Greasy Fork is available in English.
This script replaces the "handle" in the YouTube comments section to user name
// ==UserScript== // @match* // @version 0.6.0 // @run-at document-start // @name Return YouTube Comment Username // @name:ja YouTubeコメント欄の名前を元に戻す // @description This script replaces the "handle" in the YouTube comments section to user name // @description:ja YouTubeのコメント欄の名前をハンドル(@...)からユーザー名に書き換えます。 // @name:zh-CN 恢復 YouTube 评论用户名 // @name:zh-TW 恢復 YouTube 評論名稱 // @description:zh-TW 此腳本將 YouTube 評論部分中的“handle”替換為用戶名 // @description:zh-CN 此脚本将 YouTube 评论部分中的“handle”替换为用户名 // @author yakisova41 // @namespace // @grant unsafeWindow // @license MIT // @icon ###+GpiY4dCh1YmUKn89CY9IYnuYjEUvwvj6XEBpuO3dKDx8mav/4sbR7d+6sX109NusPY80alzIajxMnrFVUWHL291sChkI5MfwIvF64cmXs6yZMGO6leRotfLwqrC8zY0ePB7v1KlbcdQRvAW++mWSJWkcwCHyUbyZZ4A/gCw/FmcR/Ad8iqRgVuAh8jtQDdn2eiQIXgf60UrnHZOziLQTcA35Duh8vkMn9/+9Itf8DuZwgXRkVsP8DcckK6XLgZ6SOD0UmGziCCBZr8RBWXhcgPfvwtDJHMg84wJFCJw/mgZeAL25MwAvgU6RwfmhlDrckdoAfioE8mAdCwCdxYw+BZUhv88RpTHDzwP5iIQ+JP278inQxL0yyRHwVGqLADy03xIfQT0h/5pNMNnAEz4EpwHyk5/kmNFYM58CPxUgezAMdwFfE/wOkiOABvi9W8gD/AtVVmDkJXLSNAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC // ==/UserScript== // src/index.ts function c3JjL2luZGV4LnRz() { "use strict"; (() => { // node_modules/crx-monkey/dist/client/main.js function getRunningRuntime() { if (typeof window.__CRX_CONTENT_BUILD_ID === "undefined") { return "Userscript"; } else { return "Extension"; } } async function bypassSendMessage(message, options, callback) { const actionId = crypto.randomUUID(); window.postMessage( { type: "send-message", crxContentBuildId: window.__CRX_CONTENT_BUILD_ID, detail: { message, options }, actionId, }, "*", ); const data = await waitR###ltOnce("send-message", actionId); if (callback !== void 0) { callback(data.response); } } async function waitR###ltOnce(type, actionId) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const onR###lt = (e) => { if (e.detail.type === type && e.detail.actionId === actionId) { window.removeEventListener( "crx-isolate-connector-r###lt", onR###lt, ); resolve(; } }; window.addEventListener("crx-isolate-connector-r###lt", onR###lt); }); } // src/utils/isCommentRenderer.ts function isCommentRenderer(continuationItems) { if (continuationItems.length > 0) { if ("commentThreadRenderer" in continuationItems[0]) { return false; } if ("commentRenderer" in continuationItems[0]) { return true; } } return false; } function isCommentRendererV2(continuationItems) { if (continuationItems.length > 0) { if ("commentThreadRenderer" in continuationItems[0]) { return false; } if ("commentViewModel" in continuationItems[0]) { return true; } } return false; } // package.json var package_default = { name: "return-youtube-comment-username", version: "0.6.0", devDependencies: { "@types/chrome": "^0.0.263", "@types/encoding-japanese": "^2.0.5", "@types/markdown-it": "^13.0.8", eslint: "^8.57.0", prettier: "^3.3.1", "ts-extension-builder": "^0.2.8", }, license: "MIT", scripts: { "esbuild-register": "node --require esbuild-register", build: "npx crx-monkey build", dev: "npx crx-monkey dev", lint: "npx eslint --fix src/**/*.ts", }, type: "module", dependencies: { "@mdit-vue/plugin-title": "^2.1.3", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.21.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.21.0", "crx-monkey": "0.11.2", "encoding-japanese": "^2.2.0", "eslint-config-prettier": "^9.1.0", "markdown-it": "^14.1.0", typescript: "^5.4.5", }, }; // src/utils/debugLog.ts function debugLog(message, value = "") { if (getRunningRuntime() === "Extension") { bypassSendMessage({ type: "log", value: [`[rycu] ${message} %c${value}`, "color:cyan;"], }); } else { console.log(`[rycu] ${message} %c${value}`, "color:cyan;"); } } function debugErr(message) { console.error(`[rycu] ${message}`); if (getRunningRuntime() === "Extension") { bypassSendMessage({ type: "err", value: [`[rycu] ${message}`], }); } } function outputDebugInfo() { const logs = [""]; const ytConf =; if (ytConf !