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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bilibili评论成分识别&屏蔽
// @namespace    analyzer.bilibili
// @version      2.15
// @description  标注成分&自动屏蔽
// @author       星之所向i
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/video/*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/festival/*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/read/*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/blackboard/*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/list/watchlater*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/list/ml*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/v/topic/*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/*
// @match        *://www.bilibili.com/opus/*
// @match        *://t.bilibili.com/*
// @match        *://space.bilibili.com/*/dynamic*
// @match        *://live.bilibili.com/*
// @match        *//live.bilibili.com/blanc/*?liteVersion=*
// @exclude      *://www.bilibili.com/video/online.html*
// @exclude      *://www.bilibili.com/
// @exclude      *://live.bilibili.com/p/*
// @exclude      *//t.bilibili.com/h5/dynamic/*
// @icon         https://static.hdslb.com/images/favicon.ico
// @connect      bilibili.com
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_notification
// @noframes
// @run-at document-end
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
const script = async () => {
'use strict';
/** MODE 模式
* @type { '自动' | '静默' }
MODE = '自动',
/** 检测功能启用状态
* @type { boolean }
DET = true,
/** 屏蔽功能启用状态
* @type { boolean }
DEL = false,
/** 屏蔽样式
* @type { '完全删除' | '消息屏蔽' }
DEL_STYLE = '消息屏蔽',
/** 自动模式下每秒最大检测次数, 不含已检测过成分的用户
* @type { number }
/** 标签收#阈值(字节), 超过自动收#
* @type { number }
/** 渲染最短间隔时间(毫秒)
* @type { number }
/** 检测依据 粉丝牌/关注列表/投稿列表/动态空间/评论文本
* @type { { [ key: string ]: boolean} }
DET_BASE_MedalWall: true,
/**  粉丝牌/关注列表/投稿列表/动态空间API 过载状态
* @type { { [ key: string ]: { Timer: number | null, state: boolean, timestamp: number } } }
DET_BASE_MedalWall: { Timer: null, state: false, timestamp: 0 },
DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS: { Timer: null, state: false, timestamp: 0 },
DET_BASE_VIDEOS: { Timer: null, state: false, timestamp: 0 },
DET_BASE_DYNAMIC: { Timer: null, state: false, timestamp: 0 },
/** <===================================================================================设置面板==========================================================================================> */
let navPanelVis = false, ctab = true, ckey = undefined, ciframe = undefined, animationState = false, init = false, newRuleKeysSet = new Set(), deleteRuleKeysSet = new Set(), newAntiRuleSets = new Set(), deleteAntiRuleSets = new Set(), settingTemp = {}, timerTab1 = null, timerTab2 = null, timerFoot = null, timerFoot2 = null, timerAnimaltion = null
/** 重新封装history行为
* @param { string } type histroy行为类型
* @returns { (...args: any[]) => any }
const bindHistoryEvent = (type) => {
const historyEvent = history[type]
return function () {
const newEvent = historyEvent.apply(this, arguments)
const e = new Event(type)
e.arguments = arguments
return newEvent
/** 等待
* @param { number } wait 等待时长
* @returns { Promise<void> }
const delay = (wait) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, wait))
/** 基于消息队列的事件节流器 */
class Throttler {
/** 构造器参数
* @param { number } limit 单位时间内事件执行的最大次数
* @param { number } interval 单位时间长度
* @param { ( object ) => boolean } callback 回调函数
constructor(limit, interval, callback) {
this._limit = limit
this._count = 0
this._interval = interval
this._ispending = true
this._ftimestamp = Date.now() + interval
this._timer = null
this._callback = callback
this._queue = []
this._queue.__proto__ = Object.create(Array.prototype)
this._queue.__proto__.push = (...args) => { Array.prototype.push.call(this._queue, ...args); if (this._ispending && this._count < this._limit) this.deal() }
this._queue.__proto__.unshift = (...args) => { Array.prototype.unshift.call(this._queue, ...args); if (this._ispending && this._count < this._limit) this.deal() }
/** 加入队列
* @param { object } data 处理回调事件所需的数据对象
* @param { boolean } isJump 插队到消息队列最前端
* @returns { void }
enqueue = (data, isJump) => isJump ? this._queue.unshift(data) : this._queue.push(data)
/** 从队列最前面移除并返回元素
* @returns { object }
dequeue = () => this._queue.shift()
/** 重置计数与时间戳
* @returns { void }
reset = () => {
this._count = 0
this._ftimestamp = Date.now() + this._interval
/** 重置限制次数
* @returns { void }
resetlimit = (newLimit) => {
this._limit = newLimit
/** 重置队列
* @returns { void }
resetqueue = () => this._queue.length = 0
/** 处理事件
* @returns { boolean }
deal = () => {
if (Date.now() >= this._ftimestamp) this.reset()
if (this._queue.length > 0 && this._count < this._limit) {
let item = this.dequeue()
if (item) {
if (this._callback(item)) this._count++
return true
} else {
return false
} else {
return false
/** 定时处理消息队列中额定的事件
* @returns { void }
start = () => {
setTimeout(async () => {
while (true) {
this._ispending = false
while (this.deal()) { }
this._ispending = true
await delay(this._ftimestamp - Date.now())
}, 0)
/** 节流
* @param { function } func 函数体
* @param { number } wait 时间间隔
* @param { { leading?: boolean, trailing?: boolean } } options 参数配置
* @returns { [ (...args: any[]) => void, () => void ] }
const _throttle = (func, wait, options = {}) => {
if (typeof (func) !== 'function' || typeof (wait) !== 'number' || typeof (options) !== 'object') return () => { }
let context, args, timer, option = { leading: false, trailing: true, ...options }
return [function () {
context = this
args = arguments
if (option.leading && !timer) {
func.apply(context, args)
if (!option.trailing) {
timer = setTimeout(() => timer = null, wait)
if (!timer && option.trailing) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(context, args)
timer = null
}, wait)
}, () => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null }]
/** 防抖
* @param { function } func 函数体
* @param { number } wait 时间间隔
* @param { { leading?: boolean, maxWait?: number, trailing?: boolean } } options 参数配置
* @returns { [ (...args: any[]) => void, () => void ] }
const _debounce = (func, wait, options = {}) => {
if (typeof (func) !== 'function' || typeof (wait) !== 'number' || typeof (options) !== 'object') return () => { }
let context, args, timer, maxTimr, option = { leading: false, maxWait: undefined, trailing: true, ...options }
return [function () {
context = this
args = arguments
if (option.leading && !timer) {
func.apply(context, args)
if (timer) {
timer = null
if (option.maxWait !== undefined && !maxTimr) {
maxTimr = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(context, args)
timer = null
maxTimr = null
}, option.maxWait)
if (!timer && option.trailing) {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(context, args)
timer = null
}, wait)
}, () => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null }]
/** 系统提示
* @param { string } text 提示文本
* @param { string } title 提示标题
* @param { () => void } callback 提示点击回调
* @returns { void }
const showNotification = (text, title, timeout = 0, callback = () => { }) => {
onclick: () => {
/** 监听对象并在被监听键值改变时执行回调函数
* @param { object } obj 监听对象
* @param { string } key 监听键名
* @param { ( newvalue: string | number ) => void } callback 监听键值变化时调用的回调函数
* @returns { void }
const watch = (obj, key, callback) => {
if (typeof (obj) !== 'object' || typeof (key) !== 'string' || typeof (callback) !== 'function') return
let value = obj[key]
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: () => value,
set: (newValue) => {
value = newValue
/** API过载后禁用15分钟
* @param { string } api 需要禁用的API名
* @param { Element | null } ele 需要修改的元素
* @param { number } time 禁用时间, 默认15分钟
* @param { number } timestamp 禁用截止时间戳
* @returns { void }
const banAPI = (api, ele = null, time = 15 * 60 * 1000, timestamp = Date.now(), isAlert = true) => {
if (isAlert && DET_BASE[api]) showNotification(`检测到API『${api}』频繁调用被B站暂时拉黑, 已自动禁用${(time / 60000).toFixed(2)}分钟`, 'API禁用提醒')
API_OVERLOAD[api].state = true
if (API_OVERLOAD[api].Timer === null) {
API_OVERLOAD[api].timestamp = timestamp
API_OVERLOAD[api].Timer = setTimeout(() => recoverAPI(api, ele, ele?.className), time)
if (DET_BASE[api]) {
DET_BASE[api] = false
if (ele) ele.className = 'statusBAN'
GM_setValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector_apioverload', JSON.stringify(API_OVERLOAD))
/** 恢复API
* @param { string } api 需要恢复的API名
* @param { Element | null } ele 需要修改的元素
* @param { string } preClass 需要修改的元素样式
* @returns { void }
const recoverAPI = (api, ele = null, preClass = undefined) => {
DET_BASE[api] = true
API_OVERLOAD[api].state = false
API_OVERLOAD[api].timestamp = Date.now()
API_OVERLOAD[api].Timer = null
if (ele !== null && preClass !== undefined) ele.className = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(preClass))
/** 深拷贝配置参数
* @param { object } source 配置参数对象
* @returns { object }
const deepCloneRules = (source) => {
let clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source))
Object.keys(clone.detect).forEach((key) => {
clone.detect[key]['keywords'] = clone.detect[key].hasOwnProperty('keywords') ? new Set([...source.detect[key].keywords]) : new Set()
clone.detect[key]['antikeywords'] = clone.detect[key].hasOwnProperty('antikeywords') ? new Set([...source.detect[key].antikeywords]) : new Set()
return clone
/** 从本地存储读取配置信息
* @returns { object }
const initRules = () => {
/** 初始配置 */
const initConf = {
'原神': '基于成分',
'明日方舟': '基于成分',
'王者荣耀': '基于成分',
'用户昵称': '基于昵称',
/** ... */
detect: {
'原神': { 'color': '#000000', 'keywords': new Set(['原神', '莴苣某人', '你的影月月']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['原P', '原批']) }, /** 最好不要填写容易匹配英文单词的关键词 */
'明日方舟': { 'color': '#73ff00', 'keywords': new Set(['明日方舟', 'Wan顽子']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['粥÷', '粥畜']) },
'王者荣耀': { 'color': '#ff00f7', 'keywords': new Set(['王者荣耀', 'AG超玩会王者荣耀梦泪']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['农P', '农批']) },
'战双帕弥什': { 'color': '#f50000', 'keywords': new Set(['战双帕弥什']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['双畜']) },
'崩坏3': { 'color': '#8000ff', 'keywords': new Set(['崩坏3第一偶像#酱']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['幻官']) },
'Asoul': { 'color': '#000000', 'keywords': new Set(['A-SOUL_Official', '嘉然今天吃什么', '向晚大魔王', '贝拉kira', '乃琳Queen', '顶碗人', '音乐珈', '奶淇淋', '贝极星']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['A畜']) },
