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Delicious Userscript Library

A library for userscripts on AnimeBytes which implements a settings page, among other things. Made by momentary0 on github (https://github.com/momentary0/AB-Userscripts/). I just uploaded here for use in my script since I couldn't get greasyfork to approve my require even with integrity checks.

สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/456220/1125927/Delicious%20Userscript%20Library.js

* @file    Library for userscripts on AnimeBytes.
* @author  TheFallingMan
* @version 1.1.0
* @license GPL-3.0
* Exports `delicious`, containing `delicious.settings` and
* `delicious.utilities`.
* This implements settings, providing functions for storing and setting
* values, and methods to create an organised userscript settings page within
* the user's profile settings.
* Additionally, provides several (hopefully) useful functions through
* `delicious.utilities`.
/* global GM_setValue:false, GM_getValue:false */
* @namespace
* Root namespace for the delicious library.
var delicious = (function ABDeliciousLibrary(){ // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
"use strict";
* A helper function for creating a HTML element, defining some properties
* on it and appending child nodes.
* @param {string} tagName The type of element to create.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} properties
* An object containing properties to set on the new element.
* Note: does not support nested elements (e.g. "style.width" does _not_ work).
* @param {(Node[]|string[])} children Child nodes and/or text to append.
function newElement(tagName, properties, children) {
var elem = document.createElement(tagName);
if (properties) {
for (var key in properties) {
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
elem[key] = properties[key];
if (children) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (typeof children[i] === 'string') {
} else {
return elem;
* Logs a message to the debug console, prefixing it if it is a string.
* @param {any} message
function log(message) {
typeof message === 'string' ? ('[Delicious] '+message) : message
* Uesful Javascript functions related to AnimeBytes.
var utilities = {
* Click handler for those triangles which drop down menus. Toggles
* displaying the associated submenu.
* @param {MouseEvent} ev
toggl###bnav: function(ev) {
// Begin at the bound element.
var current = ev.target;
// Keep traversing up the node's parents until we find an
// adjacent .subnav element.
while (current
&& !(current.nextSibling && current.nextSibling.classList.contains('subnav'))) {
current = current.parentNode;
if (!current)
var subnav = current.nextSibling;
// Remove already open menus.
var l = document.querySelectorAll('ul.subnav');
for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
if (l[i] === subnav)
l[i].style.display = 'none';
var k = document.querySelectorAll('li.navmenu.selected');
for (var j = 0; j < k.length; j++) {
// Logic to toggle visibility.
var willShow = (subnav.style.display==='none');
subnav.style.display = willShow?'block':'none';
if (willShow)
return false;
* Applies default options to an object containing possibly
* incomplete options.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options User-specified options.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} defaults Default options.
* @returns {Object.<string, any>} Object containing user-specified
* option if it is present, else the default.
applyDefaults: function(options, defaults) {
if (!options)
return defaults;
var newObject = {};
for (var key in defaults) {
if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key))
newObject[key] = options[key];
newObject[key] = defaults[key];
for (var key2 in options) {
if (!newObject.hasOwnProperty(key2)) {
newObject[key2] = options[key2];
return newObject;
* Makes the given text suitable for inserting into HTML as text.
* @param {string} text Bare text.
* @returns {string} HTML escaped text.
htmlEscape: function(text) {
return text.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
/** A non-breaking space character. */
nbsp: '\xa0',
_bytes_units: ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB'],
_bytes_base: ####,
* Parses a string containing a number of bytes (e.g. "4.25 GiB") and
* returns the number of bytes.
* Note: uses IEC prefixes (KiB, MiB, etc.).
* @param {string} bytesString Bytes as string.
* @returns {number} Number of bytes.
parseBytes: function(bytesString) {
var split = bytesString.split(/\s+/);
var significand = parseFloat(split[0]);
var magnitude = this._bytes_units.indexOf(split[1]);
if (magnitude === -1)
throw 'Bytes unit not recognised. Make sure you are using IEC prefixes (KiB, MiB, etc.)';
return significand * Math.pow(this._bytes_base, magnitude);
* Formats a number of bytes as a string with an appropriate unit.
* @param {number} numBytes Number of bytes
* @param {number} [decimals=2] Number of decimal places to use.
