Fps limiter for browser games or some 2D/3D animations
This is an unsuccessful attempt to implement a userscript fps limiter, in the process of making it I've realized that this might be impossible to do properly. Maybe there is some another way to cap framerate for browsers
I have no idea how this could be used 🤷
If you have some troubles you can try and change a script working mode (check the screenshot below). There are 2 operation modes and their purpose is to replace each other when one is not working or working bad. In some cases they both might not work. If default mode 1 is doing nothing, try to switch to mode 2, but if that didn't help, this script can't really do nothing more
You might find useful the Performance monitor along with this script, and there are also some links to test how it works: Input lag measuring tool, Browser VSYNC Animation Timing Graph
The script uses icon from icons8.com
To use scripts, first you need to install a scripts manager. My advice is Tampermonkey, since I use it too
Tampermonkey installation links for a different browsers, choose yours:
Chrome / Vivaldi Opera / Yandex Browser Firefox Safari Microsoft Edge
Refresh this page and click the green Install button at the top of this page. A new tab belonging to your scripts manager will open. Confirm the script installation
Refresh the page where the script should work
More fps always leads to less input lag which is really useful in games, but a browsers by default are restricting fps to your monitor refresh rate (e.g. 60). You can remove this restriction, but your fps might be way too high after that, causing some another problems... That's why this script might be useful, but this topic is complicated, and different people might get different performance r###lts with different combinations of options, so you need to try a different approaches by yourself