'幻塔': { 'color': '#66dbd9', 'keywords': new Set(['幻塔']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['幻官']) },
'棺人痴': { 'color': '#fed06c', 'keywords': new Set(['東雪蓮Official', '東雪蓮', '东雪莲', '棺人痴']), 'antikeywords': new Set(['眠大佐']) },
/** ... */
try {
let conf = GM_getValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector'), state = GM_getValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector_state'), overload = GM_getValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector_apioverload')
/** 从本地存储恢复配置列表 */
if (typeof (conf) === 'string' && conf) {
conf = JSON.parse(conf)
if (Object.keys(conf).length > 0) {
if (Array.isArray(conf.blackList)) {
let obj = {}
conf.blackList.forEach((key) => obj[key] = '基于昵称')
conf.blackList = obj
Object.keys(conf?.detect).forEach((key) => {
conf.detect[key]['keywords'] = conf.detect[key].hasOwnProperty('keywords') ? new Set([...conf.detect[key].keywords.length > 0 ? conf.detect[key].keywords : []]) : new Set()
conf.detect[key]['antikeywords'] = conf.detect[key].hasOwnProperty('antikeywords') ? new Set([...conf.detect[key].antikeywords.length > 0 ? conf.detect[key].antikeywords : []]) : new Set()
/** 初始配置 */
if (!conf || Object.keys(conf).length === 0) conf = initConf
/** 从本地存储恢复状态 */
if (typeof (state) === 'string' && state) {
state = JSON.parse(state)
MODE = state?.MODE ?? (state?.MODE === '自动' || state?.MODE === '静默') ? state?.MODE : '自动'
DET = state?.DET ?? (typeof (state?.DET) === "boolean" ? state?.DET : true)
DEL = state?.DEL ?? (typeof (state?.DEL) === "boolean" ? state?.DEL : false)
DEL_STYLE = state?.DEL_STYLE ?? (state?.DEL_STYLE === '消息屏蔽' || state?.DEL_STYLE === '完全删除') ? state?.DEL_STYLE : '消息屏蔽'
TAG_MAX_LENGTH = state?.TAG_MAX_LENGTH ?? (typeof (state?.TAG_MAX_LENGTH) === "number" ? state?.TAG_MAX_LENGTH : 20)
INTERVAL = state?.INTERVAL ?? (typeof (state?.INTERVAL) === "number" ? state?.INTERVAL : 0)
LIMIT_EVENT = state?.LIMIT_EVENT ?? (typeof (state?.LIMIT_EVENT) === "number" ? state?.LIMIT_EVENT : 10)
DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall'] = state?.DET_BASE_MedalWall ?? (typeof (state?.DET_BASE_MedalWall) === "boolean" ? state?.DET_BASE_MedalWall : true)
DET_BASE['DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS'] = state?.DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS ?? (typeof (state?.DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS) === "boolean" ? state?.DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS : true)
DET_BASE['DET_BASE_VIDEOS'] = state?.DET_BASE_VIDEOS ?? (typeof (state?.DET_BASE_VIDEOS) === "boolean" ? state?.DET_BASE_VIDEOS : true)
DET_BASE['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC'] = state?.DET_BASE_DYNAMIC ?? (typeof (state?.DET_BASE_DYNAMIC) === "boolean" ? state?.DET_BASE_DYNAMIC : true)
DET_BASE['DET_BASE_COMMENT'] = state?.DET_BASE_COMMENT ?? (typeof (state?.DET_BASE_COMMENT) === "boolean" ? state?.DET_BASE_COMMENT : true)
/** 从本地存储恢复API禁用状态 */
if (typeof (overload) === 'string' && overload) {
overload = JSON.parse(overload)
Object.keys(overload).forEach((api) => {
if (overload[api]?.timestamp) {
let passed = Date.now() - overload[api].timestamp
if (overload[api]?.state && passed < 15 * 60 * 1000) banAPI(api, null, 15 * 60 * 1000 - passed, overload[api].timestamp, false)
return [conf, deepCloneRules(conf)]
} catch (error) {
return [initConf, deepCloneRules(initConf)]
/** 标记/屏蔽规则
* @type { { blackList: [ key: string ]: string, detect: { [ key: string ]: { color: string, keywords: Set<string>, antikeywords: Set<string> } } } }
let [rulesApply, rules] = initRules()
/** 构建事件节流器实例 */
const _T = new Throttler(LIMIT_EVENT, 1000, ({ uid, user, isdeep, forceSync }) => {
// 查重
if (filte(uid, user)) return false
// 异步处理
setTimeout(() => handleStr(uid, user, isdeep, forceSync), 0)
return true
/** 启动事件节流器 */
/** 获取正确的iframe
*  当用户元素存在于iframe内时需要调用
* @returns { HTMLIFrameElement | undefined } iframe存在则返回实例,反之则返回undefined
const getCurIframe = () => {
let matches = []
for (const iframe of document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')) {
matches = iframe.attributes.src.value.match(/\/\/(.*?)\/([a-zA-Z|\d])+\/.*$/)
if (matches !== null) {
if (matches.length > 2 && matches[2] === 'p') continue
if (matches.length > 1 && matches[1] === 'live.bilibili.com') return iframe
return undefined
/** 添加css样式
* @type { HTMLStyleElement }
const style = document.createElement('style')
/** 面板相关css样式
* @type { string }
const css_panel =
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/** 设置面板
* @type { HTMLDivElement }
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<div class='xzsx_detect_tagsample_container'>
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<div class='rule-item-blacklist-base'>基于昵称</div>
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/** <===================================================================================获取实例==========================================================================================>
* @type { Element }
/** 面板显示/隐藏动画 */
animation = document.querySelector('#panel-animation'),
/** 侧边悬浮按钮 */
navBtn = document.querySelector('.nav-show'),
/** 设置面板 */
navPanel = document.querySelector('.nav-panel'),
/** 成分溯源面板 */
trackPanel = document.querySelector('#xzsx_trackpanel'),
/** 勋章墙 */
medalWall = document.querySelector('#xzsx_medalwall'),
/** 侧边悬浮按钮 */
resetBtn = document.querySelector('.navPanel-resetBtn'),
/** 切换模式按钮 */
navMode = document.querySelector('.side-btn.side-btn-mode'),
/** 导入按钮 */
importBtn = document.querySelector('.side-btn.side-btn-import'),
/** 上传文件 */
uploader = document.querySelector('#file-upload'),
/** 侧边悬浮按钮 */
exportBtn = document.querySelector('.side-btn.side-btn-export'),
/** 检测成分按钮 */
navTabsBtn1 = document.querySelector('.nav-tabs-btn1'),
/** 自动屏蔽按钮 */
navTabsBtn2 = document.querySelector('.nav-tabs-btn2'),
/** 设置面板 */
settingPanel = document.querySelector('#setting-panel'),
/** 屏蔽样式按钮 */
DEL_STYLE_BTN = document.querySelector('#DEL_STYLE'),
/**检测依据-粉丝牌 */
DET_BASE_MedalWall = document.querySelector('#DET_BASE_MedalWall'),
/** 检测依据-关注列表 */
/** 检测依据-投稿列表 */
DET_BASE_VIDEOS = document.querySelector('#DET_BASE_VIDEOS'),
/** 检测依据-动态空间 */
DET_BASE_DYNAMIC = document.querySelector('#DET_BASE_DYNAMIC'),
/** 检测依据-评论文本 */
DET_BASE_COMMENT = document.querySelector('#DET_BASE_COMMENT'),
/** 标签最大长度文本 */
TAG_MAX_LENGTH_TEXT = document.querySelector('#TAG_MAX_LENGTH'),
/** 标签最大长度滑动条 */
TAG_MAX_LENGTH_SLIDER = document.querySelector('#xzsx_length'),
/** 渲染间隔文本 */
INTERVAL_TEXT = document.querySelector('#INTERVAL'),
/** 渲染间隔滑动条 */
INTERVAL_SLIDER = document.querySelector('#xzsx_interval'),
/** 事件节流文本 */
LIMIT_EVENT_TEXT = document.querySelector('#LIMIT_EVENT'),
/** 事件节流滑动条 */
LIMIT_EVENT_SLIDER = document.querySelector('#xzsx_limitevent'),
/** 检测成分启用状态标识1 */
status1_circleP = document.querySelector('#status1_circleP'),
/** 检测成分启用状态标识2 */
status1_circleE = document.querySelector('#status1_circleE'),
/** 检测成分启用状态标识3 */
status1_effect = document.querySelector('#status1_effect'),
/** 自动屏蔽启用状态标识1 */
status2_circleP = document.querySelector('#status2_circleP'),
/** 自动屏蔽启用状态标识2 */
status2_circleE = document.querySelector('#status2_circleE'),
/** 自动屏蔽启用状态标识3 */
status2_effect = document.querySelector('#status2_effect'),
/** 检测依据启用状态标识-粉丝牌 */
status_MedalWall = document.querySelector('#status_MedalWall'),
/** 检测依据启用状态标识-关注列表 */
status_FOLLOWINGS = document.querySelector('#status_FOLLOWINGS'),
/** 检测依据启用状态标识-投稿列表 */
status_VIDEOS = document.querySelector('#status_VIDEOS'),
/** 检测依据启用状态标识-动态内容(), */
status_DYNAMIC = document.querySelector('#status_DYNAMIC'),
/** 检测依据启用状态标识-评论内容 */
status_COMMENT = document.querySelector('#status_COMMENT'),
/** 检测成分长按进度条 */
process1 = document.querySelector('#process1'),
/** 自动屏蔽长按进度条 */
process2 = document.querySelector('#process2'),
/** 检测成分修改标识 */
changedSignel1 = document.querySelector('.changed-signel1'),
/** 自动屏蔽修改标识 */
changedSignel2 = document.querySelector('.changed-signel2'),
/** 规则列表 */
navRuleList = document.querySelector('.nav-list'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 */
addRuleForm = document.querySelector('.addrule_form'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 添加粉丝关键词右侧<+>号按钮 */
addKeyWordBtn = document.querySelector('#keywords-add'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 添加黑子关键词右侧<+>号按钮 */
addAntiKeyWordBtn = document.querySelector('#antikeywords-add'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 添加粉丝关键词列表 */
keywords = document.querySelector('#rule_keywords'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 添加黑子关键词列表 */
antikeywords = document.querySelector('#rule_antikeywords'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 标签名 */
tagname = document.querySelector('#tagname'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 标签颜色 */
tagcolor = document.querySelector('#tagcolor'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 标签样式预览 */
tagsample = document.querySelector('.xzsx_detect_tagsample'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 添加粉丝关键词左侧文字输入框 */
newKeyWord = document.querySelector('#keyword'),
/** 检测成分添加/修改规则界面 添加黑子关键词左侧文字输入框 */
newAntiKeyWord = document.querySelector('#antikeyword'),
/** 检测成分规则列表 添加按钮 */
detectAdd_btn = document.querySelector('.rule-item-detect-add'),
/** 黑名单规则列表 添加关键词容器 */
blacklistAdd_item = document.querySelector('.rule-item-blacklist-add'),
/** 黑名单规则列表 添加关键词选择框 */
blacklistAdd_select = document.querySelector('.rule-item-blacklist-select'),
/** 黑名单规则列表 添加关键词右侧<+>号按钮 */
blacklistAdd_btn = document.querySelector('#blacklist-add'),
/** 黑名单规则列表 添加关键词屏蔽依据 */
blacklistAdd_base = document.querySelector('.rule-item-blacklist-base'),
/** 黑名单规则列表 添加关键词左侧文字输入框 */
blacklistAdd_keyword = document.querySelector('.rule-item-blacklist-add-input'),
/** 页脚 进度条 */
footerProcess = document.querySelector('#footer-process'),
/** 页脚 应用按钮 */
confirm_btn = document.querySelector('.confirm_btn'),
/** 页脚 应用成功动画 */
confirm_success = document.querySelector('.applysuccess'),
/** 页脚 新增规则按钮 */
add_btn = document.querySelector('.add_btn'),
/** 页脚 修改规则按钮 */
alter_btn = document.querySelector('.alter_btn')
/** 批量监听下拉设置栏DOM元素的变化并绑定数据
* @type { () => void }
const batchWatch = () => {
* @type { { watchObj: object, watchKey: string, target: { ele: Element | null, key: string, callback: () => string | number  }[] }
