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Add a button "View full size" under the images at
// ==UserScript== // @name View full size images at // @description Add a button "View full size" under the images at // @author MK // @namespace max44 // @homepage // @match *://* // @icon // @version 1.1 // @license MIT // @require // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //Check URL changes const rootCallback = function (mutationsList, observer) { document.querySelectorAll("div.story_body_container > div[data-ft] > div[data-gt] i[role='img'][style*='background-image: url(']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase1); //Post with single image (in the newsfeed and post opened) //document.querySelectorAll("div.story_body_container > div[data-ft] > div > div[data-ft] i[role='img'][style*='background-image: url(']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase2); //Post with many images (in the newsfeed and post opened) - disabled, because putting urls under many tiled images creates a mess document.querySelectorAll("div#modalDialogView article > div > div[data-store-id] > div[data-store-id] img.img[src^='https:']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase3); //Post with many images (in the post opened for the 1st time) document.querySelectorAll("div#rootcontainer article > div > div[data-store-id] > div[data-store-id] img.img[src^='https:']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase3); //Post with many images (in the post opened and reloaded) //document.querySelectorAll("div[data-sigil='comment'] div.attachment i[role='img'][style*='background-image: url(']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase4); //Comments with images - disabled, because the url of true full size of image cannot be obtained directly } const rootNode = document.querySelector("body"); if (rootNode != null) { const rootObserver = new MutationObserver(rootCallback); rootObserver.observe(rootNode, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } /*setInterval (function () { document.querySelectorAll("div.story_body_container > div[data-ft] > div[data-gt] i[role='img'][style*='background-image: url(']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase1); //Post with single image (in the newsfeed and post opened) //document.querySelectorAll("div.story_body_container > div[data-ft] > div > div[data-ft] i[role='img'][style*='background-image: url(']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase2); //Post with many images (in the newsfeed and post opened) - disabled, because putting urls under many tiled images creates a mess document.querySelectorAll("div#modalDialogView article > div > div[data-store-id] > div[data-store-id] img.img[src^='https:']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase3); //Post with many images (in the post opened for the 1st time) document.querySelectorAll("div#rootcontainer article > div > div[data-store-id] > div[data-store-id] img.img[src^='https:']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase3); //Post with many images (in the post opened and reloaded) //document.querySelectorAll("div[data-sigil='comment'] div.attachment i[role='img'][style*='background-image: url(']:not([button-added='true'])").forEach(addButtonCase4); //Comments with images - disabled, because the url of true full size of image cannot be obtained directly }, 250);*/ function addButtonCase1(element) { var strImg = element.getAttribute("style"); strImg = strImg.replace(/.*background-image: url\('https\\3a /, "https:"); //Remove everything before img url strImg = strImg.replace(/'\);.*/, ""); //Remove everything after img url strImg = strImg.replace(/\\3d /g, "="); //Replace codes with respective symbols strImg = strImg.replace(/\\26 /g, "&"); //console.log(strImg); var newButton = document.createElement('span'); newButton.className = "_2vja mfss fcg _5rgt"; newButton.setAttribute("style", "display: block; top: 0px; min-height: 20px; z-index: 1;"); newButton.innerHTML = '<a href="' + strImg + '" target="_blank" class="sec">View full size</a>'; element.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton, element.nextSibling); element.setAttribute("button-added", "true"); } function addButtonCase2(element) { var strImg = element.getAttribute("style"); strImg = strImg.replace(/.*background-image: url\('https\\3a /, "https:"); //Remove everything before img url strImg = strImg.replace(/'\);.*/, ""); //Remove everything after img url strImg = strImg.replace(/\\3d /g, "="); //Replace codes with respective symbols strImg = strImg.replace(/\\26 /g, "&"); //console.log(strImg); var newButton = document.createElement('span'); newButton.className = "_2vja mfss fcg _5rgt"; newButton.setAttribute("style", "display: block; top: 0px; min-height: 20px; z-index: 1;"); newButton.innerHTML = '<a href="' + strImg + '" target="_blank" class="sec">View full size</a>'; element.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton, element.nextSibling); element.setAttribute("button-added", "true"); } function addButtonCase3(element) { var strImg = element.getAttribute("src"); //console.log(strImg); var newButton = document.createElement('span'); newButton.className = "_2vja mfss fcg _5rgt"; newButton.setAttribute("style", "display: block; top: 0px; min-height: 20px; z-index: 1;"); newButton.innerHTML = '<a href="' + strImg + '" target="_blank" class="sec" style="font-weight: normal; color: inherit;">View full size</a>'; element.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton, element.nextSibling); element.setAttribute("button-added", "true"); } function addButtonCase4(element) { var strImg = element.getAttribute("style"); strImg = strImg.replace(/.*background-image: url\('https\\3a /, "https:"); //Remove everything before img url strImg = strImg.replace(/'\);.*/, ""); //Remove everything after img url strImg = strImg.replace(/\\3d /g, "="); //Replace codes with respective symbols strImg = strImg.replace(/\\26 /g, "&"); console.log(strImg); var newButton = document.createElement('span'); newButton.className = "_2vja mfss fcg _5rgt"; newButton.setAttribute("style", "display: block; top: 0px; min-height: 20px; z-index: 1;"); newButton.innerHTML = '<a href="' + strImg + '" target="_blank" class="sec" style="font-weight: normal; color: inherit;">View full size</a>'; element.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newButton, element.nextSibling); element.setAttribute("button-added", "true"); } })();