Closes the newly opened tabs when clicked from another tab
สคริปต์นี้ไม่ควรถูกติดตั้งโดยตรง มันเป็นคลังสำหรับสคริปต์อื่น ๆ เพื่อบรรจุด้วยคำสั่งเมทา // @require
// ==UserScript== // @name Tool 1 for Traffic Exchange - Everve // @namespace Close new tabs // @version 1.1 // @description Closes the newly opened tabs when clicked from another tab // @author Saputra // @match *://*/* // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant window.close // ==/UserScript== //Stopping Alert and confirm window unsafeWindow.alert= function(){}; unsafeWindow.confirm = function(){}; (function() { 'use strict'; //Close by window Name for everve setTimeout(function(){ if(window.self == top && ( == "EvervepopUpWindow")){ window.close(); } },40000) //If the url is stopped in shortlinks, move to previous url after 120 seconds if(window.self == top &&"https://")){ setTimeout(function(){ let url =; if(!url.includes(window.location.hostname)){ = "nextWindowUrl"; window.location.href = url; } },120000) } //The timeout set is 120 seconds, you can change this accordingly if(window.self == top && window.history.length == 1){ setTimeout(function(){ window.close(); },120000); } })();