const watchParams = [
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'DEL_STYLE', target: { ele: DEL_STYLE_BTN, key: 'textContent', callback: (newValue) => newValue } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'TAG_MAX_LENGTH', target: { ele: TAG_MAX_LENGTH_TEXT.childNodes[1], key: 'textContent', callback: (newValue) => newValue } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'INTERVAL', target: { ele: INTERVAL_TEXT.childNodes[1], key: 'textContent', callback: (newValue) => newValue } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'LIMIT_EVENT', target: { ele: LIMIT_EVENT_TEXT.childNodes[1], key: 'textContent', callback: (newValue) => newValue } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'DET_BASE_MedalWall', target: { ele: status_MedalWall, key: 'className', callback: (newValue) => newValue ? 'statusP' : 'statusE' } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS', target: { ele: status_FOLLOWINGS, key: 'className', callback: (newValue) => newValue ? 'statusP' : 'statusE' } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'DET_BASE_VIDEOS', target: { ele: status_VIDEOS, key: 'className', callback: (newValue) => newValue ? 'statusP' : 'statusE' } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'DET_BASE_DYNAMIC', target: { ele: status_DYNAMIC, key: 'className', callback: (newValue) => newValue ? 'statusP' : 'statusE' } },
{ watchObj: settingTemp, watchKey: 'DET_BASE_COMMENT', target: { ele: status_COMMENT, key: 'className', callback: (newValue) => newValue ? 'statusP' : 'statusE' } },
watchParams.forEach((v) => watch(v.watchObj, v.watchKey, (newValue) => v.target.ele[v.target.key] = v.target.callback(newValue)))
/** 获取集合1相对于集合2的差集
* @param { Set } set1 集合1
* @param { Set } set2 集合2
* @returns { Set } 差集结果
const _difference = (set1, set2) => new Set([...set1].filter((v) => !set2.has(v)))
/** 重置DOM状态
* @type { () => void }
const resetAll = () => {
navMode.textContent = MODE
status1_circleP.style.display = DET ? '' : 'none'
status1_circleE.style.display = DET ? 'none' : ''
status1_effect.style.display = DET ? '' : 'none'
process1.style.visibility = 'hidden'
status2_circleP.style.display = DEL ? '' : 'none'
status2_circleE.style.display = DEL ? 'none' : ''
status2_effect.style.display = DEL ? '' : 'none'
process2.style.visibility = 'hidden'
TAG_MAX_LENGTH_TEXT.childNodes[1].textContent = parseInt(TAG_MAX_LENGTH)
INTERVAL_TEXT.childNodes[1].textContent = parseInt(INTERVAL)
LIMIT_EVENT_TEXT.childNodes[1].textContent = parseInt(LIMIT_EVENT)
status_MedalWall.className = API_OVERLOAD['DET_BASE_MedalWall'].state ? 'statusBAN' : DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall'] ? 'statusP' : 'statusE'
status_FOLLOWINGS.className = API_OVERLOAD['DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS'].state ? 'statusBAN' : DET_BASE['DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS'] ? 'statusP' : 'statusE'
status_VIDEOS.className = API_OVERLOAD['DET_BASE_VIDEOS'].state ? 'statusBAN' : DET_BASE['DET_BASE_VIDEOS'] ? 'statusP' : 'statusE'
status_DYNAMIC.className = API_OVERLOAD['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC'].state ? 'statusBAN' : DET_BASE['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC'] ? 'statusP' : 'statusE'
status_COMMENT.className = DET_BASE['DET_BASE_COMMENT'] ? 'statusP' : 'statusE'
/** <===================================================================================事件绑定==========================================================================================> */
/** 阻止点击事件冒泡 */
[navPanel, trackPanel, medalWall, importBtn, uploader].forEach(ele => ele.onclick = e => e.stopPropagation())
/** 控制面板可见性 */
navBtn.onclick = (e) => {
animationState = !animationState
animation.className = animationState ? 'show-animation' : 'hide-animation'
if (navPanelVis && !animationState) {
timerAnimaltion = setTimeout(() => {
navPanelVis = false
navPanel.style.display = 'none'
resetBtn.style.display = 'none'
navMode.style.display = 'none'
importBtn.style.display = 'none'
exportBtn.style.display = 'none'
blacklistAdd_keyword.value = ''
blacklistAdd_select.style.display = 'none'
blacklistAdd_keyword.style.display = 'unset'
blacklistAdd_base.textContent = '基于昵称'
}, 500)
} else {
[rulesApply, rules] = initRules()
navPanelVis = true, ctab = true, ckey = undefined, newRuleKeysSet.clear(), deleteRuleKeysSet.clear(), newAntiRuleSets.clear(), deleteAntiRuleSets.clear(), settingTemp = {}
navPanel.style.display = 'flex'
resetBtn.style.display = 'flex'
navMode.style.display = 'flex'
importBtn.style.display = 'flex'
exportBtn.style.display = 'flex'
changedSignel1.style.display = 'none'
changedSignel2.style.display = 'none'
/** 设置面板鼠标移开相关操作 */
navPanel.onmouseleave = () => { settingPanel.style.height = '0px' }
/** 点击空白处相关操作 */
document.addEventListener('click', () => { trackPanel.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-hide'; medalWall.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-hide'; medalWall.setAttribute('key', null) })
/** 执行显示隐藏面板各一次 */
const [_dreset, __] = _throttle(() => { navBtn.click() }, 500, { leading: true })
/** 恢复设置 */
resetBtn.onclick = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); _dreset() }
/** 切换模式 */
navMode.onclick = (e) => {
let MODE_TEMP = settingTemp.hasOwnProperty('MODE') ? settingTemp['MODE'] === '自动' ? '静默' : '自动' : MODE === '自动' ? '静默' : '自动'
navMode.textContent = MODE_TEMP
settingTemp['MODE'] = MODE_TEMP
/** 导入 */
uploader.onchange = async (e) => {
try {
let conf = JSON.parse(await e.target.files[0].text())
if (Object.keys(conf).length > 0) {
GM_setValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector', JSON.stringify({ blackList: conf.blackList, detect: conf.detect }))
GM_setValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector_state', JSON.stringify(conf.state))
e.target.value = ''
} catch (error) {
/** 导出 */
exportBtn.onclick = (e) => {
let temp = {}, state = {
DET_BASE_MedalWall: DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall'],
Object.keys(rulesApply.detect).forEach((key) => {
temp[key] = { 'color': rulesApply.detect[key].color, 'keywords': [...rulesApply.detect[key].keywords], 'antikeywords': [...rulesApply.detect[key].antikeywords] }
let json = JSON.stringify({ blackList: rulesApply.blackList, detect: temp, state })
let blob = new Blob([json], { type: "octet/stream" })
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url
a.download = 'xzsx_bilibili_detector.json'
/** 检测成分按钮单击相关操作 */
navTabsBtn1.onclick = () => {
ctab = true
addRuleForm.style.display = 'none'
detectAdd_btn.style.display = ''
blacklistAdd_item.style.display = 'none'
confirm_btn.style.display = ''
add_btn.style.display = 'none'
alter_btn.style.display = 'none'
navTabsBtn1.style.filter = 'brightness(100%)'
navTabsBtn2.style.filter = 'brightness(50%)'
/** 检测成分按钮长按相关操作 */
navTabsBtn1.onmousedown = () => {
if (ctab) {
process1.style.visibility = 'visible'
process1.style.width = '50%'
timerTab1 = setTimeout(() => {
let temp = settingTemp.hasOwnProperty('DET') ? !settingTemp['DET'] : !DET
settingTemp['DET'] = temp
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
status1_circleP.style.display = temp ? '' : 'none'
status1_circleE.style.display = temp ? 'none' : ''
status1_effect.style.display = 'none'
process1.style.visibility = 'hidden'
process1.style.width = '0%'
}, 500)
/** 检测成分按钮松开相关操作 */
navTabsBtn1.onmouseup = () => {
if (ctab) {
process1.style.width = '0%'
/** 检测成分按钮离开相关操作 */
navTabsBtn1.onmouseout = () => {
if (ctab) {
process1.style.width = '0%'
/** 检测成分按钮标悬浮相关操作 */
navTabsBtn1.onmouseenter = () => { settingPanel.style.height = '0px' }
/** 自动屏蔽按钮单击相关操作 */
navTabsBtn2.onclick = () => {
ctab = false
addRuleForm.style.display = 'none'
detectAdd_btn.style.display = 'none'
blacklistAdd_item.style.display = 'flex'
confirm_btn.style.display = ''
add_btn.style.display = 'none'
alter_btn.style.display = 'none'
navTabsBtn1.style.filter = 'brightness(50%)'
navTabsBtn2.style.filter = 'brightness(100%)'
/** 自动屏蔽按钮鼠标聚焦相关操作 */
navTabsBtn2.onmouseenter = () => { if (!ctab) settingPanel.style.height = '378px' }
/** 设置下拉栏按钮鼠标离开相关操作 */
settingPanel.onmouseleave = () => { settingPanel.style.height = '0px' }
/** 规则列表鼠标悬浮相关操作 */
navRuleList.onmouseenter = () => { settingPanel.style.height = '0px' }
/** 修改屏蔽样式 */
DEL_STYLE_BTN.onclick = () => {
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingTemp))
settingTemp['DEL_STYLE'] = copy.hasOwnProperty('DEL_STYLE') ? copy['DEL_STYLE'] === '消息屏蔽' ? '完全删除' : '消息屏蔽' : DEL_STYLE === '消息屏蔽' ? '完全删除' : '消息屏蔽'
/** 修改标签收#阈值 */
TAG_MAX_LENGTH_SLIDER.onchange = (e) => settingTemp['TAG_MAX_LENGTH'] = parseInt(e.target.value)
/** 修改渲染间隔(毫秒) */
INTERVAL_SLIDER.onchange = (e) => settingTemp['INTERVAL'] = parseInt(e.target.value)
/** 事件节流(每秒) */
LIMIT_EVENT_SLIDER.onchange = (e) => settingTemp['LIMIT_EVENT'] = parseInt(e.target.value)
/** 检测依据-粉丝牌 */
DET_BASE_MedalWall.onclick = () => {
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingTemp))
settingTemp['DET_BASE_MedalWall'] = copy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_MedalWall') ? !copy['DET_BASE_MedalWall'] : !DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall']
/** 检测依据-关注列表 */
DET_BASE_FOLLOWINGS.onclick = () => {
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingTemp))
/** 检测依据-投稿列表 */
DET_BASE_VIDEOS.onclick = () => {
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingTemp))
settingTemp['DET_BASE_VIDEOS'] = copy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_VIDEOS') ? !copy['DET_BASE_VIDEOS'] : !DET_BASE['DET_BASE_VIDEOS']
/** 检测依据-动态空间 */
DET_BASE_DYNAMIC.onclick = () => {
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingTemp))
settingTemp['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC'] = copy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_DYNAMIC') ? !copy['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC'] : !DET_BASE['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC']
/** 检测依据-评论文本 */
DET_BASE_COMMENT.onclick = () => {
let copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingTemp))
settingTemp['DET_BASE_COMMENT'] = copy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_COMMENT') ? !copy['DET_BASE_COMMENT'] : !DET_BASE['DET_BASE_COMMENT']
/** 自动屏蔽按钮长按相关操作 */
navTabsBtn2.onmousedown = () => {
if (!ctab) {
