// ==UserScript== // @license AGPL License // @name Youtube长按倍速脚本 // @name:en Youtube long press to speed up // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // @version 2.6 // @author n1nja88888 // @description Youtube长按倍速,广告也能倍速/快进跳过。 // @description:en Youtube long press to speed up, also works for ads. // ==/UserScript== 'use strict' const speed = 2 const forward = 5 let isSpeeding = false console.log('n1nja88888 creates this world!') !function () { //改变keydown事件监听器函数 忽略指定key function keydownOmit(listener, omits) { return (...args) => { if (!omits.has(args[0].key)) listener(...args) } } // 对于非document级的事件监听改写,直接把改写逻辑写在改写的函数中,而不是再为指定元素添加一个新的监听器 // 倍速屏蔽进度条的鼠标移动 function blockMouseMovement(listener) { let timer = null return (...args) => { const context = document.querySelector('#movie_player') if (isSpeeding && (args[0].target === context || context.contains(args[0].target))) { if ( === '' || === 'none') = 'auto' clearTimeout(timer) timer = setTimeout(() => { if (isSpeeding) = 'none' }, 3e3) } else listener(...args) } } // 倍速暂停显示进度条 function showProgressBar(listener) { return (...args) => { if (isSpeeding) progressBar(true) listener(...args) } } function hideProgressBar(listener) { return (...args) => { if (isSpeeding) progressBar() listener(...args) } } document._addEventListener = document.addEventListener // document中就是keydown控制快进这些 // keyup存在暂停视频的逻辑 document.addEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture = false) { if (type === 'keypress' || type === 'keydown') listener = keydownOmit(listener, new Set(['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', ' '])) else if (type === 'keyup') listener = keydownOmit(listener, new Set([' '])) this._addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) } // 操作同上,对ELement的事件监听器也重写一遍 Element.prototype._addEventListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener Element.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture = false) { if (type === 'keypress' || type === 'keydown') listener = keydownOmit(listener, new Set(['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', ' '])) else if (type === 'keyup') listener = keydownOmit(listener, new Set([' '])) else if (type === 'mousemove' || type === 'mouseleave') listener = blockMouseMovement(listener) else if (type === 'pause') listener = showProgressBar(listener) else if (type === 'play') listener = hideProgressBar(listener) this._addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture) } }() main() async function main() { // 倍速定时器 let timer = null //初始速度,松开按键后是恢复到初始速度 let initSpeed = -1 let video = null const speedSign = speedSignClosure() const forwardSign = forwardSignClosure() document._addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (isCombKey(e) || isActive('input', 'textarea', '#contenteditable-root')) return switch (e.key) { case 'ArrowLeft': e.preventDefault() video = getVideo() if (!video) return video.currentTime -= forward forwardSign(false) break case 'ArrowRight': e.preventDefault() if (!timer) { video = getVideo() if (!video) return timer = setTimeout(() => { isSpeeding = true initSpeed = video.playbackRate video.playbackRate = speed progressBar() speedSign() }, 0.2e3) } break case ' ': e.preventDefault() // 会阻止Youtube自带的功能,比如调用这个函数后会导致原本的视频暂停失效 video = getVideo() if (!video) return video.paused ? : video.pause() break // 短视频评论 case 'c': case 'C': const comment = document.querySelector('#comments-button button') if (!!comment) break } }) document._addEventListener('keyup', (e) => { if (e.key === 'ArrowRight' && !isActive('input', 'textarea', '#contenteditable-root')) { clearTimeout(timer) timer = null if (isSpeeding) { isSpeeding = false video.playbackRate = initSpeed progressBar() speedSign() } else { video.currentTime += forward forwardSign(true) const skip = document.querySelector('.ytp-skip-ad-button__text') if (!!skip) } } }) window.addEventListener('blur', () => { clearTimeout(timer) timer = null if (isSpeeding) { isSpeeding = false video.playbackRate = initSpeed progressBar() speedSign() } }) } // 判断是否是组合键 function isCombKey(e) { return e.ctrlKey || e.shiftkey || e.altKey || e.metaKey } // 判断当前页面活动元素 function isActive(...eleSet) { for (const ele of eleSet) { if (ele instanceof HTMLElement) { if (document.activeElement === ele) return true } else { switch (ele.charAt(0)) { case '.': if (document.activeElement.classList.contains(ele.substring(1))) return true break case '#': if ( === ele.substring(1).toLowerCase()) return true break default: if (document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === ele.toLowerCase()) return true } } } return false } //获得有src属性的video function getVideo() { for (const video of document.querySelectorAll('video')) { if (!!video.getAttribute('src')) return video } return null } // 显示倍速 function speedSignClosure() { let isModified = false return (isVisible = isSpeeding) => { const context = document.querySelector('.ytp-speedmaster-overlay') if (context) { if (!isModified) { context.querySelector('.ytp-speedmaster-label').textContent = speed + 'x' isModified = true } = isVisible ? '' : 'none' } } } // 显示快进 function forwardSignClosure() { let timeout = null let isModified = false return isForward => { const context = document.querySelector('.ytp-doubletap-ui-legacy') if (context) { clearTimeout(timeout) const shadow = context.querySelector('.ytp-doubletap-static-circle') const player = document.querySelector('#ytd-player') const height = Math.ceil(player.offsetHeight) const width = Math.ceil(player.offsetWidth) if (!isModified) { context.querySelector('.ytp-doubletap-tooltip-label').textContent = window.YT_I18N_FORMATTING_DURATION_TIME_SYMBOLS.SECOND.LONG .replace('#', forward) .match(forward > 1 ? /one\{([^}]*)\}/ : /other\{([^}]*)\}/)[1] = '110px' = '110px' isModified = true } const direction = isForward ? 'forward' : 'back' // 这里是计算相对位置 if (isForward) = .8 * width - 30 + 'px' else = .1 * width - 15 + 'px' = .5 * height + 15 + 'px' context.setAttribute('data-side', direction) = '' context.classList.add('ytp-time-seeking') timeout = setTimeout(() => { = 'none' context.classList.remove('ytp-time-seeking') }, 0.5e3) } } } // 隐藏进度条 function progressBar(isVisible = !isSpeeding) { const arr = [ document.querySelector('.ytp-gradient-top'), document.querySelector('.ytp-gradient-bottom'), document.querySelector('.ytp-chrome-top'), document.querySelector('.ytp-chrome-bottom') ] const context = document.querySelector('#movie_player') if (isVisible) { arr.forEach(e => = '') context.classList.remove('ytp-autohide') = '' } else { arr.forEach(e => = 'none') context.classList.add('ytp-autohide') } }