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Bing Copilot Image auto-downloader

Automatic image downloader for Bing Copilot Image Creator.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bing Copilot Image auto-downloader
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.25
// @license      MIT
// @description  Automatic image downloader for Bing Copilot Image Creator.
// @match        https://www.bing.com/images/create*
// @grant        GM_download
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_listValues
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @require      http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
// I just pasted this together from things found scattered around the internet.  Starting with: https://github.com/Emperorlou/MidJourneyTools
// To enable periodic downloading of newly-created images, go to a 'recent creations' page and just leave the tab open, where it will
// periodically refresh the list of recent creations and download anything it hasn't seen before.
// Use a link like: `https://www.bing.com/images/create/-/1234`
// This implementation is designed to be left unattended - periodically reloading itself.  It may be slightly annoying if you try to use
// the page while the plugin is enabled; and it may try to stop you clicking links if it's in the middle of downloading a new set of files.
var $ = window.jQuery;
(function() {
'use strict';
const filenamePrefix = "bing/";
const downloadables = "img[src$='&pid=ImgGn']";
const referrerPath = "/images/create/";
const authReloadLanding = "https://www.bing.com/images/create/";
const reauthPrefix = "https://www.bing.com/fd/auth/signin" +
"?action=interactive&provider=windows_live_id" +
"&cobrandid=03f1ec5e-1843-43e5-a2f6-e60ab27f6b91" +
const downloadInterval = 300;
const recordExpiryTime = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const downloadTimeout = 60 * 1000;
const tagPrefix = "CopilotImageDownloader";
const rootTagId = /^[a-z]+$/;
var pollRate = 45 * 1000;
var activeDownloads = 0;
var loadErrors = 0;
var lastReload = 0;
var lastReauth = Date.now();
var sourceContentHref = null;
var sourceContentTag = null;
var reloadTargetElement = null;
var statusTimeoutID = null;
var statusBufferID = null;
var reloadTimerID = null;
var reauthWindowID = null;
function jitter(x) {
return (Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.8) * x;
$(document).ready(() => {
// If this is just the auth page we fell through to, then do nothing.
if (location.href == authReloadLanding) return;
var params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
if (params.get('autosavetimer')) {
pollRate = params.get('autosavetimer') * 1000;
sourceContentHref = location.href;
reloadTargetElement = findRootElement(document);
console.log("reloadTargetElement:", reloadTargetElement);
if (reloadTargetElement) {
sourceContentTag = " #" + reloadTargetElement.id;
reloadTargetElement = reloadTargetElement.parentElement;
} else {
setTimeout(3000, function() { location.reload(); });
statusBufferID = document.createElement("dialog");
statusBufferID.setAttribute("id", "logmessage");
statusBufferID.setAttribute("style", "z-index: 100;");
logger("Automatic image downloader is active.");
setTimeout(retryMissedDownloads, downloadTimeout);
lastReload = Date.now();
reloadTimerID = setTimeout(reload, jitter(5000));
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(event) {
if (reloadTimerID) {
reloadTimerID = null;
if (activeDownloads > 0) {
event.renertValue = "";
return "Downloads are still in progress; wait a second...";
GM_registerMenuCommand("Recheck missed downloads", function() {
const count = retryMissedDownloads();
if (count > 0) {
logger("rescheduled " + count + " downloads");
} else {
logger("nothing to do");
function getKnownImages() {
var r###lt = [];
for (const key of GM_listValues()) {
if (key.startsWith(tagPrefix + "_info_")) {
const value = GM_getValue(key);
var img = new Image(value);
if (img) {
} else {
console.log("problem with GM_getValue:", key, value);
return r###lt;
GM_registerMenuCommand("Clean up expired records", function() {
const images = getKnownImages();
var expired = [];
for (const img of images) {
if (Date.now() - img.stamp > recordExpiryTime) {
if (expired.length > 0) {
logger("Found " + expired.length + " old files");
} else {
logger("nothing to do");
GM_registerMenuCommand("Download all records", function() {
// You could just copy-paste this out of the Tampermonkey storage tab.