process2.style.visibility = 'visible'
process2.style.width = '50%'
timerTab2 = setTimeout(() => {
let temp = settingTemp.hasOwnProperty('DEL') ? !settingTemp['DEL'] : !DEL
settingTemp['DEL'] = temp
changedSignel2.style.display = ''
status2_circleP.style.display = temp ? '' : 'none'
status2_circleE.style.display = temp ? 'none' : ''
status2_effect.style.display = 'none'
process2.style.visibility = 'hidden'
process2.style.width = '0%'
}, 500)
/** 自动屏蔽按钮松开相关操作 */
navTabsBtn2.onmouseup = () => {
if (!ctab) {
process2.style.width = '0%'
/** 自动屏蔽按钮离开相关操作 */
navTabsBtn2.onmouseout = () => {
if (!ctab) {
process2.style.width = '0%'
/** 检测成分添加规则按钮相关操作 */
detectAdd_btn.onclick = () => {
add_btn.style.display = ''
alter_btn.style.display = 'none'
confirm_btn.style.display = 'none'
/** 自动屏蔽添加规则按钮相关操作 */
blacklistAdd_btn.onclick = () => {
if (blacklistAdd_base.textContent === '基于成分' && blacklistAdd_select.value.trim().length > 0 && !rules.blackList.hasOwnProperty(blacklistAdd_select.value)) {
changedSignel2.style.display = ''
rules.blackList[blacklistAdd_select.value.trim()] = blacklistAdd_base.textContent
} else if (blacklistAdd_base.textContent === '基于昵称') {
let keyword = blacklistAdd_keyword.value?.trim() ?? ''
if (!rules.blackList.hasOwnProperty(keyword) && keyword.length > 0) {
changedSignel2.style.display = ''
rules.blackList[keyword] = blacklistAdd_base.textContent
blacklistAdd_keyword.value = ''
/** 自动屏蔽屏蔽依据按钮相关操作 */
blacklistAdd_base.onclick = () => {
blacklistAdd_base.textContent = blacklistAdd_base.textContent === '基于昵称' ? '基于成分' : '基于昵称'
if (blacklistAdd_base.textContent === '基于成分') {
let detectListKeys = Object.keys(rules.detect), blackListKeys = Object.keys(rules.blackList), htmlStr = ''
detectListKeys.filter((key) => !blackListKeys.includes(key)).forEach((v) => htmlStr += `<option value='${v.trim()}'>${v.trim()}</option>`)
blacklistAdd_select.innerHTML = htmlStr
blacklistAdd_select.style.display = 'unset'
blacklistAdd_keyword.style.display = 'none'
} else if (blacklistAdd_base.textContent === '基于昵称') {
blacklistAdd_select.style.display = 'none'
blacklistAdd_keyword.style.display = 'unset'
/** 黑子关键词输入框回车直接触发添加 */
blacklistAdd_keyword.onkeydown = (e) => { e.keyCode === 13 && blacklistAdd_btn.click() }
/** 检测成分添加/修改页面 拾色器相关操作 */
tagcolor.onchange = (e) => {
tagname.style.color = e.target.value
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
tagsample.style.color = getContrastColor(e.target.value)
tagsample.style.backgroundColor = e.target.value
tagsample.style.borderColor = e.target.value + '80'
tagsample.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(45deg,  ${e.target.value}, ${e.target.value + '80'})`
/** 检测成分添加/修改页面 标签名相关操作 */
tagname.onchange = (e) => {
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
tagname.title = e.target.value
tagsample.title = e.target.value
tagsample.textContent = e.target.value
/** 检测成分添加/修改页面 添加粉丝关键词按钮<+>相关操作 */
addKeyWordBtn.onclick = () => {
let keyword = newKeyWord.value?.trim() ?? '', exist = false
for (const dom of keywords.querySelectorAll('.keyword')) {
if (dom.firstChild.textContent === keyword) {
exist = true
if (keyword.length > 0 && !exist) {
newKeyWord.value = ''
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
let keywordDom = document.createElement('div')
keywordDom.className = 'keyword'
keywordDom.style.color = 'green'
keywordDom.innerHTML = `${keyword}<div class="keyword_delete">x</div>`
keywordDom.children[0].onclick = () => {
newRuleKeysSet.has(keyword) ? newRuleKeysSet.delete(keyword) : deleteRuleKeysSet.add(keyword)
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
keywords.insertBefore(keywordDom, keywords.lastChild.previousSibling)
/** 粉丝关键词输入框回车直接触发添加 */
newKeyWord.onkeydown = (e) => { e.keyCode === 13 && addKeyWordBtn.click() }
/** 检测成分添加/修改页面 添加黑子关键词按钮<+>相关操作 */
addAntiKeyWordBtn.onclick = () => {
let keyword = newAntiKeyWord.value?.trim() ?? '', exist = false
for (const dom of antikeywords.querySelectorAll('.keyword')) {
if (dom.firstChild.textContent === keyword) {
exist = true
if (keyword.length > 0 && !exist) {
newAntiKeyWord.value = ''
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
let keywordDom = document.createElement('div')
keywordDom.className = 'keyword'
keywordDom.style.color = 'rgb(243,28,28)'
keywordDom.innerHTML = `${keyword}<div class="keyword_delete">x</div>`
keywordDom.children[0].onclick = () => {
newAntiRuleSets.has(keyword) ? newAntiRuleSets.delete(keyword) : deleteAntiRuleSets.add(keyword)
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
antikeywords.insertBefore(keywordDom, antikeywords.lastChild.previousSibling)
/** 黑子关键词输入框回车直接触发添加 */
newAntiKeyWord.onkeydown = (e) => { e.keyCode === 13 && addAntiKeyWordBtn.click() }
/** 页脚应用按钮长按相关操作 */
confirm_btn.onmousedown = async () => {
footerProcess.style.visibility = 'visible'
footerProcess.style.width = '100%'
timerFoot = setTimeout(async () => {
let curDocument = domain === 'live.bilibili.com' ? ciframe !== undefined ? ciframe.contentWindow.document : document : document
curDocument.querySelectorAll('.tag_container').forEach(tag => tag.remove())
userTags = {}
userTagsHash = {}
changedSignel1.style.display = 'none'
changedSignel2.style.display = 'none'
footerProcess.style.visibility = 'hidden'
footerProcess.style.width = '0%'
blacklistAdd_keyword.value = ''
trackPanel.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-hide'
medalWall.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-hide'
medalWall.setAttribute('key', null)
let settingTempCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settingTemp))
settingTemp = {}
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('MODE')) MODE = settingTempCopy['MODE']
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('DET')) DET = settingTempCopy['DET']
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('DEL')) DEL = settingTempCopy['DEL']
if (DET) status1_effect.style.display = ''
if (DEL) status2_effect.style.display = ''
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('DEL_STYLE')) DEL_STYLE = settingTempCopy['DEL_STYLE']
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('TAG_MAX_LENGTH')) TAG_MAX_LENGTH = settingTempCopy['TAG_MAX_LENGTH']
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('INTERVAL')) INTERVAL = settingTempCopy['INTERVAL']
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('LIMIT_EVENT')) LIMIT_EVENT = settingTempCopy['LIMIT_EVENT']
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_MedalWall')) DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall'] = settingTempCopy['DET_BASE_MedalWall']; if (DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall']) recoverAPI('DET_BASE_MedalWall')
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_VIDEOS')) DET_BASE['DET_BASE_VIDEOS'] = settingTempCopy['DET_BASE_VIDEOS']; if (DET_BASE['DET_BASE_VIDEOS']) recoverAPI('DET_BASE_VIDEOS')
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_DYNAMIC')) DET_BASE['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC'] = settingTempCopy['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC']; if (DET_BASE['DET_BASE_DYNAMIC']) recoverAPI('DET_BASE_DYNAMIC')
if (settingTempCopy.hasOwnProperty('DET_BASE_COMMENT')) DET_BASE['DET_BASE_COMMENT'] = settingTempCopy['DET_BASE_COMMENT']
confirm_success.style.display = 'unset'
timerFoot2 = setTimeout(() => confirm_success.style.display = 'none', 1500)
const doms = await getDom('div[xzsx_ischecked="true"],[xzsx_isdeepchecked="true"]')
doms.forEach((dom) => { dom.removeAttribute('xzsx_ischecked'); dom.removeAttribute('xzsx_isdeepchecked') })
_render = _throttle((forceSync, isjump) => render(forceSync, isjump), INTERVAL, { leading: false, trailing: true })[0]
rulesApply = deepCloneRules(rules)
let temp = {}
Object.keys(rulesApply.detect).forEach((key) => {
temp[key] = { 'color': rulesApply.detect[key].color, 'keywords': [...rulesApply.detect[key].keywords], 'antikeywords': [...rulesApply.detect[key].antikeywords] }
GM_setValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector_state', JSON.stringify({
DET_BASE_MedalWall: DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall'],
GM_setValue('xzsx_bilibili_detector', JSON.stringify({
blackList: rulesApply.blackList,
detect: temp
timerFoot = null
}, 500)
/** 页脚应用按钮松开相关操作 */
confirm_btn.onmouseup = () => {
footerProcess.style.width = '0%'
timerFoot = null
/** 页脚新增规则按钮相关操作 */
add_btn.onclick = () => {
ckey = undefined
confirm_btn.style.display = ''
add_btn.style.display = 'none'
alter_btn.style.display = 'none'
addRuleForm.className = 'addrule_form-hide'
setTimeout(() => addRuleForm.style.display = 'none', 500)
let name = tagname.value?.trim() ?? '', newKeyWords = _difference(newRuleKeysSet, deleteRuleKeysSet), newantikeywords = _difference(newAntiRuleSets, deleteAntiRuleSets)
if (name.length > 0 && newKeyWords.size > 0) {
rules.detect[tagname.value] = { 'color': tagcolor.value, 'keywords': newKeyWords, 'antikeywords': newantikeywords }
/** 页脚修改规则按钮相关操作 */
alter_btn.onclick = () => {
confirm_btn.style.display = ''
add_btn.style.display = 'none'
alter_btn.style.display = 'none'
addRuleForm.className = 'addrule_form-hide'
setTimeout(() => addRuleForm.style.display = 'none', 500)
_difference(newRuleKeysSet, deleteRuleKeysSet).forEach((addKey) => rules.detect[ckey].keywords.add(addKey))
_difference(deleteRuleKeysSet, newRuleKeysSet).forEach((deleteKey) => rules.detect[ckey].keywords.delete(deleteKey))
_difference(newAntiRuleSets, deleteAntiRuleSets).forEach((addKey) => rules.detect[ckey].antikeywords.add(addKey))
_difference(deleteAntiRuleSets, newAntiRuleSets).forEach((deleteKey) => rules.detect[ckey].antikeywords.delete(deleteKey))
rules.detect[tagname.value] = { 'color': tagcolor.value, 'keywords': rules.detect[ckey].keywords, 'antikeywords': rules.detect[ckey].antikeywords }
ckey !== tagname.value && Reflect.deleteProperty(rules.detect, ckey)
ckey = undefined
changedSignel1.style.display = 'none'
/** 渲染面板
* @returns { void }
const renderMainPanel = () => {
navRuleList.querySelectorAll('.rule-item').forEach((c) => c.remove())
let cdatas = ctab ? Object.keys(rules.detect) : Object.keys(rules.blackList)
cdatas.forEach((key) => {
let parent = document.createElement('div')
parent.id = key
parent.className = 'rule-item'
parent.innerHTML =
<div style="display:flex;align-items:center;height:25px;">
${ctab ?
