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A javascript library that allows using extended CSS selectors (:has, :contains, etc)

สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/452263/1135232/extended-css.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name extended-css
// @name:zh-CN extended-css
// @version 2.0.36
// @namespace https://adguard.com/
// @author AdguardTeam
// @contributor AdguardTeam
// @contributors AdguardTeam
// @developer AdguardTeam
// @copyright GPL-3.0
// @license GPL-3.0
// @description A javascript library that allows using extended CSS selectors (:has, :contains, etc)
// @description:zh 一个让用户可以使用扩展 CSS 选择器的库
// @description:zh-CN 一个让用户可以使用扩展 CSS 选择器的库
// @description:zh_CN 一个让用户可以使用扩展 CSS 选择器的库
// @homepage https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss
// @homepageURL https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss
// ==/UserScript==
* @adguard/extended-css - v2.0.36 - Thu Jan 05 2023
* https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss#homepage
* Copyright (c) 2023 AdGuard. Licensed GPL-3.0
var ExtendedCss = (function () {
'use strict';
function _typeof(obj) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) {
return typeof obj;
} : function (obj) {
return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
}, _typeof(obj);
function _toPrimitive(input, hint) {
if (_typeof(input) !== "object" || input === null) return input;
var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive];
if (prim !== undefined) {
var res = prim.call(input, hint || "default");
if (_typeof(res) !== "object") return res;
throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input);
function _toPropertyKey(arg) {
var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string");
return _typeof(key) === "symbol" ? key : String(key);
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
key = _toPropertyKey(key);
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
let NodeType;
* Universal interface for all node types.
(function (NodeType) {
NodeType["SelectorList"] = "SelectorList";
NodeType["Selector"] = "Selector";
NodeType["RegularSelector"] = "RegularSelector";
NodeType["ExtendedSelector"] = "ExtendedSelector";
NodeType["AbsolutePseudoClass"] = "AbsolutePseudoClass";
NodeType["RelativePseudoClass"] = "RelativePseudoClass";
})(NodeType || (NodeType = {}));
* Class needed for creating ast nodes while selector parsing.
* Used for SelectorList, Selector, ExtendedSelector.
class AnySelectorNode {
* Creates new ast node.
* @param type Ast node type.
constructor(type) {
_defineProperty(this, "children", []);
this.type = type;
* Adds child node to children array.
* @param child Ast node.
addChild(child) {
* Class needed for creating RegularSelector ast node while selector parsing.
class RegularSelectorNode extends AnySelectorNode {
* Creates RegularSelector ast node.
* @param value Value of RegularSelector node.
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
* Class needed for creating RelativePseudoClass ast node while selector parsing.
class RelativePseudoClassNode extends AnySelectorNode {
* Creates RegularSelector ast node.
* @param name Name of RelativePseudoClass node.
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
* Class needed for creating AbsolutePseudoClass ast node while selector parsing.
class AbsolutePseudoClassNode extends AnySelectorNode {
* Creates AbsolutePseudoClass ast node.
* @param name Name of AbsolutePseudoClass node.
constructor(name) {
_defineProperty(this, "value", '');
this.name = name;
/* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence */
* Root node.
* SelectorList
*   : Selector
*     ...
*   ;
* Selector node.
* Selector
*   : RegularSelector
*   | ExtendedSelector
*     ...
*   ;
* Regular selector node.
* It can be selected by querySelectorAll().
* RegularSelector
*   : type
*   : value
*   ;
* Extended selector node.
* ExtendedSelector
*   : AbsolutePseudoClass
*   | RelativePseudoClass
*   ;
* Absolute extended pseudo-class node,
* i.e. none-selector args.
* AbsolutePseudoClass
*   : type
*   : name
*   : value
*   ;
* Relative extended pseudo-class node
* i.e. selector as arg.
* RelativePseudoClass
*   : type
*   : name
*   : SelectorList
*   ;
//  ast example
//  div.banner > div:has(span, p), a img.ad
//  SelectorList - div.banner > div:has(span, p), a img.ad
//      Selector - div.banner > div:has(span, p)
//          RegularSelector - div.banner > div
//          ExtendedSelector - :has(span, p)
//              PseudoClassSelector - :has
//              SelectorList - span, p
//                  Selector - span
//                      RegularSelector - span
//                  Selector - p
//                      RegularSelector - p
//      Selector - a img.ad
//          RegularSelector - a img.ad
const BRACKETS = {
const SLASH = '/';
const BACKSLASH = '\\';
const SPACE = ' ';
const COMMA = ',';
const DOT = '.';
const SEMICOLON = ';';
const COLON = ':';
const SINGLE_QUOTE = '\'';
const DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
// do not consider hyphen `-` as separated mark
// to avoid pseudo-class names splitting
// e.g. 'matches-css' or 'if-not'
const CARET = '^';
const DOLLAR_SIGN = '$';
const EQUAL_SIGN = '=';
const TAB = '\t';
const CARRIAGE_RETURN = '\r';
const LINE_FEED = '\n';
const FORM_FEED = '\f';
// for universal selector and attributes
const ASTERISK = '*';
const ID_MARKER = '#';
// absolute:
const CONTAINS_PSEUDO = 'contains';
const HAS_TEXT_PSEUDO = 'has-text';
const ABP_CONTAINS_PSEUDO = '-abp-contains';
const MATCHES_CSS_PSEUDO = 'matches-css';
const MATCHES_CSS_BEFORE_PSEUDO = 'matches-css-before';
const MATCHES_CSS_AFTER_PSEUDO = 'matches-css-after';
const MATCHES_ATTR_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER = 'matches-attr';
const MATCHES_PROPERTY_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER = 'matches-property';
const NTH_ANCESTOR_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER = 'nth-ancestor';
* Pseudo-class :upward() can get number or selector arg
* and if the arg is selector it should be standard, not extended
* so :upward pseudo-class is always absolute.
* Pseudo-class `:remove()` and pseudo-property `remove`
* are used for element actions, not for element selecting.
* Selector text should not contain the pseudo-class
* so selector parser should consider it as invalid
* and both are handled by stylesheet parser.
const REMOVE_PSEUDO_MARKER = 'remove';
// relative:
const ABP_HAS_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER = '-abp-has';
// these pseudo-classes should be part of RegularSelector value
// if its arg does not contain extended selectors.
// the ast will be checked after the selector is completely parsed
* ':scope' is used for extended pseudo-class :has(), if-not(), :is() and :not().
const SCOPE_CSS_PSEUDO_CLASS = ':scope';
* ':after' and ':before' are needed for :matches-css() pseudo-class
* all other are needed for :has() limitation after regular pseudo-elements.
* @see {@link https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=669058#c54} [case 3]
AFTER: 'after',
BACKDROP: 'backdrop',
BEFORE: 'before',
CUE: 'cue',
CUE_REGION: 'cue-region',
FIRST_LETTER: 'first-letter',
FIRST_LINE: 'first-line',
FILE_SELECTION_BUTTON: 'file-selector-button',
GRAMMAR_ERROR: 'grammar-error',
MARKER: 'marker',
PART: 'part',
PLACEHOLDER: 'placeholder',
SELECTION: 'selection',
SLOTTED: 'slotted',
SPELLING_ERROR: 'spelling-error',
TARGET_TEXT: 'target-text'
const CONTENT_CSS_PROPERTY = 'content';
const NO_SELECTOR_ERROR_PREFIX = 'Selector should be defined before';
NO_STYLE: 'No style declaration at stylesheet part',
NO_SELECTOR: `${NO_SELECTOR_ERROR_PREFIX} style declaration in stylesheet`,
INVALID_STYLE: 'Invalid style declaration at stylesheet part',
UNCLOSED_STYLE: 'Unclosed style declaration at stylesheet part',
NO_PROPERTY: 'Missing style property in declaration at stylesheet part',
NO_VALUE: 'Missing style value in declaration at stylesheet part',
NO_STYLE_OR_REMOVE: 'Invalid stylesheet - no style declared or :remove() pseudo-class used',
NO_COMMENT: 'Comments in stylesheet are not supported'
INVALID_REMOVE: 'Invalid :remove() pseudo-class in selector',
MULTIPLE_USAGE: 'Pseudo-class :remove() appears more than once in selector',
INVALID_POSITION: 'Pseudo-class :remove() should be at the end of selector'
const MATCHING_ELEMENT_ERROR_PREFIX = 'Error while matching element';
* Regexp that matches backward compatible syntaxes.
const REGEXP_VALID_OLD_SYNTAX = /\[-(?:ext)-([a-z-_]+)=(["'])((?:(?=(\\?))\4.)*?)\2\]/g;
* Marker for checking invalid selector after old-syntax normalizing by selector converter.
* Complex replacement function.
* Undo quote escaping inside of an extended selector.
* @param match     Whole matched string.
* @param name      Group 1.
* @param quoteChar Group 2.
* @param rawValue  Group 3.
* @returns Converted string.
const evaluateMatch = (match, name, quoteChar, rawValue) => {
// Unescape quotes
const re = new RegExp(`([^\\\\]|^)\\\\${quoteChar}`, 'g');
const value = rawValue.replace(re, `$1${quoteChar}`);
return `:${name}(${value})`;
// ':scope' pseudo may be at start of :has() argument
// but ExtCssDocument.querySelectorAll() already use it for selecting exact element descendants
const reScope = /\(:scope >/g;
const SCOPE_REPLACER = '(>';
const MATCHES_CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_REGEXP = /(:matches-css)-(before|after)\(/g;
const convertMatchesCss = (match, extendedPseudoClass, regularPseudoElement) => {
// ':matches-css-before('  -->  ':matches-css(before, '
// ':matches-css-after('   -->  ':matches-css(after, '
return `${extendedPseudoClass}${BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.LEFT}${regularPseudoElement}${COMMA}`;
* Handles old syntax and :scope inside :has().
* @param selector Trimmed selector to normalize.
* @returns Normalized selector.
* @throws An error on invalid old extended syntax selector.
const normalize = selector => {
const normalizedSelector = selector.replace(REGEXP_VALID_OLD_SYNTAX, evaluateMatch).replace(reScope, SCOPE_REPLACER).replace(MATCHES_CSS_PSEUDO_ELEMENT_REGEXP, convertMatchesCss);
// validate old syntax after normalizing
// e.g. '[-ext-matches-css-before=\'content:  /^[A-Z][a-z]'
if (normalizedSelector.includes(INVALID_OLD_SYNTAX_MARKER)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid extended-css old syntax selector: '${selector}'`);
return normalizedSelector;
* Prepares the rawSelector before tokenization:
* 1. Trims it.
* 2. Converts old syntax `[-ext-pseudo-class="..."]` to new one `:pseudo-class(...)`.
* 3. Handles :scope pseudo inside :has() pseudo-class arg.
* @param rawSelector Selector with no style declaration.
* @returns Prepared selector with no style declaration.
const convert = rawSelector => {
const trimmedSelector = rawSelector.trim();
return normalize(trimmedSelector);
let TokenType;
(function (TokenType) {
TokenType["Mark"] = "mark";
TokenType["Word"] = "word";
})(TokenType || (TokenType = {}));
* Splits `input` string into tokens.
* @param input Input string to tokenize.
* @param supportedMarks Array of supported marks to considered as `TokenType.Mark`;
* all other will be considered as `TokenType.Word`.
* @returns Array of tokens.
const tokenize = (input, supportedMarks) => {
// buffer is needed for words collecting while iterating
let buffer = '';
// r###lt collection
const tokens = [];
const selectorSymbols = input.split('');
// iterate through selector chars and collect tokens
selectorSymbols.forEach((symbol, i) => {
if (supportedMarks.includes(symbol)) {
type: TokenType.Mark,
value: symbol
buffer += symbol;
const nextSymbol = selectorSymbols[i + 1];
// string end has been reached if nextSymbol is undefined
if (!nextSymbol || supportedMarks.includes(nextSymbol)) {
type: TokenType.Word,
value: buffer
buffer = '';
return tokens;
* Prepares `rawSelector` and splits it into tokens.
* @param rawSelector Raw css selector.
* @returns Array of tokens supported for selector.
const tokenizeSelector = rawSelector => {
const selector = convert(rawSelector);
return tokenize(selector, SUPPORTED_SELECTOR_MARKS);
* Splits `attribute` into tokens.
* @param attribute Input attribute.
* @returns Array of tokens supported for attribute.
const tokenizeAttribute = attribute => {
// equal sigh `=` in attribute is considered as `TokenType.Mark`
return tokenize(attribute, [...SUPPORTED_SELECTOR_MARKS, EQUAL_SIGN]);
* Some browsers do not support Array.prototype.flat()
* e.g. Opera 42 which is used for browserstack tests.
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/flat}
* @param input Array needed to be flatten.
* @returns Flatten array.
* @throws An error if array cannot be flatten.
const flatten = input => {
const stack = [];
input.forEach(el => stack.push(el));
const res = [];
while (stack.length) {
// pop value from stack
const next = stack.pop();
if (!next) {
throw new Error('Unable to make array flat');
if (Array.isArray(next)) {
// push back array items, won't modify the original input
next.forEach(el => stack.push(el));
} else {
// reverse to restore input order
return res.reverse();
* Returns first item from `array`.
* @param array Input array.
* @returns First array item, or `undefined` if there is no such item.
const getFirst = array => {
return array[0];
* Returns last item from array.
* @param array Input array.
* @returns Last array item, or `undefined` if there is no such item.
const getLast = array => {
return array[array.length - 1];
* Returns array item which is previous to the last one
* e.g. for `[5, 6, 7, 8]` returns `7`.
* @param array Input array.
* @returns Previous to last array item, or `undefined` if there is no such item.
const getPrevToLast = array => {
return array[array.length - 2];
* Takes array of ast node `children` and returns the child by the `index`.
* @param array Array of ast node children.
* @param index Index of needed child in the array.
* @param errorMessage Optional error message to throw.
* @returns Array item at `index` position.
* @throws An error if there is no child with specified `index` in array.
const getItemByIndex = (array, index, errorMessage) => {
const indexChild = array[index];
if (!indexChild) {
throw new Error(errorMessage || `No array item found by index ${index}`);
return indexChild;
const NO_REGULAR_SELECTOR_ERROR = 'At least one of Selector node children should be RegularSelector';
* Checks whether the type of `astNode` is SelectorList.
* @param astNode Ast node.
* @returns True if astNode.type === SelectorList.
const isSelectorListNode = astNode => {
return (astNode === null || astNode === void 0 ? void 0 : astNode.type) === NodeType.SelectorList;
* Checks whether the type of `astNode` is Selector.
* @param astNode Ast node.
* @returns True if astNode.type === Selector.
const isSelectorNode = astNode => {
return (astNode === null || astNode === void 0 ? void 0 : astNode.type) === NodeType.Selector;
* Checks whether the type of `astNode` is RegularSelector.
* @param astNode Ast node.
* @returns True if astNode.type === RegularSelector.
const isRegularSelectorNode = astNode => {
return (astNode === null || astNode === void 0 ? void 0 : astNode.type) === NodeType.RegularSelector;
* Checks whether the type of `astNode` is ExtendedSelector.
* @param astNode Ast node.
* @returns True if astNode.type === ExtendedSelector.
const isExtendedSelectorNode = astNode => {
return astNode.type === NodeType.ExtendedSelector;
* Checks whether the type of `astNode` is AbsolutePseudoClass.
* @param astNode Ast node.
* @returns True if astNode.type === AbsolutePseudoClass.
const isAbsolutePseudoClassNode = astNode => {
return (astNode === null || astNode === void 0 ? void 0 : astNode.type) === NodeType.AbsolutePseudoClass;
* Checks whether the type of `astNode` is RelativePseudoClass.
* @param astNode Ast node.
* @returns True if astNode.type === RelativePseudoClass.
const isRelativePseudoClassNode = astNode => {
return (astNode === null || astNode === void 0 ? void 0 : astNode.type) === NodeType.RelativePseudoClass;
* Returns name of `astNode`.
* @param astNode AbsolutePseudoClass or RelativePseudoClass node.
* @returns Name of `astNode`.
* @throws An error on unsupported ast node or no name found.
const getNodeName = astNode => {
if (astNode === null) {
throw new Error('Ast node should be defined');
if (!isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(astNode) && !isRelativePseudoClassNode(astNode)) {
throw new Error('Only AbsolutePseudoClass or RelativePseudoClass ast node can have a name');
if (!astNode.name) {
throw new Error('Extended pseudo-class should have a name');
return astNode.name;
* Returns value of `astNode`.
* @param astNode RegularSelector or AbsolutePseudoClass node.
* @param errorMessage Optional error message if no value found.
* @returns Value of `astNode`.
* @throws An error on unsupported ast node or no value found.
const getNodeValue = (astNode, errorMessage) => {
if (astNode === null) {
throw new Error('Ast node should be defined');
if (!isRegularSelectorNode(astNode) && !isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(astNode)) {
throw new Error('Only RegularSelector ot AbsolutePseudoClass ast node can have a value');
if (!astNode.value) {
throw new Error(errorMessage || 'Ast RegularSelector ot AbsolutePseudoClass node should have a value');
return astNode.value;
* Returns only RegularSelector nodes from `children`.
* @param children Array of ast node children.
* @returns Array of RegularSelector nodes.
const getRegularSelectorNodes = children => {
return children.filter(isRegularSelectorNode);
* Returns the first RegularSelector node from `children`.
* @param children Array of ast node children.
* @param errorMessage Optional error message if no value found.
* @returns Ast RegularSelector node.
* @throws An error if no RegularSelector node found.
const getFirstRegularChild = (children, errorMessage) => {
const regularSelectorNodes = getRegularSelectorNodes(children);
const firstRegularSelectorNode = getFirst(regularSelectorNodes);
if (!firstRegularSelectorNode) {
throw new Error(errorMessage || NO_REGULAR_SELECTOR_ERROR);
return firstRegularSelectorNode;
* Returns the last RegularSelector node from `children`.
* @param children Array of ast node children.
* @returns Ast RegularSelector node.
* @throws An error if no RegularSelector node found.
const getLastRegularChild = children => {
const regularSelectorNodes = getRegularSelectorNodes(children);
const lastRegularSelectorNode = getLast(regularSelectorNodes);
if (!lastRegularSelectorNode) {
return lastRegularSelectorNode;
* Returns the only child of `node`.
* @param node Ast node.
* @param errorMessage Error message.
* @returns The only child of ast node.
* @throws An error if none or more than one child found.
const getNodeOnlyChild = (node, errorMessage) => {
if (node.children.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
const onlyChild = getFirst(node.children);
if (!onlyChild) {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
return onlyChild;
* Takes ExtendedSelector node and returns its only child.
* @param extendedSelectorNode ExtendedSelector ast node.
* @returns AbsolutePseudoClass or RelativePseudoClass.
* @throws An error if there is no specific pseudo-class ast node.
const getPseudoClassNode = extendedSelectorNode => {
return getNodeOnlyChild(extendedSelectorNode, 'Extended selector should be specified');
* Takes RelativePseudoClass node and returns its only child
* which is relative SelectorList node.
