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YouTube: Floating Chat Window on Fullscreen

To make a floating chat window on fullscreen

// ==UserScript==
// @name                YouTube: Floating Chat Window on Fullscreen
// @namespace           UserScript
// @version             0.5.5
// @license             MIT License
// @author              CY Fung
// @match               https://www.youtube.com/*
// @exclude             /^https?://\S+\.(txt|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|xml|svg|manifest|log|ini)[^\/]*$/
// @require             https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cyfung1031/userscript-supports@5d83d154956057bdde19e24f95b332cb9a78fcda/library/default-trusted-type-policy.js
// @require             https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/cyfung1031/userscript-supports@8fac46500c5a916e6ed21149f6c25f8d1c56a6a3/library/ytZara.js
// @run-at              document-start
// @grant               none
// @unwrap
// @allFrames           true
// @inject-into         page
// @description         To make a floating chat window on fullscreen
// @description:ja      フルスクリーンで浮動チャットウィンドウを表示する
// @description:zh-TW   在全螢幕上顯示浮動聊天視窗
// @description:zh-CN   在全屏上显示浮动聊天窗口
// ==/UserScript==
((__CONTEXT__) => {
let activeStyle = false;
let _lastStyleText = null;
let tvc = 0;
const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0);
let c27 = 0;
let mouseDownActiveElement = null;
/** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */
const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor; // YouTube hacks Promise in WaterFox Classic and "Promise.resolve(0)" nevers resolve.
const HTMLElement_ = HTMLElement;
*  @param {Element} elm
* @param {string} selector
* @returns {Element | null}
*  */
const qsOne = (elm, selector) => {
return HTMLElement_.prototype.querySelector.call(elm, selector);
*  @param {Element} elm
* @param {string} selector
* @returns {NodeListOf<Element>}
*  */
const qsAll = (elm, selector) => {
return HTMLElement_.prototype.querySelectorAll.call(elm, selector);
const win = typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : (this instanceof Window ? this : window);
const hkey_script = 'vdnvorrwsksy';
if (win[hkey_script]) throw new Error('Duplicated Userscript Calling'); // avoid duplicated scripting
win[hkey_script] = true;
document.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
if (!document.fullscreenElement) return;
let byPass = false;
if (Date.now() - c27 < 40) {
byPass = true;
} else {
if (evt.target && evt.target.id === 'chat' && evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'ytd-live-chat-frame') byPass = false;
else if (evt.target && evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'iframe') byPass = false;
if (byPass) {
c27 = Date.now();
c27 = 0;
}, { capture: true, passive: false });
document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
if (!document.fullscreenElement) return;
let byPass = false;
const activeElement = document.activeElement || 0;
mouseDownActiveElement = null;
if (activeElement.nodeName === 'IFRAME') {
if (activeElement.matches('[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) iframe')) {
byPass = true;
mouseDownActiveElement = activeElement;
if (evt.target && evt.target.id === 'chat' && evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'ytd-live-chat-frame') byPass = false;
else if (evt.target && evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'iframe') byPass = false;
if (byPass) {
c27 = Date.now();
} else {
mouseDownActiveElement = null;
c27 = 0;
}, { capture: true, passive: false });
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function (evt) {
if (!document.fullscreenElement) return;
let mde = mouseDownActiveElement;
mouseDownActiveElement = null;
if (!mde) return;
let byPass = false;
const activeElement = mde || 0;
if (activeElement.nodeName === 'IFRAME') {
if (activeElement.matches('[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) iframe')) {
byPass = true;
// if(Date.now()-c27 < 40 ) byPass = true;
c27 = 0;
if (evt.target && evt.target.id === 'chat' && evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'ytd-live-chat-frame') byPass = false;
else if (evt.target && evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'iframe') byPass = false;
if (byPass) {
c27 = Date.now();
}, { capture: true, passive: false });
const svgDefs = () => `
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="//www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="//www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="display:none;">
<filter id="stroke-text-svg-filter-03">
<feColorMatrix type="matrix" in="SourceGraphic" values="0 0 0 0 1   0 0 0 0 1   0 0 0 0 1   0 0 0 1 0" r###lt="white-text"/>
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<feFlood flood-color="transparent" flood-opacity="1" r###lt="PINK" id="floodColor-03"></feFlood>
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<feMorphology operator="dilate" radius="2"></feMorphology>
<feComposite operator="xor" in="SourceGraphic"/>
const createStyleTextForTopWin = () => `
[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) {
position:fixed !important;
top: var(--f3-top, 5px) !important;
left: var(--f3-left, calc(60vw + 100px)) !important;
height: var(--f3-h, 60vh) !important;
width: var(--f3-w, 320px) !important;
