',
'Lightning Barrier Emergency Deployment!': '电光防壁,紧急展开',
'Electrode Monster Adapton': '电极怪兽 阿达仆通',
'Apex Ruler Bastion': '顶峰天帝 巴斯提昂',
'Apex Ruler Bastion (DSR)': '顶峰天帝 巴斯提昂(异画)',
'Detonation Mutant Bobalmine': '爆破怪兽 博巴尔麦因',
'Exalting Knight Eafred': '发扬的骑士 埃亚弗雷德',
'Sealed Path': '被封闭的道路',
'Knight of Broadaxe Rafluke': '斧钺的骑士 拉夫尔克',
'Upward Acrobat Marjorie': '高层的杂技师 玛洁莉',
'Conspiring Mutant Admantis': '共谋怪人 增添螳螂',
'Mysterious Rain Spiritualist Zorga': '怪雨的降灵术师 佐尔加',
'Extremist Dragon Velocihazard': '过激龙 涉险伶盗龙',
'Grand Heavenly Sword Alden': '豪仪之天剑 奥尔登',
'Black Tears Husk Dragon': '黑泪之骸龙',
'Grudgeful Hatchet': '憎恨的劈刀',
'Atsushi Toushirou': '厚藤四郎',
'Escort Stealth Dragon Hayashi Kaze': '护卫忍龙 囃子风',
'Phantasma Magician Curtis': '幻想的奇术师 卡提斯',
'Fire Slash Dragon Inferno Sword': '火斩龙 业火之剑',
'Vehement Witch Ramana': '激烈的魔女 拉玛娜',
'Rushing Dragon Steel Dilopho': '急行龙 僵持双冠龙',
'Aurora Battle Princess Agra Rouge': '极光战姬 阿嘉拉·胭脂',
'Aurora Battle Princess Amy Orange': '极光战姬 艾米·橙',
'Aurora Battle Princess Kyanite Blue': '极光战姬 基尔娜·蓝',
'Aurora Battle Princess Seraph Snow': '极光战姬 塞拉斯·白',
'Aurora Battle Princess Seraph Snow (DSR)': '极光战姬 塞拉斯·白(异画)',
'Aurora Battle Princess Treuse Green': '极光战姬 托尔修·绿',
'Aurora Battle Princess Fronte Rose': '极光战姬 芙珑特·玫',
'Aurora Battle Princess Risatt Pink': '极光战姬 莉莎特·粉',
'Aurora Battle Princess Lourus Yellow': '极光战姬 露露丝·黄',
'Aurora Battle Princess Ruby Red': '极光战姬 露比·红',
'Aurora Battle Princess Ruby Red (Reward)': '极光战姬 露比·红(奖品)',
'Polar Cold Monster Drumler': '极冷怪兽 多拉姆拉',
'Inheritance Maiden Hendrina': '继承的少女 亨德莉娜',
'Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame': '加州清光 极',
'Kashuu Kiyomitsu Toku': '加州清光 特',
'Kashuu Kiyomitsu Sentou': '加州清光 战斗',
'Kashuu Kiyomitsu Shinken Hissatsu': '加州清光 真剑必杀',
'Kashuu Kiyomitsu': '加州清光',
'Imanotsurugi': '今剑',
'Cardinal Noid Cubisia': '柩机之兵 丘比吉亚',
'Cardinal Noid Routis': '柩机之兵 卢奇斯',
'Cardinal Draco Aeblood': '柩机之龙 埃布拉德',
'Cardinal Draco Barbizonde': '柩机之龙 巴比宗德',
'Cardinal Deus Orfist': '柩机之神 奥菲斯特',
'Cardinal Fang Phovi': '柩机之兽 弗维',
'Cardinal Fang Fulgrus': '柩机之兽 弗格尔斯',
'Cardinal Prima Nabilem': '柩机之姬 娜比雷姆',
'Lifesaving Angel Kurabiel': '救命天使 库拉比耶尔',
'Craggy Beast Girgrand': '巨岩怪兽 基尔古兰德',
'Spiritual King of Determination Olbaria': '决意的精灵王 奥尔巴利亚',
'Remission Sword Phanuel': '宽解之太刀 珐努耶尔',
'Tearful Malice': '泪流之恶意',
'Time-fissuring Fist Colossus': '烈震空拳的时空巨兵',
'Spiritual Body Condensation': '灵体凝缩',
'Hexaorb Sorceress': '六角宝珠的女魔术师',
'Midare Toushirou': '乱藤四郎',
'Dream Nibbling': '食梦灵',
'Nakigitsune': '鸣狐',
'Burn Bright Pure Prayers': '清澈的祈祷啊,旺盛燃烧吧',
'In the Darkness Nobody Knows': '于无人知晓的黑暗之中',
'Stealth Dragon Jaengoku': '忍龙 邪炎狱',
'Stealth Dragon Tensha Stead': '忍龙 转写替代',
'Stealth Dragon Hadou Shugen': '忍龙 霸道修验',
'Stealth Fiend Shigamanago': '忍妖 凌汛爱子',
'Light Dragon Deity of Honors Amartinoa': '荣典之光龙神 诺亚圣盾',
'Soulful Wild Master Megan': '入魂的操兽师 梅甘',
'Tri Connect Sorceress': '三角联想的女魔术师',
'Gunning of Dust Storm Nigel': '沙尘之枪击 奈结尔',
'Double Gun of Dust Storm Bart': '沙尘之双枪 巴特',
'Cataclysmic Bullet of Dust Storm Randor': '沙尘之凶弹 兰多尔',
'Heavy Artillery of Dust Storm Eugene': '沙尘之重炮 尤金',
'Abyss Temptation': '深渊引诱使',
'The Hour of Holy Judgement Cometh': '圣裁之刻,来临',
'Ishikirimaru': '石切丸',
'Call to the Beasts': '呼唤兽之声',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Agleo': '树角兽 阿雷伊欧',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Valin': '树角兽 婆黎',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Charis': '树角兽 卡利斯',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Giunosla': '树角兽 丘诺斯拉',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Jackalope': '树角兽 加卡洛普',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Zlatorog': '树角兽 扎拉托洛格',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Dooger': '树角兽 杜伽',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Polatter': '树角兽 珀拉塔',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Lattice': '树角兽 拉提斯',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Lotte': '树角兽 罗特',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Lotte (Reward)': '树角兽 罗特(奖品)',
'Sylvan Horned Beast King Magnolia': '树角兽王 马格诺利亚',
'Sylvan Horned Beast King Magnolia (DSR)': '树角兽王 马格诺利亚(异画)',
'Tier Square Sorceress': '四角重层的女魔术师',
'Knight of Heavenly Hammer Gurgant': '天锤的骑士 古尔坎特',
'Knight of Heavenly Wind Vachel': '天风的剑士 维切尔',
'Knight of Heavenly Bows Base': '天弓的骑士 贝斯',
'Knight of Heavenly Bows Base (Reward)': '天弓的骑士 贝斯(奖品)',
'Knight of Heavenly Pierce Gallus': '天贯的骑士 加尔斯',
'Source Dragon Deity of Blessings Blessfavor': '天惠之源龙王 恩宠吐息',
'Knight of Heavenly Sword Fort': '天剑的骑士 福特',
'Knight of Heavenly Rend Lif': '天裂的骑士 利弗',
'Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon Nirvana': '天轮圣龙 涅槃',
'Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon Nirvana (DSR)': '天轮圣龙 涅槃(异画)',
'Knight of Heavenly Spear Rooks': '天枪的骑士 勒克斯',
'Healer of Heavenly Staff Arshes': '天杖的治疗师 阿谢丝',
'Stealth Rogue of Iron Blade Oshikuni': '铁刀的忍鬼 推国',
'Iron Ball Dragon Ankybowler': '铁球龙 投球甲龙',
'Penetrate Dragon Tribash': '突贯龙 猛击三角龙',
'Elegy Pixy': '挽歌的妖精',
'Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude Eldobreath': '无穷之星龙帝 古老星昴',
'Gokotai': '五虎退',
'Pentagleam Sorceress': '五角闪光的女魔术师',
'Fighting Dragon Goldog Dragon': '#斗龙 金斗具龙',
'Hollowing Moonlit Night': '虚无之月夜',
'Blaze Fist Monk Nikko': '焰之拳僧 日光',
'Blaze Maiden Zonne': '焰之巫女 宗妮',
'Blaze Maiden Rino': '焰之巫女 莉诺',
'Blaze Maiden Reiyu': '焰之巫女 蕾尤',
'Blaze Maiden Rona': '焰之巫女 萝娜',
'Blaze Staff Monk Cho Kuu Sha': '焰之杖僧 直射',
'Causality Goes Crazy as I Will It': '狂乱吧因果,遵循我的意志',
'Galaxy Central Prison Galactolus': '银河##监狱 银河托管所',
'Shadow Bow Archer Lisana': '影弓的射手 莉萨娜',
'Knight of Friendship Cyrus': '友情的骑士 塞伊拉斯',
'Circuling Sorceress': '圆环的女魔术师',
'Hades Dragon Deity of Resentment Gallmageheld': '怨恨之冥龙神 食尸古贤',
'Rancor Chain': '怨念锁',
'Hopeful Maiden Alejandra': '意愿的少女 亚丽杭德拉',
'Dragon Deity King of R###rgence Dragveda': '再起之龙神王 龙魂吠陀',
'Seizing Slash Mutant Bruslash': '斩获怪人 牛力斩击',
'Knight of War Damage Fosado': '战祸的骑士 弗萨德',
'Actual Analyst Kokabiel': '真相解读 科卡比尔',
'Downswing of Sword of Judgement': '挥起的裁决之剑',
'Stealth Rogue of Strife Fudoumaru': '争斗的忍鬼 不动丸',
'Astute Noble Eddga': '智虑的贵公子 埃德加尔',
'Master of Gravity Baromagnes': '重力的支配者 磁力重压',
'Cursed Souls Squirming in Agony': '受诅咒之魂在痛苦挣扎',
'Shadow Army': '夜影兵',
'Plant': '植物',
'Momokke': '莫莫克',
'Fullbau': '弗路巴乌',
'Nine-tailed Fox Spirit Tamayura': '九尾妖狐 玉响',
'Lizard Runner Undeux': '蜥蜴奔行者 安度',
'One With Profound Mercy Kheios': '慈悲深厚者 浑沌',
'Jewelias Dracokid': '珠宝态幼龙',
'Desire Devil Taida': '欲望恶魔 怠惰',
'One Who Craves Knowledge Eva': '知识的渴望者 艾娃',
'Gravidia Dellen': '重力孕育者·代伦',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Arhinsa': '封焰龙 不害',
'Wingal Brave': '温加尔·勇士',
'Knight of Integrity Thegrea': '清廉的骑士 泰格莉娅',
'Youth Following in Footsteps Youth': '追逐背影的少年 朱斯',
'Bioroid Youth Rorowa': '植培种少年 罗洛瓦',
'Announcing Wind of Spring Corphie': '告春之风 柯尔菲',
'Officer Cadet Charicles': '士官候补生 卡里克勒斯',
'Trickmoon': '托里科穆恩',
'Awaiting Smile Maruel': '等待的微笑 玛尔耶尔',
'Cutie Topic Rabeena': '传闻之美 拉维娜',
'MiMish Tubbylila': 'MiMish 塔比莱拉',
'Admired Dear Sister Feltyrosa': '憧憬的姐姐大人 菲尔缇罗萨',
'To Deliver a Song Loronerol': '为了传递歌声 罗洛涅萝尔',
'Brilliance in the Ore Wilista': '秘藏光辉的原石 维莉丝塔',
'Monochromic Personality Alestiel': '白黑的个性 阿蕾斯缇耶尔',
'Dignified Will Clarissa': '凛然之志 克拉莉萨',
'Astesice Mion': '六星彩 澪音',
'Shinano Toushirou': '信浓藤四郎',
'Houchou Toushirou': '包丁藤四郎',
'Kasen Kanesada': '歌仙兼定',
'Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki': '陆奥守吉行',
'Yamanbagiri Kunihiro': '山姥切国广',
'Hachisuka Kotetsu': '蜂须贺虎彻',
'Thor': '托尔',
'Zeus': '宙斯',
'Poseidon': '波塞冬',
'Brunhilde': '布伦希尔德',
'Diaglass Sorceress': '金刚镜的女魔术师',
'Witch of Entertainment Brana': '飨应的魔女 布兰',
'Additional Angel': '附加天使',
'Magic of Advancement MelCoCo': '荣升的魔法 梅尔可可',
'Knight of Heavenly Thundering Leedy': '天轰的骑士 莉迪',
'Blaster Javelin': '狂风标枪',
'Black Sage Charon': '黑之贤者 卡隆',
'Magic of Revelation Totris': '启示的魔法 托托莉丝',
'Magic of Realization Kikitsch': '感悟的魔法 基基琪由',
'Diffuser Angel': '扩压天使',
'Knight of Heavenly Piercing Esalta': '天穿的骑士 艾扎尔塔',
'Knight of Heavenly Stride Salire': '天跃的剑士 萨利雷',
'Magic of Starry Skies Marlna': '星空的魔法 玛露露娜',
'Removal Angel': '移除天使',
'Knight of Heavenly Release Hulp': '天发的骑士 弗路普',
'Armor Piercing Knight Mugain': '铠穿的骑士 穆加恩',
'Knight of Desolation Fionnuala': '孤影的骑士 菲诺拉',
'Leapmya': '利普喵',
'Flag of Heavenly Save Salyne': '天救之御旗 萨利涅',
'Stepmya': '斯提普喵',
'Knight of Heavenly Omen Grandir': '天兆的骑士 古兰迪尔',
'Patrol of Heavenly Eye Touve': '天瞳的斥候 托维',
'Livesaving Angel Digriel': '救命天使 迪格里耶尔',
'Prohibited Sight Witch Erunmes': '禁览的魔女 恩玛斯',
'Knight of Friendship Kay': '友谊的骑士 凯',
'Energy Refill Angel': '能量回填天使',
'Little Sage Marron': '年轻的贤者 马隆',
'Orgulous Lion': '高傲雄狮',
'Beneath the Brilliant Light Thegrea': '在辉煌的光芒下 泰格莉娅',
'Glintbreath Dragon': '闪烁吐息龙',
'Prescription Angel': '处方天使',
'Fide Gaon': '菲德加昂',
'Discernment Magic Pupurira': '明察的魔法 普普莉拉',
'Asepsis Angel': '防#天使',
'Determined to Break Away Youth': '启程的决心 朱斯',
'Breakdown Witch Fectil': '破约的魔女 菲克提尔',
'Aurora Battle Princess Loaded Azalee': '极光战姬 罗蒂德·杜鹃',
'Aurora Battle Princess Whopper Prune': '极光战姬 瓦帕·梅',
'Aurora Battle Princess Tra Bouquenvillea': '极光战姬 图拉·九重葛',
'Aurora Battle Princess Shirer Zenith': '极光战姬 夏依拉·天顶蓝',
'Aurora Battle Princess Tear Croca': '极光战姬 缇娅·番红',
'Aurora Battle Princess Suppress Gleamer': '极光战姬 萨普雷丝·微光',
'Aurora Battle Princess Riot Beeble': '极光战姬 莱欧特·藏蓝',
'Aurora Battle Princess Horn Apricot': '极光战姬 霍恩·杏',
'Aurora Battle Princess Perio Turquoise': '极光战姬 佩利奥·绿松',
'Aurora Battle Princess Derii Violet': '极光战姬 德莉·紫罗兰',
'Aurora Battle Princess Birett Canary': '极光战姬 毕蕾特·淡黄',
'Aurora Battle Princess Survey Vermillion': '极光战姬 萨维·朱',
'Aurora Battle Princess Cuff Spring': '极光战姬 卡芙·春绿',
'Aurora Battle Princess Trace Jeune': '极光战姬 托雷丝·明黄',
'Aurora Battle Princess Restraint Pianie': '极光战姬 莉斯特莲特·牡丹',
'Aurora Battle Princess Accuse Makarite': '极光战姬 阿秋兹·孔雀石',
'Aurora Battle Princess Spark Limone': '极光战姬 斯帕克·柠檬',
'Aurora Battle Princess Barrage Ltra': '极光战姬 巴拉吉·群青',
'Aurora Battle Princess Mel Horizon': '极光战姬 梅尔·蔚蓝',
'Aurora Battle Princess Execute Lemonun': '极光战姬 艾克斯库特·柠黄',
'Aurora Battle Princess Tazer Lage': '极光战姬 提萨·橘',
'Aurora Battle Princess Chasing Neer': '极光战姬 切辛格·指甲红',
'Aurora Battle Princess Launcher Charleen': '极光战姬 兰彻·黄绿',
'Gravidia Orgueil': '重力孕育者·奥盖尔',
'Gravidia Wells': '重力孕育者·韦尔斯',
'Gravidia Abee': '重力孕育者·阿比',
'Gravidia Mont Dieu': '重力孕育者·蒙迪厄',
'Gravidia Peters': '重力孕育者·彼得斯',
'Gravidia Stanner': '重力孕育者·斯坦乃恩',
'Gravidia Barringer': '重力孕育者·巴林杰',
'Gravidia Laigle': '重力孕育者·莱格勒',
'Gravidia Shergo': '重力孕育者·休格',
'Gravidia Rlyk': '重力孕育者·卡哈尔雷克',
'Gravidia Marut': '重力孕育者·马利特',
'Gravidia Nordlinger': '重力孕育者·诺德林根',
'Gravidia Pribram': '重力孕育者·普日布拉姆',
'Gravidia Bacubirito': '重力孕育者·巴库维里托',
'Neatness Meteor Shower': '齐整陨石雨',
'Falling Hellhazard': '坠落狱灾',
'Moment of Securing! Aurora Battle Princesses 24 Hours Coverage!': '逮捕的瞬间!极光战姬密切接触24小时!',
'Whimsical Machine Beast Bugmotor': '奇想机兽 巴格莫塔',
'Aurora Fierce Princess Seraph Purelight': '极光烈姬 塞拉斯·极净光',
'Explosive! Melting Heart!': '炸裂!熔化之心!',
'Aurora Battle Princess Dragnet Intense Record of Great Pursuit!': '极光战姬搜查网 追踪大片!',
'Astesice Kanami': '六星彩 奏海',
'Astesice Misa': '六星彩 水纱',
'Astesice×Live Kairi': '六星彩×演唱会 海璃',
'Next Step Laplume': '向下一阶迈步 拉普拉姆',
'Conspicuous Anxiety Kaadya': '难以隐藏的焦急 卡蒂娅',
'Astesice Nanami': '六星彩 七波',
'Brilliance and Elegance Aerith': '英才与气质 埃莉丝',
'Astesice Kiyora': '六星彩 清良',
'Bashful Striver Kinkee': '害羞的努力家 金琪',
'Astesice Kairi': '六星彩 海璃',
'Throbbing Search Loronerol': '探寻心动 罗洛涅萝尔',
'Blossoming Vocal Loronerol': '花绽的歌声 罗洛涅萝尔',
'Heartfelt Song Loronerol': '响彻人心之歌 罗洛涅萝尔',
'Vairina Erger': '瓦尔里#·怒气',
'Jeweled Sword Equip Garou Vairina': '#装宝剑 魔刃瓦尔里#',
'Sword Equip Dragon Galondight': '装剑龙 伽隆戴特',
'Steel Wall Equip Vilz Vairina': '#装刚壁 雷殿瓦尔里#',
'Brilliant Equip Bram Vairina': '#装闪辉 梵弓瓦尔里#',
'Vairina Esperaridea': '瓦尔里#·希望概像',
'Galactic Hero Purely Agno': '银河英勇 纯粹之阿古诺',
'Surprise Egg': '惊喜之蛋',
'Diabolos \'Unrivaled\' Bruce': '魔惧会 “绝胜” 布鲁斯',
'Chakrabarthi True Dragon Mahar Nirvana': '天轮真龙 伟大涅槃',
'Apex-surpassing Sword Bastion Prime': '顶峰超越之剑 崇高巴斯提昂',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor Magnolia Elder': '树角兽帝 长老马格诺利亚',
'Elegance Moment Loppil': '优雅一刻 罗琵尔',
'Capriccio of Circulating Star Ingrid': '巡星之绮想曲 英格丽德',
'Dedicated Serenade Eleonore': '为妳#上之小夜曲 艾蕾欧诺蕾',
'Join Grasp Ernesta': '手牵着手 埃尔涅斯塔',
'Little Lady Helmina': '任性姑娘 赫尔米娜',
'Canon of Overlaid-spinning Dietlinde': '交织之追走曲 迪特琳德',
'Eternally Indistinguishable Aubade Irene': '别离于永远之夜明曲 伊蕾涅',
'Rondo of Eventide Moon Feltyrosa': '宵暗月之轮舞曲 菲尔缇罗萨',
'Talent of Enjoyment Feltyrosa': '享乐的才媛 菲尔缇罗萨',
'Beautiful Day Off Feltyrosa': '美丽的假日 菲尔缇罗萨',
'Hair-braiding Aspiration Heilwig': '扎起头发的憧憬 海尔维希',
'Precious Tune Edwige': '珠玉一曲 艾德维希',
'Transparent Snowy Night Beretoi': '澄澈之雪夜 贝蕾托娅',
'Honest Council President Eknoa': '一本正经的会长 埃克蕾娅',
'Dancing Score Elmer': '舞动的五线谱 艾露梅尔',
'Fighting Spirit Recharge! Louisa': '为心情充电! 路易莎',
'Fleeting Maiden Hannelore': '虚梦少女 汉内洛蕾',
'Wraith Embrace Betina': '幽魂的拥抱 贝缇娜',
'Sweet Tone Kriemhild': '甘甜的音色 库莉姆希尔特',
'Head Groupie, Marleen': '亲卫队长 玛尔伦',
'Stronger Yearning in the Heart Florenzia': '积于心中的慕情 芙洛伦缇娅',
'Straight Gaze Konstanze': '目光直视 康斯坦谢',
'Fingertips that Uplift Hearts Edelgard': '指尖心动 艾德尔加德',
'Charmed in the Moonlit Night Mechtild': '在月夜飘荡 梅希缇尔特',
'Attentive Deep Love Ottilie': '守望之深爱 奥缇莉耶',
'Fantastic Fur-nale Catrina': '奇喵终曲 凯特莉娜',
'Mystic Voice Renata': '神秘之音 蕾娜塔',
'Distinct Wordsense Flor': '冷澈的词意 芙洛尔',
'Mini-live After School Katina': '放学后迷你演出 卡缇娜',
'Magnificent Timbre Lyudia': '壮丽音调 琉蒂娅',
'Windy Harmonica Tertes': '风奏口琴 特尔特斯',
'Sophisticate Teresia': '精明世故 特蕾吉娅',
'Registering Emotions Romana': '书写记录的思绪 罗玛娜',
'Steady Progress Pecoree': '坚实的步伐 佩可莉',
'MiMish Fortia': 'MiMish 芙洛缇娅',
'Mya Mya Ensemble Nala': '喵喵合奏 娜拉',
'Burgeoning Tone Signe': '振翅的音色 希格妮',
'Key to Intimacy Cucca': '关系好的秘诀 库卡',
'Natural Chirp Melria': '自然鸣啼 梅尔莉娅',
'MiMish Rikashenna': 'MiMish 莉卡什娜',
'Nonchalant and Composed Ercilia': '悠闲大方 艾尔希莉娅',
'Snowskip Palvi': '雪中跳跃 帕尔维',
'Beating Heart Kamila': '跳动之心 卡米拉',
'Happy Tasting Tigr': '吧咂滋味 缇格尔',
'After School as Always Yulia': '一如既往的放学后 尤莉娅',
'Wakey World Elisa': '早安世界 艾莉莎',
'Shiny Coat Marucia': '闪亮毛发 玛尔希娅',
'Radiance Pride Irmeli': '辉煌的矜持 伊尔梅莉',
'MiMish Azhachir': 'MiMish 阿兹哈琪尔',
'Unleash the Passion! Rinnea': '迸发青春之冲动! 琳涅娅',
'Precise Curriculum Libuse': '精确课程表 莉布谢',
'Vairina Exspecta': '瓦尔里#·期望',
'Cardinal Noid Thumborino': '柩机之兵 象征##',
'Gluttonic Monster Malnorm': '爆食怪兽 马诺尔姆',
'Cardinal Prima Ecolpa': '柩机之姬 巴黎派',
'Cardinal Prima Altepo': '柩机之姬 贫穷艺术',
'Whirlpool Robo Ramdrought': '旋空机器人 冲压无惧',
'Cardinal Fang Rayosia': '柩机之兽 光线##',
'Cardinal Fang Kinetia': '柩机之兽 动感艺术',
'Cardinal Prima Ractart': '柩机之姬 分形艺术',
'Rough Trample Monster Megagrago': '荒躏怪兽 梅伽古拉戈',
'Cardinal Noid Suprema': '柩机之兵 至上##',
'Obliging Monster Secondel': '关怀怪兽 瑟康德尔',
'AiD 9-V': '救援机 9-V',
'An Afternoon Nap Regardless of Place Eva': '午觉去哪睡呢 艾娃',
'Successor of the Variable Star': '变光星之继子',
'Galactic Hero Direct Folie': '银河英勇 指挥之弗莉埃',
'Galactic Hero Architect Percy': '银河英勇 建设之帕希',
'Capable Helper': '得力帮手',
'Planet Wall Dragon': '星墙龙',
'Cardinal Noid Callaphe': '柩机之兵 色域绘画',
'Rapid Charger': '助跑充能者',
'Cardinal Principal Regio': '柩机之徒 地域##',
'Cardinal Draco Alviderd': '柩机之龙 影像艺术',
'Cardinal Fang Marisma': '柩机之兽 极简##',
'Cardinal Fang Estrett': '柩机之兽 装置艺术',
'Harmful Bite Monster Zabokarni': '咬害怪兽 扎波卡尼',
'Cardinal Draco Destijade': '柩机之龙 风格派',
'Cardinal Draco Abstrim': '柩机之龙 抽象派',
'Blitz Interrupter': '闪现阻断者',
'Cardinal Draco Culjameed': '柩机之龙 文化干扰',
'Cardinal Noid Negrita': '柩机之兵 黑人精神',
'Melt Change Monster Alseadiran': '溶变怪兽 奥尔希迪兰',
'Pantarhei Dragon': '万物恒变龙',
'Smooth Research Progress Eva': '研究顺利 艾娃',
'Aiding Monster Tectien': '援助怪兽 特克唐',
'Heavyarmed Panzer': '重#装战车',
'Suppression Robo Sir Repel': '镇压机器人 驱除爵士',
'Galactic Hero Rampart Aspida': '银河英勇 壁垒之阿斯匹达',
'Galactic Hero Flaton Sphire': '银河英勇 猛击之苏菲蕾',
'Galactic Hero Wired Crossten': '银河英勇 连接之库罗斯通',
'Combine Rusher': '组合猛冲者',
'Aurora Battle Princess Detain Cycla': '极光战姬 迪汀·仙客来',
'Flash Scissors Monster Scissors Bar': '闪铗怪兽 希扎兹巴',
'Twin Press Smasher': '双压猛击者',
'Cardinal Fang Dadai': '柩机之兽 达达##',
'Cardinal Noid Plasteia': '柩机之兵 塑造##',
'Cardinal Draco Zeljio': '柩机之龙 分离派',
'Hard Fist Dragon Metalknuckler Dragon': '硬拳龙 金属震拳龙',
'Twisting Bulldoze': '曲折推平者',
'Cardinal Draco Stil Juge': '柩机之龙 青年派',
'Electromagnetic Monster Elehireseade': '电磁怪兽 艾雷赫希德',
'Fountain of Knowledge Eva': '智慧之泉 艾娃',
'Galactic Hero Unite Dyanos': '银河英勇 联合之迪亚诺斯',
'Cardinal Draco Nuvorea': '柩机之龙 新写实##',
'Aurora Battle Princess Crumple Orchid': '极光战姬 库兰普尔·兰紫',
'Invasion Monster Azuzuradon': '侵掠怪兽 阿兹祖拉冬',
'Cardinal Dominus Orfist Regis': '柩机之主神 君王奥费##',
'Cool-headed Executor Mikani': '冷彻的遂行者 米卡尼',
'Knight of Blackness Obscudeid': '黑暗的骑士 奥布斯克迪特',
'Eclipsed Moonlight': '侵蚀之月光',
'Refablishment Dock': '整修平台',
'Experiment Successful!': '实验大成功!',
'Heroes Base \'A.E.G.I.S.\'': '超银河基地 “神之盾”',
'Overcoming an Eternity': '超越悠久的时间',
'Dissolve into the Depths of Hades Oh Evil Heart': '将那邪心,熔入暗冥吧',
'Ameliorate Connector': '改善连接者',
'Lady Healer of the Creaking World': '吱响世界的女治疗员',
'Star Aggression Dragon': '侵星龙',
'Aberrant Gleam Dragon': '异常闪光龙',
'Heavy Machinery Conversion Heavy Constalion': '重机变形 坚重式',
'Alterate Sphere Dragon': '交替球体龙',
'Whistling Arrow of Recursion, Obifold': '回归之镝矢 轨形',
'Patrol Robo Dekarcop': '警逻机器人 印记警官',
'Cardinal Draco Enpyro': '柩机之龙 环境艺术',
'Embodiment of Armor Bahr': '铠之化身 巴尔',
'Blaze Maiden Aruna': '焰之巫女 阿露娜',
'Blaze Maiden Zara': '焰之巫女 扎拉',
'Blaze Fist Monk Enten': '焰之拳僧 炎天',
'Stealth Dragon Kizanreiji': '忍龙 鬼斩灵玺',
'Dragon Monk Gojo': '龙僧 悟净',
'Dragritter Iduriss': '龙族骑士 伊德里斯',
'Stealth Dragon Togachirashi': '忍龙 咎飞散',
'Stealth Dragon Fushimachi Madoka': '忍龙 卧待之圆',
'Blaze Maiden Ximena': '焰之巫女 希梅娜',
'Dragritter Shihab': '龙族骑士 希哈布',
'Twin Strike of Dust Storm Orlando': '沙尘之双击 奥兰德',
'Blaze Fist Monk Tenji': '焰之拳僧 天日',
'Angled Shot of Dust Storm Alastair': '沙尘之曲射 阿拉斯塔',
'Hunting Bullet of Dust Storm Cedric': '沙尘之猎弹 塞德里克',
'Deflect Pulse Dragon': '偏转脉冲龙',
'Blaze Pole Monk Retsuji': '焰之棍僧 烈日',
'Strong Sharp Dragon Geizfort': '坚锐龙 要塞闸门',
'Lobbed Bullet of Dust Storm Ooley': '沙尘之掷弹 欧利',
'Lobbed Artillery of Dust Storm Dooley': '沙尘之掷炮 德利',
'Blaze Maiden Tonya': '焰之巫女 托妮娅',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Ihsita': '封焰龙 伟大',
'Blaze Fist Monk Chouki': '焰之拳僧 朝晖',
'Stealth Fiend Forktail': '忍妖 叉尾',
'Acute Dragon Eoraphas': '尖锐龙 凶猛始盗龙',
'In the Calm Sunlight Tamayura': '在安宁的日照下 玉响',
'Ignite Blow Dragon': '引火拳龙',
'Flash Equip Dragon Bramahda': '装闪龙 梵授',
'Wall Equip Dragon Biruskill': '装壁龙 毕尔斯基尔',
'Sharp Equip Dragon Adamaros': '装锐龙 阿达玛斯',
'Blaze Maiden Rosel': '焰之巫女 蕾泽尔',
'Heart-pounding Blaze Maiden Rino': '雀跃的焰之巫女 莉诺',
'Dragritter Hardy': '龙族骑士 哈迪',
'Dragritter Antal': '龙族骑士 安塔尔',
'Dragritter Faisal': '龙族骑士 法伊萨尔',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Namorkahr': '封焰龙 那莫卡',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Shirunga': '封焰龙 犄角',
'Blaze Maiden Mirin': '焰之巫女 米玲',
'Blaze Maiden Amelia': '焰之巫女 阿梅莉娅',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Samsara': '封焰龙 轮回',
'Blaze Covert Monk Kageri': '焰之密僧 阴云',
'Strong Fortress Dragon Jibrabrachio': '坚城龙 山地腕龙',
'Dragon Knight Nehalem': '龙骑士 尼海连',
'Berserk Dragon': '狂暴龙',
'Blaze Maiden Tanya': '焰之巫女 塔妮娅',
'Crossrock Dragon': '紧密岩石龙',
'Dragritter Nasir': '龙族骑士 #西尔',
'Armored Dragon Mountcannon': '装甲龙 炮装底座',
'Howitzer of Dust Storm Dustin': '沙尘之榴炮 达斯廷',
'Blaze Maiden Toresa': '焰之巫女 特蕾莎',
'Steel Bullet of Dust Storm Ethan': '沙尘之钢弹 伊珊',
'Patrol Dragon Scoutptera': '哨戒龙 侦查翼手龙',
'Blast Artillery Dragon Brachioforce': '爆炮龙 动力腕龙',
'Blaze Pole Monk Shakune': '焰之棍僧 灼热',
'Flare Scourge Dragon': '焰灾龙',
'Stun Voltech Dragon': '眩晕流电龙',
'Twin Bullet of Dust Storm Travis': '沙尘之双弹 特拉维斯',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Sikshanya': '封焰龙 受教',
'Blaze Maiden Sonya': '焰之巫女 索妮娅',
'Stealth Dragon Shakugan': '忍龙 灼眼',
'Lava Wire Dragon': '熔岩导线龙',
'Burning Horn Dragon': '燃角龙',
'Dragritter Girl of Flame Blossoms Radylina': '炎华之龙煌骑士少女 拉迪莉娜',
'Twin Direful Dolls Ririmi': '双子恐怖人偶 莉莉米',
'Twin Direful Dolls Rarami': '双子恐怖人偶 菈菈米',
'Perforate Burner Dragon': '穿孔燃烧龙',
'Motive Stealth Rogue Tsumugi': '缘由的忍鬼 䌷',
'Festival of Burning Tamayura': '燃烧祭祀 玉响',
'Stealth Dragon Hadanressou': '忍龙 破断裂创',
'Rumbling Shear Dragon': '轰鸣剪断龙',
'Equipped Steel Dragon Balcon': '装钢龙 盘孔',
'Snuggling Blaze Maiden Reiyu': '陪伴的焰之巫女 蕾尤',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Shabda': '封焰龙 言语',
'Heat Stamping Dragon': '炽热冲压龙',
'Blaze Maiden Elba': '焰之巫女 艾尔巴',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Halibadra': '封焰龙 师子贤',
'Psomophagy Dragon Hungersaurus': '荒食龙 饥饿蜥蜴',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Aaushniya': '封焰龙 炽热',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Idahm': '封焰龙 此物',
'Blaze Battle Monk Koukan': '焰之#僧 光冠',
'Dragonic Overlord': '龙纹·帝王',
'Blaze Fist Monk Damari': '焰之拳僧 达玛里',
'Volcanic Gun Dragon': '火山枪龙',
'Blaze Fist Monk Gyoukou': '焰之拳僧 晓光',
'Titlist Dragon Musashid Armor': '豪杰龙 #藏堂铠甲',
'Piercing Bullet of Dust Storm Maynard': '沙尘之穿弹 梅#德',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Adarla': '封焰龙 敬重',
'Blaze Kick Monk Koukei': '焰之蹴僧 光景',
'Lightning Howl Dragon': '闪电咆哮龙',
'Dragonic Overlord the End': '龙纹·终结帝王',
'Deepening Night Tamayura': '于幽远之夜中 玉响',
'Excavation Dragon Bariodigneel': '掘削龙 挖掘重爪龙',
'Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon Nirvana Jheva': '天轮凤龙 涅槃·魂灵',
'Fanes Prowder Dragon': '熔炉负重龙',
'Sealed Blaze Maiden Bavsargra': '封焰之巫女 婆缚娑伽罗',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Ulsalra': '封焰龙 贫瘠',
'Prayers That Will Reach Someday': '终将传达的祈祷',
'Flame Dragon Bomber': '火龙轰炸',
'Ambush Killsmoke': '伏击杀烟',
'Sublimating Wish': '升华之祈愿',
'Fleeting Shine That Lights Life': '照亮生命的清幽之光',
'Wind of the Apocalypse': '默示录之风',
'Connecting Holy Flames': '联结之圣炎',
'Feelings to Pierce Through': '贯彻的思绪',
'Horn of Blessing': '祝福的角笛',
'Best Harvest': '袭获祭',
'Prayer of Resonating Wishes': '共鸣的希望之祈祷',
'Sealed Blaze Spear Aadhitya': '封焰之枪 阿底提耶',
'Sealed Blaze Gun Chandra': '封焰之铳 战捺罗',
'Solitary Spiritual Treasure': '孤高之灵宝',
'Sealed Blaze Sword Prithivih': '封焰之剑 颇哩提毗',
'Sealed Blaze Shield Swayanbuh': '封焰之盾 斯瓦扬布',
'Stealth Fiend Amaviera': '忍妖 阿玛比埃',
'Cure Flare Dracokid': '愈焰幼龙',
'Recurring Magic Lalarita': '再来的魔法 拉拉莉塔',
'Palladium Zeal Dragon': '神护热忱龙',
'Enucleate Angel': '摘除天使',
'Magic of Change Memerul': '转变的魔法 梅梅璐璐',
'Menacing Tiger': '恐吓之虎',
'Diana Digon Sorceress': '二角月灯的女魔术师',
'Bard of the Heavenly Instrument Lutente': '奏天的乐士 鲁特提',
'Stellar Razor Angel': '无菌剃刀天使',
'Knight of Subtlety Owine': '精妙的骑士 奥瓦因',
'Darkness Maiden Macha': '漆黑的少女 玛赫',
'Divine Sister Petit-four': '神圣修女 花色小蛋糕',
'Knight of Heavenly Collapse Capaldo': '天破的骑士 卡帕尔德',
'Blaster Dark': '暗黑狂风',
'Magic of Objective Kakarone': '立志的魔法 卡卡罗涅',
'Knight of Severe Punishment Geid': '严罚的骑士 盖伊德',
'Magic of Appreciation Nanaful': '幸甚的魔法 娜娜福尔',
'Drilling Angel': '钻孔天使',
'Knight of Heavenly Bullet Proklis': '天弹的骑士 普罗克里斯',
'Injection Angel': '注射天使',
'Yearnful Magic ###nono': '想望的魔法 艾斯诺诺',
'Knight of Heavenly Flash Eclesia': '天闪的骑士 艾克蕾西亚',
'Knight of Heavenly Handling Contenio': '天扒的骑士 康特尼奥',
'Unnatural Knight Delbaeth': '非业的骑士 德尔拜斯',
'Blaster Blade': '狂风剑刃',
'Skull Witch Nemain': '骷髅的魔女 内文',
'Knight of Protective Spear Arthen': '卫枪的骑士 阿森',
'Knight of Loyalty Bedivere': '#义的骑士 贝狄#尔',
'Harsh Training Thegrea': '严格修炼 泰格莉娅',
'Knight of Spright Freeda': '飒爽的骑士 弗莱德',
'Knight of Fearlessness Rediquess': '刚勇的骑士 雷德奇乌斯',
'Ampoule Scatterer Angel': '安瓿散射天使',
'Knight of Old Animosity Camloss': '宿怨的骑士 卡姆洛斯',
'Knight of Fracture Schneizal': '破断的骑士 施耐泽尔',
'Octaray Sorceress': '八面光芒的女魔术师',
'Knight of Fierce Break Friede': '烈破的骑士 芙利德',
'Quadracast Sorceress': '矩形咏唱的女魔术师',
'Divine Sister Beignet': '神圣修女 贝涅饼',
'Milch Weiss Schutzer': '乳白护卫者',
'Witch of Moon Rabbits Rubinia': '月兔之魔女 槐叶萍',
'Knight of Trident Gerald': '三叉戟的骑士 杰拉尔德',
'Gold Gaon': '戈尔德加昂',
'Tetrafavor Sorceress': '四面恩光的女魔术师',
'Knight of Ardent Light Youth': '烈光的骑士 朱斯',
'Internalize Mage': '内化法师',
'Knight of Partings Lloygre': '离别的骑士 罗伊加',
'Sturdiness Dragon': '强健龙',
'Knight of Piercing Cadwalla': '通贯的骑士 凯德瓦拉',
'Heavenly Bow of Edifying Guidance Refuerzos': '唱导之天弓 雷菲尔索斯',
'Phantom Blaster Dragon': '幻影狂风龙',
'Soaring Dragon Prideful Dragon': '天翔龙 高傲龙',
'Virulence Dragon': '恶毒龙',
'Octadevote Sorceress': '八角报谢的女魔术师',
'Heavenly Staff of Kind Intention Cortese': '厚志之天杖 科尔提赛',
'Heavenly Blade of Magnificence Bestida': '雄浑之天刃 贝斯提达',
'Heavenly Shock of Distinction Lagrele': '卓绝之天冲 拉格雷尔',
'Easerod Angel': '舒缓权杖天使',
'Heavenly Incitation Above the Clouds Blagar': '云上之天激 布拉加',
'Heavenly Core of Wonder Fortitudo': '惊叹之天核 弗尔提德',
'Heaven Sent Great Magic Milmomo': '天来的大魔法 米尔摩摩',
'Bullseye Scope Gaderel': '对症之巧药 加德尔耶尔',
'Heavenly Shield of Encompassment Felicida': '网罗之天盾 菲莉希达',
'Heavenly Pike of Solicitation Cornvoc': '招来之天矛 科伦沃克',
'Twinned Great Magic Totohne': '双连的大魔法 托托乌涅',
'Heavenly Arrow of Sure-hit Sparare': '必中之天矢 斯帕拉雷',
'Reverse Coil Knight Nuadha': '叛乡的骑士 努阿达',
'Heavenly Blade of Vow Flient': '誓约之天刃 弗里恩特',
'Roaring Heavenly Slash Getouse': '轰然之天斩 格图泽',
'Heavenly Enclasp Dragon Embrace Dragon': '天拥龙 怀抱龙',
'Phantom Blaster Overlord': '幻影狂风帝王',
'Majesty Lord Blaster': '王#·狂风领主',
'One Who Walks the Path of Light Thegrea': '前行于光道之人 泰格莉娅',
'One Who Blooms in the Dark Thegrea': '绽放于暗黑之人 泰格莉娅',
'Kindlight Dragon': '宽容光束龙',
'Gigantech Beater': '巨型拍打者',
'Knight of Clearsightness Arvirargus': '卓识的骑士 阿维拉古斯',
'Divine Sister Saint-Honoré': '神圣修女 圣多诺黑',
'Youthberk \'Skyfall Arms\'': '朱斯贝克 “破天黎骑”',
'Youthberk \'RevolForm: Gust\'': '朱斯贝克 “反抗黎骑·疾风”',
'Decisive Axe Dragon': '决战斧龙',
'Bowstring of Heavenly Peace Affion': '天乐之弓琴 阿尔菲翁',
'Heavenly Sickle of Pulsation Repodron': '脉动之天镰 雷珀德隆',
'Youthberk \'Protofall Arms\'': '朱斯贝克 “天坠黎骑”',
'Youthberk \'RevolForm: Zest\'': '朱斯贝克 “反抗黎骑·红莲”',
'Departure towards Daybreak': '向黎明出阵',
'Fortune Reading': '命运解读',
'Passion that Breaks the Heavens': '天碎之激情',
'Form Up O Chosen Knights': '并肩作战吧,被选中的骑士们!',
'Sublime Will': '崇高的意志',
'Wish for Tomorrow': '寄愿于明日',
'Pride to Protect': '应守护的骄傲',
'Light that Shines upon the Truth': '照耀真理之光',
'Bravery To Stand Against Will to Pierce Through': '直面的勇气、贯彻的觉悟',
'Blessing of the Hell Dragon': '奈落龙的庇佑',
'Protection Magic Prorobi': '加护的魔法 普洛洛比',
'Invigorate Sage': '鼓舞圣贤',
'Daring Knight Sawel': '豪胆的骑士 塞瑟尔',
'Operating Angel': '开刀天使',
'Merciless Buffalo': '无情野牛',
'Palpitation Angel': '悸动天使',
'Heartiness Tear Sorceress': '泪滴赋活的女魔术师',
'Variation Rigger Dragon': '意志艰苦龙',
'Aclemya': '阿库尔喵',
'Resolute Mage': '坚决法师',
'Recuperate Angel': '休养天使',
'Bard of Heavenly Song Alpacc': '天音的乐士 阿尔帕克',
'Blade Feather Dragon': '刃羽龙',
'Powerful Dash Andora': '全力冲刺 安德拉',
'Relaxed Conversation Philomena': '悠闲聊天 菲罗梅娜',
'Positive Singing Louche': '朴实前进 罗谢',
'Friendship Hilda': '友情交友 伊尔达',
'Appassionato Justine': '元气爆发 尤丝缇涅',
'Challenge to Self Trudie': '挑战自我 托尔蒂',
'Sound in the Wind Ducayla': '风中之音 杜凯拉',
'Head to the Pinnacle Katlein': '目标是顶点 卡特莱茵',
'Hasty Panic Floortje': '惊慌失措 芙洛彻',
'Attract Peach Ertines': '魅惑之美 艾尔缇努',
'Delightful Encounter Gertie': '迎来美好的相遇 赫尔缇',
'Thorough Rest Melmahr': '彻底休息 梅尔玛尔',
'Fluent Style Marijn': '流丽之美姬 玛蕾茵',
'Tranquil Affection Elivira': '静谧之慈爱 艾莉薇拉',
'Lovable Dress Lija': '最强可爱 莉嘉',
'Blue-haired Prodigy Receus': '青发之异才 里希乌丝',
'Midnight Lesson Vannh': '午夜课程 凡努',
'Charming Style Tsetsilia': '魅惑的微笑 采塞利娅',
'Symphonic Sky Lyudmila': '歌声于夜空中响彻 柳德米拉',
'Detour Together Elvi': '与大家顺道同行 艾尔维',
'Along with Smiles Geezya': '共同欢笑 基兹娅',
'Cheshire Smile Larisa': '柴郡猫式微笑 拉莉莎',
'Intercommunicating Gaze Feodora': '交集的视线 菲奥德拉',
'Permeating Kindness Paline': '深切的温柔 帕莱涅',
'Sniping Eyeful Leranje': '狙击之美 蕾兰婕',
'Faintly Slump? Apel': '略微消沉? 阿佩尔',
'Slow Kiss ―♡→ Nonna': '缓慢之吻❤→ 农娜',
'Bathing Fountain Terues': '喷泉沐浴 缇尔艾丝',
'Motivation Aplenty! Arlette': '干劲满满! 阿尔蕾特',
'Blooming Season Rudi': '花开的季节 露蒂',
'Scramble Sprint Selma': '仓促短跑 瑟尔玛',
'Advancing Courage Bertieu': '鼓起踏步向前的勇气 贝尔缇优',
'Diva of Refreshing Calm Christine': '凉凪的歌姬 克里斯缇娜',
'Munching Girl Seeya': '吃货女孩 西娅',
'Fulfill Sweets Angelma': '满载甜品 安泽尔玛',
'Earnescorrect Supporter Leona': '诚意真心的支持者 莉欧娜',
'Determined Cheerfulness Sarka': '好胜之明朗 夏尔卡',
'Earnescorrect Supporter Trilby': '诚意真心的支持者 特莉尔比',
'Serious Challenger Clarissa': '认真的挑战者 克拉莉萨',
'Earnest Stare Ivetta': '认真的目光 伊维塔',
'Earnescorrect Member Evelyn': '诚意真心的成员 艾芙琳',
'Earnescorrect Member Katalyn': '诚意真心的成员 卡塔琳',
'Accurate Interval Clarissa': '正确的音程 克拉莉萨',
'Earnescorrect Leader Clarissa': '诚意真心的领队 克拉莉萨',
'The Flawless Me Fiamma': '准备万全的我 菲安玛',
'Tense Moment Katie': '紧张的瞬间 凯缇',
'Classy Breeze Harriet': '爽朗的王子 哈里耶特',
'Proof of Hard Work Wilista': '努力的证明 维莉丝塔',
'Enthusiastic Noon Chantal': '紧张的早晨 珊塔尔',
'Dependable Senior Aries': '可靠的最高年级生 阿莉艾斯',
'Dreaming Pupils Emeline': '梦想之瞳 爱梅莱茵',
'Definite Growth Rugena': '惊异之急速成长 露杰娜',
'Morning Routine Aera': '晨间锻炼 艾伊拉',
'Practicing in Secret Mayzie': '悄悄自主练习中 梅吉',
'Opposing Kindness Virginia': '口是心非的温柔 瓦吉尼娅',
'Unrelenting Talent Henrietta': '不气馁的才能 亨利耶塔',
'Expanding World Wilista': '广袤的世界 维莉丝塔',
'Loaded Sentiments Evelina': '倾注感情 艾贝莉娜',
'Best Rival Train': '最不服输 托蕾因',
'Candid Big Sister Audrey': '爽朗的大姐 欧德莉',
'Hoppin\'Stellar Melty': '跳跃星光 梅尔缇',
'Grazioso Prince Meredith': '秀丽的王子 梅勒迪斯',
'Authentic Melody Esmeralda': '本真的旋律 艾斯梅拉尔达',
'Pure and Proper Yakomina': '清纯正直 雅科米娜',
'Circling Lyric Ashley': '原地打转的歌词 阿什莉',
'Pouring Expectations Ilta': '倾注的期待 伊尔塔',
'Prismagica Wilista': '闪耀的光彩 维莉丝塔',
'Wish Fulfilled by a Pair Milia': '两人共同实现的愿望 米莉娅',
'Active Life Jerry': '积极生活 杰莉',
'Coming Beauty Herminia': '新世代之美 艾尔米尼亚',
'Scintillate Rays Ophelia': '共进之光芒 奥菲莉娅',
'Faithful Eye Liliana': '笃实之瞳 莉莉安娜',
'Wings With Rainbow Glow Erimuel': '虹映之翼 艾莉穆耶尔',
'Cloudless Heart Miael': '毫无阴霾之心 米娅耶尔',
'Indecisive Sky Alestiel': '逡巡的天空 阿蕾斯缇耶尔',
'Little Peace Prael': '微小的和平 普拉耶尔',
'Happiness Distribution Danael': '分赠的幸福 达#耶尔',
'Sky-quivering Motion Malibuel': '震空的跃动 玛莉布耶尔',
'Spokesperson of Heavenly Voice Herjuel': '天声的代言人 赫琉耶尔',
'Song of Salvation Tulael': '唱起救赎之歌 图拉耶尔',
'Fleeting Longing Baruel': '不确定的憧憬 芭尔耶尔',
'Shining As-is Alestiel': '真实的闪耀 阿蕾斯缇耶尔',
'Heavenly Recital Emmael': '天上独唱会 艾玛耶尔',
'Advent Stroke Shedael': '神籁再临 谢达耶尔',
'Flight to the Yonder Cheluel': '向彼方飞翔 切尔耶尔',
'Howling Ballad Fanael': '呼啸的歌谣 珐那耶尔',
'Love-gazing Tyrusiel': '注视爱吧 缇尔丝耶尔',
'Privilege Potential Phenael': '秘藏之宝物 菲#耶尔',
'Aim for the Horizon Piael': '目标是彼方 琵娅耶尔',
'Wings of Notables Elnael': '名流之翼 埃尔#耶尔',
'Archangel of Twin Wings Alestiel': '双翼的大天使 阿蕾斯缇耶尔',
'Incessant Vocal Elkel': '降下之歌声 埃尔凯耶尔',
'Brainy Player Bibbuel': '信奉的优秀才华 碧布耶尔',
'Enveloping Compassion Torquel': '包覆的## 托尔克耶尔',
'Blessed Ray of Clear Skies Rahsiel': '晴天的惠光 拉谢尔',
'Leeway of Seniority Altariel': '年长的余裕 阿尔塔莉耶尔',
'Truehearted Ruby': '不移之绯红',
'Everlasting Sapphire': '无尽之苍蓝',
'Face-Off and Overcome': '相互面对,共渡难关',
'Romantic Happiness': '烂漫之幸福',
'Madder Red Runway': '茜色之小道',
'Twilight Sound of Waves': '涛声之夕暮',
'Clean Clean': '大家一起做卫生',
'Vibrant Symphony': '活力交响乐',
'Sweet×Sweet': '甜甜×蜜蜜',
'Thoughts into Forms': '思绪成形',
'Aim to be the Strongest Idol!': '目标!最强的偶像!',
'Six-Flower Fractale': '雪花之碎片',
'Luminescence Fountain': '激发之泉',
'Special Live Tour Around the World!': '世界周游特别巡回演出!',
'Beware of Overeating! Eileen': '当心吃太多! 艾琳恩',
'Earnest Wish Hanael': '殷切的愿望 哈那耶尔',
'Soapy Splash Riviena': '泡沫飞洒 莉贝娜',
'Musical Committee Nicolene': '声乐委员 妮可莉涅',
'Unwelcoming in Private Desiel': '私底下是冷漠回应 迪谢尔',
'Energetic School Attendance Calfy': '精神饱满地登校 凯尔菲',
'Heavenly Judgment of Composition Heathcourt': '泰然之天断 希斯科特',
'Heavenly Command Dragon Exalute Dragon': '天令龙 赞扬龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Tealuf': '树角兽 提亚尔芙',
'Maiden of Deep Impression Urjula': '铭感的少女 厄休拉',
'Rogue Headhunter': '鬼首狩灵',
'Fairy of Tragic Love': '悲恋的妖精',
'Sleeve Tugging Belle': '曳袖的丽人',
'Lady Demolish': '爆破瓢虫',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Bilber': '树角兽 比尔巴',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Croucotte': '树角兽 库罗柯特',
'High Rate Burst Dragon': '高速爆裂龙',
'Unappeasable Wild Crow': '贪婪之乱鸦',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Barometz': '树角兽 巴罗梅茨',
'Inroad Shooter': '侵袭射手',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Molemora': '树角兽 莫尔莫拉',
'Carrion Processing': '#肉剁灵',
'Prized Trident': '珍贵三叉戟',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Hedgc': '树角兽 亥吉克',
'Sea Breeze Abduction': '潮风掠灵',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Alvan': '树角兽 阿尔凡',
'Synchro Disorder': '调律狂灵',
'Flourish Petal Lathya': '茂盛花瓣 拉缇娅',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Lemurea': '树角兽 雷姆雷亚',
'Adhesive Thread Monster Actiasticky': '粘丝怪人 黏网尾蚕蛾',
'Stepping Calyx Salvia': '舞动花萼 萨尔维娅',
'Awakening from Slumber Rorowa': '从沉眠中醒来 罗洛瓦',
'Knight of Nostalgia Marco': '望乡的骑士 马尔科',
'Custodial Dragon': '保管龙',
'Performing Petal Dianthe': '表现花瓣 蒂安萨',
'Congratulatory Performance Sucuse': '祝贺的吹奏 斯克赛',
'Ensemble of Smiles Amalie': '笑颜的重奏 阿玛莉埃',
'Battle Siren Theodosia': '战场的歌姬 西奥多西娅',
'Marching Debut Purite': '行进乐初登场 普莉特',
'Recorder Raccoon': '竖笛浣熊',
'Swell Assault': '浪涌·突击兵',
'Pure Fragrance Maiden Lexy': '清香的少女 蕾克希',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Koocy': '树角兽 库西',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Kamapuu': '树角兽 卡玛普',
'Budding of Pleasant Sounds Gracia': '佳音的萌芽 格拉希娅',
'Yield Elf': '出产精灵',
'Lively Rhythm Biara': '元气的节奏 维娅拉',
'Knight of Pure Theadore': '纯粹的骑士 提奥德尔',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Damainaru': '树角兽 达迈#尔',
'Fleet Swallower': '船团噬灵',
'Coffin Shooter': '棺桶击灵',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Bojalcorn': '树角兽 波贾尔空',
'Indiscriminate Shooting Mutant Barretwasp': '乱射怪人 子弹黄蜂',
'Roaring Pistil Langeena': '呼啸雌蕊 兰吉娜',
'Promised Brave Shooter': '团结的勇猛射手',
'Shadowcloak': '缠影灵',
'Aggress Blue Dragon': '蓝色侵略龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Gabregg': '树角兽 伽伯雷格',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Enbarr': '树角兽 安瓦尔',
'Ascendance Assault': '优势·突击兵',
'Blooming Petal Caryophyllus': '盛开花瓣 卡里奥菲尔斯',
'Creed Assault': '信条·突击兵',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Linbur': '树角兽 林布尔',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Panthero': '树角兽 潘提罗',
'Clipping Dragon of Soul-revolution': '转魄之剪龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Girafina': '树角兽 吉拉非那',
'Heavy Strike Brave Shooter': '重击的勇猛射手',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Rhinalber': '树角兽 莱#尔巴',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Lyouka': '树角兽 琉卡',
'Dark Deceptive Diving': '晦暗潜骸',
'Prodpollen Rafilous': '平原花粉 拉菲洛斯',
'The World 3000 Years Later Rorowa': '在3000年后的世界 罗洛瓦',
'Battle Siren Shuzet': '战场的歌姬 叙泽特',
'Rancor Spear Trooper': '怨仇的铦兵',
'Tear Knight Fleche': '泪骑士 芙蕾彻',
'Wild-fire Brave Shooter': '乱击的勇猛射手',
'Spree Vesper': '放纵黄蜂',
'Deep Green Guardian Patoriya': '深绿的守护者 帕托利亚',
'Flutter Dragon': '颤动龙',
'Bovine Blast Dragon': '迟钝爆发龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Enpix': '树角兽 恩皮克斯',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Armadi': '树角兽 阿尔玛蒂',
'Longing Maid': '渴爱的女佣',
'Explorer of the Grand Ravine C. K. Sakatt': '大溪谷的探究家 C·K·扎卡特',
'Upbeat Dragon': '弱拍龙',
'Brilliant Tune Rektina': '华美的旋律 蕾奎缇娜',
'Iron Anchor Resentment Dragon': '铁锚之愤龙',
'Shieldfisher Dragon': '肩负渔钓龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Elrante': '树角兽 艾莱塔',
'Flagship Dragon Flagburg Dragon': '旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙',
'Fabricated Dragon of Ruination': '废灭之虚龙',
'Miscreant Beating': '罪过叩灵',
'Blue Artillery Dragon Inlet Pulse Dragon': '苍炮龙 脉冲进气龙',
'Roaming Prison Dragon': '彷徨之狱龙',
'Strange Food Preparation': '恶食备灵',
'Rotting Usurp Dragon': '#灭之篡龙',
'Pure Maiden Bellanca': '纯然的少女 贝兰卡',
'For One\'s Precious Thing Rorowa': '为了重要之物 罗洛瓦',
'Grand March of Full Bloom Lianorn': '满开之大行进 莲南',
'Bandmaster of Blossoming Bonds Lianorn': '绽放羁绊之花的乐团长 莲南',
'Hydrorail Dragon': '水源轨道龙',
'Dead Sea Spiritualist Grave゠Zorga': '尸海的降灵术师 肃墓佐尔加',
'Groovy Dragon': '律动龙',
'Clapping Dragon': '拍掌龙',
'Atrocious? Moth Girl Maple': '凶恶残暴?的飞蛾少女 枫叶',
'Wild Intelligence': '野生的智慧',
'Overcoming the Unnatural Death': '跨越非业的死亡',
'In Search of an Ideal Far Away': '寻求远大的理想',
'In the Dark Night The Resentment Freezes': '怨叹冻结于暗淡之夜中',
'Sweetness is a Bad Dream': '噩梦如此甜美',
'Nectar of Sensationalism': '煽情之蜜',
'Harvesting Season': '果实成熟的季节',
'Hidden in Darkness': '幽暗隐匿',
'Gather Upon Me Ye Wandering Souls': '无处可归的亡魂啊,汇集于我身',
'Fine Drink of Abolishment for Sins': '为罪过致以废绝的美酒',
'Ghost Bilk': '幽灵赖账',
'Regurgitation from the Underworld': '逆流之冥府',
'Death-inviting Black-magic': '招死的黑咒术',
'Wails Melt in the Sound of Rain': '让叫唤融入雨声中吧',
'Advance of Great Cause': '大义之进#',
'Drifting Soul': '漂泊之魂',
'Happy Dreaming Festa!': '欢梦庆典!',
'Clouded Miasma': '混浊之瘴气',
'Fun Fun Marching!': '欢快行进乐',
'Serene Maiden Lena': '晴朗的少女 列娜',
'Zypsophilia Fairy Asher': '石头花的妖精 阿谢尔',
'Dual Pressure Dragon': '双压龙',
'Early-Summer Breeze Maiden Willow': '绿风的少女 维洛',
'Crisis Bisection': '两断青蜂',
'Rhythmic Kiwi': '节奏猕猴桃',
'Alchemic Hedgehog': '炼金刺猬',
'Melodia Pomera': '旋律博美犬',
'Cymbal Hamster': '铜钹仓鼠',
'Prominent Elf': '突出精灵',
'Flowery Tone': '芳花音色',
'Frenzied Heiress': '狂乱的千金',
'Aspiring Maiden Alana': '憧憬的少女 阿拉娜',
'Diabolos Madonna Mabel': '魔惧会贵妇 梅贝尔',
'Freeze Breeze': '冻结微风',
'Surveillance Gear Dober': '执行监视的齿轮杜宾犬',
'Cyclone Circler': '旋风循环',
'Steam Engineer Pepelli': '蒸汽工程师 佩佩里',
'Diabolos Boys Chester': '魔惧会男孩 切斯塔',
'Deformed Hammer': '畸变锤击',
'Diabolos Madonna Regina': '魔惧会贵妇 雷吉娜',
'Desire Devil Incane': '欲望恶魔 阴险',
'Evil Eye of Prohibition Quen Lu': '禁令之邪瞳 昆·茹',
'Diabolos Boys Cyril': '魔惧会男孩 西里尔',
'Diabolos Girls Belinda': '魔惧会女孩 贝琳达',
'Desire Devil Gouman': '欲望恶魔 傲慢',
'Desire Devil Yaaba': '欲望恶魔 糟糕',
'Desire Devil Bubetsuu': '欲望恶魔 侮蔑',
'Brainwash Swirler': '洗脑旋流',
'Gear Eagle of Sudden Banks': '急转直下的齿轮鹰',
'Diabolos Boys Crusty': '魔惧会男孩 克拉斯提',
'Violet Blue Illusory Butterfly Huanju': '紫青之幻蝶 梵洁',
'Steam Hunter Nanur': '蒸汽猎手 那努尔',
'Diabolos Girls Stefanie': '魔惧会女孩 史蒂芬妮',
'Diabolos Jetter Wade': '魔惧会喷射者 韦德',
'Desire Devil Yaada': '欲望恶魔 讨厌',
'Steam Maiden Barni': '蒸汽淑女 巴尼',
'Clumsy Assistant': '笨拙助手',
'Flaming Pony': '火焰小马',
'In the Calm Streets Kheios': '安稳的街道中 浑沌',
'Direful Doll Amandine': '恐怖人偶 阿曼蒂娜',
'Diabolos Girls Ivanka': '魔惧会女孩 伊万卡',
'Desire Devil Kuwisugi': '欲望恶魔 过食',
'Diabolos Madonna Siena': '魔惧会贵妇 希艾娜',
'Desire Devil Funman': '欲望恶魔 不满',
'Repelled Malice Dragon': '恶意取除龙',
'Diabolos Girls Kristen': '魔惧会女孩 克里斯汀',
'Steam Gunner Rimush': '蒸汽枪手 瑞穆什',
'Steam Maiden Lunakia': '蒸汽淑女 卢那基亚',
'Degrade Edge Dragon': '降格时代龙',
'Diabolos Boys Nile': '魔惧会男孩 那伊尔',
'Desire Devil Xitto': '欲望恶魔 嫉妒',
'Jewel Core Dragon': '珠宝核龙',
'Avid Heaper': '贪欲堆积者',
'Direful Doll Shestine': '恐怖人偶 谢丝汀',
'One Who Calls Upon Raging Thunder Furgres': '招来万雷者 弗尔格雷斯',
'Friend of the Netherworld Ling': '幽冥之朋友 黎恩',
'Pestilent Talon': '致命禽爪',
'Diabolos Madonna Viola': '魔惧会贵妇 维奥拉',
'Steam Artist Napir': '蒸汽艺术家 #皮尔',
'Diabolos Edge Grantlee': '魔惧会利刃 古兰托利',
'Legio Wild Master Darius': '群集的操兽师 达利乌斯',
'Cleave Muddler': '捣碎切裂',
'Diabolos Jetbacker Lenard': '魔惧会喷流后卫 雷#德',
'Crimson Expeller': '绯红压榨',
'Diabolos Returner Deryck': '魔惧会回攻手 德里克',
'Steam Mage Ashur-da': '蒸汽法师 阿什尔达',
'Keenly Loodely': '敏锐生机',
'Desire Devil Boshokku': '欲望恶魔 暴食',
'Desire Devil Mucca': '欲望恶魔 不悦',
'Diabolos Madonna Meryl': '魔惧会贵妇 梅丽尔',
'Desire Devil Acratz': '欲望恶魔 恶辣',
'Piercing Assistant': '插刀助手',
'Metallize Erosio': '金属英杰',
'Desire Devil Kenen': '欲望恶魔 厌倦',
'Cutting Sword Dance Qiehgra': '断裁之剑舞 切格拉',
'Diabolos Striker Lyle': '魔惧会前锋 拉伊尔',
'Gear Eland Clad in Swirling Thunder': '担负涡雷的齿轮巨羚',
'Steam Performer Luugalza': '蒸汽表演家 卢伽尔扎',
'Diabolos Madonna Reese': '魔惧会贵妇 利丝',
'Desire Devil Besshii': '欲望恶魔 蔑视',
'Amazing Frost': '惊异冰霜',
'Quagmire of Solace Kheios': '拯救之泥泞 浑沌',
'Amazement Magician': '娱乐奇术师',
'Indicate Arrow Dragon': '指示箭头龙',
'Steam Reaper Nannia': '蒸汽收割者 南尼亚',
'Term Fracture Dragon': '期限碎裂龙',
'Explosive Torcher': '炸药拷问者',
'Diabolos Digger Basil': '魔惧会内掘手 贝吉尔',
'Diabolos Reverser Diandre': '魔惧会背传手 迪安德雷',
'Desire Devil Codok': '欲望恶魔 孤独',
'Direful Doll Violetta': '恐怖人偶 维奥莱塔',
'Steam Knight Amar Sin': '蒸汽骑士 阿玛尔·辛',
'Diabolos Boys Jared': '魔惧会男孩 贾雷德',
'Diabolos Madonna Meagan': '魔惧会贵妇 米甘',
'Demonic Stone Dragon Jewelneel': '魔石龙 珠艾尼尔',
'Mystic Accordionist': '神秘手风琴师',
'Ultrasound Shrie': '超声尖叫',
'Unbreakable Ice Pillar Jebinna': '不断之冰柱 结宾娜',
'Diabolos Attacker Arwing': '魔惧会主攻手 阿维因格',
'Spiracle Splasher': '喷孔溅洒',
'Steam Knight Pashaltatar': '蒸汽骑士 帕夏尔塔塔尔',
'Time Jarett Dragon': '时间回旋龙',
'Avaricious Demonic Dragon Greedon': '强欲魔龙 格里德阁下',
'Diabolos Striker Bryan': '魔惧会前锋 布莱安',
'Diabolos Charger Nate': '魔惧会突击手 涅伊特',
'Desire Devil Hystera': '欲望恶魔 癔症',
'Aureate Haze Rupture': '金霾迷醉',
'Desire Devil Walzuure': '欲望恶魔 狡猾',
'Diabolos Charger Davan': '魔惧会突击手 达文',
'Desire Devil Gahmettsu': '欲望恶魔 贪婪',
'Approaching Fangs Kheios': '迫近之牙 浑沌',
'Diabolos Diver Julian': '魔惧会潜行者 朱利安',
'Merciless Count Botis': '无愧伯爵 布提斯',
'Phase Transition Dragon': '相变龙',
'Execution Dragon Vorpal Scythe Dragon': '执行龙 斩首镰龙',
'Desire Devil Dofund': '欲望恶魔 盛怒',
'Diabolos Diver Emmett': '魔惧会潜行者 艾梅特',
'Jewel-embracing Dragon Fang Drajeweled': '拥宝之龙牙 道拉珠艾尔德',
'Truculence Raider': '野蛮侵袭',
'Hellblast Full Dive': '地狱爆发全力飞身',
'Supernatural Extraction': '异能摘出',
'Pandemonium Tactics': '群魔战术',
'Helheim Fervent Rage': '冥狱炽怒',
'Geo Acceleration': '发现异能·重力加速',
'Shining Selfishness': '私欲煊赫',
'Special \'Violence\' Yell': '特别 “暴虐” 应援',
'Rouse Wildmaster Riley': '唤起的操兽师 莱利',
'Incorruptible Holy Light Eufha': '廉洁之圣光 育珐',
'Brilliant Floral Uania': '生彩之光华 瓦尼亚',
'Diabolos Girls Natalia': '魔惧会女孩 娜塔莉亚',
'Steam Deviate Dragon': '阀杆偏离龙',
'Lively Breath Dragon': '活泼吐息龙',
'Scarlet Rampancy Krenn': '结绯之跳梁 库莲',
'Advanced Clock Dragon': '高等时钟龙',
'Insane Researcher': '疯狂研究员',
'Direful Doll Alessandra': '恐怖人偶 亚历桑德拉',
'Caper Companion': '雀跃接待员',
'Steam Gunner Ilu-shuma': '蒸汽枪手 伊路舒玛',
'Wirepull Subjugator': '牵线制御者',
'Monoyoshi Sadamune': '物吉贞宗',
'Taikogane Sadamune': '太鼓钟贞宗',
'Horikawa Kunihiro': '堀川国广',
'Kenshin Kagemitsu': '谦信景光',
'Hyuuga Masamune': '日向正宗',
'Hizen Tadahiro': '肥前#广',
'Namazuo Toushirou': '鲶尾藤四郎',
'Honebami Toushirou': '骨喰藤四郎',
'Aizen Kunitoshi': '爱染国俊',
'Sayo Samonji': '小夜左文字',
'Kasen Kanesada Sentou': '歌仙兼定 战斗',
'Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Sentou': '陆奥守吉行 战斗',
'Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Sentou': '山姥切国广 战斗',
'Hachisuka Kotetsu Sentou': '蜂须贺虎彻 战斗',
'Urashima Kotetsu': '浦岛虎彻',
'Kotegiri Gou': '笼手切江',
'Chatannakiri': '北谷菜切',
'Chiganemaru': '治金丸',
'Taikou Samonji': '太阁左文字',
'Mikazuki Munechika': '三日月宗近',
'Oodenta Mitsuyo': '大典太光世',
'Juzumaru Tsunetsugu': '数珠丸恒次',
'Onimaru Kunitsuna': '鬼丸国纲',
'Shokudaikiri Mitsutada': '烛台切光#',
'Tsurumaru Kuninaga': '鹤丸国永',
'Ichigo Hitofuri': '一期一振',
'Ookanehira': '大包平',
'Uguisumaru': '莺丸',
'Kousetsu Samonji': '江雪左文字',
'Izuminokami Kanesada': '和泉守兼定',
'Higekiri': '髭切',
'Hizamaru': '膝丸',
'Ookurikara': '大俱利伽罗',
'Shishiou': '狮子王',
'Kogarasumaru': '小乌丸',
'Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Toku': '山姥切国广 特',
'Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Toku': '陆奥守吉行 特',
'Kasen Kanesada Toku': '歌仙兼定 特',
'Koryuu Kagemitsu': '小龙景光',
'Hachisuka Kotetsu Toku': '蜂须贺虎彻 特',
'Nagasone Kotetsu': '长曾祢虎彻',
'Yamanbagiri Chougi': '山姥切长义',
'Nankaitarou Chouson': '南海太郎朝尊',
'Suishinshi Masahide': '水心子正秀',
'Minamoto Kiyomaro': '源清麿',
'Sanchoumou': '山鸟毛',
'Kokindenjunotachi': '古今传授之太刀',
'Jizou Yukihira': '地藏行平',
'Kogitsunemaru': '小狐丸',
'Sohayanotsurugi': '骚速剑',
'Akashi Kuniyuki': '明石国行',
'Sengo Muramasa': '千子村正',
'Kikkou Sadamune': '龟甲贞宗',
'Daihannya Nagamitsu': '大般若长光',
'Souza Samonji': '宗三左文字',
'Yamabushi Kunihiro': '山伏国广',
'Doudanuki Masakuni': '同田贯正国',
'Azuki Nagamitsu': '小豆长光',
'Nansen Ichimonji': '南泉一文字',
'Chiyoganemaru': '千代金丸',
'Buzen Gou': '丰前江',
'Kuwana Gou': '桑名江',
'Matsui Gou': '松井江',
'Nikkou Ichimonji': '日光一文字',
'Samidare Gou': '五月雨江',
'Kasen Kanesada Kiwame': '歌仙兼定 极',
'Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame': '陆奥守吉行 极',
'Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame': '山姥切国广 极',
'Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame': '蜂须贺虎彻 极',
'Iwatooshi': '岩融',
'Hotarumaru': '萤丸',
'Tonbokiri': '蜻蛉切',
'Taroutachi': '太郎太刀',
'Ni####ou': '日本号',
'Otegine': '御手杵',
'Tomoegata Naginata': '巴形薙刀',
'Nenekirimaru': '祢祢切丸',
'Shizukagata Naginata': '静形薙刀',
'Revolt Against the Gods Brunhilde': '向诸神谋反 布伦希尔德',
'Apprentice Valkyrie Göll': '见习女#神 格蕾',
'Fourth Valkyrie Sister Randgriz': '女#神四女 兰蒂格瑞丝',
'Seventh Valkyrie Sister Reginleif': '女#神七女 瑞吉蕾芙',
'Second Valkyrie Sister Hrist': '女#神次女 荷瑞丝特',
'Messenger of the Gods Hermes': '诸神的传令使 赫尔墨斯',
'Devoting Herself Hrist': '#出身躯 荷瑞丝特',
'With its Master Red Hare': '与主同行 赤兔马',
'Goddess of Beauty Aphrodite': '美之女神 阿芙洛狄忒',
'Watchman of the Apocalypse Heimdall': '终末的看守 海姆达尔',
'Finally Meeting a Rival Thor': '终于遇见好对手 托尔',
'It\'s Me ♡ Zeus': '是老朽我哦❤ 宙斯',
'Nothing but Filth before My Eyes Poseidon': '是杂鱼啊 波塞冬',
'Strategist Brimming with Loyalty Chen Gong': '#义深厚的#师 陈宫公台',
'Conversing with Brothers Liu Bei': '与弟畅谈 刘备玄德',
'Familiar with the \'Strongest\' Guan Yu': '知晓『最强』之人 关羽云长',
'Excitedly Spectating Zhang Fei': '雀跃观战 张飞益德',
'Wife Exiled from Paradise Eve': '被乐园流放之妻 夏娃',
'Rousing Oldest Son Cain': '鼓舞的长男 该隐',
'Cheering Second Son Abel': '传达声援的次男 亚伯',
'Niten Ichiryu Miyamoto Musashi': '二天一流 宫本#藏',
'Adopted Son of Musashi Miyamoto Iori Miyamoto': '宫本#藏的养子 宫本伊织',
'Follower Hermes': '跟随者 赫尔墨斯',
'Fixated Gaze Aphrodite': '注视的目光 阿芙洛狄忒',
'The Choice for Victory Brunhilde': '通向胜利的选择 布伦希尔德',
'Devoting Herself Reginleif': '#出身躯 瑞吉蕾芙',
'Devoting Herself Randgriz': '#出身躯 兰蒂格瑞丝',
'God of Cunning Loki': '狡诈之神 洛基',
'Most Badass & Maniacal Warrior Lü Bu': '最凶最狂的战士 吕布奉先',
'Man with the Greatest Heart Adam': '持有最强精神力的男人 亚当',
'Unrivalled Kojiro Sasaki': '天下无双 佐佐木小次郎',
'Strongest Norse God Thor': '北欧最强神·雷神 托尔',
'All-knowing All-powerful God Zeus': '全知全能之神 宙斯',
'Most Fearsome Greek God Poseidon': '希腊神话最恐怖神 波塞冬',
'God of War Ares': '#神 阿瑞斯',
'Singular Counterstrike Kojiro Sasaki': '反击的一刀 佐佐木小次郎',
'God of Creation & Destruction Shiva': '破坏与创造之神 湿婆',
'Potential to Exceed a God Lü Bu': '奇迹超神之预感 吕布奉先',
'Instinctive Stance Adam': '本能的姿态 亚当',
'Fastest Prediction Kojiro Sasaki': '最快的预判 佐佐木小次郎',
'All-out Mode Thor': '全开模式 托尔',
'The Fist that Surpassed Time Zeus': '超越时间之拳 宙斯',
'Appeared True Character Poseidon': '表露的本性 波塞冬',
'Raring to Fight Shiva': '滚腾斗气 湿婆',
'God of Conquest Adamas': '征服神 阿达玛斯',
'God of Peace Forseti': '和平之神 凡赛堤',
'Watching for an Opportunity Brunhilde': '虎视眈眈 布伦希尔德',
'Seeking the Strongest Opponent Lü Bu': '寻求最强的对手 吕布奉先',
'Prodigious Love Adam': '巨大的慈爱 亚当',
'Now in His Prime Kojiro Sasaki': '此刻是全盛期 佐佐木小次郎',
'Unwavering Determination Brunhilde': '不挠的决意 布伦希尔德',
'Most Powerful Chinese Hero Lü Bu': '##最强英雄 吕布奉先',
'Father of All Mankind Adam': '全人类之父 亚当',
'[Völundr]': '【神器炼成】',
'History\'s Strongest Loser Kojiro Sasaki': '史上最强的败者 佐佐木小次郎',
'Berserker of Thunder Thor': '雷之狂战士 托尔',
'God Father of Cosmos Zeus': '全宇宙之父 宙斯',
'Tyrant of the Oceans Poseidon': '大海的暴君 波塞冬',
'Man\'s Survival at Stake Brunhilde': '关乎人类的存亡 布伦希尔德',
'Geirrod Thors Hammer': '觉醒雷锤',
'Final Form of Zeus \'Adamas\'': '宙斯最终形态 “阿陀磨须”',
'Chione Tyro Demeter': '降于荒海之神雷',
'Legends Passed Down Thor': '传颂着的传说 托尔',
'Legends Passed Down Zeus': '传颂着的传说 宙斯',
'Legends Passed Down Poseidon': '传颂着的传说 波塞冬',
'Much Awaited Encounter': '期盼已久的邂逅',
'A Rush Bordering on Overheating': '临近界限的猛攻',
'Underpinning Style': '贯彻始终的做派',
'The \'Strongest\' by Nature': '生来即是『最强』',
'Men Battle with their Fists': '男人间的战斗就是斗殴',
'Battle in the Abyss': '深渊的战斗',
'Ragnarok': '神VS人类最终斗争',
'Elementaria Sanctitude': '四精灵织成的清净之盾',
'Kasen Kanesada Shinken Hissatsu': '歌仙兼定 真剑必杀',
'Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Shinken Hissatsu': '陆奥守吉行 真剑必杀',
'Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Shinken Hissatsu': '山姥切国广 真剑必杀',
'Hachisuka Kotetsu Shinken Hissatsu': '蜂须贺虎彻 真剑必杀',
'Greatest Star Esteranza': '华烛绚烂 艾丝特兰萨',
'Mysterious Twins Romia & Rumia': '神秘的双子姐妹 罗米娅&露米娅',
'Demonic Fever Garviera': '魔性狂热 加尔薇艾拉',
'Blessing Diva Grizael': '神恩天唱 格利扎耶尔',
'The Moment When History Changes': '历史改变的瞬间',
'Stealth Dragon Amatachigiri': '忍龙 数千切',
'Bolt Shaker Dragon': '雷鸣振动龙',
'Snake Charm Poisoner': '蛇魅毒师',
'Masked Force Redoll': '强力面具·红金',
'Glinting Knight Etgya': '光耀的骑士 艾特琪娅',
'Cooperation Maiden Leilani': '协同的少女 蕾拉妮',
'Butterfly Diagram Repeater': '蝶形图纺织者',
'Thrustorrent Dragon': '猛刺撕裂龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Mafels': '树角兽 玛菲尔斯',
'Diabolos Crusher Warren': '魔惧会粉碎者 沃伦',
'Sunset Glow Lyana': '日落霞光 莉亚娜',
'Habitual Truant Demon Pelageya': '惯犯翘课魔 佩拉盖娅',
'Knowledge as Power Saskia': '让知识成为力量 扎丝琪娅',
'Original Style Elshuka': '自创风格 艾尔修卡',
'Glutton Nora': '贪吃鬼 诺拉',
'Grinning Dragon Scale Ilse': '破颜一笑之龙鳞 伊尔泽',
'Aplomb Sight Grete': '冷静的洞察力 格蕾特',
'Diligent Follower Siguel': '勤勉的从者 希格耶尔',
'Thick and Fluffy Siesta Hilma': '软绵绵午休 希尔玛',
'Spiritoso Richalda': '活灵活现的指挥 莉夏尔达',
'Glee Singing Tetoel': '喜悦之诗歌 特托耶尔',
'Running-start Youth Haida': '青春起跑 海达',
'Peaceful Garden Anika': '平静的花园 阿妮卡',
'Soft Light Pruel': '柔软的光 普璐耶尔',
'Languid Relaxation Marguerite': '悠闲摇动 玛格莉特',
'Heaven\'s Melody': '天上的演奏',
'Adoring Gaze': '憧憬的目光',
'Burning Flail Dragon': '燃烧链枷龙',
'Blaze Maiden Parama': '焰之巫女 帕拉玛',
'Hirano Toushirou': '平野藤四郎',
'Gotou Toushirou': '后藤藤四郎',
'Maeda Toushirou': '前田藤四郎',
'Akita Toushirou': '秋田藤四郎',
'Yagen Toushirou': '药研藤四郎',
'Mouri Toushirou': '毛利藤四郎',
'Wings Dancing in the Blue Skies Antia': '与飞舞青空的羽翼一同 安缇娅',
'Surreal Voice Gilberta': '超现实之音 吉尔伯塔',
'Haughty Missy Arroel': '傲慢不逊的大小姐 阿洛耶尔',
'Bouyantly Gaming Gisele': '漂浮游戏 吉泽尔',
'Hearts Connect, Rufina': '相连之心 露菲娜',
'Picturesque Luana': '美丽如画 露娅娜',
'Hushed Diva Hortense': '宁静的歌姬 奥坦丝',
'Sigh of Relief Fabiola': '舒缓歇息 珐比欧拉',
'Blazing Spear Dragon': '燃炎枪龙',
'Blaze Duel Monk Sougyou': '焰之斗僧 早晓',
'Blaze Sense Monk Hakume': '焰之念僧 薄明',
'Blaze Maiden Arche': '焰之巫女 阿尔谢',
'Blaze Maiden Leonie': '焰之巫女 雷欧妮',
'Sparkle Rejector Dragon': '闪斥龙',
'Youngest Valkyrie Sister Göll': '女#神末妹 格蕾',
'Supreme Norse God Odin': '北欧的最高神 奥丁',
'Wishing the Man\'s Victory Göll': '盼望人类的胜利 格蕾',
'Negligent Carelessness Likkris': '不知不觉走神 里克莉斯',
'Elecblow Dragon': '电击拳龙',
'Cardinal Draco Masurea': '柩机之龙 大众超现实##',
'Flare Veil Dragon': '焰幕龙',
'Mobile Fortress of Obliteration Freischutz Maximum': '歼灭机动要塞 魔弹射手·马克西姆',
'Flaring Cannon Equip Baur Vairina': '#装烈炮 巨炮瓦尔里#',
'Meteor Flare Dragon': '陨星烈焰龙',
'Stealth Beast Silent Crow': '忍兽 沉默乌鸦',
'Heat Haze Acrobat Miroslava': '炎尾的杂技师 米洛斯拉瓦',
'Demonic Stone Dragon Rockargour': '魔石龙 洛克阿古尔',
'Demonic Jewel Dragon Drajeweled': '魔宝龙 道拉珠艾尔德',
'Blitz CEO Welstra': '闪击CEO 维尔斯特拉',
'Blitz Secretary Perfe': '闪击秘书 帕尔菲',
'Blitz Engineer Hoflio': '闪击工程师 海利欧',
'Blitz Mechanic Schtart': '闪击机械师 施塔尔特',
'Blitz Accounting Department Head Sordio': '闪击财务部长 佐尔迪欧',
'Blitz Top Sales Anrig': '闪击销售精英 安雷格',
'Unrivaled Heavenly Blade Descorda': '无双之天刃 迪柯尔达',
'Youthberk \'RevolForm: Tempest\'': '朱斯贝克 “反抗黎骑·翠岚”',
'Knight of Rendering Flash Cairbre': '闪裂的骑士 凯尔布雷',
'Benevolent Maiden Araserith': '博爱的少女 阿拉瑟莉丝',
'Resonance Dragon': '共振龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Alpin': '树角兽 阿尔皮恩',
'Gravidia Allanhil': '重力孕育者·艾伦希尔斯',
'Overwatching Monster Proteed': '看护怪兽 普罗提德',
'Erosion Demon Monster Nautigalbus': '浸食魔怪兽 诺提加尔巴斯',
'Blitz Mechanic Iskra': '闪击机械师 伊斯库拉',
'Gravidia Almanon': '重力孕育者·阿尔马农',
'Blitz Security Wachten': '闪击保安 维西腾',
'Blitz Technology Researcher Uber': '闪击技术研究员 尤巴',
'Blitz Programmer Strazer': '闪击程序员 斯特拉扎',
'Blitz Mechanic Warton': '闪击机械师 巴通',
'Promo Voucher': 'Pr兑换券',
'Mini-odT Voucher': '小型比赛兑换券',
'DSR Voucher': '异画卡兑换券',
'Coin Voucher': '硬币兑换券',
'Lilac Lasher': '淡紫鞭打',
'Power Gem Dragon': '力量宝石龙',
'Falcate Performer': '弯月演员',
'Heavy Strike Cannon Fortress Freischutz': '重击炮寨 魔弹射手',
'Incandescent Flame Cannon Abhasal': '灼热火炮 阿布哈桑',
'Demonic Stone Dragon Matelvaara': '魔石龙 玛提尔巴拉',
'Attract Inverse': '吸力#倒',
'Reaper in the Shadows Zeilmort': '潜影之死神 塞尔莫特',
'Demonic Jewel Dragon Rystal Galer': '魔宝龙 利斯塔尔盖拉',
'Sky-severing Demonic Blade Alter-slaughter': '断空之魔刃 变幻虐杀',
'Steady Spiky': '稳固尖钉',
'Hypno Grasper': '催眠掌握',
'Inhale Pit': '猛吸坑穴',
'Steam Fighter Ziusdra': '蒸汽斗士 朱苏德拉',
'Steam Shooter Puanam': '蒸汽射手 普安奴',
'Depletion Sabbia': '损耗砂砾',
'Break Equip Dragon Urbargo': '装破龙 乌尔班',
'Assault Bullet of Dust Storm Oswald': '沙尘之袭弹 奥兹瓦尔德',
'Sealed Blaze Dragon Samahdi': '封焰龙 集中',
'Strike Cannon of Dust Storm Andrea': '沙尘之击炮 安德雷亚',
'Pierce Equip Dragon Valsable': '装突龙 瓦萨维',
'Lavamane Wyvern': '熔鬃双足飞龙',
'Blaze Hook Monk Nissha': '焰之钩僧 日射',
'Roaring Cannon Dragon Salvorex': '轰炮龙 齐射霸王龙',
'Gallant Flare Dragon': '勇焰龙',
'Blaze Maiden Sienna': '焰之巫女 希恩娜',
'Beautiful Bullet of Dust Storm Jodi': '沙尘之丽弹 朱蒂',
'Crushing Equip Dragon Khatyaguard': '装溃龙 喀章噶',
'Dual Electrose Dragon': '双电极龙',
'Dragritter Midhat': '龙族骑士 米德哈特',
'Magnereversal Breaker': '磁极反转·天则決坏',
'Sorrow Severing Twin Blades': '斩断忧愁之双刃',
'Heavenly Wings of Purity Honnettaria': '清净之天翼 奥涅塔利亚',
'Wayward Therapy Angel': '肆意治疗天使',
'Graceful Heavenly Flash Hermona': '秀丽之天闪 赫尔摩娜',
'Spinning Knight Gwendolen': '回旋的骑士 格温多伦',
'Divine Sister Languedechat': '神圣修女 蓝朵夏',
'Divine Sister Palmier': '神圣修女 蝴蝶酥',
'Forestall Arrow Dragon': '先发箭龙',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Tigralta': '树角兽 提加尔塔',
'Archaeology Scholar Ante Ealter': '考古学家 安提·艾塔',
'Rousing Breath Dragon': '鼓舞吐息龙',
'Agogik Dragon': '缓急龙',
'Knight of Fidelity Alphonzo': '诚心的骑士 阿尔方索',
'Float Assault': '浮标·突击兵',
'Noblesse Flit': '轻快贵族',
'Billow Assault': '巨浪·突击兵',
'Trigeminal Assault': '三叉·突击兵',
'Consort Strike Brave Shooter': '僚击的勇猛射手',
'Witch of Accumulation Sequana': '集聚的魔女 塞卡#',
'Knight of Demolition Maredu': '压坏的骑士 马雷迪',
'Tear Knight Aricks': '泪骑士 阿瑞克斯',
'Ferocious Hunter': '凶猛猎手',
'Sylvan Horned Beast Seroll': '树角兽 塞洛尔',
'Sympathize dB': '共鸣分贝',
'Knight of Piercing Sky Sconfiza': '刺天的骑士 斯柯非扎',
'Knight of Shredding Theutathes': '寸断的骑士 特乌塔提斯',
'Silent Sorrow Dragon': '沉默悲痛龙',
'Knight of Enmity Aine': '遗恨的骑士 艾恩',
'Knight of Gale Cyneblugar': '阵风的骑士 肯尼伯格',
'Knight of Heavenly Echoes Sonithea': '天鸣的骑士 索尼提亚',
'Festoso Dragon': '欢庆龙',
'IridescencePalette Haseritt': '彩虹调色板 赫泽莉特',
'Grimoire Etoile Luticia': '幻耀之魔导姬 露缇希娅',
'Highest Dreamer Lilfa': '高大尊贵之梦 莉尔珐',
'Passionate Devotee Sytreide': '狂热式信奉 施特蕾德',
'Fondant Solace Mediell': '静稳之惠风 梅蒂埃尔',
'Make A Trend!! Kyouka': '#创建趋势!!# 响华',
'First to Head Towards a Dream! Michu': '朝向梦想一往无前! 米秋',
'Adorable Shooter Clanfelie': '可爱射手 库兰菲莉埃',
'Immense Aptitude Relie': '无边无际的天资 蕾莱耶',
'Overflow Happiness Naustria': '两手满怀的幸福 罗妮雅',
'Dearly Flowers Alise': '致亲爱的你 艾莉泽',
'Blue Frontier Arche': '蓝天边际 阿切',
'Boisterous High Tension Roxella': '喧嚣热闹 洛克塞拉',
'Cooling Heart Yuika': '清洗之心 结华',
'Shy Vocal Noqno': '羞涩的歌声 诺克诺',
'Selfie Practice Anneliese': '练习自拍中 安涅丽泽',
const fanyi2 = {
'[overDress]-"Trickstar", or a grade 3 or less unit in the [overDress] state ': '【超限舞装】-「托里科斯塔」或处于【超限舞装】状态的等级3以下的后防者',
