สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name GMLibrary
- // @namespace
- // @version 1.6
- // @description GMLibary
- // @author Jerry
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @grant GM_download
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_notification
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @noframes
- // @license GNU GPLv3
- // ==/UserScript==
- // match violentmonkey supports * anywhere in url
- // GM_notification requires macOS to turn on notification for browser
- //
- //
- /**
- * Finds all elements in the entire page matching `selector`, even if they are in shadowRoots.
- * Just like `querySelectorAll`, but automatically expand on all child `shadowRoot` elements.
- * @see
- */
- function querySelectorAllShadows(selector, el = document.body) {
- // recurse on childShadows
- const childShadows = Array.from(el.querySelectorAll('*')).
- map(el => el.shadowRoot).filter(Boolean);
- // console.log('[querySelectorAllShadows]', selector, el, `(${childShadows.length} shadowRoots)`);
- const childR###lts = => querySelectorAllShadows(selector, child));
- // fuse all r###lts into singular, flat array
- const r###lt = Array.from(el.querySelectorAll(selector));
- return r###lt.concat(childR###lts).flat();
- }
- function findx(xpath) {
- // e.g., findx('//select[@title="R###lts Per Page"]')
- // returns null if not found
- return document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathR###lt.ANY_TYPE, null).iterateNext();
- }
- function triggerevent(element,event) {
- // e.g., triggerevent (page,'change')
- let changeEvent = new Event(event);
- element.dispatchEvent(changeEvent);
- }
- function addbutton(text,func,top,left,width,height) {
- //top, left, [width[, height]] in px
- // e.g., width 100px, height 25px
- //
- if ( != window.self) {
- return;
- } //don't run on frames or iframes
- let btn = document.createElement("button");
- btn.innerHTML = text;
- document.body.appendChild(btn);
- btn.addEventListener("click", func);
- = "border-radius: 5px; border:1px solid black; background-color:#D3D3D3; color:black";
- = 'absolute';
- = top+'px';
- = left+'px';
- if (width !== undefined) { = width+'px';}
- if (height !== undefined) { = height+'px';}
- console.log("top: " + top + 'px' + " left: " + left + 'px');
- }
- // must call with await in async function; otherwise not working
- function asleep(ms) {
- // setTimeout(()=>{console.log("Sleeping...");},3000);
- console.log("Sleeping " + ms)
- return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
- }
- function sleep(millis) {
- var date = new Date();
- var curDate = null;
- do { curDate = new Date(); }
- while(curDate-date < millis);
- }
- function hget (url) {
- //
- //
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: "GET",
- url: url,
- // headers: {
- // "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0", // If not specified, navigator.userAgent will be used.
- // "Accept": "text/html" // If not specified, browser defaults will be used.
- // },
- onload: function(response) {
- var responseXML = null;
- if (!response.responseXML) {
- responseXML = new DOMParser()
- .parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html");
- } else {
- responseXML = response.responseXML;
- }
- resolve(responseXML);
- // console.log([
- // response.status,
- // response.statusText,
- // response.readyState,
- // response.responseHeaders,
- // response.responseText,
- // response.finalUrl,
- // responseXML
- // ].join("\n"));
- },
- onerror: function(error) {
- reject(error);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- //
- /*
- Wonder how this works?
- Storage is the Prototype of both localStorage and sessionStorage.
- Got it?
- localStorage.set('myKey',{a:[1,2,5], b: 'ok'}); //can set a json Object
- localStorage.assign('myKey',{a:[6], c:42}); //shallow merge using Object.assign
- localStorage.has('myKey'); // --> true
- localStorage.get('myKey'); // --> {a:[6], b: 'ok', c:42}
- localStorage.keys(); // --> ['myKey']
- localStorage.remove('myKey'); // -
- native:
- localStorage.clear();
- localStorage.length;
- */
- Storage.prototype.set = function(key, obj) {
- var t = typeof obj;
- if (t==='undefined' || obj===null ) this.removeItem(key);
- this.setItem(key, (t==='object')?JSON.stringify(obj):obj);
- return obj;
- };
- Storage.prototype.get = function(key) {
- var obj = this.getItem(key);
- try {
- var j = JSON.parse(obj);
- if (j && typeof j === "object") return j;
- } catch (e) { }
- return obj;
- };
- Storage.prototype.assign = function(key, obj_merge) {
- var obj = this.get(key);
- if (typeof obj !== "object" || typeof obj_merge !== "object") return null;
- Object.assign(obj, obj_merge);
- return this.set(key,obj);
- };
- Storage.prototype.has = Storage.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
- Storage.prototype.remove = Storage.prototype.removeItem;
- Storage.prototype.keys = function() {
- return Object.keys(this.valueOf());
- };
- /* mousetrap v1.6.5 */
- /*
- By default all keyboard events will not fire if you are inside of a textarea, input, or select to prevent undesirable things from happening.