== void 0) { logs.push( "PAGE_BUILD_LABEL: " + (ytConf.PAGE_BUILD_LABEL !== void 0 ? ytConf.PAGE_BUILD_LABEL : " undefined"), ); logs.push( "INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION: " + (ytConf.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION !== void 0 ? ytConf.INNERTUBE_CLIENT_VERSION : " undefined"), ); logs.push( "INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION: " + (ytConf.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION !== void 0 ? ytConf.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION : " undefined"), ); logs.push( "INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_GL: " + (ytConf.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_GL !== void 0 ? ytConf.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT_GL : " undefined"), ); logs.push( "Browser: " + (ytConf.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT.client.browserName !== void 0 ? ytConf.INNERTUBE_CONTEXT.client.browserName : " undefined"), ); logs.push( "Is login: " + (ytConf.LOGGED_IN !== void 0 ? `${ytConf.LOGGED_IN}` : " undefined"), ); } logs.push(`Href: ${location.href}`); debugLog( `Return Youtube comment Username v${package_default.version}`, logs.join("\n"), ); } // src/utils/findElementByTrackingParams.ts function findElementByTrackingParams(trackingParams, elementSelector) { let returnElement = null; let errorAlerted = false; const elems = document.querySelectorAll(elementSelector); for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { if ( elems[i]?.trackedParams === void 0 && elems[i]?.polymerController?.trackedParams === void 0 ) { debugErr(new Error("TrackedParams not found in element property.")); } if (elems[i].trackedParams === trackingParams) { returnElement = elems[i]; break; } else if ( elems[i]?.polymerController?.trackedParams === trackingParams ) { returnElement = elems[i]; break; } else { if (!errorAlerted) { void searchTrackedParamsByObject(trackingParams, elems[i]); errorAlerted = true; } } } return returnElement; } async function reSearchElement(trackingParams, selector) { return await new Promise((resolve) => { let isFinding = true; const search = () => { const el = findElementByTrackingParams(trackingParams, selector); if (el !== null) { resolve(el); isFinding = false; } if (isFinding) { setTimeout(() => { search(); }, 100); } }; search(); }); } function findElementAllByCommentId(commnetId, elementSelector) { const returnElements = []; const elems = document.querySelectorAll(elementSelector); for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { if (elems[i] !== void 0) { if ( elems[i]?.__data?.data?.commentId === void 0 && elems[i]?.polymerController?.__data?.data?.commentId === void 0 ) { debugErr(new Error("Reply CommentId not found.")); } else if ( elems[i]?.__data?.data?.commentId !== void 0 && elems[i] === commnetId ) { returnElements.push(elems[i]); } else if ( elems[i]?.polymerController?.__data?.data?.commentId !== void 0 && elems[i] === commnetId ) { returnElements.push(elems[i]); } } } return returnElements; } async function reSearchElementAllByCommentId(commnetId, selector) { return await new Promise((resolve) => { let isFinding = true; const search = () => { const el = findElementAllByCommentId(commnetId, selector); if (el !