'<button class="rule-item-btn" style="display:none;">编辑</button>&nbsp;'
`<button class="rule-item-btn" style="display:none;background-color:#5d71df;border-color:#5d71df;">${rules.blackList[key]}</button>&nbsp;`}
<button class="rule-item-btn" style="display:none;"">删除</button>
/** 构建检测成分面板 */
if (ctab) {
parent.style.color = rules.detect[key].color
parent.children[0].children[0].onclick = () => {
ckey = key
parent.children[0].children[0].style.display = 'none'
parent.children[0].children[1].style.display = 'none'
parent.children[0].children[1].onclick = () => {
parent.style.clipPath = 'polygon(115% 0, 115% 0, 100% 100%, 100% 100%)'
setTimeout(() => navRuleList.removeChild(parent), 200)
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
Reflect.deleteProperty(rules.detect, key)
rules.blackList[key] && rules.blackList[key] === '基于成分' && Reflect.deleteProperty(rules.blackList, key)
/** 构建自动屏蔽面板 */
} else {
parent.children[0].children[0].onclick = () => {
let del_base = parent.children[0].children[0].textContent === '基于成分' ? '基于昵称' : '基于成分'
if (del_base === '基于成分' && rules.detect.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
parent.children[0].children[0].textContent = del_base
rules.blackList[key] = del_base
changedSignel2.style.display = ''
} else if (del_base === '基于昵称') {
parent.children[0].children[0].textContent = del_base
rules.blackList[key] = del_base
changedSignel2.style.display = ''
parent.children[0].children[1].onclick = () => {
parent.style.clipPath = 'polygon(115% 0, 115% 0, 100% 100%, 100% 100%)'
setTimeout(() => navRuleList.removeChild(parent), 200)
changedSignel2.style.display = ''
Reflect.deleteProperty(rules.blackList, key)
if (blacklistAdd_base.textContent === '基于成分' && parent.children[0].children[0].textContent === '基于成分' && blacklistAdd_select.querySelector(`option[value="${key}"]`) === null) {
let newOption = document.createElement('option')
newOption.value = key
newOption.text = key
parent.onmouseenter = () => {
parent.children[0].children[0].style.display = ''
parent.children[0].children[1].style.display = ''
parent.onmouseleave = () => {
parent.children[0].children[0].style.display = 'none'
parent.children[0].children[1].style.display = 'none'
navRuleList.insertBefore(parent, detectAdd_btn)
/** 渲染新增/编辑页面
* @param { string } key 当前正在编辑的标签名
* @returns { void }
const renderEditPanel = (key) => {
keywords.querySelectorAll('.keyword').forEach((c) => c.remove())
antikeywords.querySelectorAll('.keyword').forEach((c) => c.remove())
ckey = key
newKeyWord.value = ''
newAntiKeyWord.value = ''
if (key === undefined) {
tagname.title = ''
tagname.value = ''
tagname.style.color = '#000000'
tagcolor.value = '#000000'
add_btn.style.display = ''
alter_btn.style.display = 'none'
} else {
tagname.title = key
tagname.value = key
tagname.style.color = rules.detect[key].color
tagcolor.value = rules.detect[key].color
/** 粉丝关键词 */
rules.detect[key].keywords.forEach((keyword) => {
let keywordDom = document.createElement('div')
keywordDom.className = 'keyword'
keywordDom.style.color = 'green'
keywordDom.innerHTML = `${keyword}<div class="keyword_delete">x</div>`
keywordDom.children[0].onclick = () => {
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
newRuleKeysSet.has(keyword) ? newRuleKeysSet.delete(keyword) : deleteRuleKeysSet.add(keyword)
keywords.insertBefore(keywordDom, keywords.firstChild)
/** 黑子关键词 */
rules.detect[key].antikeywords.forEach((antikeyword) => {
let keywordDom = document.createElement('div')
keywordDom.className = 'keyword'
keywordDom.style.color = 'rgb(243,28,28)'
keywordDom.innerHTML = `${antikeyword}<div class="keyword_delete">x</div>`
keywordDom.children[0].onclick = () => {
changedSignel1.style.display = ''
newAntiRuleSets.has(antikeyword) ? newAntiRuleSets.delete(antikeyword) : deleteAntiRuleSets.add(antikeyword)
antikeywords.insertBefore(keywordDom, antikeywords.firstChild)
add_btn.style.display = 'none'
alter_btn.style.display = ''
let curColor = key === undefined ? '#000000' : rules.detect[key].color
tagsample.title = key?.length > 0 ? key : '标签样式预览'
tagsample.textContent = key?.length > 0 ? key : '标签样式预览'
tagsample.style.color = getContrastColor(curColor)
tagsample.style.backgroundColor = curColor
tagsample.style.borderColor = curColor + '80'
tagsample.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(45deg,  ${curColor}, ${curColor + '80'})`
confirm_btn.style.display = 'none'
addRuleForm.className = 'addrule_form'
addRuleForm.style.display = 'flex'
/** <===================================================================================功能实现==========================================================================================> */
/** 用于去重的UID集合 */
const uidset = new Set(), url = window.location.href
/** 标签缓存
* @type { { [ key: number | string ]: { [key: string]:  { fan: { isFans: boolean, sources: { [key: string]: Set<string> } }, anti: { isAnti: boolean, sources: { [key: string]: Set<string> } } }  } }}
let userTags = {}, userTagsHash = {}, userBlackList = new Set()
/** 对部分特殊URL进行映射
* @returns { void }
const domainTransition = () => {
switch (true) {
case url.match(/^https?:\/\/www.bilibili.com\/festival.*$/) !== null: return 'www.bilibili.com/festival/'
case url.match(/^https?:\/\/www.bilibili.com\/bangumi.*$/) !== null: return 'www.bilibili.com/bangumi/'
case url.match(/^https?:\/\/www.bilibili.com\/read.*$/) !== null: return 'www.bilibili.com/read/'
case url.match(/^https?:\/\/www.bilibili.com\/blackboard.*$/) !== null: return 'www.bilibili.com/blackboard/'
case url.match(/^https?:\/\/www.bilibili.com\/v\/topic\/.*$/) !== null: return 'www.bilibili.com/v/topic/'
case url.match(/^https?:\/\/t.bilibili.com\/\?spm_id_from=.*$/) !== null: return 'space.bilibili.com'
default: return url.match(/^https?:\/\/(.*?)\/.*$/)[1]
/** 域名
* @type { string }
const domain = domainTransition()
/** UserAgent生成器 */
class UserAgentGenerator {
constructor() {
this._part1 =
{ name: "Mozilla/5.0", children: [] }
this._part2 =
name: "Windows NT ${11}.${10}",
name: 'Win64; x64',
name: "rv:${54}.${10}",
children: []
name: "Trident/${8}.${10}",
children: []
name: '',
name: "rv:${54}.${10}",
children: []
name: "Trident/${8}.${10}",
children: []
name: 'Macintosh',
name: "Intel Mac OS X ${11}_${13}_${6}",
name: "rv:${54}.${10}",
children: []
name: 'X11',
name: 'Ubuntu',
name: "rv:${54}.${10}",
children: []
name: 'Linux x86_64',
name: "rv:${54}.${10}",
children: []
this._part3 =
{ name: "Gecko/20100101", children: [] },
{ name: "AppleWebKit/5${38}.36", children: [] },
{ name: "", children: [] },
this._part4 =
{ name: "(KHTML, like Gecko)", children: [] },
{ name: "", children: [] },
this._part5 =
{ name: "(KHTML, like Gecko)", children: [] },
{ name: "", children: [] },
this._part6 =
"(iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us)",
generate =
() => this._dfs(this._part1, '')
+ this._dfs(this._part2, '')
+ this._dfs(this._part3, '')
+ this._dfs(this._part4, '')
+ this._dfs(this._part5, '')
+ this._dfs2(this._part6, [], new Set(), Math.floor(Math.random() * this._part6.length))
_dfs = (arr, combine) => {
if (arr.length === 0) return combine
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)
let str = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr[randomIndex].name)), matches = str.match(/\${(\d+)}/)
while (matches !== null) {
str = str.replace(/\${(\d+)}/, Math.floor(Math.random() * parseInt(matches[1])))
matches = str.match(/\${(\d+)}/)
combine += str + (str.length > 0 ? '; ' : '')
return this._dfs(arr[randomIndex].children, combine)
_dfs2 = (arr, combine, vis, total) => {
if (combine.length === total) return combine.join('; ')
let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)
while (vis.has(randomIndex)) randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)
let str = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr[randomIndex])), matches = str.match(/\${(\d+)}/)
while (matches !== null) {
str = str.replace(/\${(\d+)}/, Math.floor(Math.random() * parseInt(matches[1])))
matches = str.match(/\${(\d+)}/)
return this._dfs2(arr, combine, vis, total)
/** UserAgent生成器 */
const Generator = new UserAgentGenerator()
/** 获取网络请求参数
* @param { string } name API名
* @param { string } uid 用户UID
* @param { number } pn API检索页数
* @param { string } offset 主键偏移
* @returns { object } 请求参数对象
const getRequestParams = (name, uid, pn, offset = '') => {
const randomUID = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 29)), userAgent = Generator.generate()
switch (name) {
/** B站粉丝牌API */
case 'Medal': return {
method: "get",
url: `https://api.live.bilibili.com/xlive/web-ucenter/user/MedalWall?target_id=${uid}`,
headers: { 'user-agent': userAgent, 'referer': 'https://live.bilibili.com/' }
/** B站关注列表API */
case 'SubList': return {
method: "get",
url: `https://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/followings?vmid=${uid}&pn=${pn}&ps=50&order=desc&jsonp=jsonp`,
headers: { 'user-agent': userAgent, 'referer': `https://space.bilibili.com/${randomUID}/fans/follow` }
/** B站投稿列表API */
case 'Video': return {
method: "get",
url: `https://api.bilibili.com/x/space/arc/search?mid=${uid}&pn=${pn}&ps=50&jsonp=jsonp`,
headers: { 'user-agent': userAgent, 'referer': `https://space.bilibili.com/${randomUID}/video` }
/** B站用户动态API */
case 'Dynamic': return {
method: "get",
url: `https://api.bilibili.com/x/polymer/web-dynamic/v1/feed/space?&host_mid=${uid}&offset=${offset}`,
headers: { 'user-agent': userAgent, 'referer': `https://space.bilibili.com/${randomUID}/dynamic` }
default: return ''
/** 封装GM_xmlhttpRequest为Promise方便进行同步操作
* @param { string } params GM_xmlhttpRequest 参数列表
* @returns { Promise<object> }
const GM_Request = (params) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
onload: res => res.status === 200 ? resolve(JSON.parse(res.response)) : resolve({ 'code': res.status }),
onerror: error => resolve({ 'code': error.code, 'message': error })
/** 判断新旧版本
* @type { boolean }
let version = true, Cookie = document.cookie, goOldVideo = Cookie.match(/(?<=go_old_video=)[-\d]{1,2}/)
if (Cookie && goOldVideo) version = goOldVideo[0] === '-1'
/** 新旧版本-评论根节点class映射
* @type { { [ key: string ]: { true: { mainList: string, subList: string }, false: { mainList: string, subList: string } } } }
const versionMap = {
'www.bilibili.com': { true: { 'mainList': '.reply-list', 'subList': '.sub-reply-list' }, false: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