* @param pseudoClassNode RelativePseudoClass.
* @returns Relative SelectorList node.
* @throws An error if no selector list found.
const getRelativeSelectorListNode = pseudoClassNode => {
if (!isRelativePseudoClassNode(pseudoClassNode)) {
throw new Error('Only RelativePseudoClass node can have relative SelectorList node as child');
return getNodeOnlyChild(pseudoClassNode, `Missing arg for :${getNodeName(pseudoClassNode)}() pseudo-class`);
* Limited list of available symbols before slash `/`
* to check whether it is valid regexp pattern opening.
// e.g. ':matches-attr(/data-/)'
// e.g. `:matches-attr('/data-/')`
// e.g. ':matches-attr("/data-/")'
// e.g. ':matches-attr(check=/data-v-/)'
// e.g. ':matches-property(inner./_test/=null)'
// e.g. ':matches-css(height:/20px/)'
// ':matches-css-after( content  :   /(\\d+\\s)*me/  )'
// e.g. ':contains(/text/)'
// e.g. `:contains('/text/')`
// e.g. ':contains("/text/")'
* Checks whether the passed token is supported extended pseudo-class.
* @param tokenValue Token value to check.
* @returns True if `tokenValue` is one of supported extended pseudo-class names.
const isSupportedPseudoClass = tokenValue => {
return SUPPORTED_PSEUDO_CLASSES.includes(tokenValue);
* Checks whether the passed pseudo-class `name` should be optimized,
* i.e. :not() and :is().
* @param name Pseudo-class name.
* @returns True if `name` is one if pseudo-class which should be optimized.
const isOptimizationPseudoClass = name => {
return OPTIMIZATION_PSEUDO_CLASSES.includes(name);
* Checks whether next to "space" token is a continuation of regular selector being processed.
* @param nextTokenType Type of token next to current one.
* @param nextTokenValue Value of token next to current one.
* @returns True if next token seems to be a part of current regular selector.
const doesRegularContinueAfterSpace = (nextTokenType, nextTokenValue) => {
// regular selector does not continues after the current token
if (!nextTokenType || !nextTokenValue) {
return false;
return COMBINATORS.includes(nextTokenValue) || nextTokenType === TokenType.Word
// e.g. '#main *:has(> .ad)'
|| nextTokenValue === ASTERISK || nextTokenValue === ID_MARKER || nextTokenValue === CLASS_MARKER
// e.g. 'div :where(.content)'
|| nextTokenValue === COLON
// e.g. "div[class*=' ']"
|| nextTokenValue === SINGLE_QUOTE
// e.g. 'div[class*=" "]'
|| nextTokenValue === DOUBLE_QUOTE || nextTokenValue === BRACKETS.SQUARE.LEFT;
* Checks whether the regexp pattern for pseudo-class arg starts.
* Needed for `context.isRegexpOpen` flag.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @param prevTokenValue Value of previous token.
* @param bufferNodeValue Value of bufferNode.
* @returns True if current token seems to be a start of regexp pseudo-class arg pattern.
* @throws An error on invalid regexp pattern.
const isRegexpOpening = (context, prevTokenValue, bufferNodeValue) => {
const lastExtendedPseudoClassName = getLast(context.extendedPseudoNamesStack);
if (!lastExtendedPseudoClassName) {
throw new Error('Regexp pattern allowed only in arg of extended pseudo-class');
// for regexp pattens the slash should not be escaped
// const isRegexpPatternSlash = prevTokenValue !== BACKSLASH;
// regexp pattern can be set as arg of pseudo-class
// which means limited list of available symbols before slash `/`;
// for :contains() pseudo-class regexp pattern should be at the beginning of arg
if (CONTAINS_PSEUDO_NAMES.includes(lastExtendedPseudoClassName)) {
return POSSIBLE_MARKS_BEFORE_REGEXP.CONTAINS.includes(prevTokenValue);
if (prevTokenValue === SLASH && lastExtendedPseudoClassName !== XPATH_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER) {
const rawArgDesc = bufferNodeValue ? `in arg part: '${bufferNodeValue}'` : 'arg';
throw new Error(`Invalid regexp pattern for :${lastExtendedPseudoClassName}() pseudo-class ${rawArgDesc}`);
// for other pseudo-classes regexp pattern can be either the whole arg or its part
return POSSIBLE_MARKS_BEFORE_REGEXP.COMMON.includes(prevTokenValue);
* Checks whether the attribute starts.
* @param tokenValue Value of current token.
* @param prevTokenValue Previous token value.
* @returns True if combination of current and previous token seems to be **a start** of attribute.
const isAttributeOpening = (tokenValue, prevTokenValue) => {
return tokenValue === BRACKETS.SQUARE.LEFT && prevTokenValue !== BACKSLASH;
* Checks whether the attribute ends.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @returns True if combination of current and previous token seems to be **an end** of attribute.
* @throws An error on invalid attribute.
const isAttributeClosing = context => {
var _getPrevToLast;
if (!context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
return false;
// valid attributes may have extra spaces inside.
// we get rid of them just to simplify the checking and they are skipped only here:
//   - spaces will be collected to the ast with spaces as they were declared is selector
//   - extra spaces in attribute are not relevant to attribute syntax validity
//     e.g. 'a[ title ]' is the same as 'a[title]'
//          'div[style *= "MARGIN" i]' is the same as 'div[style*="MARGIN"i]'
const noSpaceAttr = context.attributeBuffer.split(SPACE).join('');
// tokenize the prepared attribute string
const attrTokens = tokenizeAttribute(noSpaceAttr);
const firstAttrToken = getFirst(attrTokens);
const firstAttrTokenType = firstAttrToken === null || firstAttrToken === void 0 ? void 0 : firstAttrToken.type;
const firstAttrTokenValue = firstAttrToken === null || firstAttrToken === void 0 ? void 0 : firstAttrToken.value;
// signal an error on any mark-type token except backslash
// e.g. '[="margin"]'
if (firstAttrTokenType === TokenType.Mark
// backslash is allowed at start of attribute
// e.g. '[\\:data-service-slot]'
&& firstAttrTokenValue !== BACKSLASH) {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`'[${context.attributeBuffer}]' is not a valid attribute due to '${firstAttrTokenValue}' at start of it`);
const lastAttrToken = getLast(attrTokens);
const lastAttrTokenType = lastAttrToken === null || lastAttrToken === void 0 ? void 0 : lastAttrToken.type;
const lastAttrTokenValue = lastAttrToken === null || lastAttrToken === void 0 ? void 0 : lastAttrToken.value;
if (lastAttrTokenValue === EQUAL_SIGN) {
// e.g. '[style=]'
throw new Error(`'[${context.attributeBuffer}]' is not a valid attribute due to '${EQUAL_SIGN}'`);
const equalSignIndex = attrTokens.findIndex(token => {
return token.type === TokenType.Mark && token.value === EQUAL_SIGN;
const prevToLastAttrTokenValue = (_getPrevToLast = getPrevToLast(attrTokens)) === null || _getPrevToLast === void 0 ? void 0 : _getPrevToLast.value;
if (equalSignIndex === -1) {
// if there is no '=' inside attribute,
// it must be just attribute name which means the word-type token before closing bracket
// e.g. 'div[style]'
if (lastAttrTokenType === TokenType.Word) {
return true;
return prevToLastAttrTokenValue === BACKSLASH
// some weird attribute are valid too
// e.g. '[class\\"ads-article\\"]'
&& (lastAttrTokenValue === DOUBLE_QUOTE
// e.g. "[class\\'ads-article\\']"
|| lastAttrTokenValue === SINGLE_QUOTE);
// get the value of token next to `=`
const nextToEqualSignToken = getItemByIndex(attrTokens, equalSignIndex + 1);
const nextToEqualSignTokenValue = nextToEqualSignToken.value;
// check whether the attribute value wrapper in quotes
const isAttrValueQuote = nextToEqualSignTokenValue === SINGLE_QUOTE || nextToEqualSignTokenValue === DOUBLE_QUOTE;
// for no quotes after `=` the last token before `]` should be a word-type one
// e.g. 'div[style*=margin]'
//      'div[style*=MARGIN i]'
if (!isAttrValueQuote) {
if (lastAttrTokenType === TokenType.Word) {
return true;
// otherwise signal an error
// e.g. 'table[style*=border: 0px"]'
throw new Error(`'[${context.attributeBuffer}]' is not a valid attribute`);
// otherwise if quotes for value are present
// the last token before `]` can still be word-type token
// e.g. 'div[style*="MARGIN" i]'
if (lastAttrTokenType === TokenType.Word && (lastAttrTokenValue === null || lastAttrTokenValue === void 0 ? void 0 : lastAttrTokenValue.toLocaleLowerCase()) === ATTRIBUTE_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FLAG) {
return prevToLastAttrTokenValue === nextToEqualSignTokenValue;
// eventually if there is quotes for attribute value and last token is not a word,
// the closing mark should be the same quote as opening one
return lastAttrTokenValue === nextToEqualSignTokenValue;
* Checks whether the `tokenValue` is a whitespace character.
* @param tokenValue Token value.
* @returns True if `tokenValue` is a whitespace character.
const isWhiteSpaceChar = tokenValue => {
if (!tokenValue) {
return false;
return WHITE_SPACE_CHARACTERS.includes(tokenValue);
* Checks whether the passed `str` is a name of supported absolute extended pseudo-class,
* e.g. :contains(), :matches-css() etc.
* @param str Token value to check.
* @returns True if `str` is one of absolute extended pseudo-class names.
const isAbsolutePseudoClass = str => {
return ABSOLUTE_PSEUDO_CLASSES.includes(str);
* Checks whether the passed `str` is a name of supported relative extended pseudo-class,
* e.g. :has(), :not() etc.
* @param str Token value to check.
* @returns True if `str` is one of relative extended pseudo-class names.
const isRelativePseudoClass = str => {
return RELATIVE_PSEUDO_CLASSES.includes(str);
* Returns the node which is being collected
* or null if there is no such one.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @returns Buffer node or null.
const getBufferNode = context => {
if (context.pathToBufferNode.length === 0) {
return null;
// buffer node is always the last in the pathToBufferNode stack
return getLast(context.pathToBufferNode) || null;
* Returns the parent node to the 'buffer node' — which is the one being collected —
* or null if there is no such one.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @returns Parent node of buffer node or null.
const getBufferNodeParent = context => {
// at least two nodes should exist — the buffer node and its parent
// otherwise return null
if (context.pathToBufferNode.length < 2) {
return null;
// since the buffer node is always the last in the pathToBufferNode stack
// its parent is previous to it in the stack
return getPrevToLast(context.pathToBufferNode) || null;
* Returns last RegularSelector ast node.
* Needed for parsing of the complex selector with extended pseudo-class inside it.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @returns Ast RegularSelector node.
* @throws An error if:
* - bufferNode is absent;
* - type of bufferNode is unsupported;
* - no RegularSelector in bufferNode.
const getContextLastRegularSelectorNode = context => {
const bufferNode = getBufferNode(context);
if (!bufferNode) {
throw new Error('No bufferNode found');
if (!isSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
throw new Error('Unsupported bufferNode type');
const lastRegularSelectorNode = getLastRegularChild(bufferNode.children);
return lastRegularSelectorNode;
* Updates needed buffer node value while tokens iterating.
* For RegularSelector also collects token values to context.attributeBuffer
* for proper attribute parsing.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @param tokenValue Value of current token.
* @throws An error if:
* - no bufferNode;
* - bufferNode.type is not RegularSelector or AbsolutePseudoClass.
const updateBufferNode = (context, tokenValue) => {
const bufferNode = getBufferNode(context);
if (bufferNode === null) {
throw new Error('No bufferNode to update');
if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
bufferNode.value += tokenValue;
} else if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
bufferNode.value += tokenValue;
if (context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
context.attributeBuffer += tokenValue;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`${bufferNode.type} node cannot be updated. Only RegularSelector and AbsolutePseudoClass are supported`);
* Adds SelectorList node to context.ast at the start of ast collecting.
* @param context Selector parser context.
const addSelectorListNode = context => {
const selectorListNode = new AnySelectorNode(NodeType.SelectorList);
context.ast = selectorListNode;
* Adds new node to buffer node children.
* New added node will be considered as buffer node after it.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @param type Type of node to add.
* @param tokenValue Optional, defaults to `''`, value of processing token.
* @throws An error if no bufferNode.
const addAstNodeByType = function (context, type) {
let tokenValue = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '';
const bufferNode = getBufferNode(context);
if (bufferNode === null) {
throw new Error('No buffer node');
let node;
if (type === NodeType.RegularSelector) {
node = new RegularSelectorNode(tokenValue);
} else if (type === NodeType.AbsolutePseudoClass) {
node = new AbsolutePseudoClassNode(tokenValue);
} else if (type === NodeType.RelativePseudoClass) {
node = new RelativePseudoClassNode(tokenValue);
} else {
// SelectorList || Selector || ExtendedSelector
node = new AnySelectorNode(type);
* The very beginning of ast collecting.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @param tokenValue Value of regular selector.
const initAst = (context, tokenValue) => {
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.Selector);
// RegularSelector node is always the first child of Selector node
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RegularSelector, tokenValue);
* Inits selector list subtree for relative extended pseudo-classes, e.g. :has(), :not().
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @param tokenValue Optional, defaults to `''`, value of inner regular selector.
const initRelativ###btree = function (context) {
let tokenValue = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : '';
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.SelectorList);
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.Selector);
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RegularSelector, tokenValue);
* Goes to closest parent specified by type.
* Actually updates path to buffer node for proper ast collecting of selectors while parsing.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @param parentType Type of needed parent node in ast.
const upToClosest = (context, parentType) => {
for (let i = context.pathToBufferNode.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
var _context$pathToBuffer;
if (((_context$pathToBuffer = context.pathToBufferNode[i]) === null || _context$pathToBuffer === void 0 ? void 0 : _context$pathToBuffer.type) === parentType) {
context.pathToBufferNode = context.pathToBufferNode.slice(0, i + 1);
* Returns needed buffer node updated due to complex selector parsing.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @returns Ast node for following selector parsing.
* @throws An error if there is no upper SelectorNode is ast.
const getUpdatedBufferNode = context => {
// it may happen during the parsing of selector list
// which is an argument of relative pseudo-class
// e.g. '.banner:has(~span, ~p)'
// parser position is here  ↑
// so if after the comma the buffer node type is SelectorList and parent type is RelativePseudoClass
// we should simply return the current buffer node
const bufferNode = getBufferNode(context);
if (bufferNode && isSelectorListNode(bufferNode) && isRelativePseudoClassNode(getBufferNodeParent(context))) {
return bufferNode;
upToClosest(context, NodeType.Selector);
const selectorNode = getBufferNode(context);
if (!selectorNode) {
throw new Error('No SelectorNode, impossible to continue selector parsing by ExtendedCss');
const lastSelectorNodeChild = getLast(selectorNode.children);
const hasExtended = lastSelectorNodeChild && isExtendedSelectorNode(lastSelectorNodeChild)
// parser position might be inside standard pseudo-class brackets which has space
// e.g. 'div:contains(/а/):nth-child(100n + 2)'
&& context.standardPseudoBracketsStack.length === 0;
const supposedPseudoClassNode = hasExtended && getFirst(lastSelectorNodeChild.children);
let newNeededBufferNode = selectorNode;
if (supposedPseudoClassNode) {
// name of pseudo-class for last extended-node child for Selector node
const lastExtendedPseudoName = hasExtended && supposedPseudoClassNode.name;
const isLastExtendedNameRelative = lastExtendedPseudoName && isRelativePseudoClass(lastExtendedPseudoName);
const isLastExtendedNameAbsolute = lastExtendedPseudoName && isAbsolutePseudoClass(lastExtendedPseudoName);
const hasRelativeExtended = isLastExtendedNameRelative && context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length > 0 && context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length === context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length;
const hasAbsoluteExtended = isLastExtendedNameAbsolute && lastExtendedPseudoName === getLast(context.extendedPseudoNamesStack);
if (hasRelativeExtended) {
// return relative selector node to update later
newNeededBufferNode = supposedPseudoClassNode;
} else if (hasAbsoluteExtended) {
// return absolute selector node to update later
newNeededBufferNode = supposedPseudoClassNode;
} else if (hasExtended) {
// return selector node to add new regular selector node later
newNeededBufferNode = selectorNode;
} else {
// otherwise return last regular selector node to update later
newNeededBufferNode = getContextLastRegularSelectorNode(context);
// update the path to buffer node properly
return newNeededBufferNode;
* Checks values of few next tokens on colon token `:` and:
*  - updates buffer node for following standard pseudo-class;
*  - adds extended selector ast node for following extended pseudo-class;
*  - validates some cases of `:remove()` and `:has()` usage.
* @param context Selector parser context.
* @param selector Selector.
* @param tokenValue Value of current token.
* @param nextTokenValue Value of token next to current one.
* @param nextToNextTokenValue Value of token next to next to current one.
* @throws An error on :remove() pseudo-class in selector
* or :has() inside regular pseudo limitation.
const handleNextTokenOnColon = (context, selector, tokenValue, nextTokenValue, nextToNextTokenValue) => {
if (!nextTokenValue) {
throw new Error(`Invalid colon ':' at the end of selector: '${selector}'`);
if (!isSupportedPseudoClass(nextTokenValue.toLowerCase())) {
if (nextTokenValue.toLowerCase() === REMOVE_PSEUDO_MARKER) {
// :remove() pseudo-class should be handled before
// as it is not about element selecting but actions with elements
// e.g. 'body > div:empty:remove()'
throw new Error(`${REMOVE_ERROR_PREFIX.INVALID_REMOVE}: '${selector}'`);
// if following token is not an extended pseudo
// the colon should be collected to value of RegularSelector
// e.g. '.entry_text:nth-child(2)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
// check the token after the pseudo and do balance parentheses later
// only if it is functional pseudo-class (standard with brackets, e.g. ':lang()').
// no brackets balance needed for such case,
// parser position is on first colon after the 'div':
// e.g. 'div:last-child:has(button.privacy-policy__btn)'
if (nextToNextTokenValue && nextToNextTokenValue === BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.LEFT
// no brackets balance needed for parentheses inside attribute value
// e.g. 'a[href="javascript:void(0)"]'   <-- parser position is on colon `:`
// before `void`           ↑
&& !context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
} else {
// it is supported extended pseudo-class.
// Disallow :has() inside the pseudos accepting only compound selectors
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=669058#c54 [2]
if (HAS_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKERS.includes(nextTokenValue) && context.standardPseudoNamesStack.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`Usage of :${nextTokenValue}() pseudo-class is not allowed inside regular pseudo: '${getLast(context.standardPseudoNamesStack)}'`);
} else {
// stop RegularSelector value collecting
upToClosest(context, NodeType.Selector);
// add ExtendedSelector to Selector children
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.ExtendedSelector);
// limit applying of wildcard :is() and :not() pseudo-class only to html children
// e.g. ':is(.page, .main) > .banner' or '*:not(span):not(p)'
* Checks if there are any ExtendedSelector node in selector list.
* @param selectorList Ast SelectorList node.