* @returns {string} Bytes formatted as string.
formatBytes: function(numBytes, decimals) {
// Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/18650828
if (numBytes === 0)
return '0 ' + this._bytes_units[0];
if (decimals === undefined)
decimals = 2;
var magnitude = Math.floor(Math.log(numBytes) / Math.log(this._bytes_base));
// Extra parseFloat is so trailing 0's are removed.
return parseFloat(
(numBytes / Math.pow(this._bytes_base, magnitude)).toFixed(decimals)
) + ' ' + this._bytes_units[magnitude];
* Given a element.dataset property name in camelCase, returns the corresponding
* data- attribute name with hyphens.
* @param {string} str JS `dataset` name.
* @returns {string} HTML `data-` name.
toDataAttr: function(str) {
return 'data-'+str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a){return '-'+a.toLowerCase();});
var _isSettingsPage = window.location.href.indexOf('/user.php?action=edit') !== -1;
* Container for all setting-related functions.
var settings = {
/** Prefix used when setting element ID attributes. */
_idPrefix: 'setting_',
/** Event type used when saving. */
_eventName: 'deliciousSave',
/** Data attribute JS name for primary keys. */
_settingKey: 'settingKey',
/** Data attribute JS name for subkeys. */
_settingSubkey: 'settingSubkey',
/** HTML attribute name for primary keys. */
_dataSettingKey: utilities.toDataAttr('settingKey'),
/** HTML attribute name for primary subkeys. */
_dataSettingSubkey: utilities.toDataAttr('settingSubkey'),
/** Whether this page is a user settings page. */
isSettingsPage: _isSettingsPage,
* Creates the delicious settings `div`.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement}
_createDeliciousPage: function() {
log('Creating settings page...');
var settingsDiv = document.createElement('div');
settingsDiv.id = 'delicious_settings';
var header = document.createElement('div');
header.className = 'head colhead_dark strong';
header.textContent = 'Userscript Settings';
var settingsList = document.createElement('ul');
settingsList.className = 'nobullet ue_list';
var simpleSection = document.createElement('div');
simpleSection.id = 'delicious_basic_settings';
return settingsDiv;
* Click handler for user profile tab links. Displays the clicked page
* and hides any other page.
* @param {MouseEvent} ev
_tabLinkClick: function(ev) {
log('Clicked tab link: ' + ev.target.textContent);
var clickedId = ev.target.getAttribute('href').replace(/^#/, '');
document.querySelector('.ue_tabs .selected').classList.remove('selected');
var tabs = document.querySelectorAll('#tabs > div');
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
tabs[i].style.display = (tabs[i].id === clickedId)?'block':'none';
return false;
* Attaches our click handler to the existing tab links.
_relinkClickHandlers: function() {
log('Rebinding tab click handlers...');
var tabLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.ue_tabs a');
for (var i = 0; i < tabLinks.length; i++) {
tabLinks[i].addEventListener('click', this._tabLinkClick);
* Inserts the given settings div into the user settings page.
* @param {string} label Name to display for this page.
* @param {HTMLDivElement} settingsPage Element containing the page.
insertSettingsPage: function(label, settingsPage) {
log('Inserting a settings page...');
var linkItem = document.createElement('li');
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = '#' + settingsPage.id;
link.textContent = label;
settingsPage.style.display = 'none';
var tabs = document.querySelector('#tabs');
tabs.insertBefore(settingsPage, tabs.lastElementChild);
* Inserts the delicious settings page. Attaches a listener to the
* form `submit` event, and temporarily disables the default `onsubmit`
* attribute which is set.
_insertDeliciousSettings: function() {
this.insertSettingsPage('Userscript Settings',
var userform = document.querySelector('form#userform');
userform.addEventListener('submit', this._deliciousSaveAndSubmit);
if (userform.hasAttribute('onsubmit')) {
userform.dataset['onsubmit'] = userform.getAttribute('onsubmit');
log('Previous onsubmit: ' + userform.dataset['onsubmit']);
_settingsInserted: !!document.getElementById('delicious_settings'),
* Ensures the settings page has been inserted, creating and inserting
* it if the page is a user settings page.
