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Microsoft(Bing) Rewards Script

自动获得微软(Microsoft Rewards)/必应奖励(Bing Rewards)。通过设置搜索次数,🤖自动搜索获取积分。支持获得✔电脑搜索🏆、✔移动端搜索🏅、✔Microsoft Edge 奖励✌三种奖励

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Microsoft(Bing) Rewards Script
// @namespace    3hex
// @version      0.6.1
// @description  自动获得微软(Microsoft Rewards)/必应奖励(Bing Rewards)。通过设置搜索次数,🤖自动搜索获取积分。支持获得✔电脑搜索🏆、✔移动端搜索🏅、✔Microsoft Edge 奖励✌三种奖励
// @author       3hex
// @match        https://www.bing.com/*
// @match        https://cn.bing.com/*
// @icon         https://az15297.vo.msecnd.net/images/rewards/membercenter/missions/Animated-Icons/bing_icon.svg
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var currentURL = window.location.href;
var domain = new URL(currentURL).hostname;
function getMobileViewport(width, height) {
return {
width: width,
height: height,
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
mobile: true
var num = 0;
var mode = 0 // 0:PC 1:mobile
console.log("[info] successful match");
const timestamp = new Date().getTime(); // 获取当前时间戳
console.log("[info] timestamp:"+timestamp); // 输出当前时间戳
const div = document.createElement('div');
const img = document.createElement('img');
const span = document.createElement('span')
img.src = 'https://az15297.vo.msecnd.net/images/rewards/membercenter/missions/Animated-Icons/bing_icon.svg'; // 设置 img 的 src 属性
img.id = "mrs_img_auto";
div.style.position = 'fixed'; // 设置定位方式为固定定位
div.style.top = '15%'; // 设置 img 的上边缘距离屏幕顶部的距离为 0
div.style.left = '3%'; // 设置 img 的左边缘距离屏幕左侧的距离为 0
span.textContent = "0";
span.style.color = "red";
span.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
span.style.display = 'flex';
span.style.alignItems = 'center';
span.style.justifyContent = 'center';
num = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('mrs_count_num'), 10);
mode = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('mrs_count_mode'), 10);
span.textContent = ""+num;
console.log("[info] count:"+num);
num = num - 1;
const url = "https://" + domain + "/search?q="+timestamp; // 目标网页的地址
window.open(url, "_self"); // 在当前页面中打开目标网页
div.addEventListener('click', function() { // 添加点击事件监听器
const n = window.prompt('Please enter a number(Number of searches):');
num = parseInt(n, 10);
if(!isNaN(num)&&num!=0) {
span.textContent = ""+num;
console.log("[info] first count:"+num);
num = num - 1;
const url = "https://cn.bing.com/search?q="+timestamp; // 目标网页的地址
window.open(url, "_self"); // 在当前页面中打开目标网页
console.log("[info] cancel");
// 监听键盘按键事件
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey && event.key === 'l') {
if (confirm("Whether you want to stop automatic search? ")) {
console.log("[info] stop");
num = 0;
} else {
console.log("[info] continue :) ");