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Free Read And Go



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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Free Read And Go
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      2025.03.01
// @description  链接直接跳转,阅读全文
// @author       Leon406
// @match        *://**/*
// @run-at       document-start
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=greasyfork.org
// @homepageURL  https://github.com/Leon406/jsdelivr/tree/master/js/tampermonkey
// @connect        *
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @exclude 	 *://login.live.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://*.aliyun.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://*.google.*/*
// @exclude 	 *://pan.baidu.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://tieba.baidu.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://baike.baidu.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://leetcode.*/*
// @exclude 	 *://cloud.baidu.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://*.bce.baidu.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://*.iconfont.cn/*
// @exclude 	 *://*.sou.com/*
// @exclude 	 *://*.jiguang.cn/*
// @exclude 	 *://*.mozilla.org/*
// @exclude 	 https://space.bilibili.com/*
// @exclude 	 https://www.thepaper.cn/*
// @license      GPL-3.0 License
// ==/UserScript==
const host = window.location.host;
const rootHost = host.replaceAll(/.*\.(\w+\.\w+)$/g, "$1");
const REAL_GO = {
"juejin.cn": {
prefix: "https://link.juejin.cn/?target=",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"www.douban.com": {
prefix: "https://www.douban.com/link2/",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"feishu.cn": {
func: () => get_elements(".outer-u-container a", filterThirdATag).forEach(createNewTag)
"security.feishu.cn": {
prefix: "https://security.feishu.cn/link/safety?",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"51.ruyo.net": {
prefix: "https://51.ruyo.net/go/index.html?u=",
query: "u",
action: urlDecode
"blog.51cto.com": {
prefix: "https://blog.51cto.com/transfer?",
action: urlDecode,
//func: () => get_elements(".article-content-wrap a", filterThirdATag).forEach(removeOnClick)
"zhuanlan.zhihu.com": {
prefix: "https://link.zhihu.com/?target",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"www.zhihu.com": {
prefix: "https://link.zhihu.com/?target",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"cloud.tencent.com": {
prefix: "https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/tools/blog-entry?",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"gitee.com": {
prefix: "https://gitee.com/link?target=",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"xie.infoq.cn": {
prefix: "https://xie.infoq.cn/link?",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode,
func: () => get_elements(".main a", filterThirdATag).forEach(createNewTag)
"sspai.com": {
prefix: "https://sspai.com/link?",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"afdian.com": {
prefix: "https://afdian.com/link?",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"www.os#####.net": {
prefix: "https://www.os#####.net/action/GoToLink?",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"c.pc.qq.com": {
prefix: "https://c.pc.qq.com/middlem.html?",
query: "pfurl",
action: urlDecode
"weibo.cn": {
prefix: "https://weibo.cn/sinaurl?u=",
query: "u",
action: urlDecode
"aiqicha.baidu.com": {
prefix: "https://aiqicha.baidu.com/safetip?",
query: "target",
action: rawText
"www.qcc.com": {
prefix: "https://www.qcc.com/web/transfer-link?",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"www.tianyancha.com": {
prefix: "https://www.tianyancha.com/security",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"leetcode.cn": {
prefix: "https://leetcode.cn/link/?target=",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"www.jianshu.com": {
prefix: "https://link.jianshu.com",
query: "t",
prefix2: "https://www.jianshu.com/go-wild",
query2: "url",
action: urlDecode
"yuque.com": {
prefix: "https://www.yuque.com/r/goto?url=",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"nowcoder.com": {
prefix: "https://hd.nowcoder.com/link.html?target=",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"steamcommunity.com": {
prefix: "https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"docs.google.com": {
prefix: "https://www.google.com/url?",
query: "q",
action: urlDecode
"t.me": {
prefix: "https://t.me/iv?url=",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"telegra.ph": {
prefix: "https://t.me/iv?url=",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"www.pixiv.net": {
prefix: "https://www.pixiv.net/jump.php",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"www.youtube.com": {
prefix: "https://www.youtube.com/redirect?",
query: "q",
action: urlDecode
"www.linkedin.com": {
prefix: "https://www.linkedin.com/redir/redirect?",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode
"mail.qq.com": {
prefix: "https://mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate",
query: "gourl",
action: urlDecode,
intervalFunc: () => get_elements("#contentDiv a", filterThirdATag).forEach(stopropagation)
"www.kdocs.cn": {
prefix: "https://www.kdocs.cn/office/link?target=",
query: "target",
action: urlDecode
"bbs.nga.cn": {
