This is to toggle the visibility of Youtube Video Controls
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Video Controls - Toggle Visibility // @name:en YouTube Video Controls - Toggle Visibility // @name:ja YouTube Video Controls - 可視性の切り替え // @name:zh-TW YouTube Video Controls - Toggle Visibility // @name:zh-CN YouTube Video Controls - Toggle Visibility // @namespace // @version 0.1.6 // @description This is to toggle the visibility of Youtube Video Controls // @description:ja Youtube Video Controls 要素を切り替えるためのものです。 // @description:zh-TW 這是為了切換Youtube Video Controls 元素 // @description:zh-CN 這是為了切換Youtube Video Controls 元素 // @description:en This is to toggle the visibility of Youtube Video Controls // @author CY Fung // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion:6 */ (function () { 'use strict'; const keyEventWhen = (evt) => evt.code === 'KeyC' && evt.shiftKey; const allowList = [ 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'BODY', 'HTML', 'VIDEO', 'A', 'YTD-PLAYER', 'YTD-WATCH-FLEXY', 'YTD-PAGE-MANAGER', 'YTD-MINIPLAYER', 'BUTTON' ]; if(document.querySelector('#tvc-toggle-style')) return; function attachStyle(){ let style = document.createElement('style'); = 'tvc-toggle-style'; style.textContent = ` html.hide-controls .html5-video-container ~ [class]:not(.ytp-cued-thumbnail-overlay):not(.ytp-caption-window-container) { visibility: collapse; pointer-events: none; } html.hide-controls #movie_player .ytp-right-controls { transform: translateY(100vh) !important; } `; document.documentElement.appendChild(style); } attachStyle(); function pageKeyDownfunction(evt) { // passive = false // capture = true if (keyEventWhen(evt)) { if (!allowList.includes( return; if (!document.querySelector('html ytd-watch-flexy #movie_player video')) return evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); document.documentElement.classList.toggle('hide-controls') } } document.addEventListener('keydown', pageKeyDownfunction, true) //ytp-ce-video ytp-ce-top-left-quad ytp-ce-size-853 ytp-ce-element-show // Your code here... })();