== null) { resolve(el); isFinding = false; } if (isFinding) { setTimeout(() => { search(); }, 100); } }; search(); }); } async function searchTrackedParamsByObject(param, elem) { const elemObj = Object(elem); const search = (obj, history) => { Object.keys(obj).forEach((k) => { if (typeof obj[k] === "object") { search(obj[k], [...history, k]); } else if (obj[k] === param) { history.push(k); throw debugErr( new Error(`Unknown Object format! "${history.join(" > ")}"`), ); } }); }; search(elemObj, []); } // src/types/AppendContinuationItemsAction.ts function isReplyContinuationItemsV1(obj) { return Object.hasOwn(obj[0], "commentRenderer"); } function isReplyContinuationItemsV2(obj) { return Object.hasOwn(obj[0], "commentViewModel"); } function isConfinuationItemV2(obj) { return Object.hasOwn(obj, "commentViewModel"); } function isConfinuationItemV1(obj) { return Object.hasOwn(obj, "comment"); } // src/utils/escapeString.ts function escapeString(text) { return text .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, `"`) .replace(/'/g, `'`) .replace(/&/g, `&`); } function decodeString(text) { return text .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, `"`) .replace(/'/g, `'`) .replace(/&/g, `&`); } // src/utils/getUserName.ts var isUseFeed = true; async function getUserName(id) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (isUseFeed) { fetchFeed(id) .then((name) => { resolve(name); }) .catch(() => { isUseFeed = false; debugErr( new Error("Catch Feed API Error, so change to Browse mode."), ); fetchBrowse(id).then((name) => { resolve(name); }); }); } else { fetchBrowse(id).then((name) => { resolve(name); }); } }); } async function fetchFeed(id) { return await fetch( `${id}`, { method: "GET", cache: "default", keepalive: true, }, ) .then(async (res) => { if (res.status !== 200) throw debugErr( new Error(`Feed API Error status: ${res.status}`), ); return await res.text(); }) .then((text) => { const match = text.match("<title>([^<].*)</title>"); if (match !== null) { return decodeString(match[1]); } else { debugErr("XML title not found"); return ""; } }); } async function fetchBrowse(id) { return await fetch( ``, { method: "POST", headers: { cache: "default", accept: "*/*", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "accept-language": "en", "content-type": "application/json", dnt: "1", referer: `${id}`, }, body: JSON.stringify({ context: { client: { hl:, gl:, clientName: "WEB", clientVersion: "2.20230628.01.00", platform: "DESKTOP", acceptHeader: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7", }, user: { lockedSafetyMode: false }, request: { useSsl: true, }, }, browseId: id, params: "EgVhYm91dPIGBAoCEgA%3D", }), }, ) .then(async (res) => { if (res.status !== 200) throw debugErr( new Error(`Browse API Error status: ${res.status}`), ); return await res.json(); }) .then((text) => { const name = text.header.c4TabbedHeaderRenderer.title; return decodeString(name); }); } // src/rewrites/rewriteOfCommentRenderer/nameRewriteOfCommentRenderer.ts function nameRewriteOfCommentRenderer( commentRenderer, isNameContainerRender, userId, ) { const commentRendererBody = commentRenderer.__shady_native_children.namedItem("body"); if (commentRendererBody === null) { throw debugErr(new Error("Comment renderer body is null.")); } let nameElem = commentRendererBody.querySelector( "#main > #header > #header-author > h3 > a > yt-formatted-string", ); if (isNameContainerRender) { const containerMain = commentRendererBody.__shady_native_children.namedItem("main"); if (containerMain !== null) { nameElem = containerMain.querySelector( "#header > #header-author > #author-comment-badge > ytd-author-comment-badge-renderer > a > #channel-name > #container > #text-container > yt-formatted-string", ); } } void getUserName(userId) .then((name) => { if (nameElem !== null) { if (nameElem.getAttribute("is-empty") !== null) { nameElem.removeAttribute("is-empty"); } if (isNameContainerRender) { nameElem.textContent = escapeString(name); } else { nameElem.textContent = name; } } else { debugErr(new Error("Name element is null")); } }) .catch((e) => { debugErr(e); }); } // src/rewrites/rewriteOfCommentRenderer/mentionRewriteOfCommentRenderer.ts function mentionRewriteOfCommentRenderer(commentRenderer) { const commentRendererBody = commentRenderer.