- If you want them to fire you can add the class mousetrap to the element. <textarea name="message" class="mousetrap"></textarea>
- Supported Keys
- For modifier keys you can use shift, ctrl, alt, or meta.
- You can substitute option for alt and command for meta.
- Other special keys are backspace, tab, enter, return, capslock, esc, escape, space, pageup, pagedown, end, home, left, up, right, down, ins, del, and plus.
- Any other key you should be able to reference by name like a, /, $, *, or =.
- Mousetrap.bind('esc', function() { console.log('escape'); }, 'keyup');
- There is a third argument you can use to specify the type of event to listen for. It can be keypress, keydown or keyup.
- It is recommended that you leave this argument out if you are unsure. Mousetrap will look at the keys you are binding and determine whether it should default to keypress or keydown.
- Mousetrap.bind(['command+k', 'ctrl+k'], function() {
- console.log('command k or control k');
- // return false to prevent default browser behavior
- // and stop event from bubbling
- return false;
- });
- Mousetrap.unbind
- Mousetrap.trigger
- Mousetrap.stopCallback
- Mousetrap.reset
- Mousetrap.handleKey
- Mousetrap.addKeycodes
- */
- (function(q,u,c){function v(a,b,g){a.addEventListener?a.addEventListener(b,g,!1):a.attachEvent("on"+b,g)}function z(a){if("keypress"==a.type){var b=String.fromCharCode(a.which);a.shiftKey||(b=b.toLowerCase());return b}return n[a.which]?n[a.which]:r[a.which]?r[a.which]:String.fromCharCode(a.which).toLowerCase()}function F(a){var b=[];a.shiftKey&&b.push("shift");a.altKey&&b.push("alt");a.ctrlKey&&b.push("ctrl");a.metaKey&&b.push("meta");return b}function w(a){return"shift"==a||"ctrl"==a||"alt"==a||
- "meta"==a}function A(a,b){var g,d=[];var e=a;"+"===e?e=["+"]:(e=e.replace(/\+{2}/g,"+plus"),e=e.split("+"));for(g=0;g<e.length;++g){var m=e[g];B[m]&&(m=B[m]);b&&"keypress"!=b&&C[m]&&(m=C[m],d.push("shift"));w(m)&&d.push(m)}e=m;g=b;if(!g){if(!p){p={};for(var c in n)95<c&&112>c||n.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(p[n[c]]=c)}g=p[e]?"keydown":"keypress"}"keypress"==g&&d.length&&(g="keydown");return{key:m,modifiers:d,action:g}}function D(a,b){return null===a||a===u?!1:a===b?!0:D(a.parentNode,b)}function d(a){function b(a){a=
- a||{};var b=!1,l;for(l in p)a[l]?b=!0:p[l]=0;b||(x=!1)}function g(a,b,t,f,g,d){var l,E=[],h=t.type;if(!k._callbacks[a])return[];"keyup"==h&&w(a)&&(b=[a]);for(l=0;l<k._callbacks[a].length;++l){var c=k._callbacks[a][l];if((f||!c.seq||p[c.seq]==c.level)&&h==c.action){var e;(e="keypress"==h&&!t.metaKey&&!t.ctrlKey)||(e=c.modifiers,e=b.sort().join(",")===e.sort().join(","));e&&(e=f&&c.seq==f&&c.level==d,(!f&&c.combo==g||e)&&k._callbacks[a].splice(l,1),E.push(c))}}return E}function c(a,b,c,f){k.stopCallback(b,
-||b.srcElement,c,f)||!1!==a(b,c)||(b.preventDefault?b.preventDefault():b.returnValue=!1,b.stopPropagation?b.stopPropagation():b.cancelBubble=!0)}function e(a){"number"!==typeof a.which&&(a.which=a.keyCode);var b=z(a);b&&("keyup"==a.type&&y===b?y=!1:k.handleKey(b,F(a),a))}function m(a,g,t,f){function h(c){return function(){x=c;++p[a];clearTimeout(q);q=setTimeout(b,1E3)}}function l(g){c(t,g,a);"keyup"!==f&&(y=z(g));setTimeout(b,10)}for(var d=p[a]=0;d<g.length;++d){var e=d+1===g.length?l:h(f||
