Baidu translate api support for userscripts. No need for baidu's token.
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require
Baidu translate api support for userscripts.
No need for baidu's token.
baidu_translate(details): details = { text: Text you want to translate. Required argument, no default value. callback: Callback function when translation succeed, e.g. function(r###lt) {console.log(r###lt);}. Argument `r###lt` will be translate r###lt. Required argument, no default value. [src]: Source language; e.g. 'zh' for Chinese, 'en' for English, 'ja' for Japanese, .... Default: Auto detect. [dst]: Destination language, Default: 'zh'. [split]: Text spliting max length, just leave blank if you don't know what this means. What it is: Baidu has limited that up to 5000 letters can be translated each single API request, so the translate function will split text by about every ${split} letters, and translates each of them with a single API request then concatenate the translate r###lt together again. Don't worry if any sentence to be splited, actually the translate function splits text with '\n' first, then concatenate the '\n'-splited strings as long as possible while keeping its length <= ${split}. Default: 5000 [onerror]: Callback function when translation failed, e.g. function(reason) {console.log(reason);}. Argument: `reason` may be anything that causes its failure, just for debugging and do not use it in production. Default: function() {}. [retry]: Times to retry before onerror function being called or an error being thrown, Default: 3. } Or: baidu_translate(text, src, dst, callback, onerror, split, retry) Overloads: baidu_translate(text, src, dst, callback, onerror, split) baidu_translate(text, dst, callback, onerror, split) baidu_translate(text, callback, onerror, split) baidu_translate(text, callback, onerror) baidu_translate(text, callback) Important Note: baidu_translate needs to be initialized before using. Don't worry, the initialization is automatic, just callbdTransReady(callback)
to get your callback function called while initialized. e.g. // ==UserScript== // @name Baidu translate API test // @name:zh-CN 百度翻译API测试 // @name:en Baidu translate API test // @namespace Baidu-API-Test // @version 0.1 // @description Baidu translate API test script // @description:zh-CN 百度翻译API测试脚本 // @description:en Baidu translate API test script // @author PY-DNG // @license WTFPL - See // @match // @require // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // ==/UserScript== (function __MAIN__() { bdTransReady(function() { baidu_translate({ text: '欢迎来到 Greasy Fork,这里是一个提供用户脚本的网站。', dst: 'en', callback: function(r###lt_text) { console.log(r###lt_text); }, onerror: function(reason) { console.log('something unexpected happened'); debugger; } }); }); })(); Expected output:![]()