Greasy Fork is available in English.
The KeepChatGPT script, while useful, is intrusive due to its exaggerated design and placement on the ChatGPT page. To alleviate this, only one CSS style is applied, reducing the interface to a tiny hoverable area.
// ==UserScript==// @name KeepChatGPT Disable Banner// @namespace @version 1.2// @description The KeepChatGPT script, while useful, is intrusive due to its exaggerated design and placement on the ChatGPT page. To alleviate this, only one CSS style is applied, reducing the interface to a tiny hoverable area.// @author Vladan Colovic// @match *://*// @run-at document-end// @grant none// @license MIT// @created 2023-06-01// @updated 2023-06-01// ==/UserScript==const selector = "nav #kcg, .sticky #kcg";/* Inject CSS in document head */(function(css) {(s = (d = document).createElement('style')).textContent = css;(d.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || d.body || d.documentElement).appendChild(s);})(`${selector} * {display: none !important;}${selector} {color: transparent !important;min-height: 0px important!;height: 5px !important;background: none !important;padding: 0 !important;margin: 0 !important;border: 0 !important;}`);