'[CONT](RC):This unit gets [Power]+5000 for each of this unit\'s originalDress.': '【永】【R】:这个单位的舞装源每有1张,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When the attack of this unit in the [overDress] state hits, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:处于【超限舞装】状态的这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. If your hand has two or more cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,不会被击中。你的手牌中的卡在2张以上的话,选择手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks or boosts, if your vanguard is "Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce", Soul Charge (1), and if you are in "Final Rush", Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援时,你有「魔惧会 “暴虐” 布鲁斯」的先导者的话,灵魂填充1,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,接着灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, choose up to two of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and imprison them in your Prison.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,选择对手的至多2张后防者,收容到你的监狱。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, if you went second, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,你是后攻的话,抽1张卡。',
'[overDress]-"Trickstar"': '【超限舞装】-「托里科斯塔」',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit in the [overDress] state attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle. Then, COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:处于【超限舞装】状态的这个单位攻击先导者时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。接着通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if it [overDress], COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw two cards, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个单位处于【超限舞装】状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽2张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], draw a card, and Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位被「重力的支配者 磁力重压」RIDE时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], and Soul Charge (2).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充2。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If one or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000.': '【永】【R/G】:被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有1张以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacks, if an opponent\'s card is imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有1张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn. Choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and imprison it in your Prison.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。选择前列的对手的1张后防者,收容到你的监狱。',
'Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. Choose one of your rear-guards that is not being attacked, and return it to your hand.': '选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,力量+5000。选择你的1张没有正在被攻击的后防者,返回手牌。',
'Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. Choose a "Vairina" from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。选择你的弃牌区中的1张「瓦尔里#」,加入手牌。',
'Choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards for each Counter Blast paid for this cost, and retire it.': '由于这个费用支付的计数爆发1每有1张,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast one or more cards]!': '通过【费用】[使用1张以上的你希望的张数的卡进行计数爆发]使用!',
'[CONT](RC):This unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects.': '【永】【R】:这个单位不会被对手的卡片的效果选择。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put into your (GC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'(You may only have up to four cards with "HEAL" in a deck.)': '(【治】触发在卡组内只能合计加入至多4张。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your other units in the same column as this unit, and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn. If you are in "Final Rush", it gets [Power]+5000 instead of +2000.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择你其他的1个与这个单位同纵列的单位,这个回合中,力量+2000。你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,力量不+2000而是+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,灵魂填充1。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (3)], and draw a card.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发3],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and imprison it in your Prison.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,收容到你的监狱。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if your soul has ten or more cards, COST [put this unit into your soul], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],计数回充1。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have three or more grade 3 units, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and all of your grade 3 units get "Boost" until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:你的等级3的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],这个回合中,给予当前存在于场上的你所有的等级3的单位『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if your soul has five or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from their hand, they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你的灵魂在5张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场.',
'If your soul has five or more cards, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+15000 until end of that battle.': '你的灵魂在5张以上的话,选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,力量+15000。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the start of your Ride Phase, you "Final Rush".': '【自】【V】:你的RIDE阶段开始时,这个回合中,你进入“一气呵成之势”状态。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Soul Blast (5)], and [Stand] all of your front row rear-guards.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发5],将前列的你所有的后防者重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is\u00A0placed\u00A0on (VC), choose a card from your soul,\u00A0call\u00A0it to your back row center (RC), and Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,CALL到##后列的R上,灵魂填充1。',
'[CONT](RC):If you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), COST [put a rear-guard into your soul], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[将你的1张后防者放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡。',
'(When revealed as a trigger, all of your front row units get [Power]+10000 until end of turn!)': '(将这张卡判出时,这个回合中,当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+10000!)',
'(You may only have up to four [Heal] triggers in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn! Then, if the number of cards in your damage zone is equal to or more than your opponent\'s, choose a card from your damage zone, and heal it!)': '(【治】触发在卡组内只能合计加入至多4张。将这张卡判出时,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000!接着你的伤害区中的卡的张数在对手的伤害区中的卡的张数以上的话,选择你的伤害区中的1张卡,回复!)',
'(When revealed as a trigger, choose one of your units, and it gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn! Then, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn!)': '(将这张卡判出时,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,☆+1!接着选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000!)',
'[CONT](RC):If you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+5000, and if this unit [Stand] this turn by a card effect, [Critical]+1.': '【永】【R】:你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这个单位的力量+5000,这个回合中由于卡片的效果将这个单位重置过的话,接着将这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'(When revealed as a trigger, draw a card! Then, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn!)': '(将这张卡判出时,抽1张卡!接着选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000!)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,灵魂填充1。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your soul has ten or more cards, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose a card from among them, put it on the top of your deck, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位横置],看你的牌堆顶的2张卡,选择1张放置到牌堆顶,其余的卡放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST [Counter Blast (2)], [Stand] this unit, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s grade 2 or greater rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张等级2以上的后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (2)], Soul Charge (1), choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],灵魂填充1,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your bind zone has an order card, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你的封锁区中有指令卡的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'Soul Charge (2).': '灵魂填充2。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks or boosts, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1) & put another rear-guard into your soul], choose a card from your soul, and put it into your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你其他的1张后防者放置到灵魂里],选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), look at two cards from the top of your deck, and put them on the top of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,看你的牌堆顶的2张卡,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶。',
'If you have three or more units, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+15000 until end of that battle.': '你的单位在3个以上的话,选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,力量+15000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], and if your World is Dark Night, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of turn. If it is Abyssal Dark Night, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],你的世界卡的内容是黑夜的话,这个回合中,这个单位的盾护+5000。是深渊黑夜的话,这个回合中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and until end of turn, this unit gets "Boost" and [Power]+5000.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位获得『支援』的技能,力量+5000。',
'If your vanguard is "Mysterious Rain Spiritualist, Zorga", choose three of your units, and they get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '你有「怪雨的降灵术师 佐尔加」的先导者的话,选择你的3个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose a grade 2 or less card from your drop, call it to (RC), and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级2以下的卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT]:Sentinel': '【永】:守护者',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck. If you put it on the bottom of your deck, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你的牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底。放置到牌堆底了的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [Discard 1], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这次战斗中,你的1个单位不会被击中。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [discard a card from your hand], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这次战斗中,你的1个单位不会被击中。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and imprison it in your Prison. Then, if three or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, you draw a card.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,收容到你的监狱。这之后,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有3张以上的话,你抽1张卡。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If your vanguard is "Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame", get [Power]+10000 instead of +5000.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。你有「加州清光 极」的先导者的话,不+5000,而是力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡从手牌舍弃时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):If your World is Abyssal Dark Night, when this unit would attack, it battles all of the units in one of your opponent\'s columns.': '【永】【R】:你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,这个单位进行攻击之际,与对手的一个纵列上的所有的单位进行战斗。',
'Soul Charge (1). Then, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn for every five cards in your soul. If your soul has ten or more cards, draw a card.': '灵魂填充1。这之后,选择你的1个单位,你的灵魂里的卡每有5张,这个回合中,力量+10000。你的灵魂在10张以上的话,抽1张卡。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1)]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发1]使用!',
'Soul Charge (1).': '灵魂填充1。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (2)]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发2]使用!',
'Play with this COST [Counter Blast (2)]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发2]使用!',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+30000 until end of that battle.': '选择你的1张先导者,这次战斗中,力量+30000。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, all of your grade 3 units get [Power]+2000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,你所有的等级3的单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle that your drive check revealed a grade 3, COST [discard a card from your hand], choose one of your rear-guards, [Stand] it, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:你的攻击判定将等级3的卡判出的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的1张后防者,重置,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if your Order Zone has a Set Order, COST [put this unit into your soul], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,你的指令区中有设置指令卡的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],计数回充1。',
'Choose one of your opponent\'s vanguards, and that unit gets [Critical]-1 until end of that battle.': '选择对手的1张先导者,这次战斗中,那个单位的☆-1。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Put this unit into your soul], choose one of your grade 3 rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张等级3的后防者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [put one of your other rear-guards into your soul], draw a card, Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[将你其他的1张后防者放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡,灵魂填充1,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your other rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择你其他的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[CONT](VC):When you would play a normal order, you can bind a normal order with a different card name from your drop, and Alchemagic. (Combine the costs, and add the effect to the back!)': '【永】【V】:你将要使用普通指令卡之际,你可以将自己的弃牌区中的1张卡名不同的普通指令卡封锁,将其魔合成。(将这些指令卡的费用合计,将被封锁的指令卡的效果追加在将要使用的指令卡之后!)',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your drop zone, and call it to (RC).': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (2) & Soul Blast (1)], choose a card from your hand, and call it to (RC). If you called a grade 3, draw two cards.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2,灵魂爆发1],选择你的手牌中的1张卡,CALL到R上。将等级3的卡CALL出场了的话,抽2张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have three or more grade 3 units, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的等级3的单位有3个以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose up to one normal order from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张普通指令卡,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](RC):If you played an order this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你使用过指令卡的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT]:Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "[CONT]:Sentinel" in a deck.)[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on (GC) from hand, you may pay the cost. If you do, call five cards from the top of your deck to (GC) at [Rest].': '(将这张卡判出时,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,☆+1!接着选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000!)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", Soul Charge (2).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「重力的支配者 磁力重压」的先导者的话,灵魂填充2。',
'[ACT](RC):If your soul has ten or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and all of your front row units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:你的灵魂在10张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If two or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+10000.': '【永】【R/G】:被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有2张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000、盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and imprison it in your Prison.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择前列的对手的1张后防者,收容到你的监狱。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), search your deck for up to one Prison card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张监狱卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if one or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有1张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if one or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and if three or more cards are imprisoned, this unit gets drive +1.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有1张以上的话,这个单位的力量+10000,有3张以上的话,接着将这个单位的攻击判定+1次。',
'[ACT](VC/RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose two of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and imprison them in your Prison.': '【起】【V/R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的2张后防者,收容到你的监狱。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and imprisons it in your Prison.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,对手选择他自己的手牌中的1张卡,收容到你的监狱。',
'[CONT](RC):If one or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有1张以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'(When revealed as a trigger, choose one of your units, and it gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn! Then, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.)': '(将这张卡判出时,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,☆+1!接着选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000!)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), you may discard three cards from the top of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你可以将你的牌堆顶的3张卡舍弃。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Retire this unit], until end of turn, the next time when you would play an order as Alchemagic, you do not have to pay all Soul Blast from that cost.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],这个回合中,你下一次通过魔合成将指令卡使用之际,你可以不支付那个费用中所有的灵魂爆发。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if you have no face up cards in your damage zone, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,你的伤害区中没有正面表示的卡的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], look at the top card of your deck, put it on the top or bottom of your deck, and draw a card.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame", search your deck for up to one "Yamatonokami Yasusada", reveal it and put it to your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「加州清光 极」RIDE时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「大和守安定」,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[Stand] this unit, and it gets [Power]+4000 until end of turn.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Kashuu Kiyomitsu Toku", look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top of your deck or into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位被「加州清光 特」RIDE时,看你牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或灵魂里。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'Additional Effect-During this turn, all your units get [Critical]+1!': '追加效果——这个回合中,将当前存在于场上的你所有的单位的☆+1!',
'When played (Resolve this effect when played as an order!)-Choose one of your vanguard, and it gets [Critical]+1 until the end of the turn, and if you have 5 or more cards in your damage zone, all your units get [Power]+10000!': '使用时效果(作为指令卡使用时发动此处的效果!)——选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,☆+1,你的伤害区中的卡有5张以上的话,接着将当前存在于场上的你所有的单位的力量+10000!',
'[AUTO](VC) Homare (You can only pay the cost for one Homare ability per turn):[Soul Blast (1)] When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, Counter Charge (2).".[CONT](Hand):While you are paying the cost for Stride, this card gets grade+2.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这次战斗中,你的1个单位不会被击中。',
'[AUTO](VC):When a World is put into your order zone, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:世界卡被放置到你的指令区时,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), search your deck for up to one World card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张世界卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked or boosted, if your World is Dark Night or Abyssal Dark Night, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援的战斗中,你的世界卡的内容是黑夜或深渊黑夜的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):During your turn, if your World is Dark Night or Abyssal Dark Night, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V/R】:你的回合中,你的世界卡的内容是黑夜状态或深渊黑夜的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC):If your World is Abyssal Dark Night, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and call up to three Shadow Army tokens to (RC).': '【起】【V】:你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],将至多3张夜影兵衍生物CALL到R上。',
'(You may only have one [Over] trigger in a deck. When revealed as a trigger, remove that card, draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+100 Million until end of turn! If revealed during drive check, activate its additional effect!)': '(【超】触发在卡组内只能合计加入至多1张。将这张卡判出时,将这张卡除外,抽1张卡,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+1亿!是通过攻击判定判出的话,接着发动追加的效果。)',
'Additional Effect-Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+100 Million until end of turn!': '追加效果——选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+1亿!',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have three or more grade 3 units, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的等级3的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这次战斗中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'Play this with COST [retire two rear-guards]!': '通过【费用】[将你的2张后防者退场]使用!',
'Draw a card, put this card into your soul, and Counter Charge (1).': '抽1张卡,将这张卡放置到灵魂里,计数回充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), Soul Charge (1). Then, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+15000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,灵魂填充1。你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+15000。',
'Choose a card with grade equal to or less than your vanguard from your drop, call it to (RC), and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC):When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:If you persona rode this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], reveal up to one [Critical] trigger or [Front] trigger from your hand and put it on the top of your deck, and this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],从你的手牌中将至多1张【☆】触发或【前】触发公开后放置到牌堆顶,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定+1次。',
'If your damage zone has three or more cards, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+15000 until end of that battle.': '你的伤害区中的卡有3张以上的话,选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,力量+15000。',
'(After a Set Order is played, put it into your Order Zone.)': '(设置指令在使用后,放置到指令区。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put in the order zone, choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,选择前列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, COST [Counter Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose one of your vanguards, search your deck for up to one card with the same card name as that unit, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位退场],选择你的1张先导者,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张与那个单位同名的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a unit in the [overDress] state, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有处于【超限舞装】状态的单位的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired during your main phase, COST [retire this unit], look at the top card of your deck, and you may call a unit card from among them to (RC). If you do not, put the rest into your soul.': '【自】【R】:你的主要阶段中对手的后防者退场时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],看你的牌堆顶的1张卡,你可以将查看的单位卡CALL到R上。没有这么做的话,将其余的查看的卡放置到灵魂里。',
'Additional Effect - Until end of turn, you also perform drive checks for the battles your rear-guards attack!': '追加效果——这个回合中,你的后防者攻击的战斗中也进行攻击判定!',
'[CONT](RC):If you Soul Charge this turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你进行过灵魂填充的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Cataclysmic Bullet of Dust Storm, Randor", Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位被「沙尘之凶弹 兰多尔」RIDE时,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired during your main phase, COST [Counter Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:你的主要阶段中对手的后防者退场时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位退场],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Heavy Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene", draw a card, choose up to one card from your drop, and put it into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位被「沙尘之重炮 尤金」RIDE时,抽1张卡,选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张卡,放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【V/R】:这个单位攻击时,对手的后防者在2张以下的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充1,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [[Rest] two rear-guards], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将你的2张后防者横置],选择对手的1张后防者,退场,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:If your opponent\'s rear-guard was retired this turn, COST [Soul Blast (5)], look at the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number of your opponent\'s open (RC), choose any number of unit cards from among them, call them to (RC), and put the rest into your soul.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:这个回合中对手曾有后防者退场过的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发5],看你的牌堆顶的数量与对手的不存在单位的R的个数相同的卡,选择你希望的张数的单位卡,CALL到R上,其余的卡放置到灵魂里。',
'Draw two cards, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn!': '抽2张卡,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'(A Blitz Order can only be played when you would call a guardian.)': '(闪现指令只能在你能将防卫者CALL出场的时段使用。)',
'Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If you have three or more back row rear-guards, it gets +15000 instead of +5000.': '选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,力量+5000。后列的你的后防者有3张以上的话,不+5000,而是+15000。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Retire this unit], choose two of your units, and they get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你的2个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Sylvan Horned Beast, Lattice", you may reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a grade 2 or less unit card, call it to (RC), and if it isn\'t, put it into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位被「树角兽 拉提斯」RIDE时,将你的牌堆顶的1张卡公开,那张卡是等级2以下的单位卡的话,CALL到R上,不是的话,放置到你的灵魂里。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):During the battle this unit attacked, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【后列的R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your other rear-guards, and it gets this unit\'s [Power] until end of turn. (Increase its [Power] at that time)': '【自】【后列的R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你其他的1张后防者,这个回合中,将这个单位当前的力量值增加给那个单位。(增加结算这个能力时这个单位的力量。)',
'[CONT](RC):If you have four or more other rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你其他的后防者在4张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia", COST [Soul Blast (1)], reveal the top card of your deck, if it is a unit card, call it to (RC), and if it isn\'t, put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位被「树角兽王 马格诺利亚」RIDE时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将你的牌堆顶的1张卡公开,那张卡是单位卡的话,CALL到R上,不是的话,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【后列的R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, and until end of turn, that unit can attack from the back row, and gets [Power]+5000. If you persona rode this turn, choose three rear-guards instead of one.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,那个单位可以从后列攻击,力量+5000。这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,不选择1张,而是选择3张。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Pentagleam Sorceress", COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被「五角闪光的女魔术师」RIDE时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and put it on the bottom of their deck.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择前列的对手的1张后防者,放置到牌堆底。',
'Additional Effect - Draw a card! Choose one of your units, it gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn! All of your front row units get [Power]+10000! If your damage zone has more cards than your opponent\'s, choose a card from your damage zone, and heal it!': '追加效果——抽1张卡!选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,☆+1!将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+10000!你的伤害区中的卡的张数在对手的伤害区中的卡的张数以上的话,选择你的伤害区中的1张卡,回复!',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Knight of Heavenly Spear, Rooks", COST [reveal two grade 3 cards from your hand], reveal the top card of your deck, call it to (RC) if it is a unit card, and put it into your drop if it isn\'t.': '【自】:这个单位被「天枪的骑士 勒克斯」RIDE时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的2张等级3的卡公开],将你的牌堆顶的1张卡公开,那张卡是单位卡的话,CALL到R上,不是的话,放置到弃牌区。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your grade 3 vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张等级3的先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Discard a card from your hand], choose a grade 0 card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级0的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit and all of your units with the [overDress] ability get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,你所有的具备【超限舞装】能力的单位和这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Apex Ruler, Bastion", COST [reveal three grade 3 cards from your hand], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被「顶峰天帝 巴斯提昂」RIDE时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的3张等级3的卡公开],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have three or more grade 3 units, this unit gets "Boost", and [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的等级3的单位有3个以上的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,对手的后防者在2张以下的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard attacks, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Critical]+1 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者攻击时,对手的后防者在2张以下的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张先导者,这次战斗中,☆+1。',
'Additional Effect - Double the [Power] and [Critical] of all of your front row units until end of turn! (Increase to double its [Power] and [Critical] when activated)': '追加效果——这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量和☆值变为2倍!(增加到发动的时点的力量和☆值的2倍。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Hexaorb Sorceress", look at three cards from the top of your deck, and put them on the top of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位被「六角宝珠的女魔术师」RIDE时,看你牌堆顶的3张卡,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck. If you put it on the bottom of your deck, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,看你牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底。放置到牌堆底了的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, if you have a Set Order in your Order Zone, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call this card to (RC).': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡从手牌舍弃时,你的指令区有设置指令卡的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'Play this with COST [Soul Blast (1)]!': '通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1]使用!',
'Play with this COST [Soul Blast (1)]!': '通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1]使用!',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into order zone, draw a card.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](Order Zone):If your order zone only has World cards, the following effects are active according to the number of cards in your order zone.': '【永】【指令区】:你的指令区中没有世界卡以外的设置指令卡的话,根据你的指令区中的卡的张数生效以下全部的效果:',
'•1 card ‐ Your World becomes Dark Night.': '·1张——你的世界卡的内容变为黑夜。',
'•2 or more cards ‐ Your World becomes Abyssal Dark Night.': '·2张以上——你的世界卡的内容变为深渊黑夜。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Blaze Maiden, Reiyu", search your deck for up to one "Trickstar", call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「焰之巫女 蕾尤」RIDE时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「托里科斯塔」,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):During the battle this unit attacked, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【V/R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana", COST [Soul Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Vairina", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「天轮圣龙 涅槃」RIDE时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「瓦尔里#」,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'(This represents a Shadow Army token, and cannot be put in a deck)': '(这是表示夜影兵衍生物的卡,不能投入到卡组中。)',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'COST [[Rest] one of your units] to play this card!': '通过【费用】[将你的1个单位横置]使用!',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into the Order Zone, Soul Charge (3).': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,灵魂填充3。',
'[CONT](Order Zone):When your opponent can normal call a rear-guard, they can perform the following:': '【永】【指令区】:对手在可以将后防者通常CALL出场的时段,对手可以从以下效果中将1项执行。',
'• Soul Blast (1). If they do so, they choose one of their imprisoned cards, and call it to (RC).': '·灵魂爆发1。这样做了的话,选择被收容的他自己的1张卡,CALL到他自己的R上。',
'• Counter Blast (1). If they do so, they choose two of their imprisoned cards, and call them to (RC).': '·计数爆发1。这样做了的话,选择被收容的他自己的2张卡,CALL到他自己的R上。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (2)], reveal the top card of your deck, if it is a unit card, call it to (RC), and if it isn\'t, put it into your hand.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是单位卡的话,CALL到R上,不是的话,加入手牌。',
'Additional Effect - You get "During your turn, all of your vanguards get [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1" until end of this fight!': '追加效果——这局游戏中,你获得『你的回合中,你所有的先导者的力量+10000、☆+1』的状态。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], draw two cards, choose up to one order card from your hand, discard it, and if you did not discard, choose two cards from your hand, and discard them.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],抽2张卡,选择你的手牌中的至多1张指令卡,舍弃,没有舍弃的话,选择手牌中的的2张卡,舍弃。',
'[CONT](RC):If you played an order this turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你使用过指令卡的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'Additional Effect - Choose one of your vanguards, and [Stand] it!': '追加效果——选择你的1张先导者,重置!',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, Counter Charge (1)/Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,计数回充1、灵魂填充1。',
'[CONT](GC):If your vanguard is "Apex Ruler, Bastion", this unit gets [Shield]+5000 for every two of your grade 3 units. (Includes this unit)': '【永】【G】:你有「顶峰天帝 巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,你的等级3的单位每有2个,这个单位的盾护+5000。(这个单位也包含在内。)',
'Choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards. Your opponent puts all of their rear-guards in the same column as that rear-guard on the bottom of their deck in any order.': '选择对手的1张后防者,对手将与那张后防者同纵列的他自己所有的后防者按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'Play this with COST [Soul Blast (1) grade 3]!': '通过【费用】[使用等级3的卡进行灵魂爆发1]使用!',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, COST [discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and perform all of the following according to the number of cards in your soul.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],根据你的灵魂里的卡的张数发动以下全部的效果:',
'•5 or more ‐ Draw a card.': '·5张以上——抽1张卡。',
'•10 or more ‐ This unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle.': '·10张以上——这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000、☆+1。',
'•15 or more ‐ Both you and your opponent put all of your own rear-guards into your souls. Choose up to two cards from your soul, call them to (RC), and those units get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '·15张以上——你和对手分别将他自己所有的后防者放置到各自的灵魂里。选择你的灵魂里的至多2张卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,那些单位的力量+10000。',
'Look at four cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card from among them, call it to (RC), and discard the rest. If during Alchemagic, call up to two cards instead of one to (RC), and all of this order\'s called units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '看你牌堆顶的4张卡,选择至多1张单位卡,CALL到R上,将其余的卡舍弃。这是在魔合成中的话,不选择1张而是选择至多2张单位卡CALL到R上,这个回合中,由于这张指令卡而被CALL出场的所有单位的力量+5000。',
'Play this with COST [Soul Blast (2)]!': '通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2]使用!',
'Reward for winning in a mini-Tournament.': '在小型比赛中获胜的奖励。',
'\ud83e\udd5a For players who participated in the overDulst Beta! \ud83e\udd5a': '\ud83e\udd5a 赠与参加overDulst封测的玩家! \ud83e\udd5a',
'Granted to the top 2 players of the any overDulst tournament!!': '授予任何overDult比赛中取得前2名的选手!!',
'Restriction: Limited to 1': '限制卡:仅能投入1张',
'Restriction: Limited to 2': '限制卡:仅能投入2张',
'Restriction: Limited to 3': '限制卡:仅能投入3张',
'Click your VC to Prison Break!!': '点击你的先导者圆阵来越狱!!',
'(This represents a plant token, and cannot be put in a deck)': '(这是表示植物衍生物的卡,不能投入到卡组中)',
'(This represents a Momokke Token, and cannot be put in a deck)': '(这是表示莫莫克衍生物的卡,不能投入到卡组中)',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Retire one or more of your other rear-guards], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for each unit retired for this cost.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将你其他的1张以上的你希望的张数的后防者退场],由于这个费用退场的单位每有1个,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[Glitter]-"Rorowa" (Active if your vanguard is a [Glitter] with "Rorowa" in its card name)': '【煌求者】-罗洛瓦(你有含有「罗洛瓦」的具备【煌求者】能力的先导者的话有效)',
'[CONT](RC):If you have a unit with "Radylina" in its card name in the same column as this unit, this unit can attack from the back row.': '【永】【R】:你有含有「拉迪莉娜」的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这个单位可以从后列攻击',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on your back row center (RC) from drop, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位从弃牌区登场到##后列的R时,计数回充1。',
'[DressBoost]-[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, the boosted unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle for each card your "Sealed Blaze Maiden, Bavsargra" is Armed with.': '【舞装支援】-【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你的「封焰之巫女 婆缚娑伽罗」装备的卡片每有1张,这次战斗中,被支援的单位的力量+10000。',
'Black Wings (Active when bind only has even grades)-[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, you may return this unit to your hand.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,你可以将这个单位返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, COST [Counter Blast (1), and put this unit into your soul], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have another unit with "Toushirou" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有其他的卡名含有「藤四郎」的单位的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress" or "Pentagleam Sorceress", COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two unit cards from among them, call them to (RC), and put the rest on the top of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」或「五角闪光的女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多2张单位卡,CALL到R上,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, when this unit would be retired for your card\'s cost, you may retire it as two rear-guards.': '【永】【R】:你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,由于你的卡片的费用要将这个单位退场之际,这个单位可以当做2张的份量。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (1) & Put this unit into your damage zone], choose a face up grade 3 card from your damage zone, and call it to (RC).': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这张卡放置到伤害区],选择你的伤害区中的1张正面表示的等级3的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (2)], and until end of turn, the [Power] increase of the trigger effects revealed by your drive check gets +5000.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],这个回合中,你的攻击判定判出的触发效果的力量增加值再+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Blaster Dark", reveal the top card of your deck, call it to (RC) as [Rest] if it is a unit card, and discard it if it isn\'t.': '【自】:这个单位被「暗黑狂风」RIDE时,公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,是单位卡的话,将那张卡横置CALL到R上,不是的话,将那张卡舍弃。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, COST [[Rest] this unit], look at the top card of your deck, and you may call it to (RC) if it is a unit card. At the end of that turn, retire that called unit. (Put it on the top of the deck if you did not call)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],看你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是单位卡的话,你可以将那张卡CALL到R上。这个回合结束时,将被CALL出场的那个单位退场。(没有CALL出场的话放置回牌堆顶。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Hexaorb Sorceress", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「六角宝珠的女魔术师」,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is placed on (RC), choose up to one [Critical] trigger or [Front] trigger from your hand, reveal it and put it on the bottom of your deck. If you put a card, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择你的手牌中的至多1张【☆】触发或【前】触发,公开后放置到牌堆底。放置了的话,接着通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], choose one of your vanguards, and that unit and this unit get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,那个单位和这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is placed on (RC) or discarded from hand during your turn, choose one of your back row rear-guards, and [Stand] it.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡登场到R时或被从手牌舍弃时,选择后列的你的1张后防者,重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1) & reveal three grade 3 from your hand], choose a grade 3 card from your drop, and put it on the top of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的3张等级3的卡公开],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级3的卡,放置到牌堆顶。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [discard a "Hexaorb Sorceress" from your hand], choose a Hexaorb Sorceress on your (VC) or (RC), and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将你的手牌中的1张「六角宝珠的女魔术师」舍弃],选择你的V或R上的1张「六角宝珠的女魔术师」,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [discard a sentinel from your hand], and Counter Charge (1) or Soul Charge (2).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张守护者舍弃],计数回充1或灵魂填充2。',
'[CONT](GC):All of your grade 3 units get [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你所有的等级3的单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, COST [discard a card from your hand], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two unit cards from among them, call them to (RC) as [Rest], and discard the rest.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多2张单位卡,横置CALL到R上,将其余的卡舍弃。',
'[CONT][RC]:If there are no other units in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power]+10000. (Including your opponent\'s rear-guards)': '【永】【R】:不存在其他的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这个单位的力量+10000。(对手的后防者也包含在内。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and call this card to your back row (RC) as [Rest].': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这张卡横置CALL到后列的R上。',
'[CONT](RC):If this unit is [Stand], this unit gets "Intercept", and can intercept from the back row.': '【永】【R】:这个单位处于竖置状态的话,这个单位获得『截击』的技能,也可以从后列截击。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is [Stand] by your vanguard\'s ability, you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:由于你的先导者的能力使这个单位重置时,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC):At the end of the battle your drive check revealed a trigger unit, COST [Soul Blast (1)], [Stand] this unit, and move it to your open back row (RC).': '【自】【后列的R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出过的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置,移动到不存在单位的后列的R上。',
'[CONT](RC/Trigger Zone):If your vanguard is "Apex-surpassing Sword, Bastion Prime", this card gets grade +2/[Power]+5000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R/触发区】:你有「顶峰超越之剑 崇高巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,这张卡的等级+2、力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card is revealed for your drive check, if you have a vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, COST [put this card into your drop], and your opponent puts all of their front row rear-guards on the bottom of their deck in any order.': '【自】:你的攻击判定将这张卡判出时,你有含有「巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这张卡放置到弃牌区],对手将前列的他自己所有的后防者按他希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC):When your other unit in the same column as this unit [Stand] by a card\'s effect, you may return this unit to your hand.': '【自】【后列的R】:由于卡片的效果使与这个单位同纵列的你其他的单位重置时,你可以将这个单位返回手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) by the ability of your vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name during your turn, COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:你的回合中由于你的含有「狂风」的先导者的能力使这个单位从R退场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit boosted "Knight of Loyalty, Bedivere", this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位支援「#义的骑士 贝狄#尔」的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn for each of your other units.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],你其他的单位每有1个,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a grade 2 with "Blaster" in its card name, look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 with "Blaster" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you did not reveal a card, choose a "Wingal Brave" from your soul, and you may call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被等级2的含有「狂风」的单位RIDE时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张等级2的含有「狂风」的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。没有将卡公开的话,你可以选择你的灵魂里的1张「温加尔·勇士」,CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have three or more units, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的单位在3个以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) other than by the effect of "Orgulous Lion", if you persona rode this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], search deck for up to one card with the same card name as this card, call to (RC) as [Rest], and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:由于「高傲雄狮」的效果以外的方式使这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张与这个单位同名的卡,横置CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Harsh Training, Thegrea", reveal the top card of your deck, and if it is a grade 2 or less unit card, you may call it to (RC) as [Rest]. (Return it to its original spot if you do not call)': '【自】:这个单位被「严格修炼 泰格莉娅」RIDE时,公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是等级2以下的单位卡的话,你可以将那张卡横置CALL到R上。(没有CALL出场的场合,将那张卡返回原处。)',
'[Glitter](This card is a [Glitter] which seeks the Fire Regalis)': '【煌求者】(这张卡是寻求煌结晶的【煌求者】。)',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If your soul has two or more grade 2 cards with "Blaster" in their different card names , this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000.': '【永】【R/G】:你的灵魂里的等级2的含有「狂风」的卡有2种以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose a face up card in your damage zone, call it to (GC), and put the top card of your deck into your damage zone face up.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者被攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位退场],选择你的伤害区中的1张正面表示的卡,CALL到G上,将牌堆顶的1张卡以正面表示放置到伤害区。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [[Rest] this unit], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle when your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard two cards from your hand], and draw two cards.': '【自】【R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的2张卡舍弃],抽2张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and put that unit and this unit on the bottom of each player\'s decks.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择与这个单位同纵列的对手的1张后防者,将那个单位和这个单位分别放置到各自的牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Knight of Ardent Light, Youth", COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at the top three cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Youthberk" in its card name from among them and reveal it and put it into your hand, or choose up to one grade 2 or less unit card from among them and call it to (RC), and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位被「烈光的骑士 朱斯」RIDE时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,从中选择至多1张含有「朱斯贝克」的卡公开后加入手牌,或从中选择至多1张等级2以下的单位卡CALL到R上,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your ride phase, you may call this card to (RC).': '【自】:你的RIDE阶段中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,你可以将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit boosted, if two or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗中,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有2张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if five or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, Counter Charge (1) or Soul Charge (3).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有5张以上的话,计数回充1或灵魂填充3。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your opponent\'s unit cards imprisoned in your Prison, and you may call it to your opponent\'s open (RC). If you called it, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and imprison it in your Prison. (You choose the circle to be called to)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你可以选择被收容在你的监狱的对手的1张单位卡,CALL到不存在单位的对手的R上。CALL出场了的话,选择对手的1张后防者,收容到你的监狱。(由你来选择CALL到哪个圆阵。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, imprison it in your Prison, and Soul Charge (1) for each grade of that imprisoned card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,收容到你的监狱,那张被收容的卡的等级每有1级,你灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if your Order Zone has a Set Order, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,你的指令区中有设置指令卡的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Seraph" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你有含有「塞拉斯」的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if three or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, search your deck for up to one card with the same card name as this unit, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有3张以上的话,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张与这个单位同名的卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](GC):If your vanguard is grade 4, this unit gets [Shield]+15000.': '【永】【G】:你有等级4以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+15000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a vanguard with "Seraph" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1)], your opponent chooses a trigger unit from their drop, and imprisons it in your Prison.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援含有「塞拉斯」的先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],对手选择他自己的弃牌区中的1张触发单位卡,收容到你的监狱。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if two or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有2张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](Front Row RC):When your opponent\'s card imprisoned in your Prison is placed on (RC), that unit gets [Power]-5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【前列的R】:被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡登场到R时,这个回合中,那个单位的力量-5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if one or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit by a grade 2 or lower unit\'s attack until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有1张以上的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,那个单位不会被等级2以下的单位的攻击击中。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your opponent\'s imprisoned cards in your Prison, and put it into their drop.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择1张被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡,放置到对手的弃牌区。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your opponent\'s card is placed on (RC) from your Order Zone, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:对手的卡从你的指令区中登场到R时,你灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and imprisons it in your Prison. If it was imprisoned, your opponent draws a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,对手选择他自己的手牌中的1张卡,收容到你的监狱。收容了的话,对手抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):If one or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets "Boost", and can intercept from the back row.': '【永】【R】:被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有1张以上的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能,也可以从后列截击。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), Soul Charge (1) for each of your opponent\'s imprisoned card in your Prison.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡每有1张,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and imprison the top card of your opponent\'s deck face up in your Prison. Then, if two or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],对手将他自己的牌堆顶的1张卡收容到你的监狱。这之后,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有2张以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, you choose up to two unit cards from your opponent\'s drop, and imprison them in your Prison.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,你选择对手的弃牌区中的最多2张单位卡,收容到你的监狱。(将那张卡放置到监狱所在的指令区。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When your opponent\'s unit is retired from (RC) or (GC) during the battle this unit attacked, imprison that retired card in your Prison.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中对手的单位从R或G退场时,将那些退场的卡收容到你的监狱。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, imprison it in your Prison, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,收容到你的监狱,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (3)], choose up to three of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and imprison them in your Prison. If three or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and if five or more are imprisoned, this unit gets [Critical]+1.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发3],选择对手的至多3张后防者,收容到你的监狱。这之后,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有3张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000,有5张以上的话,接着将这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO](Front Row RC)1/Turn:When your opponent\'s rear-guard is placed other than from their hand, [Rest] that unit.': '【自】【前列的R】【1回合1次】:对手的后防者从手牌以外的领域登场时,将那个单位横置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, COST [Counter Blast (1)], your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and imprisons it in your Prison.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],对手选择他自己的手牌中的1张卡,收容到你的监狱。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked, your opponent cannot call normal units to (GC) nor play blitz orders from their hand.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,对手不能将普通单位卡从手牌CALL到G上,不能施放闪现指令。',
