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Greasy Fork++

Adds various features and improves the Greasy Fork experience

// ==UserScript==
// @name               Greasy Fork++
// @namespace          https://github.com/iFelix18
// @version            3.3.4
// @author             CY Fung <https://greasyfork.org/users/371179> & Davide <[email protected]>
// @icon               https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=https://greasyfork.org
// @description        Adds various features and improves the Greasy Fork experience
// @description:de     Fügt verschiedene Funktionen hinzu und verbessert das Greasy Fork-Erlebnis
// @description:es     Agrega varias funciones y mejora la experiencia de Greasy Fork
// @description:fr     Ajoute diverses fonctionnalités et améliore l'expérience Greasy Fork
// @description:it     Aggiunge varie funzionalità e migliora l'esperienza di Greasy Fork
// @description:ru     Добавляет различные функции и улучшает работу с Greasy Fork
// @description:zh-CN  添加各种功能并改善 Greasy Fork 体验
// @description:zh-TW  加入多種功能並改善Greasy Fork的體驗
// @description:ja     Greasy Forkの体験を向上させる様々な機能を追加
// @description:ko     Greasy Fork 경험을 향상시키고 다양한 기능을 추가
// @copyright          2023, CY Fung (https://greasyfork.org/users/371179); 2021, Davide (https://github.com/iFelix18)
// @license            MIT
// @require            https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config@06f2015c04db3aaab9717298394ca4f025802873/gm_config.min.js
// @require            https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@violentmonkey/[email protected]/dist/index.min.js
// @require            https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/cyfung1031/userscript-supports@3fa07109efca28a21094488431363862ccd52d7c/library/WinComm.min.js
// @match              *://greasyfork.org/*
// @match              *://sleazyfork.org/*
// @match              *://cn-greasyfork.org/*
// @match              *://api.greasyfork.org/*
// @match              *://api.sleazyfork.org/*
// @match              *://api.cn-greasyfork.org/*
// @connect            greasyfork.org
// @connect            sleazyfork.org
// @connect            cn-greasyfork.org
// @compatible         chrome
// @compatible         edge
// @compatible         firefox
// @compatible         safari
// @compatible         brave
// @grant              GM.deleteValue
// @grant              GM.getValue
// @grant              GM.notification
// @grant              GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant              GM.setValue
// @grant              unsafeWindow
// @run-at             document-start
// @inject-into        content
// ==/UserScript==
/* global GM_config, VM, GM, WinComm */
const isInIframe = window !== top;
* @typedef { typeof import("./library/WinComm.js")  } WinComm
// console.log(GM)
/** @type {WinComm} */
const WinComm = this.WinComm;
//  -------- UU Fucntion - original code: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ifelix18/[email protected]/lib/index.min.js  --------
// optimized by CY Fung to remove $ dependency and observe creation
const UU = isInIframe || (function () {
const scriptName = GM.info.script.name; // not name_i18n
const scriptVersion = GM.info.script.version;
const authorMatch = /^(.*?)\s<\S[^\s@]*@\S[^\s.]*\.\S+>$/.exec(GM.info.script.author);
const author = authorMatch ? authorMatch[1] : GM.info.script.author;
let scriptId = scriptName.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "-");
let loggingEnabled = false;
const log = (message) => {
if (loggingEnabled) {
console.log(`${scriptName}:`, message);
const error = (message) => {
console.error(`${scriptName}:`, message);
const warn = (message) => {
console.warn(`${scriptName}:`, message);
const alert = (message) => {
window.alert(`${scriptName}: ${message}`);
/** @param {string} text */
const short = (text, length) => {
const s = text.split(" ");
const l = Number(length);
return s.length > l
? `${s.slice(0, l).join(" ")} [...]`
: text;
const addStyle = (css) => {
const head = document.head || document.querySelector("head");
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = css;
const init = async (options = {}) => {
scriptId = options.id || scriptId;
loggingEnabled = typeof options.logging === "boolean" ? options.logging : false;
`%c${scriptName}\n%cv${scriptVersion}${author ? ` by ${author}` : ""} is running!`,