display:flex !important;
flex-direction: column !important;
padding: 4px;
cursor: all-scroll;
box-sizing: border-box !important;
margin:0 !important;
opacity: var(--floating-window-opacity, 1.0) !important;
background: transparent;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
transition: background-color 300ms;
[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]):hover {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
.no-floating[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) {
top: -300vh !important;
left: -300vh !important;
[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) #show-hide-button[class]{
flex-grow: 0;
cursor: all-scroll;
[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) #show-hide-button[class] *[class]{
cursor: inherit;
[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) iframe[class]{
flex-grow: 100;
height: 0;
--fc7-handle-color: #0cb8da;
--fc7-handle-color: #0c74e4;
:fullscreen .resize-handle {
position: absolute !important;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
background: transparent;
right: 0;
z-index: 999 !important;
border-radius: inherit !important;
box-sizing: border-box !important;
pointer-events:none !important;
visibility: collapse;
border: 4px solid transparent;
border-color: transparent;
transition: border-color 300ms;
[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]):hover .resize-handle {
visibility: visible;
border-color: var(--fc7-handle-color);
[moving] {
cursor: all-scroll;
[moving] body {
[moving] ytd-live-chat-frame#chat{
[moving] ytd-live-chat-frame#chat iframe {
[moving="move"]  ytd-live-chat-frame#chat {
background-color: var(--yt-spec-general-background-a);
[moving="move"] ytd-live-chat-frame#chat iframe {
visibility: collapse;
[moving] * {
pointer-events:var(--pointer-events) !important;
[moving] *, [moving] [class] {
user-select: none !important;
:fullscreen tyt-iframe-popup-btn {
display: none !important;
[moving] tyt-iframe-popup-btn {
display: none !important;
[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) #show-hide-button.ytd-live-chat-frame>ytd-toggle-button-renderer.ytd-live-chat-frame {
background: transparent;
:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) {
--chat-show-button-display: block;
--chat-show-text-display: none;
--chat-show-btn-text: 'ϞϞϞϞϞϞϞϞϞϞϞ';
:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) [is-show-button] [role="text"] {
display: var(--chat-show-text-display);
:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) [is-show-button] button::before {
content: var(--chat-show-btn-text);
:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed]) [is-show-button][hidden] {
display: var(--chat-show-button-display) !important;
const createStyleTextForIframe = () => `
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-docked-message#docked-messages.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
transition: margin-top 180ms;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-banner-manager#live-chat-banner.style-scope.yt-live-chat-item-list-renderer {
transition: margin-top 180ms;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe #action-panel.style-scope.yt-live-chat-renderer {
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-header-renderer.style-scope.yt-live-chat-renderer {
position: relative;
z-index: 8;
background: rgb(0,0,0);
visibility: var(--fc7-panel-visibility);
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe #chat-messages.style-scope.yt-live-chat-renderer.iron-selected > #contents.style-scope.yt-live-chat-renderer {
position: fixed;
z-index: 4;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe #right-arrow-container.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer,
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe #left-arrow-container.yt-live-chat-ticker-renderer
background: transparent;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-renderer.yt-live-chat-app {
--yt-live-chat-background-color: transparent;
--yt-live-chat-action-panel-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
--yt-live-chat-header-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18);
--yt-spec-static-overlay-background-medium: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
--yt-live-chat-banner-gradient-scrim: transparent;
--fc7-top-banner-mt: 0px;
--fc7-banner-opacity: 0.86;
--fc7-system-message-opacity: 0.66;
--fc7-system-message-opacity2: 0.66;
--fc7-panel-display: none;
--fc7-panel-visibility: collapse;
--fc7-panel-position: absolute;
--fc7-top-banner-mt: 56px;
--fc7-banner-opacity: 1.0;
--fc7-system-message-opacity: 1.0;
--fc7-system-message-opacity2: 1.00;
--fc7-panel-display: invalid;
--fc7-panel-visibility: invalid;
--fc7-panel-position: absolute;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-app:hover {
--fc7-top-banner-mt: 56px;
--fc7-banner-opacity: 1.0;
--fc7-system-message-opacity: 1.0;
--fc7-system-message-opacity2: 1.00;
--fc7-panel-display: invalid;
--fc7-panel-visibility: invalid;
--fc7-panel-position: absolute;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-renderer.yt-live-chat-app #visible-banners > yt-live-chat-banner-renderer {
opacity: var(--fc7-banner-opacity) !important;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-renderer.yt-live-chat-app yt-live-chat-viewer-engagement-message-renderer {
