Write Markdown and HTML in the notes
// ==UserScript== // @name WaniKani Markdown Editor Notes (2023) // @namespace wanikani // @description Write Markdown and HTML in the notes // @version 2.2.0 // @require https://uicdn.toast.com/editor/latest/toastui-editor-all.min.js // @require https://unpkg.com/dexie@3/dist/dexie.js // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/430565-wanikani-item-info-injector/code/WaniKani%20Item%20Info%20Injector.user.js?version=1276693 // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=markdownguide.org // @match *://www.wanikani.com/* // @match *://preview.wanikani.com/* // @license MIT // @homepage https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/468764-wanikani-markdown-editor-notes-2023 // @source https://github.com/patarapolw/wanikani-userscript/blob/master/userscripts/markdown-notes.user.js // @supportURL https://community.wanikani.com/t/userscript-markdown-editor-notes-2023/62246 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // @ts-check /// <reference path="./types/item-info.d.ts" /> (function () { 'use strict'; const entryClazz = 'wk-markdown-notes'; // @ts-ignore const _Dexie = /** @type {typeof import('dexie').default} */ (Dexie); /** * @typedef {{ id: number; state: any; markdown: string }} EntryMarkdown */ class Database extends _Dexie { /** @type {import('dexie').Table<EntryMarkdown, number>} */ markdown; constructor() { super(entryClazz); this.version(8) .stores({ markdown: 'id,state.characters', }) .upgrade((tx) => { const toKeep = []; tx.table('markdown') .each((it) => { if (it.markdown.trim()) { toKeep.push(it.id); } }) .then(() => { return tx.table('markdown').where('id').noneOf(toKeep).delete(); }); }); } } const wkMarkdown = {}; Object.assign(window, { wkMarkdown }); const db = new Database(); wkMarkdown.db = db; /** @type {HTMLElement} */ let elEditor; /** @type {import('@toast-ui/editor').Editor} */ let editor; /** @type {WKItemInfoState} */ let state; /** @type {EntryMarkdown | undefined} */ let currentEntry; const injector = wkItemInfo .under('meaning,reading') .spoiling('nothing') .append('Markdown Notes', (o) => { save(); state = o; const onElLoaded = () => { db.markdown.get(state.id).then((entry) => { currentEntry = entry; const md = entry?.markdown; setTimeout(() => { if (!editor) return; editor.changePreviewStyle('vertical'); if (md) { editor.exec('toggle-preview'); } setTimeout(() => { editor.blur(); }); }); if (editor) { editor.setMarkdown(md || ''); } else { /** @type {import('@toast-ui/editor').EditorOptions} */ const opts = { el: elEditor, initialEditType: 'markdown', previewStyle: 'vertical', hideModeSwitch: true, linkAttributes: { target: '_blank', }, toolbarItems: [ ['heading', 'bold', 'italic', 'strike'], [ { name: 'big', tooltip: 'Big', command: 'big', text: 'BIG', className: 'toastui-editor-toolbar-icons', style: { backgroundImage: 'none', fontSize: '0.7em', fontFamily: 'sans-serif', }, }, { name: 'furigana', tooltip: 'Furigana', command: 'furigana', text: 'ふ', className: 'toastui-editor-toolbar-icons', style: { backgroundImage: 'none', fontSize: '1em', fontFamily: 'sans-serif', }, }, { name: 'subject-type', tooltip: 'Subject type', text: '漢', className: 'toastui-editor-toolbar-icons', style: { backgroundImage: 'none', fontSize: '1em', fontFamily: 'sans-serif', }, popup: { className: 'toastui-editor-popup-add-heading', body: ((el) => { el.className = 'toastui-editor-popup-body'; const ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.setAttribute('aria-role', 