return {
//  -------- UU Fucntion - original code: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ifelix18/[email protected]/lib/index.min.js  --------
const mWindow = isInIframe || (() => {
const fields = {
hideBlacklistedScripts: {
label: 'Hide blacklisted scripts:<br><span>Choose which lists to activate in the section below, press <b>Ctrl + Alt + B</b> to show Blacklisted scripts</span>',
section: ['Features'],
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true
hideHiddenScript: {
label: 'Hide scripts:<br><span>Add a button to hide the script<br>See and edit the list of hidden scripts below, press <b>Ctrl + Alt + H</b> to show Hidden script',
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true
showInstallButton: {
label: 'Install button:<br><span>Add to the scripts list a button to install the script directly</span>',
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true
showTotalInstalls: {
label: 'Installations:<br><span>Shows the number of daily and total installations on the user profile</span>',
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true
milestoneNotification: {
label: 'Milestone notifications:<br><span>Get notified whenever your total installs got over any of these milestone<br>Separate milestones with a comma, leave blank to turn off notifications</span>',
labelPos: 'left',
type: 'text',
title: 'Separate milestones with a comma!',
size: 150,
default: '10, 100, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 100000, 1000000'
nonLatins: {
label: 'Non-Latin:<br><span>This list blocks all scripts with non-Latin characters in the title/description</span>',
section: ['Lists'],
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: false // not true
blacklist: {
label: 'Blacklist:<br><span>A "non-opinionable" list that blocks all scripts with specific words in the title/description, references to "bots", "cheats" and some online game sites, and other "bullshit"</span>',
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true
customBlacklist: {
label: 'Custom Blacklist:<br><span>Personal blacklist defined by a set of unwanted words<br>Separate unwanted words with a comma (example: YouTube, Facebook, pizza), leave blank to disable this list</span>',
labelPos: 'left',
type: 'text',
title: 'Separate unwanted words with a comma!',
size: 150,
default: ''
hiddenList: {
label: 'Hidden Scripts:<br><span>Block individual undesired scripts by their unique IDs<br>Separate IDs with a comma</span>',
labelPos: 'left',
type: 'textarea',
title: 'Separate IDs with a comma!',
default: '',
save: false
hideRecentUsersWithin: {
label: 'Hide Recent Users:<br><span>Hide new regeistered users within the last N hours - to avoid seeing comments from spam accounts</span>',
labelPos: 'left',
type: 'text',
title: 'Number only. 0 means disabled. maximum is 168. (Suggested value: 48)',
default: '0',
size: 150
logging: {
label: 'Logging',
section: ['Developer options'],
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: false
debugging: {
label: 'Debugging',
labelPos: 'right',
type: 'checkbox',
default: false
const logo = '###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'
const locales = { /* cSpell: disable */
de: {
downgrade: 'Auf zurückstufen',
hide: '❌ Dieses skript ausblenden',
install: 'Installieren',
notHide: '✔️ Dieses skript nicht ausblenden',
milestone: 'Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Ihre Skripte haben den Meilenstein von insgesamt $1 Installationen überschritten!',
reinstall: 'Erneut installieren',
update: 'Auf aktualisieren'
en: {
downgrade: 'Downgrade to',
hide: '❌ Hide this script',
install: 'Install',
notHide: '✔️ Not hide this script',
milestone: 'Congrats, your scripts got over the milestone of $1 total installs!',
reinstall: 'Reinstall',
update: 'Update to'
es: {
downgrade: 'Degradar a',
hide: '❌ Ocultar este script',
install: 'Instalar',
notHide: '✔️ No ocultar este script',
milestone: '¡Felicidades, sus scripts superaron el hito de $1 instalaciones totales!',
reinstall: 'Reinstalar',
update: 'Actualizar a'
fr: {
downgrade: 'Revenir à',
hide: '❌ Cacher ce script',
install: 'Installer',
notHide: '✔️ Ne pas cacher ce script',
milestone: 'Félicitations, vos scripts ont franchi le cap des $1 installations au total!',
reinstall: 'Réinstaller',
update: 'Mettre à'
it: {
downgrade: 'Riporta a',
hide: '❌ Nascondi questo script',