* @returns True if `selectorList` has any inner ExtendedSelector node.
const hasExtendedSelector = selectorList => {
return selectorList.children.some(selectorNode => {
return selectorNode.children.some(selectorNodeChild => {
return isExtendedSelectorNode(selectorNodeChild);
* Converts selector list of RegularSelector nodes to string.
* @param selectorList Ast SelectorList node.
* @returns String representation for selector list of regular selectors.
const selectorListOfRegularsToString = selectorList => {
// if there is no ExtendedSelector in relative SelectorList
// it means that each Selector node has single child — RegularSelector node
// and their values should be combined to string
const standardCssSelectors = selectorList.children.map(selectorNode => {
const selectorOnlyChild = getNodeOnlyChild(selectorNode, 'Ast Selector node should have RegularSelector node');
return getNodeValue(selectorOnlyChild);
return standardCssSelectors.join(`${COMMA}${SPACE}`);
* Updates children of `node` replacing them with `newChildren`.
* Important: modifies input `node` which is passed by reference.
* @param node Ast node to update.
* @param newChildren Array of new children for ast node.
* @returns Updated ast node.
const updateNodeChildren = (node, newChildren) => {
node.children = newChildren;
return node;
* Recursively checks whether the ExtendedSelector node should be optimized.
* It has to be recursive because RelativePseudoClass has inner SelectorList node.
* @param currExtendedSelectorNode Ast ExtendedSelector node.
* @returns True is ExtendedSelector should be optimized.
const shouldOptimizeExtendedSelector = currExtendedSelectorNode => {
if (currExtendedSelectorNode === null) {
return false;
const extendedPseudoClassNode = getPseudoClassNode(currExtendedSelectorNode);
const pseudoName = getNodeName(extendedPseudoClassNode);
if (isAbsolutePseudoClass(pseudoName)) {
return false;
const relativeSelectorList = getRelativeSelectorListNode(extendedPseudoClassNode);
const innerSelectorNodes = relativeSelectorList.children;
// simple checking for standard selectors in arg of :not() or :is() pseudo-class
// e.g. 'div > *:is(div, a, span)'
if (isOptimizationPseudoClass(pseudoName)) {
const areAllSelectorNodeChildrenRegular = innerSelectorNodes.every(selectorNode => {
try {
const selectorOnlyChild = getNodeOnlyChild(selectorNode, 'Selector node should have RegularSelector');
// it means that the only child is RegularSelector and it can be optimized
return isRegularSelectorNode(selectorOnlyChild);
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (areAllSelectorNodeChildrenRegular) {
return true;
// for other extended pseudo-classes than :not() and :is()
return innerSelectorNodes.some(selectorNode => {
return selectorNode.children.some(selectorNodeChild => {
if (!isExtendedSelectorNode(selectorNodeChild)) {
return false;
// check inner ExtendedSelector recursively
// e.g. 'div:has(*:not(.header))'
return shouldOptimizeExtendedSelector(selectorNodeChild);
* Returns optimized ExtendedSelector node if it can be optimized
* or null if ExtendedSelector is fully optimized while function execution
* which means that value of `prevRegularSelectorNode` is updated.
* @param currExtendedSelectorNode Current ExtendedSelector node to optimize.
* @param prevRegularSelectorNode Previous RegularSelector node.
* @returns Ast node or null.
const getOptimizedExtendedSelector = (currExtendedSelectorNode, prevRegularSelectorNode) => {
if (!currExtendedSelectorNode) {
return null;
const extendedPseudoClassNode = getPseudoClassNode(currExtendedSelectorNode);
const relativeSelectorList = getRelativeSelectorListNode(extendedPseudoClassNode);
const hasInnerExtendedSelector = hasExtendedSelector(relativeSelectorList);
if (!hasInnerExtendedSelector) {
// if there is no extended selectors for :not() or :is()
// e.g. 'div:not(.content, .main)'
const relativeSelectorListStr = selectorListOfRegularsToString(relativeSelectorList);
const pseudoName = getNodeName(extendedPseudoClassNode);
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const optimizedExtendedStr = `${COLON}${pseudoName}${BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.LEFT}${relativeSelectorListStr}${BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.RIGHT}`;
prevRegularSelectorNode.value = `${getNodeValue(prevRegularSelectorNode)}${optimizedExtendedStr}`;
return null;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
const optimizedRelativeSelectorList = optimizeSelectorListNode(relativeSelectorList);
const optimizedExtendedPseudoClassNode = updateNodeChildren(extendedPseudoClassNode, [optimizedRelativeSelectorList]);
return updateNodeChildren(currExtendedSelectorNode, [optimizedExtendedPseudoClassNode]);
* Combines values of `previous` and `current` RegularSelector nodes.
* It may happen during the optimization when ExtendedSelector between RegularSelector node was optimized.
* @param current Current RegularSelector node.
* @param previous Previous RegularSelector node.
const optimizeCurrentRegularSelector = (current, previous) => {
previous.value = `${getNodeValue(previous)}${SPACE}${getNodeValue(current)}`;
* Optimizes ast Selector node.
* @param selectorNode Ast Selector node.
* @returns Optimized ast node.
* @throws An error while collecting optimized nodes.
const optimizeSelectorNode = selectorNode => {
// non-optimized list of SelectorNode children
const rawSelectorNodeChildren = selectorNode.children;
// for collecting optimized children list
const optimizedChildrenList = [];
let currentIndex = 0;
// iterate through all children in non-optimized ast Selector node
while (currentIndex < rawSelectorNodeChildren.length) {
const currentChild = getItemByIndex(rawSelectorNodeChildren, currentIndex, 'currentChild should be specified');
// no need to optimize the very first child which is always RegularSelector node
if (currentIndex === 0) {
} else {
const prevRegularChild = getLastRegularChild(optimizedChildrenList);
if (isExtendedSelectorNode(currentChild)) {
// start checking with point is null
let optimizedExtendedSelector = null;
// check whether the optimization is needed
let isOptimizationNeeded = shouldOptimizeExtendedSelector(currentChild);
// update optimizedExtendedSelector so it can be optimized recursively
// i.e. `getOptimizedExtendedSelector(optimizedExtendedSelector)` below
optimizedExtendedSelector = currentChild;
while (isOptimizationNeeded) {
// recursively optimize ExtendedSelector until no optimization needed
// e.g. div > *:is(.banner:not(.block))
optimizedExtendedSelector = getOptimizedExtendedSelector(optimizedExtendedSelector, prevRegularChild);
isOptimizationNeeded = shouldOptimizeExtendedSelector(optimizedExtendedSelector);
// if it was simple :not() of :is() with standard selector arg
// e.g. 'div:not([class][id])'
// or   '.main > *:is([data-loaded], .banner)'
// after the optimization the ExtendedSelector node become part of RegularSelector
// so nothing to save eventually
// otherwise the optimized ExtendedSelector should be saved
// e.g. 'div:has(:not([class]))'
if (optimizedExtendedSelector !== null) {
// if optimization is not needed
const optimizedPseudoClass = getPseudoClassNode(optimizedExtendedSelector);
const optimizedPseudoName = getNodeName(optimizedPseudoClass);
// parent element checking is used to apply :is() and :not() pseudo-classes as extended.
// as there is no parentNode for root element (html)
// so element selection should be limited to it's children
// e.g. '*:is(:has(.page))' -> 'html *:is(has(.page))'
// or   '*:not(:has(span))' -> 'html *:not(:has(span))'
if (getNodeValue(prevRegularChild) === ASTERISK && isOptimizationPseudoClass(optimizedPseudoName)) {
prevRegularChild.value = IS_OR_NOT_PSEUDO_SELECTING_ROOT;
} else if (isRegularSelectorNode(currentChild)) {
// in non-optimized ast, RegularSelector node may follow ExtendedSelector which should be optimized
// for example, for 'div:not(.content) > .banner' schematically it looks like
// non-optimized ast: [
//   1. RegularSelector: 'div'
//   2. ExtendedSelector: 'not(.content)'
//   3. RegularSelector: '> .banner'
// ]
// which after the ExtendedSelector looks like
// partly optimized ast: [
//   1. RegularSelector: 'div:not(.content)'
//   2. RegularSelector: '> .banner'
// ]
// so second RegularSelector value should be combined with first one
// optimized ast: [
//   1. RegularSelector: 'div:not(.content) > .banner'
// ]
// here we check **children of selectorNode** after previous optimization if it was
const lastOptimizedChild = getLast(optimizedChildrenList) || null;
if (isRegularSelectorNode(lastOptimizedChild)) {
optimizeCurrentRegularSelector(currentChild, prevRegularChild);
currentIndex += 1;
return updateNodeChildren(selectorNode, optimizedChildrenList);
* Optimizes ast SelectorList node.
* @param selectorListNode SelectorList node.
* @returns Optimized ast node.
const optimizeSelectorListNode = selectorListNode => {
return updateNodeChildren(selectorListNode, selectorListNode.children.map(s => optimizeSelectorNode(s)));
* Optimizes ast:
* If arg of :not() and :is() pseudo-classes does not contain extended selectors,
* native Document.querySelectorAll() can be used to query elements.
* It means that ExtendedSelector ast nodes can be removed
* and value of relevant RegularSelector node should be updated accordingly.
* @param ast Non-optimized ast.
* @returns Optimized ast.
const optimizeAst = ast => {
// ast is basically the selector list of selectors
return optimizeSelectorListNode(ast);
// limit applying of :xpath() pseudo-class to 'any' element
// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss/issues/115
const NO_WHITESPACE_ERROR_PREFIX = 'No white space is allowed before or after extended pseudo-class name in selector';
* Parses selector into ast for following element selection.
* @param selector Selector to parse.
* @returns Parsed ast.
* @throws An error on invalid selector.
const parse$1 = selector => {
const tokens = tokenizeSelector(selector);
const context = {
ast: null,
pathToBufferNode: [],
extendedPseudoNamesStack: [],
extendedPseudoBracketsStack: [],
standardPseudoNamesStack: [],
standardPseudoBracketsStack: [],
isAttributeBracketsOpen: false,
attributeBuffer: '',
isRegexpOpen: false,
shouldOptimize: false
let i = 0;
while (i < tokens.length) {
const token = tokens[i];
if (!token) {
// Token to process
const {
type: tokenType,
value: tokenValue
} = token;
// needed for SPACE and COLON tokens checking
const nextToken = tokens[i + 1];
const nextTokenType = nextToken === null || nextToken === void 0 ? void 0 : nextToken.type;
const nextTokenValue = nextToken === null || nextToken === void 0 ? void 0 : nextToken.value;
// needed for limitations
// - :not() and :is() root element
// - :has() usage
// - white space before and after pseudo-class name
const nextToNextToken = tokens[i + 2];
const nextToNextTokenValue = nextToNextToken === null || nextToNextToken === void 0 ? void 0 : nextToNextToken.value;
// needed for COLON token checking for none-specified regular selector before extended one
// e.g. 'p, :hover'
// or   '.banner, :contains(ads)'
const previousToken = tokens[i - 1];
const prevTokenType = previousToken === null || previousToken === void 0 ? void 0 : previousToken.type;
const prevTokenValue = previousToken === null || previousToken === void 0 ? void 0 : previousToken.value;
// needed for proper parsing of regexp pattern arg
// e.g. ':matches-css(background-image: /^url\(https:\/\/example\.org\//)'
const previousToPreviousToken = tokens[i - 2];
const prevToPrevTokenValue = previousToPreviousToken === null || previousToPreviousToken === void 0 ? void 0 : previousToPreviousToken.value;
let bufferNode = getBufferNode(context);
switch (tokenType) {
case TokenType.Word:
if (bufferNode === null) {
// there is no buffer node only in one case — no ast collecting has been started
initAst(context, tokenValue);
} else if (isSelectorListNode(bufferNode)) {
// add new selector to selector list
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.Selector);
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RegularSelector, tokenValue);
} else if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else if (isExtendedSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// No white space is allowed between the name of extended pseudo-class
// and its opening parenthesis
// https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes
// e.g. 'span:contains (text)'
if (isWhiteSpaceChar(nextTokenValue) && nextToNextTokenValue === BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.LEFT) {
throw new Error(`${NO_WHITESPACE_ERROR_PREFIX}: '${selector}'`);
const lowerCaseTokenValue = tokenValue.toLowerCase();
// save pseudo-class name for brackets balance checking
// extended pseudo-class name are parsed in lower case
// as they should be case-insensitive
// https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes
if (isAbsolutePseudoClass(lowerCaseTokenValue)) {
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.AbsolutePseudoClass, lowerCaseTokenValue);
} else {
// if it is not absolute pseudo-class, it must be relative one
// add RelativePseudoClass with tokenValue as pseudo-class name to ExtendedSelector children
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RelativePseudoClass, lowerCaseTokenValue);
// for :not() and :is() pseudo-classes parsed ast should be optimized later
if (isOptimizationPseudoClass(lowerCaseTokenValue)) {
context.shouldOptimize = true;
} else if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// collect absolute pseudo-class arg
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else if (isRelativePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
initRelativ###btree(context, tokenValue);
case TokenType.Mark:
switch (tokenValue) {
case COMMA:
if (!bufferNode || typeof bufferNode !== 'undefined' && !nextTokenValue) {
// consider the selector is invalid if there is no bufferNode yet (e.g. ', a')
// or there is nothing after the comma while bufferNode is defined (e.g. 'div, ')
throw new Error(`'${selector}' is not a valid selector`);
} else if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
if (context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
// the comma might be inside element attribute value
// e.g. 'div[data-comma="0,1"]'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else {
// new Selector should be collected to upper SelectorList
upToClosest(context, NodeType.SelectorList);
} else if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// the comma inside arg of absolute extended pseudo
// e.g. 'div:xpath(//h3[contains(text(),"Share it!")]/..)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else if (isSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// new Selector should be collected to upper SelectorList
// if parser position is on Selector node
upToClosest(context, NodeType.SelectorList);
case SPACE:
// it might be complex selector with extended pseudo-class inside it
// and the space is between that complex selector and following regular selector
// parser position is on ` ` before `span` now:
// e.g. 'div:has(img).banner span'
// so we need to check whether the new ast node should be added (example above)
// or previous regular selector node should be updated
if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)
// no need to update the buffer node if attribute value is being parsed
// e.g. 'div:not([id])[style="position: absolute; z-index: 10000;"]'
// parser position inside attribute    ↑
&& !context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
bufferNode = getUpdatedBufferNode(context);
if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// standard selectors with white space between colon and name of pseudo
// are invalid for native document.querySelectorAll() anyway,
// so throwing the error here is better
// than proper parsing of invalid selector and passing it further.
// first of all do not check attributes
// e.g. div[style="text-align: center"]
if (!context.isAttributeBracketsOpen
// check the space after the colon and before the pseudo
// e.g. '.block: nth-child(2)
&& (prevTokenValue === COLON && nextTokenType === TokenType.Word
// or after the pseudo and before the opening parenthesis
// e.g. '.block:nth-child (2)
|| prevTokenType === TokenType.Word && nextTokenValue === BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.LEFT)) {
throw new Error(`'${selector}' is not a valid selector`);
// collect current tokenValue to value of RegularSelector
// if it is the last token or standard selector continues after the space.
// otherwise it will be skipped
if (!nextTokenValue || doesRegularContinueAfterSpace(nextTokenType, nextTokenValue)
// we also should collect space inside attribute value
// e.g. `[onclick^="window.open ('https://example.com/share?url="]`
// parser position             ↑
|| context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// space inside extended pseudo-class arg
// e.g. 'span:contains(some text)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isRelativePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// init with empty value RegularSelector
// as the space is not needed for selector value
// e.g. 'p:not( .content )'
if (isSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// do NOT add RegularSelector if parser position on space BEFORE the comma in selector list
// e.g. '.block:has(> img) , .banner)'
if (doesRegularContinueAfterSpace(nextTokenType, nextTokenValue)) {
// regular selector might be after the extended one.
// extra space before combinator or selector should not be collected
// e.g. '.banner:upward(2) .block'
//      '.banner:upward(2) > .block'
// so no tokenValue passed to addAnySelectorNode()
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RegularSelector);
case SLASH:
case CARET:
// it might be complex selector with extended pseudo-class inside it
// and the space is between that complex selector and following regular selector
// e.g. 'div:has(img).banner'   // parser position is on `.` before `banner` now
//      'div:has(img)[attr]'    // parser position is on `[` before `attr` now
// so we need to check whether the new ast node should be added (example above)
// or previous regular selector node should be updated
if (COMBINATORS.includes(tokenValue)) {
if (bufferNode === null) {
// cases where combinator at very beginning of a selector
// e.g. '> div'
// or   '~ .banner'
// or even '+js(overlay-buster)' which not a selector at all
// but may be validated by FilterCompiler so error message should be appropriate
throw new Error(`'${selector}' is not a valid selector`);
bufferNode = getUpdatedBufferNode(context);
if (bufferNode === null) {
// no ast collecting has been started
// e.g. '.banner > p'
// or   '#top > div.ad'
// or   '[class][style][attr]'
// or   '*:not(span)'
initAst(context, tokenValue);
if (isAttributeOpening(tokenValue, prevTokenValue)) {
// e.g. '[class^="banner-"]'
context.isAttributeBracketsOpen = true;
} else if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// collect the mark to the value of RegularSelector node
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isAttributeOpening(tokenValue, prevTokenValue)) {
// needed for proper handling element attribute value with comma
// e.g. 'div[data-comma="0,1"]'
context.isAttributeBracketsOpen = true;
} else if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// collect the mark to the arg of AbsolutePseudoClass node
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
// 'isRegexpOpen' flag is needed for brackets balancing inside extended pseudo-class arg
if (tokenValue === SLASH && context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length > 0) {
if (prevTokenValue === SLASH && prevToPrevTokenValue === BACKSLASH) {
// it may be specific url regexp pattern in arg of pseudo-class
// e.g. ':matches-css(background-image: /^url\(https:\/\/example\.org\//)'
// parser position is on final slash before `)`                        ↑
context.isRegexpOpen = false;
} else if (prevTokenValue && prevTokenValue !== BACKSLASH) {
if (isRegexpOpening(context, prevTokenValue, getNodeValue(bufferNode))) {
context.isRegexpOpen = !context.isRegexpOpen;
} else {
// otherwise force `isRegexpOpen` flag to `false`
context.isRegexpOpen = false;
} else if (isRelativePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// add SelectorList to children of RelativePseudoClass node
initRelativ###btree(context, tokenValue);
if (isAttributeOpening(tokenValue, prevTokenValue)) {
// besides of creating the relative subtree
// opening square bracket means start of attribute
// e.g. 'div:not([class="content"])'
//      'div:not([href*="window.print()"])'
context.isAttributeBracketsOpen = true;
} else if (isSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// after the extended pseudo closing parentheses
// parser position is on Selector node
// and regular selector can be after the extended one
// e.g. '.banner:upward(2)> .block'
// or   '.inner:nth-ancestor(1)~ .banner'
if (COMBINATORS.includes(tokenValue)) {
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RegularSelector, tokenValue);
} else if (!context.isRegexpOpen) {
// it might be complex selector with extended pseudo-class inside it.
