สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/454059/1111652/%E5%BF%AB%E6%89%8B%E5%B0%8F%E5%BA%97%E5%BA%93.js
// ==UserScript== // @name 快手小店库 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.5 // @description 自用 // @author Mr Liu // @match * // @grant none // ==/UserScript== function copy() { let a = '' for (let i = 0; i < $('.ant-select-selection__choice').length; i++) { let value = $('.ant-select-selection__choice').eq(i).text().replace(/[-]/g, "\t") a += value + '\r\n' } GM_setClipboard(a) alert('复制成功,共复制' + (a.split("\r\n").length - 1) + '个地区') } async function getUpdate() { const e = await fetch("https://s.kwaixiaodian.com/rest/app/tts/ks/express/template/list?offset=0&limit=20&searchUsed=true", { "method": "GET", }) const v = await e.json() if (v.data.total) { let date = new Date(v.data.content[0].updateTime).toLocaleString().replace(/[/]/g, '-') return date } } function arrangement(area) {//处理手动输入的屏蔽地区 area = area.split("\r\n") area = [... new Set(area)]//去重 let adr = area.map(e => { let v = e.split("\t") return { province: v[0], city: v[1] || "", area: v[2] || "" } }) // area = area.replace(/[,,.。]/g, '、')//替换标点 // area = area.replace(/[\n\r]/g, '、')//替换换行符 // let adr = area.split('、')//变成数组 // adr = adr.filter(function (s) {//去空值 // return s && s.trim(); // }); // adr = adr.map(v => v.replace(/(().+())/g, ''))//去括号 return adr } function getvalue(data, area) {//计算屏蔽id 返回对象{aid:包邮地区,Id:屏蔽地区} const code = data.map(e => e.code) let list = [], del_list = []; list = arrangement(area) console.log("list", list) console.log("data", data) let list1 = list.filter(e => e.area == "" && e.city == "") console.log("list1", list1) let id = [] for (let e of list1) { if (data.some((v) => v.name.includes(e.province))) { const a = data.find(v => v.name.includes(e.province)) id.push(a.code) console.log("删除", a) data.splice(data.indexOf(a), 1) del_list.push(e) } } if (del_list.length) { list = list.filter(e => !del_list.includes(e)) del_list = [] } let list2 = list.filter(e => e.area == "" && e.city != "") console.log("id", id) console.log("list1", list1) console.log("list", list) console.log("data", data) console.log(2222222222222222222) let data_children = data.map(e => e.children).flat()//把市提取出来 console.log("data_children", data_children) console.log("list2", list2) for (let e of list2) { if (data_children.some(v => v.name.includes(e.city))) { const a = data_children.find(v => v.name.includes(e.city)) id.push(a.code) console.log("删除", a) data_children.splice(data_children.indexOf(a), 1) del_list.push(e) } } if (del_list.length) { list = list.filter(e => !del_list.includes(e)) del_list = [] } let list3 = list.filter(e => e.area != "") console.log("id", id) console.log("list2", list2) console.log("list", list) console.log("data_children", data_children) console.log(33333333333333333) let data_children_children = data_children.map(e => e.children).flat()//把市提取出来 console.log("data_children", data_children) console.log("list3", list3) for (let e of list3) { if (data_children_children.some(v => v.name.includes(e.area))) { const a = data_children_children.find(v => v.name.includes(e.area) && data.find(r => r.children.find(t => t.children.find(y => y == v))).name.includes(e.province)) if (a) { id.push(a.code) console.log("删除", a) data_children_children.splice(data_children_children.indexOf(a), 1) del_list.push(e) } } else if (["区", "县", "市"].includes(e.area.slice(-1))) { const b = data.find(v => v.name.includes(e.province)) const c = b && b.children.find(v => v.name.includes(e.city)) const a = c && c.children.find(v => v.name.includes(e.area.slice(0, -1))) if (a) { id.push(a.code) console.log("删除111111111111111111", a) data_children_children.splice(data_children_children.indexOf(a), 1) del_list.push(e) } } } if (del_list.length) { list = list.filter(e => !del_list.includes(e)) del_list = [] } console.log("id", id) console.log("list3", list2) console.log("list", list) console.log("data_children_children", data_children_children) let aid = code.filter(e => ![...new Set(id.map(v => v.slice(0, 2)))].includes(e)) console.log("aid", aid) return { 'aid': aid, 'Id': id, 'adr': list } } async function save() { let area = prompt('输入要屏蔽的地区') if (area) { let value = getvalue(await getData(), area) if (!value.adr.length) { console.log('全部添加完成') if (confirm('已匹配所有地区,点击确定开始保存')) { go(value) } } else { let data = String(value.adr.map(e => e.province + "\t" + e.city + "\t" + e.area + "\r\n")).replace(/[,]/g, "") console.log(data) GM_setClipboard(data) if (confirm('未匹配成功的地区:\n' + data + '\n点击确定开始保存')) { go(value) } } } async function go(value) { let key = await getKey() let cookie = await getCookie(key) let detail = await get_detail(cookie, key) fet(cookie, key, detail, value) } }