install: 'Installa',
notHide: '✔️ Non nascondere questo script',
milestone: 'Congratulazioni, i tuoi script hanno superato il traguardo di $1 installazioni totali!',
reinstall: 'Reinstalla',
update: 'Aggiorna a'
ru: {
downgrade: 'Откатить до',
hide: '❌ Скрыть этот скрипт',
install: 'Установить',
notHide: '✔️ Не скрывать этот сценарий',
milestone: 'Поздравляем, ваши скрипты преодолели рубеж в $1 установок!',
reinstall: 'Переустановить',
update: 'Обновить до'
'zh-CN': {
downgrade: '降级到',
hide: '❌ 隐藏此脚本',
install: '安装',
notHide: '✔️ 不隐藏此脚本',
milestone: '恭喜,您的脚本超过了 $1 次总安装的里程碑!',
reinstall: '重新安装',
update: '更新到'
'zh-TW': {
downgrade: '降級至',
hide: '❌ 隱藏此腳本',
install: '安裝',
notHide: '✔️ 不隱藏此腳本',
milestone: '恭喜,您的腳本安裝總數已超過 $1!',
reinstall: '重新安裝',
update: '更新至'
'ja': {
downgrade: 'ダウングレードする',
hide: '❌ このスクリプトを隠す',
install: 'インストール',
notHide: '✔️ このスクリプトを隠さない',
milestone: 'おめでとうございます、あなたのスクリプトの合計インストール回数が $1 を超えました!',
reinstall: '再インストール',
update: '更新する'
'ko': {
downgrade: '다운그레이드하기',
hide: '❌ 이 스크립트 숨기기',
install: '설치',
notHide: '✔️ 이 스크립트 숨기지 않기',
milestone: '축하합니다, 스크립트의 총 설치 횟수가 $1을 넘었습니다!',
reinstall: '재설치',
update: '업데이트하기'
const blacklist = [
'\\bagar((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bagma((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\baimbot\\b', '\\barras((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bbot(s)?\\b',
'\\bbubble((\\.)?am)?\\b', '\\bcheat(s)?\\b', '\\bdiep((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bfreebitco((\\.)?in)?\\b', '\\bgota((\\.)?io)?\\b',
'\\bhack(s)?\\b', '\\bkrunker((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\blostworld((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bmoomoo((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\broblox(\\.com)?\\b',
'\\bshell\\sshockers\\b', '\\bshellshock((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bshellshockers\\b', '\\bskribbl((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bslither((\\.)?io)?\\b',
'\\bsurviv((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\btaming((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bvenge((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bvertix((\\.)?io)?\\b', '\\bzombs((\\.)?io)?\\b',
// '\\p{Extended_Pictographic}'
const settingsCSS = `
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const pageCSS = `
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#script-info.hidden a:not(.install-link):not(.install-help-link){
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--hyperlink-hidden-option-opacity: 1;
.script-list li.blacklisted{
display: var(--blacklisted-display);
.script-list li.hidden{
display: var(--hidden-display);
.install-help-link.install-status-checking {
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[style*="display:"] + .script-version-ainfo-span{
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/* Greasy Fork Enhance - Flat Layout  */
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box-sizing: border-box;
[greasyfork-enhance-k37*="|basic|"] ul.outline {
margin-bottom: -99vh;
.discussion-list .hidden {
display: none;
/* Greasy Fork Empty Ad Block */
.ethical-ads-text[class]:empty {
min-height: unset;
/* additional css */
opacity: 0.2;
.discussion-list-item {
position: relative;
.discussion-list-item .discussion-meta .discussion-meta-item{
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flex-wrap: nowrap;
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a.discussion-list-item-report-comment[class] {
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a.discussion-list-item-report-comment[class]:hover {
opacity: 1.0;
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display: inline-flex;
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li[data-script-id] .install-link[class] {
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display: inline-flex;
white-space: nowrap;
position: relative;
z-index: 99;
li[data-script-id] .install-link[class]:hover {
opacity: 1.0;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-flex;
white-space: nowrap;
.discussion-list-item span.discussion-snippet[class] {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
/* all: revert; */
padding: initial;
width: initial;
margin: initial;
const window = {};
/** @param {typeof WinComm.createInstance} createInstance */
function contentScriptText(shObject, createInstance) {