// parser position is on `.` now:
// e.g. 'div:has(img).banner'
// so we need to get last regular selector node and update its value
bufferNode = getContextLastRegularSelectorNode(context);
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isAttributeOpening(tokenValue, prevTokenValue)) {
// handle attribute in compound selector after extended pseudo-class
// e.g. 'div:not(.top)[style="z-index: 10000;"]'
// parser position    ↑
context.isAttributeBracketsOpen = true;
} else if (isSelectorListNode(bufferNode)) {
// add Selector to SelectorList
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.Selector);
// and RegularSelector as it is always the first child of Selector
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RegularSelector, tokenValue);
if (isAttributeOpening(tokenValue, prevTokenValue)) {
// handle simple attribute selector in selector list
// e.g. '.banner, [class^="ad-"]'
context.isAttributeBracketsOpen = true;
if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// unescaped `]` in regular selector allowed only inside attribute value
if (!context.isAttributeBracketsOpen && prevTokenValue !== BACKSLASH) {
// e.g. 'div]'
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`'${selector}' is not a valid selector due to '${tokenValue}' after '${getNodeValue(bufferNode)}'`);
// needed for proper parsing regular selectors after the attributes with comma
// e.g. 'div[data-comma="0,1"] > img'
if (isAttributeClosing(context)) {
context.isAttributeBracketsOpen = false;
// reset attribute buffer on closing `]`
context.attributeBuffer = '';
// collect the bracket to the value of RegularSelector node
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// :xpath() expended pseudo-class arg might contain square bracket
// so it should be collected
// e.g. 'div:xpath(//h3[contains(text(),"Share it!")]/..)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
case COLON:
// No white space is allowed between the colon and the following name of the pseudo-class
// https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#pseudo-classes
// e.g. 'span: contains(text)'
if (isWhiteSpaceChar(nextTokenValue) && nextToNextTokenValue && SUPPORTED_PSEUDO_CLASSES.includes(nextToNextTokenValue)) {
throw new Error(`${NO_WHITESPACE_ERROR_PREFIX}: '${selector}'`);
if (bufferNode === null) {
// no ast collecting has been started
if (nextTokenValue === XPATH_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER) {
// limit applying of "naked" :xpath pseudo-class
// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss/issues/115
} else if (nextTokenValue === UPWARD_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER || nextTokenValue === NTH_ANCESTOR_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER) {
// selector should be specified before :nth-ancestor() or :upward()
// e.g. ':nth-ancestor(3)'
// or   ':upward(span)'
throw new Error(`${NO_SELECTOR_ERROR_PREFIX} :${nextTokenValue}() pseudo-class`);
} else {
// make it more obvious if selector starts with pseudo with no tag specified
// e.g. ':has(a)' -> '*:has(a)'
// or   ':empty'  -> '*:empty'
initAst(context, ASTERISK);
// bufferNode should be updated for following checking
bufferNode = getBufferNode(context);
if (isSelectorListNode(bufferNode)) {
// bufferNode is SelectorList after comma has been parsed.
// parser position is on colon now:
// e.g. 'img,:not(.content)'
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.Selector);
// add empty value RegularSelector anyway as any selector should start with it
// and check previous token on the next step
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.RegularSelector);
// bufferNode should be updated for following checking
bufferNode = getBufferNode(context);
if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// it can be extended or standard pseudo
// e.g. '#share, :contains(share it)'
// or   'div,:hover'
// of   'div:has(+:contains(text))'  // position is after '+'
if (prevTokenValue && COMBINATORS.includes(prevTokenValue) || prevTokenValue === COMMA) {
// case with colon at the start of string - e.g. ':contains(text)'
// is covered by 'bufferNode === null' above at start of COLON checking
updateBufferNode(context, ASTERISK);
handleNextTokenOnColon(context, selector, tokenValue, nextTokenValue, nextToNextTokenValue);
if (isSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// e.g. 'div:contains(text):'
if (!nextTokenValue) {
throw new Error(`Invalid colon ':' at the end of selector: '${selector}'`);
// after the extended pseudo closing parentheses
// parser position is on Selector node
// and there is might be another extended selector.
// parser position is on colon before 'upward':
// e.g. 'p:contains(PR):upward(2)'
if (isSupportedPseudoClass(nextTokenValue.toLowerCase())) {
// if supported extended pseudo-class is next to colon
// add ExtendedSelector to Selector children
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.ExtendedSelector);
} else if (nextTokenValue.toLowerCase() === REMOVE_PSEUDO_MARKER) {
// :remove() pseudo-class should be handled before
// as it is not about element selecting but actions with elements
// e.g. '#banner:upward(2):remove()'
throw new Error(`${REMOVE_ERROR_PREFIX.INVALID_REMOVE}: '${selector}'`);
} else {
// otherwise it is standard pseudo after extended pseudo-class in complex selector
// and colon should be collected to value of previous RegularSelector
// e.g. 'body *:not(input)::selection'
//      'input:matches-css(padding: 10):checked'
bufferNode = getContextLastRegularSelectorNode(context);
handleNextTokenOnColon(context, selector, tokenValue, nextTokenType, nextToNextTokenValue);
if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// :xpath() pseudo-class should be the last of extended pseudo-classes
if (getNodeName(bufferNode) === XPATH_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER && nextTokenValue && SUPPORTED_PSEUDO_CLASSES.includes(nextTokenValue) && nextToNextTokenValue === BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.LEFT) {
throw new Error(`:xpath() pseudo-class should be the last in selector: '${selector}'`);
// collecting arg for absolute pseudo-class
// e.g. 'div:matches-css(width:400px)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isRelativePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
if (!nextTokenValue) {
// e.g. 'div:has(:'
throw new Error(`Invalid pseudo-class arg at the end of selector: '${selector}'`);
// make it more obvious if selector starts with pseudo with no tag specified
// parser position is on colon inside :has() arg
// e.g. 'div:has(:contains(text))'
// or   'div:not(:empty)'
initRelativ###btree(context, ASTERISK);
if (!isSupportedPseudoClass(nextTokenValue.toLowerCase())) {
// collect the colon to value of RegularSelector
// e.g. 'div:not(:empty)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
// parentheses should be balanced only for functional pseudo-classes
// e.g. '.yellow:not(:nth-child(3))'
if (nextToNextTokenValue === BRACKETS.PARENTHESES.LEFT) {
} else {
// add ExtendedSelector to Selector children
// e.g. 'div:has(:contains(text))'
upToClosest(context, NodeType.Selector);
addAstNodeByType(context, NodeType.ExtendedSelector);
// start of pseudo-class arg
if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// no brackets balancing needed inside
// 1. :xpath() extended pseudo-class arg
// 2. regexp arg for other extended pseudo-classes
if (getNodeName(bufferNode) !== XPATH_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER && context.isRegexpOpen) {
// if the parentheses is escaped it should be part of regexp
// collect it to arg of AbsolutePseudoClass
// e.g. 'div:matches-css(background-image: /^url\\("data:image\\/gif;base64.+/)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else {
// otherwise brackets should be balanced
// e.g. 'div:xpath(//h3[contains(text(),"Share it!")]/..)'
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
if (context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length > context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length) {
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// continue RegularSelector value collecting for standard pseudo-classes
// e.g. '.banner:where(div)'
if (context.standardPseudoNamesStack.length > 0) {
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
// parentheses inside attribute value should be part of RegularSelector value
// e.g. 'div:not([href*="window.print()"])'   <-- parser position
// is on the `(` after `print`       ↑
if (context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isRelativePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// save opening bracket for balancing
// e.g. 'div:not()'  // position is on `(`
if (isAbsolutePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// no brackets balancing needed inside
// 1. :xpath() extended pseudo-class arg
// 2. regexp arg for other extended pseudo-classes
if (getNodeName(bufferNode) !== XPATH_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER && context.isRegexpOpen) {
// if closing bracket is part of regexp
// simply save it to pseudo-class arg
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else {
// remove stacked open parentheses for brackets balance
// e.g. 'h3:contains((Ads))'
// or   'div:xpath(//h3[contains(text(),"Share it!")]/..)'
if (getNodeName(bufferNode) !== XPATH_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER) {
// for all other absolute pseudo-classes except :xpath()
// remove stacked name of extended pseudo-class
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
if (context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length > context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length) {
// if brackets stack is not empty yet,
// save tokenValue to arg of AbsolutePseudoClass
// parser position on first closing bracket after 'Ads':
// e.g. 'h3:contains((Ads))'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else if (context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length >= 0 && context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length >= 0) {
// assume it is combined extended pseudo-classes
// parser position on first closing bracket after 'advert':
// e.g. 'div:has(.banner, :contains(advert))'
upToClosest(context, NodeType.Selector);
} else {
// for :xpath()
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
if (context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length < context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length) {
// remove stacked name of extended pseudo-class
// if there are less brackets than pseudo-class names
// with means last removes bracket was closing for pseudo-class
} else {
// otherwise the bracket is part of arg
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
if (context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
// parentheses inside attribute value should be part of RegularSelector value
// e.g. 'div:not([href*="window.print()"])'   <-- parser position
// is on the `)` after `print(`       ↑
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else if (context.standardPseudoNamesStack.length > 0 && context.standardPseudoBracketsStack.length > 0) {
// standard pseudo-class was processing.
// collect the closing bracket to value of RegularSelector
// parser position is on bracket after 'class' now:
// e.g. 'div:where(.class)'
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
// remove bracket and pseudo name from stacks
const lastStandardPseudo = context.standardPseudoNamesStack.pop();
if (!lastStandardPseudo) {
// standard pseudo should be in standardPseudoNamesStack
// as related to standardPseudoBracketsStack
throw new Error(`Parsing error. Invalid selector: ${selector}`);
// Disallow :has() after regular pseudo-elements
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=669058#c54 [3]
if (Object.values(REGULAR_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS).includes(lastStandardPseudo)
// check token which is next to closing parentheses and token after it
// parser position is on bracket after 'foo' now:
// e.g. '::part(foo):has(.a)'
&& nextTokenValue === COLON && nextToNextTokenValue && HAS_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKERS.includes(nextToNextTokenValue)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`Usage of :${nextToNextTokenValue}() pseudo-class is not allowed after any regular pseudo-element: '${lastStandardPseudo}'`);
} else {
// extended pseudo-class was processing.
// e.g. 'div:has(h3)'
// remove bracket and pseudo name from stacks
upToClosest(context, NodeType.ExtendedSelector);
// go to upper selector for possible selector continuation after extended pseudo-class
// e.g. 'div:has(h3) > img'
upToClosest(context, NodeType.Selector);
if (isSelectorNode(bufferNode)) {
// after inner extended pseudo-class bufferNode is Selector.
// parser position is on last bracket now:
// e.g. 'div:has(.banner, :contains(ads))'
upToClosest(context, NodeType.ExtendedSelector);
upToClosest(context, NodeType.Selector);
if (isRelativePseudoClassNode(bufferNode)) {
// save opening bracket for balancing
// e.g. 'div:not()'  // position is on `)`
// context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.push(tokenValue);
if (context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length > 0 && context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length > 0) {
// such characters at start and end of selector should be trimmed
// so is there is one them among tokens, it is not valid selector
throw new Error(`'${selector}' is not a valid selector`);
case TAB:
// allow tab only inside attribute value
// as there are such valid rules in filter lists
// e.g. 'div[style^="margin-right: auto;	text-align: left;',
// parser position                      ↑
if (isRegularSelectorNode(bufferNode) && context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
updateBufferNode(context, tokenValue);
} else {
// otherwise not valid
throw new Error(`'${selector}' is not a valid selector`);
// no default statement for Marks as they are limited to SUPPORTED_SELECTOR_MARKS
// and all other symbol combinations are tokenized as Word
// so error for invalid Word will be thrown later while element selecting by parsed ast
throw new Error(`Unknown type of token: '${tokenValue}'`);
i += 1;
if (context.ast === null) {
throw new Error(`'${selector}' is not a valid selector`);
if (context.extendedPseudoNamesStack.length > 0 || context.extendedPseudoBracketsStack.length > 0) {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`Unbalanced brackets for extended pseudo-class: '${getLast(context.extendedPseudoNamesStack)}'`);
if (context.isAttributeBracketsOpen) {
throw new Error(`Unbalanced attribute brackets in selector: '${selector}'`);
return context.shouldOptimize ? optimizeAst(context.ast) : context.ast;
const natives = {
MutationObserver: window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver
* As soon as possible stores native Node textContent getter to be used for contains pseudo-class
* because elements' 'textContent' and 'innerText' properties might be mocked.
* @see {@link https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss/issues/127}
const nodeTextContentGetter = (() => {
var _Object$getOwnPropert;
const nativeNode = window.Node || Node;
return (_Object$getOwnPropert = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nativeNode.prototype, 'textContent')) === null || _Object$getOwnPropert === void 0 ? void 0 : _Object$getOwnPropert.get;
* Returns textContent of passed domElement.
* @param domElement DOM element.
* @returns DOM element textContent.
const getNodeTextContent = domElement => {
return (nodeTextContentGetter === null || nodeTextContentGetter === void 0 ? void 0 : nodeTextContentGetter.apply(domElement)) || '';
* Returns element selector text based on it's tagName and attributes.
* @param element DOM element.
* @returns String representation of `element`.
const getElementSelectorDesc = element => {
let selectorText = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
selectorText += Array.from(element.attributes).map(attr => {
return `[${attr.name}="${element.getAttribute(attr.name)}"]`;
return selectorText;
* Returns path to a DOM element as a selector string.
* @param inputEl Input element.
* @returns String path to a DOM element.
* @throws An error if `inputEl` in not instance of `Element`.
const getElementSelectorPath = inputEl => {
if (!(inputEl instanceof Element)) {
throw new Error('Function received argument with wrong type');
let el;
el = inputEl;
const path = [];
// we need to check '!!el' first because it is possible
// that some ancestor of the inputEl was removed before it
while (!!el && el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
let selector = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (el.id && typeof el.id === 'string') {
selector += `#${el.id}`;
let sibling = el;
let nth = 1;
while (sibling.previousElementSibling) {
sibling = sibling.previousElementSibling;
if (sibling.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && sibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === selector) {
nth += 1;
if (nth !== 1) {
selector += `:nth-of-type(${nth})`;
el = el.parentElement;
return path.join(' > ');
* Checks whether the element is instance of HTMLElement.
* @param element Element to check.
* @returns True if `element` is HTMLElement.
const isHtmlElement = element => {
return element instanceof HTMLElement;
* Takes `element` and returns its parent element.
* @param element Element.
* @param errorMessage Optional error message to throw.
* @returns Parent of `element`.
* @throws An error if element has no parent element.
const getParent = (element, errorMessage) => {
const {
} = element;
if (!parentElement) {
throw new Error(errorMessage || 'Element does no have parent element');
return parentElement;
const logger = {
* Safe console.error version.
error: typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.error && console.error.bind ? console.error.bind(window.console) : console.error,
* Safe console.info version.
info: typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.info && console.info.bind ? console.info.bind(window.console) : console.info
* Returns string without suffix.
* @param str Input string.
* @param suffix Needed to remove.
* @returns String without suffix.
const remov###ffix = (str, suffix) => {
const index = str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length);
if (index >= 0) {
return str.substring(0, index);
return str;
* Replaces all `pattern`s with `replacement` in `input` string.
* String.replaceAll() polyfill because it is not supported by old browsers, e.g. Chrome 55.
* @see {@link https://caniuse.com/?search=String.replaceAll}
* @param input Input string to process.
* @param pattern Find in the input string.
* @param replacement Replace the pattern with.
* @returns Modified string.
const replaceAll = (input, pattern, replacement) => {
if (!input) {
return input;
return input.split(pattern).join(replacement);
* Converts string pattern to regular expression.
* @param str String to convert.
* @returns Regular expression converted from pattern `str`.
const toRegExp = str => {
if (str.startsWith(SLASH) && str.endsWith(SLASH)) {
return new RegExp(str.slice(1, -1));
const escaped = str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
return new RegExp(escaped);
* Converts any simple type value to string type,
* e.g. `undefined` -> `'undefined'`.
* @param value Any type value.
* @returns String representation of `value`.
const convertTypeIntoString = value => {
let output;
switch (value) {
case undefined:
output = 'undefined';
case null:
output = 'null';
output = value.toString();
return output;
* Converts instance of string value into other simple types,
* e.g. `'null'` -> `null`, `'true'` -> `true`.
* @param value String-type value.
* @returns Its own type representation of string-type `value`.
const convertTypeFromString = value => {
const numValue = Number(value);
let output;
if (!Number.isNaN(numValue)) {
output = numValue;
} else {
switch (value) {
case 'undefined':
output = undefined;
case 'null':
output = null;
case 'true':
output = true;
case 'false':
output = false;
output = value;
return output;
var BrowserName;
(function (BrowserName) {
BrowserName["Chrome"] = "Chrome";
BrowserName["Firefox"] = "Firefox";
BrowserName["Edge"] = "Edg";
BrowserName["Opera"] = "Opera";
BrowserName["Safari"] = "Safari";
BrowserName["HeadlessChrome"] = "HeadlessChrome";
})(BrowserName || (BrowserName = {}));
const CHROMIUM_BRAND_NAME = 'Chromium';
const GOOGLE_CHROME_BRAND_NAME = 'Google Chrome';
* Simple check for Safari browser.
const isSafariBrowser = navigator.vendor === 'Apple Computer, Inc.';
[BrowserName.Chrome]: {
// avoid Chromium-based Edge browser
// 'EdgA' for android version
MASK: /\s(Chrome)\/(\d+)\..+\s(?!.*(Edg|EdgA)\/)/,
[BrowserName.Firefox]: {
MASK: /\s(Firefox)\/(\d+)\./,
[BrowserName.Edge]: {
MASK: /\s(Edg)\/(\d+)\./,
[BrowserName.Opera]: {
MASK: /\s(OPR)\/(\d+)\./,
[BrowserName.Safari]: {
MASK: /\sVersion\/(\d{2}\.\d)(.+\s|\s)(Safari)\//,
[BrowserName.HeadlessChrome]: {
// support headless Chrome used by puppeteer
MASK: /\s(HeadlessChrome)\/(\d+)\..+\s(?!.*Edg\/)/,
// version should be the same as for BrowserName.Chrome
* Returns chromium brand object or null if not supported.
* Chromium because of all browsers based on it should be supported as well
* and it is universal way to check it.
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NavigatorUAData/brands}
* @param uaDataBrands Array of user agent brand information.
* @returns Chromium brand data object or null if it is not supported.
const getChromiumBrand = uaDataBrands => {
if (!uaDataBrands) {
return null;
// for chromium-based browsers
const chromiumBrand = uaDataBrands.find(brandData => {
return brandData.brand === CHROMIUM_BRAND_NAME || brandData.brand === GOOGLE_CHROME_BRAND_NAME;
return chromiumBrand || null;
* Parses userAgent string and returns the data object for supported browsers;
* otherwise returns null.
* @param userAgent User agent to parse.