__shady_native_children.namedItem("body"); const main2 = commentRendererBody?.querySelector("#main"); if (main2 !== void 0 && main2 !== null) { const aTags = main2.querySelectorAll( "#comment-content > ytd-expander > #content > #content-text > a", ); for (let i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) { if (aTags[i].getAttribute("href")?.match("/channel/.*") !== null) { const href = aTags[i].getAttribute("href"); if (href !== null) { void getUserName(href.split("/")[2]) .then((name) => { aTags[i].textContent = `@${name} `; }) .catch((e) => { debugErr(e); }); } else { debugErr(new Error("Mention Atag has not Href attr.")); } } } } } // src/rewrites/rewriteOfCommentRenderer/nameRewriteOfCommentViewModel.ts function nameRewriteOfCommentViewModel(commentViewModel) { const commentViewModelBody = commentViewModel.__shady_native_children.namedItem("body"); if (commentViewModelBody === null) { throw debugErr(new Error("Comment view model body is null.")); } if (!commentViewModelBodyGuard(commentViewModelBody)) { throw debugErr( new Error("The object format of comment view model is invalid."), ); } const isNameContainerRender = !== null; let nameElem = commentViewModelBody.querySelector( "#main > #header > #header-author > h3 > a > span", ); const userId = .browseEndpoint.browseId; const userHandle = 1, ); if (isNameContainerRender) { const containerMain = commentViewModelBody.__shady_native_children.namedItem("main"); if (containerMain !== null) { nameElem = containerMain.querySelector( "#header > #header-author > #author-comment-badge > ytd-author-comment-badge-renderer > a > #channel-name > #container > #text-container > yt-formatted-string", ); } } void getUserName(userId) .then((name) => { if (nameElem !== null) { if (nameElem.getAttribute("is-empty") !== null) { nameElem.removeAttribute("is-empty"); } let innerText = name; if (window.__rycu.settings.isShowNameToHandle) { innerText = decodeURI(userHandle) + ` ( ${name} )`; } if (window.__rycu.settings.isShowHandleToName) { innerText = name + ` ( ${decodeURI(userHandle)} )`; } if (isNameContainerRender) { nameElem.textContent = escapeString(innerText); } else { nameElem.textContent = innerText; } } else { debugErr(new Error("Name element is null")); } }) .catch((e) => { debugErr(e); }); } function commentViewModelBodyGuard(elem) { return Object.hasOwn(elem, "__shady"); } // src/rewrites/rewriteOfCommentRenderer/mentionRewriteOfCommentRendererV2.ts function mentionRewriteOfCommentRendererV2(commentRenderer) { const commentRendererBody = commentRenderer.__shady_native_children.namedItem("body"); const main2 = commentRendererBody?.querySelector("#main"); if (main2 !== void 0 && main2 !== null) { const aTags = main2.querySelectorAll( "#expander > #content > #content-text > span > span > a", ); for (let i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) { if (aTags[i].getAttribute("href")?.match("/channel/.*") !== null) { const href = aTags[i].getAttribute("href"); if (href !== null) { void getUserName(href.split("/")[2]) .then((name) => { aTags[i].textContent = `@${name} `; }) .catch((e) => { debugErr(e); }); } else { debugErr(new Error("Mention Atag has not Href attr.")); } } } } } // src/rewrites/reply.ts function rewriteReplytNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems) { debugLog("Rewrite Reply."); if (isReplyContinuationItemsV1(continuationItems)) { debugLog("Rewrite reply of continuationItems."); for (let i = 0; i < continuationItems.length; i++) { const { commentRenderer } = continuationItems[i]; if (commentRenderer !== void 0) { void getReplyElem(commentRenderer.trackingParams, "V1").then( (replyElem) => { reWriteReplyElem(replyElem, commentRenderer); }, ); } } } if (isReplyContinuationItemsV2(continuationItems)) { debugLog("Rewrite reply of comment view model."); for (let i = 0; i < continuationItems.length; i++) { const { commentViewModel } = continuationItems[i]; if (commentViewModel !