'menu'); el.append(ul); for (const p of ['rad', 'kan', 'voc', 'read']) { const li = document.createElement('li'); ul.append(li); li.setAttribute('aria-role', 'menuitem'); switch (p) { case 'rad': li.innerText = 'Radical'; break; case 'kan': li.innerText = 'Kanji'; break; case 'voc': li.innerText = 'Vocabulary'; break; default: li.innerText = 'Reading'; } li.title = li.innerText; li.onclick = () => { const text = editor.getSelectedText(); if (text) { editor.replaceSelection(`#${p}#${text}#/${p}#`); } }; } return el; })(document.createElement('div')), }, }, ], ['hr', 'quote'], ['ul', 'ol'], ['table', 'image', 'link'], // ['code', 'codeblock'], ['scrollSync'], [ { name: 'preview', tooltip: 'Preview', el: ((btn) => { btn.type = 'button'; btn.className = 'fa fa-eye toastui-editor-toolbar-icons toggle-preview'; btn.style.backgroundImage = 'none'; btn.style.fontSize = '1em'; btn.style.margin = '-7px -5px'; btn.onclick = () => { editor.exec('toggle-preview'); }; return btn; })(document.createElement('button')), }, { name: 'save', tooltip: 'Save/Reload', command: 'save', text: '', className: 'fa fa-save toastui-editor-toolbar-icons', style: { backgroundImage: 'none', fontSize: '1em' }, }, ], ], previewHighlight: false, customHTMLSanitizer: (s) => { return s; }, customHTMLRenderer: { htmlInline: { big(node, { entering }) { const { attrs = {} } = node; attrs.style = 'font-size: 2em'; return entering ? { type: 'openTag', tagName: 'span', attributes: attrs, } : { type: 'closeTag', tagName: 'span' }; }, small(node, { entering }) { const { attrs = {} } = node; attrs.style = 'font-size: 0.7em'; return entering ? { type: 'openTag', tagName: 'span', attributes: attrs, } : { type: 'closeTag', tagName: 'span' }; }, }, text: function (node, ctx) { /** @type {import('@toast-ui/editor/types/toastmark').HTMLToken[]} */ const out = []; /** * * @param {string} tag * @param {() => void} doInside */ const addTag = (tag, doInside) => { out.push({ type: 'openTag', tagName: tag, }); doInside(); out.push({ type: 'closeTag', tagName: tag, }); }; /** * * @param {string} rb * @param {string} rt */ const addRubyContent = (rb, rt) => { addTag('ruby', () => { out.push({ type: 'text', content: rb, }); addTag('rp', () => { out.push({ type: 'text', content: '(', }); }); addTag('rt', () => { out.push({ type: 'text', content: rt, }); }); addTag('rp', () => { out.push({ type: 'text', content: ')', }); }); }); }; /** @param {string} s */ const wkFuriganaParser = (s) => { const segments = s.split(/<(.+?)>\[(.+?)\]/g); while (segments.length) { const [raw, rb, rt] = segments.splice(0, 3); out.push({ type: 'text', content: raw, }); if (rb) { addRubyContent(rb, rt); } } }; /** @param {string} s */ const mdItFuriganaParser = (s) => { const segments = s.split(/\[(.+?)\]\{(.+?)\}/g); while (segments.length) { const [raw, rb, rt] = segments.splice(0, 3); wkFuriganaParser(raw); if (rb) { addTag('ruby', () => { let rbArr = rb.split('.'); if (rbArr.length === 1) { rbArr = rb.split(''); } const rtArr = rt.split('.'); if (rbArr.length >= rtArr.length) { rtArr.map((t, i) => { if (i < rtArr.length - 1) { addRubyContent(rbArr[i], t); } else { addRubyContent(rbArr.slice(i).join(''), t); } }); } else { addRubyContent(rb, rt); } }); } } }; /** @param {string} s */ const wkMarkParser = (s) => { const segments = s.split( /#(rad|kan|voc|read)#(.+?)