- A(g[d+1]).action);n(g[d],e,f,a,d)}}function n(a,b,c,f,d){k._directMap[a+":"+c]=b;a=a.replace(/\s+/g," ");var e=a.split(" ");1<e.length?m(a,e,b,c):(c=A(a,c),k._callbacks[c.key]=k._callbacks[c.key]||[],g(c.key,c.modifiers,{type:c.action},f,a,d),k._callbacks[c.key][f?"unshift":"push"]({callback:b,modifiers:c.modifiers,action:c.action,seq:f,level:d,combo:a}))}var k=this;a=a||u;if(!(k instanceof d))return new d(a);;k._callbacks={};k._directMap={};var p={},q,y=!1,r=!1,x=!1;k._handleKey=function(a,
- d,e){var f=g(a,d,e),h;d={};var k=0,l=!1;for(h=0;h<f.length;++h)f[h].seq&&(k=Math.max(k,f[h].level));for(h=0;h<f.length;++h)f[h].seq?f[h].level==k&&(l=!0,d[f[h].seq]=1,c(f[h].callback,e,f[h].combo,f[h].seq)):l||c(f[h].callback,e,f[h].combo);f="keypress"==e.type&&r;e.type!=x||w(a)||f||b(d);r=l&&"keydown"==e.type};k._bindMultiple=function(a,b,c){for(var d=0;d<a.length;++d)n(a[d],b,c)};v(a,"keypress",e);v(a,"keydown",e);v(a,"keyup",e)}if(q){var n={8:"backspace",9:"tab",13:"enter",16:"shift",17:"ctrl",
- 18:"alt",20:"capslock",27:"esc",32:"space",33:"pageup",34:"pagedown",35:"end",36:"home",37:"left",38:"up",39:"right",40:"down",45:"ins",46:"del",91:"meta",93:"meta",224:"meta"},r={106:"*",107:"+",109:"-",110:".",111:"/",186:";",187:"=",188:",",189:"-",190:".",191:"/",192:"`",219:"[",220:"\\",221:"]",222:"'"},C={"~":"`","!":"1","@":"2","#":"3",$:"4","%":"5","^":"6","&":"7","*":"8","(":"9",")":"0",_:"-","+":"=",":":";",'"':"'","<":",",">":".","?":"/","|":"\\"},B={option:"alt",command:"meta","return":"enter",
- escape:"esc",plus:"+",mod:/Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform)?"meta":"ctrl"},p;for(c=1;20>c;++c)n[111+c]="f"+c;for(c=0;9>=c;++c)n[c+96]=c.toString();d.prototype.bind=function(a,b,c){a=a instanceof Array?a:[a];,a,b,c);return this};d.prototype.unbind=function(a,b){return,a,function(){},b)};d.prototype.trigger=function(a,b){if(this._directMap[a+":"+b])this._directMap[a+":"+b]({},a);return this};d.prototype.reset=function(){this._callbacks={};
- this._directMap={};return this};d.prototype.stopCallback=function(a,b){if(-1<(" "+b.className+" ").indexOf(" mousetrap ")||D(b,!1;if("composedPath"in a&&"function"===typeof a.composedPath){var c=a.composedPath()[0];c!}return"INPUT"==b.tagName||"SELECT"==b.tagName||"TEXTAREA"==b.tagName||b.isContentEditable};d.prototype.handleKey=function(){return this._handleKey.apply(this,arguments)};d.addKeycodes=function(a){for(var b in a)a.hasOwnProperty(b)&&(n[b]=a[b]);p=null};
- d.init=function(){var a=d(u),b;for(b in a)"_"!==b.charAt(0)&&(d[b]=function(b){return function(){return a[b].apply(a,arguments)}}(b))};d.init();q.Mousetrap=d;"undefined"!==typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=d);"function"===typeof define&&define.amd&&define(function(){return d})}})("undefined"!==typeof window?window:null,"undefined"!==typeof window?document:null);