* Returns true if on the user settings page, false otherwise.
ensureSettingsInserted: function() {
if (!this.isSettingsPage) {
log('Not a profile settings page; doing nothing...');
if (!this.rootSettingsList) {
this._basicSection = newElement('div',
{id: 'delicious_basic_settings',
className: 'dummy'});
this.rootSettingsList = newElement('ul',
{className: 'dummy nobullet ue_list'},
return false;
} else {
if (!this._settingsInserted) {
log('Settings not yet inserted; inserting...');
this._settingsInserted = true;
} else {
log('Settings already inserted; continuing...');
if (!this.rootSettingsList) {
log('Locating settings div...');
this.rootSettingsList = document.querySelector('#delicious_settings .ue_list');
this._basicSection = this.rootSettingsList.querySelector('#delicious_basic_settings');
return true;
* Saves the settings and submits the rest of the user settings form.
* @param {Event} ev Form element.
_deliciousSaveAndSubmit: function(ev) {
if (settings.saveAllSettings(ev.target)) {
ev.target.removeEventListener('submit', settings._deliciousSaveAndSubmit);
if (ev.target.dataset['onsubmit'])
ev.target.setAttribute('onsubmit', ev.target.dataset['onsubmit']);
} else {
var errorBox = document.querySelector('.error_message');
if (errorBox)
* Sends the save event to all elements contained within `rootElement`
* and with the appropriate `data-` settings attribute set.
* @param {HTMLElement} rootElement Root element.
* @returns {boolean} True if all elements saved successfully, false otherwise.
saveAllSettings: function(rootElement) {
log('Saving all settings...');
var cancelled = false;
var settingsItems = rootElement.querySelectorAll('['+this._dataSettingKey+']');
for (var i = 0; i < settingsItems.length; i++) {
log('Sending save event for setting key: ' + settingsItems[i].dataset[this._settingKey]);
var saveEvent = new Event(this._eventName, {cancelable: true});
if (!settingsItems[i].dispatchEvent(saveEvent)) {
cancelled = true;
log('Form submit cancelled: ' + cancelled);
return !cancelled;
* Saves an element, reading the key from its dataset and
* the value from its `property` attribute.
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {string} property
saveOneElement: function(element, property) {
if (element.dataset[this._settingKey])
this.set(element.dataset[this._settingKey], element[property]);
log('Skipping blank: ' + element.outerHTML);
* If `key` is not set, set it to `defaultValue` and returns `defaultValue`.
* Otherwise, returns the stored value.
* @param {string} key
* @param {any} defaultValue
* @returns {any}
init: function(key, defaultValue) {
var value = this.get(key, undefined);
if (value === undefined) {
this.set(key, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
} else {
return value;
* Sets `key` to `value`. Currently uses GM_setValue, storing internally
* as JSON.
set: function(key, value) {
GM_setValue(key, JSON.stringify(value));
* Gets `key`, returns `defaultValue` if it is not set.
* Currently uses GM_getValue, storing internally as JSON.
get: function(key, defaultValue) {
var value = GM_getValue(key, undefined);
if (value !== undefined) {
return JSON.parse(value);
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Migrates a string stored in `key` as a bare string to a
* JSON encoded string.
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @returns {any} String value.
_migrateStringSetting: function(key) {
var val;
try {
val = this.get(key);
} catch (exc) {
if (exc instanceof SyntaxError
&& GM_getValue(key, undefined) !== undefined) {
// Assume the current variable is a bare string.
// Re-store it as a JSON string.
val = GM_getValue(key);
this.set(key, val);
} else {
throw exc; // Something else happened
return val;
* Inserts `newElement` as a chlid of `rootElement` sorted, by comparing
* `newText` to each element's textContent.
* If `refElement` is specified, will start _after_ `refElement`.
* @param {HTMLElement} newElement Element to insert.
* @param {HTMLElement} rootElement Parent element to insert `newElement` into.
* @param {HTMLElement} [refElement] Reference element to insert after this or later.
_insertSorted: function(newElement, rootElement, refElement) {
var current = rootElement.firstElementChild;
if (refElement) {
if (refElement.parentNode !== rootElement)
throw 'refElement is not a direct child of rootElement';
current = refElement.nextElementSibling;
while (current && (current.textContent <= newElement.textContent)) {
current = current.nextElementSibling;
if (current) {
rootElement.insertBefore(newElement, current);
} else {
* Inserts a checkbox with the given parameters to the basic settings
* section. Returns true if the stored `key` value is true, false otherwise.