'[CONT](RC):If five or less of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, this unit cannot attack.': '【永】【R】:被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡在5张以下的话,这个单位不能攻击。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks or boosts, if your Order Zone has three or more Meteorites, COST [Soul Blast (2)], Counter Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援时,你的指令区中的陨石卡有3张以上的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],计数回充1,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose any number of Meteorite cards, reveal them and put them into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择你希望的张数的陨石卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If your vanguard is "Gravidia Nordlinger", COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose up to two Meteorite cards from your hand, put them into your Order Zone, and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有「重力孕育者·诺德林根」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的手牌中的至多2张陨石卡,放置到指令区,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your Order Zone has three or more Meteorites, COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw a card, choose up to one Meteorite card from your hand, and put it into your Order Zone.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的指令区中的陨石卡有3张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的至多1张陨石卡,放置到指令区。',
'[CONT](GC):This unit gets [Shield]+5000 for every three Meteorite cards in your drop.': '【永】【G】:你的弃牌区中的陨石卡每有3张,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, choose up to two Meteorite cards from your drop, and put them on the bottom of your deck in any order. If you put two cards, retire this unit, and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,选择你的弃牌区中的至多2张陨石卡,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。放置了2张的话,将这个单位退场,抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If your drop and Order Zone have a total of five or more set orders, this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+5000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R/G】:你的弃牌区和指令区中的设置指令卡合计有5张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000、盾护+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if you have a Meteorite in your Order Zone, COST [Soul Blast (3)], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V或R时,你的指令区中有陨石卡的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发3],抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):If your drop and Order Zone have a total of five or more set orders, this unit gets [Power]+5000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:你的弃牌区和指令区中的设置指令卡合计有5张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle that this unit attacks, if your Order Zone has three or more Meteorites, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,你的指令区中的陨石卡有3张以上的话,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose up to five Meteorite cards from your drop, return them to your deck and shuffle it. If you returned one or more cards, until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, if you returned three or more cards, it gets [Power]+5000, and if you returned five cards, it gets [Power]+5000.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择你的弃牌区中的至多5张陨石卡,返回牌堆然后切洗。将1张以上返回了的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,将3张以上返回了的话,接着力量+5000,将5张返回了的话,接着力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, search your deck or drop for up to one Meteorite card, put it into your Order Zone, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,从你的牌堆或弃牌区中探寻至多1张陨石卡,放置到指令区,从牌堆探寻了的话,将牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, choose up to one Meteorite card from your hand, and put it into your order zone. If you put a card, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,选择你的手牌中的至多1张陨石卡,放置到指令区。放置了的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), search your deck for up to two Meteorite cards, put them into your Order Zone, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多2张陨石卡,放置到指令区,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put one or more Meteorites from your Order Zone into your drop], until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+15000, if you put three or more Meteorite cards into your drop for this cost, it gets [Critical]+1, and if you put five or more, your trigger effects activate twice.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的指令区中的1张以上的你希望的张数的陨石卡放置到弃牌区],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+15000,由于这个费用被放置到弃牌区的陨石卡有3张以上的话,接着将这个单位的☆+1,有5张以上的话,接着使这次战斗中,你所有的触发效果发动2次。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, search your deck for up to one Meteorite card, put it into your Order Zone, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张陨石卡,放置到指令区,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a Meteorite card from your drop, and put it into your Order Zone.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张陨石卡,放置到指令区。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and if three or more were retired, [Critical]+1.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个回合中对手曾有后防者退场过的话,这个单位的力量+5000,对手曾有3张以上的后防者退场过的话,接着将这个单位的☆+1。',
'[CONT]:You may have up to sixteen "Neatness Meteor Shower" in your deck.': '【永】:卡组内至多可以加入16张「齐整陨石雨」。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into the Order Zone, you may Soul Charge (1). If it was put by your vanguard\'s ability, you may draw a card.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,你可以灵魂填充1。是通过你的先导者能力被放置的话,接着你可以抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into your drop from the Order Zone, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这张卡被从指令区放置到弃牌区时,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT]:When you would count the number of Meteorite cards put from your Order Zone into your drop for the cost of your vanguard\'s ability, this card counts as two cards.': '【永】:你的先导者的能力将要统计由于那个能力的费用而从指令区放置到弃牌区的陨石卡的张数之际,这张卡可以当做2张的份量。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into your drop from the Order Zone, bind this card, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这张卡被从指令区放置到弃牌区时,将这张卡封锁,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'If your opponent\'s hand has four or more cards, your opponent chooses a card from their hand, and imprisons it in your Prison. Then, if three or more of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, you choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '对手的手牌在4张以上的话,对手选择他自己的手牌中的1张卡,收容到你的监狱。这之后,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡有3张以上的话,你选择你自己的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If one or less of your opponent\'s cards are imprisoned in your Prison, COST [[Rest] this unit], choose a unit card from your opponent\'s drop, and imprison it in your Prison.': '【起】【R】:被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡在1张以下的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],选择对手的弃牌区中的1张单位卡,收容到你的监狱。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1) card with "Seraph" in its card name], your opponent chooses two cards each from their hand, rear-guards, and soul, and imprisons them in your Prison.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,使用含有「塞拉斯」的卡进行灵魂爆发1],对手选择他自己的手牌中、后防者中以及灵魂里的各2张卡,收容到你的监狱。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000 for every two of your opponent\'s cards imprisoned in your Prison. If ten or more cards are imprisoned, all of your front row units get [Critical]+1': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,收容在你的监狱的对手的卡每有2张,前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。有10张以上的话,前列的你所有的单位的☆+1。',
'Choose one of your opponent\'s attacking units, and it gets [Power]-5000 until end of turn for each of your opponent\'s cards imprisoned in your Prison. (It does not retire even if its [Power] becomes negative)': '选择对手的1个正在攻击的单位,被收容在你的监狱的对手的卡每有1张,这个回合中,那个单位的力量-5000。(单位的力量变为负数也不会退场。)',
'Imprison all of your opponent\'s back row rear-guards in your Prison.': '将后列的对手所有的后防者收容到你的监狱。',
'[CONT](VC):All of your rear-guards placed this turn get [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:你所有的在这个回合中登场的后防者的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if your soul has a card with "Kairi" in its card name, choose up to two of your rear-guards, return them to your hand, choose two cards from your hand, and call them to (RC).': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,你的灵魂里有含有「海璃」的卡的话,选择你的至多2张后防者,返回手牌,选择你的手牌中的2张卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Astesice" in its card name, choose a grade 2 or less card from your soul with "Astesice" in its card name, and you may call it to an open (RC) as [Rest]. If you called it during your battle phase, [Stand] that called unit.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「六星彩」的先导者的话,你可以选择你的灵魂里的1张等级2以下的含有「六星彩」的卡,横置CALL到不存在单位的R上。是在你的战斗阶段中CALL出场的话,将那个被CALL出场的单位重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Astesice" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「六星彩」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose a grade 1 or less card from your drop, and you may call it to (RC) as [Rest].': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,你可以选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级1以下的卡,横置CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks while boosted, if your vanguard is "Astesice, Kairi", COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose up to one card from your hand, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】【R】:这个单位被支援时,你有「六星彩 海璃」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的手牌中的至多1张卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, choose one of your rear-guards, and you may return it to hand.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,你可以选择你的1张后防者,返回手牌。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit is boosted, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位被支援的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose a grade 2 or less normal unit with "Astesice" in its card name from your drop, and you may put it into your soul. If you put a card into your soul, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你可以选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级2以下的含有「六星彩」的普通单位卡,放置到灵魂里。放置了的话,接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose up to two of your rear-guards, and return them to your hand.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的至多2张后防者,返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if you persona rode this turn, choose up to two cards from your hand, and call them to separate row (RC).': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,选择你的手牌中的至多2张卡,分别CALL到前列和后列的各1个R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, search your deck or hand for up to one grade 1 Song card, reveal it and put it into your Order Zone, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. If you put it from hand, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,选择你的牌堆或手牌中的至多1张等级1的歌曲卡,公开后放置到指令区,从牌堆探寻了的话,牌堆洗切。从手牌放置了的话,抽卡1张。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if your Order Zone has a face up Song, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,你的指令区中有正面表示的歌曲卡的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, search your deck or hand for up to one grade 2 Song card, reveal it and put it into your Order Zone, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. If you put from you hand, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,选择你的牌堆或手牌中的至多1张等级2的歌曲卡,公开后放置到指令区,从牌堆探寻了的话,牌堆洗切。从手牌放置了的话,抽卡1张。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a face up Song from your order zone, and sing it. (Activate the Song\'s ability of the Song, and turn it face down after that ability resolves)': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的指令区中的1张正面表示的歌曲卡,将其歌唱。(发动歌曲卡的能力,那个能力结算完毕后将那张卡转为背面表示。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if you have two or more face down cards in your order zone, choose a face up Song from your order zone, sing it, and until end of that battle, your opponent cannot call sentinels from hand to (GC).': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,你的指令区中的背面表示的卡有2张以上的话,选择你的指令区中的1张卡正面表示的歌曲卡,将其歌唱,这次战斗中,对手不能将守护者从手牌CALL到G上。',
'[AUTO](Hand):At the end of the battle your "Trickstar" attacked a vanguard, if your vanguard is "Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana", COST [Soul Blast (2)], [overDress] this card on your "Trickstar" on (RC) as [Stand], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【手牌】:你的「托里科斯塔」攻击先导者的战斗结束时,你有「天轮圣龙 涅槃」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],将这张卡以竖置状态【超限舞装】到你的R上的「托里科斯塔」上,计数回充1。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If this unit is in the [overDress] state, this unit gets [Power]+10000/[Shield]+10000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R/G】:这个单位处于【超限舞装】状态的话,这个单位的力量+10000、盾护+10000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[X-overDress]-One "Trickstar" and one Prayer Dragon unit (You may place it by stacking it on all of the specified units instead of normal calling it to (RC))': '【交织超限舞装】-「托里科斯塔」和〈祈装龙〉各1张(作为通常CALL到R上的代替,也可以将指定的单位全部重叠在这个单位下登场。)',
'[CONT](RC):If this unit is in the [X-overDress] state, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and for the battle this unit attacked, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:这个单位处于【交织超限舞装】状态的话,这个单位的力量+10000,这个单位攻击的战斗中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card becomes an originalDress, choose one of this card\'s outerDress units, until end of turn, it gets [Power]+5000, and if the outerDress is "Jeweled Sword Equip, Garou Vairina", it gets [Power]+5000. (An outerDress is the unit that this card is the originalDress of)': '【自】:这张卡成为舞装源时,选择1个作为这张卡的舞装对象的单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。舞装对象是「#装宝剑 魔刃瓦尔里#」的话,接着将那个单位的力量+5000。(舞装对象是指将这张卡作为舞装源的单位。)',
'[X-overDress]-One "Trickstar" and one Prayer Drag unit (You may place it by stacking it on all of the specified units instead of normal calling it to (RC))': '【交织超限舞装】-「托里科斯塔」和〈祈装龙〉各1张(作为通常CALL到R上的代替,也可以将指定的单位全部重叠在这个单位下登场。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) in the [X-overDress] state, choose a card with the [X-overDress] ability from your drop other than "Steel Wall Equip, Biruz Vairina", and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位通过【交织超限舞装】能力登场到R时,选择你的弃牌区中的1张「#装刚壁 雷殿瓦尔里#」以外的具备【交织超限舞装】能力的卡,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If this unit is in the [X-overDress] state, this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects, and gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+10000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R/G】:这个单位处于【交织超限舞装】状态的话,这个单位不会被对手的效果选择,力量+5000、盾护+10000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[overDress]-Unit in the [overDress] state': '【超限舞装】-处于【超限舞装】状态的单位',
'[CONT](RC):This unit gets the original [Power] of all of its originalDress. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:这个单位获得这个单位所有的舞装源的原始力量值。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater vanguard, if this unit is in the [overDress] state, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+15000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, put all of this unit\'s originalDress into the drop.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的先导者时,这个单位处于【超限舞装】状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+15000、☆+1。这次战斗结束时,将这张卡所有的舞装源放置到弃牌区。(没有舞装源后,不会再处于【超限舞装】状态。)',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if this unit is in the [X-overDress] state, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, it gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个单位处于【交织超限舞装】状态的话,这个单位的力量+10000,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,接着将这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, if this unit is in the [X-overDress] state, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your columns, and retire all of your opponent\'s rear-guards in that column.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,这个单位处于【交织超限舞装】状态的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],你选择1个纵列,将那个纵列上的对手所有的后防者退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if it is [overDress], put all "Trickstar" and cards with the [overDress] ability from your drop as this unit\'s originalDress.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个单位处于【超限舞装】状态的话,将你的弃牌区中的所有「托里科斯塔」和具备【超限舞装】能力的卡以舞装源的状态放置到这个单位下。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your vanguard attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], [Stand] this unit, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for each of this unit\'s originalDress.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的先导者攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置,这个单位的舞装源每有1张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the start of your ride phase, until end of turn, you "Final Rush".': '【自】【V】:你的RIDE阶段开始时,这个回合中,你进入“一气呵成之势”状态。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (5)], [Stand] all of your front row units, and this unit gets drive -2 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发5],将前列的你所有的单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定-2次。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if you have a unit in the [overDress] state, all of your front row units get [Power]+10000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,你有处于【超限舞装】状态的单位的话,前列的你所有的单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Put a card with "Nirvana" in its card name from your hand or soul into your drop], choose a grade 0 card from your drop, call it to (RC), choose one of your opponent\'s vanguards, and if your opponent\'s damage zone has four or less cards, deal one damage.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的手牌或灵魂里的1张卡名含有「涅槃」的卡放置到弃牌区],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级0的卡,CALL到R上,选择对手的1张先导者,对手的伤害区中的卡在4张以下的话,给予对手1点伤害。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+2000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,前列的你所有的单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle your drive check revealed a grade 3 or greater card, COST [put a card with "Bastion" in its card name from your hand or soul into your drop], [Stand] all of your grade 3 rear-guards, and they get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:你的攻击判定将等级3以上的卡判出的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将你的手牌或灵魂里的1张含有「巴斯提昂」的卡放置到弃牌区],将你所有的等级3的后防者重置,这个回合中,那些单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose a card from your soul, and you may call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,你可以选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](VC):If you have one or more cards in your soul or on your (RC) with "Magnolia" in their card names, all of your rear-guards can attack and intercept from the back row, and get [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:你的灵魂或R上的含有「马格诺利亚」的卡有1张以上的话,你所有的后防者可以从后列攻击,可以从后列截击,力量+5000。',
'Choice Restriction: Blue Artillery Dragon, Inlet Pulse Dragon': '选择限制:苍炮龙 脉冲进气龙',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [reveal a card with "Kairi" in its card name from your hand], and this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张含有「海璃」的卡公开],这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) other than from hand, Counter Charge (1), choose one of your other rear-guards in the same column, and [Stand] it.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌以外的领域登场到R时,计数回充1,选择与这个单位同纵列的你其他的1张后防者,重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, put this unit on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。这次战斗结束时,将这个单位放置到牌堆底。(必须执行这个能力。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Power]+15000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, put this unit on the top of your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+15000。这次战斗结束时,将这个单位放置到你的牌堆顶。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC):When your other Ghost is placed on (RC) during your battle phase, [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【后列的R】:你的战斗阶段中你其他的〈幽灵〉登场到R时,将这个单位重置。',
'Selfie Practice Anneliese': '练习自拍中 安涅丽泽',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked while boosted, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:被支援的这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have another Ghost on (RC), choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的R上有其他的〈幽灵〉的话,选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if "Rondo of Eventide Moon, Feltyrosa" is on your (VC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a  normal unit not named "Canon of Overlaid-spinning, Dietlinde" from your drop, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的V上存在「宵暗月之轮舞曲 菲尔缇罗萨」的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「交织之追走曲 迪特琳德」以外的〈幽灵〉的普通单位卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, put this unit on the bottom of your deck. (Must be performed)': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,将这个单位放置到牌堆底。(必须执行这个能力。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a Ghost normal unit rear-guard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, you may put the boosted rear-guard on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援〈幽灵〉普通单位卡的后防者时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。这次战斗结束时,你可以将被支援的后防者放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](VC):When your drive check reveals a Ghost normal unit, you may call that unit to an open front row (RC). Then, if you called, COST [Counter Blast (1)], this unit gets drive +1 until end of that battle.': '【自】【V】:你的攻击判定将〈幽灵〉的普通单位卡判出时,你可以将那张卡CALL到不存在单位的前列的R上。CALL出场了的话,接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的攻击判定+1次。(这次战斗中要进行的攻击判定增加1次。即使这是在这次战斗中最后1次攻击判定中的场合也能通过这个能力追加1次。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, COST [reveal a Ghost normal unit from hand, and put it on the top of your deck], choose a Ghost from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张〈幽灵〉的普通单位卡公开,放置到牌堆顶],选择你的弃牌区中的1张〈幽灵〉,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):During your turn, if you have three or more Ghost on your (RC), this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V/R】:你的回合中,你的R上的〈幽灵〉有3张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose up to one Ghost in your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张〈幽灵〉,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):During your turn, if you have a Ghost on your (RC), this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【V/R】:你的回合中,你的R上有〈幽灵〉的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your battle phase, COST [put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.': '【自】:你的战斗阶段中这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks, if your vanguard sung a Song this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn, then COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], and draw two cards.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击时,这个回合中你的先导者曾将歌曲卡歌唱过的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],抽2张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle for each of your cards in your order zone.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],你的指令区中的你的卡每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if your vanguard sung a Song this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle, and if this unit is in the back row center, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,这个回合中你的先导者曾将歌曲卡歌唱过的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000,这个单位位于##后列的话,接着计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other rear-guard is placed in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你其他的后防者登场到这个单位的同纵列时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your other Ghost is placed on another (RC) in the same column as this unit, choose a card with "Feltyrosa" in its card name from your drop, and put it into your soul.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你其他的〈幽灵〉登场到这个单位的同纵列的R时,选择你的弃牌区中的1张含有「菲尔缇罗萨」的卡,放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your battle phase, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:你的战斗阶段中这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If you have three or more Ghost on your (RC), this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000.': '【永】【R/G】:你的R上的〈幽灵〉有3张以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) other than from hand, until end of turn, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC) for the battle this unit attacked, they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌以外的领域登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位攻击的战斗中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) other than from hand, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌以外的领域登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your other Ghost rear-guards.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你其他的〈幽灵〉的后防者每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, if you have another Ghost, choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,你有其他的〈幽灵〉的单位的话,选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When you play "Truehearted Ruby", if your vanguard is "Prismagica, Wilista", this unit gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn, and you may play an additional order this turn.': '【自】【R】:你施放「不移之绯红」时,你有「闪耀的光彩 维莉丝塔」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000,你在这个回合中可以追加施放1次指令卡。(每发动1次这个能力,就增加1次可施放次数。)',
'Additional Effect - During this fight, you get "During your turn, all of your rear-guards get [Power]+10000!"': '追加效果——这局游戏中,你获得『你的回合中,你所有的后防者的力量+10000』的状态!',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose up to two Gem cards with the same card names from your drop, put a card from among them on the bottom of your deck, and put the rest into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择你的弃牌区中的相互同名的至多2张宝石卡,将1张放置到牌堆底,其余的卡放置到灵魂里',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, reveal the top card of your deck, and if it is a non-grade 2 unit card, call it to an open (RC). If you could not call a card, put the revealed card on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是等级2以外的单位卡的话,将那张卡CALL到不存在单位的R上。没有CALL出场的话,将被公开的卡放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], choose a Gem card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的弃牌区中的1张宝石卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & reveal 2 normal units from your hand, and put them on the bottom of your deck in any order], choose one of your vanguards, search your deck for up to one card with the same card name as that card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的2张普通单位卡公开,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底],选择你的1张先导者,从牌堆里探寻至多1张与那个单位同名的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you played an order this turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这个回合中你施放了指令卡的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):If you played "Truehearted Ruby" and "Everlasting Sapphire" this turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你施放了「不移之绯红」和「无尽之苍蓝」的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have a unit with "Earnescorrect" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有含有「诚意真心」的单位的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'Friend-[CONT](VC/RC):If you have another unit in the same column as this unit, that unit and this unit become "Friends".': '交友-【永】【V/R】:你有其他的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,那个单位和这个单位进入“好友”状态。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if you have five or more other "Friends", COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets [Power]+5000/drive -1 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,你其他的处于“好友”状态的单位有5个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000、攻击判定-1次。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your main phase, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your soul, and call it to an open (RC). Then, for each card in your soul, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:你的主要阶段中这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。这之后,你的灵魂每有1张,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'Powerful-[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater vanguard, if your soul has no cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '全力-【自】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的先导者时,你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'Powerful-[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if your soul has no cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '全力-【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if you have a vanguard with the Powerful ability, [Stand] this unit, choose a card from your soul, and put it into your drop. (This effect is mandatory)': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,你有具备全力能力的先导者的话,将这个单位重置,选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,放置到弃牌区。(这个效果为强制执行。)',
'[ACT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Clarissa" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or less card with "Earnescorrect" in its card name from among them, call it to an open (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【起】【R】:你有含有「克拉莉萨」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],看你的牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张等级2以下的含有「诚意真心」的卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have five or more units with "Earnescorrect" in their different card names, COST [[Rest] this unit], choose an order card from your drop, put it into your hand, and put this unit on the bottom of your deck.': '【起】【R】:你的含有「诚意真心」的单位有5种以上的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],选择你的弃牌区中的1张指令卡,加入手牌,将这个单位放置到牌堆底。',
'[CONT](VC):If you have another "Friend", when you would ride "MiMish, Fortia" from your ride deck, you can ride without discarding a card from your hand.': '【永】【V】:你有其他的处于“好友”状态的单位的话,你从RIDE卡组将「MiMish 芙洛缇娅」RIDE之际,可以不用从手牌中将1张卡舍弃来RIDE。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, choose a card from your soul, put it into your drop, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of battle. (This effect is mandatory)': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,放置到弃牌区,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。(这个效果为强制执行。)',
'[CONT](GC):If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[CONT](Front row RC):If your "Twilight Sound of Waves" was sung this turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+2000.': '【永】【前列的R】:这个回合中你歌唱了「涛声之夕暮」的话,前列的你所有的单位的力量+2000。',
'Powerful-[CONT](GC):If your soul has no cards, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '全力-【永】【G】:你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a "Friends", this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援处于“好友”状态的单位时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if your "Romantic Happiness" was sung this turn, you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,这个回合中你歌唱了「烂漫之幸福」的话,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your drop has three or more Gem cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的弃牌区中的宝石卡有3张以上的场合,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose up to two non-grade 1 normal units from your drop, return them to your deck and shuffle it.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],选择你的弃牌区中的至多2张等级1以外的普通单位卡,返回牌堆然后洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "MiMish, Rikashenna", call this card to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被「MiMish 莉卡什娜」RIDE时,将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[ACT](RC):If you played an order this turn, COST [[Rest] this unit], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:这个回合中你施放了指令卡的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a Shadow Army token, you may have this unit get [Power]+15000 until end of turn. If you do, at the end of that battle, retire all of your rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援夜影兵衍生物时,这个回合中,你可以将这个单位的力量+15000。这样做了的话,这次战斗结束时,将与这个单位同纵列的你所有的后防者退场,抽1张卡。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Discard a set order card from your hand], and Counter Charge (1).': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张设置指令卡舍弃],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks or boosts, if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, COST [retire a Shadow Army token], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援时,你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,通过【费用】[将1张夜影兵衍生物退场],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if your World is Dark Night, Soul Charge (1). If it is Abyssal Dark Night, Soul Charge (2).': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,你的世界卡的内容是黑夜的话,灵魂填充1。是深渊黑夜的话,灵魂填充2。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have a Set Order in your order zone, this unit gets "Intercept".': '【永】【R】:你的指令区有设置指令卡的话,这个单位获得『截击』的技能。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), look at three cards from the top of your deck , choose up to one World card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,看你牌堆顶的3张卡,将至多1张世界卡公开后加入手牌,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[ACT](RC):If your vanguard is "Cardinal Deus, Orfist", COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], and call a Shadow Army token to (RC).': '【起】【R】:你有「柩机之神 奥费##」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],将1张夜影兵衍生物CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is attacked, COST [retire this unit], choose one of your vanguards, and if your World is Dark Night, it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If it is Abyssal Dark Night instead of Dark Night, it gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者被攻击时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你的1张先导者,你的世界卡的内容是黑夜的话,这次战斗中,那个单位的力量+5000。不是黑夜而是深渊黑夜的话,这次战斗中,那个单位的力量不+5000而是+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a Shadow Army Token, call a Shadow Army Token to the (RC) this unit is on as [Rest].': '这个单位支援夜影兵衍生物的战斗结束时,将1张夜影兵衍生物横置CALL到这个单位所在的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,计数回充1。',
'[CONT](Hand):If your World is not Abyssal Dark Night, this card cannot be normal called. (Including (GC))': '【永】【手牌】:你的世界卡的内容不是深渊黑夜的话,这个单位不能通常CALL。(也不能通常CALL到G上。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose up to one non-trigger unit from your drop, and put it on the bottom of your deck. If you put a grade 3 or greater card, COST [Soul Blast (3)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张触发单位卡以外的卡,放置到牌堆底。将等级3以上的卡放置了的话,接着通过【费用】[灵魂爆发3],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if your Order Zone has two or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of battle. (includes your opponent\'s cards)': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你的指令区中的卡有2张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。(你的指令区中的对手的卡也包含在内。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "One Who Craves Knowledge, Eva", search your deck for up to one Research card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:通过在「知识的渴望者 艾娃」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张研究卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each of your Set Orders in your Order Zone.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的指令区中的你的设置指令卡每有1张,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](Back Row Center RC):At the end of the battle your grade 3 vanguard with "Hero" in its card name attacked, COST [Soul Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit], choose two of your rear-guards in the same column as each other, and exchange their positions.': '【自】【##后列的R】:你的等级3的含有「英勇」的先导者攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位横置],选择你的相互同纵列的2张后防者,交换位置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), search your deck for up to one Base card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张基地卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit boosted a unit with "Hero" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位支援含有「英勇」的单位的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a card with "Hero" in its card name from your drop, and scout it into your Base. (Scouted cards are put face up into your Order Zone)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张含有「英勇」的卡,招募到你的基地。(被招募的卡以正面表示放置到你的指令区。)',
'[ACT](RC):If your World is Dark Night or Abyssal Dark Night, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and increase or decrease this unit\'s [Power] to 15000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:你的世界卡的内容是黑夜或深渊黑夜的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量增减至15000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your Shadow Army token is retired from (RC) during your turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的回合中你的夜影兵衍生物退场时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your World is Dark Night, this unit gets [Power]+2000. If it is Abyssal Dark Night instead, it gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的世界卡的内容是黑夜的话,这个单位的力量+2000。不是黑夜而是深渊黑夜的话,不+2000而是力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST [retire a Shadow Army token], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将1张夜影兵衍生物退场],选择对手的至多1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one World card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,看你牌堆顶的3张卡,将至多1张世界卡公开后加入手牌,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of each turn, if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, both you and your opponent choose one of your own rear-guards, and retire them. (The turn fighter chooses the unit to retire first)': '【自】【R】:每个回合结束时,你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,你和对手分别选择他自己的1张后防者,退场。(需要双方玩家同时选择的场合,以回合玩家先选择、非回合玩家再选择的方式执行。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, if this unit was boosted, COST [Counter Blast (1), Soul Blast (1)], draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,这个单位正在被支援的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):If your World is Dark Night, this unit gets [Power]+2000. If it is Abyssal Dark Night instead, this unit gets [Power]+5000. (Active on your opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:你的世界卡的内容是黑夜的话,这个单位的力量+2000。不是黑夜而是深渊黑夜的话,不+2000而是力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST [retire three Shadow Army tokens], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将你的3张夜影兵衍生物退场],将这个单位重置。',
'[CONT](RC):If your World is Abyssal Dark Night, this unit can attack your opponent\'s back row units.': '【永】【R】:你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,这个单位可以攻击后列的对手的单位。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [Soul Blast (1) & discard a Set Order from your hand], and this unit gets [Shield]+15000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张设置指令卡舍弃],这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+15000。',
'[CONT](RC):If your World is Dark Night or Abyssal Dark Night, this unit gets "Boost", and can intercept from the back row.': '【永】【R】:你的世界卡的内容是黑夜或深渊黑夜的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能,也可以从后列截击。',
'[CONT](GC):If your World is Abyssal Dark Night, this unit gets [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【G】:你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):Your Shadow Army tokens cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects, and cannot be retired by your opponent\'s card effects.': '【永】【R】:你的夜影兵衍生物不会被对手的卡片的效果选择,不会被对手的卡片的效果退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], draw a card, choose a card from your hand, discard it, if your order zone has a set order, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃,你的指令区中有设置指令卡的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "An Afternoon Nap Regardless of Place, Eva", search your deck for up to one Research card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:通过在「午觉去哪睡呢 艾娃」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张研究卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from your hand during your turn, look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one Set Order from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张设置指令卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):If your Order Zone has a Set Order, this unit gets "Boost".': '【永】【R】:你的指令区中有设置指令卡的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, if your Order Zone has two or more cards, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle. (Also includes your opponent\'s cards)': '【自】:这个单位截击时,你的指令区中的卡有2张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。(你的指令区中的对手的卡也包含在内。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card is scouted, Soul Charge (1). (Activates when it is put into Order Zone as scouted)': '【自】:这张卡被招募时,灵魂填充1。(由于被招募而被放置到指令区时发动这个能力。)',
'[CONT](GC):If your Order Zone has a Base card, and you have a vanguard with "Hero" in its card name, this unit gets [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【G】:你的指令区中有基地卡,并且你有含有「英勇」的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择与这个单位同纵列的前列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your Order Zone has a Base card, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的指令区中有基地卡的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Scout a card with "Hero" in its card name from your hand into your Base], and draw a card. (Scouted cards are put face up into your Order Zone)': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张含有「英勇」的卡招募到你的基地],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit is moved to another (RC) during your battle phase, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的战斗阶段中这个单位移动到其他的R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, if your Order Zone has two or more Set Orders, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的单位时,你的指令区中的设置指令卡有2张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](Drop):When a Set Order you played from hand is put into the Order Zone, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call this card to (RC).': '【自】【弃牌区】:你从手牌施放的设置指令卡被放置到指令区时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (3)], and your opponent cannot call cards by the ability of your Prison until end of their next turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发3],直到对手他自己的下一个回合结束时为止,对手不能通过你的监狱卡的能力将卡CALL出场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) or (GC), your opponent chooses two of their cards imprisoned in your Prison, and calls each card to (RC) or puts them into their hand. (They can call both cards. This effect is mandatory)': '【自】:这个单位从R或G退场时,对手选择被收容在你的监狱中的他自己的2张卡,将任意张CALL到R上,将其余的卡加入手牌。(也可以将两张均CALL出场。这个效果为强制执行。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a Set Order in your Order Zone, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的指令区有设置指令卡的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit], choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and retire it.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位横置],选择前列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call a Shadow Army token to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将1张夜影兵衍生物CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack boosted by a Shadow Army token hits, draw a card.': '【自】【R】:被夜影兵衍生物支援的这个单位的攻击击中时,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire a Shadow Army Token], and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将你的1张夜影兵衍生物退场],这次战斗中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[CONT](RC):If you persona rode this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if the number of your rear-guards is more than your opponent\'s, COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的后防者比对手的后防者多的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充1,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is boosted by a Shadow Army token, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位被夜影兵衍生物支援时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],计数回充1。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):If your Order Zone has no cards, this unit cannot attack.': '【永】【V/R】:你的指令区中没有卡的话,这个单位不能攻击。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at cards from the top of your deck equal to the number of Research cards in your Order Zone, choose up to one card from among them, put it into your hand put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你的牌堆顶的数量与你的指令区中的研究卡的张数相同的卡,从中选择至多1张卡,加入手牌,将其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], search your deck or hand for up to one card with "Obscudeid" in its card name, and call it to (RC). If you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],从你的牌堆或手牌中探寻至多1张含有「奥布斯克迪特」的卡,CALL到R上。从牌堆探寻了的话,将牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](VC):All of your front row rear-guards with "Hero" in their card names get [Power]+5000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【V】:前列的你所有的含有「英勇」的后防者的力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if your Order Zone has a Base card, COST [Counter Blast (1)], until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+15000, and if your Order Zone has three or more Base cards, it gets [Critical]+1.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,你的指令区中有基地卡的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+15000,你的指令区中的基地卡有3张以上的话,接着将这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each World in your Order Zone.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的指令区中的世界卡每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC), if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, you may call a Shadow Army token to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位从R退场时,你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,你可以将1张夜影兵衍生物CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle your vanguard with "Seraph" in its card name attacked, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and [Stand] this unit. Your opponent chooses one of their grade 1 or greater cards imprisoned in your Prison, and puts it into their hand.': '【自】【R】:你的含有「塞拉斯」的先导者攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],将这个单位重置。对手选择被收容在你的监狱中的他自己的1张等级1以上的卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, your opponent\'s unit being attacked gets [Power]-2000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这次战斗中,将那个被攻击的对手的单位的力量-2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is attacked, your opponent\'s unit that attacked gets [Power]-2000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位被攻击时,这次战斗中,将那个发起攻击的对手的单位的力量-2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose up to one World card from your hand or drop, and put it into your Order Zone.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,选择你的手牌或弃牌区中的至多1张世界卡,放置到指令区。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if your World is Abyssal Dark Night, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], and for every two World cards in your Order Zone, call up to one Shadow Army token to (RC), and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. (If there are four World cards, [Power]+10000)': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,你的世界卡的内容是深渊黑夜的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],你的指令区中的世界卡每有2张,将至多1张夜影兵衍生物CALL到R上,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。(世界卡有4张的话,力量+10000。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards with the same grade as the card Soul Blast for this cost, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张等级与由于这个费用被灵魂爆发的卡的等级相同的后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your vanguard attacks, if your soul has eight or more cards with different card names, [Stand] this unit. If you [Stand] this unit, put this unit into your soul at the end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的先导者攻击时,你的灵魂里的卡有8种以上的话,将这个单位重置。这样做了的话,这个回合结束时,将这个单位放置到灵魂里。',
'[Glitter]-"Kheios" (Active if your vanguard is a [Glitter] with "Kheios" in its card name)': '【煌求者】-浑沌(你有含有「浑沌」的具备【煌求者】能力的先导者的话有效)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your Order Zone has a Set Order, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle, and if it has three or more Set Orders, this unit gets [Power]+10000 instead of +5000.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的指令区中有设置指令卡的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的的力量+5000,有3张以上的设置指令卡的话,不是+5000而是力量+10000。',
'[Glitter]-"Eva" (Active if your vanguard is a [Glitter] with "Eva" in its card name)': '【煌求者】-艾娃(你有含有「艾娃」的具备【煌求者】能力的先导者的话有效)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) by a card\'s ability, if your Order Zone has three or more Research cards, this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '【自】:由于卡片的能力使这个单位登场到R时,你的指令区中的研究卡有3张以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):This unit gets "Intercept", and [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【R/G】:这个单位获得『截击』的技能,盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into order zone, call a Shadow Army token to (RC). (Shadow Army has [Power]15000 and Boost)': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,将1张夜影兵衍生物CALL到R上。(夜影兵具备15000力量与支援的技能。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into the Order Zone, draw a card.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](Order Zone):All of your grade 2 rear-guards get "Boost".': '【永】【指令区】:给予你所有的等级2的后防者『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into the Order Zone, draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it. If your Order Zone has three or more Research cards, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and bind it.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。你的指令区中的研究卡有3张以上的话,接着通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,封锁。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into the Order Zone, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to three cards with "Hero" in their card names from among them, reveal them, put up to one of those cards into your hand, and scout up to two of those cards into your Base, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多3张含有「英勇」的卡,公开,从中将至多1张卡加入手牌,将至多2张卡招募到你的基地,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[ACT](Order Zone):COST [[Rest] this card & Discard a card from your hand], choose one of your scouted cards with grade less than or equal to your vanguard, and call it to (RC).': '【起】【指令区】:通过【费用】[将这张卡横置,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的被招募的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](Order Zone):When your unit is attacked, COST [Soul Blast (1) & [Rest] this card], choose one of your scouted cards, and call it to (GC).': '【自】【指令区】:你的单位被攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这张卡横置],选择你的1张被招募的卡,CALL到G上。',
'[AUTO](Order Zone):When your Shadow Army token is placed, that placed unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【指令区】:你的夜影兵衍生物登场时,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+5000。',
'Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle for each of your Shadow Army tokens.': '选择你的1个单位,你的夜影兵衍生物每有1张,这次战斗中,被选择的单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if your opponent\'s attacking unit has attacked two or more times this turn, this unit gets [Shield]+15000 until end of that battle. (Active if this battle is its second attack this turn or more)': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,对手的正在攻击的单位在这个回合中发起了2次以上的攻击的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+15000。(包含这次战斗中发起的攻击在内,那个单位发起了2次以上的攻击的话有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if the attacking unit\'s [Critical] is 2 or greater, and its [Critical] is increased by a non-trigger effect ability or its original [Critical] is 2 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+15000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,对手的正在攻击的单位的☆值在2以上,并且有通过触发效果以外的能力使那个单位的☆值增加、或那个单位的原始☆值在2以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+15000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Dragon Knight, Nehalem", COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one grade 1 card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「龙骑士 尼海连」RIDE时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张等级1的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your vanguard\'s attack hits, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的先导者的攻击击中时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit boosted a grade 0, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位支援等级0的单位的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if "Blaze Maiden, Reiyu" or "Blaze Maiden, Rino" is on your (VC) or (RC), this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的V或R上存在「焰之巫女 蕾尤」或「焰之巫女 莉诺」的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and retire it.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择与这个单位同纵列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted a vanguard hits, COST [retire this unit], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援先导者的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],计数回充1。',
'[ACT](RC):If your opponent\'s rear-guard was retired this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and perform one of the following.': '【起】【R】:这个回合中对手曾有后防者退场过的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从以下效果中将1项执行。',
'•This unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '·这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'•Put this unit into your soul, choose one of your opponent\'s grade 2 or greater rear-guards, and retire it.': '·将这个单位放置到灵魂里,选择对手的1张等级2以上的后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, you may put this card into your soul.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,你可以将这张卡放置到灵魂里。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If your opponent\'s drop has four or more cards, this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000. Then, if there are eight or more, it gets [Shield]+5000. (Active on your opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R/G】:对手的弃牌区中的卡有4张以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。有8张以上的话,接着将盾护+5000。(在对手回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one card with the [overDress] ability from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张具备【超限舞装】能力的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):When you would ride from your ride deck, you may ride with "Put this unit into your soul" instead of "Choose a card from your hand, and discard it".': '【永】【R】:你从RIDE卡组将卡RIDE之际,你也可以不执行『选择手牌中的1张卡,舍弃』而是执行『将这个单位放置到灵魂里』来将卡RIDE。',