'space.bilibili.com': { true: { 'mainList': '.bili-dyn-list__items', 'subList': '.bili-dyn-item' }, false: { 'mainList': '.bili-dyn-list__items', 'subList': '.bili-dyn-item' } },
't.bilibili.com': { true: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' } , false: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
'live.bilibili.com': { true: { 'mainList': '.chat-items', 'subList': '.reply-box' }, false: { 'mainList': '.chat-items', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
'www.bilibili.com/festival/': { true: { 'mainList': '.reply-list,.chat-items', 'subList': '.sub-reply-list,.reply-box' }, false: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ,.chat-items', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
'www.bilibili.com/bangumi/': { true: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' }, false: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
'www.bilibili.com/read/': { true: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' }, false: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
'www.bilibili.com/blackboard/': { true: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' }, false: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
'www.bilibili.com/v/topic/': { true: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' }, false: { 'mainList': '.comment-list ', 'subList': '.reply-box' } },
/** 用于屏蔽的Class映射表 @视频评论
* @type { { [ key: string ]: Array<string> } }
const videoClassMap = {
'user': ['user', 'reply-item reply-wrap', '.text'],
'user-name': ['.user-info', '.reply-list > .reply-item', '.reply-content,.root-reply'],
'sub-user-name': ['.sub-user-info', '.sub-reply-list > .sub-reply-item', '.reply-content,.sub-reply-content'],
/** Class映射表 @动态评论
* @type { { [ key: string ]: Array<string> } }
const dynamicClassMap = {
'user': ['.level-link', '.text text-con reply-item reply-wrap', '.text text-con'],
/** Class映射表 @直播评论
* @type { { [ key: string ]: Array<string> } }
const liveClassMap = {
'chat-item danmaku-item ': ['.danmaku-item-left', '.chat-item danmaku-item ', '.danmaku-item-right'],
'chat-item danmaku-item chat-colorful-bubble': ['.danmaku-item-left', '.chat-item danmaku-item ', '.danmaku-item-right'],
'chat-item danmaku-item chat-colorful-bubble chat-emoticon bulge-emoticon': ['.danmaku-item-left', '.chat-item danmaku-item ', '.danmaku-item-right'],
'chat-item danmaku-item  chat-emoticon': ['.danmaku-item-left', '.chat-item danmaku-item ', '.danmaku-item-right'],
'chat-item danmaku-item  chat-emoticon bulge-emoticon': ['.danmaku-item-left', '.chat-item danmaku-item ', '.danmaku-item-right'],
/** 域名Class映射表
* @type { { [ key: string ]: { userDomClass: string, classMap: object } } }
const domainMap = {
'www.bilibili.com': { 'userDomClass': '.user,.user-name,.sub-user-name', 'classMap': videoClassMap },
'space.bilibili.com': { 'userDomClass': '.user', 'classMap': dynamicClassMap },
't.bilibili.com': { 'userDomClass': '.user,.user-name,.sub-user-name', 'classMap': dynamicClassMap },
'live.bilibili.com': { 'userDomClass': '.chat-item,.danmaku-item', 'classMap': liveClassMap },
'www.bilibili.com/festival/': { 'userDomClass': '.user,.user-name,.sub-user-name,.chat-item,.danmaku-item', 'classMap': { ...videoClassMap, ...liveClassMap } },
'www.bilibili.com/bangumi/': { 'userDomClass': '.user,.user-name,.sub-user-name,.chat-item,.danmaku-item', 'classMap': { ...videoClassMap, ...liveClassMap } },
'www.bilibili.com/read/': { 'userDomClass': '.user,.user-name,.sub-user-name,.chat-item,.danmaku-item', 'classMap': { ...videoClassMap, ...liveClassMap } },
'www.bilibili.com/blackboard/': { 'userDomClass': '.user,.user-name,.sub-user-name,.chat-item,.danmaku-item', 'classMap': { ...videoClassMap, ...liveClassMap } },
'www.bilibili.com/v/topic/': { 'userDomClass': '.user,.user-name,.sub-user-name,.chat-item,.danmaku-item', 'classMap': { ...videoClassMap, ...liveClassMap } },
/** 获取UID
* @param { Element } v 用户DOM元素
* @returns { string } 返回UID字符串
const getUID = (v) => v?.dataset?.uid || v?.children[0]?.dataset['usercardMid'] || v?.children[0]?.href?.replace(/[^\d]/g, "") || v.dataset['userId']
/** 获取用户昵称
* @param { Element } v 用户DOM元素
* @returns { string } 返回昵称字符串
const getUname = (v) =>
'live.bilibili.com': v?.dataset?.uname,
'space.bilibili.com': v?.firstChild?.textContent,
'www.bilibili.com': version ? v?.textContent : v?.firstChild?.textContent,
't.bilibili.com': v?.firstChild?.textContent
/** 轮询获取DOM元素
* @param { string } className 类名
* @param { number } timeout 轮询周期(毫秒), 默认值为1000
* @param { boolean } isDelay 是否立刻执行一次
* @returns { Promise<Array<Element>> } 返回DOM数组
const getDom = (className, timeout = 1000, isDelay = false) => {
let DOMS = [], timer = undefined
let fn = (resolve) => {
return () => {
if (ciframe === undefined) {
ciframe = getCurIframe()
/** 若页面存在iframe, 则将成分标签相关样式css样式添加到iframe内 */
if (!init && ciframe !== undefined) {
init = true
const innerIframe_style = document.createElement('style')
innerIframe_style.innerHTML = css_tag
DOMS = (domain === 'live.bilibili.com' ?
ciframe !== undefined ?
if (DOMS.length > 0) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
!isDelay && fn(resolve)()
timer = setInterval(fn(resolve), timeout)
/** 获取反差强烈的另外一种颜色
* @param { string } oldColor 十六进制字符串
* @returns { string } 返回反差强烈的另外一种颜色的十六进制字符串
const getContrastColor = (oldColor) => (('0x' + oldColor.slice(1, 3)) * 299 + ('0x' + oldColor.slice(3, 5)) * 587 + ('0x' + oldColor.slice(5, 7)) * 114) / 1000 >= 128 ? 'black' : 'white'
/** 获取待个人信息字符串并检测成分
* @param { string } uid 用户UID
* @param { Element | null } dom 用户评论元素
* @param { boolean } isdeep 是否需要深度收集, 默认为否
* @param { boolean } forceSync 是否强制刷新
* @returns { Promise<void> } 返回个人信息字符串
const handleStr = async (uid, dom, isdeep = false, forceSync = false) => {
/** 并发进行网络请求及成分检测 */
await Promise.all(
/** 获取评论/弹幕文本 */
new Promise(resolve => {
let textStr = ' '
switch (true) {
case domain === 'space.bilibili.com' || domain === 't.bilibili.com': textStr = (dom.closest('.text text-con') || dom.querySelector('.text-con') || dom.parentNode.querySelector('.text')).textContent
textStr = (domain === 'live.bilibili.com' ?
dom : version ?
(dom.closest(domainMap[domain].classMap[dom.className][1]) || dom || dom.parentNode)
dom.parentNode.className !== 'reply-con' ?
dom.parentNode.parentNode)?.querySelector(dom.parentNode.className === 'reply-con' ?
if (textStr?.trim().length > 0) dealRes(uid, '『评论内容』' + textStr, '评论', forceSync, resolve); else resolve()
} else resolve()
/** 获取用户全部粉丝牌列表 */
new Promise(async (resolve) => {
if (DET_BASE['DET_BASE_MedalWall'] && !API_OVERLOAD['DET_BASE_MedalWall'].state) {
let medalStr = ' '
const medalList = await GM_Request(getRequestParams('Medal', uid, 1))
if (medalList?.code === 0 && medalList?.data?.count > 0) {
medalList?.data?.list.forEach((v) => {
/** 粉丝牌正主名称 */
target_name = (v?.target_name ?? ''),
/** 粉丝牌名称 */
medal_name = (v?.medal_info.medal_name ?? ''),
/** 粉丝牌等级 */
level = (v?.medal_info.level ?? '') + ''
+= (target_name.length > 0 ? `『${level.length > 0 ? `${level}级` : ''}粉丝牌->正主』` : '') + target_name + '∏'
+ (medal_name.length > 0 ? `『${level.length > 0 ? `${level}级` : ''}粉丝牌->名称』` : '') + medal_name + '∏'
userTags[uid]['MedalWall'] = medalList?.data?.list
} else if (medalList?.code === 412) banAPI('DET_BASE_MedalWall', status_MedalWall)
if (medalStr.trim().length > 0) dealRes(uid, medalStr, '粉丝牌', forceSync, resolve); else resolve()
} else resolve()
/** 获取用户前(50n)个投稿列表 */
new Promise(async (resolve) => {
let videoStr = ' '
for (let pn = 1, count = 0; pn <= (isdeep ? 2 : 1); pn++) {
const videoList = await GM_Request(getRequestParams('Video', uid, pn))
if (videoList?.code === 0 && videoList?.data?.list?.vlist.length > 0) {
videoList?.data?.list?.vlist.forEach((v) => {
/** 投稿标题 */
title = (v?.title ?? ''),
/** 投稿描述 */
description = (v?.description ?? '')
+= (title.length > 0 ? '『投稿标题』' : '') + title + '∏'
+ (description.length > 0 ? '『投稿描述』' : '') + description + '∏'
count += 50
if (count >= videoList?.data?.page?.count) break
} else if (videoList?.code === 412) {
if (videoStr.trim().length > 0) dealRes(uid, videoStr, '投稿列表', forceSync, resolve); else resolve()
} else resolve()
/** 获取用户前(50n)个关注列表 */
new Promise(async (resolve) => {
let subStr = ' '
for (let pn = 1, count = 0; pn <= (isdeep ? 5 : 1); pn++) {
const subList = await GM_Request(getRequestParams('SubList', uid, pn))
if (subList?.code === 0 && subList?.data?.list?.length > 0) {
subList?.data?.list.forEach((v) => {
/** 关注用户的名称 */
let uname = (v?.uname ?? '')
subStr += (uname.length > 0 ? '『关注用户』' : '') + uname + '∏'
count += 50
if (count >= subList?.data?.total) break
} else if (subList?.code === 412) {
if (subStr.trim().length > 0) dealRes(uid, subStr, '关注列表', forceSync, resolve); else resolve()
} else resolve()
/** 获取用户前n页动态列表 */
new Promise(async (resolve) => {
let dynamicStr = '', offset = ''
for (let pn = 1; pn <= (isdeep ? 5 : 1); pn++) {
const dynamicList = await GM_Request(getRequestParams('Dynamic', uid, pn, offset))
if (dynamicList?.code === 0 && dynamicList?.data?.items?.length > 0) {
offset = dynamicList?.data?.offset
dynamicList?.data?.items.forEach((v) => {
/** 装扮名称 */
decorate_name = (v?.modules?.module_author?.decorate?.name ?? ''),
/** 头像装扮名称 */
pendant_name = (v?.modules?.module_author?.pendant?.name ?? ''),
/** 转发动态的作者名称 */
module_author = (v?.orig?.modules?.module_author?.name ?? ''),
/** 动态文本内容 */
text = (v?.modules?.module_dynamic?.desc?.text ?? '')
+= (decorate_name.length > 0 ? '『装扮』' : '') + decorate_name + '∏'
+ (pendant_name.length > 0 ? '『头像装扮』' : '') + pendant_name + '∏'
+ (module_author.length > 0 ? '『转发作者』' : '') + module_author + '∏'
+ (text.length > 0 ? '『动态内容』' : '') + text + '∏'
if (!dynamicList?.data?.has_more) break
} else if (dynamicList?.code === 412) {
if (dynamicStr.trim().length > 0) dealRes(uid, dynamicStr, '动态列表', forceSync, resolve); else resolve()
} else resolve()
).then(() => {
if (DEL && userBlackList.has(uid)) block(dom)
if (DET && uidset.has(uid)) {
appendTags(uid, dom, userTags[uid], forceSync)
for (const tagname of Object.keys(userTags[uid])) userTagsHash[uid]['filter'].add(tagname)
/** 普通/深度检测
* @param { string } uid 用户UID
* @param { Element | null } dom 用户评论元素
* @param { boolean } isdeep 是否需要深度收集, 默认为否
* @returns { Promise<void> }
const check = async (uid, dom, isdeep = false) => {
/** 获取旧标签容器 */
let container = (domain === 'live.bilibili.com' ?
dom : version ?
dom.parentNode.className !== 'reply-con' ?