== void 0) { void getReplyElem( commentViewModel.rendererContext.loggingContext.loggingDirectives .trackingParams, "V2", ).then((replyElem) => { reWriteReplyElemV2(replyElem); }); } } } } function reWriteReplyElem(replyElem, rendererData) { let isContainer = rendererData.authorIsChannelOwner; if (rendererData.authorCommentBadge !== void 0) { isContainer = true; } nameRewriteOfCommentRenderer( replyElem, isContainer, rendererData.authorEndpoint.browseEndpoint.browseId, ); mentionRewriteOfCommentRenderer(replyElem); replyInputRewrite(replyElem); } function reWriteReplyElemV2(replyElem) { nameRewriteOfCommentViewModel(replyElem); mentionRewriteOfCommentRendererV2(replyElem); replyInputRewrite(replyElem); } async function getReplyElem(trackedParams, version) { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const selector = "#replies > ytd-comment-replies-renderer > #expander > #expander-contents > #contents > " + (version === "V1" ? "ytd-comment-renderer" : "ytd-comment-view-model"); const commentRenderer = findElementByTrackingParams( trackedParams, selector, ); if (commentRenderer !== null) { resolve(commentRenderer); } else { void reSearchElement(trackedParams, selector).then( (commentRenderer2) => { resolve(commentRenderer2); }, ); } }); } function rewriteTeaserReplytNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems) { debugLog("Rewrite teaser Reply."); for (let i = 0; i < continuationItems.length; i++) { if (isReplyContinuationItemsV1(continuationItems)) { debugLog("Teaser reply of continuationItems."); const { commentRenderer } = continuationItems[i]; if (commentRenderer !== void 0) { void reSearchElementAllByCommentId( commentRenderer.commentId, "ytd-comment-replies-renderer > #teaser-replies > ytd-comment-renderer", ).then((replyElems) => { replyElems.forEach((replyElem) => { reWriteReplyElem(replyElem, commentRenderer); }); }); void reSearchElementAllByCommentId( commentRenderer.commentId, "ytd-comment-replies-renderer > #expander > #expander-contents > #contents > ytd-comment-renderer", ).then((replyElems) => { replyElems.forEach((replyElem) => { reWriteReplyElem(replyElem, commentRenderer); }); }); } } if (isReplyContinuationItemsV2(continuationItems)) { debugLog("Teaser reply of comment view model."); const { commentViewModel } = continuationItems[i]; if (commentViewModel !== void 0) { const elem = findElementByTrackingParams( commentViewModel.rendererContext.loggingContext.loggingDirectives .trackingParams, "#teaser-replies > ytd-comment-view-model", ); if (elem === null) { throw debugErr( new Error("Can not found Teaser Reply in V2 Elem."), ); } reWriteReplyElemV2(elem); } } } } function replyInputRewrite(replyElem) { const replyToReplyBtn = replyElem.querySelector( "#reply-button-end > ytd-button-renderer", ); const replyToReplyHander = () => { const replyLink = replyElem.querySelector("#contenteditable-root > a"); const href = replyLink?.getAttribute("href"); const channelId = href?.split("/")[2]; if (channelId !== void 0 && replyLink !== null) { void getUserName(channelId).then((name) => { replyLink.textContent = ` @${name}`; }); } replyToReplyBtn?.removeEventListener("click", replyToReplyHander); }; replyToReplyBtn?.addEventListener("click", replyToReplyHander); document.addEventListener("rycu-pagechange", () => { replyToReplyBtn?.removeEventListener("click", replyToReplyHander); }); } // src/rewrites/comment.ts function rewriteCommentNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems) { debugLog("Rewrite Comment."); for (let i = 0; i < continuationItems.length; i++) { if (continuationItems[i].commentThreadRenderer !== void 0) { void getCommentElem( continuationItems[i].commentThreadRenderer.trackingParams, ).then((commentElem) => { reWriteCommentElem( commentElem, continuationItems[i].commentThreadRenderer, ); }); const teaserContents = continuationItems[i].commentThreadRenderer.replies ?.commentRepliesRenderer.teaserContents; if (teaserContents !