* @returns Parsed userAgent data object if browser is supported, otherwise null.
const parseUserAgent = userAgent => {
let browserName;
let currentVersion;
const browserNames = Object.values(BrowserName);
for (let i = 0; i < browserNames.length; i += 1) {
let match = null;
const name = browserNames[i];
if (name) {
match = (_SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_D = SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_DATA[name]) === null || _SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_D === void 0 ? void 0 : _SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_D.MASK.exec(userAgent);
if (match) {
// for safari browser the order is different because of regexp
if (match[3] === browserNames[i]) {
browserName = match[3];
currentVersion = Number(match[1]);
} else {
// for others first is name and second is version
browserName = match[1];
currentVersion = Number(match[2]);
if (!browserName || !currentVersion) {
return null;
return {
return null;
* Returns info about browser.
* @param userAgent User agent of browser.
* @param uaDataBrands Array of user agent brand information if supported by browser.
* @returns Data object if browser is supported, otherwise null.
const getBrowserInfoAsSupported = (userAgent, uaDataBrands) => {
const brandData = getChromiumBrand(uaDataBrands);
if (!brandData) {
const uaInfo = parseUserAgent(userAgent);
if (!uaInfo) {
return null;
const {
} = uaInfo;
return {
// if navigator.userAgentData is supported
const {
} = brandData;
// handle chromium-based browsers
const browserName = brand === CHROMIUM_BRAND_NAME || brand === GOOGLE_CHROME_BRAND_NAME ? BrowserName.Chrome : brand;
return {
currentVersion: Number(version)
* Checks whether the browser userAgent and userAgentData.brands is supported.
* @param userAgent User agent of browser.
* @param uaDataBrands Array of user agent brand information if supported by browser.
* @returns True if browser is supported.
const isUserAgentSupported = (userAgent, uaDataBrands) => {
// do not support Internet Explorer
if (userAgent.includes('MSIE') || userAgent.includes('Trident/')) {
return false;
// for local testing purposes
if (userAgent.includes('jsdom')) {
return true;
const browserData = getBrowserInfoAsSupported(userAgent, uaDataBrands);
if (!browserData) {
return false;
const {
} = browserData;
if (!browserName || !currentVersion) {
return false;
const minVersion = (_SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_D2 = SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_DATA[browserName]) === null || _SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_D2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _SUPPORTED_BROWSERS_D2.MIN_VERSION;
if (!minVersion) {
return false;
return currentVersion >= minVersion;
* Checks whether the current browser is supported.
* @returns True if *current* browser is supported.
const isBrowserSupported = () => {
var _navigator$userAgentD;
return isUserAgentSupported(navigator.userAgent, (_navigator$userAgentD = navigator.userAgentData) === null || _navigator$userAgentD === void 0 ? void 0 : _navigator$userAgentD.brands);
var CssProperty;
(function (CssProperty) {
CssProperty["Background"] = "background";
CssProperty["BackgroundImage"] = "background-image";
CssProperty["Content"] = "content";
CssProperty["Opacity"] = "opacity";
})(CssProperty || (CssProperty = {}));
const REGEXP_ANY_SYMBOL = '.*';
const REGEXP_WITH_FLAGS_REGEXP = /^\s*\/.*\/[gmisuy]*\s*$/;
* Removes quotes for specified content value.
* For example, content style declaration with `::before` can be set as '-' (e.g. unordered list)
* which displayed as simple dash `-` with no quotes.
* But CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyValue('content') will return value
* wrapped into quotes, e.g. '"-"', which should be removed
* because filters maintainers does not use any quotes in real rules.
* @param str Input string.
* @returns String with no quotes for content value.
const removeContentQuotes = str => {
return str.replace(/^(["'])([\s\S]*)\1$/, '$2');
* Adds quotes for specified background url value.
* If background-image is specified **without** quotes:
* e.g. 'background: url()'.
* CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyValue('background-image') may return value **with** quotes:
* e.g. 'background: url("")'.
* So we add quotes for compatibility since filters maintainers might use quotes in real rules.
* @param str Input string.
* @returns String with unified quotes for background url value.
const addUrlPropertyQuotes = str => {
if (!str.includes('url("')) {
const re = /url\((.*?)\)/g;
return str.replace(re, 'url("$1")');
return str;
* Adds quotes to url arg for consistent property value matching.
const addUrlQuotesTo = {
regexpArg: str => {
// e.g. /^url\\([a-z]{4}:[a-z]{5}/
// or /^url\\(data\\:\\image\\/gif;base64.+/
const re = /(\^)?url(\\)?\\\((\w|\[\w)/g;
return str.replace(re, '$1url$2\\(\\"?$3');
noneRegexpArg: addUrlPropertyQuotes
* Escapes regular expression string.
* @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/regexp}
* @param str Input string.
* @returns Escaped regular expression string.
const escapeRegExp = str => {
// should be escaped . * + ? ^ $ { } ( ) | [ ] / \
// except of * | ^
const specials = ['.', '+', '?', '$', '{', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']', '\\', '/'];
const specialsRegex = new RegExp(`[${specials.join('\\')}]`, 'g');
return str.replace(specialsRegex, '\\$&');
* Converts :matches-css() arg property value match to regexp.
* @param rawValue Style match value pattern.
* @returns Arg of :matches-css() converted to regular expression.
const convertStyleMatchValueToRegexp = rawValue => {
let value;
if (rawValue.startsWith(SLASH) && rawValue.endsWith(SLASH)) {
// For regex patterns double quotes `"` and backslashes `\` should be escaped
value = addUrlQuotesTo.regexpArg(rawValue);
value = value.slice(1, -1);
} else {
// For non-regex patterns parentheses `(` `)` and square brackets `[` `]`
// should be unescaped, because their escaping in filter rules is required
value = addUrlQuotesTo.noneRegexpArg(rawValue);
value = value.replace(/\\([\\()[\]"])/g, '$1');
value = escapeRegExp(value);
// e.g. div:matches-css(background-image: url(data:*))
value = replaceAll(value, ASTERISK, REGEXP_ANY_SYMBOL);
return new RegExp(value, 'i');
* Makes some properties values compatible.
* @param propertyName Name of style property.
* @param propertyValue Value of style property.
* @returns Normalized values for some CSS properties.
const normalizePropertyValue = (propertyName, propertyValue) => {
let normalized = '';
switch (propertyName) {
case CssProperty.Background:
case CssProperty.BackgroundImage:
// sometimes url property does not have quotes
// so we add them for consistent matching
normalized = addUrlPropertyQuotes(propertyValue);
case CssProperty.Content:
normalized = removeContentQuotes(propertyValue);
case CssProperty.Opacity:
// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93445
normalized = isSafariBrowser ? (Math.round(parseFloat(propertyValue) * 100) / 100).toString() : propertyValue;
normalized = propertyValue;
return normalized;
* Returns domElement style property value
* by css property name and standard pseudo-element.
* @param domElement DOM element.
* @param propertyName CSS property name.
* @param regularPseudoElement Standard pseudo-element — '::before', '::after' etc.
* @returns String containing the value of a specified CSS property.
const getComputedStylePropertyValue = (domElement, propertyName, regularPseudoElement) => {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(domElement, regularPseudoElement);
const propertyValue = style.getPropertyValue(propertyName);
return normalizePropertyValue(propertyName, propertyValue);
* Parses arg of absolute pseudo-class into 'name' and 'value' if set.
* Used for :matches-css() - with COLON as separator,
* for :matches-attr() and :matches-property() - with EQUAL_SIGN as separator.
* @param pseudoArg Arg of pseudo-class.
* @param separator Divider symbol.
* @returns Parsed 'matches' pseudo-class arg data.
const getPseudoArgData = (pseudoArg, separator) => {
const index = pseudoArg.indexOf(separator);
let name;
let value;
if (index > -1) {
name = pseudoArg.substring(0, index).trim();
value = pseudoArg.substring(index + 1).trim();
} else {
name = pseudoArg;
return {
* Parses :matches-css() pseudo-class arg
* where regular pseudo-element can be a part of arg
* e.g. 'div:matches-css(before, color: rgb(255, 255, 255))'    <-- obsolete `:matches-css-before()`.
* @param pseudoName Pseudo-class name.
* @param rawArg Pseudo-class arg.
* @returns Parsed :matches-css() pseudo-class arg data.
* @throws An error on invalid `rawArg`.
const parseStyleMatchArg = (pseudoName, rawArg) => {
const {
} = getPseudoArgData(rawArg, COMMA);
let regularPseudoElement = name;
let styleMatchArg = value;
// check whether the string part before the separator is valid regular pseudo-element,
// otherwise `regularPseudoElement` is null, and `styleMatchArg` is rawArg
if (!Object.values(REGULAR_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS).includes(name)) {
regularPseudoElement = null;
styleMatchArg = rawArg;
if (!styleMatchArg) {
throw new Error(`Required style property argument part is missing in :${pseudoName}() arg: '${rawArg}'`);
// if regularPseudoElement is not `null`
if (regularPseudoElement) {
// pseudo-element should have two colon marks for Window.getComputedStyle() due to the syntax:
// https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#pseudo-element-syntax
// ':matches-css(before, content: ads)' ->> '::before'
regularPseudoElement = `${COLON}${COLON}${regularPseudoElement}`;
return {
* Checks whether the domElement is matched by :matches-css() arg.
* @param argsData Pseudo-class name, arg, and dom element to check.
@returns True if DOM element is matched.
* @throws An error on invalid pseudo-class arg.
const isStyleMatched = argsData => {
const {
} = argsData;
const {
} = parseStyleMatchArg(pseudoName, pseudoArg);
const {
name: matchName,
value: matchValue
} = getPseudoArgData(styleMatchArg, COLON);
if (!matchName || !matchValue) {
throw new Error(`Required property name or value is missing in :${pseudoName}() arg: '${styleMatchArg}'`);
let valueRegexp;
try {
valueRegexp = convertStyleMatchValueToRegexp(matchValue);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument of :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class: '${styleMatchArg}'`);
const value = getComputedStylePropertyValue(domElement, matchName, regularPseudoElement);
return valueRegexp && valueRegexp.test(value);
* Validates string arg for :matches-attr() and :matches-property().
* @param arg Pseudo-class arg.
* @returns True if 'matches' pseudo-class string arg is valid.
const validateStrMatcherArg = arg => {
if (arg.includes(SLASH)) {
return false;
if (!/^[\w-]+$/.test(arg)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns valid arg for :matches-attr() and :matcher-property().
* @param rawArg Arg pattern.
* @param [isWildcardAllowed=false] Flag for wildcard (`*`) using as pseudo-class arg.
* @returns Valid arg for :matches-attr() and :matcher-property().
* @throws An error on invalid `rawArg`.
const getValidMatcherArg = function (rawArg) {
let isWildcardAllowed = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
// if rawArg is missing for pseudo-class
// e.g. :matches-attr()
// error will be thrown before getValidMatcherArg() is called:
// name or arg is missing in AbsolutePseudoClass
let arg;
if (rawArg.length > 1 && rawArg.startsWith(DOUBLE_QUOTE) && rawArg.endsWith(DOUBLE_QUOTE)) {
rawArg = rawArg.slice(1, -1);
if (rawArg === '') {
// e.g. :matches-property("")
throw new Error('Argument should be specified. Empty arg is invalid.');
if (rawArg.startsWith(SLASH) && rawArg.endsWith(SLASH)) {
// e.g. :matches-property("//")
if (rawArg.length > 2) {
arg = toRegExp(rawArg);
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid regexp: '${rawArg}'`);
} else if (rawArg.includes(ASTERISK)) {
if (rawArg === ASTERISK && !isWildcardAllowed) {
// e.g. :matches-attr(*)
throw new Error(`Argument should be more specific than ${rawArg}`);
arg = replaceAll(rawArg, ASTERISK, REGEXP_ANY_SYMBOL);
arg = new RegExp(arg);
} else {
if (!validateStrMatcherArg(rawArg)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument: '${rawArg}'`);
arg = rawArg;
return arg;
* Parses pseudo-class argument and returns parsed data.
* @param pseudoName Extended pseudo-class name.
* @param pseudoArg Extended pseudo-class argument.
* @returns Parsed pseudo-class argument data.
* @throws An error if attribute name is missing in pseudo-class arg.
const getRawMatchingData = (pseudoName, pseudoArg) => {
const {
name: rawName,
value: rawValue
} = getPseudoArgData(pseudoArg, EQUAL_SIGN);
if (!rawName) {
throw new Error(`Required attribute name is missing in :${pseudoName} arg: ${pseudoArg}`);
return {
* Checks whether the domElement is matched by :matches-attr() arg.
* @param argsData Pseudo-class name, arg, and dom element to check.
@returns True if DOM element is matched.
* @throws An error on invalid arg of pseudo-class.
const isAttributeMatched = argsData => {
const {
} = argsData;
const elementAttributes = domElement.attributes;
// no match if dom element has no attributes
if (elementAttributes.length === 0) {
return false;
const {
rawName: rawAttrName,
rawValue: rawAttrValue
} = getRawMatchingData(pseudoName, pseudoArg);
let attrNameMatch;
try {
attrNameMatch = getValidMatcherArg(rawAttrName);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
throw new SyntaxError(e.message);
let isMatched = false;
let i = 0;
while (i < elementAttributes.length && !isMatched) {
const attr = elementAttributes[i];
if (!attr) {
const isNameMatched = attrNameMatch instanceof RegExp ? attrNameMatch.test(attr.name) : attrNameMatch === attr.name;
if (!rawAttrValue) {
// for rules with no attribute value specified
// e.g. :matches-attr("/regex/") or :matches-attr("attr-name")
isMatched = isNameMatched;
} else {
let attrValueMatch;
try {
attrValueMatch = getValidMatcherArg(rawAttrValue);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
throw new SyntaxError(e.message);
const isValueMatched = attrValueMatch instanceof RegExp ? attrValueMatch.test(attr.value) : attrValueMatch === attr.value;
isMatched = isNameMatched && isValueMatched;
i += 1;
return isMatched;
* Parses raw :matches-property() arg which may be chain of properties.
* @param input Argument of :matches-property().
* @returns Arg of :matches-property() as array of strings or regular expressions.
* @throws An error on invalid chain.
const parseRawPropChain = input => {
if (input.length > 1 && input.startsWith(DOUBLE_QUOTE) && input.endsWith(DOUBLE_QUOTE)) {
input = input.slice(1, -1);
const chainChunks = input.split(DOT);
const chainPatterns = [];
let patternBuffer = '';
let isRegexpPattern = false;
let i = 0;
while (i < chainChunks.length) {
const chunk = getItemByIndex(chainChunks, i, `Invalid pseudo-class arg: '${input}'`);
if (chunk.startsWith(SLASH) && chunk.endsWith(SLASH) && chunk.length > 2) {
// regexp pattern with no dot in it, e.g. /propName/
} else if (chunk.startsWith(SLASH)) {
// if chunk is a start of regexp pattern
isRegexpPattern = true;
patternBuffer += chunk;
} else if (chunk.endsWith(SLASH)) {
isRegexpPattern = false;
// restore dot removed while splitting
// e.g. testProp./.{1,5}/
patternBuffer += `.${chunk}`;
patternBuffer = '';
} else {
// if there are few dots in regexp pattern
// so chunk might be in the middle of it
if (isRegexpPattern) {
patternBuffer += chunk;
} else {
// otherwise it is string pattern
i += 1;
if (patternBuffer.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid regexp property pattern '${input}'`);
const chainMatchPatterns = chainPatterns.map(pattern => {
if (pattern.length === 0) {
// e.g. '.prop.id' or 'nested..test'
throw new Error(`Empty pattern '${pattern}' is invalid in chain '${input}'`);
let validPattern;
try {
validPattern = getValidMatcherArg(pattern, true);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Invalid property pattern '${pattern}' in property chain '${input}'`);
return validPattern;
return chainMatchPatterns;
* Checks if the property exists in the base object (recursively).
* @param base Element to check.
* @param chain Array of objects - parsed string property chain.
* @param [output=[]] R###lt acc.
* @returns Array of parsed data — representation of `base`-related `chain`.
const filterRootsByRegexpChain = function (base, chain) {
let output = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : [];
const tempProp = getFirst(chain);
if (chain.length === 1) {
let key;
for (key in base) {
if (tempProp instanceof RegExp) {
if (tempProp.test(key)) {
prop: key,
value: base[key]
} else if (tempProp === key) {
prop: tempProp,
value: base[key]
return output;
// if there is a regexp prop in input chain
// e.g. 'unit./^ad.+/.src' for 'unit.ad-1gf2.src unit.ad-fgd34.src'),
// every base keys should be tested by regexp and it can be more that one r###lts
if (tempProp instanceof RegExp) {
const nextProp = chain.slice(1);
const baseKeys = [];
for (const key in base) {
if (tempProp.test(key)) {
baseKeys.forEach(key => {
var _Object$getOwnPropert;
const item = (_Object$getOwnPropert = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, key)) === null || _Object$getOwnPropert === void 0 ? void 0 : _Object$getOwnPropert.value;
filterRootsByRegexpChain(item, nextProp, output);
if (base && typeof tempProp === 'string') {
var _Object$getOwnPropert2;
const nextBase = (_Object$getOwnPropert2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, tempProp)) === null || _Object$getOwnPropert2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _Object$getOwnPropert2.value;
chain = chain.slice(1);
if (nextBase !== undefined) {
filterRootsByRegexpChain(nextBase, chain, output);
return output;
* Checks whether the domElement is matched by :matches-property() arg.
* @param argsData Pseudo-class name, arg, and dom element to check.
@returns True if DOM element is matched.
* @throws An error on invalid prop in chain.
const isPropertyMatched = argsData => {
const {
} = argsData;
const {
rawName: rawPropertyName,
rawValue: rawPropertyValue
} = getRawMatchingData(pseudoName, pseudoArg);
// chained property name cannot include '/' or '.'
// so regex prop names with such escaped characters are invalid
if (rawPropertyName.includes('\\/') || rawPropertyName.includes('\\.')) {
throw new Error(`Invalid :${pseudoName} name pattern: ${rawPropertyName}`);
let propChainMatches;
try {
propChainMatches = parseRawPropChain(rawPropertyName);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
throw new SyntaxError(e.message);
const ownerObjArr = filterRootsByRegexpChain(domElement, propChainMatches);
if (ownerObjArr.length === 0) {
return false;
let isMatched = true;
if (rawPropertyValue) {
let propValueMatch;
try {
propValueMatch = getValidMatcherArg(rawPropertyValue);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
throw new SyntaxError(e.message);
if (propValueMatch) {
for (let i = 0; i < ownerObjArr.length; i += 1) {
var _ownerObjArr$i;
const realValue = (_ownerObjArr$i = ownerObjArr[i]) === null || _ownerObjArr$i === void 0 ? void 0 : _ownerObjArr$i.value;
if (propValueMatch instanceof RegExp) {
isMatched = propValueMatch.test(convertTypeIntoString(realValue));
} else {
// handle 'null' and 'undefined' property values set as string
if (realValue === 'null' || realValue === 'undefined') {
isMatched = propValueMatch === realValue;
isMatched = convertTypeFromString(propValueMatch) === realValue;
if (isMatched) {
return isMatched;
* Checks whether the textContent is matched by :contains arg.