#\/\1#/g, ); while (segments.length) { const [raw, p, text] = segments.splice(0, 3); mdItFuriganaParser(raw); if (text) { let className = ''; let title = ''; switch (p) { case 'rad': className = 'radical-highlight'; title = 'Radical'; break; case 'kan': className = 'kanji-highlight'; title = 'Kanji'; break; case 'voc': className = 'vocabulary-highlight'; title = 'Vocabulary'; break; default: className = 'reading-highlight'; title = 'Reading'; } out.push( { type: 'openTag', tagName: 'span', classNames: [className], attributes: { title }, }, { type: 'text', content: text, }, { type: 'closeTag', tagName: 'span', }, ); } } }; wkMarkParser(node.literal || ''); return out; }, }, autofocus: false, initialValue: md, }; // @ts-ignore editor = new toastui.Editor(opts); wkMarkdown.editor = editor; editor.addCommand('markdown', 'save', () => { save(); const md = editor.getMarkdown(); // editor.reset(); editor.setMarkdown(md, false); return true; }); editor.addCommand('markdown', 'toggle-preview', () => { if (editor.getCurrentPreviewStyle() === 'tab') { editor.changePreviewStyle('vertical'); } else { editor.changePreviewStyle('tab'); const elPreviewButton = elEditor.querySelector( '.toastui-editor-tabs > .tab-item:last-child', ); if (elPreviewButton instanceof HTMLElement) { elPreviewButton.click(); } } return false; }); editor.addCommand('markdown', 'big', () => { const text = editor.getSelectedText(); if (text) { editor.replaceSelection(`<big>${text}</big>`); return true; } return false; }); editor.addCommand('markdown', 'furigana', () => { const text = editor.getSelectedText(); if (text) { editor.replaceSelection(`[${text}]{ふり}`); return true; } return false; }); editor.on('blur', () => { save(); }); } }); }; if (!elEditor) { elEditor = document.createElement('div'); elEditor.id = 'wk-markdown-editor'; elEditor.lang = 'ja'; elEditor.onkeydown = (ev) => { ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); ev.stopPropagation(); }; } onElLoaded(); return elEditor; }); window.addEventListener('willShowNextQuestion', () => { injector.renew(); }); function save(force = true) { if (editor) { const markdown = editor.getMarkdown().trim(); if (markdown || currentEntry) force = true; if (force) { db.markdown.put({ id: state.id, state, markdown }, state.id); } if (!elEditor) { editor.destroy(); } } } const isClickedClass = 'is-clicked'; (function add_css() { const style = document.createElement('style'); const K = '.toastui-editor-defaultUI'; style.append( document.createTextNode(/* css */ ` @import url("https://uicdn.toast.com/editor/latest/toastui-editor.min.css"); ${K} { /* Font list from Jisho.org */ --md-font-family-sans-serif: "Source Han Sans", "源ノ角ゴシック", "Hiragino Sans", "HiraKakuProN-W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", "ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3", "Noto Sans", "Noto Sans CJK JP", "メイリオ", Meiryo, "游ゴシック", YuGothic, "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", sans-serif; --md-font-family-serif: "HiraMinProN-W3", "Hiragino Mincho ProN W3", "Hiragino Mincho ProN", "ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W3", "游明朝", YuMincho, "HG明朝E", "MS P明朝", "MS PMincho", "MS 明朝", "MS Mincho", serif; --md-font-family: var(--md-font-family-sans-serif); background-color: #fff; } ${K} .ProseMirror { font-family: var(--md-font-family); } ${K} .toastui-editor-md-preview * { font-family: var(--md-font-family); } ${K} .serif { font-family: var(--md-font-family-serif); } ${K} .sans, ${K} .sans-serif { font-family: var(--md-font-family-sans-serif); } ${K} .toastui-editor-md-tab-container { display: none !important; } ${K} .toastui-editor-toolbar-icons.${isClickedClass} { background-color: gray; } `), ); document.head.append(style); })(); })();