opacity: var(--fc7-system-message-opacity) !important;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-app yt-live-chat-renderer.yt-live-chat-app yt-live-chat-message-input-renderer {
visibility: var(--fc7-panel-visibility);
position: var(--fc7-panel-position);
transform: translateY(-100%);
left: 0;
right: 0;
opacity: 1;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.86);
/* hide message with input panel hidden */
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-app > tp-yt-iron-dropdown.yt-live-chat-app yt-tooltip-renderer[slot="dropdown-content"][position-type="OPEN_POPUP_POSITION_TOP"].yt-live-chat-app {
visibility: var(--fc7-panel-visibility);
[dark].youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-app ::-webkit-scrollbar-track,
[dark].youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-kevlar-container ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color: var(--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-color);
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-app ::-webkit-scrollbar-track,
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-kevlar-container ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background-color: #fcfcfc;
[dark].youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-app ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb,
[dark].youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-kevlar-container ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{
background-color: var(--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-color);
border: 2px solid var(--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-color);
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-renderer[has-action-panel-renderer] #action-panel.yt-live-chat-renderer {
--yt-live-chat-action-panel-gradient-scrim: transparent;
.youtube-floating-chat-iframe yt-live-chat-renderer[has-action-panel-renderer] #action-panel.yt-live-chat-renderer yt-live-chat-action-panel-renderer {
opacity: var(--fc7-system-message-opacity2) !important;
const { isIframe, isTopFrame } = (() => {
let isIframe = false, isTopFrame = false;
try {
isIframe = window.document !== top.document
} catch (e) { }
try {
isTopFrame = window.document === top.document
} catch (e) { }
return { isIframe, isTopFrame };
if (isIframe ^ isTopFrame) { } else return;
const addCSS = (createStyleText) => {
let text = createStyleText();
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.id = 'rvZ0t';
style.textContent = text;
const cleanContext = async (win) => {
const waitFn = requestAnimationFrame; // shall have been binded to window
try {
let mx = 16; // MAX TRIAL
const frameId = 'vanillajs-iframe-v1'
let frame = document.getElementById(frameId);
let removeIframeFn = null;
if (!frame) {
frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.id = 'vanillajs-iframe-v1';
frame.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin'; // script cannot be run inside iframe but API can be obtained from iframe
let n = document.createElement('noscript'); // wrap into NOSCRPIT to avoid reflow (layouting)
while (!document.documentElement && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn); // requestAnimationFrame here could get modified by YouTube engine
const root = document.documentElement;
root.appendChild(n); // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL
removeIframeFn = (setTimeout) => {
const removeIframeOnDocumentReady = (e) => {
e && win.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false);
win = null;
setTimeout(() => {
n = null;
}, 200);
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
win.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false);
while (!frame.contentWindow && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn);
const fc = frame.contentWindow;
if (!fc) throw "window is not found."; // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL
const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout } = fc;
const res = { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout };
for (let k in res) res[k] = res[k].bind(win); // necessary
if (removeIframeFn) Promise.resolve(res.setTimeout).then(removeIframeFn);
return res;
} catch (e) {
return null;
isTopFrame && cleanContext(win).then(__CONTEXT__ => {
if (!__CONTEXT__) return null;
const { requestAnimationFrame } = __CONTEXT__;
let chatWindowWR = null;
let showHideButtonWR = null;
let showButtonWR = null;
/* globals WeakRef:false */
/** @type {(o: Object | null) => WeakRef | null} */
const mWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' ? (o => o ? new WeakRef(o) : null) : (o => o || null); // typeof InvalidVar == 'undefined'
/** @type {(wr: Object | null) => Object | null} */
const kRef = (wr => (wr && wr.deref) ? wr.deref() : wr);
let rafPromise = null;
const getRafPromise = () => rafPromise || (rafPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
requestAnimationFrame(hRes => {
rafPromise = null;
let startX;
let startY;
let startWidth;
let startHeight;
let edge = 0;
let initialLeft;
let initialTop;
let stopResize;
let stopMove;
function filteroutHidden(el) {
if (!el) return el;
if (el.closest('[hidden]')) return null;
return el;
const getXY = (e) => {
let rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
let x = e.clientX - rect.left; //x position within the element.
let y = e.clientY - rect.top;  //y position within the element.