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} label Label for setting, placed in left column.
* @param {string} description Description for setting, placed right of checkbox.
* @returns {boolean} Value of the `key` setting.
* @example
* // Very basic enable/disable script setting.
* if (!delicious.settings.basicScriptCheckbox('EnableHideTreats', 'Hides Treats', 'Hide those hideous treats!')) {
*      return;
* }
* // Rest of userscript here.
basicScriptCheckbox: function(key, label, description) {
this.init(key, true);
if (this.ensureSettingsInserted()) {
this.addBasicCheckbox(key, label, description);
return this.get(key);
* Inserts a checkbox to the basic section and returns it.
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} label Left label.
* @param {string} description Right description.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options for the checkbox.
* @see {settings.createCheckbox} for accepted `options`.
addBasicCheckbox: function(key, label, description, options) {
var checkboxLI = this.createCheckbox(
key, label, description, options);
return checkboxLI;
* Inserts an element containing a basic setting to the basic settings
* section, above the individual script sections.
* @param {HTMLElement} setting Setting element.
insertBasicSetting: function(setting) {
this._insertSorted(setting, this._basicSection);
* Creates, inserts and returns a script section to the settings page.
* Inserts an Enable/Disable checkbox associated with `key` into
* the section.
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} title Section title.
* @param {string} description Basic description.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options for the checkbox.
addScriptSection: function(key, title, description, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
checkbox: false
var section = this.createSection(title);
if (options['checkbox']) {
var enableBox = this.createCheckbox(key, 'Enable/Disable', description, options);
this._insertSorted(section, this.rootSettingsList,
return section;
* Inserts a section into the settings page, placing it after the
* basic settings and sorting it alphabetically.
* @param {HTMLElement} section Setting section.
insertSection: function(section) {
this._insertSorted(section, this.rootSettingsList,
_createSettingLI: function(label, rightElements) {
return newElement('li', {}, [
newElement('span', {className: 'ue_left strong'}, [label]),
newElement('span', {className: 'ue_right'}, rightElements),
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} label Label text.
* @param {string} description Short description.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options (see source code).
createCheckbox: function(key, label, description, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
default: true, // Default state of checkbox.
onSave: function(ev) {
settings.saveOneElement(ev.target, 'checked');
var checkbox = newElement('input', {type: 'checkbox'});
checkbox.dataset[this._settingKey] = key;
checkbox.id = this._idPrefix + key;
var currentValue = options['default'];
if (this.get(key, currentValue))
checkbox.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
if (options['onSave'] !== null) {
checkbox.addEventListener(this._eventName, options['onSave']);
var li = this._createSettingLI(label, [
' ',
newElement('label', {htmlFor: this._idPrefix+key}, [description]),
return li;
* Event handler attached to h3 section heading. Toggles visibility
* of associated section body.
_toggleSection: function(ev) {
var sectionBody = ev.currentTarget.parentNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling;
var willShow = sectionBody.style.display === 'none';
sectionBody.style.display = willShow ? 'block' : 'none';
var toggleTriangle = ev.currentTarget.firstElementChild;
toggleTriangle.textContent = willShow ? '▼' : '▶';
* Creates a collapsible script section with the given title.
* Clicking the section heading will toggle the visibility of the
* section's settings.
* **Important.** Appending directly into the returned div element will
* not work. You must append to the section's body div.
* Correct example:
*    var section = delicious.settings.createCollapsibleSection('Script Name');
*    var s = section.querySelector('.settings_section_body');
*    s.appendChild(delicious.settings.createCheckbox(...));
*    delicious.setttings.insertSection(section);
* Incorrect example:
*    var section = delicious.settings.createCollapsibleSection('Script Name');
*    // This will not be able to collapse/expand the section correctly!
*    section.appendChild(delicious.settings.createCheckbox(...));
*    delicious.setttings.insertSection(section);
* @param {string} title Script title.