'[ACT](Soul):If your opponent\'s rear-guard was retired this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call this card to (RC).': '【起】【灵魂】:这个回合中对手曾有后防者退场过的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your grade 3 or greater vanguard attacks, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的等级3以上的先导者攻击时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your rear-guard is placed, if it was an [overDress], you may draw a card. If you drew, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】【R】:你的后防者登场时,那个单位是通过【超限舞装】登场的话,你可以抽1张卡。抽卡了的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if your opponent\'s attacking unit is not boosted, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,正在攻击的对手的单位没有被支援的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,对手的后防者在2张以下的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if you have a grade 0 rear-guard, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that batte.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,你有等级0的后防者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose up to one card with the [overDress] ability from your drop, and put it into your hand. If your vanguard is grade 4, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张具备【超限舞装】能力的卡,加入手牌。你有等级4的先导者的话,接着计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC)1/Turn:When your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired during your turn, [Stand] this unit and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【后列的R】【1回合1次】:你的回合中对手的后防者退场时,将这个单位重置,这个回合中,力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired during your main phase, choose a "Lobbed Artillery of Dust Storm, Dooley" on your (RC), and you may return it to your hand.': '【自】【R】:你的主要阶段中对手的后防者退场时,你可以选择你的R上的1张「沙尘之掷炮 德利」,返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired during your main phase, choose a "Lobbed Bullet of Dust Storm, Ooley" on your (RC), and you may return it to your hand.': '【自】【R】:你的主要阶段中对手的后防者退场时,你可以选择你的R上的1张「沙尘之掷弹 欧利」,返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle that this unit boosted a "Blaze Maiden, Sonya", COST [Counter Blast (1)], retire all of your rear-guards in the same column as this unit, search your deck for up to one unit card with grade+1 or greater than your vanguard, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援「焰之巫女 索妮娅」的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将与这个单位同纵列的你所有的后防者退场,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张等级在你的先导者的等级+1以上的单位卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each card on your (VC). (Includes Arms, but not the soul)': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的V上存在的卡每有1张,这个单位的力量+2000。(装备卡也包含在内,不包含灵魂里的卡。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [reveal a grade 4 card from your hand], and this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张等级4的卡公开],这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), you may look at seven cards from the top of your deck. If you do, choose up to one normal unit with "Stealth" in its card name or [Glitter] from among them, put it into your soul, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你可以看你牌堆顶的7张卡。这样做了的话,从查看的卡中选择至多1张具备【煌求者】能力的普通单位卡或含有「忍」的普通单位卡,放置到灵魂里,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks or boosts, COST [Soul Blast (1)] and this unit gets [Power]+5000 for each of your other grade 1 or less rear-guards until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],你其他的等级1以下的后防者每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "Nine-tailed Fox Spirit, Tamayura", look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Ririmi" or "Rarami" in its card name or a Fox Art card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:通过在「九尾妖狐 玉响」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张含有「莉莉米」的卡、或含有「菈菈米」的卡、或狐术卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If your soul has a grade 3, this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000.': '【永】【R/G】:你的灵魂里有等级3的卡的话,这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this card becomes an originalDress, COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw two cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:这张卡成为舞装源时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽2张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO]:When this card\'s outerDress is retired from (RC) or (GC) during your opponent\'s turn, COST [Soul Blast (2)], call this unit to an open (RC). (An outerDress is the unit that this card is the originalDress of)': '【自】:对手的回合中这张卡的舞装对象从R或G退场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],将这张卡CALL到不存在单位的R上。(舞装对象是指将这张卡作为舞装源的单位。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card becomes an originalDress, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of this card\'s outerDress units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn. (An outerDress is the unit that this card is the originalDress of)': '【自】:这张卡成为舞装源时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择1个作为这张卡的舞装对象的单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。(舞装对象是指将这张卡作为舞装源的单位。)',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If you have a rear-guard with originalDress, this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000.': '【永】【R/G】:你有具备舞装源的后防者的话,这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Snuggling Blaze Maiden, Reiyu", search your deck for up to one "Trickstar", call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「陪伴的焰之巫女 蕾尤」RIDE时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「托里科斯塔」,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have a  unit in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有〈祈装龙〉的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s back row rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择后列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a rear-guard, if your opponent has no units in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援后防者时,没有对手的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack that this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding from "Sealed Blaze Dragon, Arhinsa", COST [Soul Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Sealed Blaze Sword, Prithivih" or "Sealed Blaze Shield, Swayanbuh", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:通过在「封焰龙 不害」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「封焰之剑 颇哩提毗」或「封焰之盾 斯瓦扬布」,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, COST [discard an Arms card from your hand], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张装备卡舍弃],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your unit with the [overDress] ability attacks, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units with the [overDress] ability, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的具备【超限舞装】能力的单位攻击时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个具备【超限舞装】能力的单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Nirvana" in its card name, and your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], choose up to one unit card with "Nirvana" in its card name from your hand, and ride it as [Stand]. If you rode, you cannot ride by card effects until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:你有含有「涅槃」的先导者,并且对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的手牌中的至多1张含有「涅槃」的单位卡,竖置RIDE。RIDE了的话,这个回合中,你不能再通过卡片的效果将卡RIDE。',
'[CONT](RC):This unit gets all of the following according to the Arms on your (VC).': '【永】【R】:根据你的V上的装备卡具备的能力,这个单位获得以下所有的效果。',
'• Right Deity Arms - During your turn, it gets [Power]+5000.': '·右神装备——你的回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'• Left Deity Arms - It gets "Intercept".': '·左神装备——这个单位获得『截击』的技能。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC):If your vanguard is "Heavy Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene", COST [Soul Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【起】【R】:你有「沙尘之重炮 尤金」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位横置],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the start of your battle phase, if your opponent has one or less rear-guards, [Stand] this unit, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的战斗阶段开始时,对手的后防者在1张以下的话,将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a unit with "Overlord" in its card name, call this card to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被含有「帝王」的单位RIDE时,将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If you have a vanguard with "Overlord" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit and all of your vanguards get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有含有「帝王」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,将当前存在于场上的你所有的先导者和这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Overlord" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. Then, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s grade 2 or less rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有含有「帝王」的先导者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张等级2以下的后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a grade 0 card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级0的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your grade 0 units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的1个等级0的单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and you may move it to your opponent\'s open front row (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你可以选择对手的1张后防者,移动到不存在单位的对手的前列的R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,对手的后防者在2张以下的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO](Front Row RC):When your grade 0 unit attacks, this unit and the unit that attacked get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【前列的R】:你的等级0的单位攻击时,这个回合中,那个攻击的单位和这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Heavy Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene", COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], draw a card, choose one of your opponent\'s grade 2 or greater rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「沙尘之重炮 尤金」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡,选择对手的1张等级2以上的后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your opponent\'s open (RC).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],对手的不存在单位的R每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your drop with the [overDress] ability, and return it to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张具备【超限舞装】能力的卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard\'s attack hits, COST [retire this unit], draw a card, and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:你的先导者的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],抽1张卡,计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is boosted, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s grade 2 or greater rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位被支援时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张等级2以上的后防者,退场,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, COST [retire this unit], draw a card, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],抽1张卡,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your grade 0 rear-guard attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1) & retire this unit], and the unit that attacked gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你的等级0的后防者攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位退场],这次战斗中,将那个进行攻击的单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your rear-guard is placed, if it was an [overDress], this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的后防者登场时,那个单位是通过【超限舞装】登场的话,这个回合中,这个单位+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):If your vanguard\'s attack hit this turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你的先导者的攻击曾击中过的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If your opponent\'s rear-guard was retired this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:这个回合中对手曾有后防者退场过的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充1,选择对手的1张后防者,退场,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [discard an Arms card from your hand], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张装备卡舍弃],抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked a grade 3 or greater unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的单位的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](Front Row RC):All of your units can attack your opponent\'s back row rear-guard in the same column as your attacking unit.': '【永】【前列的R】:你所有的单位在将要攻击之际,可以攻击与你的那个单位同纵列的后列的对手的单位。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top seven cards of your deck, reveal up to one card with "Overlord" in its card name and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you did not reveal a card, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张含有「帝王」的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。没有将卡公开的话,计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard with "Overlord" in its card name attacks, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的含有「帝王」的先导者攻击时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you do not have a Momokke token, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call up to one Momokke token to (RC).': '【起】【R】:圆阵上没有你的莫莫克衍生物的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将至多1张莫莫克衍生物CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your token units in the same column as this unit, and this unit gets the [Power] of that unit until end of that battle. (Includes increased values)': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择与这个单位同纵列的你的1个衍生物单位,这次战斗中,这个单位的获得那个单位的力量。(那个单位当前相比原始力量值增加的力量值也包含在内。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a rear-guard with "Rarami" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and your opponent puts that unit into their soul.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「菈菈米」的后防者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择对手的1张后防者,对手将那个单位放置到他自己的灵魂里。',
'[Glitter]-"Tamayura" (Active if your vanguard is a [Glitter] with "Tamayura" in its card name)': '【煌求者】-玉响(你有含有「玉响」的具备【煌求者】能力的先导者的话有效)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (GC), you may put this card into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位从G退场时,你可以将这张卡放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a rear-guard with "Ririmi" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「莉莉米」的后防者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from your hand during your battle phase, put this card into your soul, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:你的战斗阶段中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,将这张卡放置到灵魂里,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a normal unit with "Stealth" in its card name or [Glitter] from your drop, and put it into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张具备【煌求者】能力的普通单位卡或含有「忍」的普通单位卡,放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "In the Calm Sunlight, Tamayura", choose up to one card with "Ririmi" or "Rarami" in its card name from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:通过在「在安宁的日照下 玉响」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张含有「莉莉米」或「菈菈米」的卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) by your vanguard\'s ability, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:由于你的先导者的能力使这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon, Nirvana Jheva", look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one Prayer Dragon from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「天轮凤龙 涅槃·魂灵」RIDE时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张〈祈装龙〉,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have a Prayer Dragon unit in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有〈祈装龙〉的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have two or more Arms on your (VC), this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的V上的装备卡有2张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](Drop):When your unit is placed from drop to (RC), if your vanguard is "Sealed Blaze Maiden, Bavsargra", COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call this card to (RC).': '【自】【弃牌区】:你的单位从弃牌区登场到R时,你有「封焰之巫女 婆缚娑伽罗」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这张卡的CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard attacks, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者攻击时,对手的后防者在2张以下的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & [Rest] three rear-guards with "Blaze Maiden" in their different card names], draw a card, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "[CONT](VC):All of your front row units get [Power]+10000." until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的卡名均不同的3张含有「焰之巫女」的后防者横置],抽1张卡,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:前列的你所有的单位的力量+10000。』的能力。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding from "Sealed Blaze Dragon, Namorkahr", choose an Arms card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:通过在「封焰龙 那莫卡」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场到V时,选择你的弃牌区中的1张装备卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is Armed, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的先导者装备了卡片的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and if your opponent\'s front row has a rear-guard, this unit cannot attack the vanguard.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,前列有对手的后防者的话,这个单位不能攻击先导者。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), perform all of the following according to the Arms on your (VC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,根据你的V上的装备卡具备的能力执行以下所有的效果。',
'• Right Deity Arms ‐ This unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '·右神装备——这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'• Left Deity Arms ‐ COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a grade 1 or less card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '·左神装备——通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级1以下的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each Arms card on your (VC).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的V上的装备卡每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, if you have a unit in the [OverDress] state, draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,你有处于【超限舞装】状态的单位的话,抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):During the battle this unit attacked a rear-guard, your opponent cannot call cards from their hand to (GC).': '【永】【V/R】:这个单位攻击后防者的战斗中,对手不能将卡从手牌CALL到G上。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:When this unit\'s attack hits, COST [Counter-Blast 1 & discard a card from your hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定-1次。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, retire it, and if your vanguard is "Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana", choose up to one grade 0 card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择前列的对手的1张后防者,退场,你有「天轮圣龙 涅槃」的先导者的话,接着选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张等级0的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent has no front row rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,对手的前列没有后防者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, if your vanguard is "Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana", COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,你有「天轮圣龙 涅槃」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT]:The normal ride from hand on this unit by a unit with different card name is regarded as persona ride too.': '【永】:这个单位即使被与这个单位不同名的单位从手牌通常RIDE也视为人格RIDE。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), COST [Counter Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire all of your opponent\'s rear-guards in the same column as that unit.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V或R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],选择对手的1张后防者,将与那个单位同纵列的对手所有的后防者退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your (VC) has one Arms, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose an Arms card from your hand or drop, and Arm it to one of your vanguards.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的V上的装备卡是1张的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的手牌或弃牌区中的1张装备卡,装备到你的1张先导者上。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your (VC) has two or more Arms, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的V上的装备卡有2张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a grade 0 card from your drop, call it to (RC) in the same column as this unit, and this unit gets "Boost" until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级0的卡,CALL到与这个单位同纵列的R上,这个回合中,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard’s attack hits, you may return this unit to your hand.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者的攻击击中时,你可以将这个单位返回手牌。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if your soul has a "Dragonic Overlord", this unit\'s drive cannot decrease from card effects, and it gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,你的灵魂里有「龙纹·帝王」的话,这个单位的攻击判定次数不会由于卡片的效果而减少,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard two cards from your hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive-1 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的2张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定-1次。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of your ride phase, you get "All of your front row units get [Power]+5000." until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:你的RIDE阶段开始时,这个回合中,你获得『前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。』的状态。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and perform one of the following.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],执行以下的1项效果。',
'• Choose a card from your soul, and call it to (RC).': '·选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,CALL到R上。',
'• Choose a card with "Ririmi" in its card name from your soul and a card with "Rarami" in its card name from your soul, and call them to (RC).': '·选择你的灵魂里的含有「莉莉米」的卡和含有「菈菈米」的卡各1张,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Discard a card from hand], choose up to one "Trickstar" and up to one Prayer Dragon unit from your drop, and call them to (RC).': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的弃牌区中的「托里科斯塔」和〈祈装龙〉至多各1张,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards in the [X-overDress] state, and [Stand] it.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张处于【交织超限舞装】状态的后防者,重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your opponent\'s open (RC).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,对手的不存在单位的R每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:When this unit is Armed, Soul Charge (1), choose a grade 1 or less card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位装备卡片时,灵魂填充1,选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级1以下的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:If this unit is Armed with two or more cards, COST [Soul Blast (2)], retire all of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位装备了2张以上的卡的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],将前列的对手所有的后防者退场,这个回合中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose an Arms card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张装备卡,加入手牌。',
'If you have a rear-guard with the [overDress] ability, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+15000 until end of that battle.': '你有具备【超限舞装】能力的后防者的话,选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,力量+15000。',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "[CONT](VC):When all of your units would attack, they may attack your opponent\'s back row rear-guard.".': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:你所有的单位在将要攻击之际,可以攻击后列的对手的后防者。』的能力。',
'If your vanguard is "Heavy Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene", choose one of your vanguards, it gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle, at the end of that battle, choose one of the rear-guards that boosted for that battle, and retire it.': '你有「沙尘之重炮 尤金」的先导者的话,选择你的1张先导者,这次战斗中,力量+10000,这次战斗结束时,选择在这次战斗中进行过支援的后防者,退场。',
'Choose one of your units in the [overDress] state, and until end of turn, it gets "[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, Counter Charge (1).".': '选择你的1个处于【超限舞装】状态的单位,这个回合中,给予『【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,计数回充1。』的能力。',
'Play this card with COST [Soul Blast (2)] if you have a vanguard with "Tamayura" in its card name!': '你有含有「玉响」的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2]施放!',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "[CONT](VC):All of your opponent\'s front row units get [Power]-10000." until end of turn.': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:前列的对手所有的单位的力量-10000。』的能力。',
'If your vanguard is "Dragonic Overlord", choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+20000 until end of that battle.': '你有「龙纹·帝王」的先导者的话,选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,力量+20000。',
'Choose one of your units with "Nirvana" in its card name, and it gets [Power]+20000 until end of that battle.': '选择你的1个含有「涅槃」的单位,这次战斗中,力量+20000。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃]施放',
'Choose two cards with the [X-overDress] ability from your drop, and put them into your hand.': '选择你的弃牌区中的2张具备【交织超限舞装】能力的卡,加入手牌。',
'Play this with COST [discard a card with the [overDress] ability from your hand]!': '通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张具备【超限舞装】能力的卡舍弃]施放!',
'Draw two cards.': '抽2张卡。',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "[AUTO](VC):When your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired during your main phase, you draw a card.".': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【自】【V】:你的主要阶段中对手的后防者退场时,你抽1张卡。』的能力。',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets, "[AUTO](VC):When your rear-guard is placed, if it was an [overDress], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.".': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【自】【V】:你的后防者登场时,那个单位是通过【超限舞装】登场的话,抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。』的能力。',
'Right Deity Arms - "Sealed Blaze Maiden, Bavsargra" (After being played, the specified vanguard Arms it. If a new Right Deity Arms is Armed, put this card into the drop)': '右神装备-「封焰之巫女 婆缚娑伽罗」(施放后,指定的先导者将这张卡装备。装备了新的右神装备的话,将这张卡放置到弃牌区。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When this card is Armed, draw a card, and you may play an additional Arms card this turn.': '【自】【V】:将这张卡装备时,抽1张卡,你在这个回合中可以追加施放1次装备卡。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, the unit Armed with this card gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,装备了这张卡的单位的力量+10000。',
'Left Deity Arms - "Sealed Blaze Maiden, Bavsargra" (After being played, the specified vanguard Arms it. If a new Left Deity Arms is Armed, put this card into the drop)': '左神装备-「封焰之巫女 婆缚娑伽罗」(施放后,指定的先导者将这张卡装备。装备了新的左神装备的话,将这张卡放置到弃牌区。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When the unit Armed with this card attacks, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and the unit Armed with this card gets drive +1 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, put this card into your drop.': '【自】【V】:装备了这张卡的单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这次战斗中,装备了这张卡的单位的攻击判定+1次。这次战斗结束时,将这张卡放置到弃牌区。',
'Choose two Arms cards from your drop, and put them into your hand.': '选择你的弃牌区中的2张装备卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](VC):When the unit Armed with this card attacks, that Armed unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, if your opponent\'s damage zone has four or less cards, COST [Counter Blast (2) & put this card into your drop], choose one of your opponent\'s vanguards, and deal one damage.': '【自】【V】:装备了这张卡的单位攻击时,这次战斗中,装备的那个单位的力量+10000。这次战斗结束时,对手的伤害区中的卡在4张以下的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2,将这张卡放置到弃牌区],选择对手的1张先导者,给予1点伤害。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:When the unit Armed with this card is attacked, that Armed unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:装备了这张卡的单位被攻击时,这次战斗中,装备的那个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle your drive check revealed a trigger unit, if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress", COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your other rear-guards, [Stand] it, and retire this unit.': '【自】【R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出过的战斗结束时,你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择你其他的1张后防者,重置,将这个单位退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is placed by riding from a grade 3, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], Counter Charge (1), choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者通过在等级3的单位上RIDE的方式登场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],计数回充1,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Sorceress" in its card name, COST [retire this unit], choose a [Critical] trigger or [Front] trigger from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【起】【R】:你有等级3以上的含有「女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你的弃牌区中的1张【☆】触发或【前】触发,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call this card to (RC) as [Rest].': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这张卡横置CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If you have a vanguard with "Sorceress" in its card name, this unit gets [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【G】:你有含有「女魔术师」的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts grade 3 or greater unit, if you have a vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援等级3以上的单位时,你有含有「巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your damage zone has no face up cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的伤害区中没有正面表示的卡的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress", COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two cards from among them, put them on the top of your deck in any order, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多2张,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. Then, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire another rear-guard], look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 1 or less unit card from among them, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。接着通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将你其他的1张后防者退场],看你的牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张等级1以下的单位卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](GC):If you have three or more grade 3 units, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你的等级3的单位有3个以上的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1) & [Rest] another rear-guard], reveal the top card of your deck, put it into your hand if it is an order card or a grade 3, and call it to (RC) if it isn\'t.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你其他的1张后防者横置],公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是指令卡或等级3的卡的话,加入手牌,不是的话,将那张卡CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & retire another rear-guard], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V或R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你其他的1张后防者退场],选择对手的1张后防者,退场,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定+1次。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your rear-guard was retired this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个回合中你的后防者曾退场过的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress" or "Pentagleam Sorceress", COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at two cards from the top of your deck, and put them on the top of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」或「五角闪光的女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress", this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000. (Active on your opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R/G】:你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) for the cost of your card, look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one card with "Blaster" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【自】:由于你的卡片的费用使这个单位从R退场时,看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择至多1张含有「狂风」的卡,公开后加入手牌,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [put a unit card from your drop into your soul], look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one card from among them with the same card name as the card put into your soul for this cost, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将你的弃牌区中的1张单位卡放置到灵魂里],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择至多1张与由于这个费用被放置到灵魂里的卡同名的卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Put this unit into your soul & [Rest] another rear-guard], look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose any number of grade 3 cards from among them, reveal them and put them into your hand, and discard the rest.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里,将你其他的1张后防者横置],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择你希望的张数的等级3的卡,公开后加入手牌,将其余的卡舍弃。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your damage zone has a face up card, COST [put a trigger unit from your hand into your damage zone face down], choose a face up card from your damage zone, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的伤害区中有正面表示的卡的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张触发单位卡以背面表示放置到伤害区],选择你的伤害区中的1张正面表示的卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress" or "Pentagleam Sorceress", COST [discard a card from your hand], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two cards from among them, put them on the top of your deck in any order, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order. This unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击时,你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」或「五角闪光的女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多2张,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks, if you have another grade 3 unit in the same column as this unit, this unit gets grade +1/[Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击时,你有其他的等级3的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这个回合中,这个单位的等级+1、力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if you have a vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,你有含有「巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if two or more rear-guards were retired for the cost of your card with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个回合中曾由于你的含有「狂风」的卡的费用使2张以上的后防者退场过的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it. If you did not retire, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。没有退场的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s grade 2 or greater rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张等级2以上的后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard\'s clan is only《Shadow Paladin》, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put one card from your hand into your soul], and draw two cards.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的先导者的集团仅属于《暗影骑士团》的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],抽2张卡。',
'[CONT](Front Row RC):All of your rear-guards with different card names from this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects.': '【永】【前列的R】:你所有的与这个单位不同名的后防者不会被对手的卡片的效果选择。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Knight of Friendship, Kay", call it to a (RC) in the same column as this unit, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「友谊的骑士 凯」,CALL到与这个单位同纵列的R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a grade 3 with "Thegrea" in its card name, look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Thegrea" or "Maple" in its card name from among it, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被等级3的含有「泰格莉娅」的单位RIDE时,看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张含有「泰格莉娅」或「枫叶」的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your main phase, if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or less unit card with "Blaster" in its card name from among them, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck. If your called, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:你的主要阶段中这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张等级2以下的含有「狂风」的单位卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。CALL出场了的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[CONT](RC):If you rode a grade 3 or greater this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你将等级3以上的单位RIDE过的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, if your damage zone has three or more cards, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,你的伤害区中的卡在3张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your rear-guard was retired by your vanguard\'s ability this turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这个回合中曾由于你的先导者的能力使你的后防者退场过的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 card with "Youthberk" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, shuffle your deck, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张等级3的含有「朱斯贝克」的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard was placed by riding from a grade 3 this turn, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,这个回合中曾通过在等级3的单位上RIDE的方式将你的先导者登场过的话,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Sorceress" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two from among them, put them into your hand, and put the rest on the top of your deck in any order. If you put two cards into your hand, choose a card from your hand, and put it on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有等级3以上的含有「女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多2张卡,加入手牌,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶。将2张卡加入了手牌的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you persona rode this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If you have a vanguard with "Youth" in its card name, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你有含有「朱斯」或「益效」的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard has "Sorceress" in its card name, look at two cards from the top of your deck, put them on the top of your deck in any order, and Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「女魔术师」的先导者的话,看你牌堆顶的2张卡,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Sorceress" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1)], reveal the top of your deck, and put it into your hand if it\'s a normal unit. (Return it to its original spot if it\'s not)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将你的牌堆顶的1张卡公开,是普通单位卡的话加入手牌。(不是的话返回原处。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Youth" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有含有「朱斯」或「益效」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your hand, put it into your soul, and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的手牌中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if it is boosted, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:被支援的这个单位攻击时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1) & call a grade 1 from your hand to (RC)], and the unit called for this cost gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张等级1的卡CALL到R上],这个回合中,由于这个费用而被CALL出场的单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, if this unit was boosted, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,这个单位正在被支援的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a unit with the [RevolDress] ability, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a grade 2 or greater card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位被具备【反抗舞装】能力的单位RIDE时 ,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级2以上的卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit is boosted, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【V/R】:这个单位被支援时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If you have a vanguard with "Youthberk" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有含有「朱斯贝克」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is placed by the [RevolDress] ability, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者由于【反抗舞装】能力登场时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, if you have a card with "RevolForm" in its card name in your soul, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,你的灵魂里有含有「反抗黎骑」的卡的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, if you have four or more units, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], look at the top three cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or greater unit card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you did not reveal, draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者的战斗结束时,你的单位有4个以上的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择至多1张等级2以上的单位卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。没有将卡公开的话,抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):If you persona rode this turn, this unit gets "Boost".': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC)1/Turn:When your other unit [Stand] by a card\'s effect, [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【后列的R】【1回合1次】:由于卡片的效果使你其他的单位重置时,将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose a card with "Blaster" in its card name from your soul, and you may call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,你可以选择你的灵魂里的1张含有「狂风」的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Retire three rear-guards], choose up to two of your opponent\'s rear-guards, retire them, and this unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的3张后防者退场],选择对手的2张后防者,退场,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000、☆+1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have four or more grade 3 rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and draw a card. If you persona rode this turn, you may have "this unit get [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn" instead of drawing a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的等级3的后防者有4张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,你可以不执行抽1张卡,而是执行『这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000、☆+1』。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired for your card\'s cost, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], all of your units with "Blaster" in their card names get [Power]+5000 until end of turn': '【自】:由于你的卡片的费用使这个单位从R退场时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,将当前存在于场上的你所有的含有「狂风」的单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress", COST [retire this unit], and Counter Charge (1) or Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],计数回充1或灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When your drive check reveals this card, you may call this card to an open (RC). If you do, this unit gets "Boost" until end of turn.': '【自】:你的攻击判定将这张卡判出时,你可以将这张卡CALL到不存在单位的R上。这样做了的话,这个回合中,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, COST [Counter Blast (2) & Soul Blast (1)], you choose a column, and your opponent puts all of their rear-guards in that same column on the bottom of their deck in any order.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2,灵魂爆发1],你选择1个纵列,对手将那个纵列的他自己所有的后防者按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (2) & [Rest] any number of other rear-guards], until end of that battle, this unit performs drive check, and gets [Power]+5000. At the end of that battle, if three or less units were [Rest] for this cost, choose three cards from your hand, discard them, and if one or less units were [Rest] for this cost, choose two cards from your hand, discard them. (Drive check is performed after guardian\'s call)': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2,将你其他的你希望的张数的后防者横置],这次战斗中,这个单位的攻击进行攻击判定,力量+5000。这次战斗结束时,由于这个费用被横置的单位在3个以下的话,选择你的手牌中的3张卡,舍弃,由于这个费用被横置的单位在1个以下的话,接着选择你的手牌中的2张卡,舍弃。(攻击判定在对手将防卫者CALL出场之后的步骤执行。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at the top card of your deck, if it is a unit card, you may call it to a (RC) in the same column as this unit.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是单位卡的话,你可以将那张卡CALL到与这个单位同纵列的R上。(没有CALL出场的场合,将那张卡返回原处。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your hand has four or less cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 unit card from among them, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的手牌在4张以下的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张等级3的单位卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your unit [Stand] by a card\'s ability, COST [[Rest] this unit], choose one of your other rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:由于卡片的能力使你的单位重置时,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],选择你的其他的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, if your vanguard is "Hexaorb Sorceress", COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的攻击判定将触发单位卡判出时,你有「六角宝珠的女魔术师」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your and your opponent\'s vanguards have the same grade, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your other rear-guards, that unit and this get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你和对手的先导者的等级相同的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你其他的1张后防者,这个回合中,那个单位和这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you persona rode this turn, COST [Counter Blast (2) & retire this unit], choose one of your grade 3 units, and it gets drive +1 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2,将这个单位退场],选择你的1个等级3的单位,这个回合中,攻击判定+1次。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit], look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 or greater unit card with different card name from this unit from among them, call it to (RC), and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位横置],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择至多1张与这个单位不同名的等级3以上的单位卡,CALL到R上,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle your unit attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and perform all of the effects below according to the trigger units revealed for the drive check of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你的单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],根据这次战斗中的攻击判定判出过的触发单位卡的类型执行以下全部的效果。',
'•[Critical] - Choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and put it on the bottom of their deck.': '·【☆】——选择对手的1张后防者,放置到牌堆底。',
'•[Front] - Choose one of your grade 2 or less rear-guards, and [Stand] it.': '·【前】——选择你的1张等级2以下的后防者,重置。',
'[AUTO](Front Row RC):When this unit is [Stand] by your vanguard\'s ability, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and draw a card.': '【自】【前列的R】:由于你的先导者的能力使这个单位重置时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):During your turn, all of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit get [Power]+5000.': '【永】【后列的R】:你的回合中,与这个单位同纵列的你其他所有的后防者的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks, if there are no other rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn, and at the end of that battle, [Stand] this unit. (Including your opponent\'s rear-guards)': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击时,所有玩家均没有其他的后防者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,这次战斗结束时,将这个单位重置。(要求对手的后防者也均不存在。)',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your vanguard is "Apex-surpassing Sword, Bastion Prime", this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有「顶峰超越之剑 崇高巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit [Stand] by your card effect, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:由于你的卡片的效果使这个单位重置时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is [Stand] by your vanguard\'s ability, choose one of your other rear-guards, and that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:由于你的先导者的能力使这个单位重置时,选择你其他的1张后防者,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), choose one of your grade 2 or greater units being attacked, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle. If you chose a grade 4, it gets +20000 instead of +10000.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,选择被攻击的1张你的等级2以上的单位,这次战斗中,力量+10000。选择的是等级4的单位的话,不+10000而是力量+20000。',
'[CONT](VC):If your soul has a "Phantom Blaster Dragon", this unit gets [Critical]+1.': '【永】【V】:你的灵魂里有「幻影狂风龙」的话,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [retire two of your rear-guards], choose a "Blaster Dark" from your soul or drop, call it to (RC), and if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, that called unit and this unit get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[将你的2张后防者退场],选择你的灵魂或弃牌区中的1张「暗黑狂风」,CALL到R上,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个回合中,那个CALL出场的单位和这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](VC):If your soul has a "Blaster Blade" and a "Blaster Dark", this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Critical]+1. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【V】:你的灵魂里有「狂风剑刃」和「暗黑狂风」的话,这个单位的力量+2000、☆+1。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, perform all of the following. (You can choose to perform only one)': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击先导者时,执行以下所有的效果。(由于均需要【费用】,因此也可只使用其中1种。)',
'• COST [Put a "Blaster Blade" from your (RC) into your soul], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '·通过【费用】[将你的R上的1张「狂风剑刃」放置到灵魂里],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'• COST [Put a "Blaster Dark" from your (RC) into your soul], and this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn.': '·通过【费用】[将你的R上的1张「暗黑狂风」放置到灵魂里],这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定+1次。',
'[CONT]:The normal ride from hand of a unit with "Thegrea" in its different card name from this unit on this unit also becomes a Persona Ride.': '【永】:这个单位即使被与这个单位不同名的含有「泰格莉娅」的单位从手牌通常RIDE也视为人格RIDE。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or less unit card from among them, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck. If "One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea" is in your soul, choose up to two instead of one.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张等级2以下的单位卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。你的灵魂里有「绽放于暗黑之人 泰格莉娅」的话,不是选择1张而是选择至多2张。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, if this unit was placed by riding from "One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea" this turn, COST [discard a card from your hand], choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,这个回合中通过在「绽放于暗黑之人 泰格莉娅」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场了的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的1张后防者,重置。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Retire two of your grade 2 or less rear-guards], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it. If "One Who Walks the Path of Light, Thegrea" is in your soul, retire all of your opponent\'s rear-guards in the same column as the chosen unit.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将你的2张等级2以下的后防者退场],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。你的灵魂里有「前行于光道之人 泰格莉娅」的话,将与被选择的单位同纵列的对手所有的后防者退场。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, if this unit was placed by riding from "One Who Walks the Path of Light, Thegrea" this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Discard a card from your hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,这个回合中通过在「前行于光道之人 泰格莉娅」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场了的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定-1次。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit [Stand] by your card\'s ability, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:由于卡片的能力使这个单位重置时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (2)], look at two cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card from among them, call it to (RC), and put the rest on the top of your deck in any order.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发2],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多1张单位卡,CALL到R上,将其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1) & reveal a normal unit from your hand, and put it on the bottom of your deck], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张普通单位卡公开,放置到牌堆底],抽1张卡。',
'[RevolDress]-[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, choose up to one card with "RevolForm" in its card name from your hand, ride it as [Stand], and it gets drive -2 until end of turn.': '【反抗舞装】-【自】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,选择你的手牌中的至多1张含有「反抗黎骑」的卡,竖置RIDE,这个回合中,那个单位的攻击判定-2次。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Discard a card from your hand], look at the top three cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "RevolForm" in its card name from among them and reveal it and put it into your hand, or choose up to one grade 2 or less unit card from among them and call it to (RC), and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,从中选择至多1张含有「反抗黎骑」的卡公开后加入手牌,或从中选择至多1张等级2以下的卡CALL到R上,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by the [RevolDress] ability, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [discard a card from your hand], and this unit gets [Power]+10000/drive +1 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位由于【反抗舞装】能力登场到V时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000、攻击判定+1次。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the end of your turn, choose a card with the [RevolDress] ability from your soul, and ride it as [Rest].': '【自】【V】:你的回合结束时,选择你的灵魂里的1张具备【反抗舞装】能力的卡,横置RIDE。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked, if your vanguard was ridden by a card\'s ability this turn, your opponent cannot call normal units from hand to (GC).': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这个回合中曾由于卡片的效果将你的先导者RIDE过的话,对手不能将普通单位卡从手牌CALL到G上。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If you have three or more grade 3 units, COST [Counter Blast (1)], this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn, and if you persona rode this turn, draw a card.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你的等级3的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your other grade 3 or greater units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你其他的1个等级3以上的单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[CONT]:When this card would be rode upon, it is also regarded as "Youthberk "Skyfall Arms"".': '【永】:这张卡将要被RIDE之际,这张卡也当做「朱斯贝克 “破天黎骑”」使用。',