* @param argsData Pseudo-class name, arg, and dom element to check.
@returns True if DOM element is matched.
* @throws An error on invalid arg of pseudo-class.
const isTextMatched = argsData => {
const {
} = argsData;
const textContent = getNodeTextContent(domElement);
let isTextContentMatched;
let pseudoArgToMatch = pseudoArg;
if (pseudoArgToMatch.startsWith(SLASH) && REGEXP_WITH_FLAGS_REGEXP.test(pseudoArgToMatch)) {
// regexp arg
const flagsIndex = pseudoArgToMatch.lastIndexOf('/');
const flagsStr = pseudoArgToMatch.substring(flagsIndex + 1);
pseudoArgToMatch = pseudoArgToMatch.substring(0, flagsIndex + 1).slice(1, -1).replace(/\\([\\"])/g, '$1');
let regex;
try {
regex = new RegExp(pseudoArgToMatch, flagsStr);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument of :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class: ${pseudoArg}`);
isTextContentMatched = regex.test(textContent);
} else {
// none-regexp arg
pseudoArgToMatch = pseudoArgToMatch.replace(/\\([\\()[\]"])/g, '$1');
isTextContentMatched = textContent.includes(pseudoArgToMatch);
return isTextContentMatched;
* Validates number arg for :nth-ancestor() and :upward() pseudo-classes.
* @param rawArg Raw arg of pseudo-class.
* @param pseudoName Pseudo-class name.
* @returns Valid number arg for :nth-ancestor() and :upward().
* @throws An error on invalid `rawArg`.
const getValidNumberAncestorArg = (rawArg, pseudoName) => {
const deep = Number(rawArg);
if (Number.isNaN(deep) || deep < 1 || deep >= 256) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument of :${pseudoName} pseudo-class: '${rawArg}'`);
return deep;
* Returns nth ancestor by 'deep' number arg OR undefined if ancestor range limit exceeded.
* @param domElement DOM element to find ancestor for.
* @param nth Depth up to needed ancestor.
* @param pseudoName Pseudo-class name.
* @returns Ancestor element found in DOM, or null if not found.
* @throws An error on invalid `nth` arg.
const getNthAncestor = (domElement, nth, pseudoName) => {
let ancestor = null;
let i = 0;
while (i < nth) {
ancestor = domElement.parentElement;
if (!ancestor) {
throw new Error(`Out of DOM: Argument of :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class is too big — '${nth}'.`);
domElement = ancestor;
i += 1;
return ancestor;
* Validates standard CSS selector.
* @param selector Standard selector.
* @returns True if standard CSS selector is valid.
const validateStandardSelector = selector => {
let isValid;
try {
isValid = true;
} catch (e) {
isValid = false;
return isValid;
* Wrapper to run matcher `callback` with `args`
* and throw error with `errorMessage` if `callback` run fails.
* @param callback Matcher callback.
* @param argsData Args needed for matcher callback.
* @param errorMessage Error message.
* @returns True if `callback` returns true.
* @throws An error if `callback` fails.
const matcherWrapper = (callback, argsData, errorMessage) => {
let isMatched;
try {
isMatched = callback(argsData);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(errorMessage);
return isMatched;
* Generates common error message to throw while matching element `propDesc`.
* @param propDesc Text to describe what element 'prop' pseudo-class is trying to match.
* @param pseudoName Pseudo-class name.
* @param pseudoArg Pseudo-class arg.
* @returns Generated error message string.
const getAbsolutePseudoError = (propDesc, pseudoName, pseudoArg) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
return `${MATCHING_ELEMENT_ERROR_PREFIX} ${propDesc}, may be invalid :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class arg: '${pseudoArg}'`;
* Checks whether the domElement is matched by absolute extended pseudo-class argument.
* @param domElement Page element.
* @param pseudoName Pseudo-class name.
* @param pseudoArg Pseudo-class arg.
* @returns True if `domElement` is matched by absolute pseudo-class.
* @throws An error on unknown absolute pseudo-class.
const isMatchedByAbsolutePseudo = (domElement, pseudoName, pseudoArg) => {
let argsData;
let errorMessage;
let callback;
switch (pseudoName) {
callback = isTextMatched;
argsData = {
errorMessage = getAbsolutePseudoError('text content', pseudoName, pseudoArg);
callback = isStyleMatched;
argsData = {
errorMessage = getAbsolutePseudoError('style', pseudoName, pseudoArg);
callback = isAttributeMatched;
argsData = {
errorMessage = getAbsolutePseudoError('attributes', pseudoName, pseudoArg);
callback = isPropertyMatched;
argsData = {
errorMessage = getAbsolutePseudoError('properties', pseudoName, pseudoArg);
throw new Error(`Unknown absolute pseudo-class :${pseudoName}()`);
return matcherWrapper(callback, argsData, errorMessage);
const findByAbsolutePseudoPseudo = {
* Returns list of nth ancestors relative to every dom node from domElements list.
* @param domElements DOM elements.
* @param rawPseudoArg Number arg of :nth-ancestor() or :upward() pseudo-class.
* @param pseudoName Pseudo-class name.
* @returns Array of ancestor DOM elements.
nthAncestor: (domElements, rawPseudoArg, pseudoName) => {
const deep = getValidNumberAncestorArg(rawPseudoArg, pseudoName);
const ancestors = domElements.map(domElement => {
let ancestor = null;
try {
ancestor = getNthAncestor(domElement, deep, pseudoName);
} catch (e) {
return ancestor;
return ancestors;
* Returns list of elements by xpath expression, evaluated on every dom node from domElements list.
* @param domElements DOM elements.
* @param rawPseudoArg Arg of :xpath() pseudo-class.
* @returns Array of DOM elements matched by xpath expression.
xpath: (domElements, rawPseudoArg) => {
const foundElements = domElements.map(domElement => {
const r###lt = [];
let xpathR###lt;
try {
xpathR###lt = document.evaluate(rawPseudoArg, domElement, null, window.XPathR###lt.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument of :xpath pseudo-class: '${rawPseudoArg}'`);
let node = xpathR###lt.iterateNext();
while (node) {
if (isHtmlElement(node)) {
node = xpathR###lt.iterateNext();
return r###lt;
return flatten(foundElements);
* Returns list of closest ancestors relative to every dom node from domElements list.
* @param domElements DOM elements.
* @param rawPseudoArg Standard selector arg of :upward() pseudo-class.
* @returns Array of closest ancestor DOM elements.
* @throws An error if `rawPseudoArg` is not a valid standard selector.
upward: (domElements, rawPseudoArg) => {
if (!validateStandardSelector(rawPseudoArg)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument of :upward pseudo-class: '${rawPseudoArg}'`);
const closestAncestors = domElements.map(domElement => {
// closest to parent element should be found
// otherwise `.base:upward(.base)` will return itself too, not only ancestor
const parent = domElement.parentElement;
if (!parent) {
return null;
return parent.closest(rawPseudoArg);
return closestAncestors;
* Calculated selector text which is needed to :has(), :is() and :not() pseudo-classes.
* Contains calculated part (depends on the processed element)
* and value of RegularSelector which is next to selector by.
* Native Document.querySelectorAll() does not select exact descendant elements
* but match all page elements satisfying the selector,
* so extra specification is needed for proper descendants selection
* e.g. 'div:has(> img)'.
* Its calculation depends on extended selector.
* Combined `:scope` pseudo-class and **child** combinator — `:scope>`.
const scopeDirectChildren = `${SCOPE_CSS_PSEUDO_CLASS}${CHILD_COMBINATOR}`;
* Combined `:scope` pseudo-class and **descendant** combinator — `:scope `.
* Interface for relative pseudo-class helpers args.
* Returns the first of RegularSelector child node for `selectorNode`.
* @param selectorNode Ast Selector node.
* @param pseudoName Name of relative pseudo-class.
* @returns Ast RegularSelector node.
const getFirstInnerRegularChild = (selectorNode, pseudoName) => {
return getFirstRegularChild(selectorNode.children, `RegularSelector is missing for :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class`);
// TODO: fix for <forgiving-relative-selector-list>
// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss/issues/154
* Checks whether the element has all relative elements specified by pseudo-class arg.
* Used for :has() pseudo-class.
* @param argsData Relative pseudo-class helpers args data.
* @returns True if **all selectors** from argsData.relativeSelectorList is **matched** for argsData.element.
const hasRelativesBySelectorList = argsData => {
const {
} = argsData;
return relativeSelectorList.children
// Array.every() is used here as each Selector node from SelectorList should exist on page
.every(selectorNode => {
// selectorList.children always starts with regular selector as any selector generally
const relativeRegularSelector = getFirstInnerRegularChild(selectorNode, pseudoName);
let specifiedSelector = '';
let rootElement = null;
const regularSelector = getNodeValue(relativeRegularSelector);
if (regularSelector.startsWith(NEXT_SIBLING_COMBINATOR) || regularSelector.startsWith(SUBSEQUENT_SIBLING_COMBINATOR)) {
* For matching the element by "element:has(+ next-sibling)" and "element:has(~ sibling)"
* we check whether the element's parentElement has specific direct child combination,
* e.g. 'h1:has(+ .share)' -> `h1Node.parentElement.querySelectorAll(':scope > h1 + .share')`.
* @see {@link https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/#relational}
rootElement = element.parentElement;
const elementSelectorText = getElementSelectorDesc(element);
specifiedSelector = `${scopeDirectChildren}${elementSelectorText}${regularSelector}`;
} else if (regularSelector === ASTERISK) {
* :scope specification is needed for proper descendants selection
* as native element.querySelectorAll() does not select exact element descendants
* e.g. 'a:has(> img)' -> `aNode.querySelectorAll(':scope > img')`.
* For 'any selector' as arg of relative simplicity should be set for all inner elements
* e.g. 'div:has(*)' -> `divNode.querySelectorAll(':scope *')`
* which means empty div with no child element.
rootElement = element;
specifiedSelector = `${scopeAnyChildren}${ASTERISK}`;
} else {
* As it described above, inner elements should be found using `:scope` pseudo-class
* e.g. 'a:has(> img)' -> `aNode.querySelectorAll(':scope > img')`
* OR '.block(div > span)' -> `blockClassNode.querySelectorAll(':scope div > span')`.
specifiedSelector = `${scopeAnyChildren}${regularSelector}`;
rootElement = element;
if (!rootElement) {
throw new Error(`Selection by :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class is not possible`);
let relativeElements;
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
relativeElements = getElementsForSelectorNode(selectorNode, rootElement, specifiedSelector);
} catch (e) {
// fail for invalid selector
throw new Error(`Invalid selector for :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class: '${regularSelector}'`);
return relativeElements.length > 0;
* Checks whether the element is an any element specified by pseudo-class arg.
* Used for :is() pseudo-class.
* @param argsData Relative pseudo-class helpers args data.
* @returns True if **any selector** from argsData.relativeSelectorList is **matched** for argsData.element.
const isAnyElementBySelectorList = argsData => {
const {
} = argsData;
return relativeSelectorList.children
// Array.some() is used here as any selector from selector list should exist on page
.some(selectorNode => {
// selectorList.children always starts with regular selector
const relativeRegularSelector = getFirstInnerRegularChild(selectorNode, pseudoName);
* For checking the element by 'div:is(.banner)'
* we check whether the element's parentElement has any specific direct child.
const rootElement = getParent(element, `Selection by :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class is not possible`);
* So we calculate the element "description" by it's tagname and attributes for targeting
* and use it to specify the selection
* e.g. `div:is(.banner)` --> `divNode.parentElement.querySelectorAll(':scope > .banner')`.
const specifiedSelector = `${scopeDirectChildren}${getNodeValue(relativeRegularSelector)}`;
let anyElements;
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
anyElements = getElementsForSelectorNode(selectorNode, rootElement, specifiedSelector);
} catch (e) {
// do not fail on invalid selectors for :is()
return false;
// TODO: figure out how to handle complex selectors with extended pseudo-classes
// (check readme - extended-css-is-limitations)
// because `element` and `anyElements` may be from different DOM levels
return anyElements.includes(element);
* Checks whether the element is not an element specified by pseudo-class arg.
* Used for :not() pseudo-class.
* @param argsData Relative pseudo-class helpers args data.
* @returns True if **any selector** from argsData.relativeSelectorList is **not matched** for argsData.element.
const notElementBySelectorList = argsData => {
const {
} = argsData;
return relativeSelectorList.children
// Array.every() is used here as element should not be selected by any selector from selector list
.every(selectorNode => {
// selectorList.children always starts with regular selector
const relativeRegularSelector = getFirstInnerRegularChild(selectorNode, pseudoName);
* For checking the element by 'div:not([data="content"])
* we check whether the element's parentElement has any specific direct child.
const rootElement = getParent(element, `Selection by :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class is not possible`);
* So we calculate the element "description" by it's tagname and attributes for targeting
* and use it to specify the selection
* e.g. `div:not(.banner)` --> `divNode.parentElement.querySelectorAll(':scope > .banner')`.
const specifiedSelector = `${scopeDirectChildren}${getNodeValue(relativeRegularSelector)}`;
let anyElements;
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
anyElements = getElementsForSelectorNode(selectorNode, rootElement, specifiedSelector);
} catch (e) {
// fail on invalid selectors for :not()
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`Invalid selector for :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class: '${getNodeValue(relativeRegularSelector)}'`);
// TODO: figure out how to handle up-looking pseudo-classes inside :not()
// (check readme - extended-css-not-limitations)
// because `element` and `anyElements` may be from different DOM levels
return !anyElements.includes(element);
* Selects dom elements by value of RegularSelector.
* @param regularSelectorNode RegularSelector node.
* @param root Root DOM element.
* @param specifiedSelector @see {@link SpecifiedSelector}.
* @returns Array of DOM elements.
* @throws An error if RegularSelector node value is an invalid selector.
const getByRegularSelector = (regularSelectorNode, root, specifiedSelector) => {
const selectorText = specifiedSelector ? specifiedSelector : getNodeValue(regularSelectorNode);
let selectedElements = [];
try {
selectedElements = Array.from(root.querySelectorAll(selectorText));
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
throw new Error(`Error: unable to select by '${selectorText}' — ${e.message}`);
return selectedElements;
* Returns list of dom elements filtered or selected by ExtendedSelector node.
* @param domElements Array of DOM elements.
* @param extendedSelectorNode ExtendedSelector node.
* @returns Array of DOM elements.
* @throws An error on unknown pseudo-class,
* absent or invalid arg of extended pseudo-class, etc.
const getByExtendedSelector = (domElements, extendedSelectorNode) => {
let foundElements = [];
const extendedPseudoClassNode = getPseudoClassNode(extendedSelectorNode);
const pseudoName = getNodeName(extendedPseudoClassNode);
if (isAbsolutePseudoClass(pseudoName)) {
// absolute extended pseudo-classes should have an argument
const absolutePseudoArg = getNodeValue(extendedPseudoClassNode, `Missing arg for :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class`);
// :nth-ancestor()
foundElements = findByAbsolutePseudoPseudo.nthAncestor(domElements, absolutePseudoArg, pseudoName);
} else if (pseudoName === XPATH_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER) {
// :xpath()
try {
document.createExpression(absolutePseudoArg, null);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Invalid argument of :${pseudoName}() pseudo-class: '${absolutePseudoArg}'`);
foundElements = findByAbsolutePseudoPseudo.xpath(domElements, absolutePseudoArg);
} else if (pseudoName === UPWARD_PSEUDO_CLASS_MARKER) {
// :upward()
if (Number.isNaN(Number(absolutePseudoArg))) {
// so arg is selector, not a number
foundElements = findByAbsolutePseudoPseudo.upward(domElements, absolutePseudoArg);
} else {
foundElements = findByAbsolutePseudoPseudo.nthAncestor(domElements, absolutePseudoArg, pseudoName);
} else {
// all other absolute extended pseudo-classes
// e.g. contains, matches-attr, etc.
foundElements = domElements.filter(element => {
return isMatchedByAbsolutePseudo(element, pseudoName, absolutePseudoArg);
} else if (isRelativePseudoClass(pseudoName)) {
const relativeSelectorList = getRelativeSelectorListNode(extendedPseudoClassNode);
let relativePredicate;
switch (pseudoName) {
relativePredicate = element => hasRelativesBySelectorList({
relativePredicate = element => isAnyElementBySelectorList({
relativePredicate = element => notElementBySelectorList({
throw new Error(`Unknown relative pseudo-class: '${pseudoName}'`);
foundElements = domElements.filter(relativePredicate);
} else {
// extra check is parser missed something
throw new Error(`Unknown extended pseudo-class: '${pseudoName}'`);
return foundElements;
* Returns list of dom elements which is selected by RegularSelector value.
* @param domElements Array of DOM elements.
* @param regularSelectorNode RegularSelector node.
* @returns Array of DOM elements.
* @throws An error if RegularSelector has not value.
const getByFollowingRegularSelector = (domElements, regularSelectorNode) => {
// array of arrays because of Array.map() later
let foundElements = [];
const value = getNodeValue(regularSelectorNode);
if (value.startsWith(CHILD_COMBINATOR)) {
// e.g. div:has(> img) > .banner
foundElements = domElements.map(root => {
const specifiedSelector = `${SCOPE_CSS_PSEUDO_CLASS}${value}`;
return getByRegularSelector(regularSelectorNode, root, specifiedSelector);
} else if (value.startsWith(NEXT_SIBLING_COMBINATOR) || value.startsWith(SUBSEQUENT_SIBLING_COMBINATOR)) {
// e.g. div:has(> img) + .banner
// or   div:has(> img) ~ .banner
foundElements = domElements.map(element => {
const rootElement = element.parentElement;
if (!rootElement) {
// do not throw error if there in no parent for element
// e.g. '*:contains(text)' selects `html` which has no parentElement
return [];
const elementSelectorText = getElementSelectorDesc(element);
const specifiedSelector = `${scopeDirectChildren}${elementSelectorText}${value}`;
const selected = getByRegularSelector(regularSelectorNode, rootElement, specifiedSelector);
return selected;
} else {
// space-separated regular selector after extended one
// e.g. div:has(> img) .banner
foundElements = domElements.map(root => {
const specifiedSelector = `${scopeAnyChildren}${getNodeValue(regularSelectorNode)}`;
return getByRegularSelector(regularSelectorNode, root, specifiedSelector);
// foundElements should be flattened
// as getByRegularSelector() returns elements array, and Array.map() collects them to array
return flatten(foundElements);
* Returns elements nodes for Selector node.
* As far as any selector always starts with regular part,
* it selects by RegularSelector first and checks found elements later.
* Relative pseudo-classes has it's own subtree so getElementsForSelectorNode is called recursively.
* 'specifiedSelector' is needed for :has(), :is(), and :not() pseudo-classes
* as native querySelectorAll() does not select exact element descendants even if it is called on 'div'
* e.g. ':scope' specification is needed for proper descendants selection for 'div:has(> img)'.