const images = getKnownImages();
if (images.length > 0) {
} else {
logger("nothing to do");
function retryMissedDownloads() {
const images = getKnownImages();
var retries = [];
for (const img of images) {
if (img.isReady) retries.push(img);
scheduleDownloads(retries, 100);
return retries.length;
function reload() {
reloadTimerID = null;
if (activeDownloads > 0) {
logger("There are " + activeDownloads + " already outstanding.");
const target = $(reloadTargetElement);
var r###lt = target.load(sourceContentHref + sourceContentTag, function(response, status, xhr) {
var delay = 100;
if ( status == "success" ) {
var imagelist = target.find(downloadables).get();
{ /* de-dup */
let imageset = new Map();
for (let img of imagelist) {
img = new Image(img);
imageset.set(img.id, img);
imagelist = Array.from(imageset.values());
if (imagelist.length < 10) {
console.log("Scan buffer doesn't have many images.  Is something wrong?");
if (loadErrors == 0) {
console.log("all images:", $(target.find("img").get().reverse()));
} else {
loadErrors = 0;
delay += scheduleDownloads(imagelist, delay);
if (activeDownloads == 0) {
} else {
console.log("problem loading content:", response, status, xhr);
if (loadErrors > 0) {
logger("previous failures: " + loadErrors);
logger("problem doing rescan: " + status + ": " + response);
logger("xhr: " + xhr);
if (loadErrors > 3) {
loadErrors = 1;
if (reloadTimerID) clearTimeout(reloadTimerID);
reloadTimerID = setTimeout(reload, jitter(pollRate) + delay);
if (r###lt.length < 1) {
console.log("Weird error calling load?");
reloadTimerID = setTimeout(reload, jitter(pollRate));
lastReload = Date.now();
function closeauthwindow() {
if (reauthWindowID) {
console.log("closing old re-auth window");
reauthWindowID = null;
return true;
function reauthenticate() {
if (reauthWindowID && Date.now() - lastReauth < 600000) {
console.log("too soon to try reauthenticating");
} else {
// TODO: determine this link automatically
var reauthLink = reauthPrefix +
"&return_url=" + encodeURIComponent(authReloadLanding);
// really want the return_url to be something that lets us close the window, but I don't know how to do that.
console.log("Loading re-authentication link:", reauthLink);
reauthWindowID = GM_openInTab(reauthLink, { insert: true });
if (reauthWindowID) {
lastReauth = Date.now();
} else {
console.log("reauth failed");
function scheduleDownloads(images, initialDelay) {
var delay = initialDelay;
for (const img of images) {
if (img.scheduleDownload(delay)) {
delay += jitter(downloadInterval);
return delay - initialDelay;
function updateSource(images) {
var refs = [];
for (const img of images) {
if (img.ref) refs.push(img.ref);
if (refs.length > 40) {
// Pick another base URL from which to scan for updates,
// in case the initial one eventually expires.
// Taking the middle of a sorted list minimises the risk
// of accidentally picking up an outlier that doesn't fit
// the pattern.
var middleref = refs[Math.floor(refs.length / 2)];
middleref = middleref;
if (middleref != sourceContentHref) {
sourceContentHref = middleref;
//console.log("new source URL is:", sourceContentHref);
function findRootElement(start) {
const images = $(start).find(downloadables);
const limit = Math.max(Math.floor(images.length * 2 / 3), 5);
var pop = new Map;
for (let elem of images) {
while (elem) {
const count = $(elem).find(downloadables).length;
if (count >= limit) {
if (!elem.id) {
console.log("element has no id:", elem);
// Or faff around with some kind of getPath() method
} else {
pop.set(elem, (pop.get(elem) ?? 0) + 1);
elem = elem.parentElement;
let best = 0;
let root = null;
for (const [elem, count] of pop) {
if (best < count) {
root = elem;
best = count;
console.log("root found:", root);
if (root == null) return root;
// Walk up the tree until we find an id that looks plausible.
while (root && !(root.id && root.id.match(rootTagId))) {
console.log("element id looks sus:", root.id);
root = root.parentElement;
console.log("switched to:", root);
// if (root == null) {
//     console.log("can't find suitable element");
//     root = document.createElement("div");
//     root.setAttribute("id", "girrc"); // It used to be called this?