* @param {boolean} defaultState If true, the section will be expanded by default.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement} Script section.
createCollapsibleSection: function(title, defaultState) {
var toggleTriangle = newElement('a',
{textContent: (defaultState ? '▼' : '▶')});
var heading = newElement('h3', {}, [toggleTriangle, ' ', title]);
heading.style.cursor = 'pointer';
heading.addEventListener('click', this._toggleSection);
var sectionHeading = newElement('div', {className: 'settings_section_heading'},
[newElement('li', {}, [heading]) ]);
sectionHeading.style.marginBottom = '20px';
var sectionBody = newElement('div', {className: 'settings_section_body'});
sectionBody.style.display = defaultState ? 'block' : 'none';
var section = newElement('div', {className: 'delicious_settings_section'},
[sectionHeading, sectionBody]);
section.style.marginTop = '30px';
return section;
* Creates a setting section, returns it but does not insert it into
* the page.
createSection: function(title) {
var heading = newElement('h3', {}, [title]);
var section = newElement('div', {className: 'delicious_settings_section'}, [
newElement('li', {}, [heading])
section.style.marginTop = '30px';
return section;
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} label Label text.
* @param {string} description Short description.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options (see source code).
createTextSetting: function(key, label, description, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
width: null, // CSS 'width' for the text box.
lineBreak: false, // Whether to place the description on its own line.
default: '', // Default text.
required: false, // If true, text cannot be blank.
onSave: function(ev) {
settings.saveOneElement(ev.target, 'value');
var inputElem = newElement('input', {
type: 'text',
id: this._idPrefix+key
inputElem.value = this.get(key, options['default']);
inputElem.dataset[this._settingKey] = key;
inputElem.style.width = options['width'];
inputElem.required = options['required'];
var li = this._createSettingLI(label, [
(options['lineBreak'] && description) ? newElement('br') : ' ',
newElement('label', {htmlFor: this._idPrefix+key}, [description])
if (options['onSave'] !== null) {
inputElem.addEventListener(this._eventName, options['onSave']);
return li;
* Creates and returns a drop-down setting.
* `valuesArray` must contain 2-tuples of strings; values will
* be stored as strings.
* The default value specified in `options` must be identical to a
* setting value in `valuesArray`.
* @example
* // Creates a drop-down with 2 options, and the second option default.
* delicious.settings.createDropdown('TimeUnit', 'Select time',
*      'Select a time unit to use', [['Hour', '1'], ['Day', '24']],
*      {default: '24'})
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} label Left label.
* @param {string} description Right description.
* @param {[string, string][]} valuesArray Array of 2-tuples [text, setting value].
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options.
createDropDown: function(key, label, description, valuesArray, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
lineBreak: false, // Whether to place the description on its own line.
default: null, // Default value.
onSave: function(ev) {
settings.saveOneElement(ev.target, 'value');
var select = newElement('select');
select.dataset[this._settingKey] = key;
select.id = this._idPrefix+key;
var currentValue = this.get(key, options['default']);
for (var i = 0; i < valuesArray .length; i++) {
var newOption = newElement('option', {
value: valuesArray[i][1],
textContent: valuesArray[i][0]
if (valuesArray[i][1] === currentValue)
newOption.setAttribute('selected', 'selected');
var li = this._createSettingLI(label, [
(options['lineBreak'] && description) ? newElement('br') : ' ',
newElement('label', {htmlFor: this._idPrefix+key}, [description])
if (options['onSave'] !== null) {
select.addEventListener(this._eventName, options['onSave']);
return li;
* Returns a number setting element. Value is stored as a number.
* Note that an empty input is stored as `null`. Empty input can be
* disallowed by specifying `{required: true}` in `options`.
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} label Label text.
* @param {string} description Short description.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options (see source code).
createNumberInput: function(key, label, description, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
lineBreak: false, // Whether to place the description on its own line.
default: '', // Default value.
allowDecimal: true,
allowNegative: false,
required: false, // If true, input cannot be blank.
onSave: function(ev) {
settings.set(key, parseFloat(ev.target.value));
var input = newElement('input');
input.id = this._idPrefix+key;
input.dataset[this._settingKey] = key;
input.type = 'number';
if (options['allowDecimal'])
input.step = 'any';
if (!options['allowNegative'])
input.min = '0';
input.required = options['required'];
input.value = this.get(key, options['default']);
var li = this._createSettingLI(label, [
(options['lineBreak'] && description) ? newElement('br') : ' ',
newElement('label', {htmlFor: this._idPrefix+key}, [description])
if (options['onSave'] !== null) {
input.addEventListener(this._eventName, options['onSave']);
return li;
* Creates a setting containing many checkboxes. Stores the value as
* an object, with subkeys as keys and true/false as values.
