work and life balance!
// ==UserScript== // @name Gitlab 996 index statistic // @namespace http://996.icu/ // @version 0.1 // @description work and life balance! // @author wanghsinche // @match https://*/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=gitlab.com // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const meta = document.body.dataset; const projectId = meta?meta.projectId:null; const commitURL = `/api/v4/projects/${projectId}/repository/commits` const visualazation = 'https://hellodigua.github.io/code996/#/r###lt' const mergeFlag = "Merge branch" const pannelId = 'my-pannel' let loading = false function print(...param) { const myPannel = document.getElementById(pannelId) myPannel.style.display = 'block' myPannel.innerText = param.toString() } async function getCommit(maxNum = 1000, page = 1) { if (maxNum < 1) { return [] } const perPage = 100 const param = new URLSearchParams() param.set('per_page', perPage) param.set('page', page) const rawData = await fetch(`${commitURL}?${param.toString()}`).then(res => res.json()) const data = rawData.filter(el => !el.title.startsWith(mergeFlag)) if (rawData.length < perPage) { return data } print('processing... page ', page) const rest = await getCommit(maxNum - data.length, page + 1) return data.concat(rest) } async function processData() { const totalCommit = await getCommit() print('got the commits, start to analyze', totalCommit.length) const startTime = new Date(totalCommit.reduce((am, ele) => { if (!am) return ele.committed_date return am < ele.committed_date ? am : ele.committed_date }, null)) const endTime = new Date(totalCommit.reduce((am, ele) => { if (!am) return ele.committed_date return am > ele.committed_date ? am : ele.committed_date }, null)) // const timezone = Object.entries(totalCommit.reduce((am, ele)=>{ // const tz = ele.committed_date.split('+').pop() // am[tz] = (am[tz]||0)+1 // return am // }, {})).reduce((am, ele)=>{ // if (ele[1] > am[1]){ // return ele // } // }, ['00:00', 0])[0] const byDayR###lt = totalCommit.reduce((am, ele) => { const day = new Date(ele.committed_date).getDay() am[day] = (am[day] || 0) + 1 return am }, {}) const byHourR###lt = totalCommit.reduce((am, ele) => { const hour = new Date(ele.committed_date).getHours() am[hour] = (am[hour] || 0) + 1 return am }, {}) // month start from 0 const formattedStartTime = `${startTime.getFullYear()}-${startTime.getMonth()+1}-${startTime.getDate()}` const formattedEndTime = `${endTime.getFullYear()}-${endTime.getMonth()+1}-${endTime.getDate()}` const formattedDayR###lt = Object.entries(byDayR###lt).map(([day, freq]) => `${freq}_${day}`).join(',') const formattedHourR###lt = Object.entries(byHourR###lt).map(([hour, freq]) => `${freq}_${hour}`).join(',') const param = new URLSearchParams() param.set('time', `${formattedStartTime}_${formattedEndTime}`) param.set('week', formattedDayR###lt) param.set('hour', formattedHourR###lt) const finalLink = `${visualazation}?${param.toString()}` return finalLink } function buildGUI() { const myButton = document.createElement('button') myButton.id = 'my-button' myButton.className = 'gl-button btn btn-default' myButton.textContent = 'Get 996 Index' myButton.addEventListener('click', () => { if (loading) return loading = true processData().then(link => { const myPannel = document.getElementById(pannelId) const a = document.createElement('a') a.href = link a.textContent = ' the statistic r###lt' a.target = 'blank' myPannel.innerHTML = 'got it! click the link to see ' myPannel.append(a) }, err => { print(err) }).finally(() => { loading = false }) }) const container = document.getElementsByClassName('shortcuts-find-file')[0].parentElement container.append(myButton) const myPannel = document.createElement('div') myPannel.id = 'my-pannel' myPannel.style.padding = '20px' myPannel.className = 'info-well' myPannel.style.display = 'none' const infoWell = document.getElementsByClassName('info-well')[0] infoWell.parentElement.insertBefore(myPannel, infoWell) } function main() { if (!projectId){ console.log('it isn\'t a gitlab project page, abort') return } const targetNode = document.getElementsByClassName('nav-block')[0]; // Options for the observer (which mutations to observe) const config = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }; // Callback function to execute when mutations are observed const callback = (mutationList, observer) => { let isChild = false for (const mutation of mutationList) { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { console.log('A child node has been added or removed.'); isChild = true } } if (isChild) { observer.disconnect(); buildGUI() } }; // Create an observer instance linked to the callback function const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); // Start observing the target node for configured mutations observer.observe(targetNode, config); } // launch the program main() })();