'[CONT](RC):If your grade 3 or greater vanguard was placed this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中曾有你的等级3以上的先导者登场过的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by the [RevolDress] ability, until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+15000, and if you persona rode this turn, it gets [Critical]+1.': '【自】:这个单位由于【反抗舞装】能力登场到V时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+15000,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,接着将这个单位的☆+1。',
'Look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one card with "RevolForm" in its card name from among them and reveal it and put it into your hand, or choose up to one grade 2 or less unit card from among them and call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '看你牌堆顶的5张卡,从中选择至多1张含有「反抗黎骑」的卡公开后加入手牌,或从中选择至多1张等级2以下的卡CALL到R上。牌堆洗切。',
'Look at the top of your deck, put it on the top or bottom of your deck, and draw a card.': '看你牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底,抽1张卡。',
'Play this COST [Counter Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with the [RevolDress] ability!': '你有具备【反抗舞装】 能力的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[计数爆发1]施放!',
'Search your deck for up to one "Youthberk "RevolForm: Zest"", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「朱斯贝克 “反抗黎骑·红莲”」,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1]施放!',
'Perform all of the effects below according to the number of your grade 3 units.': '根据你的等级3的单位的个数执行以下所有的效果。',
'•2 or more - Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '·2个以上——选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'•3 or more - Draw a card.': '·3个以上——抽1张卡。',
'•4 or more - Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets drive +1 until end of turn.': '·4个以上——选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,攻击判定+1次。',
'If you have three or more grade 3 units, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+20000 until end of that battle. (Including GC)': '你的等级3的单位有3个以上的话,选择你的1张先导者,这次战斗中,力量+20000。(也包含防卫者圆阵上的单位。)',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1) & reveal a [Critical] trigger or [Front] trigger from your hand]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张【☆】触发或【前】触发公开]施放!',
'If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you draw a card, and put the card revealed for this cost on the top of your deck.': '对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,你抽1张卡,将由于这个费用被公开的卡放置到自己的牌堆顶。',
'Play this with COST [discard a card from your hand]!': '通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃]施放!',
'[CONT](Order Zone):All of your grade 3 rear-guards get "Boost".': '【永】【指令区】:给予你所有的等级3的后防者『支援』的技能。',
'Choose a "Hexaorb Sorceress" on your (VC) or (RC), and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle. COST [Counter Blast (2)], and it gets +40000 instead of +10000.': '选择你的V或R上的1张「六角宝珠的女魔术师」,这次战斗中,力量+10000。通过【费用】[计数爆发2],不+10000而是力量+40000。',
'Play this with COST [Counter-Blast 1] if you have a vanguard with "Blaster" in its card name!': '你有含有「狂风」的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[计数爆发1]施放!',
'Search your deck for up to one grade 2 unit card with "Blaster" in its card name, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张等级2的含有「狂风」的单位卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'Choose one of your vanguards with "Blaster" in its card name being attacked, and until end of that battle, it gets [Power]+15000. Then, choose 1 of your rear-guards, and you may retire it. If you retired, it gets [Power]+15000.': '选择你的1张正在被攻击的含有「狂风」的先导者,这次战斗中,力量+15000。你可以选择你的1张后防者,退场。退场了的话,这次战斗中,接着将力量+15000。',
'e another Ghost, choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,你有其他的〈幽灵〉的单位的话,选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这个回合中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), you can play an additional order this turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你在这个回合中可以追加施放1次指令卡。(每发动1次这个能力,就增加1次可施放次数。)',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each of your cards in your order zone.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的指令区中的你的卡每有1张,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), choose up to one of your rear-guards with "Earnescorrect" in its card name, and return it to your hand. (Even if the unit being attacked is removed, drive checks and abilities that activate at the end of battle are performed)': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,选择你的至多1张含有「诚意真心」的后防者,返回手牌。(即使被攻击的单位离场,发起攻击的单位的玩家也要正常进行攻击判定以及结算战斗结束时的能力。)',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and call this card to an open (RC).': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这张卡CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from your deck or hand during your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Wilista" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck or drop zone for up to one Gem card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从牌堆或手牌舍弃时,你有含有「维莉丝塔」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆或弃牌区中探寻至多1张宝石卡,公开后加入手牌,从牌堆探寻了的话,将牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your unit with the Friend ability is placed in the same column as this unit, if you have three or more other "Friends", COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的具备交友能力的单位登场到这个单位的同纵列时,你其他的处于“好友”状态的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard two cards from your hand], and draw two cards.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的2张卡舍弃],抽2张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):If your "Six-Flower Fractale" was sung this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你歌唱了「雪花之碎片」的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):During the battle that this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【V/R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'Powerful-[CONT](VC):If your soul has no cards, when you would ride a "Coming Beauty, Herminia" from your ride deck, you can ride without discarding a card from your hand.': '全力-【永】【V】:你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,你从RIDE卡组将「新世代之美 艾尔米尼亚」RIDE之际,可以不用从手牌中将1张卡舍弃来RIDE。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard\'s grade is equal to or less than your opponent\'s vanguard\'s grade, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的先导者的等级在对手的先导者的等级以下的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If you have zero or four or more rear-guards, this unit gets [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【G】:你的后防者是0张或4张以上的话,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets "Powerful-[CONT](RC):If your soul has no cards, this unit gets [Power]+2000." until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位获得『全力-【永】【R】:你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,这个单位的力量+2000。』的能力。',
'[AUTO](RC):When you play "Everlasting Sapphire", if your vanguard is "Prismagica, Wilista", draw a card.': '【自】【R】:你施放「无尽之苍蓝」时,你有「闪耀的光彩 维莉丝塔」的先导者的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit on the bottom of your deck], draw a card, choose one of your units with "Earnescorrect" in its card name, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到牌堆底],抽1张卡,选择你的1张含有「诚意真心」的单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (2)], look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two trigger units from among them, call them to open (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多2张触发单位卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if you have three or more other rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你其他的后防者有3张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST [Soul Blast (1)], perform all of the following according to the Songs sung this turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],根据这个回合中你歌唱了的歌曲卡的种类执行以下全部的效果。',
'•"Romantic Happiness" - Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '·「烂漫之幸福」——选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'•"Twilight Sound of Waves" - Look at the top card of your deck.': '·「涛声之夕暮」——看你牌堆顶的1张卡。',
'•"Madder Red Runway" - You may return this unit to your hand.': '·「茜色之小道」——你可以将这个单位返回手牌。',
'•"Six-Flower Fractale" - COST [Discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.': '·「雪花之碎片」——通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](Front Row RC):All of your rear-guards with different card names as this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects.': '【永】【前列的R】:你所有的与这个单位不同名的后防者不会被对手的卡片的效果选择。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, you may Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,你可以计数回充1。',
'[CONT](GC):All of your units with "Earnescorrect" in their card names get [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【G】:你所有的含有「诚意真心」的单位的盾护+10000。',
'[CONT](GC):All of your rear-guards with "Earnescorrect" in their card names cannot be hit.': '【永】【G】:你所有的含有「诚意真心」的后防者不会被击中。',
'Friend-[CONT](RC):If you have another unit in the same column as this unit, that unit and this unit become "Friends".': '交友-【永】【R】:你有其他的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,那个单位和这个单位进入“好友”状态。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your other "Friends".': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,你其他的处于“好友”状态的单位每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If you have a vanguard with "Wilista" in its card name, COST [put a Gem card from your drop on the bottom of your deck], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有含有「维莉丝塔」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将弃牌区中的1张宝石卡放置到牌堆底],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your battle phase, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:你的战斗阶段中这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC/RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1) & Discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.': '【起】【V/R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],抽1张卡。',
'Powerful-[CONT](VC):If your soul has no cards, when you would ride "Attract Peach, Ertines" from your ride deck, you can ride without discarding a card from your hand.': '全力-【永】【V】:你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,你从RIDE卡组将「魅惑之美 艾尔缇努」RIDE之际,可以不用从手牌中将1张卡舍弃来RIDE。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, Soul Charge (2).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,灵魂填充2。',
'Powerful-[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your soul has no cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], this unit gets "[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, draw a card." until end of that battle, choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '全力-【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位获得『【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,抽1张卡。』的能力,选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if you have three or more other "Friends", COST [Soul Blast (1)], and return this unit to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,你其他的处于“好友”状态的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your rear-guard is returned to your hand, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的后防者被返回手牌时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a vanguard, draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援先导者时,抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at the top card of your deck, call it to an open (RC) or put it into your hand. If you put a card into your hand, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你的牌堆顶的1张卡,将那张卡CALL到不存在单位的R上或加入手牌。加入了手牌的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC)1/Turn:When your other unit is placed on (RC) during your battle phase, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and draw a card.': '【自】【后列的R】【1回合1次】:你的战斗阶段中你其他的单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other rear-guard with "Earnescorrect" in its card name is retired during your opponent\'s turn, if this unit is on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], and put that retired card into your hand.': '【自】【R】:对手的回合中你其他的含有「诚意真心」的后防者退场时,这个单位存在于R的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将那张退场的卡加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard\'s attack hits, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者的攻击击中时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding on "Dignified Will, Clarissa", look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 1 or less card with "Earnescorrect" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:通过在「凛然之志 克拉莉萨」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场到V时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张等级1以下的含有「诚意真心」的卡,公开后加入手牌,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if you do not have any rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,你没有后防者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have another "Friend", this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你有其他的处于“好友”状态的单位的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is "Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa", COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one grade 2 or less card with "Earnescorrect" in its card name and reveal it, and if you have no rear-guards with the same card name as that card, call it to an open (RC). Shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有「诚意真心的领队 克拉莉萨」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张等级2以下的含有「诚意真心」的卡,公开,你没有与那张卡同名的后防者的话,将公开的卡CALL到不存在单位的R上。牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack of the "Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa" on your (VC) hits, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】:你的V上的「诚意真心的领队 克拉莉萨」攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding on "Serious Challenger, Clarissa", COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or less card with "Earnescorrect" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:通过在「认真的挑战者 克拉莉萨」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张等级2以下的含有「诚意真心」的卡,公开后加入手牌,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if you have no rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,你没有后防者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding from "Accurate Interval, Clarissa", COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Aim to be the Strongest Idol!", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:通过在「正确的音程 克拉莉萨」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「目标!最强的偶像!」,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit\'s attack hits, draw a card, choose one of your rear-guards with "Earnescorrect" in its card name, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:这个单位的攻击击中时,抽1张卡,选择你的1张含有「诚意真心」的后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, you may return this unit to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,你可以将这个单位返回手牌。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):During your opponent\'s turn, this unit gets [Power]-2000.': '【永】【V/R】:对手的回合中,这个单位的力量-2000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your Order Zone has two or more cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的指令区中有2张以上的卡的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], search your deck for up to one Gem card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张宝石卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When you play an order, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你施放指令卡时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If you have three or more open (RC), this unit gets [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【G】:你的不存在单位的R有3个以上的话,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have three or more other rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你其他的后防者有3张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a unit with "Earnescorrect" in its card name, if you have a vanguard with "Clarissa" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], search your deck for up to one grade 3 or less card with "Earnescorrect" in its card name, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援含有「诚意真心」的单位的战斗结束时,你有含有「克拉莉萨」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张等级3以下的含有「诚意真心」的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, you may return this unit to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,你可以将这个单位返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, [COST] Counter Blast (1), until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【自】【R】:你其他的单位登场到V或R时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked while boosted, if you played an order this turn, COST [put this unit into your soul], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:被支援的这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,这个回合中你施放了指令卡的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is boosted, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and increase the [Power] of this unit by the original [Shield] of the unit that is boosting this unit until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位被支援时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量增加与正在支援这个单位的单位的原始盾护值相同的数值。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:When you play a Gem card, draw a card.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:你施放宝石卡时,抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](GC):This unit gets [Shield]+5000 for every two Gem cards in your drop.': '【永】【G】:你的弃牌区中的宝石卡每有2张,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your units with "Earnescorrect" in its card name, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的1个含有「诚意真心」的单位,这次战斗中,力量+10000。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):This unit unit gets "Boost" and [Power]-2000.': '【永】【后列的R】:这个单位的获得『支援』的技能,力量-2000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your Order Zone has a card, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的指令区中有卡存在的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your main phase, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose up to one card with grade equal to or less than your vanguard from your hand, and call it to (RC). If you called a card, draw a card.': '【自】:你的主要阶段中这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的手牌中的最多1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的卡,CALL到R上。CALL出场了的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one order card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张指令卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your "Madder Red Runway" was sung this turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这个回合中你歌唱了「茜色之小道」的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):If you played an order this turn, this unit gets "Boost".': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你施放了指令卡的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have no other rear-guards in your front row, this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects and cannot be attacked.': '【永】【R】:你的前列没有其他的后防者的话,这个单位不会被对手的效果选择,不会被攻击。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a vanguard with "Clarissa" in its card name, choose one of your vanguards, and you may have that unit and this unit get [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If you do, at the end of that battle, put this unit on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你有含有「克拉莉萨」的先导者的话,你可以选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,那个单位和这个单位的力量+5000。这样做了的话,这次战斗结束时,将这个单位放置到牌堆底。',
'[ACT](VC):COST [Soul Blast (1) "Truehearted Ruby"], until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+15000, and your opponent cannot intercept.': '【起】【V】:通过【费用】[使用「不移之绯红」进行灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+15000,对手不能截击。',
'[ACT](VC):COST [Soul Blast (1) "Everlasting Sapphire"], look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two unit cards from among them, call them to open (RC), discard the rest, and those units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】:通过【费用】[使用「无尽之苍蓝」进行灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多2张单位卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上,将其余的卡舍弃,这个回合中,那些单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Dreaming Pupils, Emeline", call it to an open (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「梦想之瞳 爱梅莱茵」,CALL到不存在单位的R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your unit with "Earnescorrect" in its card name is attacked, COST [retire this unit], choose one of the attacked units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你的含有「诚意真心」的单位被攻击时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择1张正在被攻击的单位,这次战斗中,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](VC):COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'Powerful-[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if the total number of cards in your soul and face up in your damage zone is zero, COST [discard a card from your hand], choose one of your rear-guards with the Powerful ability, and [Stand] it. Reduce the next time you Counter Blast this turn by (1).': '全力-【自】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,你的灵魂里的卡和你的伤害区中的正面表示的卡合计是0张的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的1张具备全力能力的后防者,重置。这个回合中,你下一次支付计数爆发所需要的张数减1。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle your "Prismagica, Wilista" on your (VC) attacked, perform all of the following according to the cards you played or Soul Blast for your vanguard\'s ability this turn.': '【自】【R】:你的「闪耀的光彩 维莉丝塔」的先导者攻击的战斗结束时,根据这个回合中你施放过或通过你的先导者能力灵魂爆发过的卡的种类执行以下所有的效果。',
'• "Truehearted Ruby" - This unit gets [Power]+15000 until end of turn.': '·「不移之绯红」——这个回合中,这个单位的力量+15000。',
'• "Everlasting Sapphire" - COST [Counter Blast (1) & Put a back row center rear-guard on the bottom of your deck], [Stand] this unit, and shuffle your deck.': '·「无尽之苍蓝」——通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将##后列的你的1张后防者放置到牌堆底],将这个单位重置,然后牌堆洗切。',
'Powerful-[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your soul has no cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '全力-【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'White Wings -[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards for every three of your units with odd grades, and it gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】:这个单位登场到R时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],你的等级是奇数的单位每有3个,选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000、☆+1。(不能对同一个单位选择2次。',
'White Wings -[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose a [Power]8000 card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张力量8000的卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), bind the top card of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,将你的牌堆顶的1张卡正面封锁。',
'White Wings-[CONT](VC):When you would ride from your ride deck, you may "Soul Blast (1)" instead of "Choose a card from your hand, and discard it".': '白翼-【永】【V】:你从RIDE卡组将卡RIDE之际,可以不执行『选择手牌中的1张卡,舍弃』而是执行『灵魂爆发1』。',
'Black Wings-[CONT](VC):All of your opponent\'s grade 1 or less rear-guards cannot attack this unit.': '黑翼-【永】【V】:对手的等级1以下的后防者不能攻击这个单位。',
'White Wings -[CONT](RC/GC):This unit gets [Power]+2000/[Shield]+5000.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【永】【R/G】:这个单位的力量+2000、盾护+5000。',
'White Wings -[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for each of your other units with odd grades.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择你其他的1个单位,等级是奇数的这个单位以外的单位每有1个,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+5000。',
'White Wings -[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'White Wings (Active when bind only has odd grades)-[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand during your main phase, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card with the White Wings ability from your drop not named "Spokesperson of Heavenly Voice, Herjuel", and call it to an open (RC).': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】:你的主要阶段中这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「天声的代言人 赫琉耶尔」以外的具备白翼能力的卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'White Wings (Active when bind only has odd grades)-[CONT](GC):This unit gets [Shield]+10000.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【永】【G】:这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'Black Wings-[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (3)], choose one of your opponent\'s units for every two of your rear-guards with even grades, and they get [Power]-5000 until end of turn. Then, your opponent puts all of their [Power] 0 or less rear-guards on the bottom of their deck in any order.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发3],你的等级是偶数的后防者每有2张,选择对手的1个单位,这个回合中,力量-5000。这之后,对手将他自己所有的力量在0以下的后防者按他希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。(不能对同1个单位选择2次。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose a card from your bind zone, put it on the bottom of your deck, and if you put a card, bind the top card of your deck face up.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,选择你的封锁区中的1张卡,放置到牌堆底,放置了的话,将你的牌堆顶的1张卡正面封锁。',
'White Wings-[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '白翼-【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'Black Wings-[CONT](VC):During the battle this unit attacked, your opponent cannot call trigger units from hand to (GC).': '黑翼-【永】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,对手不能将触发单位卡从手牌CALL到G上。',
'Black Wings-[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked while boosted, choose a card from your soul or rear-guards, and you may return it to your hand. If you chose from your soul, put this unit into your soul.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】【R】:被支援的这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,你可以选择你的后防者中或灵魂里的1张卡,返回手牌。从灵魂里选择了的话,将这个单位放置到灵魂里。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Counter Blast (1) & Put this unit into your soul], draw a card, choose up to one card from your bind zone, and it gets grade +1 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡,选择你的封锁区中的至多1张卡,这个回合中,等级+1。',
'Black Wings-[CONT](RC):This unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s effects, and cannot be attacked by your opponent\'s rear-guards.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【永】【R】:这个单位不会被对手的效果选择,不会被对手的后防者攻击。',
'Black Wings-[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and that unit cannot [Stand] during the next stand phase.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充1,选择对手的1张后防者,那个单位在对手的下一个重置阶段中不能重置。',
'Black Wings-[AUTO](RC):When this unit is placed on (RC), Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets "Boost" until end of turn.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】:这个单位登场到R时,灵魂填充1,这个回合中,这个单位的获得『支援』的技能。',
'Black Wings -[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), choose one of your opponent\'s back row rear-guards, and [Rest] it.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,选择后列的对手的1张后防者,横置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Alestiel" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a card from your bind zone, and put it into your hand. If you put a card into your hand, choose a card from your hand, and bind it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「阿蕾斯缇耶尔」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的封锁区中的1张卡,加入手牌。加入了的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,封锁。',
'Black Wings -[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s grade 3 or greater vanguards, and it gets [Power]-5000 until end of turn.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择对手的1张等级3以上的先导者,这个回合中,力量-5000。',
'Black Wings (Active when bind only has even grades)-[CONT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Alestiel" in its card name, this unit can attack a grade 3 or greater vanguard from the back row.': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【永】【R】:你有含有「阿蕾斯缇耶尔」的先导者的话,这个单位可以从后列攻击等级3以上的先导者。',
'Black Wings (Active when bind only has even grades)-[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), Soul Charge (2).': '黑翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】:这个单位登场到R时,灵魂填充2。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of your main phase, choose a card from your bind zone, put it into your hand, and if you put a card, bind the top card of your deck face up.': '【自】【V】:你的主要阶段开始时,选择你的封锁区中的1张卡,加入手牌,加入了的话,将你的牌堆顶的1张卡正面封锁。',
'White Wings-[CONT](VC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1.': '白翼-【永】【V】:你的回合中,这个单位的力量+5000、☆+1。',
'Black Wings-[CONT](VC):During your turn, all your opponent\'s units get [Power]-5000.': '黑翼-【永】【V】:你的回合中,对手所有的单位的力量-5000。',
'(White Wings is active when your bind only has odd grades, and Black Wings when it only has even grades)': '(白翼能力在你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合有效,黑翼能力在你的封锁区中的卡只有偶数的等级的场合有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is placed, COST [bind this unit], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者登场时,通过【费用】[将这张卡封锁],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is bound, both White Wings and Black Wings of your cards are active until end of your opponent\'s next turn.': '【自】:这张卡被封锁时,直到对手的下一个回合结束时为止,你的卡片的白翼能力和黑翼能力两方均有效。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (1) & Retire this unit], draw a card, choose up to one trigger unit from your bind zone, and it gets grade +1 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],抽1张卡,选择你的封锁区中的至多1张触发单位卡,这个回合中,等级+1。',
'White Wings-[CONT](RC/GC):This unit gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+5000.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【永】【R/G】:这个单位的力量+5000、盾护+5000。',
'White Wings (Active when bind only has odd grades)-[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, you may put this unit into your soul.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。这次战斗结束时,你可以将这个单位放置到灵魂里。',
'White Wings (Active when bind only has odd grades)-[CONT](RC/GC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000. During your opponent\'s turn, this unit gets "Intercept", and [Shield]+5000.': '白翼(你的封锁区中的卡只有奇数的等级的场合才有效)-【永】【R/G】:你的回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。对手的回合中,这个单位获得『截击』的技能,盾护+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):If this unit is "Friends", this unit gets "Boost".': '【永】【R】:这个单位处于“好友”状态的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'Draw two cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it. Put this card into your soul.': '抽2张卡,选择你的手牌的1张卡,舍弃。将这张卡放置到灵魂里。',
'Choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. Put this card into your soul.': '选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。将这张卡放置到灵魂里。',
'Play this if your vanguard is Archangel of Twin Wings, Alestiel!': '你的先导者是「双翼的大天使 阿蕾斯缇耶尔」的话能施放!',
'Choose one of your units being attacked, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each of your rear-guards with odd grades. Until end of turn, when your unit with an even grade would be retired from (RC) or (GC), you may put that card into your soul instead of the drop.': '选择1个正在被攻击的单位,你的等级是奇数的后防者每有1张,这次战斗中,被选择的单位的力量+5000。这个回合中,你的等级是偶数的单位将要从R或G退场之际,你也可以不将那些卡放置到弃牌区,而是将那些卡放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO](Order Zone):When this Song is sung, draw a card, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【指令区】:这张歌曲卡被歌唱时,抽1张卡,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into the Order Zone, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, draw a card.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](Order Zone):When this Song is sung, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '【自】【指令区】:这张歌曲卡被歌唱时,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,☆+1。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into your Order Zone, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](Order Zone):When this Song is sung, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【指令区】:这张歌曲卡被歌唱时,这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'Draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '抽1张卡,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'If an attack hit your vanguard this turn, choose one of the attacked units, and it gets [Power]+30000 until end of that battle.': '这个回合中你的先导者被攻击击中过的话,选择1张被攻击的单位,这次战斗中,力量+30000。',
'Look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card from among them, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张单位卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'If you have six or more units, play this with COST [Soul Blast (2)]!': '你的单位有6个以上的话,能通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2]施放',
'Counter Charge (1).': '计数回充1。',
'Play this if you have five or more units with "Earnescorrect" in their different card names!': '你的含有「诚意真心」的单位有5种以上的话能施放!',
'Until end of turn, all of your units with "Earnescorrect" in their card names get [Power]+5000. If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, choose one of your "Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa", and it gets "[CONT](VC):When this unit would attack, choose three of your opponent\'s (VC) or (RC), and this unit battles all of the units on the chosen circles.".': '这个回合中,将当前存在于场上的你所有的含有「诚意真心」的单位的力量+5000,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,选择你的1张「诚意真心的领队 克拉莉萨」,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:这个单位进行攻击之际,选择对手的V或R合计3个,这次战斗中,与所有的被选择的圆阵上的单位进行战斗。』的能力。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is put into the Order Zone, choose a face down card from your Order Zone, and you may turn it face up.': '【自】:这张卡被放置到指令区时,你可以选择你的指令区中的1张背面表示的卡,转为正面表示。',
'[AUTO](Order Zone):When this Song is sung, choose the same number of your rear-guards as the number of face down cards in your Order Zone, and [Stand] them. Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn for each unit that was [Stand] by this effect.': '【自】【指令区】:这张歌曲卡被歌唱时,选择数量与你的指令区中的背面表示的卡的张数相同的你的后防者,重置。选择你的1张先导者,由于这个效果重置的单位每有1个,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+10000。',
'If you have three or more rear-guards, all your units being attacked get [Power]+15000 until end of that battle.': '你的后防者在3张以上的话,这次战斗中,你所有的正在被攻击的单位的力量+15000。',
'[ACT](Order Zone)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (2)], choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "[CONT](VC):All of your rear-guards get [Power]+5000.".': '【起】【指令区】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发2],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:你所有的后防者的力量+5000。』的能力。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a rear-guard, look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援后防者时,看你的牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000',
'[CONT](RC):If a grade 3 card was revealed for your drive check this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你的攻击判定曾将等级3的卡判出过的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) during your opponent\'s turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a grade 3 card from your drop other than "Heavenly Judgment of Composition, Heathcourt", and put it into your hand.': '【自】:对手的回合中,这个单位从R退场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「泰然之天断 希斯科特」以外的等级3的卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Bard of the Heavenly Instrument, Lutente", call it to a (RC) in the same column as this unit, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「奏天的乐士 鲁特提」,CALL到与这个单位同纵列的R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'Note: Currently lets units move anywhere on the board instead of allowing movement by row.': '注意:目前允许单位移动板子上的任何地方,而不允许横向移动。',
'Choice Restriction: Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor Magnolia Elder': '选择限制:树角兽帝 长老马格诺利亚',
'[CONT]:This card cannot be ridden, called or moved to the front row': '【永】:不能通过RIDE或CALL或移动将这张卡放置到前列。',
'[CONT](RC):When you would move or swap rear-guards during your main phase, you can also move it within the same row.': '【永】【R】:你在主要阶段中将后防者移动或交换位置之际,也可以在横列间移动或交换位置。',
'[CONT](RC):Your units in front of this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s effects.': '【永】【R】:这个单位前方的你的单位不会被对手的效果选择。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), the next time you would Alchemagic an order and play it this turn, reduce that cost by Counter Blast (1). (Reduce from the total cost. Does not Counter Charge even if it becomes negative)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,你下一次通过魔合成将指令卡施放之际,那个费用减少计数爆发1。(在合计的费用中减少计数爆发1。但是即使减到负数也不能计数回充。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST [bind this unit], choose an order card from your bind zone, and put it into your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[将这个单位封锁],选择你的封锁区中的1张指令卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), you may put all cards from your bind zone into the drop. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for each card put.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你可以将你的封锁区中所有的卡放置到弃牌区。放置了的话,放置的卡每有1张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, you may discard the top five cards of your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,你可以将你的牌堆顶的5张卡舍弃。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (1) & retire this unit], look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card from among them, call it to a back row (RC), and discard the rest. That called unit cannot be moved to another (RC) until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位退场],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择至多1张单位卡,CALL到后列的R上,将其余的卡舍弃。这个回合中,那个CALL出场的单位不能移动到其他的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks or boosts, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your rear-guards.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],你的后防者每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon", choose one of your other rear-guards, and it gets "[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if it is the first battle of this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit." until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」的先导者的话,选择你其他的1张后防者,这个回合中,给予『【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这是这个回合中第1次的战斗的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置。』的能力。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If you played an order this turn, COST [discard an order card from your hand], and draw a card.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:这个回合中你施放了指令卡的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张指令卡舍弃],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):This unit cannot attack from the front row.': '【永】【V/R】:这个单位不能从前列攻击。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Ascendance Assault", call this card to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被「优势·突击兵」RIDE时,将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](RC):If your vanguard is "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon" or "Ascendance Assault", this unit gets "Intercept", and [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你有「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」或「优势·突击兵」的先导者的话,这个单位获得『截击』的技能,力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other rear-guard attacks from the back row, COST [[Rest] this unit], and the unit that attacked gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你其他的后防者从后列攻击时,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],这次战斗中,将那个进行攻击的单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Counter Blast (1) & Bind this unit], choose an order card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位封锁],选择你的弃牌区中的1张指令卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other unit attacks, if it is the fifth battle of this turn, COST [put this unit into your soul], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:你其他的单位攻击时,这是这个回合中第5次的战斗的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your other rear-guard is placed, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你其他的后防者登场时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST [bind an order card from your drop], choose an order card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[将你的弃牌区中的1张指令卡封锁],选择你的弃牌区中的1张指令卡,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):During the battle this unit attacked, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【永】【后列的R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[CONT](RC):If your drop and bind zone have a total of five or more order cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的弃牌区和封锁区中的指令卡合计有5张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 2 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:对手有等级2以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](Front Row RC):When your other rear-guard attacks, until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and gets [Power]+5000.': '【自】【前列的R】:你其他的后防者攻击时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],接着再将力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Retire two other rear-guards], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你其他的2张后防者退场],抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you may call a Plant Token to (RC). (Plant Tokens are grade 0/[Power]5000/[Critical] 1 and have boost)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,你可以将1张植物衍生物CALL到R上。(植物衍生物具备等级0、力量5000、☆值1与支援的技能。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding on "Bioroid Youth, Rorowa", call up to one Plant Token to your back row center (RC). (Plant Tokens are grade 0/[Power]5000/[Critical] 1 and have boost)': '【自】:通过在「植培种少年 罗洛瓦」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,将至多1张植物衍生物CALL到##后列的R上。(植物衍生物具备等级0、力量5000、☆值1与支援的技能。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose one of your grade 1 or less units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,选择你的1个等级1以下的单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a grade 3 or less card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级3以下的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have two or more back row grade 1 or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,后列的你的等级1以下的后防者有2张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s grade 2 or greater rear-guards not being attacked, move it to (GC), and if it cannot be moved, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张没有被攻击的等级2以上的后防者,移动到G上,不能移动的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if you have another grade 1 or less rear-guard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle. Then, if it boosted a grade 3 or greater vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你有其他的等级1以下的后防者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。接着,这个单位支援的是等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):All of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit cannot be attacked by your opponent\'s rear-guards.': '【永】【后列的R】:与这个单位同纵列的你其他的所有后防者不会被对手的后防者攻击。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have three or more grade 1 or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的等级1以下的后防者有3张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if you have a vanguard with "Lianorn" in its card name, your opponent cannot intercept until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你有含有「莲南」的先导者的话,这次战斗中,对手不能截击。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, if it is the third battle of this turn, COST [retire this unit], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,这是这个回合中第3次的战斗的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1) & bind this unit], choose a blitz order from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将这个单位封锁],选择你的弃牌区中的1张闪现指令卡,加入手牌。',
'[CONT]:This card cannot be ridden, and can only be called to the back row center (RC).': '【永】:这个单位不能RIDE,不能CALL到##后列以外的圆阵。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your back row grade 2 or greater units.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,后列的你的等级2以上的单位每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Brilliant Tune, Rektina", you may call this card to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被「华美的旋律 蕾奎缇娜」RIDE时,你可以将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](RC): During the battle this unit boosted a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位支援先导者的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and draw a card.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST [put a grade 2 or less card from hand into soul], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张等级2以下的卡放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia", COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, and until end of turn, that unit can attack from the back row, and gets [Power]+5000.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「树角兽王 马格诺利亚」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,那个单位可以从后列攻击,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit is chosen by your vanguard\'s effect, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位被你的先导者的效果选择时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you Alchemagic an order this turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这个回合中你曾将指令卡魔合成过的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[ACT](Drop)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1), bind an order card from drop], call this card to an open (RC).': '【起】【弃牌区】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将你的弃牌区中的1张指令卡封锁],将这张卡CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Counter Blast (1)], and until end of turn, this unit gets "[CONT](Back Row RC):When this unit would attack, this unit battles all of your opponent\'s front row units.".': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位获得『【永】【后列的R】:这个单位进行攻击之际,与前列的对手所有的单位进行战斗。』的能力。',
'[CONT](RC):This unit can intercept from the back row.': '【永】【R】:这个单位也可以从后列截击。',
'[CONT](GC):If you have a total of three or more order cards in your drop and bind zone, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你的弃牌区和封锁区中的指令卡合计有3张以上的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (2)], this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of battle for each of your other rear-guards.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],你其他的后防者每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, search your deck for up to one order card and reveal it, and if your drop does not have a card with the same card name as that card, discard the revealed card. Shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张指令卡并公开,你的弃牌区中没有与那张卡同名的卡的话,将被公开的卡舍弃。牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When you play an order, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If it was Alchemagic, choose one of your other rear-guards, and you may return it to your hand.': '【自】【R】:你施放指令卡时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。这是在魔合成中的话,你可以选择你其他的1张后防者,返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle this unit attacked a rear-guard, if your vanguard is "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon", COST [Soul Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击后防者的战斗结束时,你有「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other unit in the same column as this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn. Choose all of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and for the battle that this unit attacked this turn, your opponent cannot call cards with the same grade as the chosen units from their hand to (GC).': '【自】【R】:与这个单位同纵列的你其他的单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。选择对手所有的后防者,这个回合中这个单位攻击的战斗中,对手不能将等级与被选择的单位的等级相同的卡从手牌CALL到G上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) or put on (GC), if your vanguard is "Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia", this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时或被放置到G时,你有「树角兽王 马格诺利亚」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000、盾护+5000。',
'[Auto](Back row RC):At end of the battle this unit attacked, you may return this to your hand.': '【自】【后列的R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,你可以将这个单位返回手牌。',
'[AUTO]:You may pay "reveal a "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon" or "Inroad Shooter" from your hand" for this cost. When this unit is rode upon, COST [Soul Blast (1) other than this card], and call this card to (RC).': '【自】:这个能力的费用也可以通过『将手牌中的1张「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」或「侵袭射手」公开』来支付。这个单位被RIDE时,通过【费用】[使用这张卡以外的卡进行灵魂爆发1],将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your other rear-guard attacks a vanguard, if your vanguard is "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon", COST [Counter Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你其他的后防者攻击先导者时,你有「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your soul has no cards, Soul Charge (2).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的灵魂是0张的话,灵魂填充2。',
'[CONT](RC):If your rear-guard did not [Stand] by a card\'s effect this turn, this unit cannot attack.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你的后防者没有由于效果重置过的话,这个单位不能攻击。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者的战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):All of your back row rear-guards get [Power]+2000. (This unit is included)': '【永】【后列的R】:后列的你所有的后防者的力量+2000。(这个单位也包含在内。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a "Sylvan Horned Beast, Panthero" from your drop, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「树角兽 潘提罗」,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有含有「马格诺利亚」的先导者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of your turn, if you Alchemagic an order and played it or attacked a total of five or more times this turn, COST [put this unit into your soul], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:你的回合结束时,这个回合中你曾通过魔合成将指令卡施放过的话,或这个回合中你进行了合计5次以上的攻击的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on your back row (RC), you may have this unit get [Power]+10000 until end of turn. If you do, this unit cannot be moved to other (RC) until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到后列的R时,这个回合中,你可以将这个单位的力量+10000。这样做了的话,这个回合中,这个单位不能移动到其他的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon", this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):All of your other units in the same column as this unit get "Boost".': '【永】【V/R】:给予与这个单位同纵列的你所有的其他的单位『支援』的技能。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Retire this unit], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC) or put on (GC), COST [Soul Blast (1) & discard an order card from your hand], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V或R时,或被放置到G时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张指令卡舍弃],抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000、盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call up to two Plant Tokens to (RC). (Plant Tokens are grade 0/[Power]5000/[Critical] 1 and have boost)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将至多2张植物衍生物CALL到R上。(植物衍生物具备等级0、力量5000、☆值1与支援的技能。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), COST [retire one of your rear-guards], and call up to two Plant Tokens to (RC). (Plant Tokens are grade 0/[Power]5000/[Critical] 1 and have boost)': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[将你的1张后防者退场],将至多2张植物衍生物CALL到R上。(植物衍生物具备等级0、力量5000、☆值1与支援的技能。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your other [Rest] units.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],你其他的处于横置状态的单位每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000 for each order card in your bind zone.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的封锁区中的指令卡每有1张,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each of your token units.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的先导者时,你的衍生物单位每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, if it is the fourth battle of that turn or more, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的单位时,这是这个回合中第4次以后的战斗的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked a grade 2 or greater vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击等级2以上的先导者的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If you have five or more units, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你的单位有5个以上的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your unit boosts a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的单位支援先导者时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):This unit can only attack on the fourth battle of each turn.': '【永】【V/R】:这个单位只能在每个回合的第4次战斗中发起攻击。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):This unit gets [Power]+10000, and if you have three or less rear-guards, all of your rear-guards in the same column as this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【后列的R】:这个单位的力量+10000,你的后防者在3张以下的话,与这个单位同纵列的你所有的后防者不会被对手的卡片的效果选择。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other unit attacks from the back row, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], and that attacking unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你其他的单位从后列攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],这次战斗中,将那个进行攻击的单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [discard an order card from your hand], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张指令卡舍弃],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](Back Row Middle RC):This unit can intercept from the back row.': '【永】【##后列的R】:这个单位可以从后列截击。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts from the back row, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位从后列截击时,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, if your back row has two or more grade 1 or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,后列的你的等级1以下的后防者有2张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a unit with "Lianorn" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a grade 1 or less card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被含有「莲南」的单位RIDE时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的废弃区中的1张等级1以下的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](RC):If your back row has three or more rear-guards, this unit gets "Boost".': '【永】【R】:后列的你的后防者有3张以上的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'[CONT](VC):When you would play a normal order, you can bind a normal order with the same card name from your drop, and Alchemagic. (Combine the costs, and add the effect to the back!)': '【永】【V】:你将要施放普通指令卡之际,你可以将自己的弃牌区中的1张同名的普通指令卡封锁,将其魔合成。(将这些指令卡的费用合计,将被封锁的指令卡的效果追加在将要施放的指令卡之后!)',