* So we check `divNode.querySelectorAll(':scope > img').length > 0`.
* @param selectorNode Selector node.
* @param root Root DOM element.
* @param specifiedSelector Needed element specification.
* @returns Array of DOM elements.
* @throws An error if there is no selectorNodeChild.
const getElementsForSelectorNode = (selectorNode, root, specifiedSelector) => {
let selectedElements = [];
let i = 0;
while (i < selectorNode.children.length) {
const selectorNodeChild = getItemByIndex(selectorNode.children, i, 'selectorNodeChild should be specified');
if (i === 0) {
// any selector always starts with regular selector
selectedElements = getByRegularSelector(selectorNodeChild, root, specifiedSelector);
} else if (isExtendedSelectorNode(selectorNodeChild)) {
// filter previously selected elements by next selector nodes
selectedElements = getByExtendedSelector(selectedElements, selectorNodeChild);
} else if (isRegularSelectorNode(selectorNodeChild)) {
selectedElements = getByFollowingRegularSelector(selectedElements, selectorNodeChild);
i += 1;
return selectedElements;
* Selects elements by ast.
* @param ast Ast of parsed selector.
* @param doc Document.
* @returns Array of DOM elements.
const selectElementsByAst = function (ast) {
let doc = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : document;
const selectedElements = [];
// ast root is SelectorList node;
// it has Selector nodes as children which should be processed separately
ast.children.forEach(selectorNode => {
selectedElements.push(...getElementsForSelectorNode(selectorNode, doc));
// selectedElements should be flattened as it is array of arrays with elements
const uniqueElements = [...new Set(flatten(selectedElements))];
return uniqueElements;
* Class of ExtCssDocument is needed for caching.
* For making cache related to each new instance of class, not global.
class ExtCssDocument {
* Cache with selectors and their AST parsing r###lts.
* Creates new ExtCssDocument and inits new `astCache`.
constructor() {
this.astCache = new Map();
* Saves selector and it's ast to cache.
* @param selector Standard or extended selector.
* @param ast Selector ast.
saveAstToCache(selector, ast) {
this.astCache.set(selector, ast);
* Returns ast from cache for given selector.
* @param selector Standard or extended selector.
* @returns Previously parsed ast found in cache, or null if not found.
getAstFromCache(selector) {
const cachedAst = this.astCache.get(selector) || null;
return cachedAst;
* Returns selector ast:
* - if cached ast exists — returns it;
* - if no cached ast — saves newly parsed ast to cache and returns it.
* @param selector Standard or extended selector.
* @returns Ast for `selector`.
getSelectorAst(selector) {
let ast = this.getAstFromCache(selector);
if (!ast) {
ast = parse$1(selector);
this.saveAstToCache(selector, ast);
return ast;
* Selects elements by selector.
* @param selector Standard or extended selector.
* @returns Array of DOM elements.
querySelectorAll(selector) {
const ast = this.getSelectorAst(selector);
return selectElementsByAst(ast);
const extCssDocument = new ExtCssDocument();
* Checks the presence of :remove() pseudo-class and validates it while parsing the selector part of css rule.
* @param rawSelector Selector which may contain :remove() pseudo-class.
* @returns Parsed selector data with selector and styles.
* @throws An error on invalid :remove() position.
const parseRemoveSelector = rawSelector => {
* No error will be thrown on invalid selector as it will be validated later
* so it's better to explicitly specify 'any' selector for :remove() pseudo-class by '*',
* e.g. '.banner > *:remove()' instead of '.banner > :remove()'.
// ':remove()'
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
// ':remove(' - needed for validation rules like 'div:remove(2)'
let selector;
let shouldRemove = false;
const firstIndex = rawSelector.indexOf(VALID_REMOVE_MARKER);
if (firstIndex === 0) {
// e.g. ':remove()'
throw new Error(`${REMOVE_ERROR_PREFIX.NO_TARGET_SELECTOR}: '${rawSelector}'`);
} else if (firstIndex > 0) {
if (firstIndex !== rawSelector.lastIndexOf(VALID_REMOVE_MARKER)) {
// rule with more than one :remove() pseudo-class is invalid
// e.g. '.block:remove() > .banner:remove()'
throw new Error(`${REMOVE_ERROR_PREFIX.MULTIPLE_USAGE}: '${rawSelector}'`);
} else if (firstIndex + VALID_REMOVE_MARKER.length < rawSelector.length) {
// remove pseudo-class should be last in the rule
// e.g. '.block:remove():upward(2)'
throw new Error(`${REMOVE_ERROR_PREFIX.INVALID_POSITION}: '${rawSelector}'`);
} else {
// valid :remove() pseudo-class position
selector = rawSelector.substring(0, firstIndex);
shouldRemove = true;
} else if (rawSelector.includes(INVALID_REMOVE_MARKER)) {
// it is not valid if ':remove()' is absent in rule but just ':remove(' is present
// e.g. 'div:remove(0)'
throw new Error(`${REMOVE_ERROR_PREFIX.INVALID_REMOVE}: '${rawSelector}'`);
} else {
// there is no :remove() pseudo-class is rule
selector = rawSelector;
const stylesOfSelector = shouldRemove ? [{
value: String(shouldRemove)
}] : [];
return {
* Converts array of `entries` to object.
* Object.fromEntries() polyfill because it is not supported by old browsers, e.g. Chrome 55.
* Only first two elements of `entries` array matter, other will be skipped silently.
* @see {@link https://caniuse.com/?search=Object.fromEntries}
* @param entries Array of pairs.
* @returns Object converted from `entries`.
const getObjectFromEntries = entries => {
const object = {};
entries.forEach(el => {
const [key, value] = el;
object[key] = value;
return object;
// ExtendedCss does not support at-rules
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/At-rule
const AT_RULE_MARKER = '@';
* Init value for rawRuleData.
const initRawRuleData = {
selector: ''
* Resets rule data buffer to init value after rule successfully collected.
* @param context Stylesheet parser context.
const restoreRuleAcc = context => {
context.rawRuleData = initRawRuleData;
* Parses cropped selector part found before `{` previously.
* @param context Stylesheet parser context.
* @param extCssDoc Needed for caching of selector ast.
* @returns Parsed validation data for cropped part of stylesheet which may be a selector.
* @throws An error on unsupported CSS features, e.g. at-rules.
const parseSelectorPart = (context, extCssDoc) => {
let selector = context.selectorBuffer.trim();
if (selector.startsWith(AT_RULE_MARKER)) {
throw new Error(`At-rules are not supported: '${selector}'.`);
let removeSelectorData;
try {
removeSelectorData = parseRemoveSelector(selector);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
throw new Error(`${REMOVE_ERROR_PREFIX.INVALID_REMOVE}: '${selector}'`);
if (context.nextIndex === -1) {
if (selector === removeSelectorData.selector) {
// rule should have style or pseudo-class :remove()
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.NO_STYLE_OR_REMOVE}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
// stop parsing as there is no style declaration and selector parsed fine
context.cssToParse = '';
let stylesOfSelector = [];
let success = false;
let ast;
try {
selector = removeSelectorData.selector;
stylesOfSelector = removeSelectorData.stylesOfSelector;
// validate found selector by parsing it to ast
// so if it is invalid error will be thrown
ast = extCssDoc.getSelectorAst(selector);
success = true;
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
success = false;
if (context.nextIndex > 0) {
// slice found valid selector part off
// and parse rest of stylesheet later
context.cssToParse = context.cssToParse.slice(context.nextIndex);
return {
* Recursively parses style declaration string into `Style`s.
* @param context Stylesheet parser context.
* @param styles Array of styles.
* @throws An error on invalid style declaration.
* @returns A number index of the next `}` in `this.cssToParse`.
const parseUntilClosingBracket = (context, styles) => {
// Expects ":", ";", and "}".
REGEXP_DECLARATION_DIVIDER.lastIndex = context.nextIndex;
let match = REGEXP_DECLARATION_DIVIDER.exec(context.cssToParse);
if (match === null) {
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.INVALID_STYLE}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
let matchPos = match.index;
let matched = match[0];
if (matched === BRACKETS.CURLY.RIGHT) {
const declarationChunk = context.cssToParse.slice(context.nextIndex, matchPos);
if (declarationChunk.trim().length === 0) {
// empty style declaration
// e.g. 'div { }'
if (styles.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.NO_STYLE}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
// else valid style parsed before it
// e.g. '{ display: none; }' -- position is after ';'
} else {
// closing curly bracket '}' is matched before colon ':'
// trimmed declarationChunk is not a space, between ';' and '}',
// e.g. 'visible }' in style '{ display: none; visible }' after part before ';' is parsed
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.INVALID_STYLE}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
return matchPos;
if (matched === COLON) {
const colonIndex = matchPos;
// Expects ";" and "}".
REGEXP_DECLARATION_END.lastIndex = colonIndex;
match = REGEXP_DECLARATION_END.exec(context.cssToParse);
if (match === null) {
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.UNCLOSED_STYLE}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
matchPos = match.index;
matched = match[0];
// Populates the `styleMap` key-value map.
const property = context.cssToParse.slice(context.nextIndex, colonIndex).trim();
if (property.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.NO_PROPERTY}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
const value = context.cssToParse.slice(colonIndex + 1, matchPos).trim();
if (value.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.NO_VALUE}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
// finish style parsing if '}' is found
// e.g. '{ display: none }' -- no ';' at the end of declaration
if (matched === BRACKETS.CURLY.RIGHT) {
return matchPos;
// matchPos is the position of the next ';'
// crop 'cssToParse' and re-run the loop
context.cssToParse = context.cssToParse.slice(matchPos + 1);
context.nextIndex = 0;
return parseUntilClosingBracket(context, styles); // Should be a subject of tail-call optimization.
* Parses next style declaration part in stylesheet.
* @param context Stylesheet parser context.
* @returns Array of style data objects.
const parseNextStyle = context => {
const styles = [];
const styleEndPos = parseUntilClosingBracket(context, styles);
// find next rule after the style declaration
REGEXP_NON_WHITESPACE.lastIndex = styleEndPos + 1;
const match = REGEXP_NON_WHITESPACE.exec(context.cssToParse);
if (match === null) {
context.cssToParse = '';
return styles;
const matchPos = match.index;
// cut out matched style declaration for previous selector
context.cssToParse = context.cssToParse.slice(matchPos);
return styles;
* Checks whether the 'remove' property positively set in styles
* with only one positive value - 'true'.
* @param styles Array of styles.
* @returns True if there is 'remove' property with 'true' value in `styles`.
const isRemoveSetInStyles = styles => {
return styles.some(s => {
* Returns valid 'debug' property value set in styles
* where possible values are 'true' and 'global'.
* @param styles Array of styles.
* @returns Value of 'debug' property if it is set in `styles`,
* or `undefined` if the property is not found.
const getDebugStyleValue = styles => {
const debugStyle = styles.find(s => {
return s.property === DEBUG_PSEUDO_PROPERTY_KEY;
return debugStyle === null || debugStyle === void 0 ? void 0 : debugStyle.value;
* Prepares final RuleData.
* @param selector String selector.
* @param ast Parsed ast.
* @param rawStyles Array of previously collected styles which may contain 'remove' and 'debug'.
* @returns Parsed ExtendedCss rule data.
const prepareRuleData = (selector, ast, rawStyles) => {
const ruleData = {
const debugValue = getDebugStyleValue(rawStyles);
const shouldRemove = isRemoveSetInStyles(rawStyles);
let styles = rawStyles;
if (debugValue) {
// get rid of 'debug' from styles
styles = rawStyles.filter(s => s.property !== DEBUG_PSEUDO_PROPERTY_KEY);
// and set it as separate property only if its value is valid
// which is 'true' or 'global'
ruleData.debug = debugValue;
if (shouldRemove) {
// no other styles are needed to apply if 'remove' is set
ruleData.style = {
* 'content' property is needed for ExtCssConfiguration.beforeStyleApplied().
* @see {@link BeforeStyleAppliedCallback}
const contentStyle = styles.find(s => s.property === CONTENT_CSS_PROPERTY);
if (contentStyle) {
ruleData.style[CONTENT_CSS_PROPERTY] = contentStyle.value;
} else {
// otherwise all styles should be applied.
// every style property will be unique because of their converting into object
if (styles.length > 0) {
const stylesAsEntries = styles.map(style => {
const {
} = style;
return [property, value];
const preparedStyleData = getObjectFromEntries(stylesAsEntries);
ruleData.style = preparedStyleData;
return ruleData;
* Saves rules data for unique selectors.
* @param rawR###lts Previously collected r###lts of parsing.
* @param rawRuleData Parsed rule data.
* @throws An error if there is no rawRuleData.styles or rawRuleData.ast.
const saveToRawR###lts = (rawR###lts, rawRuleData) => {
const {
} = rawRuleData;
if (!styles) {
throw new Error(`No style declaration for selector: '${selector}'`);
if (!ast) {
throw new Error(`No ast parsed for selector: '${selector}'`);
const storedRuleData = rawR###lts.get(selector);
if (!storedRuleData) {
rawR###lts.set(selector, {
} else {
* Parses stylesheet of rules into rules data objects (non-recursively):
* 1. Iterates through stylesheet string.
* 2. Finds first `{` which can be style declaration start or part of selector.
* 3. Validates found string part via selector parser; and if:
*  - it throws error — saves string part to buffer as part of selector,
*    slice next stylesheet part to `{` [2] and validates again [3];
*  - no error — saves found string part as selector and starts to parse styles (recursively).
* @param rawStylesheet Raw stylesheet as string.
* @param extCssDoc ExtCssDocument which uses cache while selectors parsing.
* @throws An error on unsupported CSS features, e.g. comments, or invalid stylesheet syntax.
* @returns Array of rules data which contains:
* - selector as string;
* - ast to query elements by;
* - map of styles to apply.
const parse = (rawStylesheet, extCssDoc) => {
const stylesheet = rawStylesheet.trim();
if (stylesheet.includes(`${SLASH}${ASTERISK}`) && stylesheet.includes(`${ASTERISK}${SLASH}`)) {
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.NO_COMMENT}: '${stylesheet}'`);
const context = {
// any stylesheet should start with selector
isSelector: true,
// init value of parser position
nextIndex: 0,
// init value of cssToParse
cssToParse: stylesheet,
// buffer for collecting selector part
selectorBuffer: '',
// accumulator for rules
rawRuleData: initRawRuleData
const rawR###lts = new Map();
let selectorData;
// context.cssToParse is going to be cropped while its parsing
while (context.cssToParse) {
if (context.isSelector) {
// find index of first opening curly bracket
// which may mean start of style part and end of selector one
context.nextIndex = context.cssToParse.indexOf(BRACKETS.CURLY.LEFT);
// rule should not start with style, selector is required
// e.g. '{ display: none; }'
if (context.selectorBuffer.length === 0 && context.nextIndex === 0) {
throw new Error(`${STYLESHEET_ERROR_PREFIX.NO_SELECTOR}: '${context.cssToParse}'`);
if (context.nextIndex === -1) {
// no style declaration in rule
// but rule still may contain :remove() pseudo-class
context.selectorBuffer = context.cssToParse;
} else {
// collect string parts before opening curly bracket
// until valid selector collected
context.selectorBuffer += context.cssToParse.slice(0, context.nextIndex);
selectorData = parseSelectorPart(context, extCssDoc);
if (selectorData.success) {
// selector successfully parsed
context.rawRuleData.selector = selectorData.selector.trim();
context.rawRuleData.ast = selectorData.ast;
context.rawRuleData.styles = selectorData.stylesOfSelector;
context.isSelector = false;
// save rule data if there is no style declaration
if (context.nextIndex === -1) {
saveToRawR###lts(rawR###lts, context.rawRuleData);
// clean up ruleContext
} else {
// skip the opening curly bracket at the start of style declaration part
context.nextIndex = 1;
context.selectorBuffer = '';
} else {
// if selector was not successfully parsed parseSelectorPart(), continue stylesheet parsing:
// save the found bracket to buffer and proceed to next loop iteration
context.selectorBuffer += BRACKETS.CURLY.LEFT;
// delete `{` from cssToParse
context.cssToParse = context.cssToParse.slice(1);
} else {
var _context$rawRuleData$;
// style declaration should be parsed
const parsedStyles = parseNextStyle(context);
// styles can be parsed from selector part if it has :remove() pseudo-class
// e.g. '.banner:remove() { debug: true; }'
(_context$rawRuleData$ = context.rawRuleData.styles) === null || _context$rawRuleData$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _context$rawRuleData$.push(...parsedStyles);
// save rule data to r###lts
saveToRawR###lts(rawR###lts, context.rawRuleData);
context.nextIndex = 0;
// clean up ruleContext
// parse next rule selector after style successfully parsed
context.isSelector = true;
const r###lts = [];
rawR###lts.forEach((value, key) => {
const selector = key;
const {
styles: rawStyles
} = value;
r###lts.push(prepareRuleData(selector, ast, rawStyles));
return r###lts;
* Checks whether passed `arg` is number type.
* @param arg Value to check.
* @returns True if `arg` is number and not NaN.
const isNumber = arg => {
return typeof arg === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(arg);
const isSupported = typeof window.requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined';
const timeout = isSupported ? requestAnimationFrame : window.setTimeout;
const deleteTimeout = isSupported ? cancelAnimationFrame : clearTimeout;
const perf = isSupported ? performance : Date;
* The purpose of ThrottleWrapper is to throttle calls of the function
* that applies ExtendedCss rules. The reasoning here is that the function calls
* are triggered by MutationObserver and there may be many mutations in a short period of time.
* We do not want to apply rules on every mutation so we use this helper to make sure
* that there is only one call in the given amount of time.
class ThrottleWrapper {
* The provided callback should be executed twice in this time frame:
* very first time and not more often than throttleDelayMs for further executions.
* @see {@link ThrottleWrapper.run}
* Creates new ThrottleWrapper.
* @param context ExtendedCss context.
* @param callback The callback.
* @param throttleMs Throttle delay in ms.
constructor(context, callback, throttleMs) {
this.context = context;
this.callback = callback;
this.throttleDelayMs = throttleMs || DEFAULT_THROTTLE_DELAY_MS;
this.wrappedCb = this.wrappedCallback.bind(this);
* Wraps the callback (which supposed to be `applyRules`),
* needed to update `lastRunTime` and clean previous timeouts for proper execution of the callback.
* @param timestamp Timestamp.
wrappedCallback(timestamp) {
this.lastRunTime = isNumber(timestamp) ? timestamp : perf.now();
// `timeoutId` can be requestAnimationFrame-related
// so cancelAnimationFrame() as deleteTimeout() needs the arg to be defined
if (this.timeoutId) {
delete this.timeoutId;
delete this.timerId;
if (this.callback) {
* Indicates whether there is a scheduled callback.
* @returns True if scheduled callback exists.
hasPendingCallback() {
return isNumber(this.timeoutId) || isNumber(this.timerId);
* Schedules the function which applies ExtendedCss rules before the next animation frame.
* Wraps function execution into `timeout` — requestAnimationFrame or setTimeout.
* For the first time runs the function without any condition.