medalWall.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-hide'
medalWall.setAttribute('key', null)
if (userTagsHash[uid]['isdeepchecked']) {
appendTags(uid, dom, userTags[uid])
if (isdeep) {
/** 添加已深度检测状态 */
dom.setAttribute('xzsx_isdeepchecked', true)
userTagsHash[uid]['isdeepchecked'] = true
/** 检测成分 */
await handleStr(uid, dom, isdeep, true)
isdeep && container.querySelector('.icon-deepcheck').remove()
/** 数字转十六进制字符串
* @param { number } num 源字符串
* @returns { string }
const intToHexString = (num) => {
let hexStr = num.toString(16)
for (let i = hexStr.length; i < 6; i++) hexStr = '0' + hexStr
return hexStr
/** 高亮关键词
* @param { string } str 源字符串
* @param { string } targetStr 目标字符串
* @returns { string }
const highLight = (str, targetStr) => str.split(targetStr).join(`<span style="background-color:yellow;color:black;">${targetStr}</span>`)
/** 瀑布流
* @param { HTMLElement } container 瀑布流布局容器
* @param { HTMLElement[] } doms HTML元素集合
* @param { number } gap 元素间隙
* @param { 'Horizontal' | 'Vertical' } direction 方向
* @return { [ number, number ] } 最大高宽
const waterfall = (container, doms, gap, direction) => {
const curAttr = { 'Horizontal': ['height', 'width', 'left', 'top'], 'Vertical': ['width', 'height', 'top', 'left'] }[direction], csize = parseInt(container.style[curAttr[0]])
if (typeof (csize) !== 'number' || csize <= 0) return 0
const size = parseInt(getComputedStyle(doms[0])[curAttr[0]]), num = parseInt(csize / (size + gap))
let pos = [], lowest = -1
for (let i = 0; i < doms.length; i++) {
let computedStyle = getComputedStyle(doms[i])
doms[i].style.position = 'absolute'
if (i < num) {
pos[i] = parseInt(computedStyle[curAttr[1]]) + gap
doms[i].style[curAttr[2]] = gap + 'px'
doms[i].style[curAttr[3]] = gap * (i % num + 1) + size * (i % num) + 'px'
} else {
lowest = pos.indexOf(Math.min(...pos))
doms[i].style[curAttr[2]] = pos[lowest] + gap + 'px'
doms[i].style[curAttr[3]] = gap * (lowest % num + 1) + size * (lowest % num) + 'px'
pos[lowest] = pos[lowest] + parseInt(computedStyle[curAttr[1]]) + gap
return [pos.length * (size + gap) + gap, pos[pos.indexOf(Math.max(...pos))] + gap]
/** 插入标签
* @param { string } uid 用户UID
* @param { Element | null } dom 用户评论元素
* @param { object } tags 用户成分名集合
* @param { boolean } forceSync 是否强制刷新, 默认为否
* @returns { void }
const appendTags = (uid, dom, tags, forceSync = false) => {
let fansTags = [], antiTags = [], iframePos = ciframe?.getBoundingClientRect()
try {
Object.keys(tags).forEach(tagname => {
if (tagname !== 'MedalWall') {
tags[tagname].fan.isFans && fansTags.push(tagname)
tags[tagname].anti.isAnti && antiTags.push(tagname)
/** 生成标签DOM */
let Tags = [], length = 0, cur = (version && domain !== 'www.bilibili.com' && domain !== 'www.bilibili.com/bangumi/' && domain !== 'www.bilibili.com/read/'&& domain !== 'www.bilibili.com/blackboard/'&& domain !== 'www.bilibili.com/v/topic/') ? (dom.querySelector(domainMap[domain].classMap[dom.className][0]) || dom.closest(domainMap[domain].classMap[dom.className][0])) : dom, tag_container = cur.querySelector('.tag_container'), existTags = new Set(), container = tag_container !== null ? tag_container : document.createElement('div')
container.querySelectorAll('.xzsx_detect_tag').forEach(ele => existTags.add(ele.textContent))
fansTags.forEach((tagname) => {
if (!existTags.has(tagname)) {
length += tagname.replace(/\p{sc=Han}/gu, '**').length
let ele = document.createElement('div')
ele.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag'
ele.style.display = length <= TAG_MAX_LENGTH ? 'inline-flex' : 'none'
ele.style.color = getContrastColor(rulesApply.detect[tagname].color)
ele.style.borderColor = rulesApply.detect[tagname].color + '80'
ele.style.backgroundImage = `-o-linear-gradient(45deg,  ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color}, ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color + '80'})`
ele.style.backgroundImage = `-moz-linear-gradient(45deg,  ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color}, ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color + '80'})`
ele.style.backgroundImage = `-webkit-linear-gradient(45deg,  ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color}, ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color + '80'})`
ele.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(45deg,  ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color}, ${rulesApply.detect[tagname].color + '80'})`
ele.textContent = (tags[tagname].anti.isAnti ? '🐵' : '') + tagname
/** 点击成分标签展开溯源面板 */
ele.onclick = (e) => {
medalWall.setAttribute('key', null)
medalWall.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-hide'
trackPanel.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-hide'
trackPanel.innerHTML =
<div title='${getUname(dom)} / ${tagname}' class='xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-title'>
${getUname(dom)} / ${tagname}
<div class='xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-content'>
${tags[tagname].anti.isAnti ?
<div class='xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-anti'>
<u class='xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-texttitle'>黑子关键词溯源</u>
${Object.keys(tags[tagname].anti.sources).map((src) => {
return tags[tagname].anti.sources[src].size > 0 ?
<div class="xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-source">${src}</div>
${Array.from(tags[tagname].anti.sources[src]).map((text) => {
let texts = text.split('Γ')
return `<div class="xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-text">${highLight(texts[1], texts[0])}</div>`
` : ''}).join('')}
` : '' }
<div class='xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-fans'>
<u class='xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-texttitle'>粉丝关键词溯源</u>
${Object.keys(tags[tagname].fan.sources).map((src) => {
return tags[tagname].fan.sources[src].size > 0 ?
<div class="xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-source">${src}</div>
${Array.from(tags[tagname].fan.sources[src]).map((text) => {
let texts = text.split('Γ')
return `<div class="xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-text">${highLight(texts[1], texts[0])}</div>`
` : ''}).join('')}
let title = trackPanel.querySelector('.xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-title')
title.onclick = e => { e.stopPropagation(); ele.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", inline: "center" }) }
title.onmouseenter = e => e.target.style.opacity = 0.8
title.onmouseleave = e => e.target.style.opacity = 1
trackPanel.style.display = 'flex'
let pos = e.target.getBoundingClientRect()
if (domain === 'live.bilibili.com') {
trackPanel.style.position = 'fixed'
trackPanel.style.right = '24px'
trackPanel.style.top = '24px'
} else {
trackPanel.style.position = 'absolute'
trackPanel.style.left = (iframePos?.left ?? 0) + (pos.left + 260 > document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth - 300 : pos.left + 10) + 'px'
trackPanel.style.top = (iframePos?.top ?? 0) + document.scrollingElement.scrollTop + (pos.top + 220 > document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight - 250 : pos.top + 20) + 'px'
trackPanel.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-show'
let icon = document.createElement('div'), checkBtn = document.createElement('div'), exist_btn = container.querySelector('div.icon-expend') === null
if (exist_btn && length > TAG_MAX_LENGTH) {
icon.className = 'icon-expend'
icon.innerHTML =
<svg t="1636097794549" class="svg-expend" viewBox="0 0 #### ####" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="5713" >
<path d="M586.624 234.624a74.624 74.624 0 1 1-149.184 0 74.624 74.624 0 0 1 149.12 0z m0 554.624a74.624 74.624 0 1 1-149.248 0 74.624 74.624 0 0 1 149.248 0zM512 586.624a74.624 74.624 0 1 0 0-149.248 74.624 74.624 0 0 0 0 149.248z" p-id="5714" fill="#9499a0"></path>
icon.onclick = e => {
icon.style.display = 'none'
container.querySelectorAll('div.xzsx_detect_tag[style*="display: none;"]').forEach(tag => tag.style.display = 'inline-flex')
/** 构造标签容器 */
container.className = 'tag_container'
/** 构造主动检测按钮 */
checkBtn.className = 'icon-deepcheck'
checkBtn.innerHTML =
<div class="icon-deepcheck-hide" >
<svg class="svg-deepcehck" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M16.32 14.9l5.39 5.4a1 1 0 0 1-1.42 1.4l-5.38-5.38a8 8 0 1 1 1.41-1.41zM10 16a6 6 0 1 0 0-12 6 6 0 0 0 0 12z"></path>
<div style="position: absolute;">
<svg class='check-container'>
<circle class='check-circle' cx="9" cy="9" r="8" />
checkBtn.onclick = () => check(uid, dom, false)
const [_ddeep, clearDeepTimer] = _debounce(() => { checkBtn.children[0].className = 'icon-deepcheck-hide'; check(uid, dom, true) }, 1000)
checkBtn.onmousedown = () => { checkBtn.children[0].style.transform = 'scale(0.55)'; checkBtn.children[1].children[0].children[0].style.strokeDashoffset = 0; _ddeep() }
checkBtn.onmouseup = () => { checkBtn.children[0].style.transform = 'scale(1)'; checkBtn.children[1].children[0].children[0].style.strokeDashoffset = 50.3; clearDeepTimer() }
const [_dshow, clearshowTimer] = _debounce(() => checkBtn.style.display = 'inline-flex', 500)
const [_dhide, clearhideTimer] = _debounce(() => checkBtn.style.display = 'none', 1000)
container.onmouseenter = () => { clearhideTimer(); _dshow() }
container.onmouseleave = () => { clearshowTimer(); _dhide() }
dom.onmouseenter = () => { clearhideTimer(); _dshow() }
dom.onmouseleave = () => { clearshowTimer(); _dhide() }
/** 勋章墙 */
let container2 = document.createElement('div'), medalBtn = null, medalList = []
if (tags['MedalWall'] !== undefined) {
tags['MedalWall'].sort((a, b) => b.medal_info.level - a.medal_info.level).forEach((info, i) => {
let medal = document.createElement('div')
medal.title = info.target_name
medal.onclick = () => window.open(info.link)
medal.style.cssText =
display: inline-flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
box-sizing: content-box;
width: fit-content;
height: 16px;
line-height: 16px;
color: #fff;
border: 1px solid transparent;
border-color: #${intToHexString(info.medal_info.medal_color_border)};
white-space: nowrap;
border-radius: 2px;
font-family: "Microsoft YaHei", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Microsoft SanSerf", "微软雅黑";
font-size: 10px;
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 1;
let medal_name = info.medal_info.medal_name, target_name = info.target_name
Object.keys(rules.detect).forEach(tagname => { rules.detect[tagname].keywords.forEach(key => { medal_name = highLight(medal_name, key); target_name = highLight(target_name, key) }); rules.detect[tagname].antikeywords.forEach(antikey => medal_name = highLight(medal_name, antikey)) })
medal.innerHTML =
<span style="margin-left:4px;margin-right:4px;">${target_name}</span>
<div style="color:#${intToHexString(info.medal_info.medal_color_start)};width: 16px; text-align: center; border-top-left-radius: 1px; border-bottom-right-radius: 1px;background-color: white;box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #ddd;">${info.medal_info.level}</div>
medal.children[0].style.cssText =
display: -webkit-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
-webkit-box-pack: center;
-ms-flex-pack: center;
justify-content: center;
-webkit-box-align: center;
-ms-flex-align: center;
align-items: center;
min-width: 12px;
text-align: center;
padding: 0 4px;
color: #fff;
border-top-left-radius: 1px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 1px;
background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #${intToHexString(info.medal_info.medal_color_start)}, #${intToHexString(info.medal_info.medal_color_end)});
box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #ddd;
medal.children[1].style.cssText =
box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #ddd inset;
medal.onmouseenter = e => e.target.style.opacity = 0.8
medal.onmouseleave = e => e.target.style.opacity = 1
if (i === 0) {
let clone = medal.cloneNode(true)
clone.children[0].children[0].textContent = info.medal_info.medal_name
clone.children[1].children[0].textContent = info.target_name
medalBtn = clone
let existMedal = cur.querySelector('.fans-medal-item')
if (tags.hasOwnProperty('MedalWall')) {
container2.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-medalBtn'
if (domain === 'live.bilibili.com' && existMedal !== null) {
container2 = existMedal
container2.style.cursor = 'pointer'
container2.onmouseenter = e => e.target.style.opacity = 0.8
container2.onmouseleave = e => e.target.style.opacity = 1
container2.onclick = (e) => {
let ckey = medalWall.getAttribute('key'), key = getUname(dom)
if (ckey !== null && ckey === key) return
medalWall.setAttribute('key', key)
medalWall.innerHTML =
<div title="${getUname(dom)} / 勋章墙" class="xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-title">${getUname(dom)} / 勋章墙</div>
<div class="xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-container"></div>
let medalContainer = medalWall.querySelector('.xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-container'), medalTitle = medalWall.querySelector('.xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-title')
medalTitle.onclick = () => dom.scrollIntoView({ block: "center", inline: "center" })
medalTitle.onmouseenter = e => e.target.style.opacity = 0.8
medalTitle.onmouseleave = e => e.target.style.opacity = 1
medalContainer.style.height = medalList.length < 25 ? '120px' : '240px'
const [size1, size2] = waterfall(medalContainer, medalList, 8, 'Horizontal'), pos = e.target.getBoundingClientRect()
trackPanel.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-trackpanel-hide'
medalWall.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-hide'
if (domain === 'live.bilibili.com') {
medalWall.style.position = 'fixed'
medalWall.style.right = '24px'
medalWall.style.top = '24px'
} else {
medalWall.style.position = 'absolute'
medalWall.style.left = (iframePos?.left ?? 0) + (pos.left + 260 > document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth - 300 : pos.left + 10) + 'px'
medalWall.style.top = (iframePos?.top ?? 0) + document.scrollingElement.scrollTop + (pos.top + 220 > document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight - 250 : pos.top + 20) + 'px'
medalWall.style.display = 'flex'
medalWall.style.height = size1 + (size2 > 400 ? 38 : 34) + 'px'
medalWall.style.width = size2 + 'px'
medalContainer.style.height = size1 + 'px'
medalContainer.style.width = size2 + 'px'
medalTitle.style.width = size2 - 8 + 'px'
medalWall.scrollLeft = 0
medalWall.className = 'xzsx_detect_tag-medalwall-show'
/** 滚轮控制横向滚动 */
if (size2 > 400) {
medalWall.addEventListener("wheel", e => {
medalWall.scrollLeft += e.deltaY
container.append(domain === 'live.bilibili.com' ? '' : container2, ...Tags, exist_btn && length > TAG_MAX_LENGTH ? icon : '', forceSync ? checkBtn : (JSON.parse((dom.attributes?.xzsx_isdeepchecked?.value ?? false)) || userTagsHash[uid]['isdeepchecked']) ? '' : checkBtn)
tag_container === null && cur.append(container)
if (domain === 'live.bilibili.com' && existMedal == null) cur?.insertBefore(container2, cur.firstChild)
} catch (error) {
/** 屏蔽操作
* @param { Element | null } user 用户评论元素
* @returns { void }
const block = (user) => {
let closest = domain === 'live.bilibili.com' ?