return { x, y };
let beforeEvent = null;
function resizeWindow(e) {
const chatWindow = kRef(chatWindowWR);
if (chatWindow) {
const mEdge = edge;
if (mEdge == 4 || mEdge == 1) {
} else if (mEdge == 8 || mEdge == 16) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(chatWindow).then(chatWindow => {
let rect;
if (mEdge == 4 || mEdge == 1 || mEdge == 16) {
let newWidth = startWidth + (startX - e.pageX);
let newLeft = initialLeft + startWidth - newWidth;
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-w', newWidth + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-left', newLeft + "px");
let newHeight = startHeight + (startY - e.pageY);
let newTop = initialTop + startHeight - newHeight;
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-h', newHeight + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-top', newTop + "px");
rect = {
x: newLeft,
y: newTop,
w: newWidth,
h: newHeight,
} else if (mEdge == 8) {
let newWidth = startWidth + e.pageX - startX;
let newHeight = startHeight + e.pageY - startY;
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-w', newWidth + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-h', newHeight + "px");
rect = {
x: initialLeft,
y: initialTop,
w: newWidth,
h: newHeight,
updateOpacity(chatWindow, rect, screen);
let isMoved = false;
function moveWindow(e) {
const chatWindow = kRef(chatWindowWR);
if (!chatWindow) return;
Promise.resolve(chatWindow).then(chatWindow => {
let newX = initialLeft + e.pageX - startX;
let newY = initialTop + e.pageY - startY;
if (Math.abs(e.pageX - startX) > 10 || Math.abs(e.pageY - startY) > 10) isMoved = true;
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-left', newX + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-top', newY + "px");
updateOpacity(chatWindow, {
x: newX,
y: newY,
w: startWidth,
h: startHeight,
}, screen);
function initializeResize(e) {
if (!document.fullscreenElement) return;
if (!document.querySelector('[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed])')) return;
if (e.target.id !== 'chat') return;
const { x, y } = getXY(e);
edge = 0;
if (x < 16 && y < 16) { edge = 16; }
else if (x < 16) edge = 4;
else if (y < 16) edge = 1;
else edge = 8;
if (edge <= 0) return;
startX = e.pageX;
startY = e.pageY;
const chatWindow = kRef(chatWindowWR);
if (chatWindow) {
Promise.resolve(chatWindow).then(chatWindow => {
const rect = chatWindow.getBoundingClientRect();
initialLeft = rect.x;
initialTop = rect.y;
startWidth = rect.width;
startHeight = rect.height;
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-left', initialLeft + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-top', initialTop + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-w', startWidth + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-h', startHeight + "px");
document.documentElement.setAttribute('moving', 'resize');
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", resizeWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopResize, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopMove, false);
isMoved = false;
document.documentElement.addEventListener("mousemove", resizeWindow);
document.documentElement.addEventListener("mouseup", stopResize);
let updateOpacityRid = 0;
function updateOpacity(chatWindow, rect, screen) {
const tid = ++updateOpacityRid;
getRafPromise().then(() => {
if (tid !== updateOpacityRid) return;
const { x, y, w, h } = rect;
const [left, top, right, bottom] = [x, y, x + w, y + h];
const opacityW = (Math.min(right, screen.width) - Math.max(0, left)) / w;
const opacityH = (Math.min(bottom, screen.height) - Math.max(0, top)) / h;
const opacity = Math.min(opacityW, opacityH);
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--floating-window-opacity', Math.round(opacity * 100 * 5, 0) / 5 / 100);
function initializeMove(e) {
if (!document.fullscreenElement) return;
if (!document.querySelector('[floating-chat-window]:fullscreen ytd-live-chat-frame#chat:not([collapsed])')) return;
const chatWindow = kRef(chatWindowWR);
startX = e.pageX;
startY = e.pageY;
if (chatWindow) {
Promise.resolve(chatWindow).then(chatWindow => {
let rect = chatWindow.getBoundingClientRect();
initialLeft = rect.x;
initialTop = rect.y;
startWidth = rect.width;
startHeight = rect.height;
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-left', initialLeft + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-top', initialTop + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-w', startWidth + "px");
chatWindow.style.setProperty('--f3-h', startHeight + "px");
document.documentElement.setAttribute('moving', 'move');
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", resizeWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopResize, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopMove, false);
isMoved = false;
document.documentElement.addEventListener("mousemove", moveWindow, false);
document.documentElement.addEventListener("mouseup", stopMove, false);
beforeEvent = e;
function checkClick(beforeEvent, currentEvent) {
const d = currentEvent.timeStamp - beforeEvent.timeStamp;
if (d < 300 && d > 30 && !isMoved) {
stopResize = (e) => {