* @example
* // Creates a setting with 2 checkboxes,
* delicious.settings.createFieldSetSetting('FLPoolLocations',
*      'Freeleech status locations',
*      [['Navbar', 'navbar'], ['User menu', 'usermenu']]);
* // Example stored value
* delicious.settings.get('FLPoolLocations') == {
*      'navbar': true,
*      'usermenu': false
* };
* @param {string} key Root setting key.
* @param {string} label Label text.
* @param {[string, string][]} fields Array of 2-tuples of [text, subkey].
* @param {string} description Short description.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options (see source code).
createFieldSetSetting: function(key, label, fields, description, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
default: [],
onSave: function(ev) {
var obj = {};
var checkboxes = ev.target.querySelectorAll('['+settings._dataSettingSubkey+']');
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
obj[checkboxes[i].dataset[settings._settingSubkey]] = checkboxes[i].checked;
settings.set(ev.target.dataset[settings._settingKey], obj);
var fieldset = newElement('span');
fieldset.dataset[this._settingKey] = key;
var currentSettings = this.get(key, {});
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var checkbox = newElement('input');
checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
checkbox.id = this._idPrefix+key+'_'+fields[i][1];
checkbox.dataset[this._settingSubkey] = fields[i][1];
var current = currentSettings[fields[i][1]];
if (current === undefined)
current = options['default'].indexOf(fields[i][1]) !== -1;
if (current)
checkbox.checked = true;
var newLabel = newElement('label', {htmlFor: this._idPrefix+key+'_'+fields[i][1]}, [
checkbox, ' ', fields[i][0]
newLabel.style.marginRight = '15px';
if (options['onSave'] !== null) {
fieldset.addEventListener(this._eventName, options['onSave']);
var children = [fieldset];
if (description) {
var li = this._createSettingLI(label, children);
return li;
* Event handler to move the containing row up one.
_moveRowUp: function(ev) {
var thisRow = ev.target.parentNode;
if (thisRow.previousElementSibling) {
if (ev.preventDefault) {
* Event handler to move the containing row down one.
* Implemented by moving the row underneath this one up one.
_moveRowDown: function(ev) {
var thisRow = ev.target.parentNode;
if (thisRow.nextElementSibling) {
settings._moveRowUp({target: thisRow.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild});
* Event handler to delete a row.
_deleteRow: function(ev) {
var row = ev.target.parentNode;
* Creates a new row for a multi-row setting. Used when clicking
* the new row button.
_createRow: function(values, columns, allowSort, allowDelete) {
var row = newElement('div', {className: 'setting_row'});
row.style.marginBottom = '2px';
if (allowSort === undefined || allowSort) {
var upButton = newElement('button', {textContent: '▲',
title: 'Move up'});
upButton.addEventListener('click', this._moveRowUp);
row.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
var downButton = newElement('button', {textContent: '▼',
title: 'Move down'});
downButton.addEventListener('click', this._moveRowDown);
row.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
var cell = newElement('input', {type: columns[i][2]});
if (cell.type === 'number') {
cell.min = '0';
cell.step = 'any';
var subkey = columns[i][1];
cell.dataset[this._settingSubkey] = subkey;
cell.placeholder = columns[i][0];
if (values[subkey] !== undefined) {
cell.value = values[subkey];
row.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
if (allowDelete === undefined || allowDelete) {
var delButton = newElement('button', {textContent: '✖',
title: 'Delete'});
delButton.addEventListener('click', this._deleteRow);
return row;
* Creates and returns a multi-row setting. That is, a setting with
* certain columns and a variable number of rows.
* Setting is stored as an array of objects. Every input type except
* number is stored as a string. Number input allows any non-negative number,
* possibly blank. If blank, a number input will be stored as null.
* @example
* // Returns a row setting with one row by default.
* delicious.settings.createRowSetting('QuickLinks', 'Quick Links',
*      [['Label', 'label', 'text'], ['Link', 'href', 'text']],
*      {default: [{label: 'Home', href: 'https://animebytes.tv'}]})
* // Example stored value.
* delicious.settings.get('QuickLinks') == [
*      {label: 'Home', href: 'https://animebytes.tv'}
* ];
* @param {string} key Root setting key.