user : version ?
user.parentNode.className !== 'reply-con' ?
switch (DEL_STYLE) {
case '消息屏蔽':
closest = closest.querySelector(user.parentNode.className === 'reply-con' ?
closest.style.fontStyle = 'oblique'
closest.textContent = '[消息已删除]'
case '完全删除':
closest.style.display = 'none'
/** ... */
/** 查重
* @param { string } uid 用户UID
* @param { Element | null } user 用户评论元素
* @returns { void }
const filte = (uid, user) => {
if (DEL && userBlackList.has(uid)) block(user)
if (DET && (!DEL || DEL_STYLE !== '完全删除') && uidset.has(uid)) appendTags(uid, user, userTags[uid])
return uidset.has(uid) || userBlackList.has(uid)
/** 处理用户数据
* @param { string } uid 用户UID
* @param { string } resStr 用户信息字符串
* @param { string } source 字符串来源
* @param { boolean } forceSync 是否强制刷新
* @param { function } resolve 调用结束Promise状态
* @returns { void }
const dealRes = (uid, resStr, source, forceSync, resolve) => {
try {
if (DEL) {
for (const key of Object.keys(rulesApply.blackList)) {
if (rulesApply.blackList[key] === '基于成分' && rulesApply.detect.hasOwnProperty(key) && rulesApply.detect[key].keywords.size > 0) {
rulesApply.detect[key].keywords.forEach(key => resStr.indexOf(key) !== -1 && userBlackList.add(uid))
if (DET) {
/** 结合黑子关键词atikeyword与粉丝关键词keyword查成分 */
for (const tagname of Object.keys(rulesApply.detect)) {
if ((forceSync || !userTagsHash[uid]['filter'].has(tagname)) && rulesApply.detect[tagname].keywords.size > 0) {
if (!userTags[uid].hasOwnProperty(tagname)) {
userTags[uid][tagname] = { fan: { isFans: false, sources: {} }, anti: { isAnti: false, sources: {} } }
rulesApply.detect[tagname].keywords.forEach((keyword) => {
let index = resStr.indexOf(keyword)
while (index !== -1) {
userTags[uid][tagname].fan.isFans = true
if (!userTags[uid][tagname].fan.sources.hasOwnProperty(source)) {
userTags[uid][tagname].fan.sources[source] = new Set()
/** 截取关键词前后十个字符 */
let begin = index, L = index, R = index + keyword.length, countL = 0, countR = 0
while (L > 0 && resStr[L] !== '』' && countL++ < 10) { --L }
while (R < resStr.length && resStr[R] !== '∏' && countR++ < 10) { ++R }
while (begin > 0 && resStr[begin] !== '『') { begin-- }
userTags[uid][tagname].fan.sources[source].add(keyword + 'Γ' + resStr.slice(begin, resStr.indexOf('』', begin) + 1) + resStr.slice(L + 1, R))
index = resStr.indexOf(keyword, index + 1)
if (rulesApply.detect[tagname].antikeywords.size > 0) {
rulesApply.detect[tagname].antikeywords.forEach((antikeyword) => {
let index = resStr.indexOf(antikeyword)
while (index !== -1) {
userTags[uid][tagname].anti.isAnti = true
if (!userTags[uid][tagname].anti.sources.hasOwnProperty(source)) {
userTags[uid][tagname].anti.sources[source] = new Set()
/** 截取关键词前后十个字符 */
let begin = index, L = index, R = index + antikeyword.length, countL = 0, countR = 0
while (L > 0 && resStr[L] !== '』' && countL++ < 10) { --L }
while (R < resStr.length && resStr[R] !== '∏' && countR++ < 10) { ++R }
while (begin > 0 && resStr[begin] !== '『') { begin-- }
userTags[uid][tagname].anti.sources[source].add(antikeyword + 'Γ' + resStr.slice(begin, resStr.indexOf('』', begin) + 1) + resStr.slice(L + 1, R))
index = resStr.indexOf(antikeyword, index + 1)
} catch (error) {
} finally {
/** 渲染行为
* @param { boolean } forceSync 是否强制刷新, 默认为否
* @param { boolean } isJump 是否插队
* @returns { Promise<void> }
const render = async (forceSync = false, isJump = false) => {
if (!DET && !DEL) return
try {
/** 获取用户元素集合 */
let DOMS = Array.from(await getDom(...[domainMap[domain].userDomClass, ...domain === 'space.bilibili.com' ? [500, true] : []])), curDocument = domain === 'live.bilibili.com' ? ciframe !== undefined ? ciframe.contentWindow.document : document : document
/** 若需要插队则对数组排序进行特殊处理 */
if (isJump) DOMS = DOMS.slice(0, _T._limit - _T._count).concat(DOMS.slice(_T._limit - _T._count, DOMS.length).reverse())
for (const user of DOMS) {
/** 过滤不在视野内的元素 */
const pos = user.getBoundingClientRect()
if (pos.top + pos.height < 0 || pos.top > curDocument.documentElement.clientHeight) continue
/** 获取UID和昵称 */
const uid = getUID(user), uname = getUname(user)
/** 过滤未设置的Class  排除非评论元素 */
if (!domainMap[domain].classMap.hasOwnProperty(user.className) || !uid) continue
/** 过滤已查过成分的DOM元素 */
if (!forceSync && JSON.parse(user.attributes?.xzsx_ischecked?.value ?? false)) continue
else user.setAttribute('xzsx_ischecked', true)
/** 过滤已查过成分的用户 */
if (!forceSync && filte(uid, user)) continue
/** 基于昵称屏蔽 */
if (DEL && rules.blackList.hasOwnProperty(uname?.trim()) && rules.blackList[uname?.trim()] === '基于昵称') {
/** 基于成分贴标签/屏蔽 */
if (DET) {
if (!userTagsHash.hasOwnProperty(uid)) {
userTagsHash[uid] = { isdeepchecked: false, filter: new Set() }
userTags[uid] = {}
/** 根据模式选择不同的处理方式 */
switch (MODE) {
case '自动':
_T.enqueue({ uid, user, isdeep: false, forceSync }, isJump)
case '静默':
appendTags(uid, user, [], true)
} catch (error) {
/** 节流渲染次数
* @type { () => void }
let _render = _throttle((forceSync, isJump) => render(forceSync, isJump), INTERVAL, { leading: false, trailing: true })[0]
/** <===================================================================================列表监听===========================================================================================> */
/** 监听器浏览器兼容
* @type { MutationObserver }
const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver
/** 监听元素
* @param { boolean } params getDom 参数
* @param { boolean } isMark 是否开启优化, 默认为false
* @param { boolean } breakCondition 跳出情况, 默认为false
* @param { boolean } extra 额外需要执行的函数, 默认为空函数
* @returns { () => Promise<void> }
const Listen = (params, isMark = false, breakCondition = false, extra = async () => { }) => {
if (!Array.isArray(params) || typeof (breakCondition) !== 'boolean' || typeof (isMark) !== 'boolean' || typeof (extra) !== 'function' || breakCondition) return async () => { }
return async () => {
const DOMS = await getDom(...params)
for (const dom of DOMS) {
if (isMark && dom.attributes?.xzsx_islistened?.value) continue
new MutationObserver(() => { _render(false, true); extra() }).observe(dom, { childList: true })
isMark && dom.setAttribute('xzsx_islistened', true)
/** 动态页面监听子列表
* @type { () => Promise<void> }
const ListenSubSubReplyList = Listen(['.comment-list,.reply-box', ...domain === 'space.bilibii.com' ? [250, true] : []], true)
/** 监听子评论列表
* @type { () => Promise<void> }
const ListenSubReplyList = Listen(
domain === 'live.bilibili.com',
async () => {
if (domain === 'space.bilibili.com') {
await Listen(['.comment-list', 250, true], true, false, async () => ListenSubSubReplyList())()
await ListenSubSubReplyList()
/** 监听主评论列表
* @type { () => Promise<void> }
const ListenReplyList = Listen([versionMap[domain][version].mainList], true, false, async () => await ListenSubReplyList())
/** 滚动页面触发渲染&防抖 */
const _dscroll = _debounce(() => render(), 100, { leading: false, trailing: true })[0]
/** 监听直播页面的特殊滚动条
* @returns { Promise<void> }
const ListenScrollBar = async () => {
const scroller = await getDom('#chat-history-list > div.ps__scrollbar-y-rail')
scroller.forEach(ele => new MutationObserver(() => _dscroll()).observe(ele, { attributeFilter: ['style'] }))
/** 批量监听
* @returns { Promise<void> }
const batchListen = async () => {
/** 监听主列表 */
await ListenReplyList()
/** 监听子列表 */
await ListenSubReplyList()
/** 动态页面额外监听的子列表 */
domain === 'space.bilibili.com' && await ListenSubSubReplyList()
/** 直播页面额外监听列表特殊滚动条 */
domain === 'live.bilibili.com' && await ListenScrollBar()
/** 初始渲染 */
/** 初始监听 */
await batchListen()
/** 监听页面滚动并检测视野范围内的用户成分 */
window.onscroll = _dscroll
/** 单页面监听URL变化重新监听评论列表 */
history.replaceState = bindHistoryEvent('replaceState')
window.onhashchange = async () => { _T.resetqueue(); _T.reset(); await batchListen() }
window.onpopstate = async () => { _T.resetqueue(); _T.reset(); await batchListen() }
window.addEventListener('replaceState', async () => { _T.resetqueue(); _T.reset(); await batchListen() })