//     root.setAttribute("hidden", "");
//     document.body.append(root);
// }
return root;
function saveImageLog(images) {
const json = JSON.stringify(images, function(k, v) {
if (k == 'stamp') return new Date(v).toJSON();
return v;
}, 2);
const blob = encodeURIComponent(json);
const data = "data:application/json;charset=UTF-8," + blob;
url: data,
name: "image_downloads.txt",
saveAs: true,
conflictAction: "uniquify",
onload: function() {
console.log("saved images");
onerror: function(e) {
console.log("error saving log:", e);
ontimeout: function(e) {
console.log("timeout saving log:", e);
function logger(text) {
if (statusTimeoutID) {
statusBufferID.innerHTML = "";
statusTimeoutID = null;
if (text) {
statusBufferID.innerHTML += "<p>" + text + "</p>";
} else {
statusTimeoutID = setTimeout(function() {
statusBufferID.innerHTML = "";
statusTimeoutID = null;
}, 1000);
class Image {
#element = null;
constructor(img) {
this.stamp = Date.now();
this.done = false;
if (img instanceof Element) {
this.url = get_download_url(img);
this.id = get_img_id(this.url);
this.ref = get_href(img);
this.alt = img.getAttribute("alt", null);
this.#element = img;
} else {
Object.assign(this, img);
if (!(this.id && this.url && this.ref)) {
return undefined;
if (!this.isSaved) {
// TODO: race condition where successful download might be forgotten.
get element() {
return this.#element;
get filename() {
const src_filename = this.id;
const pageid = get_page_id(this.ref) || "page";
const desc = get_page_prompt(this.ref) || this.alt || "image";
return filenamePrefix + this.id + "_" + pageid + "_" + desc + ".jpg";
scheduleDownload(delay) {
if (!this.setBusy()) return false;
logger("downloading: " + this.filename);
setTimeout(function() {
const download = GM_download({
url: this.url,
name: this.filename,
saveAs: false,
conflictAction: "uniquify",
onload: function() {
onerror: function(e) {
logger("error downloading: " + this.filename, e);
ontimeout: function(e) {
logger("timeout downloading: " + this.filename, e);
}.bind(this), delay);
return true;
get infoTag() { return tagPrefix + "_info_" + this.id; }
get busyTag() { return tagPrefix + "_busy_" + this.id; }
setBusy() {
if (!this.isReady) return false;
GM_setValue(this.busyTag, Date.now());
return true;
clearBusy() {
if (activeDownloads == 0) {
} else if (activeDownloads < 0) {
logger("Oops, download count underflow!");
activeDownloads = 0;
setSaved() {
this.done = true;
GM_setValue(this.infoTag, this);
get isSaved() {
const stored = GM_getValue(this.infoTag) || this;
this.done = stored.done;
if (this.done) GM_deleteValue(this.busyTag);
return this.done;
get isReady() {
if (this.isSaved) return false;
const stamp = GM_getValue(this.busyTag, null);
if (!stamp) return true;
if (Date.now() - stamp > downloadTimeout) {
console.log("file has been busy too long (lost event?): " + this.id);
return true;
console.log("download already scheduled:", this.id);
return false;
// sample: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIG2.AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOp123.&w=100&h=100&c=6&o=5&pid=ImgGn
function get_img_id(src) {
var url = new URL(src);
var id = url.searchParams.get('id') || url.pathname.split('/').pop();
if (id == null || id.length < 20) {
console.log("couldn't parse image id from:", src, " got:", id);
return id;
// sample: /images/create/kebab-case-prompt/1-0123456789abcedf0123456789abcdef?FORM=GUH2CR
//         https://copilot.microsoft.com/images/create?q=prompt%20with%20spaces&rt=4&FORM=GENCRE&id=1-0123456789abcedf0123456789abcdef
function get_page_id(ref) {
var url = new URL(ref);
var id = url.searchParams.get('id') || url.searchParams.get('pageId');
if (id == null) {
var path = url.pathname.split('/');
while (path.length && path.shift() != 'create')
if (path.length == 2 && path[1].length >= 32) id = path[1];
if (id == null) {
console.log("couldn't parse referrer id from:", ref);
return id;
// sample: /images/create/kebab-case-prompt/1-0123456789abcedf0123456789abcdef?FORM=GUH2CR
function get_page_prompt(ref) {
var url = new URL(ref);
var q = url.searchParams.get('q');
if (q == null) {
var path = url.pathname.split('/');
while (path.length && path.shift() != 'create')
if (path.length == 2 && path[1].length >= 32) q = path[0];
if (q == null) {
console.log("couldn't parse referrer prompt from:", ref);
return q;
function get_download_url(img) {
var url = new URL(img.attributes.src.nodeValue);
return url.href;
function get_href(elem) {
while (elem) {
if (elem.hasAttribute('href')) return elem.href;
elem = elem.parentElement;
return null;