'[CONT](VC/RC):If you did not call a rear-guard from other than from the hand this turn, this unit cannot attack.': '【永】【V/R】:这个回合中你不曾从手牌以外的领域将后防者CALL出场过的话,这个单位不能攻击。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if two or more units are in front of this unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle, and if they are three or more, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这个单位前方的单位有2个以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000,有3个以上的话,接着灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and perform all of the effects below according to the number of times you attacked this turn.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],根据这个回合中你进行过的攻击的次数执行以下所有的效果。(这次攻击也包含在内。)',
'•3 or more ‐ Draw a card.': '·3次以上——抽1张卡。',
'•4 or more ‐ Choose two of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire them.': '·4次以上——选择对手的2张后防者,退场。',
'•5 or more ‐ Until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call three or more at the same time.': '·5次以上——这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将3张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose a Normal Order from your drop, and you may play it without paying its cost. (This play is counted towards the number of orders played)': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,你可以选择你的弃牌区中的1张普通指令卡,不支付那张卡的费用将其施放。(这次施放计算在这个回合中可以进行的施放次数内。)',
'[CONT](RC):This unit gets [Power]+5000 for each order card in your bind zone. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:你的封锁区中的指令卡每有1张,这个单位的力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked a grade 3 or greater vanguard, if it was the first battle of this turn, and your vanguard is "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon", COST [Soul Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的先导者的战斗结束时,这是这个回合中第1次的战斗,并且你有「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of your turn, if the total number of attacks this turn is four or more, COST [put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:你的回合结束时,这个回合中进行了合计4次以上的攻击的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](Drop):When you play a normal order, you may call this card to (RC). If you called this card, perform one of the following. If it was Alchemagic, perform all of the following instead.': '【自】【弃牌区】:你施放普通指令卡时,你可以将这张卡CALL到R上。这样做了的话,执行以下的1项效果。这是在魔合成中的话,不将其中1项执行而是将以下全部的效果执行。',
'•This unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '·这个回合中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from drop, choose a blitz order from your drop, and you may put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位从弃牌区登场到R时,你可以选择你的弃牌区中的1张闪现指令卡,加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](Drop):When your grade 3 or greater vanguard is placed, you may call this card to (RC).': '【自】【弃牌区】:你的等级3以上的先导者登场时,你可以将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](GC):If your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+10000.': '【永】【G】:你有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], and call up to three Plant Tokens to (RC). (Plant Tokens are grade 0/[Power]5000/[Critical] 1 and have boost)': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将至多3张植物衍生物CALL到R上。(植物衍生物具备等级0、力量5000、☆值1与支援的技能。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit is attacked, COST [Retire one or more of your token units], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each unit retired for this cost.': '【自】【V】:这个单位被攻击时,通过【费用】[将你的1张以上的你希望的张数的衍生物单位退场],由于这个费用退场的单位每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and call it to (RC) or discard it.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,CALL到R上或舍弃。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1) & discard a card from hand], and boost this unit with all of your back row [Stand] units with "Boost". If you boosted this unit with three or more units, this unit gets drive +1 until end of that battle, and at the end of that battle, choose two of your back row rear-guards, and [Stand] them.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],使用后列的你所有的处于竖置状态的具备『支援』技能的单位支援这个单位。使用了3个以上的单位支援这个单位的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的攻击判定+1次,这次战斗结束时,选择后列的你的2张后防者,重置。',
'[CONT]:When this card would be rode upon, it is also regarded as "Grand March of Full Bloom, Lianorn".': '【永】:这张卡将要被RIDE之际,这张卡也当做「满开之大行进 莲南」使用。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, COST [retire this unit], choose a grade 3 unit card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级3的单位卡,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](VC):If you did Alchemagic this turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:这个回合中你曾魔合成过的话,前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1) & Discard a card from your hand], choose a normal order from your drop, put it into your hand, and until end of turn, when you would play a normal order, you can bind a normal order with a different card name from your drop, and Alchemagic. (Combine the costs, and add the effect to the back!)': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的弃牌区中的1张普通指令卡,加入手牌,这个回合中,你将要施放普通指令卡之际,你可以将自己的弃牌区中的1张卡名不同的普通指令卡封锁,将其魔合成。(将这些指令卡的费用合计,将被封锁的指令卡的效果追加在将要施放的指令卡之后!)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your back row has three or more rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,后列的你的后防者有3张以上,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on a front row (RC) from hand, if your back row has three or more units, COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw a card, and if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到前列的R时,后列的你的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](Drop):When your grade 3 or greater vanguard is placed during the ride phase, if you do not have a unit with "Maple" in its card name, you may call this card to (RC). (If there are 2 copies of this card in drop, you can only call one)': '【自】【弃牌区】:RIDE阶段中你的等级3以上的先导者登场时,你没有含有「枫叶」的单位的话,你可以将这张卡CALL到R上。(即使这张卡在弃牌区中有2张也只能将1张CALL出场。)',
'[Glitter]-"Thegrea" (Active if your vanguard is a [Glitter] with "Thegrea" in its card name)': '【煌求者】-泰格莉娅(你有含有「泰格莉娅」的具备【煌求者】能力的先导者的话有效)',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, COST [Soul Blast one or more cards], choose a card from your soul with the same grade as the sum of the grades of the cards [Soul Blast] for this cost, put it into your hand, and put this unit into your soul.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[使用1张以上的你希望的张数的卡进行灵魂爆发],选择你的灵魂里的1张等级与由于这个费用灵魂爆发的卡的合计等级相同的卡,加入手牌,将这个单位放置到灵魂里。',
'Discard three cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one card with the same grade as your vanguard or lower from your drop, and call it to (RC). If your vanguard is "Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia", choose up to two cards instead of one.': '将你的牌堆顶的3张卡舍弃,选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的卡,CALL到R上,你有「树角兽王 马格诺利亚」的先导者的话,不选择1张而是可以选择至多2张。',
'Bind this card, choose up to two order cards from your drop, and put them into your hand.': '将这张卡封锁,选择你的弃牌区中的至多2张指令卡,加入手牌。',
'Choose one of your units, and until end of turn, it gets "[AUTO](VC/RC):When your other unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.".': '选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,给予『【自】【V/R】:你其他的单位攻击时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。』的能力。',
'Look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose a card from among them, discard it, and shuffle your deck. Choose a card with grade equal to or less than your vanguard from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择1张卡,舍弃,然后牌堆洗切。选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的卡,CALL到R上。',
'Draw a card, look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top of your deck or discard it.': '抽1张卡,看你牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或舍弃。',
'Choose one of your rear-guards, and until end of turn, it gets [Power]+5000 for every five cards in your drop, and if your drop has fifteen or more cards, it gets [Critical]+1.': '选择你的1张后防者,你的弃牌区中的卡每有5张,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+5000。你的弃牌区中的卡在15张以上的话,这个回合中,接着将那个单位的☆+1。',
'Until end of turn, all of your back row rear-guards get [Power]+5000, you cannot move rear-guards to other (RC), and they cannot boost.': '这个回合中,后列的你所有的后防者的力量+5000,你的后防者不能移动到其他的R上,不能支援。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1) & put four order cards from your bind zone into your drop]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的封锁区中的4张指令卡放置到弃牌区]施放!',
'Choose one of your units being attacked by a rear-guard, and it gets [Power]+20000 until end of that battle.': '选择你的1个正在被后防者攻击的单位,这次战斗中,力量+20000。',
'Play this with COST [discard an Order card from your hand]!': '通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张指令卡舍弃]施放!',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets drive +1 until end of turn.': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,攻击判定+1次。',
'Draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each different order card in total in your drop and bind zone. (Increase by the number of different card names)': '抽1张卡,选择你的1个单位,你的弃牌区和封锁区中的指令卡合计每有1种,这次战斗中,那个单位的力量+5000。(统计的是卡名的种类数。)',
'Choose up to two grade 2 or greater normal units from your drop, put them on the top of your deck in any order, and put this card into your soul.': '选择你的弃牌区中的至多2张等级2以上的普通单位卡,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶,将这张卡放置到灵魂里。',
'Choose one of any player\'s rear-guards, retire it, choose up to one card with the same grade as that card from your drop, and call it to (RC). If during Alchemagic, you may choose up to two instead of one to call.': '选择任意玩家的1张后防者,退场,选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张等级与被退场的卡的等级相同的卡,CALL到R上。这是在魔合成中的话,不选择1张而是选择至多2张单位卡CALL到R上。',
'This cost is reduced by Counter Blast (1) for each card in your bind zone. (Reduce the total cost if you Alchemagic)': '你的封锁区中的卡每有1张,这个能力的费用减少计数爆发1。(这是在魔合成中的场合,从合计费用中减少。)',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (4)]!': '通过【费用】[计数爆发4]施放!',
'Your opponent chooses one of their rear-guards, and retires it. You choose up to one card with the same grade as the unit retired by your opponent from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '对手选择他自己的1张后防者,退场,你选择你自己的弃牌区中的至多1张等级与对手的被退场的单位的等级相同的卡,CALL到R上。',
'Choose a "Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon" on your (VC) or (RC), and it gets [Power]+20000 until end of that battle.': '选择你的V或R上的1张「旗舰龙 战舰堡垒龙」,这次战斗中,力量+20000。',
'Until end of turn, when you would move or swap rear-guards during your main phase, you can also move it within the same row.': '这个回合中,你在主要阶段中将后防者移动或交换位置之际,也可以在横列间移动或交换位置。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with "Lianorn" in its card name!': '你有含有「莲南」的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[计数爆发1]施放!',
'Look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to two grade 1 or less unit cards from among them, call them to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多2张等级1以下的单位卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'Choose a grade 3 or less card from your drop, and call it to (RC). If this is part of Alchemagic, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "[CONT](VC):All of your front row units get [Power]+5000." until end of turn.': '选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级3以下的卡,CALL到R上。这是在魔合成中的话,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。』的能力。',
'All of your grade 1 or less rear-guards get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '这个回合中,将当前存在于场上的你所有的等级1以下的后防者的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a vanguard, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "Triple Drive" until end of turn. (Drive check three times!)': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援先导者时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『三判』的技能。(能够进行3次攻击判定!)',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, if your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", Soul Charge (1), and if your soul has ten or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw two cards.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,你有「重力的支配者 磁力重压」的先导者的话,灵魂填充1,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽2张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if your soul has five or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], choose three of your front row units, and they get [Power]+5000 until end of turn. (The [Power] gained from this unit\'s boost will be lost)': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你的灵魂在5张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择前列的你的3个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。(通过这个单位支援给予的力量增加会不再有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a rear-guard, if you persona rode this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and your opponent cannot call grade 1 or greater cards from their hand to (GC) until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援后防者时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,对手不能将等级1以上的卡从手牌CALL到G上。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit boosted a vanguard, this gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位支援先导者的战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have five or more cards in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的灵魂里的卡有5张以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1) & put two other rear-guards into your soul], choose a card from your soul, call it to (RC), and that unit and this unit get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你其他的2张后防者放置到灵魂里],选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,那个单位和这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you persona rode this turn, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put from (RC) into your soul for your vanguard\'s ability, COST [Counter Blast (2)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000/drive +1 until end of turn.': '【自】:由于你的先导者的能力将这个单位从R放置到灵魂里时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000、攻击判定+1次。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Put this unit into your soul], choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn. Then, if your soul has seven or more cards, your opponent cannot call grade 1 or greater cards from their hand to (GC) for the battle that that rear-guard attacks this turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+2000。这之后,你的灵魂在7张以上的话,这个回合中那张后防者攻击的战斗中,对手不能将等级1以上的卡从手牌CALL到G上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a grade 3 unit, your opponent cannot intercept until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援等级3的单位时,这次战斗中,对手不能截击。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the brginning of your main phase, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, Soul Charge (1), and if you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的主要阶段开始时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,灵魂填充1,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Desire Devil, Boshokku", COST [reveal a "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon" from your ride deck], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被「欲望恶魔 暴食」RIDE时,通过【费用】[将RIDE卡组中的1张「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」公开],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put from (RC) into your soul by your vanguard\'s ability, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and until end of turn, when your opponent would call cards from hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】:由于你的先导者的能力将这个单位从R放置到灵魂里时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[ACT](Soul):If your vanguard is "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", COST [put this card into your drop], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【灵魂】:你有「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这张卡放置到弃牌区],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your other rear-guard is put into your soul by your vanguard\'s ability during your turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your hand, call it to an open (RC), and if your soul has ten or more cards, draw a card. (May be used even if this unit is put into your soul at the same time as other units)': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的回合中,由于你的先导者的能力将你其他的后防者从R放置到灵魂里时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的手牌中的1张卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,接着抽1张卡。(即使这个单位与你其他的单位被同时放置到灵魂里,也能正常使用这个能力。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When your card is put into your soul by Soul Charge, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. (+10000 if Soul Charge (2))': '【自】【R】:通过灵魂填充使你的卡片被放置到灵魂里时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。(例如,灵魂填充2的话力量+10000。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits, COST [retire this unit], choose a grade 1 card from your soul, and call it to (RC).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你的灵魂里的1张等级1的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for every three cards in your soul.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,你的灵魂每有3张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have five or more units, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and Soul Charge (3). Then, if your soul has ten or more cards, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的单位有5个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充3。这之后,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your soul has five or more cards, all of your vanguards get [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的灵魂在5张以上的话,你所有的先导者的力量+2000。',
'[CONT](RC):If you are in "Final Rush", all of your other units in the same column as this unit get [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,与这个单位同纵列的你其他所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Bruce" in its card name, COST [put this unit into your soul], and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:你有含有「布鲁斯」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard attacks, if you have three or more [Stand] units, COST [retire this unit], Soul Charge (2), choose up to one card with the same name as your vanguard from your soul, and put it on the top of the deck.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者攻击时,你的处于竖置状态的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],灵魂填充2,选择你的灵魂里的至多1张与你的先导者同名的卡,放置到牌堆顶。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from your hand, if your soul has eight or more cards with different card names, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a grade 1 or less card from your soul, and call it to (RC). If your soul has ten or more cards with different card names, choose a grade 4 or less card instead.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你的灵魂里的卡有8种以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1]。选择你的灵魂里的1张等级1以下的卡,CALL到R上。有10种以上的话,不是选择等级1以下而是选择等级4以下。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if your soul has five or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你的灵魂有5张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](Soul):COST [Bind this card], and Soul Charge (2).': '【起】【灵魂】:通过【费用】[将这张卡封锁],灵魂填充2。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Quagmire of Solace, Kheios", reveal the top two cards of your deck, put all normal units from among them into your soul, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位被「拯救之泥泞 浑沌」RIDE时,公开你的牌堆顶的2张卡,从中将所有的普通单位卡放置到灵魂里,将其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], until end of turn, when you would Soul Charge by your card ability, increase the amount by (1).': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,由于你的卡片的能力要进行灵魂填充之际,将那个数值增加1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1) & put the rear-guard this unit boosted on the bottom of your deck], draw a card, choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将被这个单位支援的后防者放置到牌堆底],抽1张卡,选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put into your soul from (RC) by the ability of your "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", if you did not Counter Charge this turn, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:由于你的「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的能力将这个单位从R放置到灵魂里时,这个回合中你没有计数回充过的话,计数回充1。',
'[AUTO](Soul):When your rear-guard is placed by a card\'s ability, if your vanguard is "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", and your damage zone has four or more cards, that called unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【灵魂】:你的后防者由于卡片的能力登场时,你有「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的先导者,并且你的伤害区中的卡在4张以上的话,这个回合中,那个被CALL出场的单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [put another rear-guard into your soul], look at the top card of your deck, and call it to (RC) or put it into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[将你其他的1张后防者放置到灵魂里],看你牌堆顶的1张卡,CALL到R上或放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if you have no other rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose an "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon" on your (VC), and it gets [Critical]+1 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你没有其他的后防者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的V上的1张「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」,这次战斗中,☆+1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from soul, if you are in "Final Rush", Soul Charge (2) for every two cards in your damage zone.': '【自】:这个单位从灵魂登场到R时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,你的伤害区中的卡每有2张,灵魂填充2。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit boosted, if your soul has five or more cards, this unit gets [Power]+2000, and your opponent cannot intercept.': '【永】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗中,你的灵魂在5张以上的话,这个单位的力量+2000,对手不能截击。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your soul has five or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的灵魂在5张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择前列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your soul has five or more cards, COST [discard a card from your hand], choose one of your opponent\'s back row rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的灵魂在5张以上的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择后列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](GC):If an attack hit your vanguard with "Bruce" in its card name this turn, this unit gets [Shield]+15000.': '【永】【G】:这个回合中你的含有「布鲁斯」的先导者被击中过的话,这个单位的盾护+15000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put from (RC) into your soul by your vanguard\'s ability, choose a card from your drop, and put it into your soul.': '【自】:由于你的先导者的能力将这个单位从R放置到灵魂里时,选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Demonic Stone Dragon, Jewelneel", call this card to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被「魔石龙 珠艾尼尔」RIDE时,将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks or boosts, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, put this unit into your soul. (This effect is mandatory)': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击或支援时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。这次战斗结束时,将这个单位放置到灵魂里。(这个效果为强制执行。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a grade 2 or greater unit, you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援等级2以上的单位时,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Drajeweled" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a card from your drop, put it into your soul, and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「道拉珠艾尔德」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), look at the top two cards of your deck, choose a card from among them, put it into your soul, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择1张卡,放置到灵魂里,其余的卡放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](Front Row RC):When your vanguard is placed, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【前列的R】:你的先导者登场时,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is "Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce", COST [Counter Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有「魔惧会 “暴虐” 布鲁斯」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](GC):If your soul has five or more cards, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你的灵魂在5张以上的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (1)], until end of turn, your opponent cannot intercept, and if you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,对手不能截击,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,接着将这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3, COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If you have three or more other rear-guards, it gets +10000 instead of +5000.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,对手有等级3的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充1,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。你其他的后防者有3张以上的话,不+5000而是力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", COST [discard a card from your hand], this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle, and if your soul has ten or more cards, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有「重力的支配者 磁力重压」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,接着计数回充1。',
'[CONT](RC):If you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+5000, and when this unit would attack, it battles all of your opponent\'s units in a column.': '【永】【R】:你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这个单位的力量+5000,这个单位进行攻击之际,与对手的一个纵列上的所有的单位进行战斗。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, Soul Charge (1), and if your vanguard is "Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce", choose up to one card from your soul, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,灵魂填充1,你有「魔惧会 “暴虐” 布鲁斯」的先导者的话,选择你的灵魂里的至多1张卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,灵魂填充1。',
'[ACT](Soul): COST [Counter Blast (1) and put this card into drop], Soul Charge (1), choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power] +10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【灵魂】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这张卡放置到弃牌区],灵魂填充1,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & put a rear-guard into your soul], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards for every four cards in your soul, and retire it. Then, if you are in "Final Rush", look at the same number of cards from the top of your deck as the number of your opponent\'s open (RC), choose any number of unit cards from among them, call them to (RC), and put the rest into your soul.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的1张后防者放置到灵魂里],你的灵魂里的卡每有4张,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。这之后,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,看你的牌堆顶的数量与对手的不存在单位的R的个数相同的卡,选择你希望的张数的单位卡,CALL到R上,其余的卡放置到灵魂里。',
'[CONT](GC):If your soul has seven or more cards, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你的灵魂在7张以上的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose any number of normal units from your soul, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for each card chosen. Return all of the chosen cards to your deck and shuffle it. (Cards from the ride deck are returned to the ride deck face up)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「重力的支配者 磁力重压」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的灵魂里的你希望的张数的普通单位卡,选择的卡每有1张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。将所有的被选择的卡返回你的牌堆然后洗切。(是来自RIDE卡组的卡的话,将那些卡以正面表示返回RIDE卡组。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], search your deck for a card with the same card name as this card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」RIDE时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张与这张卡同名的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](Soul):During your turn, if your damage zone has four or more cards, the "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon" on your (VC) gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【灵魂】:你的回合中,你的伤害区中的卡在4张以上的话,将你的V上的「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (2)], choose a card from your soul, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发2],选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,CALL到R上',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard attacks, if you persona rode this turn, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者攻击时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000, and if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,接着通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put from (RC) into your soul by your vanguard\'s ability, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:由于你的先导者的能力将这个单位从R放置到灵魂里时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When you Soul Charge by your card\'s ability, if you persona rode this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你由于你自己的卡片的能力进行灵魂填充时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):If your soul has seven or more cards, all of your opponent\'s rear-guards in same column as this unit loses "Intercept" and "Boost", and cannot get them.': '【永】【R】:你的灵魂在7张以上的话,与这个单位同纵列的对手所有的后防者失去『截击』和『支援』的技能,也不能获得。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) during your main phase, COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top card of your deck, and call it to (RC). At the end of that turn, retire that called unit.': '【自】:你的主要阶段中,这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的1张卡,CALL到R上。这个回合结束时,将那个被CALL出场的单位退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), perform all of the effects below according to the number of cards in your soul.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,根据你的灵魂里的卡的张数执行以下全部的效果。',
'•7 or more - COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], choose a card from your soul, put it into your hand, and Soul Charge (1).': '·7张以上——通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,加入手牌,灵魂填充1。',
'•13 or more - All of your front row units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '·13张以上——这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. Then, if you are in "Final Rush", Soul Charge (2), choose a card from your soul, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,接着灵魂填充2,选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If your soul has two or more grade 3 cards, COST [discard a card from your hand], and this unit gets [Power]+15000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你的灵魂里的等级3的卡有2张以上的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+15000。',
'[CONT](GC):If your soul has two or more grade 3 cards, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你的灵魂里的等级3的卡有2张以上的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, Soul Charge (2). If you are in "Final Rush", choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,灵魂填充2。你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have five or more units, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If your damage zone has six cards, it gets +15000 instead of +5000.': '【起】【R】:你的单位在5个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。你的伤害区中的卡有6张的话,不+5000而是力量+15000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and put it into your soul. Then, if your soul has eight or more cards with different card names, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If your soul has ten or more cards with different card names, it gets +10000 instead of +5000.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里。这之后,你的灵魂里的卡有8种以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。有10种以上的话,不是+5000而是力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Approaching Fangs, Kheios", Soul Charge (1). If the Soul Charge card was a trigger unit, draw a card, and if it was normal unit, choose up to one card from your soul, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被「迫近之牙 浑沌」RIDE时,灵魂填充1。将触发单位卡灵魂填充了的话,抽1张卡,将普通单位卡灵魂填充了的话,选择你的灵魂里的至多1张卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), reveal the top card of your deck, if your soul has no cards with the same card name as the revealed card, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,你的灵魂里没有与被公开的卡同名的卡的话,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, if your soul has five or more cards, this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,你的灵魂有5张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, you may draw a card. If you do, choose a card from your hand, and put it into your soul.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,你可以抽1张卡。抽卡了的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your soul has five or more cards, choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的灵魂在5张以上的话,选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks while boosted, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:被支援的这个单位攻击时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from your soul, if you have a vanguard with "Bruce" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn for every two cards in your damage zone.': '【自】:这个单位从灵魂登场到R时,你有含有「布鲁斯」的先导者的话,你的伤害区中的卡每有2张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks while not boosted, if your vanguard is "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", choose up to four normal units with "Desire Devil" in their card names from your drop, and if you chose one or more cards, return them to your deck and shuffle it. If you returned four cards, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:没有被支援的这个单位攻击时,你有「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的先导者的话,选择你的弃牌区中的至多4张含有「欲望恶魔」的普通单位卡,选择了1张以上的话,将那些卡返回牌堆然后洗切。返回了4张的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](Soul):If your soul has ten or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call this card to (RC).': '【起】【灵魂】:你的灵魂在10张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have five or more cards in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+5000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:你的灵魂在5张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your units with "Diabolos" in its card name, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择你的1个含有「魔惧会」的单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you are in "Final Rush", your opponent cannot intercept until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这次战斗中,对手不能截击。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+10000 until the end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【V/R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a unit with "Drajeweled" in its card name, Soul Charge (1), and if your soul has three or more cards with different grades, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被含有「道拉珠艾尔德」的单位RIDE时,灵魂填充1,你的灵魂里有3张以上的相互不同等级的卡的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your ride phase, you may put this card into your soul.': '【自】:你的RIDE阶段中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,你可以将这张卡放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at three cards from the top of your deck, choose a card from among them, put it into your soul, shuffle your deck, and if your soul has four or more cards with different grades, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择1张卡,放置到灵魂里,然后牌堆洗切,你的灵魂里有4张以上的相互不同等级的卡的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your soul has ten or more cards, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If you are in "Final Rush", it gets +15000 instead of +5000.': '【自】【V/R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,不+5000,而是力量+15000。',
'[CONT](RC):If your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你有「重力的支配者 磁力重压」的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If your soul has four or less cards, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:你的灵魂在4张以下的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个单位,这个回合,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](VC):If your soul has an "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", the number of cards in your damage zone for you to lose becomes seven.': '【永】【V】:你的灵魂里有「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的话,你的伤害区中的卡达到7张才会败北。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, COST [Soul Blast (2) & put four [Stand] rear-guards into your soul], and [Stand] this unit. If your soul has ten or more cards, this unit gets [Power]+15000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2,将你的4张竖置状态的后防者放置到灵魂里],将这个单位重置。你的灵魂在10张以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+15000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (2)], until end of turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000, and if you are in "Final Rush", choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Critical]+1.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],这个回合中,当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,☆+1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and until end of turn, when this unit would attack, it battles all of your opponent\'s front row units.': '【起】【R】:你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位进行攻击之际,与前列的对手所有的单位进行战斗。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn for each of your [Stand] rear-guards. If your damage zone has five or more cards, it gets +5000 instead of +2000.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的处于竖置状态的后防者每有1张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。你的伤害区中的卡有5张以上的话,不是+2000而是力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If your vanguard is "Master of Gravity, Baromagnes", COST [put a card from your hand into your soul], and all of your front row units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If your soul has ten or more cards, they get +10000 instead of +5000.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有「重力的支配者 磁力重压」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。你的灵魂在10张以上的话,不是+5000而是力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](Soul):When "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon" is placed on your (VC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], and call this card to (RC). (Cannot be activated if this card on (VC) is rode upon)': '【自】【灵魂】:你的「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」登场到V时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这张卡CALL到R上。(这张卡存在于V上的场合,被RIDE不会发动这个能力。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When your rear-guard [Stand], if you are in "Final Rush", this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. (Including this unit)': '【自】【R】:你的后防者重置时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。(这个单位的重置也包含在内。)',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If your vanguard is "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], choose a grade 3 or less card from your soul, and call it to (RC).': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的灵魂里的1张等级3以下的卡,CALL到R上。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Discard a card from your hand], look at the top three cards of your deck, choose one card from among them, put it into your hand, choose up to one unit card from among them, call it to (RC), and put the rest into your soul.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,从中选择1张,加入手牌,再从中选择至多1张单位卡,CALL到R上,将其余的卡放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO](VC): When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your soul has eight or more cards with different card names, choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn. If your soul has thirteen or more cards with different card names, choose all of your rear-guards instead.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你的灵魂里的卡有8种以上的话,选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+10000。有13种以上的话,不是选择1张而是选择你所有的后防者。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn for each card in your damage zone. If you have a vanguard with "Bruce" in its card name, Soul Charge (1) for every two cards in your damage zone. Choose up to the same number of cards Soul Charge by this effect from your soul, and call them to open (RC).': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],你的伤害区中的卡每有1张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。你有含有「布鲁斯」的先导者的话,你的伤害区中的卡每有2张,灵魂填充1,选择你的灵魂里的数量至多与由于这个效果灵魂填充的卡的张数相同的卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When you Soul Blast (2) or more at the same time for your card\'s cost, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If you Soul Blast (3) or more at the same time, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your drop, put it into your soul, choose up to one of your opponent\'s rear-guards with the same grade as that card, and retire it. (Count the number of Soul Blast for one cost)': '【自】【R】:你的卡的能力的费用同时使用2张以上的卡进行了灵魂爆发时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。同时使用了3张以上的卡进行了灵魂爆发的话,接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里,选择对手的至多1张等级与那张卡的等级相同的后防者,退场。(统计1次费用内进行的灵魂爆发的张数。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your soul, put it into your drop, and increase this unit\'s [Power] by the original [Shield] of that card put into your drop until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,放置到弃牌区,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量增加与那张被放置到弃牌区的卡的原始盾护值相同的数值。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, you may Soul Charge (2).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,你可以灵魂填充2。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", you may Soul Charge (2).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」的先导者的话,你可以灵魂填充2。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your soul has two or more "Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon", COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的灵魂里的「强欲魔龙 格里德阁下」有2张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards with "Bruce" in its card name, and that unit and this unit get [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If you chose a grade 4, Counter Charge (1)/Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张含有「布鲁斯」的先导者,这个回合中,那个单位和这个单位的力量+5000。选择了等级4的单位的话,接着计数回充1、灵魂填充1。',
'[CONT]:When this card would be rode upon, it is also regarded as "Demonic Jewel Dragon, Drajeweled".': '【永】:这张卡将要被RIDE之际,这张卡也当做「魔宝龙 道拉珠艾尔德」使用。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (4) cards with different grades], choose one of your opponent\'s vanguards, until end of turn, increase or decrease its [Power] to 1, and if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Critical]+1. ([Power] at that time becomes 1, and can increase or decrease afterwards)': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[使用等级均不相同的卡进行灵魂爆发4],选择对手的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量增减至1,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的☆+1。(仅将那个时点的力量增减至1,这之后那个单位的力量仍然能通过其他方式增减。)',
'[CONT](RC):If you Soul Blast (4) or more cards at the same time for the cost of your card\'s ability this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中由于你的卡片的能力的费用同时使用4张以上的卡进行了灵魂爆发的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Drajeweled" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, put this unit into your soul.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有含有「道拉珠艾尔德」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。这次战斗结束时,将这个单位放置到灵魂里。',
'Draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and call it to (RC). Then, if you are in "Final Rush", all of your front row units get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,CALL到R上。这之后,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+10000。',
'Soul Charge (3). Then, if your soul has ten or more cards, choose a card from your soul, and you may put it into your hand.': '灵魂填充3。这之后,你的灵魂在10张以上的话,你可以选择你的灵魂里的1张卡,加入手牌。',
'Soul Charge (4). Then, if you are in "Final Rush", perform all of the following according to the number of cards in your soul.': '灵魂填充4。这之后,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,根据你的灵魂里的卡的张数执行以下全部的效果。',
'•6 or more - Draw a card.': '·6张以上——抽1张卡。',
'•8 or more - All of your front row units get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '·8张以上——这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+10000。',
'•12 or more - Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '·12张以上——选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,☆+1。',
'Counter Charge (1). If you are in "Final Rush", draw two cards, choose up to two cards from your hand, call them to (RC), and they get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '计数回充1。你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,抽2张卡,选择手牌中的2张卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,那些单位的力量+5000。',
'If your soul has four or more cards, Soul Charge (1), choose one of your opponent\'s attacking vanguards, and it gets [Power]-5000 until end of that battle.': '你的灵魂在4张以上的话,灵魂填充1,选择对手的1张正在攻击的先导者,这次战斗中,力量-5000。',
'Play this with COST [Soul Blast (4)]!': '通过【费用】[灵魂爆发4]施放!',
'Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each card in your damage zone.': '选择你的1张先导者,你的伤害区中的卡每有1张,这次战斗中,那个单位的力量+5000。',
'Choose a "Diabolos; \'Violence\' Bruce" on your (VC) or (RC), and it gets [Power]+20000 until end of that battle.': '选择你的V或R上的1张「魔惧会 “暴虐” 布鲁斯」,这次战斗中,力量+20000。',
'[CONT] (Back Row RC):When this unit\'s [Power] would be increased by your trigger effect, double the value of that increase.': '【永】【后列的R】:你的触发效果将要将这个单位的力量值增加之际,将那个增加值变为2倍。(+10000的话,变为+20000。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose up to two cards from your hand, and call them to open (RC). If you called two, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的手牌中的至多2张卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。将2张CALL出场了的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a [Touken Danshi - Uchigatana], COST [Soul Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], draw a card, and if it boosted "Izuminokami Kanesada", this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援〈刀剑男士-打刀〉时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],抽1张卡,是支援「和泉守兼定」的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], draw a card, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,看牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, if your opponent\'s back row rear-guard was retired this turn, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,这个回合中曾有后列的对手的后防者被退场过的话,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a "Honebami Toushirou" from your drop, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「骨喰藤四郎」,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a "Namazuo Toushirou" from your drop, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「鲶尾藤四郎」,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle that this unit boosted a [Touken Danshi - Ootachi], COST [Counter Blast (1), and put this unit into your soul], choose one of your [Touken Danshi - Ootachi] or [Touken Danshi - Tachi] on your (RC), and return it to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援〈刀剑男士-大太刀〉的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的R上的1张〈刀剑男士-大太刀〉或〈刀剑男士-太刀〉,返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have three or more other [Rest] units, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你其他的处于横置状态的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Kasen Kanesada Toku", choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of the turn.': '【自】:这个单位被「歌仙兼定 特」RIDE时,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Toku", choose up to one of your opponent\'s back row rear-guards, and retire it. If it is not retired, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位被「陆奥守吉行 特」RIDE时,选择后列的对手的至多1张后防者,退场。没有退场的话,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Toku", COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被「山姥切国广 特」RIDE时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1) & reveal two cards from your ride deck with "Hachisuka Kotetsu" in their card names], choose a card from your drop, and put it into your hand.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将RIDE卡组中的2张卡名含有「蜂须贺虎彻」的卡公开],选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have another unit in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000. (Also active during your opponent\'s turn)': '【永】【R】:你有其他的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这个单位的力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is attacked, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and move this unit to (GC). (This is not an intercept)': '【自】【R】:你的先导者被攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位移动到G上。(这不属于截击。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your other units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If you chose "Chiyoganemaru" or "Chiganemaru", Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。选择的是「千代金丸」或「治金丸」的话,接着计数回充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a "Chiyoganemaru" from your drop, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「千代金丸」,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is placed, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者登场时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks, perform all of the effects below according to the number of cards in your damage zone.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击时,根据你的伤害区中的卡片的张数执行以下全部的效果。',
'•3 or more - During this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '·3张以上——这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'•4 or more - Look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or the bottom of your deck.': '·4张以上——看你牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底。',
'•5 or more - COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.': '·5张以上——通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, if you persona rode this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and heal a damage from your damage zone.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的伤害区中的1张卡,回复。(将选择的卡从伤害区放置到弃牌区。)',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit and another rear-guard], choose one of your opponent\'s units, and it gets [Power]-5000 until end of turn. If you persona rode this turn, [Stand] all of your rear-guards.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位和你其他的1张后防者横置],选择对手的1个单位,这个回合中,力量-5000。这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,将你所有的后防者重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent\'s vanguard is Grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle. At the end of the battle, put this unit on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,对手等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000、☆+1。这次战斗结束时,将这个单位放置到你的牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and all of your front row units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择前列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and exchange positions with this unit.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择与这个单位同纵列的你其他的1张后防者,与这个单位交换位置。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have three or more rear-guards with "Toushirou" in their card names, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的卡名含有「藤四郎」的后防者有3张以上的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if this unit\'s [Power] is 30000 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,这个单位的力量在30000以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这次战斗中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks while not boosted, COST [discard two cards from your hand], choose one of your units with [Power] greater than this unit\'s, and until end of that battle, increase or decrease this unit\'s [Power] until it is 5000 greater than that unit\'s [Power].': '【自】【R】:没有被支援的这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的2张卡舍弃],选择你的1个力量比这个单位的力量高的单位,这次战斗中,将这个单位的力量增减到与那个单位的力量+5000相同的数值。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one "Ookanehira" from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you did not reveal a card, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的7张卡,将至多1张「大包平」公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。没有将卡公开的话,计数回充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), COST [discard a card from your hand], and this unit gets [Shield]+10000 until end of that battle': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks while boosted, COST [Counter Blast (1)], until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and if it was boosted by "Horikawa Kunihiro", when your opponent would call cards from their hand, they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】【R】:被支援的这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000,是被「堀川国广」支援的话,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If "Hizamaru" is on your front row (RC) or (GC), this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+5000. (Effective on opponent\'s turn as well)': '【永】【R/G】:你前列的R或你的G上有「膝丸」的话,这个单位的力量+5000、盾护+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If "Higekiri" is on your front row (RC) or (GC), this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Shield]+5000. (Effective on opponent\'s turn as well)': '【永】【R/G】:你前列的R或你的G上有「髭切」的话,这个单位的力量+5000、盾护+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks while not boosted, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle. If your damage zone has no face up cards, it gets +15000 instead of +10000.': '【自】【R】:没有被支援的这个单位攻击时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。你的伤害区中没有正面表示的卡的话,不+10000而是+15000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard\'s attack hits, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者的攻击击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](Front Row RC):When your [Over] trigger would be removed by its trigger effect, you may put it into your hand instead of removing it.': '【永】【前列的R】:你的【超】触发由于那张卡的触发效果将要被除外之际,你可以不将其除外而是加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame", COST [discard a card from your hand], search your deck for up to one "Yamanbangiri Kunihiro Kiwame", reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「山姥切国广 极」RIDE时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「山姥切国广 极」,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame", COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose up to one of your opponent\'s back row rear-guards, and retire it. If it is not retired, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被「陆奥守吉行 极」RIDE时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择后列的对手的至多1张后防者,退场。没有退场的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Kasen Kanesada Kiwame", Soul Charge (1), choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of the turn.': '【自】:这个单位被「歌仙兼定 极」RIDE时,灵魂填充1,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When placed on (RC), COST [discard a card from your hand], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding from "Hachisuka Kotetsu Sentou", COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Urashima Kotetsu", call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:通过在「蜂须贺虎彻 战斗」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「浦岛虎彻」,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have another unit with "Kotetsu" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000. (Also active during your opponent\'s turn)': '【永】【R】:你有其他的卡名含有「虎彻」的单位的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have no other units in the same column as this unit, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, move this unit to the back row.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,没有你其他的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。这次战斗结束时,将这个单位移动到后列。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], perform one of the effects below. If your opponent\'s back row rear-guard was retired this turn, perform all of the effects below instead.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],执行以下的1项效果。这个回合中曾有后列的对手的后防者被退场过的话,不将其中1项执行而是将以下全部的效果执行。',