// avoid setupEthicalAdsFallback looping
if (typeof window.ethicalads === "undefined") {
const p = Promise.resolve([]);
window.ethicalads = { wait: p };
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const external = unsafeWindow.external;
console.log(334, external)
const scriptHandler = GM.info.scriptHandler;
if (external && external.Violentmonkey && (scriptHandler || 'Violentmonkey') === 'Violentmonkey' ) {
external.Violentmonkey.isInstalled(name, namespace).then((data) => resolve(data));
if (external && external.Tampermonkey && (scriptHandler || 'Tampermonkey') === 'Tampermonkey') {
external.Tampermonkey.isInstalled(name, namespace, (data) => {
(data.installed) ? resolve(data.version) : resolve();
if (document.querySelector('#greasyfork-enhance-basic')) {
const setScriptOnDisabled = async (style) => {
try {
const pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(style.constructor.prototype, 'disabled');
const { get, set } = pd;
Object.defineProperty(style, 'disabled', {
get() {
return get.call(this);
set(nv) {
let r = set.call(this, nv);
return r;
} catch (e) {
document.addEventListener('style-s48', function (evt) {
const target = (evt || 0).target || 0;
if (!target) return;
}, true);
const isScriptEnabled = (style) => {
if (style instanceof HTMLStyleElement) {
if (!style.hasAttribute('s48')) {
style.setAttribute('s48', '');
style.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('style-s48'));
// setScriptOnDisabled(style);
return style.disabled !== true;
return false;
const chHead = () => {
let p = [];
if (isScriptEnabled(document.getElementById('greasyfork-enhance-basic')))
if (isScriptEnabled(document.getElementById('greasyfork-enhance-flat-layout')))
if (isScriptEnabled(document.getElementById('greasyfork-enhance-animation')))
if (p.length >= 1)
document.documentElement.setAttribute('greasyfork-enhance-k37', `|${p.join('|')}|`);
const moHead = new MutationObserver(chHead);
moHead.observe(document.head, { subtree: false, childList: true });
const outline = document.querySelector('aside.panel > ul.outline');
if(outline) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
//         Promise.resolve().then(()=>{
//           let outline = document.querySelector('[greasyfork-enhance-k37*="|basic|"] header + aside.panel ul.outline');
//           if(outline){
//             let aside = outline.closest('aside.panel');
//           let header = aside.parentNode.querySelector('header');
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//             p+=(parseFloat(getComputedStyle(outline).marginTop.replace('px',''))||0)
//             outline.style.marginTop= p.toFixed(2)+'px';
//           }
//         })
const { scriptHandler, scriptName, scriptVersion, scriptNamespace, communicationId } = shObject;
const wincomm = createInstance(communicationId);
const external = window.external;
if (external[scriptHandler]) 1;
else if (external && external.Violentmonkey && (scriptHandler || 'Violentmonkey') === 'Violentmonkey') scriptHandler = 'Violentmonkey';
else if (external && external.Tampermonkey && (scriptHandler || 'Tampermonkey') === 'Tampermonkey') scriptHandler = 'Tampermonkey';
const manager = external[scriptHandler];
if (!manager) {
wincomm.send('userScriptManagerNotDetected', {
code: 1
const promiseWrap = (x) => {
// bug in FireFox + Violentmonkey
if (typeof (x || 0) === 'object' && typeof x.then === 'function') return x; else return Promise.resolve(x);
const pnIsInstalled2 = (type, scriptName, scriptNamespace) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const r###ltPr = promiseWrap(manager.isInstalled(scriptName, scriptNamespace));
r###ltPr.then((r###lt) => resolve({
r###lt: typeof r###lt === 'string' ? { version: r###lt } : r###lt
const pnIsInstalled3 = (type, scriptName, scriptNamespace) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
manager.isInstalled(scriptName, scriptNamespace, (r###lt) => {
r###lt: typeof r###lt === 'string' ? { version: r###lt } : r###lt
} catch (e) {
const enableScriptInstallChecker = (r) => {
const { type, r###lt } = r;
let version = r###lt.version;
// console.log(type, r###lt, version)
if (version !== scriptVersion) return;
const pnIsInstalled = type < 25 ? pnIsInstalled2 : pnIsInstalled3;
wincomm.hook('_$GreasyFork$Msg$OnScriptInstallCheck', {
'installedVersion.req': (d, evt) => {
pnIsInstalled(type, d.data.name, d.data.namespace).then((r) => {
