All that this script gives is a tracert to all the balls. In some cases, the ut tracers do not work correctly.. Well, don't take offense at me.. I did it in 25 minutes on my knee.. (You need to choose the red color of the skin (magnax mode) for this to work)
// ==UserScript== // @name Evades tracers // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description All that this script gives is a tracert to all the balls. In some cases, the ut tracers do not work correctly.. Well, don't take offense at me.. I did it in 25 minutes on my knee.. (You need to choose the red color of the skin (magnax mode) for this to work) // @author Devil D. Nudo#7346 // @match *://* // @icon // @grant none // @run-at dcoument-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { const { arc } = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype let myX = 0 let myY = 0 CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.arc = function() { const [ x, y, scale ] = arguments if (this.fillStyle === "#ff0000" && scale === 15) { myX = x myY = y } else if (scale > 10 && this.fillStyle.length > 4 && scale !== 15) { this.lineCap = "round" this.strokeStyle = "#8a2828" this.globalAlpha = .7 this.listWidth = 4 this.beginPath() this.moveTo(myX, myY) this.lineTo(x, y) this.stroke() this.closePath() this.restore() const distance = Math.hypot(y - myY, x - myX) const angle = Math.atan2(y - myY, x - myX) const maxDistance = Math.min(100, distance) const textX = myX + maxDistance * Math.cos(angle) const textY = myY + maxDistance * Math.sin(angle) this.fillStyle = "#d0d0d0" this.strokeStyle = "#1a1a1a" this.lineWidth = 3 this.font = "bold 18px" this.strokeText(Math.round(distance), textX, textY) this.fillText(Math.round(distance), textX, textY) this.restore() } return arc.apply(this, arguments) } })()