'•This unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '·这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'•Draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '·抽1张卡。选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is placed, COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Minamoto Kiyomaro", call it to an open (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者登场时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「源清麿」,CALL到不存在单位的R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your vanguard is placed, COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one "Suishinshi Masahide", call it to an open (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:你的先导者登场时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「水心子正秀」,CALL到不存在单位的R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you persona rode this turn, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,计数回充1。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards, [Stand] it, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张后防者,重置,这个回合中,那个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is [Rest] for a card\'s cost, choose one of your units, and it get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:由于卡片的费用将这个单位横置时,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[CONT](VC/RC):If this unit has [Power]13000 or less, this unit cannot attack.': '【永】【V/R】:这个单位的力量在13000以下的话,这个单位不能攻击。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], choose one of your vanguards, search your deck for up to one card with the same card name as that unit, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的1张先导者,从牌堆里探寻至多1张与那个单位同名的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if "Aizen Kunitoshi" is on your (RC), this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的R上有「爱染国俊」的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If "Hotarumaru" is on your (RC), this unit gets [Shield]+5000': '【永】【G】:你的R上有「萤丸」的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1), [Rest] two of your other rear-guards], your opponent chooses one of their rear-guards, and retires it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将你其他的2张后防者横置],对手选择他自己的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):You may choose to not [Stand] this unit during your stand phase.': '【永】【R】:你的重置阶段中,你也可以不将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the beginning of your main phase, if this unit is [Rest], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的主要阶段开始时,这个单位处于横置状态的话,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed for the first call of this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. (Each is active if you call multiple at the same time)': '【自】:在这个回合中第1次将卡CALL出场的行动中将这个单位登场时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。(同时将复数卡片CALL出场的话,这些CALL出场均能使这个能力有效。)',
'[CONT](RC):When you would look at the contents of your deck, you can only look at the top card of your deck. (When searching from the deck or looking at two or more cards, look only at the top. Other effects are left as they are)': '【永】【R】:你将要查看牌堆的内容之际,只能查看牌堆顶的1张卡。(例如从牌堆里探寻等,将要查看牌堆的2张以上的卡之际,只能查看牌堆最上方的1张卡,那以外的效果则原样执行。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from your hand, if you have two or more [Rest] units, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你的处于横置状态的单位有2个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](GC):If your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) or (GC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], and put this unit on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位从R或G退场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这张卡放置到你的牌堆底。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], and until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and your opponent cannot intercept.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,这个回合中,对手不能截击。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a "Chiganemaru" from your drop, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「治金丸」,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, you may Counter Charge (1) or Soul Charge (2).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,你可以计数回充1或灵魂填充2。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your opponent’s damage zone has three or more cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,对手的伤害区中的卡有3张以上的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you persona rode this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit\'s attack hit, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1) and [Rest] any number of your rear-guards], and for each unit [Rest] by this unit\'s COST, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until the end of the turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将你希望的张数的你的后防者横置],由于这个费用横置的你的后防者每有1张,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](VC):During the battle that this unit attacked, if this unit\'s [Power] is 30000 or greater, when your opponent would call cards from hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【永】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这个单位的力量在30000以上的话,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[CONT](VC):If your opponent does not have any rear-guards in their back row, this unit gets [Power]+2000. (Also active during your opponent\'s turn)': '【永】【V】:后列没有对手的后防者的话,这个单位的力量+2000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s back row rear-guards, and retire it. Then, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each of your opponent\'s open back row (RC).': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择后列的对手的1张后防者,退场。这之后,不存在单位的对手的后列的R每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](VC):If you persona rode this turn, this unit gets [Critical]+1.': '【永】【V】:这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[AUTO](VC):This cost may be paid with "Soul Blast (1)-"Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame"". When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw a card, choose up to one card from your hand, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】【V】:这个能力的费用也可以通过『使用「山姥切国广 极」进行灵魂爆发1』来支付。这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的至多1张卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[CONT](VC):If you have five rear-guards, all of your front row rear-guards get [Power]+5000, and all of your back row rear-guards get "Boost". (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【V】:你的后防者有5张的话,前列的你所有的后防者的力量+5000,后列的你所有的后防者获得『支援』的技能。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[CONT](RC):If you have four or more grade 1 or less units, when this unit would attack a vanguard, it also battles all of your opponent\'s grade 2 or greater rear-guards in one attack.': '【永】【R】:你的等级1以下的单位有4个以上的话,这个单位攻击先导者之际,追加与对手所有的等级2以上的后防者进行战斗。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, it gets +10000 instead of +5000.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,不+5000,而是力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) during your opponent\'s turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and put this card from your drop into your hand.': '【自】:对手的回合中这个单位从R退场时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将你的弃牌区中的这张卡加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit is [Rest] for a card\'s cost, [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:由于卡片的费用使这个单位横置时,将这个单位重置。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if "Jiroutachi" is on your (RC), this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的R上有「次郎太刀」的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'Jiroutachi': '次郎太刀',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if "Taroutachi" is on your (RC), this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的R上有「太郎太刀」的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle that this unit attacked, if it is the first battle of that turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这是这个回合中第1次的战斗的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, when this unit would attack, it battles all of the units in one of your opponent\'s columns.': '【永】【R】:对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位进行攻击之际,与对手的一个纵列上的所有的单位进行战斗。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose two of your units, and they get [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的2个单位,这个回合中,力量+2000。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Soul Blast (3)], and this unit gets [Power]+15000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发3],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+15000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have no face up cards in your damage zone, COST [discard a card from your hand], and this unit gets [Power]+15000 until end of battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的伤害区中没有正面表示的卡的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+15000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one Valkyrie with the [Völundr] ability or Man, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck. If you put a card into your hand, and this unit is on (RC), choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V或R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张〈人類〉或具备【神器炼成】能力的〈女#神〉,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。将卡加入了手牌,并且这个单位存在于R的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is a Man or Valkyrie, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose Valkyrie with grade equal to or less than your vanguard and different card name from this card from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有〈人類〉或〈女#神〉的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的与这张卡不同名的〈女#神〉,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a unit with "Brunhilde" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援卡名含有「布伦希尔德」的单位时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[Völundr]-"Most Powerful Chinese Hero, Lü Bu" (This card can be played as an Arms order, and Armed to the specified unit on (VC). This card is no longer a unit when it has been Armed, and if a new [Völundr] is Armed, put this card into your drop)': '【神器炼成】-「##最强英雄 吕布奉先」(你可以将这张卡作为装备指令卡施放,施放后,V上指定的单位将这张卡装备。作为装备的这张卡不再视为单位,装备了新的【神器炼成】的话,将这张卡放置到弃牌区。)',
'[CONT](VC):If this card is Armed to your vanguard, all the following effects are active.': '【永】【V】:这张卡被先导者装备了的话,以下的所有能力有效。',
'•[CONT]:During your turn, the unit Armed with this card gets [Power]+5000.': '·【永】:你的回合中,装备了这张卡的单位的力量+5000。',
'•[ACT]1/Turn:COST [Bind a "Fourth Valkyrie Sister Randgriz" from your hand], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "[CONT](VC):All grade 0 guardians get [Shield]-5000." until end of turn.': '·【起】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张「女#神四女 兰蒂格瑞丝」封锁],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:所有等级0的防卫者的盾护-5000。』的能力。',
'[Völundr]-"Father of All Mankind, Adam" (This card can be played as an Arms order, and Armed to the specified unit on (VC). This card is no longer a unit when it has been Armed, and if a new [Völundr] is Armed, put this card into your drop)': '【神器炼成】-「全人类之父 亚当」(你可以将这张卡作为装备指令卡施放,施放后,V上指定的单位将这张卡装备。作为装备的这张卡不再视为单位,装备了新的【神器炼成】的话,将这张卡放置到弃牌区。)',
'•[ACT]1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (2)], and draw a card.': '·【起】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],抽1张卡。',
'•[AUTO]:When your vanguard is attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1) & bind a "Seventh Valkyrie Sister Reginleif" from your hand], and increase or decrease the [Power] of the unit Armed with this card to match the [Power] of the attacking unit until end of that battle.': '·【自】:你的先导者被攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张「女#神七女 瑞吉蕾芙」封锁],这次战斗中,将装备了这张卡的单位的力量增减到与发起攻击的单位的力量相同的数值。',
'[Völundr]-"History\'s Strongest Loser, Kojiro Sasaki" (This card can be played as an Arms order, and Armed to the specified unit on (VC). This card is no longer a unit when it has been Armed, and if a new [Völundr] is Armed, put this card into your drop)': '【神器炼成】-「史上最强的败者 佐佐木小次郎」(你可以将这张卡作为装备指令卡施放,施放后,V上指定的单位将这张卡装备。作为装备的这张卡不再视为单位,装备了新的【神器炼成】的话,将这张卡放置到弃牌区。)',
'•[ACT]1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (2)], and all of your units in your front row get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '·【起】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的后防者的力量+5000。',
'•[AUTO]:When your vanguard\'s attack does not hit,COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1), bind a "Second Valkyrie Sister Hrist" from your hand], choose one of your vanguards, [Stand] it, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.': '·【自】【1回合1次】:你的先导者的攻击没有击中时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张「女#神次女 荷瑞丝特」封锁],选择你的1张先导者,重置,这个回合中,那个单位的攻击判定-1次。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is a God, you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有〈神〉的先导者的话,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When the attack this unit boosted hits a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a God with grade equal to or less than your vanguard from your soul, and call it to a back row (RC)': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的灵魂的1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的〈神〉,CALL到后列的R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a rear-guard with "Kojiro Sasaki" in its card name, if your grade 3 vanguard is a unit with "Kojiro Sasaki" in its card name or a Valkyrie, your opponent chooses a card from their drop, and binds it. Then, if your opponent\'s bind zone has three or more cards, you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援卡名含有「佐佐木小次郎」的后防者时,你有等级3以上的〈女#神〉的先导者,或等级3以上的卡名含有「佐佐木小次郎」的先导者的话,对手选择他自己的弃牌区中的1张卡,封锁。这之后,对手的封锁区中的卡有3张以上的话,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a vanguard with "Lü Bu" in its card name, if your (VC) has an Arms, and your damage zone has no face up cards, COST [put this unit into your soul & your hand has one or more cards, and discard all of the cards from your hand], choose one of your vanguards, [Stand] it, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援卡名含有「吕布奉先」的先导者的战斗结束时,你的V上有装备卡,并且你的伤害区中没有正面表示的卡的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里,将你的手牌中的数量合计在1张以上的所有卡舍弃],选择你的1张先导者,重置,这个回合中,那个单位的攻击判定-1次。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other God attacks, COST [[Rest] this unit], and that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:你其他的〈神〉攻击时,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],这次战斗中,那个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](Back Row RC):When your unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【后列的R】:你的单位的攻击击中先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), you and your opponent Counter Charge (1). (Must be performed)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你和对手各计数回充1。(必须执行这个能力。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "Thor", look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card with "Thor" in its card name or Thor Order from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:通过在「托尔」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,探寻至多1张卡名含有「托尔」的单位卡或托尔指令卡,公开后加入手牌,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "Zeus", look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card with "Zeus" in its card name or Zeus Order from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:通过在「宙斯」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,探寻至多1张卡名含有「宙斯」的单位卡或宙斯指令卡,公开后加入手牌,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "Poseidon", look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card with "Poseidon" in its card name or Poseidon Order from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:通过在「波塞冬」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,看你牌堆顶的7张卡,探寻至多1张卡名含有「波塞冬」的单位卡或波塞冬指令卡,公开后加入手牌,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Lü Bu" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn, and if your (VC) has an Arms, Counter Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有卡名含有「吕布奉先」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000,你的V上有装备卡的话,接着计数回充1。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a "Familiar with the "Strongest", Guan Yu" or "Excitedly Spectating, Zhang Fei" from your drop, and call it to (RC). If your (VC) has an Arms, choose two of your units, and they get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张「知晓『最强』之人 关羽云长」或「雀跃观战 张飞益德」,CALL到R上。你的V上有装备卡的话,选择你的2个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your vanguard is "Most Powerful Chinese Hero Lü Bu", and "Conversing with Brothers Liu Bei" is on your (RC), you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有「##最强英雄 吕布奉先」的先导者,并且你的R上有「与弟畅谈 刘备玄德」的话,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if your vanguard is "Most Powerful Chinese Hero Lü Bu", COST [Soul Blast (2)], look at the top card of your deck, and call it to (GC).': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,你有「##最强英雄 吕布奉先」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],看你牌堆顶的1张卡,CALL到G上。',
'[ACT](Back Row Center RC):If your vanguard is "Father of All Mankind Adam", COST [[Rest] this unit], Soul Charge (1), choose one of your units with "Adam" in its card name, and it gets this unit\'s [Power] until end of turn. (Increase by its [Power] at that time)': '【起】【##后列的R】:你有「全人类之父 亚当」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],灵魂填充1,选择你的1个卡名含有「亚当」的单位,这个回合中,给予这个单位的力量。(使那个单位的力量增加结算这个能力时这个单位的力量。)',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Put this unit into your soul] Choose one of your units with "Adam" in its card name, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个卡名含有「亚当」的单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a unit with "Adam" in its card name and Wife Exiled from Paradise Eve on your (VC) or (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的V或R上存在卡名含有「亚当」的单位和「被乐园流放之妻 夏娃」的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a unit with "Sasaki Kojiro" in its card name, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援卡名含有「佐佐木小次郎」的单位的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):This unit gets [Power]+2000 for every two cards in your opponent\'s bind zone. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:对手的封锁区中的卡每有2张,这个单位的力量+2000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a God vanguard, look at the top of your deck, and put it on the top of your deck or into your soul.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有〈神〉的先导者的话,看你牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或灵魂里。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a God, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援〈神〉时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "Brunhilde", COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at the top card of your deck, put it on the top or bottom of your deck, and draw a card.': '【自】:通过在「布伦希尔德」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看牌堆顶的1张卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a rear-guard with "Adam" in its card name, if your grade 3 or greater vanguard is a unit with "Adam" in its card name or a Valkyrie, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. At the end of that battle, return that boosted unit to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援卡名含有「亚当」的后防者时,你有等级3以上的〈女#神〉的先导者,或等级3以上的卡名含有「亚当」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。这次战斗结束时,将那张被支援的单位返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a rear-guard with "Lü Bu" in its card name, if your grade 3 or greater vanguard is a unit with "Lü Bu" in its card name or a Valkyrie, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援卡名含有「吕布奉先」的后防者时,你有等级3以上的〈女#神〉的先导者,或等级3以上的卡名含有「吕布奉先」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (2)], reveal the top card of your deck, and if that card is a God, call it to (RC). (Return it to its original spot if you do not call)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是〈神〉的话,将那张卡CALL到R上。(不能CALL出场的场合,将那张卡返回原处。)',
'[ACT](Back Row Center RC):If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [[Rest] this unit], and all of your front row rear-guards get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【##后列的R】:对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位横置],这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的后防者的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your grade 3 or greater vanguard is a unit with "Lü Bu" in its card name or a Valkyrie, COST [Counter Blast (1)], you and your opponent reveal the top card of your own deck, and call it to an open (RC). Your opponent\'s card\'s [AUTO] abilities do not activate from this call.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有等级3以上的〈女#神〉的先导者,或等级3以上的卡名含有「吕布奉先」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],你和对手分别将自己的牌堆顶的1张卡公开,CALL到不存在单位的R上。由于这个CALL出场不会发动对手的卡片的【自】能力。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your grade 3 or greater vanguard is a Valkyrie or has "Adam" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有等级3以上的〈女#神〉的先导者,或等级3以上的卡名含有「亚当」的先导者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC/GC):If your vanguard is a Man or Valkyrie, and if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or grater, this unit cannot be chosen by your opponent\'s card effects.': '【永】【R/G】:你有〈人類〉或〈女#神〉的先导者,并且对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位不会被对手的卡片的效果选择。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your grade 3 or greater vanguard is a unit with "Kojiro Sasaki" in its card name or a Valkyrie, COST [Soul Blast (3)], draw a card, your opponent chooses a card from their drop, and binds it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有等级3以上的〈女#神〉的先导者,或等级3以上的卡名含有「佐佐木小次郎」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发3],抽1张卡,对手选择他自己的弃牌区中的1张卡,封锁。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Thor" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有等级3以上的卡名含有「托尔」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择与这个单位同纵列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your opponent has no rear-guards in the same column as this unit, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,没有对手的单位与这个单位同纵列的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Zeus" in its card name, and your damage zone has two or more face down cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有等级3以上的卡名含有「宙斯」的先导者,并且你的伤害区中的背面表示的卡有2张以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, if all of your front row rear-guards are [Rest], COST [Soul Blast (1)], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,前列的你的后防者均为横置状态的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],计数回充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) for the cost of your card, COST [Soul Blast (1)], call this card to (RC) as [Rest], and if you have a vanguard with "Poseidon" in its card name, [Stand] this unit, choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:由于你的卡的费用使这个单位从R退场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这张卡横置CALL到R上,你有卡名含有「波塞冬」的先导者的话,将这个单位重置,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater God, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有等级3以上的〈神〉的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],抽1张卡,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, if your grade 3 vanguard is a unit with "Kojiro Sasaki" in its card name or a Valkyrie, COST [Soul Blast (1)], until end of that battle, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and your opponent cannot intercept.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的单位时,你有等级3以上的〈女#神〉的先导者,或等级3以上的卡名含有「佐佐木小次郎」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000,对手不能截击。',
'[CONT](GC):if your vanguard is a God, and your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你有〈神〉的先导者,并且对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Most Powerful Chinese Hero Lü Bu", draw a card, choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位被「##最强英雄 吕布奉先」RIDE时,抽1张卡,选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Father of All Mankind Adam", search your deck for up to one "Wife Exiled from Paradise, Eve", call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位被「全人类之父 亚当」RIDE时,从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张「被乐园流放之妻 夏娃」,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "History\'s Strongest Loser, Kojiro Sasaki", reveal the top card of your deck, and put it into your hand. If the revealed card is a Man, you may Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位被「史上最强的败者 佐佐木小次郎」RIDE时,公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,加入手牌。被公开的卡是〈人類〉的话,你可以灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "Finally Meeting a Rival, Thor", draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:通过在「终于遇见好对手 托尔」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks, if your opponent has two or less rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【V/R】:这个单位攻击时,对手的后防者在2张以下的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding on "It\'s Me ♡, Zeus", look at five cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one grade 2 or less God from among them, call it to (RC), shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:通过在「是老朽我哦❤ 宙斯」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张等级2以下的〈神〉,CALL到R上,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks, if your front row has three God, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【V/R】:这个单位攻击时,前列的你的〈神〉有3张的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by "Tyrant of the Oceans, Poseidon", call this card to (RC).': '【自】:这个单位被「大海的暴君 波塞冬」RIDE时,将这张卡CALL到R上。',
'[CONT]:When your vanguard\'s ability would would count the number of units retired for that cost, this card counts as two.': '【永】【R】:你的先导者的能力要统计由于那个能力的费用退场的单位的个数之际,这张卡当做2个的数量。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your vanguard is a grade 3 or greater , this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有等级3以上的〈神〉的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC/RC):At the end of your turn, if your damage zone has four or less cards, put the top card of your deck face down in your damage zone.': '【自】【V/R】:你的回合结束时,你的伤害区中的卡在4张以下的话,将你的牌堆顶的1张卡以背面表示放置到伤害区。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, if your vanguard is a God, COST [Soul Blast (2)], draw a card.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,你有〈神〉的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed by riding from "The Choice for Victory, Brunhilde", reveal the top card of your deck, if that card is grade 2 or less Man or Valkyrie normal unit, call it to (RC), and if it isn\'t, put the top card of your deck into your soul.': '【自】:通过在「通向胜利的选择 布伦希尔德」上RIDE的方式将这个单位登场时,公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是等级2以下的〈人類〉普通单位卡、或等级2以下的〈女#神〉普通单位卡的话,将那张卡CALL到R上,不是的话,将那张卡放置到牌堆顶或灵魂里。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit is boosted by a Valkyrie, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位被〈女#神〉支援时,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If your grade 3 or greater vanguard is a Man or Valkyrie, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你有等级3以上的〈人類〉或〈女#神〉的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Discard a grade 3 or greater unit card with "Brunhilde" in its card name], and this unit gets "[CONT](VC):All of your Man and Valkyrie get [Power]+5000." until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张等级3以上的卡名含有「布伦希尔德」的单位卡舍弃],这个回合中,这个单位获得『【永】【V】:你所有的〈人類〉和〈女#神〉的力量+5000。』的能力。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a Man or Valkyrie from your drop, call it to (RC), and that called unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张〈人類〉或〈女#神〉,CALL到R上,这个回合中,那个CALL出场的单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC):If your (VC) has an Arms, and your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Soul Blast (2) & discard a card from your hand], and until end of turn, when this unit would attack, it battles all of your opponent\'s units in one attack.': '【起】【V】:你的V上存在装备卡,并且对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],这个回合中,这个单位攻击之际,与对手所有的单位进行战斗。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000、☆+1。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], all of your rear-guards get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,将当前存在于R上的你所有的后防者的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if you have two or more rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If you have four or more rear-guards, get [Power]+10000 instead of +5000.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,你的后防者在2张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。你的后防者在4张以上的话,不是+5000而是力量+10000。',
'[CONT](VC):When your opponent\'s sentinel would be retired from (GC), it is bound instead of being retired.': '【永】【V】:对手的守护者从G退场之际,作为退场的代替,将那些卡封锁。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1), Put one of your rear-guards into your soul], your opponent chooses a card from their drop, and binds it. Until end of turn, this unit gets "[CONT](VC):This unit gets [Power]+5000, if your opponent\'s bind zone has three or more cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and if your opponent\'s bind zone has seven or more cards, this unit gets [Critical]+1."': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的1张后防者放置到灵魂里],对手选择他自己的弃牌区中的1张卡,封锁。这个回合中,这个单位获得『【永】【V】:这个单位的力量+5000,对手的封锁区中的卡有3张以上的话,接着力量+5000,对手的封锁区中的卡有7张以上的话,接着将这个单位的☆+1。』的能力',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [[Rest] one of your rear-guards], search your deck for up to one Thor Order card, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将你的1张后防者横置],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张托尔指令卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from your hand], your opponent chooses two of their rear-guards, and retires them.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],对手选择他自己的2张后防者,退场。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [[Rest] one of your rear-guards], search your deck for up to one Zeus Order, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将你的1张后防者横置],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张宙斯指令卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your rear-guards with "Zeus" in its card name, and [Stand] it.': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张卡名含有「宙斯」的后防者,重置。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [[Rest] one of your rear-guards], search your deck for up to one Poseidon Order, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[将你的1张后防者横置],从你的牌堆里探寻至多1张波塞冬指令卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Retire one or more of your rear-guards], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for each unit retired for this cost. If you retired two or more units, this unit gets drive +1 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的1张以上的你希望的张数的后防者退场],由于这个费用退场的单位每有1个,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。退场了2个以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定+1次。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), COST [Counter Blast (2) & Soul Blast (1) card with "Brunhilde" in its card name], look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one Man and Valkyrie card each from among them, call them to (RC), shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到V时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2,使用卡名含有「布伦希尔德」的卡进行灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择〈人類〉和〈女#神〉至多各1张,CALL到R上,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose two of your Man or Valkyrie, and they get [Power]+5000 until end of turn': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的〈人類〉或〈女#神〉合计2张,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'Play this if you have a vanguard with "Thor" in its card name!': '你有卡名含有「托尔」的先导者的话能施放!',
'Play this if you have a vanguard with "Zeus" in its card name!': '你有卡名含有「宙斯」的先导者的话能施放!',
'Choose up to one unit card with "Zeus" in its card name from your soul, and call it to (RC). All of your front row units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '选择你的灵魂里的1张卡名含有「宙斯」的单位卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'Play this if you have a vanguard with "Poseidon" in its card name!': '你有卡名含有「波塞冬」的先导者的话能施放!',
'Look at seven cards from the top of your deck, choose up to one unit card with grade lower than or equal to your vanguard and "Poseidon" in its card name from among them, call it to (RC), shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of your deck. Choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的卡名含有「波塞冬」的单位卡,CALL到R上,将其余的卡洗切后放置到牌堆底。选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with "Thor" in its card name!': '你有卡名含有「托尔」的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[计数爆发1]施放!',
'Choose one of your vanguards, until end of turn, it gets [Power]+10000, and your opponent cannot call sentinels from their hand to (GC) for the battle that that unit attacks. If your opponent has no front row rear-guards, get [Power]+20000 instead of +10000.': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+10000,那个单位攻击的战斗中,对手不能将守护者从手牌CALL到G上。前列没有对手的后防者的话,不是+10000而是力量+20000。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with "Zeus" in its card name!': '你有卡名含有「宙斯」的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[计数爆发1]施放!',
'Choose one of your vanguards, until end of turn, it gets [Critical]+1, and all of your front row units get [Power]+10000. Choose a card from your hand, and you may discard it. If you did not discard, choose two face up cards from your damage zone, turn them face down.': '选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,☆+1,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+10000。你可以选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。没有舍弃的话,选择你的伤害区中的2张正面表示的卡,转为背面表示。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with "Poseidon" in its card name!': '你有卡名含有「波塞冬」的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[计数爆发1]施放!',
'All of your front row units get [Power]+10000 until end of turn. If your rear-guard was retired this turn, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的后防者的力量+10000。这个回合中你的后防者曾退场过的话,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your Man or Valkyrie, and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个〈人類〉或〈女#神〉单位,这个回合中,力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your God, and it gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1个〈神〉单位,这个回合中,力量+2000。',
'[CONT](GC):If your vanguard is a Man or Valkyrie, and if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你有〈人類〉或〈女#神〉的先导者,并且对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[CONT](GC):If your vanguard is a God, and if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你有〈神〉的先导者,并且对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[CONT]:You may have up to eight "The "Strongest" by Nature" in your deck.': '【永】:卡组内至多可以加入8张「生来即是『最强』」。',
'[CONT]:You may have up to eight "Men Battle with their Fists" in your deck.': '【永】:卡组内至多可以加入8张「男人间的战斗就是斗殴」。',
'[CONT]:You may have up to eight "Battle in the Abyss" in your deck.': '【永】:卡组内至多可以加入8张「深渊的战斗」。',
'Additional Effect - All of your front row Man and Valkyrie get [Power]+10000 until end of turn, choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it!': '追加效果——这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的〈人類〉和〈女#神〉的力量+10000,选择你的1张后防者,重置。',
'Additional Effect - All of your front row God get [Power]+10000 until end of turn, choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it!': '追加效果——这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的〈神〉的力量+10000,选择你的1张后防者,重置。',
'[CONT]:Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "[CONT]:Sentinel" in a deck.)': '【永】:守护者(具备守护者能力的卡在卡组内只能合计加入至多4张。)',
'[CONT]:You may only have one "Elementaria Sanctitude" in a deck.': '【永】:「四精灵织成的清净之盾」在卡组内只能合计加入至多1张。',
'If your opponent\'s vanguard has "Triple Drive", this ability can be played without paying the cost.': '对手有具备『三判』技能的先导者的话,你也可以不支付这个指令能力的费用施放这张卡。',
'Play this with COST [discard a card from hand] if your vanguard is grade 3 or less!': '你有等级3以下的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃]施放!',
'Choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. Remove this card.': '选择你的1个单位,这次战斗中,不会被击中。将这张卡除外。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have more rear-guards than your opponent, you may draw a card. If you do, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的后防者比对手的后防者多的话,你可以抽1张卡。抽了的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your opponent\'s rear-guard is retired during your turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的回合中对手的后防者退场时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, if your soul has seven or more cards, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,你的灵魂在7张以上的话,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your damage zone has more cards than your opponent\'s, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的伤害区中的卡比对手的多的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits, choose one of your other grade 3 or greater units, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中时,选择你其他的1个等级3以上的单位,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if you have six units, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,你的单位有6个的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your Order Zone has a Set Order, Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你的指令区中有设置指令卡的话,灵魂填充1,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if it is the third battle of that turn or more, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,这是这个回合中第3次以后的战斗的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit intercepts, COST [discard a card from your hand], look at two cards from the top of your deck, and you may call them to (GC) or discard them.': '【自】:这个单位截击时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,将任意张CALL到G上,将其余的卡舍弃。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you are in "Final Rush", COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), choose one of your units, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你处于“一气呵成之势”状态的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充1,选择你的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other rear-guard is returned to your hand, if this unit is on your (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and that unit and this unit get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你其他的后防者被返回手牌时,这个单位存在于R的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,那个单位和这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if your opponent has no units in the same column as this unit, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,不存在对手的后防者与这个单位同纵列的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Retire a Shadow Army token], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn. If this ability was activated for the third time this turn, this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[将1张夜影兵衍生物退场],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。这是这个回合中第3次将这个能力起动的话,这个回合中,这个单位的☆+1。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have no face up cards in your damage zone, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的伤害区中没有正面表示的卡的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT]:You cannot play this card.': '【永】:这张卡不能施放。',
'Operate-[AUTO](Order Zone):When this card is operated, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, retire it, choose one of your opponent\'s vanguards, and it gets [Power]-5000 until end of turn. COST [Counter Blast (1) & Return a rear-guard to hand], and call this card as a [Power]23000/[Critical]1 normal unit to an open (RC). If you called a card, put that unit into the Order Zone at the end of turn.': '运作-【自】【指令区】:将这张卡运作时,选择对手的1张后防者,退场,选择对手的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量-5000。通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的1张后防者返回手牌],将这张卡作为力量23000、☆值1的普通单位卡CALL到不存在单位的R上。CALL出场了的话,这个回合结束时,将那个CALL出场的单位放置到指令区。',
'[X-overDress]-One "Trickstar" and one  unit': '交织超限舞装】-「托里科斯塔」和〈祈装龙〉各1张',
'[ACT](RC):If this unit is in the [X-overDress] state, COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【起】【R】:这个单位处于【交织超限舞装】状态的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit in the [X-overDress] state attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each of your opponent\'s open (RC). Then, if your opponent has one or less rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], until end of that battle, this unit gets drive -1, and this unit performs drive checks.': '【自】【R】:处于【交织超限舞装】状态的这个单位的攻击先导者时,对手的不存在单位的R每有1个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。接着,对手的后防者在1张以下的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,这个单位进行攻击判定,攻击判定次数-1次。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), until end of turn, all of your opponent\'s rear-guards lose all of their [CONT] abilities, and cannot gain them. Then, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards in the same column as this unit, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中,对手所有的后防者失去所有的【永】能力,也不能获得【永】能力。接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择与这个单位同纵列的对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater and they have no rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+10000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,对手有等级3以上的先导者,并且对手没有后防者的话,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) by a card\'s ability, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位由于卡片的能力登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your opponent\'s rear-guard in the same column as this unit is retired your card\'s ability, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:由于你的卡片的能力使与这个单位同纵列的对手的后防者退场时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand during your main phase, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your soul with grade less than or equal to your vanguard, put the chosen card into your hand if it has the same card name as your vanguard, and call it to (RC) if it does not. If you put a card into your hand, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】:你的主要阶段中这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的灵魂里的1张等级在你的先导者的等级以下的卡,选择的是与你的先导者同名的卡的话,将那张卡加入手牌,不是的话,将那张卡CALL到R上。将卡加入了手牌的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):1/Turn:When this unit attacks a grade 3 or greater unit, if your soul has four or more cards with different grades, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击等级3以上的单位时,你的灵魂里的相互不同等级的卡有4张以上的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When you Soul Blast (4) or more cards at the same time for the cost of your vanguard\'s ability, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit. (Can only be used if you Soul Blast (4) or more cards at once)': '【自】【R】:由于你的先导者的能力的费用同时使用4张以上的卡进行了灵魂爆发时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],将这个单位重置。(仅限同1次费用内进行了灵魂爆发4以上的场合才能使用这个能力。)',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], and Soul Charge (2). If all of the cards Soul Charge have different grades, you may draw a card.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充2。将相互不同等级的卡灵魂填充了的话,你可以抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, choose one of your Products in your Order Zone, and operate it. (Activate its Operate ability)': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击先导者时,选择你的指令区中的1张产品卡,将其运作。(发动那张卡的运作能力。)',
'[AUTO](VC):When one of your Products is operated, this unit gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:你将产品卡运作时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & put a grade 2 or greater Set Order from your drop on the bottom of the deck], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将弃牌区中的1张等级2以上的设置指令卡放置到牌堆底],抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you did not operate a Product this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], choose a Product card in your Order Zone, and operate it. (Activate its Operate ability)': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,这个回合中你不曾将产品卡运作过的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],选择你的指令区中的1张产品卡,将其运作。(发动那张卡的运作能力。)',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you operated a Product this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个回合中你运作了产品卡的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](RC):If your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put a "Heavy Strike Cannon Fortress, Freischutz" from your Order Zone into your drop & retire this unit], choose up to one "Mobile Fortress of Obliteration, Freischutz Maximum" from your hand, and put it into your Order Zone.': '【起】【R】:对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将你的指令区中的1张「重击炮寨 魔弹射手」放置到弃牌区,将这个单位退场],选择你的手牌中的至多1张「歼灭机动要塞 魔弹射手·马克西姆」,放置到指令区。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your "Mobile Fortress of Obliteration, Freischutz Maximum" is operated, if you did not Counter Charge this turn, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and Counter Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:你的「歼灭机动要塞 魔弹射手·马克西姆」运作时,这个回合中你没有计数回充过的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],计数回充1。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Welstra" in its card name, COST [retire this unit], search your deck or drop for up to one "Heavy Strike Cannon Fortress, Freischutz" or "Mobile Fortress of Obliteration, Freischutz Maximum", reveal it and put it into your hand, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck.': '【起】【R】:你有含有「维尔斯特拉」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],从你的牌堆或弃牌区中探寻至多1张「重击炮寨 魔弹射手」或「歼灭机动要塞 魔弹射手·马克西姆」,公开后加入手牌,从牌堆探寻了的话,将牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have six or more grade 3 or greater units, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and until end of that battle, this unit\'s attack will hit regardless of [Power] while the sum of the grades of your opponent\'s guardians is not 3 or greater.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的等级3以上的单位有6个以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],这次战斗中,对手的防卫者的等级合计不在3以上的话,这个单位的攻击的击中与力量无关。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) by the [RevolDress] ability, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000 until end of turn. Then, COST [Counter Blast (1)], reveal the top two cards of your deck, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards with the same grade as any of the revealed cards, and put it on the bottom of their deck. Put all of the revealed cards into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位由于【反抗舞装】能力登场到V时,这个回合中,将当前存在于前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。接着通过【费用】[计数爆发1],公开你的牌堆顶的2张卡,选择对手的1张等级与被公开的任意1张卡的等级相同的后防者,放置到牌堆底。将被公开的所有卡加入手牌。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], look at the top three cards of your deck, choose a card from among them, reveal it, call it to (RC) if it is a grade 2 or less unit card, and put it into your hand if it isn\'t. Shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择1张卡,公开,那张卡是等级2以下的单位卡的话,将那张卡CALL到R上,不是的话,将那张卡加入手牌。将你的牌堆洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], discard the top three cards of your deck, choose a card from your drop, call it to (RC) if it is a grade 2 or less card, and put it into your hand if it has the same card name as your vanguard.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],将你的牌堆顶的3张卡舍弃,选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,那张卡是等级2以下的卡的话,将那张卡CALL到R上,那张卡是与你的先导者同名的卡的话,将那张卡加入手牌。',
'[CONT](RC):If your units boosted a total of three or more times this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你的单位合计曾进行过3次以上的支援的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, if you have a vanguard with "Lianorn" in its card name, and your units boosted a total of five or more times this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit into your soul], choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者的战斗结束时,你有含有「莲南」的先导者,并且这个回合中你的单位合计曾进行过5次以上的支援的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张后防者,重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for every two of your grade 2 or greater units. If this unit got [Power]+10000 or greater by this effect, at the end of that battle, COST [bind this unit], and Counter Charge (1)/Soul Charge (1).': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你有含有「马格诺利亚」的先导者的话,你的等级2以上的单位每有2个,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。由于这个效果将这个单位的力量+10000以上了的话,这次战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位封锁],计数回充1、灵魂填充1。',
'[CONT](GC):If your Order Zone has a Meteorite, this unit gets [Shield]+5000.': '【永】【G】:你的指令区中有陨石卡的话,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), reveal the top card of your deck, put it into your Order Zone if it is a Meteorite card, and put it on the bottom of your deck if it isn\'t.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,那张卡是陨石卡的话,将那张卡放置到指令区,不是的话,将那张卡放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your other rear-guard is retired during your opponent\'s turn, COST [bind this unit], and put that retired card into your hand.': '【自】【R】:对手的回合中你其他的后防者退场时,通过【费用】[将这个单位封锁],将那张退场的卡加入手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, if your Order Zone has two or more cards, you may draw a card. If you do, choose a card from your hand, and put it into your soul.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,你的指令区中的卡有2张以上的话,你可以抽1张卡。抽卡了的话,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里。',
'[ACT](RC):If you did not operate a Product this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & [Rest] this unit], choose a Product card in your Order Zone, and operate it. (Activate its Operate ability)': '【起】【R】:这个回合中你不曾将产品卡运作过的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位横置],选择你的指令区中的1张产品卡,将其运作。(发动那张卡的运作能力。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1) & discard a card from hand], choose a Meteorite card from your drop, put it into your hand, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的弃牌区中的1张陨石卡,加入手牌,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if your Order Zone has a Product card, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle.': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,你的指令区中有产品卡的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a Product card from your Order Zone, and Operate it. (Activate its Operation ability)': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的指令区中的1张产品卡,将其运作。(发动那张卡的运作能力。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, COST [put a Product card from your Order Zone into your drop], search your deck or hand for up to one grade 2 Product card, put it into your Order Zone, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. If you put it from hand, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,通过【费用】[将指令区中的1张产品卡放置到弃牌区],从你的牌堆或手牌中探寻至多1张等级2的产品卡,放置到指令区,从牌堆探寻了的话,将牌堆洗切,从手牌放置了的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon, search your deck or hand for up to one grade 1 Product card, put it into your order zone, and if you searched from your deck, shuffle your deck. If you put it from your hand, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位被RIDE时,从你的牌堆或手牌中探寻至多1张等级1的产品卡,放置到指令区,从牌堆探寻了的话,将牌堆洗切,从手牌放置了的话,抽1张卡。',
'Exchange for Promo cards in Collection > Sets!!': '在收藏>分解中兑换Pr卡!!',
'Exchange for Rewards in Collection > Sets!!': '在收藏>分解中兑换奖励!!',
'Exchange for DSR version of cards as well as 10000 coins in Collection > Sets!!': '在收藏>分解中兑换异画卡片以及10000枚硬币!!',
'Exchange for 10000 coins in Collection > Sets!!': '在收藏>分解中兑换10000枚硬币!!',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with "Baromagnes" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle for each card in your soul.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你有含有「磁力重压」的先导者的话,你的灵魂每有1张,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if you Soul Blast (4) or more at the same time for the cost of your vanguard\'s ability this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top two cards of your deck, choose up to one card from among them, put it into your hand, and put the rest into your soul. (Count the number of Soul Blast for one cost)': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,这个回合中由于你的先导者的能力的费用同时使用4张以上的卡进行了灵魂爆发的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多1张卡,加入手牌,将其余的卡放置到灵魂里。(仅限同1次费用内进行了灵魂爆发4以上的场合才能使用这个能力。)',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, choose up to one card from your drop, and if you do not have the same grade with that card in your soul, put it into your soul.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援时,选择你的弃牌区中的至多1张卡,你的灵魂里没有等级与那张卡的等级相同的卡的话,将那张卡放置到灵魂里。',
'Operate-[AUTO](Order Zone):When this card is operated, choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and retire it. If you did not retire, choose one of your opponent\'s vanguards, and it gets [Power]-5000 until end of turn.': '运作-【自】【指令区】:将这张卡运作时,选择前列的对手的1张后防者,退场。没有退场的话,选择对手的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量-5000。',
'[AUTO](Order Zone):When your grade 3 or greater vanguard is placed by riding from a grade 3, COST [put this card into your drop], search your deck or hand for up to one "Mobile Fortress of Obliteration, Freischutz Maximum", put it into your Order Zone, and if you searched your deck, shuffle your deck. If you put it from your hand, draw a card.': '【自】【指令区】:你的等级3以上的先导者通过在等级3的单位上RIDE的方式登场时,通过【费用】[将这张卡放置到弃牌区],从你的牌堆或手牌中探寻至多1张「歼灭机动要塞 魔弹射手·马克西姆」,放置到指令区,从牌堆探寻了的话,将牌堆洗切,从手牌放置了的话,抽1张卡。',
'Operate-[AUTO](Order Zone):When this card is operated, choose one of your opponent\'s front row rear-guards, and retire it. If you did not retire, draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.': '运作-【自】【指令区】:将这张卡运作时,选择前列的对手的1张后防者,退场。没有退场的话,抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,舍弃。',