if (r && 'r###lt' in r) {
wincomm.response(evt, 'installedVersion.res', {
version: r.r###lt ? (r.r###lt.version || '') : ''
wincomm.send('ready', { type });
// console.log('enableScriptInstallChecker', r)
const kl = manager.isInstalled.length;
if (!(kl === 2 || kl === 3)) return;
const puds = kl === 2 ? [
pnIsInstalled2(21, scriptName, scriptNamespace), // scriptName is GM.info.script.name not GM.info.script.name_i18n
pnIsInstalled2(20, scriptName, '')
] : [
pnIsInstalled3(31, scriptName, scriptNamespace),
pnIsInstalled3(30, scriptName, '')
Promise.all(puds).then((rs) => {
const [r1, r0] = rs;
if (r0 && r0.r###lt && r0.r###lt.version) enableScriptInstallChecker(r0); // '3.1.4'
else if (r1 && r1.r###lt && r1.r###lt.version) enableScriptInstallChecker(r1);
// console.log(327, shObject, scriptHandler);
return { fields, logo, locales, blacklist, settingsCSS, pageCSS, contentScriptText }
const inIframeFn = isInIframe ? async () => {
if (window.name) {
const uo = new URL(location.href);
const id38 = uo.searchParams.get('id38');
if (id38 && `iframe-${id38}` === window.name) {
const p38 = uo.searchParams.get('p38');
const h38 = uo.searchParams.get('h38');
if (`${p38}:` === uo.protocol && `${h38}` === uo.hostname) {
window.addEventListener('message', (evt)=>{
if(evt && evt.data){
const {id38: id38_, msg, args, fetchId} = evt.data;
if(id38_ === id38){
if(msg === 'fetch' && fetchId){
const [url, options] = args;
if(options && options.headers){
options.headers = new Headers(options.headers);
fetch(url, options).then(async (response) => {
let json = null;
if (response.ok === true) {
try {
json = await response.json();
} catch (e) { }
const res = {
status: response.status,
url: response.url,
ok: response.ok,
msg: 'fetchResponse',
args: [res]
}, '*')
id38: id38,
msg: 'ready'
}, '*');
} : () => { };
inIframeFn() || (async () => {
let rafPromise = null;
const getRafPromise = () => rafPromise || (rafPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
requestAnimationFrame(hRes => {
rafPromise = null;
const isVaildURL = (url) => {
if (!url || typeof url !== 'string' || url.length < 23) return;
let obj = null;
try {
obj = new URL(url);
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (obj && obj.host === obj.hostname && !obj.port && (obj.protocol || '').startsWith('http') && obj.pathname) {
return true;
return false;
const installLinkPointerDownHandler = function (e) {
if (!e || !e.isTrusted) return;
const button = e.target || this;
if (button.hasAttribute('a###d')) return;
const href = button.href;
if (!href || !isVaildURL(href)) return;
if (/\.js[^-.\w\d\s:\/\\]*$/.test(href)) {
0 && fetch(href, {
method: "GET",
cache: 'reload',
redirect: "follow"
}).then(() => {
console.debug('code url reloaded', href);
}).catch((e) => {
const m = /^(https\:\/\/(cn-greasyfork|greasyfork|sleazyfork)\.org\/[_-\w\/]*scripts\/(\d+)[-\w%]*)(\/|$)/.exec(location.href)
if (m && m[1]) {
const href = `${m[1]}/code`
0 && fetch(href, {
method: "GET",
cache: 'reload',
redirect: "follow"
}).then(() => {
console.debug('code url reloaded', href);
}).catch((e) => {
if (m && m[3] && href.includes('.user.js')) {
const href = `https://${location.hostname}/scripts/${m[3]}-fetching/code/${crypto.randomUUID()}.user.js?version_=${Date.now()}`
0 && fetch(href, {
method: "GET",
cache: 'reload',
redirect: "follow"
}).then(() => {
console.debug('code url reloaded', href);
}).catch((e) => {
button.setAttribute('a###d', '');
const setupInstallLink = (button) => {
if (!button || button.className !== 'install-link' || button.nodeName !== "A" || !button.href) return button;
button.addEventListener('pointerdown', installLinkPointerDownHandler);
return button;
function fixValue(key, def, test) {
return GM.getValue(key, def).then((v) => test(v) || GM.deleteValue(key))
const isNaNx = Number.isNaN;
function numberArr(arrVal) {
if (!arrVal || typeof arrVal.length !== 'number') return [];
return arrVal.filter(e => typeof e === 'number' && !isNaNx(e))
const isScriptFirstUse = await GM.getValue('firstUse', true);
await Promise.all([
fixValue('hiddenList', [], v => v && typeof v === 'object' && typeof v.length === 'number' && (v.length === 0 || typeof v[0] === 'number')),
fixValue('lastMilestone', 0, v => v && typeof v === 'number' && v >= 0)
function createRE(t, ...opt) {
try {
return new RegExp(t, ...opt);
} catch (e) { }
return null;
const ruleFn = function (text) {