func: () => get_elements("#m_posts a", filterThirdATag).forEach(removeOnClick)
"nga.178.com": {
func: () => get_elements("#m_posts a", filterThirdATag).forEach(removeOnClick)
"tieba.baidu.com": {
prefix: "https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/checkurl?url=",
query: "url",
action: urlDecode,
intervalFunc: () => get_elements("#container a", filterThirdATag).forEach(stopropagation)
"blog.csdn.net": {
func: () => get_elements(".blog-content-box a", filterThirdATag).forEach(createNewTag)
"developers.weixin.qq.com": {
prefix: "/community/middlepage/href?href=",
query: "href",
action: urlDecode,
func: () => get_elements("a", filterThirdATag).forEach(stopropagation)
function filterThirdATag(aTag) {
return aTag.href.startsWith("http") && !aTag.href.includes(rootHost)
function find_all_iframe(doc = document) {
let frame = doc.querySelectorAll("iframe");
if (frame.length === 0)
return [];
let frames = Array.from(frame)
.filter(el => el.contentDocument)
if (frames.length > 0) {
let frames2 = frames.flatMap(el => find_all_iframe(el.contentDocument))
if (frames2.length > 0) {
frames2.forEach(e => frames.push(e))
return frames;
function get_elements(selector, cond = el => el) {
let elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(cond);
if (elements.length === 0) {
elements = find_all_iframe()
.flatMap(el => Array.from(el.contentDocument.querySelectorAll(selector)))
.filter(el => cond(el));
return elements;
function get_elements_simlpe(selector, cond = el => el) {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(cond);
const reg_more = /^\s*(阅读|查看|展开)(全文|全部|更多)$|^展开(剩余|阅读)/g
function showMore() {
var mores = get_elements_simlpe("a", el => reg_more.test(el.text) && el.target != '_blank');
//console.log("showMore ", mores);
for (let more of mores) {
if (!more.href.startsWith("http") && more.href.includes(rootHost)) {
mores = get_elements_simlpe("span,div", el => reg_more.test(el.textContent));
//console.log("showMore span ", mores);
for (let more of mores) {
let p = more.closest("a");
if (p) {
if (!p.href.startsWith("http") && p.href.includes(rootHost)) {
} else {
const stopEvent = (e) => {
if (e.stopPropagation) {
function stopropagation(aTag) {
if (aTag.onclick && aTag.onclick != stopEvent)
aTag.onclick = stopEvent
function removeOnClick(aTag) {
if (aTag.onclick)
aTag.onclick = null;
console.log("removeOnClick", aTag)
aTag.removeEventListener("click", function () {});
function createNewTag(aTag) {
//console.log("rewriteOnClick", aTag)
if (!aTag.onclick && aTag.href) {
aTag.onclick = function antiRedirectOnClickFn(e) {
console.log("stop__", aTag)
const tmpA = document.createElement("a");
tmpA.href = aTag.href;
tmpA.target = "_blank";
function interval(func, period = 500) {
//console.log("interval", func)
setInterval(func, period)
function urlDecode(aTag, query) {
//console.log("urlDecode", query, aTag)
let url = new URL(aTag.href);
//  console.log("urlDecode", url.searchParams.get(query), url.search.replace("?", ""))
url = query && url.searchParams.get(query) || url.search.replace("?", "")
try {
url =decodeURIComponent(url)
}catch(err) {
aTag.href = url
function rawText(aTag, query) {
console.log("rawText", query, aTag)
aTag.href = query
function request(aTag, query) {
method: "get",
url: aTag.href,
onload: function (response) {
var myregexp = /u *= *"([^"]*)"/;
var match = myregexp.exec(response.responseText);
if (match != null) {
r###lt = match[1];
aTag.href = r###lt
} else {
r###lt = "";
console.log("request", r###lt)
function removeClick() {
document.body.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
var target = event.target || event.srcElement;
if (target.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'a') {
if (event.preventDefault) {
} else {
window.event.returnValue = true;
var url = target.getAttribute("href")
if (target.getAttribute("target") === '_blank') {
} else {
window.location.href = url
function findAllHref(rule = "http") {
return get_elements("a", el => el.href.includes(rule))
(function () {
'use strict';
let rule = REAL_GO[host] || REAL_GO[rootHost];
console.log("====rule 11", rule)
if (rule && rule.prefix && window.location.href.startsWith(rule.prefix)) {
let url = new URL(window.location.href);
let targetUrl = decodeURIComponent(rule.query && url.searchParams.get(rule.query) || url.search.replace("?", ""));
window.location.href = targetUrl.includes("://") ? targetUrl : ("https://" + targetUrl);
console.log("redirect-------->", window.location.href)
if (rule && rule.prefix2 && window.location.href.startsWith(rule.prefix2)) {
let url = new URL(window.location.href);
let targetUrl = decodeURIComponent(rule.query2 && url.searchParams.get(rule.query2) || url.search.replace("?", ""))
window.location.href = targetUrl.includes("://") ? targetUrl : ("https://" + targetUrl);
console.log("redirect2-------->", window.location.href)
// 有的页面不触发 onload
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
window.onload = function () {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("====rule", rule)
if (rule) {
rule.prefix && findAllHref(rule.prefix).forEach(el => {
rule.action && rule.action(el, rule.query)
rule.prefix2 && findAllHref(rule.prefix2).forEach(el => {
rule.action && rule.action(el, rule.query2)
rule.func && rule.func()
rule.intervalFunc && interval(rule.intervalFunc)
}, 3000)