== void 0) { rewriteTeaserReplytNameFromContinuationItems(teaserContents); } } } } function reWriteCommentElem(commentElem, commentThreadRenderer) { const commentRenderer = commentElem.__shady_native_children.namedItem("comment"); if (commentRenderer !== null && commentRenderer !== void 0) { if (isConfinuationItemV1(commentThreadRenderer)) { debugLog("Rewrite of Comment Renderer."); let isContainer = commentThreadRenderer.comment.commentRenderer.authorIsChannelOwner; if ( commentThreadRenderer.comment.commentRenderer.authorCommentBadge !== void 0 ) { isContainer = true; } nameRewriteOfCommentRenderer( commentRenderer, isContainer, commentThreadRenderer.comment.commentRenderer.authorEndpoint .browseEndpoint.browseId, ); } if (isConfinuationItemV2(commentThreadRenderer)) { debugLog("Rewrite of Comment view model."); nameRewriteOfCommentViewModel(commentRenderer); } } } async function getCommentElem(trackingParams) { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const commentElem = findElementByTrackingParams( trackingParams, "#comments > #sections > #contents > ytd-comment-thread-renderer", ); if (commentElem !== null) { resolve(commentElem); } else { void reSearchElement(trackingParams, "ytd-comment-thread-renderer") .then((commentElem2) => { resolve(commentElem2); }) .catch((e) => { debugErr(e); }); } }); } // src/handlers/handleYtAppendContinuationItemsAction.ts function handleYtAppendContinuationItemsAction(detail) { const continuationItems = detail.args[0].appendContinuationItemsAction.continuationItems; if ( isCommentRenderer(continuationItems) || isCommentRendererV2(continuationItems) ) { const replyDetail = detail; setTimeout(() => { rewriteReplytNameFromContinuationItems( replyDetail.args[0].appendContinuationItemsAction.continuationItems, ); }, 100); } else { const commentDetail = detail; setTimeout(() => { rewriteCommentNameFromContinuationItems( commentDetail.args[0].appendContinuationItemsAction .continuationItems, ); }, 400); } } // src/handlers/handleYtCreateCommentAction.ts function handleYtCreateCommentAction(detail) { const createCommentDetail = detail; const continuationItems = [ { commentThreadRenderer: createCommentDetail.args[0].createCommentAction.contents .commentThreadRenderer, }, ]; setTimeout(() => { rewriteCommentNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems); }, 100); } // src/handlers/handleYtCreateCommentReplyAction.ts function handleYtCreateCommentReplyAction(detail) { const createReplyDetail = detail; const continuationItems = [ { commentRenderer: createReplyDetail.args[0].createCommentReplyAction.contents .commentRenderer, }, ]; setTimeout(() => { rewriteTeaserReplytNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems); }, 100); } // src/rewrites/highlightedReply.ts function rewriteHighlightedReply(trackedParams) { getReplyElem2(trackedParams, "V1").then((replyElem) => { reWriteReplyElemV2(replyElem); }); } function rewriteHighlightedReplyV2(trackedParams) { getReplyElem2(trackedParams, "V2").then((replyElem) => { reWriteReplyElemV2(replyElem); }); } async function getReplyElem2(trackedParams, version) { return await new Promise((resolve) => { const selector = "ytd-comment-replies-renderer > #teaser-replies > " + (version === "V1" ? "ytd-comment-renderer" : "ytd-comment-view-model"); const commentRenderer = findElementByTrackingParams( trackedParams, selector, ); if (commentRenderer !== null) { resolve(commentRenderer); } else { void reSearchElement(trackedParams, selector).then( (commentRenderer2) => { resolve(commentRenderer2); }, ); } }); } // src/handlers/handleYtGetMultiPageMenuAction.ts function handleYtGetMultiPageMenuAction(detail) { debugLog("handleYtGetMultiPageMenuAction"); const getMultiPageMenuDetail = detail; const continuationItems = getMultiPageMenuDetail.args[0] .multiPageMenuRenderer.sections[1].itemSectionRenderer?.contents; const highLightedTeaserContents = getMultiPageMenuDetail.args[0]?.getMultiPageMenuAction?.menu ?.multiPageMenuRenderer.sections[1].itemSectionRenderer?.contents[0] ?.commentThreadRenderer.replies?.commentRepliesRenderer ?.teaserContents; if (continuationItems !