/** @type {String[]} */
const { rules, regExpArr } = this;
let text0 = text.replace(/\uE084/g, '\uE084x');
let j = 0;
for (const rule of rules) {
let r = false;
if (!rule.includes('\uE084')) {
r = (text.toLocaleLowerCase("en-US").includes(rule.toLocaleLowerCase("en-US")));
} else {
const s = rule.split(/\uE084(\d+)r/);
r = s.every((t, i) => {
if (t === undefined || t.length === 0) return true;
if (i % 2) {
return regExpArr[+t].test(text0);
} else {
return text0.includes(t.trim());
if (r) return j;
/** @param {String} txtRule */
const preprocessRule = (txtRule) => {
const regExpArr = [];
txtRule = txtRule.replace(/\uE084/g, '\uE084x');
let maxCount = 800; // avoid deadloop
while (maxCount--) {
const idx1 = txtRule.search(/\bre\//);
if (idx1 < 0) break;
const str = txtRule.substring(idx1 + 3);
let idx2 = -1;
const searcher = /(.?)\//g;
let m;
while (m = searcher.exec(str)) {
if (m[1] === '\\') continue;
idx2 = searcher.lastIndex + idx1 + 3;
if (idx2 < 0) break;
const optionStr = txtRule.substring(idx2);
const optionM = /^[a-z]+/.exec(optionStr);
const option = optionM ? optionM[0] : '';
const regexContent = txtRule.substring(idx1 + 2 + 1, idx2 - 1);
txtRule = `${txtRule.substring(0, idx1)}${('\uE084' + regExpArr.length + 'r')}${txtRule.substring(idx2 + option.length)}`;
regExpArr.push(new RegExp(regexContent, option));
const rules = txtRule.split(',').map(e => e.trim());
return ruleFn.bind({ rules, regExpArr });
const useHashedScriptName = true;
const fixLibraryScriptCodeLink = true;
const addAdditionInfoLengthHint = true;
const id = 'greasyfork-plus';
const title = `${GM.info.script.name} v${GM.info.script.version} Settings`;
const fields = mWindow.fields;
const logo = mWindow.logo;
const nonLatins = /[^\p{Script=Latin}\p{Script=Common}\p{Script=Inherited}]/gu;
const blacklist = createRE((mWindow.blacklist || []).filter(e => !!e).join('|'), 'giu');
const hiddenList = numberArr(await GM.getValue('hiddenList', []));
const lang = document.documentElement.lang;
const locales = mWindow.locales;
const _isBlackList = (text) => {
if (!text || typeof text !== 'string') return false;
if (text.includes('hack') && (text.includes('EXPERIMENT_FLAGS') || text.includes('yt.'))) return false;
return blacklist.test(text);
const isBlackList = (name, description) => {
// To be reviewed
if (!blacklist) return false;
return _isBlackList(name) || _isBlackList(description);
function hiddenListStrToArr(str) {
if (!str || typeof str !== 'string') str = '';
return [...new Set(str ? numberArr(str.split(',').map(e => parseInt(e))) : [])];
const gmc = new GM_config({
css: mWindow.settingsCSS,
events: {
init: () => {
gmc.initializedResolve && gmc.initializedResolve();
gmc.initializedResolve = null;
/** @param {Document} document */
open: async (document) => {
const textarea = document.querySelector(`#${id}_field_hiddenList`);
const hiddenSet = new Set(numberArr(await GM.getValue('hiddenList', [])));
if (hiddenSet.size !== 0) {
const unsavedHiddenList = hiddenListStrToArr(gmc.get('hiddenList'));
const unsavedHiddenSet = new Set(unsavedHiddenList);
const hasDifferentItems = [...hiddenSet].some(item => !unsavedHiddenSet.has(item)) || [...unsavedHiddenSet].some(item => !hiddenSet.has(item));
if (hasDifferentItems) {
gmc.fields.hiddenList.value = [...hiddenSet].sort((a, b) => a - b).join(', ');
const resize = (target) => {
target.style.height = '';
target.style.height = `${target.scrollHeight}px`;
if (textarea) {
textarea.addEventListener('input', (event) => resize(event.target));
document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', (event) => {
if (event.detail > 1 && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.defaultPrevented) {
}, true);
save: async (forgotten) => {
if (gmc.isOpen) {
await GM.setValue('hiddenList', hiddenListStrToArr(forgotten.hiddenList));
UU.alert('settings saved');
setTimeout(() => window.location.reload(false), 500);
gmc.initialized = new Promise(r => (gmc.initializedResolve = r));
await gmc.initialized.then();
const customBlacklistRF = preprocessRule(gmc.get('customBlacklist') || '');
const valHideRecentUsersWithin_ = Math.floor(+gmc.get('hideRecentUsersWithin'));
const valHideRecentUsersWithin = valHideRecentUsersWithin_ > 168 ? 168 : valHideRecentUsersWithin_ > 0 ? valHideRecentUsersWithin_ : 0;
* Inserts element into the sorted array arr while maintaining order based on a comparator.