* @param {string | HTMLElement} label Left label.
* @param {string[][]} columns Array of 3-tuples which are
* [column label, subkey, input type]. Input type is the `type` attribute
* of the cell's `<input>` element.
* @param {string | HTMLElement} description Short description, placed above rows.
* @param {Object} options Further options (see source code).
createRowSetting: function(key, label, columns, description, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
default: [],
newButtonText: '+',
allowSort: true,
allowDelete: true,
allowNew: true,
onSave: function(ev) {
var list = [];
var rows = ev.target.querySelectorAll('.setting_row');
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var obj = {};
var columns = rows[i].querySelectorAll('['+settings._dataSettingSubkey+']');
for (var j = 0; j < columns.length; j++) {
var val = columns[j].value;
if (columns[j].type === 'number')
val = parseFloat(val);
obj[columns[j].dataset[settings._settingSubkey]] = val;
settings.set(key, list);
var children;
if (description) {
children = [description, newElement('br')];
} else {
children = undefined;
var rowDiv = newElement('div', {className: 'ue_right'}, children);
var rowContainer = newElement('div');
rowContainer.dataset[this._settingKey] = key;
rowContainer.className = 'row_container';
if (options['onSave'] !== null)
rowContainer.addEventListener(this._eventName, options['onSave']);
if (description)
rowContainer.style.marginTop = '5px';
var current = this.get(key, options['default']);
for (var i = 0; i < current.length; i++) {
this._createRow(current[i], columns, options['allowSort'],
if (options['allowNew']) {
var newButton = newElement('button', {textContent: options['newButtonText'], title: 'New'});
newButton.style.marginTop = '8px';
newButton.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
settings._createRow({}, columns,
var li = newElement('li', {}, [
newElement('span', {className: 'ue_left strong'}, [label]),
return li;
* Returns a colour input, with optional checkbox to enable/disable
* the whole setting and reset to default value.
* If the checkbox is unchecked, a `null` will be stored as the value.
* Else, the colour will be stored as #rrggbb.
* @param {string} key Setting key.
* @param {string} label Left label.
* @param {string} description Short description on right.
* @param {Object.<string, any>} options Further options (see source code).
createColourSetting: function(key, label, description, options) {
options = utilities.applyDefaults(options, {
default: '#000000',
checkbox: true,
resetButton: true,
onSave: function(ev) {
if (options['checkbox'] && !checkbox.checked) {
settings.set(key, null);
} else {
settings.set(key, ev.target.value);
var currentColour = this.get(key, options['default']);
var disabled = currentColour === null && options['checkbox'];
if (options['checkbox']) {
var checkbox = newElement('input',
{type: 'checkbox', checked: !disabled});
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function(ev) {
colour.disabled = !ev.target.checked;
if (reset)
reset.disabled = !ev.target.checked;
var colour = newElement('input', {type: 'color'});
colour.dataset[this._settingKey] = key;
colour.id = this._idPrefix+key;
colour.disabled = disabled;
if (currentColour !== null)
colour.value = currentColour;
colour.value = options['default'];
if (options['onSave'] !== null)
colour.addEventListener(this._eventName, options['onSave']);
if (options['resetButton']) {
var reset = newElement('button', {textContent: 'Reset'});
reset.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
colour.value = options['default'];
reset.disabled = disabled;
var right = [];
if (options['checkbox']) {
right.push(' ');
right.push(' ');
if (options['resetButton']) {
right.push(' ');
right.push(newElement('label', {htmlFor: this._idPrefix+key},
return this._createSettingLI(label, right);
* Shows an error message in a friendly red box near the top of the
* page.
* `errorId` should be a unique string identifying the type of error.
* It is used to remove previous errors of the same type before
* displaying the new error.
* @param {string | HTMLElement} message
* @param {string} errorId
showErrorMessage: function(message, errorId) {
var errorDiv = newElement('div', {className: 'error_message'},
if (errorId) {
errorDiv.dataset['errorId'] = errorId;
var existing = document.querySelector('[data-error-id="'+errorId+'"');
if (existing)
var thinDiv = document.querySelector('div.thin');
thinDiv.parentNode.insertBefore(errorDiv, thinDiv);
return errorDiv;
return {
settings: settings,
utilities: utilities