== void 0) { setTimeout(() => { rewriteCommentNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems); if (highLightedTeaserContents !== void 0) { debugLog("HighLighted Teaser Reply found."); if (isReplyContinuationItemsV1(highLightedTeaserContents)) { debugLog("highLighted Teaser Reply V1"); const highLightedReplyRenderer = highLightedTeaserContents[0]?.commentRenderer; rewriteHighlightedReply(highLightedReplyRenderer.trackingParams); } else { debugLog("highLighted Teaser Reply V2"); const commentViewModel = highLightedTeaserContents[0]?.commentViewModel; const trackingParams = commentViewModel.rendererContext.loggingContext .loggingDirectives.trackingParams; rewriteHighlightedReplyV2(trackingParams); } } }, 100); } } // src/handlers/handleYtHistory.ts function handleYtHistory(detail) { const historyDetail = detail; const continuationItems = historyDetail.args[1].historyEntry?.rootData.response.contents .twoColumnWatchNextR###lts?.r###lts?.r###lts?.contents[3] ?.itemSectionRenderer?.contents; if (continuationItems !== void 0) { setTimeout(() => { rewriteCommentNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems); }, 100); } } // src/handlers/handleYtReloadContinuationItemsCommand.ts function handleYtReloadContinuationItemsCommand(detail) { const reloadDetail = detail; const { slot } = reloadDetail.args[0].reloadContinuationItemsCommand; if (slot === "RELOAD_CONTINUATION_SLOT_BODY") { const continuationItems = reloadDetail.args[0].reloadContinuationItemsCommand.continuationItems; if (continuationItems !== void 0) { setTimeout(() => { rewriteCommentNameFromContinuationItems(continuationItems); }, 100); } } } // src/index.ts function main() { const settings = { isShowHandleToName: false, isShowNameToHandle: false, }; window.__rycu = { settings, }; if (getRunningRuntime() === "Extension") { bypassSendMessage( { type: "getShowHandleToName", value: null, }, {}, (isShowHandleToName) => { window.__rycu.settings.isShowHandleToName = isShowHandleToName; }, ); bypassSendMessage( { type: "getShowNameToHandle", value: null, }, {}, (isShowNameToHandle) => { window.__rycu.settings.isShowNameToHandle = isShowNameToHandle; }, ); } const handleYtAction = (e) => { switch (e.detail.actionName) { case "yt-append-continuation-items-action": handleYtAppendContinuationItemsAction(e.detail); break; case "yt-reload-continuation-items-command": handleYtReloadContinuationItemsCommand(e.detail); break; case "yt-history-load": handleYtHistory(e.detail); break; case "yt-get-multi-page-menu-action": handleYtGetMultiPageMenuAction(e.detail); break; case "yt-create-comment-action": handleYtCreateCommentAction(e.detail); break; case "yt-create-comment-reply-action": handleYtCreateCommentReplyAction(e.detail); break; } }; document.addEventListener("yt-action", handleYtAction); document.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", () => { document.dispatchEvent(new Event("rycu-pagechange")); outputDebugInfo(); }); } main(); })(); } if (location.href.match("*") !== null) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const script = document.createElement("script"); if (unsafeWindow.trustedTypes !== undefined) { const policy = unsafeWindow.trustedTypes.createPolicy( "crx-monkey-trusted-inject-policy", { createScript: (input) => input }, ); script.text = policy.createScript( script.text + `(${c3JjL2luZGV4LnRz.toString()})();`, ); } else { script.innerHTML = script.innerHTML + `(${c3JjL2luZGV4LnRz.toString()})();`; } unsafeWindow.document.body.appendChild(script); }); }