Disable AV1 for video playback on YouTube
// ==UserScript== // @name Disable YouTube AV1 // @description Disable AV1 for video playback on YouTube // @name:zh-TW 停用 YouTube AV1 // @description:zh-TW 停用 YouTube 的 AV1 影片播放 // @name:zh-HK 停用 YouTube AV1 // @description:zh-HK 停用 YouTube 的 AV1 影片播放 // @name:zh-CN 停用 YouTube AV1 // @description:zh-CN 停用 YouTube 的 AV1 视频播放 // @name:ja YouTube AV1 停用 // @description:ja YouTube の動画再生に AV1 を停用する // @name:ko YouTube AV1 비활성화 // @description:ko YouTube의 동영상 재생에 AV1을 비활성화하기 // @name:vi Vô hiệu hóa YouTube AV1 // @description:vi Vô hiệu hóa AV1 để phát video trên YouTube // @name:de YouTube AV1 deaktivieren // @description:de Deaktiviert AV1 für die Videowiedergabe auf YouTube // @name:fr Désactiver YouTube AV1 // @description:fr Désactivez AV1 pour la lecture des vidéos sur YouTube // @name:it Disabilita YouTube AV1 // @description:it Disabilita AV1 per la riproduzione dei video su YouTube // @name:es Desactivar AV1 en YouTube // @description:es Desactivar AV1 para la reproducción de videos en YouTube // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2.4.3 // @author CY Fung // @match https://www.youtube.com/* // @match https://www.youtube.com/embed/* // @match https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/* // @exclude https://www.youtube.com/live_chat* // @exclude https://www.youtube.com/live_chat_replay* // @exclude /^https?://\S+\.(txt|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|xml|svg|manifest|log|ini)[^\/]*$/ // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=youtube.com // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @license MIT // @compatible chrome // @compatible firefox // @compatible opera // @compatible edge // @compatible safari // @unwrap // @allFrames true // @inject-into page // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; console.debug("disable-youtube-av1", "injected"); const flagConfig = () => { let firstDa = true; let cid = 0; const { setInterval, clearInterval, setTimeout } = window; const tn = () => { const da = (window.ytcfg && window.ytcfg.data_) ? window.ytcfg.data_ : null; if (!da) return; const isFirstDa = firstDa; firstDa = false; for (const EXPERIMENT_FLAGS of [da.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS, da.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS]) { if (EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) { // EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.html5_disable_av1_hdr = true; // EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.html5_prefer_hbr_vp9_over_av1 = true; } } if (isFirstDa) { let mo = new MutationObserver(() => { mo.disconnect(); mo.takeRecords(); mo = null; setTimeout(() => { cid && clearInterval.call(window, cid); cid = 0; tn(); }) }); mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); } }; cid = setInterval.call(window, tn); }; const supportedFormatsConfig = () => { function typeTest(type) { if (typeof type === 'string' && type.startsWith('video/')) { if (type.includes('av01')) { if (/codecs[\x20-\x7F]+\bav01\b/.test(type)) return false; } else if (type.includes('av1')) { if (/codecs[\x20-\x7F]+\bav1\b/.test(type)) return false; } } } // return a custom MIME type checker that can defer to the original function function makeModifiedTypeChecker(origChecker, dx) { // Check if a video type is allowed return function (type) { let res = undefined; if (type === undefined) res = false; else res = typeTest(type); if (res === undefined) res = origChecker.apply(this, arguments); else res = !dx ? res : (res ? "probably" : ""); // console.debug(20, type, res) return res; }; } // Override video element canPlayType() function const proto = (HTMLVideoElement || 0).prototype; if (proto && typeof proto.canPlayType == 'function') { proto.canPlayType = makeModifiedTypeChecker(proto.canPlayType, true); } // Override media source extension isTyp###pported() function const mse = window.MediaSource; // Check for MSE support before use if (mse && typeof mse.isTyp###pported == 'function') { mse.isTyp###pported = makeModifiedTypeChecker(mse.isTyp###pported); } }; function disableAV1() { // This is the setting to disable AV1 // localStorage['yt-player-av1-pref'] = '-1'; try { Object.defineProperty(localStorage.constructor.prototype, 'yt-player-av1-pref', { get() { if (this === localStorage) return '-1'; return this.getItem('yt-player-av1-pref'); }, set(nv) { this.setItem('yt-player-av1-pref', nv); return true; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } catch (e) { // localStorage['yt-player-av1-pref'] = '-1'; } if (localStorage['yt-player-av1-pref'] !== '-1') { console.warn('Disable YouTube AV1', '"yt-player-av1-pref = -1" is not supported in your browser.'); return; } console.debug("disable-youtube-av1", "AV1 disabled by yt-player-av1-pref = -1"); } disableAV1(); // flagConfig(); supportedFormatsConfig(); })();