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", resizeWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopResize, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopMove, false);
stopMove = (e) => {
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", resizeWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopResize, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopMove, false);
beforeEvent && checkClick(beforeEvent, e);
beforeEvent = null;
function reset() {
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", resizeWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveWindow, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopResize, false);
document.documentElement.removeEventListener("mouseup", stopMove, false);
startX = 0;
startY = 0;
startWidth = 0;
startHeight = 0;
edge = 0;
initialLeft = 0;
initialTop = 0;
beforeEvent = null;
function iframeFullscreenChanged() {
const iframeDoc = this;
_lastStyleText = null;
if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
activeStyle = false;
} else {
activeStyle = true;
let iframeFullscreenChangedBinded = null;
function onMessage(evt) {
if (evt.data !== hkey_script) return;
const iframeWin = evt.source;
if (!iframeWin) return;
const iframeDoc = iframeWin.document;
const intervalCheckFn = () => {
if (!activeStyle) return;
let xpathExpression = "//style[text()[contains(., 'userscript-control[floating-chat-iframe]')]]";
// Evaluating the XPath expression and getting string value directly
let r###lt = iframeDoc.evaluate(xpathExpression, iframeDoc, null, XPathR###lt.STRING_TYPE, null);
let newText = r###lt && r###lt.stringValue ? r###lt.stringValue : null;
if (newText !== _lastStyleText) {
_lastStyleText = newText;
// console.log(123)
let tid = ++tvc;
getRafPromise().then(() => {
if (tid !== tvc) return;
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let moInt = 0;
const mutationObserverFn = () => {
if (moInt > 1e9) moInt = 9;
const t = ++moInt;
getRafPromise().then(() => {
if (t !== moInt) return;
const chatWindow = chatWindowWR ? kRef(chatWindowWR) : null;
if (!(chatWindow instanceof Element)) return;
if (chatWindow.hasAttribute('collapsed')) return;
const chatWindowCnt = insp(chatWindow);
if (!chatWindowCnt) return;
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if (!btn) return;
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const liveChatRenderer = ((chatWindowCnt || 0).data || 0).liveChatRenderer || 0;
if (liveChatRenderer && liveChatRenderer.showButton && !liveChatRenderer.showHideButton) {
btn.setAttribute('is-show-button', '')
} else {
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationObserverFn);
function setChat(chat) {
if (!(chat instanceof Element)) return;
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if (resizeHandle) return;
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let cw = (() => {
try {
const { head, body } = chatDollar.chatframe.contentWindow.document;
return { head, body }
} catch (e) { return null; }
if (!cw) return;
window.removeEventListener('message', onMessage, false);
window.addEventListener('message', onMessage, false);
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let showHideButton;
let showButton;
chatWindow = kRef(chatWindowWR);
showHideButton = kRef(showHideButtonWR);
showButton = kRef(showButtonWR);
if (chatWindow) chatWindow.removeEventListener("mousedown", initializeResize, false);
if (showHideButton) showHideButton.removeEventListener("mousedown", initializeMove, false);
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if (chat) {
mutationObserver.observe(chat, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['collapsed', 'hidden'] });
chatWindow = chat;
showHideButton = (qsOne(chat, '#show-hide-button'));
showButton = (qsOne(chat, '#show-button'));
chatWindowWR = mWeakRef(chat)
showHideButtonWR = mWeakRef(showHideButton);
showButtonWR = mWeakRef(showButton);
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function noChat(chat) {
if (!(chat instanceof Element)) return;
let chatWindow;
let showHideButton;
let showButton;
chatWindow = kRef(chatWindowWR);
showHideButton = kRef(showHideButtonWR);
showButton = kRef(showButtonWR);
if (chatWindow) chatWindow.removeEventListener("mousedown", initializeResize, false);
if (showHideButton) showHideButton.removeEventListener("mousedown", initializeMove, false);
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let resizeHandle = qsOne(chat, '.resize-handle')
if (resizeHandle) {
chat.removeEventListener("mousedown", initializeResize, false);
showHideButton = (qsOne(chat, '#show-hide-button'));
showButton = (qsOne(chat, '#show-button'));
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proto.attached = ((attached) => (function () { Promise.resolve(this.hostElement || this).then(setChat).catch(console.warn); return attached.apply(this, arguments) }))(proto.attached);
proto.detached = ((detached) => (function () { Promise.resolve(this.hostElement || this).then(noChat).catch(console.warn); return detached.apply(this, arguments) }))(proto.detached);
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if (chat) Promise.resolve(chat).then(setChat).catch(console.warn);
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