// ==UserScript== // @name Steam、Epic历史价格查询 // @name:zh-TW Steam、Epic歷史價格查詢 // @name:en Steam and Epic Historical Price Lookup // @name:ja Steam and Epic Historical Price Lookup // @name:ko Steam and Epic Historical Price Lookup // @name:ru Steam and Epic Historical Price Lookup // @description 跳转到SteamDB、EpicGamesDB,兼容via和x浏览器 // @description:zh-TW 跳轉到 SteamDB、EpicGamesDB,兼容via和x瀏覽器 // @description:en Navigate to SteamDB, EpicGamesDB, compatible with Via and X browsers // @description:ja Navigate to SteamDB, EpicGamesDB, compatible with Via and X browsers // @description:ko Navigate to SteamDB, EpicGamesDB, compatible with Via and X browsers // @description:ru Navigate to SteamDB, EpicGamesDB, compatible with Via and X browsers // @author shopkeeperV // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/users/150069 // @version 1.1.4 // @run-at document-end // @match https://store.steampowered.com/* // @match https://store.epicgames.com/* // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; let host = location.host; let path = location.pathname; let db_url; if (/steampowered/.test(host)) { let page_type; let title_eles; let page_id = path.match(/\/([0-9]*?)\//i)[1]; if (/app/.test(path)) { title_eles = document.getElementsByClassName("apphub_AppName"); let wrappers = document.getElementsByClassName("game_area_purchase_game_wrapper"); page_type = "app"; //@run-at声明在各浏览器中表现不一致,所以为了兼容麻烦得要死 let wait = function () { if (title_eles.length > 0 && wrappers.length > 0) { for (let wrapper of wrappers) { let item_type; let item_id; let form = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("form")[0]; let inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (let input of inputs) { if (/subid|bundleid/.test(input.name)) { if (/subid/.test(input.name)) { item_type = "sub"; } else if (/bundleid/.test(input.name)) { item_type = "bundle"; } item_id = input.value; break; } } db_url = "https://steamdb.info/" + item_type + "/" + item_id + "/#pricehistory"; wrapper.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].appendChild(createASpan(db_url)); } set(); } else { setTimeout(wait, 500); } } wait(); } else { title_eles = document.getElementsByClassName("pageheader"); if (/sub/.test(path)) { page_type = "sub"; } else if (/bundle/.test(path)) { page_type = "bundle"; } else return; let wait = function () { if (title_eles.length > 0) { set(); } else { setTimeout(wait, 500); } } wait(); } function set() { for (let title_ele of title_eles) { db_url = "https://steamdb.info/" + page_type + "/" + page_id + "/#pricehistory"; title_ele.appendChild(createASpan(db_url)); } } } if (/epicgames/.test(host)) { //跳过年龄验证 document.cookie = `HasAcceptedAgeGates=Generic%3A18;path=/`; let loop_times = 0; handler(); //onurlchange兼容性不佳 const originalPushState = history.pushState; const originalReplaceState = history.replaceState; //popstate事件监听不到,可以拦截相应方法达到同样的效果 history.pushState = function (state) { originalPushState.apply(history, arguments); console.log("Epic历史价格查询:监听到地址变化。pushState()调用。"); handler(); }; //此方法只是备用,epic并不是用这个 history.replaceState = function (state) { originalReplaceState.apply(history, arguments); console.log("Epic历史价格查询:监听到地址变化,replaceState()调用。"); handler(); }; function handler() { if (loop_times >= 60) { loop_times = 0; console.log("Epic历史价格查询:取消循环。"); return; } if (/\/p\//.test(location.pathname)) { console.log("Epic历史价格查询:正在获取页面id..."); let ele1 = document.getElementById("_schemaOrgMarkup-Product"); let ele2 = document.getElementById("btn_age_continue"); if (ele1 && !ele2 && !ele1.getAttribute("price_db")) { ele1.setAttribute("price_db", "price_db"); loop_times = 0; console.log("Epic历史价格查询:已添加查询按钮。"); let content = ele1.textContent; let id = content.match(/"sku":"([^"]*):([^"]*)"/)[2]; db_url = "https://epicgamesdb.info/p/" + id + "/" + location.pathname.split("/").pop(); document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].appendChild(createASpan(db_url)); } else { loop_times++; setTimeout(handler, 500); } } } } function createASpan(url) { let span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute("class", "history_price"); span.textContent = "查价"; span.style.cssText = "display:inline-block;margin-left:10px;color:yellow;cursor:pointer;"; span.onclick = (e) => { window.open(url); }; return span; } })();