* As it may be triggered by any mutation which may occur too ofter, we limit the function execution:
* 1. If `elapsedTime` since last function execution is less then set `throttleDelayMs`,
* next function call is hold till the end of throttle interval (subtracting `elapsed` from `throttleDelayMs`);
* 2. Do nothing if triggered again but function call which is on hold has not yet started its execution.
run() {
if (this.hasPendingCallback()) {
// there is a pending execution scheduled
if (typeof this.lastRunTime !== 'undefined') {
const elapsedTime = perf.now() - this.lastRunTime;
if (elapsedTime < this.throttleDelayMs) {
this.timerId = window.setTimeout(this.wrappedCb, this.throttleDelayMs - elapsedTime);
this.timeoutId = timeout(this.wrappedCb);
* Returns timestamp for 'now'.
* @returns Timestamp.
static now() {
return perf.now();
const IGNORED_EVENTS = ['mouseover', 'mouseleave', 'mouseenter', 'mouseout'];
// keyboard events
'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup',
// mouse events
'auxclick', 'click', 'contextmenu', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'mousemove', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mouseup', 'pointerlockchange', 'pointerlockerror', 'select', 'wheel'];
// 'wheel' event makes scrolling in Safari twitchy
// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss/issues/120
* We use EventTracker to track the event that is likely to cause the mutation.
* The problem is that we cannot use `window.event` directly from the mutation observer call
* as we're not in the event handler context anymore.
class EventTracker {
* Creates new EventTracker.
constructor() {
_defineProperty(this, "getLastEventType", () => this.lastEventType);
_defineProperty(this, "getTimeSinceLastEvent", () => {
if (!this.lastEventTime) {
return null;
return Date.now() - this.lastEventTime;
this.trackedEvents = isSafariBrowser ? SUPPORTED_EVENTS.filter(event => !SAFARI_PROBLEMATIC_EVENTS.includes(event)) : SUPPORTED_EVENTS;
this.trackedEvents.forEach(eventName => {
document.documentElement.addEventListener(eventName, this.trackEvent, true);
* Callback for event listener for events tracking.
* @param event Any event.
trackEvent(event) {
this.lastEventType = event.type;
this.lastEventTime = Date.now();
* Checks whether the last caught event should be ignored.
* @returns True if event should be ignored.
isIgnoredEventType() {
const lastEventType = this.getLastEventType();
const sinceLastEventTime = this.getTimeSinceLastEvent();
return !!lastEventType && IGNORED_EVENTS.includes(lastEventType) && !!sinceLastEventTime && sinceLastEventTime < LAST_EVENT_TIMEOUT_MS;
* Stops event tracking by removing event listener.
stopTracking() {
this.trackedEvents.forEach(eventName => {
document.documentElement.removeEventListener(eventName, this.trackEvent, true);
const isEventListenerSupported = typeof window.addEventListener !== 'undefined';
const observeDocument = (context, callback) => {
// We are trying to limit the number of callback calls by not calling it on all kind of "hover" events.
// The rationale behind this is that "hover" events often cause attributes modification,
// but re-applying extCSS rules will be useless as these attribute changes are usually transient.
const shouldIgnoreMutations = mutations => {
// ignore if all mutations are about attributes changes
return mutations.every(m => m.type === 'attributes');
if (natives.MutationObserver) {
context.domMutationObserver = new natives.MutationObserver(mutations => {
if (!mutations || mutations.length === 0) {
const eventTracker = new EventTracker();
if (eventTracker.isIgnoredEventType() && shouldIgnoreMutations(mutations)) {
// save instance of EventTracker to context
// for removing its event listeners on disconnectDocument() while mainDisconnect()
context.eventTracker = eventTracker;
context.domMutationObserver.observe(document, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ['id', 'class']
} else if (isEventListenerSupported) {
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false);
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false);
document.addEventListener('DOMAttrModified', callback, false);
const disconnectDocument = (context, callback) => {
var _context$eventTracker;
if (context.domMutationObserver) {
} else if (isEventListenerSupported) {
document.removeEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false);
document.removeEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false);
document.removeEventListener('DOMAttrModified', callback, false);
// clean up event listeners
(_context$eventTracker = context.eventTracker) === null || _context$eventTracker === void 0 ? void 0 : _context$eventTracker.stopTracking();
const mainObserve = (context, mainCallback) => {
if (context.isDomObserved) {
// handle dynamically added elements
context.isDomObserved = true;
observeDocument(context, mainCallback);
const mainDisconnect = (context, mainCallback) => {
if (!context.isDomObserved) {
context.isDomObserved = false;
disconnectDocument(context, mainCallback);
// added by tsurlfilter's CssHitsCounter
const CONTENT_ATTR_PREFIX_REGEXP = /^("|')adguard.+?/;
* Removes affectedElement.node from DOM.
* @param context ExtendedCss context.
* @param affectedElement Affected element.
const removeElement = (context, affectedElement) => {
const {
} = affectedElement;
affectedElement.removed = true;
const elementSelector = getElementSelectorPath(node);
// check if the element has been already removed earlier
const elementRemovalsCounter = context.removalsStatistic[elementSelector] || 0;
// if removals attempts happened more than specified we do not try to remove node again
if (elementRemovalsCounter > MAX_STYLE_PROTECTION_COUNT) {
logger.error(`ExtendedCss: infinite loop protection for selector: '${elementSelector}'`);
if (node.parentElement) {
context.removalsStatistic[elementSelector] = elementRemovalsCounter + 1;
* Sets style to the specified DOM node.
* @param node DOM element.
* @param style Style to set.
const setStyleToElement = (node, style) => {
if (!(node instanceof HTMLElement)) {
Object.keys(style).forEach(prop => {
// Apply this style only to existing properties
// We cannot use hasOwnProperty here (does not work in FF)
if (typeof node.style.getPropertyValue(prop.toString()) !== 'undefined') {
let value = style[prop];
if (!value) {
// do not apply 'content' style given by tsurlfilter
// which is needed only for BeforeStyleAppliedCallback
// First we should remove !important attribute (or it won't be applied')
value = remov###ffix(value.trim(), '!important').trim();
node.style.setProperty(prop, value, 'important');
* Applies style to the specified DOM node.
* @param context ExtendedCss context.
* @param affectedElement Object containing DOM node and rule to be applied.
* @throws An error if affectedElement has no style to apply.
const applyStyle = (context, affectedElement) => {
if (affectedElement.protectionObserver) {
// style is already applied and protected by the observer
if (context.beforeStyleApplied) {
affectedElement = context.beforeStyleApplied(affectedElement);
if (!affectedElement) {
const {
} = affectedElement;
for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i += 1) {
const rule = rules[i];
const selector = rule === null || rule === void 0 ? void 0 : rule.selector;
const style = rule === null || rule === void 0 ? void 0 : rule.style;
const debug = rule === null || rule === void 0 ? void 0 : rule.debug;
// rule may not have style to apply
// e.g. 'div:has(> a) { debug: true }' -> means no style to apply, and enable debug mode
if (style) {
removeElement(context, affectedElement);
setStyleToElement(node, style);
} else if (!debug) {
// but rule should not have both style and debug properties
throw new Error(`No style declaration in rule for selector: '${selector}'`);
* Reverts style for the affected object.
* @param affectedElement Affected element.
const revertStyle = affectedElement => {
if (affectedElement.protectionObserver) {
affectedElement.node.style.cssText = affectedElement.originalStyle;
* ExtMutationObserver is a wrapper over regular MutationObserver with one additional function:
* it keeps track of the number of times we called the "ProtectionCallback".
* We use an instance of this to monitor styles added by ExtendedCss
* and to make sure these styles are recovered if the page script attempts to modify them.
* However, we want to avoid endless loops of modification if the page script repeatedly modifies the styles.
* So we keep track of the number of calls and observe() makes a decision
* whether to continue recovering the styles or not.
class ExtMutationObserver {
* Extra property for keeping 'style fix counts'.
* Creates new ExtMutationObserver.
* @param protectionCallback Callback which execution should be counted.
constructor(protectionCallback) {
this.styleProtectionCount = 0;
this.observer = new natives.MutationObserver(mutations => {
if (!mutations.length) {
this.styleProtectionCount += 1;
protectionCallback(mutations, this);
* Starts to observe target element,
* prevents infinite loop of observing due to the limited number of times of callback runs.
* @param target Target to observe.
* @param options Mutation observer options.
observe(target, options) {
if (this.styleProtectionCount < MAX_STYLE_PROTECTION_COUNT) {
this.observer.observe(target, options);
} else {
logger.error('ExtendedCss: infinite loop protection for style');
* Stops ExtMutationObserver from observing any mutations.
* Until the `observe()` is used again, `protectionCallback` will not be invoked.
disconnect() {
attributes: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
attributeFilter: ['style']
* Creates MutationObserver protection callback.
* @param styles Styles data object.
* @returns Callback for styles protection.
const createProtectionCallback = styles => {
const protectionCallback = (mutations, extObserver) => {
if (!mutations[0]) {
const {
} = mutations[0];
styles.forEach(style => {
setStyleToElement(target, style);
extObserver.observe(target, PROTECTION_OBSERVER_OPTIONS);
return protectionCallback;
* Sets up a MutationObserver which protects style attributes from changes.
* @param node DOM node.
* @param rules Rule data objects.
* @returns Mutation observer used to protect attribute or null if there's nothing to protect.
const protectStyleAttribute = (node, rules) => {
if (!natives.MutationObserver) {
return null;
const styles = [];
rules.forEach(ruleData => {
const {
} = ruleData;
// some rules might have only debug property in style declaration
// e.g. 'div:has(> a) { debug: true }' -> parsed to boolean `ruleData.debug`
// so no style is fine, and here we should collect only valid styles to protect
if (style) {
const protectionObserver = new ExtMutationObserver(createProtectionCallback(styles));
protectionObserver.observe(node, PROTECTION_OBSERVER_OPTIONS);
return protectionObserver;
* A helper class for applied rule stats.
class TimingStats {
* Creates new TimingStats.
constructor() {
this.appliesTimings = [];
this.appliesCount = 0;
this.timingsSum = 0;
this.meanTiming = 0;
this.squaredSum = 0;
this.standardDeviation = 0;
* Observe target element and mark observer as active.
* @param elapsedTimeMs Time in ms.
push(elapsedTimeMs) {
this.appliesCount += 1;
this.timingsSum += elapsedTimeMs;
this.meanTiming = this.timingsSum / this.appliesCount;
this.squaredSum += elapsedTimeMs * elapsedTimeMs;
this.standardDeviation = Math.sqrt(this.squaredSum / this.appliesCount - Math.pow(this.meanTiming, 2));
* Makes the timestamps more readable.
* @param timestamp Raw timestamp.
* @returns Fine-looking timestamps.
const beautifyTimingNumber = timestamp => {
return Number(timestamp.toFixed(STATS_DECIMAL_DIGITS_COUNT));
* Improves timing stats readability.
* @param rawTimings Collected timings with raw timestamp.
* @returns Fine-looking timing stats.
const beautifyTimings = rawTimings => {
return {
appliesTimings: rawTimings.appliesTimings.map(t => beautifyTimingNumber(t)),
appliesCount: beautifyTimingNumber(rawTimings.appliesCount),
timingsSum: beautifyTimingNumber(rawTimings.timingsSum),
meanTiming: beautifyTimingNumber(rawTimings.meanTiming),
standardDeviation: beautifyTimingNumber(rawTimings.standardDeviation)
* Prints timing information if debugging mode is enabled.
* @param context ExtendedCss context.
const printTimingInfo = context => {
if (context.areTimingsPrinted) {
context.areTimingsPrinted = true;
const timingsLogData = {};
context.parsedRules.forEach(ruleData => {
if (ruleData.timingStats) {
const {
} = ruleData;
// style declaration for some rules is parsed to debug property and no style to apply
// e.g. 'div:has(> a) { debug: true }'
if (!style && !debug) {
throw new Error(`Rule should have style declaration for selector: '${selector}'`);
const selectorData = {
selectorParsed: selector,
timings: beautifyTimings(ruleData.timingStats)
// `ruleData.style` may contain `remove` pseudo-property
// and make logs look better
selectorData.removed = true;
// no matchedElements for such case as they are removed after ExtendedCss applied
} else {
selectorData.styleApplied = style || null;
selectorData.matchedElements = matchedElements;
timingsLogData[selector] = selectorData;
if (Object.keys(timingsLogData).length === 0) {
// add location.href to the message to distinguish frames
logger.info('[ExtendedCss] Timings in milliseconds for %o:\n%o', window.location.href, timingsLogData);
* Finds affectedElement object for the specified DOM node.
* @param affElements Array of affected elements — context.affectedElements.
* @param domNode DOM node.
* @returns Found affectedElement or undefined.
const findAffectedElement = (affElements, domNode) => {
return affElements.find(affEl => affEl.node === domNode);
* Applies specified rule and returns list of elements affected.
* @param context ExtendedCss context.
* @param ruleData Rule to apply.
* @returns List of elements affected by the rule.
const applyRule = (context, ruleData) => {
// debugging mode can be enabled in two ways:
// 1. for separate rules - by `{ debug: true; }`
// 2. for all rules simultaneously by:
//   - `{ debug: global; }` in any rule
//   - positive `debug` property in ExtCssConfiguration
const isDebuggingMode = !!ruleData.debug || context.debug;
let startTime;
if (isDebuggingMode) {
startTime = ThrottleWrapper.now();
const {
} = ruleData;
const nodes = selectElementsByAst(ast);
nodes.forEach(node => {
let affectedElement = findAffectedElement(context.affectedElements, node);
if (affectedElement) {
applyStyle(context, affectedElement);
} else {
// Applying style first time
const originalStyle = node.style.cssText;
affectedElement = {
// affected DOM node
rules: [ruleData],
// rule to be applied
// original node style
protectionObserver: null // style attribute observer
applyStyle(context, affectedElement);
if (isDebuggingMode && startTime) {
const elapsedTimeMs = ThrottleWrapper.now() - startTime;
if (!ruleData.timingStats) {
ruleData.timingStats = new TimingStats();
return nodes;
* Applies filtering rules.
* @param context ExtendedCss context.
const applyRules = context => {
const newSelectedElements = [];
// some rules could make call - selector.querySelectorAll() temporarily to change node id attribute
// this caused MutationObserver to call recursively
// https://github.com/AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss/issues/81
mainDisconnect(context, context.mainCallback);
context.parsedRules.forEach(ruleData => {
const nodes = applyRule(context, ruleData);
Array.prototype.push.apply(newSelectedElements, nodes);
// save matched elements to ruleData as linked to applied rule
// only for debugging purposes
if (ruleData.debug) {
ruleData.matchedElements = nodes;
// Now revert styles for elements which are no more affected
let affLength = context.affectedElements.length;
// do nothing if there is no elements to process
while (affLength) {
const affectedElement = context.affectedElements[affLength - 1];
if (!affectedElement) {
if (!newSelectedElements.includes(affectedElement.node)) {
// Time to revert style
context.affectedElements.splice(affLength - 1, 1);
} else if (!affectedElement.removed) {
// Add style protection observer
// Protect "style" attribute from changes
if (!affectedElement.protectionObserver) {
affectedElement.protectionObserver = protectStyleAttribute(affectedElement.node, affectedElement.rules);
affLength -= 1;
// After styles are applied we can start observe again
mainObserve(context, context.mainCallback);
* Throttle timeout for ThrottleWrapper to execute applyRules().
const APPLY_RULES_DELAY = 150;
* R###lt of selector validation.
* Main class of ExtendedCss lib.
* Parses css stylesheet with any selectors (passed to its argument as styleSheet),
* and guarantee its applying as mutation observer is used to prevent the restyling of needed elements by other scripts.
* This style protection is limited to 50 times to avoid infinite loop (MAX_STYLE_PROTECTION_COUNT).
* Our own ThrottleWrapper is used for styles applying to avoid too often lib reactions on page mutations.
* Constructor creates the instance of class which should be run be `apply()` method to apply the rules,
* and the applying can be stopped by `dispose()`.
* Can be used to select page elements by selector with `query()` method (similar to `Document.querySelectorAll()`),
* which does not require instance creating.
class ExtendedCss {
* Creates new ExtendedCss.
* @param configuration ExtendedCss configuration.
constructor(configuration) {
if (!isBrowserSupported()) {
throw new Error('Browser is not supported by ExtendedCss.');
if (!configuration) {
throw new Error('ExtendedCss configuration should be provided.');
this.context = {
beforeStyleApplied: configuration.beforeStyleApplied,
debug: false,
affectedElements: [],
isDomObserved: false,
removalsStatistic: {},
parsedRules: parse(configuration.styleSheet, extCssDocument),
mainCallback: () => {}
// true if set in configuration
// or any rule in styleSheet has `debug: global`
this.context.debug = configuration.debug || this.context.parsedRules.some(ruleData => {
this.applyRulesScheduler = new ThrottleWrapper(this.context, applyRules, APPLY_RULES_DELAY);
this.context.mainCallback = this.applyRulesScheduler.run.bind(this.applyRulesScheduler);
if (this.context.beforeStyleApplied && typeof this.context.beforeStyleApplied !== 'function') {
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
throw new Error(`Invalid configuration. Type of 'beforeStyleApplied' should be a function, received: '${typeof this.context.beforeStyleApplied}'`);
this.applyRulesCallbackListener = () => {
* Applies stylesheet rules on page.
apply() {
if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.applyRulesCallbackListener, false);
* Disposes ExtendedCss and removes our styles from matched elements.
dispose() {
mainDisconnect(this.context, this.context.mainCallback);
this.context.affectedElements.forEach(el => {
document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.applyRulesCallbackListener, false);
* Exposed for testing purposes only.
* @returns Array of AffectedElement data objects.
getAffectedElements() {
return this.context.affectedElements;
* Returns a list of the document's elements that match the specified selector.
* Uses ExtCssDocument.querySelectorAll().
* @param selector Selector text.
* @param [noTiming=true] If true — do not print the timings to the console.
* @throws An error if selector is not valid.
* @returns A list of elements that match the selector.
static query(selector) {
let noTiming = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
if (typeof selector !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Selector should be defined as a string.');
const start = ThrottleWrapper.now();
try {
return extCssDocument.querySelectorAll(selector);
} finally {
const end = ThrottleWrapper.now();
if (!noTiming) {
logger.info(`[ExtendedCss] Elapsed: ${Math.round((end - start) * 1000)} μs.`);
* Validates selector.
* @param inputSelector Selector text to validate.
* @returns R###lt of selector validation.
static validate(inputSelector) {
try {
// ExtendedCss in general supports :remove() in selector
// but ExtendedCss.query() does not support it as it should be parsed by stylesheet parser.
// so for validation we have to handle selectors with `:remove()` in it
const {
} = parseRemoveSelector(inputSelector);
return {
ok: true,
error: null
} catch (e) {
const caughtErrorMessage = e instanceof Error ? e.message : e;
// not valid input `selector` should be logged eventually
const error = `Error: Invalid selector: '${inputSelector}' -- ${caughtErrorMessage}`;
return {
ok: false,
return ExtendedCss;