'Cannot get a copy of itself with its [AUTO]': '不能使用【自】能力获取它自己的复制',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a card from your drop, and put it into your soul. Then, if your soul has four or more cards with different grades, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,放置到灵魂里。这之后,你的灵魂里有4张以上的相互不同等级的卡的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from soul, if you have a vanguard with "Baromagnes" in its card name, COST [discard a card from hand], choose a grade 2 or less card from your soul, and call it to a (RC) in the same column as this unit.': '【自】:这个单位从灵魂登场到R时,你有含有「磁力重压」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的灵魂里的1张等级2以下的卡,CALL到与这个单位同纵列的R上。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Counter Blast (1) & put this unit into soul], look at the top two cards of your deck, choose up to one card from among them, call it to (RC), and put the rest into your soul.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],看你牌堆顶的2张卡,选择至多1张卡,CALL到R上,将其余的卡放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you Soul Blast (4) or more cards at the same time for the cost of your vanguard\'s ability this turn, COST [put a card from hand to soul], draw a card, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it. (Can only be used if you Soul Blast (4) or more cards at once)': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,这个回合中由于你的先导者的能力的费用同时使用4张以上的卡进行了灵魂爆发的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡放置到灵魂里],抽1张卡,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。(仅限同1次费用内进行了灵魂爆发4以上的场合才能使用这个能力。)',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (6) grade 0 cards], Soul Charge (6), choose six of your units, and they get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[使用等级0的卡进行灵魂爆发6],灵魂填充6,选择你的6个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, COST [Counter Blast (1) & put a grade 0 card from your hand into your soul], choose a grade 1 card from your soul, and put it into your hand.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张等级0的卡放置到灵魂里],选择你的灵魂里的1张等级1的卡,加入手牌。',
'[CONT](Back Row RC):During your turn, if your soul has six or more cards, this unit gets "Boost", and if your soul has twelve or more cards, it gets [Power]+10000. (If your soul has five or less cards after boosting, this unit can still continue to boost)': '【永】【后列的R】:你的回合中,你的灵魂在6张以上的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能,你的灵魂在12张以上的话,接着将这个单位的力量+10000。(支援后即使灵魂变为5张以下,这次支援仍然继续。)',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1) grade 1 or greater card], choose two grade 0 cards from your drop, and put them into your soul.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[使用等级1以上的卡进行灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的2张等级0的卡,放置到灵魂里。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from your soul, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位从灵魂登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle your vanguard with "Baromagnes" in its card name attacked, COST [Counter Blast (2) & retire this unit], choose ten cards from your soul, and return the rest of all cards from your soul to your deck and shuffle it.': '【自】【R】:你的含有「磁力重压」的先导者攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[计数爆发2,将这个单位退场],选择你的灵魂里的10张卡,将你的灵魂里的其余的所有卡返回牌堆然后洗切。',
'[AUTO]:When this card becomes an originalDress, COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这张卡成为舞装源时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],灵魂填充1,选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a vanguard with "Eugene" in its card name, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater and they have no rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from hand], choose one of your vanguards, [Stand] it, and increase or decrease its [Critical] and drive to 1 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援含有「尤金」的先导者的战斗结束时,对手有等级3以上的先导者,并且对手没有后防者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],选择你的1张先导者,重置,这个回合中,将那个单位的☆值和攻击判定次数增减至1。',
'[ACT](RC):If your (VC) has an Arms, COST [retire this unit], choose an Arms card from your hand or drop, and arm it to one of your vanguards. If you armed a card, you cannot arm your vanguard until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:你的V上有装备卡的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你的手牌或弃牌区中的1张装备卡,装备到你的1张先导者上。装备了的话,这个回合中,你不能再将卡片装备到先导者上。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Eugene" in its card name, COST [retire this unit], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【起】【R】:你有含有「尤金」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[AUTO]:When this card becomes an originalDress, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose a grade 1 or less Prayer Dragon from your drop, and call it to (RC).': '【自】:这张卡成为舞装源时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张等级1以下的〈祈装龙〉,CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a vanguard with "Nirvana" in its card name, COST [put this unit into your soul], choose one of your rear-guards with originalDress, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援含有「涅槃」的先导者的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张具备舞装源的后防者,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a rear-guard with two or more originalDress, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and retire it.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有具备2张以上的舞装源的后防者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择对手的1张后防者,退场。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and if your opponent has a front row rear-guard, this unit cannot attack a vanguard.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个单位的力量+10000,对手的前列有后防者的话,这个单位不能攻击先导者。',
'[ACT](RC):COST [Counter Blast (1) & Put this unit into your soul], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets "[AUTO](VC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, draw a card, and Counter Charge (1)." until end of turn.': '【起】【R】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【自】【V】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,抽1张卡,计数回充1。』的能力。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a rear-guard with two or more originalDress, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你有具备2张以上的舞装源的后防者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:If you have a vanguard with "Eugene" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a grade 2 or less normal unit other than sentinel from your drop, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:你有含有「尤金」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的弃牌区中的1张守护者以外的等级2以下的普通单位卡,放置到牌堆顶或牌堆底。',
'[AUTO]:When this card becomes an originalDress, if your soul has no cards, Soul Charge (2).': '【自】:这张卡成为舞装源时,你的灵魂是0张的话,灵魂填充2。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your unit is [Stand] by your card\'s ability, COST [retire this unit], and draw a card.': '【自】【R】:你的单位由于你的卡片的能力重置时,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],抽1张卡。',
'Play this with COST [Counter Blast (1)] if you have a vanguard with "Baromagnes" in its card name!': '你有含有「磁力重压」的先导者的话,能通过【费用】[计数爆发1]施放!',
'Soul Charge (3). Choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "[CONT](VC):If your soul has ten or more cards, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000.".': '灵魂填充3。选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,给予『【永】【V】:你的灵魂在10张以上的话,前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。』的能力',
'Choose one of your rear-guards with originalDress, and it gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '选择你的1张具备舞装源的后防者,这个回合中,☆+1。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose up to one grade 3 card from your hand, and call it to (RC). If you called a card, and you have five or more units, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,你有含有「巴斯提昂」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的手牌中的至多1张等级3的卡,CALL到R上。将卡CALL出场,并且你的单位有5个以上的话,抽1张卡。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have six or more units, this unit gets "Boost".': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你的单位有6个以上的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能。',
'[CONT]:This card cannot be ridden, and cannot be normal called to (RC) from hand.': '【永】:这张卡不能RIDE,不能从手牌通常CALL到R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this card is discarded from hand during your turn, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and call this card to a back row (RC).': '【自】:你的回合中这张卡被从手牌舍弃时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这张卡CALL到后列的R上。',
'[AUTO](Back Row Center RC):When your vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name is attacked, COST [Soul Blast (1)], move this unit to (GC), and this unit gets [Shield]+15000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【##后列的R】:你的含有「巴斯提昂」的先导者被攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位移动到G上,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+15000。',
'[CONT](RC):During the battle this unit attacked, if you persona rode this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and when your opponent would call cards from their hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.': '【永】【R】:这个单位攻击的战斗中,这个回合中你进行了人格RIDE的话,这个单位的力量+5000,对手要从手牌将卡CALL到G上之际,不将2张以上同时CALL的话则不能CALL出场。',
'[CONT](RC):If your soul has a grade 3 or greater card, this unit gets "Boost", and [Power]+5000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:你的灵魂里有等级3以上的卡的话,这个单位获得『支援』的技能,力量+5000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top three cards of your deck, and put them on the top of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,按希望的顺序放置到牌堆顶。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if your vanguard is being attacked, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle for every two units on your (VC) and (RC)': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,你的先导者正在被攻击的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],你的V和R的单位合计每有2个,这次战斗中,这个单位的盾护+5000。',
'[AUTO](Front Row RC):When your other unit in the same column as this unit attacks, that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.': '【自】【前列的R】:与这个单位同纵列的你其他的单位攻击时,这次战斗中,将那个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your other units in the same column as this unit, and it gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择与这个单位同纵列的你其他的1个单位,这个回合中,力量+10000。',
'[CONT](Back Row Center RC):During the fifth battle of this turn or more, the costs of all original [AUTO] abilities of your vanguard with "Flagburg" in its card name are reduced by Counter Blast (1).': '【永】【##后列的R】:这个回合中的第5次以后的战斗中,你的含有「战舰堡垒」的先导者原本具备的所有【自】能力的费用减少计数爆发1。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Lianorn" in its card name, all of your other rear-guards in the same column as this unit get "Boost".': '【永】【R】:你有含有「莲南」的先导者的话,给予与这个单位同纵列的你其他的所有后防者『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is put on (GC), if you have two or more grade 1 or less back row rear-guards, Soul Charge (1).': '【自】:这个单位被放置到G时,后列的你的等级1以下的后防者有2张以上的话,灵魂填充1。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When this unit\'s attack hits, if you have a [Stand] vanguard with "Flagburg" in its card name, [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位的攻击击中时,你有竖置状态的含有「战舰堡垒」的先导者的话,将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When the attack this unit boosted hits, if you have a [Stand] vanguard with "Flagburg" in its card name, [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位支援的攻击击中时,你有竖置状态的含有「战舰堡垒」的先导者的话,将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle this unit boosted, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:这个单位支援的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](Back Row Center RC):When your rear-guard attacks, if it is the first battle of this turn, that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【##后列的R】:你的后防者攻击时,这是这个回合中第1次的战斗的话,这个回合中,将那个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you have a vanguard with "Youthberk" in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+2000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,你有含有「朱斯贝克」的先导者的话,这个单位的力量+2000。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your unit is placed on (VC) by the [RevolDress] ability, COST [put this unit into soul], choose one of your vanguards, and increase or decrease its drive to 1 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的单位由于【反抗舞装】能力登场到V时,通过【费用】[将这个单位放置到灵魂里],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,攻击判定次数增减至1。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and put it on the bottom of their deck.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,选择对手的1张后防者,放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, if it is the second battle of this turn, and you have a [Stand] vanguard with "Flagburg" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], [Stand] this unit, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者的战斗结束时,这是这个回合中第2次的战斗,并且你有竖置状态的含有「战舰堡垒」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[X-overDress]-One "Trickstar" and one Prayer Dragon unit': '【交织超限舞装】-「托里科斯塔」和〈祈装龙〉各1张',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit\'s attack hits a vanguard, choose one of your rear-guards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:这个单位的攻击击中先导者时,选择你的1张后防者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from deck or hand, if you have a vanguard with "Sylvan Horned Beast" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)], look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one card with "Magnolia" in its card name from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【自】:这个单位从牌堆或手牌登场到R时,你有含有「树角兽」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张含有「马格诺利亚」的卡,公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](RC):If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Magnolia" in its card name, your persona ride increases the [Power] of your back row units as well.': '【永】【R】:你有等级3的含有「马格诺利亚」的先导者的话,你的人格RIDE也会使后列的你的单位的力量增加。',
'Dev note:\nCurrently bugged, will get to fixing soon.': '开发说明:\n目前有bug,很快就会修复。',
'Draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and call it to (RC) or discard it. If you called a card, until end of turn, that called unit cannot attack, and gets [Power]+10000.': '抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,CALL到R上或舍弃。CALL出场了的话,这个回合中,那个单位不能攻击,力量+10000。',
'[ACT](RC):If you have three or more grade 3 or greater units, COST [retire this unit], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, and put it on the bottom of their deck.': '【起】【R】:你的等级3以上的单位有3个以上的话,通过【费用】[将这个单位退场],选择你对手的1张后防者,放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When your [Critical]2 or greater vanguard attacks, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and that unit and this unit get [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】:你的☆值在2以上的先导者攻击时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,那个单位和这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[CONT](RC):If your other rear-guard was retired by your card\'s ability this turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000. (Active on opponent\'s turn too)': '【永】【R】:这个回合中你其他的后防者曾由于你的卡片的能力退场过的话,这个单位的力量+10000。(在对手的回合中也有效。)',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is retired from (RC) by any player\'s card\'s ability, if your hand has three or less cards, draw a card.': '【自】:由于任何玩家的卡片的能力使这个单位从R退场时,你的手牌在3张以下的话,抽1张卡。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a vanguard with "Bastion" in its card name, if that battle\'s drive check did not reveal a grade 3 card, COST [Counter Blast (1) & retire this unit], choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援含有「巴斯提昂」的先导者的战斗结束时,这次战斗中的驱动判定不曾将等级3的卡判出过的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将这个单位退场],选择你的1张后防者,重置。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if you have a vanguard with "Lianorn" in its card name, COST [Counter Blast (1)], look at the top three cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 or less card from among them, call it to (RC), it gets "Boost" until end of turn, and discard the rest.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有含有「莲南」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择至多1张等级3以下的卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,给予那个单位『支援』的技能,将其余的卡舍弃。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose up to five of your normal unit rear-guards, until end of turn, they get [Power]+2000, and "[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked a vanguard, draw a card, and put this unit on the bottom of your deck.". If you chose three or more rear-guards, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择你的至多5张普通单位卡的后防者,这个回合中,力量+2000,给予『【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者的战斗结束时,抽1张卡,将这个单位放置到牌堆底。』的能力。选择了3张以上的后防者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。',
'[AUTO](VC):When you play a normal order, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【V】:你施放普通指令卡时,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](VC)1/Turn:When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Counter Blast (1)], and perform all of the following according to the number of Cursed Play cards in your soul.': '【自】【V】【1回合1次】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],根据你的灵魂里的咒术演出卡的张数执行以下所有的效果。',
'● Two or more ‐ Draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '·2张以上——抽1张卡,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'● Four or more ‐ At the end of that battle, COST [discard a card from hand], [Stand] this unit, and it gets drive -1 until end of turn.': '·4张以上——这次战斗结束时,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置,这个回合中,这个单位的攻击判定-1次。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], and all of your grade 2 or greater rear-guards get "Boost" until end of turn.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],这个回合中,给予当前存在于场上的你所有的等级2以上的后防者『支援』的技能。',
'[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, if your back row has three or more grade 2 or greater rear-guards, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one each of your front row and back row rear-guards, and return them to your hand. If you returned two units, choose up to one grade 3 card from your hand, and call it to an open (RC).': '【自】【V】:这个单位攻击的战斗结束时,后列的你的等级2以上的后防者有3张以上的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],选择前列和后列的你的各1张后防者,返回手牌。将2张卡返回了手牌的话,选择你的手牌中的至多1张等级3的卡,CALL到不存在单位的R上。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Lilfa" in its card name, until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, and if it was placed during your main phase, COST [Soul Blast (2)], and draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有等级3以上的含有「莉尔珐」的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000,是在你的主要阶段中登场的话,接着通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],抽1张卡。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (2)], reveal the top card of your deck, and perform one of the following according to its card type.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[计数爆发2],公开你的牌堆顶的1张卡,以那张卡的卡片类型为根据,执行以下的1项效果。',
'● Normal Unit - Put that revealed card into your hand, choose a card from your drop, call it to (RC), and that called unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of turn.': '·普通单位卡——将那张被公开的卡加入手牌,选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,CALL到R上,这个回合中,那个CALL出场的单位的☆+1。',
'● Trigger Unit - Counter Charge (1), choose a card from your drop, and call it to (RC). (Return the revealed card to its original spot)': '·触发单位卡——计数回充1,选择你的弃牌区中的1张卡,CALL到R上。(将被公开的卡返回原处。)',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose a grade from 1 to 3, declare it, look at the top five cards of your deck, choose up to one unit card with the declared grade, and call it to (RC), or choose up to one Magazine card from among them, reveal it and put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],你从等级1至3中选择1个并宣言,看你牌堆顶的5张卡,选择至多1张被宣言的等级的单位卡CALL到R上,或选择至多1张杂志卡公开后加入手牌,然后牌堆洗切。',
'[CONT](VC):During your turn, if you played a Magazine card, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000.': '【永】【V】:你的回合中,这个回合中你施放了杂志指令卡的话,前列的你所有的单位的力量+5000。',
'[ACT](VC)1/Turn:If your Order Zone has a "All Set Up!", COST [Counter Blast (1)], draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and call it to (RC) or discard it.': '【起】【V】【1回合1次】:你的指令区中有「准备万全!」的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1],抽1张卡,选择你的手牌中的1张卡,CALL到R上或舍弃。',
'Cannonball-[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, COST [Soul Blast (2)], choose one of your opponent\'s rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.': '炮弹-【自】【V】:这个单位攻击先导者时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发2],选择对手的1张后防者,退场,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from hand, if you have a vanguard with "Haseritt" in its card name, COST [Put a grade 2 or less card from you hand into your soul], look at the top seven cards of your deck, choose up to one grade 3 card with [Power] 12000 or less, grade 2 card with [Power] 9000 or less or grade 1 card with [Power] 7000 or less, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck. If you did not call, draw a card.': '【自】:这个单位从手牌登场到R时,你有含有「赫泽莉特」的先导者的话,通过【费用】[将手牌中的1张等级2以下的卡放置到灵魂里],看你牌堆顶的7张卡,选择至多1张力量在12000以下的等级3的卡、或力量在9000以下的等级2的卡、或力量在7000以下的等级1的卡,CALL到R上,然后牌堆洗切。没有CALL出场的话,抽1张卡。',
'[ACT](RC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of your vanguards, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【起】【R】【1回合1次】:通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择你的1张先导者,这个回合中,力量+5000。',
'Powerful-[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your soul has no cards, COST [Counter Blast (2)], and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn. If you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Herminia" in its card name, this unit performs drive checks until end of that battle.': '全力-【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你的灵魂里的卡是0张的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发2],这个回合中,这个单位的力量+10000。你有等级3以上的含有「艾尔米尼亚」的先导者的话,这次战斗中,这个单位进行攻击判定。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a vanguard with "Luticia" in its card name, look at the top three cards of your deck, choose one card from among them, put it into your soul, and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.': '【自】:这个单位登场到R时 ,你有含有「露缇希娅」的先导者的话,看你牌堆顶的3张卡,选择1张卡,放置到灵魂里,其余的卡按希望的顺序放置到牌堆底。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if your soul has two or more Cursed Play cards, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If your soul has four or more Cursed Play cards, [Power]+15000 instead of +5000.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击时,你的灵魂里的咒术演出卡有2张以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。咒术演出卡有4张以上的话,不是+5000而是+15000。',
'[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (RC) from drop by the ability of your grade 3 or greater vanguard with "Mediell" in its card name, this unit gets "[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle your vanguard attacked, COST [Soul Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit." until end of turn.': '【自】:这个单位由于你的等级3以上的含有「梅蒂埃尔」的先导者的能力从弃牌区登场到R时,这个回合中,这个单位获得『【自】【R】:你的先导者攻击的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置。』的能力。',
'[CONT](RC):During your turn, if you played a Magazine order this turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000.': '【永】【R】:你的回合中,这个回合中你施放了杂志指令卡的话,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:At the end of the battle your grade 3 or greater vanguard attacked, if you played a Magazine order this turn, COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], and [Stand] this unit.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你的等级3以上的先导者攻击的战斗结束时,这个回合中你施放了杂志指令卡的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,灵魂爆发1],将这个单位重置。',
'[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have three or more other "Friends", this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If you have five or more, choose one of your rear-guards with the Friend ability not in the same column as this unit, and you may return it to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位攻击先导者时,你其他的处于“好友”状态的单位有3个以上的话,这次战斗中,这个单位的力量+5000。有5个以上的话,你可以选择你的1张不与这个单位同纵列的具备交友能力的后防者,返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When your other unit in the same column as this unit is placed, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.': '【自】【R】【1回合1次】:你其他的单位登场到这个单位的同纵列时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,这个回合中,这个单位的力量+5000。',
'[AUTO](RC):At the end of the battle this unit boosted a rear-guard, COST [Soul Blast (1)], choose one of the boosted rear-guards, and return it to your hand.': '【自】【R】:这个单位支援后防者的战斗结束时,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],选择1张被支援的后防者,返回手牌。',
'[AUTO](Drop):When a card is put into your Order Zone, if you do not have a unit with "Noqno" in its card name, COST [Soul Blast (1)] to call this card to your back row center (RC). (You can only call one of this card if there are two in your drop)': '【自】【弃牌区】:卡片被放置到你的指令区时,你没有含有「诺克诺」的单位的话,通过【费用】[灵魂爆发1],将这张卡CALL到##后列的R上。(即使这张卡在弃牌区中有2张也只能将1张CALL出场。)',
'[AUTO](Back row Center RC):At the end of the battle your vanguard attacked, if your opponent\'s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, COST [Counter Blast (1) & discard a card from hand], [Stand] this unit, and swap the position of your vanguard with this unit. At the end of that turn, swap the position of that swapped unit with this unit. (The soul does not move)': '【煌求者】-米秋(你有含有「米秋」的具备【煌求者】能力的先导者的话有效)【自】【##后列的R】:你的先导者攻击的战斗结束时,对手有等级3以上的先导者的话,通过【费用】[计数爆发1,将手牌中的1张卡舍弃],将这个单位重置,将你的先导者与这个单位交换位置。这个回合结束时,将那张被交换了位置的单位与这个单位交换位置。(这些交换位置不涉及对灵魂的变动。)',
const fanyi3 = {
'DISCLAIMER: Do NOT spread videos about this game nor send links to public groups.\u0020Contact me at Discord! (Jace#3933)': '免责声明:不要传播有关这个游戏的视频或发送链接到公共团体。在Discord联系我(Jace#3933)',
'Use your favorite Nation to win.': '用你最喜欢的国家赢得对战。',
'Collect cards, build decks, and try out all sorts of potential combos!': '收集卡片,建立牌组,并尝试各种潜在的组合!',
'Not Pay to Win (But Pray to the Gacha Gods)': '不是为了赢而付钱(而是向加查神祈祷)',
'All cards are collectible without real money purchases! You just need to grind out coins (fairly easily might I add) by playing against other people!': '所有的卡都是可以获得的,不用花真钱购买!你只需和别人对战就可以获得硬币!(相当容易获得)',
'You disconnected from the Server. Please refresh your browser.': '您已断开与服务器的连接。请刷新浏览器。',
'Search effect code by starting your search terms with code': '通过使用以下代码来来搜索效果文本',
'Waiting for your opponent': '等待你的对手',
'EXIT GAME': '退出游戏',
'To Main': '主要阶段',
'Add GC': '防御',
'Confirm': '确认',
'To Battle': '战斗阶段',
'End Turn': '回合结束',
'Prison Break': '越狱',
'Enemy Left Rearguard Power': '对手左侧后防者力量值',
'Enemy Right Rearguard Power': '对手右侧后防者力量值',
'VS Vanguard Power': '你的先导者力量值',
'Activate Skill': '发动技能',
'Soulblast': '灵魂爆发',
'cb and sb': '计数爆发和灵魂爆发',
'Counterblast': '计数爆发',
'BATTLE': '战斗',
'Intercept!': '截击!',
'for Perfect Guard': '使用完全防御',
'Game Modes': '游戏模式',
'BACK': '返回',
'Back': '返回',
'Matching': '匹配中',
'You completed a match!': '你完成了一场对战!',
'Create New Card': '创建新卡',
'Please login first': '请先登录您内',
'Click on this box to dismiss': '单击此框可取消',
'Are you sure': '你确定吗',
'Did you mean': '你想使用',
'About Dulst': '关于Dulst',
'About': '关于',
'Contact': '联系方式',
'Terms': '用户协议',
'Privacy': '隐私策略',
'More...': '更多...',
'Social Media': '社交媒体',
'Twitter': '推特',
'Leaderboard': '排行榜',
'Player Rankings': '玩家排名',
'Play Cardfight!! Vanguard now!!': '立即游玩卡片战斗先导者!!',
'PLAY NOW FOR FREE': '立刻免费游玩(注册)',
'PLAY NOW': '立刻开始游戏',
'PLAY': '开始游戏',
'MATCHING...': '匹配中...',
'VIEW ALL CARDS': '查看所有卡片',
'Home': '首页',
'Cards List': '卡片列表',
'Community': '论坛',
'Market': '商店',
'GAME CHAT': '游戏聊天',
'Game Chat': '游戏聊天',
'Dulst Chat': 'Dulst聊天',
'SIGN UP': '注册',
'LOGIN': '登录',
'Login': '登录',
'Username or Email:': '用户名或邮箱:',
'Email:': '邮箱:',
'Username:': '用户名:',
'Verify Password:': '再打一遍密码:',
'Password:': '密码:',
'Register': '注册',
'Forgot Password?': '找回密码',
'Your Games': '你玩过的游戏',
'Options': '选项',
'Logout': '退出登录',
'Account Settings': '帐户设置',
'Dulst Profile': 'Dulst个人资料',
'actives': '在线人数',
'Profile': '简介',
'Game profile': '游戏记录',
'Card Packs': '卡包',
'BUY FOR 500': '花费500购买',
'BUY FOR 750': '花费750购买',
'BUY FOR 1250': '花费1250购买',
'BUY FOR 1500': '花费1500购买',
'BUY FOR 100000000': '花费100000000购买',
'You cannot afford this.': '您买不起的啦Q3Q/~',
'DBT01 - Genesis of the Five Greats': 'DBT01 - 五大世纪之黎明',
'The new Vanguard raises the curtains here!': '全新的先导者于此拉开了序幕!',
'DBT02 - A Brush with the Legends': 'DBT02 - 与传说的邂逅',
'The battle will be further \'intensified\'!': '战斗将进一步“激化”!',
'DBT03 - Advance of Intertwined Stars': 'DBT03 - 共进的双星',
'Walk together with new friends―': '与新伙伴们一同前行——',
'DSS01 - Festival Collection 2021': 'DSS01 - 节日典藏包 2021',
'Includes 10 new cards. Includes support for the Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary and Stoicheia nations.': '包含10张新卡。国家包括龙族帝国、暗邦、布兰特之门、王冠圣域和基元。',
'DSS02 - Festival Collection 2022': 'DSS02 - 节日典藏包 2022',
'Includes 35 cards (10 RRR, 25 RR). Introduces the second group of \'Counter Heal\', based on an anti-critical ability.': '包含35张卡(10RRR,25RR)。包括针对暴击增加效果的第二种治疗触发。',
'DLBT01 - Lyrical Melody': 'DLBT01 - 圣诗的旋律',
'Includes support for the Lyrical Monasterio nation. Introduces five new deck themes and includes further support for the Lyrical Trial Deck theme.': '收录圣律诗院国家。推出五个新的卡组主题,并包含进一步强化圣律预组卡组的卡。',
'DTB01 - Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- 2021': 'DTB01 - 刀剑乱舞 -ONLINE- 2021',
'A collaborative booster between Cardfight!! Vanguard and the online browser game Touken Ranbu.': '卡片战斗先导者与网页游戏刀剑乱舞之间的联动。',
'DTB05 - Record of Ragnarok': 'DTB05 - 终末的女#神',
'A collaborative booster between Cardfight!! Vanguard and the series Record of Ragnarok.': '卡片战斗先导者与终末的女#神系列之间的联动。',
'DBT04 - Awakening of Chakrabarthi': 'DBT04 - 觉醒的天轮',
'The true power is awakening now......!': '真正的力量正在觉醒......!',
'DLBT02 - It\'s a New School Term!': 'DLBT02 - 新学期开始了哦!',
'Introduces two new ride lines, and includes further support for the previous six deck themes.': '推出了两条新的ride路线,并且进一步强化此前的6个卡组主题。',
'DBT05 - Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes': 'DBT05 - 群雄凯旋',
'Introduces five ride lines based on Cray Cross Epic, along with support cards that are dual nations. Introduces a new Encounter ride line and support cards.': '推出了基于库雷群雄传的五条ride路线,以及支持双重国家的卡。引入新的邂逅ride路线和强化卡。',
'DBT06 - Blazing Dragon Reborn': 'DBT06 - 凤龙焰舞',
'A new \'power\' is crossed―': '新的“力量”交织在了一起——',
'DBT07 - Raging Flames Against Emerald Storm': 'DBT07 - 烈火翠岚',
'\'For the purpose of surpassing strong rivals―\' \'You must get it. The radiance that lies beyond victory―\'': '“为了超越强大的对手——”“你必须得到它。那超越胜利的光辉——”',
'Assorted Promo cards.': '各种推广卡。(查看卡池:请在登入后首页点下面的“查看所有卡片”,在右上角搜索框中输入卡包名,如DPR01)',
'overPriced': '超限定价',
'Contains overTriggers but priced to be in theme!': '包含超触发,但是价格要符合标题!',
'VIEW ARTICLE': '查看文章',
'News': '新闻',
'Strategy': '攻略',
'Card Requests': '卡片问题',
'Issue': '重要议题',
'Suggestion': '建议',
'Bug': '故障',
'Balance': '平衡',
'Etc': '其他',
'Forums': '论坛',
'Wiki & Docs & Help': '维基、文档和帮助',
'Wiki': '维基',
'All': '全部',
'Discuss this page': '讨论此页',
'cardideas': '卡牌创意',
'Card Ideas': '卡牌创意',
'Suggest Your Cards': '推荐你的卡牌游戏',
'Create New Game': '创造新游戏',
'Active Offers': '积极提议',
'Offers In Revision': '修订版本',
'Edit Mode': '编辑模式',
'EDIT': '编辑',
'View full thread': '查看完整过程',
'Delete': '删除',
'Body': '正文',
'Submit Post': '提交帖子',
'My decks': '我的卡片',
'My Decks': '我的卡片',
'SWITCH DECK ↺': '切换卡组 ↺',
'NEW DECK': '新建卡组',
'Cards in this Set': '点这里分解卡片',
'Level': '等级',
'Rank Points': '排位积分',
'Achievements': '成就',
'Cards': '卡片',
'Unit': '单位',
'OverTrigger Order': '超触发指令',
'Order': '指令',
'OverTrigger': '超触发',
'Trigger': '触发',
'version': '版本',
'Crafting With Sets': '制作与分解',
'Level 1': '等级1',
'Points': '点数',
'Set Reward': '分解报酬',
'Sets': '分解',
'Coin Converter (C)': '硬币转换器(C)',
'Coin Converter (R)': '硬币转换器(R)',
'Coin Converter (RR)': '硬币转换器(RR)',
'Coin Converter (RRR)': '硬币转换器(RRR)',
'Converter (Any)': '转换器(任何)【←请勿使用!!!】',
'Insert a': '放入一张',
'Time left: less than 1 minute': '剩余时间:不到1分钟',
'coins': '硬币',
'Coins': '硬币',
'Collectible': '收藏',
'Game Rule': '游戏规则',
'Sort by ': '排序依据:',
'Updated Date': '发布日期',
'Name': '卡名',
'Rarity': '稀有度',
'Have Card': '添加卡片',
'power': '力量',
'shield': '护盾',
'grade': '等级',
'critical': '暴击',
'nation': '国家',
'counterblasted': '计数爆发',
'personaride': '人格ride',
'triggertype': '触发种类',
'Be careful! This can eat TRIAL DECK cards!': '小心!这个能吃【初始卡组】的牌!',
'Insert your least rare excess card.': '插入你最不罕见的多余卡片。',
'Gallery': '画廊',
'OverDulst': '超限舞装',
'overDulst': '超限舞装',
'Normal': '普通',
'Ranked': '排位',
'Ranked [no OverTriggers]': '排位[无超触发]',
'Custom Lobby A': '自定义房间 A',
'Custom Lobby B': '自定义房间 B',
'Custom Lobby C': '自定义房间 C',
'The Collection': '全部收藏',
'Collection': '收藏',
'Dark States': '暗邦',
'Brandt Gate': '布兰特之门',
'Touken Ranbu': '刀剑乱舞',
'Stoicheia': '基元',
'Dragon Empire': '龙族帝国',
'Keter Sanctuary': '王冠圣域',
'Lyrical Monasterio': '圣律诗院',
'Record Of Ragnarok': '终末的女#神',
'Rule': '规则',
'OKAY': '确认',
'Voucher': '代币',
'You can\'t put more than 50 cards into a deck.': '卡组中不能加入超过50张牌',
'(Click on this box to dismiss)': '(单击此框可关闭)',
'Miscellaneous': '杂项',
'View full thread.': '查看全部回复',
'You have too few cards in your current deck. You need to have at least 50 cards in a deck.': '你现在的卡组里的牌太少了。一副卡组中至少要有50张牌。',
'You may only put up to 16 trigger cards into a deck.': '你在一副牌中最多只能投入16张触发。',
'Only 1 of this card may be put into a deck.': '这张牌在一副牌中只能投入1张。',
'Only 2 of this card may be put into a deck.': '这张牌在一副牌中只能投入2张。',
'Only 3 of this card may be put into a deck.': '这张牌在一副牌中只能投入3张。',
'Only 4 of this card may be put into a deck.': '这张牌在一副牌中只能投入4张。',
'Invalid characters in username': '用户名中的字符无效',
'Choose the cards to replace.': '选择要更换的卡片。',
'Mulligan (You\'re going first!)': '换手(你先攻!)',
'Mulligan (You\'re going second!)': '换手(你后攻!)',
'Use the Ride Deck? (Needs a Discard!)': '是否使用Ride卡组?(需要舍弃1张手牌!)',
'Send to Hand up to 1': '选择1张加入手牌',
'Congratulations! You win!': '恭喜!你赢了!',
'wins! ': '获胜!',
'You beat ': '你击败了',
'Send to your Ride Deck! (Grade 1)': '选择你的Ride卡组!(等级1)',
'Send to your Ride Deck! (Grade 2)': '选择你的Ride卡组!(等级2)',
'Send to your Ride Deck! (Grade 3)': '选择你的Ride卡组!(等级3)',
'Activate Skill? vc': '发动技能?先导者',
'Activate Skill? hand': '发动技能?手牌',
'Activate Skill? playZone': '发动技能?指令区',
'Activate Skill? dropZone': '发动技能?弃牌区',
'Activate Skill? soul': '发动技能?灵魂',
'Activate Skill? guardCircle': '发动技能?防卫者圆阵',
'Activate Skill? rcBackLeft': '发动技能?后列左侧',
'Activate Skill? rcFrontLeft': '发动技能?前列左侧',
'Activate Skill? rcBackRight': '发动技能?后列右侧',
'Activate Skill? rcFrontRight': '发动技能?前列右侧',
'Activate Skill? rcBackCenter': '发动技能?后列##',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) vc': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)先导者',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) hand': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)手牌',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) playZone': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)指令区',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) dropZone': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)弃牌区',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) soul': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)灵魂',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) guardCircle': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)防卫者圆阵',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) rcBackLeft': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)后列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) rcFrontLeft': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)前列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) rcBackRight': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)后列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) rcFrontRight': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)前列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (SoulBlast) rcBackCenter': '发动技能?(灵魂爆发)后列##',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) vc': '发动技能?(计数爆发)先导者',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) hand': '发动技能?(计数爆发)手牌',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) playZone': '发动技能?(计数爆发)指令区',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) dropZone': '发动技能?(计数爆发)弃牌区',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) soul': '发动技能?(计数爆发)灵魂',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) guardCircle': '发动技能?(计数爆发)防卫者圆阵',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) rcBackLeft': '发动技能?(计数爆发)后列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) rcFrontLeft': '发动技能?(计数爆发)前列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) rcBackRight': '发动技能?(计数爆发)后列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) rcFrontRight': '发动技能?(计数爆发)前列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (CounterBlast) rcBackCenter': '发动技能?(计数爆发)后列##',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) vc': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)先导者',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) hand': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)手牌',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) playZone': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)指令区',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) dropZone': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)弃牌区',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) soul': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)灵魂',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) guardCircle': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)防卫者圆阵',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) rcBackLeft': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)后列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) rcFrontLeft': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)前列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) rcBackRight': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)后列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) rcFrontRight': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)前列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and SB) rcBackCenter': '发动技能?(计数爆发和灵魂爆发)后列##',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) vc': '发动技能?(弃牌)先导者',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) hand': '发动技能?(弃牌)手牌',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) playZone': '发动技能?(弃牌)指令区',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) dropZone': '发动技能?(弃牌)弃牌区',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) soul': '发动技能?(弃牌)灵魂',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) guardCircle': '发动技能?(弃牌)防卫者圆阵',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) rcBackLeft': '发动技能?(弃牌)后列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) rcFrontLeft': '发动技能?(弃牌)前列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) rcBackRight': '发动技能?(弃牌)后列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) rcFrontRight': '发动技能?(弃牌)前列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (Discard) rcBackCenter': '发动技能?(弃牌)后列##',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) vc': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)先导者',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) hand': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)手牌',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) playZone': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)指令区',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) dropZone': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)计数爆发和弃牌区',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) soul': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)灵魂',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) guardCircle': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)防卫者圆阵',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) rcBackLeft': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)后列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) rcFrontLeft': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)前列左侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) rcBackRight': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)后列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) rcFrontRight': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)前列右侧',
'Activate Skill? (CB and Discard) rcBackCenter': '发动技能?(计数爆发和弃牌)后列##',
'Soulblast 1': '灵魂爆发1',
'Soulblast 2': '灵魂爆发2',
'Soulblast 3': '灵魂爆发3',
'Soulblast 4': '灵魂爆发4',
'Soulblast 5': '灵魂爆发5',
'Soulblast 6': '灵魂爆发6',
'Counterblast 1': '计数爆发1',
'Counterblast 2': '计数爆发2',
'Counterblast 3': '计数爆发3',
'Tournament': '比赛',
'incorrecte mail or password': '邮箱地址或密码不正确',
'Counterblast 4': '计数爆发4',
'Getto!!': '获得!!',
'Hot Streak!': '狂热连胜!',
'Win 10 games in a row!': '连续赢得10场对战!',
'Card Fighter!!': '卡片战斗!!',
'Win every 3rd Game!': '累计赢得3场对战!',
'Auto/Manual': '自动/手动',
'Choose your Starter!': '选择你的初始先导者!',
'Discard 1 for Perfect Guard!': '为完全防御丢弃1张手牌!',
'Use Effect': '使用能力',
'Click Card to confirm!': '点击卡片确认!',
'Activate Soul Charge [AUTO]?': '发动灵魂填充【自】?',
'Activate Counter Blast [AUTO]?': '发动计数爆发【自】?',
'Activate Draw [AUTO]?': '发动抽卡【自】?',
'Activate Soul Charge [ACT]?': '发动灵魂填充【起】?',
'Activate Counter Blast [ACT]?': '发动计数爆发【起】?',
'Activate Soul Charge?': '发动抽卡【起】?',
'Select up to 1': '选择至多1张',
'Select up to 2': '选择至多2张',
'Select up to 3': '选择至多3张',
'Oops!': '诶呀呀!',
'Lose every 3rd Game!': '累计输掉3场对战!',
'Keep going!': '不要停下来啊!',
'Play 10 Games!': '累计进行10场对战!',
'overTriggers are a fair mechanic': '超触发是一个公平的机制',
'Win during the turn you pull an overTrigger drive!': '在判出超触发的回合获胜!',
'I am going to quit Medical School': '我将离开医学院',
'Lose 3 games in a row!': '连续输掉3场对战!',
'overSkilled': '技术过硬',
'Lose when your opponent pulls an overTrigger drive': '在对手判出超触发的回合输掉',
'You do not have this card.': '你没有这种卡。(超过16张可分解)',
'Set is locked. First unlock the set.': '分解是锁定的。请先解锁分解。',
'RETIRE FROM GAME': '【勿点】将删除全部卡牌和硬币!',
'First Game!!': '第一场比赛!!',
'Welcome to overDulst!': '欢迎来到网页OD!',
'Game': '游戏',
'Click card to pay with [Soul Blast]': '点击卡片支付【灵魂爆发】',
'Click card to pay with [Counter Blast]': '点击卡片支付【计数爆发】',
'Click to put in Soul': '点击来放入灵魂',
'Heal target card in Damage Zone': '在伤害区治疗目标卡',
'Top Deck 1': '将1张卡至于卡组顶端',
'Imprison': '收容',
'Select from these cards.': '从这些卡片中选择。',
'Click to put at the Bottom of Deck': '点卡片放在牌组底部(点OK放在牌组顶)',
'You need more trigger cards in your deck.': '你的牌组里需要更多的触发卡。',
'Click Card to put at the Bottom of Deck': '点卡片放在牌组底部',
'Retire unit or cancel': '点卡片退场单位,点OK取消',
'Bind 1': '封锁1张',
'Are you sure? You get 0 coins! (Press card to Confirm)': '你确定吗?强退仅你无法获得硬币(点卡片确认)',
'Call up to 1': '将1张卡CALL',
'Superior Call 1': '将1张卡上级CALL',
'Superior Call up to 1': '将1张卡上级CALL',
'Send to Soul 1 (from Top 1 of Deck)': '将1张卡充魂(来自卡组顶的1张卡)',
'Send to Soul 1 (from Top 2 of Deck)': '将1张卡充魂(来自卡组顶的2张卡)',
'Send to Soul 1 (from Top 3 of Deck)': '将1张卡充魂(来自卡组顶的3张卡)',
'Send to Soul 1 (from Drop)': '将1张卡充魂(来自弃牌区)',
'Send to Hand 1 (from Top 1 of Deck)': '将1张卡加入手牌(来自卡组顶的1张卡)',
'Send to Hand 1 (from Top 2 of Deck)': '将1张卡加入手牌(来自卡组顶的2张卡)',
'Send to Hand 1 (from Top 3 of Deck)': '将1张卡加入手牌(来自卡组顶的3张卡)',
'Send to Hand 1 (from Drop)': '将1张卡加入手牌(来自弃牌区)',
'Send to Hand 1 Arms': '将1张装备卡加入手牌',
'Send to Hand up to 1 Overlord': '将1张「帝王」卡加入手牌',
'Send to Hand 1': '将1张卡加入手牌',
'Put any amount of Meteorite to your Drop': '将任意数量的陨石卡放入你的弃牌区',
'Send to Hand 1 Youthberk OR Call 1 Grade 2 or less': '将1张「朱斯贝克」卡加入手牌,或将1张等级2以下的单位CALL到R上',
'Send to Hand 1 Youthberk': '将1张「朱斯贝克」卡加入手牌',
'Incorrect email or password': '邮箱地址或密码不正确唷~Q3Q',
'Ride 1 (from Soul)': '将1张卡RIDE(来自灵魂)',
'You have MORE than 16 Triggers!': '你投入的触发超过了16张!',
'You are mixing Nations!!': '你投入了其他国家的卡片!!',
'Countercharge 1': '计数回充1',
'overDress?': '进行超限舞装?',
'x-overDress?': '进行交织超限舞装?',
'Arm 1 (from Hand or Drop)': '装备1张卡(从手牌或弃牌区)',
'Click card to keep on Top Deck': '点击卡片将它放置到牌堆顶',
'Send up to 1 to your Order (Hand/Drop)': '选择1张卡放置到指令区(手牌/弃牌区)',
'Cost: Drop 1 "Nirvana" (Either from Soul or Hand)': '费用:丢弃1张「涅槃」(从手牌中或灵魂里丢弃)',
'Send to Hand up to 1 G2 Blaster': '选择1张等级2含有「狂风」的卡加入手牌',
'Select 1 Card (from Top Deck)': '选择1张卡(从牌堆顶)',
'Cost: SC 1': '费用:灵魂填充1',
'Click Card to Send to Bottom Deck': '点击卡片来放置到卡组底',
'Click card to Superior Call, Button to Draw/Discard': '点击卡片来上级CALL,或点击OK来加入手牌并丢弃1张卡',
'Click card to Call': '点击卡片来CALL',
'Truehearted Ruby': '「不移之绯红」',
'Everlasting Sapphire': '「无尽之苍蓝」',
':\u00A0Gearoid': ': 齿轮改造体',
':\u00A0Gear Colossus': ': 齿轮巨兵',
':\u00A0Gear Dragon': ': 齿轮龙',
':\u00A0Touken Danshi - Uchigatana': ': 刀剑男士-打刀',
':\u00A0Touken Danshi - Ootachi': ': 刀剑男士-大太刀',
':\u00A0Touken Danshi - Tantou': ': 刀剑男士-短刀',
':\u00A0Touken Danshi - Wakizashi': ': 刀剑男士-胁差',
':\u00A0Cyberoid': ': 电子改造体',
':\u00A0Cyber Dragon': ': 电子龙',
':\u00A0Cyber Golem': ': 电子魔像',
':\u00A0Cyber Beast': ': 电子兽',
':\u00A0Cyber Fairy': ': 电子妖精',
':\u00A0Demon': ': 恶魔',
':\u00A0High Beast': ': 高等兽',
':\u00A0Skeleton': ': 骨骸',
':\u00A0Chimera': ': 合成兽',
':\u00A0Talisman': ': 护身符',
':\u00A0Zombie': ': 僵尸',
':\u00A0Elf': ': 精灵',
':\u00A0Space Dragon': ': 空间龙',
':\u00A0Dinodragon': ': 恐暴龙',
':\u00A0Insect': ': 昆虫',
':\u00A0Thunder Dragon': ': 雷龙',
':\u00A0Tear Dragon': ': 泪龙',
':\u00A0Plasma Dragon': ': 流电龙',
':\u00A0Succubus': ': 女魅魔',
':\u00A0Human': ': 人类',
':\u00A0Abyss Dragon': ': 深渊龙',
':\u00A0Angel': ': 天使',
':\u00A0Alien': ': 外星人',
':\u00A0Flame Dragon': ': 炎龙',
':\u00A0Wild Dragon': ': 野性龙',
':\u00A0Shadow Army': ': 夜影兵',
':\u00A0Ghost': ': 幽灵',
':\u00A0Cosmo Dragon': ': 宇宙龙',
':\u00A0Elemental': ': 元素精灵',
':\u00A0Battleroid': ': 战斗机器人',
':\u00A0Bioroid': ': 植培种',
':\u00A0Nature Dragon': ': 自然龙',
':\u00A0Workeroid': ': 作业机器人',
':\u00A0Blitz': ': 闪现',
':\u00A0Set': ': 设置',
':\u00A0Prison': ': 监狱',
':\u00A0Normal': ': 普通',
':\u00A0Set / World': ': 设置 / 世界',
':\u00A0Set / Prison': ': 设置 / 监狱',
':\u00A0Plant': ': 植物',
':\u00A0Dragonman': ': 龙人',
':\u00A0Warbeast': ': 兽人',
':\u00A0Aquaroid': ': 水生种',
':\u00A0Vampire': ': 吸血鬼',
':\u00A0Dragoroid': ': 龙化种',
':\u00A0Mermaid': ': 人鱼',
':\u00A0God': ': 神',
':\u00A0Man': ': 人类',
':\u00A0Valkyrie': ': 女#神',
':\u00A0Set / Meteorite': ': 设置 / 陨石',
':\u00A0Set / Song': ': 设置 / 歌曲',
':\u00A0Set / Base': ': 设置 / 基地',
':\u00A0Normal / Poseidon': ': 普通 / 波塞冬',
':\u00A0Normal / Zeus': ': 普通 / 宙斯',
':\u00A0Normal / Thor': ': 普通 / 托尔',
':\u00A0Normal / Gem': ': 普通 / 宝石',
':\u00A0Normal / Arms': ': 普通 / 装备',
':\u00A0Blitz / Fox Art': ': 闪现 / 狐术',
':\u00A0Set / Research': ': 设置 / 研究',
':\u00A0Touken Danshi - Tachi': ': 刀剑男士-太刀',
':\u00A0Touken Danshi - Yari': ': 刀剑男士-枪',
':\u00A0Touken Danshi - Naginata': ': 刀剑男士-薙刀',
':\u00A0Set / Product': ': 设置 / 产品',
':\u00A0Forest Dragon': ': 森林龙',
':\u00A0Prayer Dragon': ': 祈装龙',
'Search effect code by starting your search terms with code:': '王冠圣域(Keter)\n龙族帝国(Empire)\n布兰特之门(Brandt)\n暗邦(States)\n基元(Stoicheia)\n圣律诗院(Lyrical)\n刀剑乱舞(Touken)\n终末的女#神(Ragnarok)'
const xuanzeqi1 = 'a[data-cardid]>.name,'+
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'.desc div'
const xuanzeqi3 = '[data-name="nation"]>.data,'+
'li.type span,'+
'#dulstMenu a,'+
'.coins .unit,'+
//右上角游戏币单位.coins .unit
'.gallery h2,'+
//注册弹窗-邮箱 用户名 密码 重复密码
//标题-Game Modes
'#card-list-container h2.popoverTrigger,'+
//标题-Cards List
'#card-list-container div.type,'+
//鼠标悬停Cards List展开的卡片数量统计
'#card-list-container h5>span.name,'+
'#card-list-container .sortBy.popoverTarget>li>a,'+
//标题-My Decks
'#deckView .button,'+
'#content .section>h2,'+
//标题-Crafting With Sets
//文本-Cards in this Set
//文本-Be careful! This can eat TRIAL DECK cards!
//文本-Time left: less than 1 minute
//标题-Set Reward
'#content .cards div.title,'+
'#content .cards div.desc,'+
'#content .buyBooster>.buttons>div.priceCoins,'+
'#left li>a,'+
'#topicsList li>a.replies,'+
'#topicsList div.fieldNodeLinks>a,'+
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p.innerText = fanyi3[p.innerText];
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login.value = '登录';
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Typesomething.placeholder = '输入些东西';
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Community1.placeholder = '你在想什么?';
getwenben.each('[placeholder="Post reply"]', document, Community2 => {
Community2.placeholder = '发表回复';
function listeneTextChange(target, callback) {
const mutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
const observer = new mutationObserver(mutations => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
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if (node.nodeType === 3) callback();
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childList: true,
characterData: true,
subtree: true
const translation = new Map();
translation.set('Select 1 card', '选择至多1张卡');
translation.set('Select 2 cards', '选择至多2张卡');
translation.set('Select 3 cards', '选择至多3张卡');
translation.set('Select 4 cards', '选择至多4张卡');
translation.set('Select 5 cards', '选择至多5张卡');
translation.set('Select 50 cards', '选择至多50张卡');
translation.set('Discard 1 for Perfect Guard!', '丢弃1张手牌来完全防御!');
translation.set('Cost: Discard 1', '费用丢弃1张');
translation.set('Cost: Discard 2', '费用丢弃2张');
translation.set('Discard 1', '丢弃1张');
translation.set('Give 100 Million to an Ally', '给单位加1亿力量值');
translation.set('Choose the cards to replace.', '选择要更换的卡片。');
translation.set('Retire 1 G2 or Higher RG', '退场1张等级2或以上的后防者');
translation.set('Retire 1 G2 or less', '退场1张等级2或以下的');
translation.set('Retire 1 RG', '退场1张后防者');
translation.set('Retire 1', '退场1张');
translation.set('Attack!', '攻击!');
translation.set('Need to Guard with at least 2 cards!', '需要用至少2张卡来防御!');
translation.set('Click Card to confirm!', '点击卡片确认!');
translation.set('Click [Sealed Blaze Shield Swayanbuh] to Activate', '点击【封焰之盾 斯瓦扬布】来发动效果');
translation.set('Imprison 1 Card from Hand', '从手牌中收容1张');
translation.set('Imprison 2 Card from Hand', '从手牌中收容2张');
translation.set('Imprison 1 from Hand', '从手牌中收容1张');
translation.set('Imprison 2 from Hand', '从手牌中收容2张');
translation.set('Imprison 1 from Soul', '从灵魂中收容1张');
translation.set('Imprison 2 from Soul', '从灵魂中收容2张');
translation.set('Imprison 1 RG', '从后防者圆阵收容1张');
translation.set('Imprison 2 RG', '从后防者圆阵收容2张');
translation.set('Imprison up to 2', '收容2张');
translation.set('Imprison 1', '收容1张');
translation.set('Imprison 2', '收容2张');
translation.set('Cost: Rest 1 Unit', '费用:横置1个单位');
translation.set('Rest 1', '横置1张');
translation.set('Give +10000 to an Ally Unit!', '给予1个友方单位力量+10000!');
translation.set('+10000 to a Unit', '给予1个单位力量+10000');
translation.set('Give 100 Million to an Ally!!', '给予1个友方单位力量+1亿!!');
translation.set('Give +1 Critical to an Ally Unit!', '给予1个友方单位暴击+1!');
translation.set('Click button to pay with [Counter Blast]', '点击卡图来支付【计数爆发】');
translation.set('Click button to pay with [Soul Blast]', '点击卡图来支付【灵魂爆发】');
translation.set('Click Button to keep at Top Deck', '点击OK按钮放在牌组顶');
translation.set('+5000 to 1 Man or Valkyrie', '给予1个人类或女#神力量+5000');
translation.set('+5000 to 2 Man or Valkyrie', '给予2个人类或女#神力量+5000');
translation.set('[WARNING] Repeated Surrenders can potentially Hit-list you!!', '【警告】反复投降会将你列入黑名单!!');
translation.set('+5000 Power!', '+5000力量!');
translation.set('+5000 to up to 1', '给1个单位+5000力量');
translation.set('Send to Order Zone 1 Meteorite', '将1张陨石卡放置于指令区');
translation.set('SoulCharge 1 RG', '将你的1张后防者放置到灵魂里');
translation.set('Select up to 1 RevolForm in Hand to [Ride]', '选择手牌中的1张「反抗黎骑」进行RIDE');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 0 or 0)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级0)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 0 or 1)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级0或1)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 1 or 0)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级0或1)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 2 or 0)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级0或2)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 0 or 2)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级0或2)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 3 or 0)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级0或3)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 0 or 3)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级0或3)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 1 or 1)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级1)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 1 or 2)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级1或2)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 2 or 1)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级1或2)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 1 or 3)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级1或3)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 3 or 1)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级1或3)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 2 or 2)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级2)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 2 or 3)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级2或3)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 3 or 2)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级2或3)');
translation.set('Bottom Deck 1 RG (Grade 3 or 3)', '将对手的1张后防者放置到牌堆底(等级3)');
translation.set('Select 1 RG', '选择1张后防者');
translation.set('Select 2 RG', '选择2张后防者');
translation.set('Select 3 RG', '选择3张后防者');
translation.set('Select 4 RG', '选择4张后防者');
translation.set('Select 5 RG', '选择5张后防者');
translation.set('Target 1 Unit', '选择1个单位');
translation.set('Target 2 Unit', '选择2个单位');
translation.set('Target 3 Unit', '选择3个单位');
translation.set('Target 4 Unit', '选择4个单位');
translation.set('Target 5 Unit', '选择5个单位');
translation.set('Click button to discard', '点击OK按钮丢弃');
translation.set('Click [ Graceful Heavenly Flash Hermona ] at rcBackCenter to Activate', '点击##后列的R上的【秀丽之天闪 赫尔摩娜】来发动');
translation.set('Check the \'location\' tag to determine where the card is.', '检查“位置”标签以确认卡片的位置。');
translation.set('Cost: Reveal 1 Critical/Front', '费用:展示1张暴击/前列触发');
translation.set('Cost: Soul Charge a Blaster Dark (can cancel)', '费用:充魂1张暗黑狂风(点其他卡取消)');
translation.set('Click Button to Keep on Top Deck', '点击OK来放置到卡组顶');
const getwenben = new ElementGetter();
getwenben.each('#selectCardsReminder', document, div => {
listeneTextChange(div, () => {
let text = div.innerText;
if (text) {
for (const [k, v] of translation) {
text = text.replace(k, v);
if (div.innerText !== text) div.innerText = text;