* Uses binary search to find the insertion point and then splices the element into the array.
* @param {Array} arr - The sorted array. (ascending order)
* @param {number} value - The number to compare.
* @param {Function} keyFn - Obtain the comparable value of the element.
function binarySearchLeft(arr, value, keyFn) {
let left = 0;
let right = arr.length;
while (left < right) {
const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);
if (keyFn(arr[mid]) < value) {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
right = mid;
return left;
* Finds the smallest index i such that arr[i][1] >= targetTime.
* Used to locate the first user in userCreations whose creation time is recent enough.
* @param {Array} arr - The sorted array. (ascending order)
* @param {number} targetTime - targetTime
function findFirstIndex(arr, targetTime) {
return binarySearchLeft(arr, targetTime, e => e[1]);
* Finds the insertion point for element in arr to maintain sorted order.
* Used to find the range of uncertain requests in networkRequestsRCTake.
* @param {Array} arr - The sorted array. (ascending order)
* @param {*} element - The element to be inserted.
* @param {Function} keyFn - Obtain the comparable value of the element.
function insertSorted(arr, element, keyFn) {
const idx = binarySearchLeft(arr, keyFn(element), keyFn);
arr.splice(idx, 0, element);
return arr;
// Assume targetHiddenRecentDateTime is set as Date.now() - valHideRecentUsersWithin * 3600000
let targetHiddenRecentDateTime = 0;
let userCreations = [];// [userId, creationTime] sorted by creationTime
let networkRequestsRC = [];// [userId, processFn, r###lt] sorted by userId
let recentUserMP = Promise.resolve(0);
const fetchUserCreations = () => {
if (sessionStorage.__TMP_userCreations682__) {
try {
return JSON.parse(sessionStorage.__TMP_userCreations682__);
// console.log(388, userCreations);
} catch (e) {
return [];
userCreations = fetchUserCreations();
// Clean up userCreations: merge with sessionStorage and trim
const cleanupUserCreations = () => {
// Merge with sessionStorage data
// in case the record in sessionStorage is modified by other instances as well.
const stored = fetchUserCreations();
const currentSet = new Set(userCreations.map(e => e.join(',')));
const missing = stored.filter(e => !currentSet.has(e.join(',')));
for (const element of missing) {
insertSorted(userCreations, element, e => e[1]);
// Remove redundant old entries
// since targetHiddenRecentDateTime is expected monotonic increasing, small values are useless in checking.
let deleteCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < userCreations.length - 1; i++) {
if (userCreations[i][1] < targetHiddenRecentDateTime && userCreations[i + 1][1] < targetHiddenRecentDateTime) {
} else {
if (deleteCount > 0) {
deleteCount === 1 ? userCreations.shift() : userCreations.splice(0, deleteCount);
// Trim to max 16 elements, keeping boundary-relevant entries
while (userCreations.length > 16) {
const leftIdx = 1;
const rightIdx = userCreations.length - 2;
userCreations = userCreations.filter((e, idx) => ((idx <= leftIdx) || (idx >= rightIdx) || ((idx % 2) === 1)));
sessionStorage.__TMP_userCreations682__ = JSON.stringify(userCreations);
// Test if a user is recent using cached data
const testByUserCreations = (userId, targetTime)=>{
const idxJ = findFirstIndex(userCreations, targetTime);
let newFrom = Infinity, oldFrom = 0;
if (idxJ < userCreations.length) {
newFrom = userCreations[idxJ][0];
if (userId >= newFrom) return true; // User is recent
if (idxJ > 0) {
oldFrom = userCreations[idxJ - 1][0];
if (userId <= oldFrom) return false; // User is not recent
return { newFrom, oldFrom }; // Uncertain, need network request
// Select the next network request from the uncertain range
/** @returns {Promise | null} */
function networkRequestsRCTake() {
if (networkRequestsRC.length === 0) return null;
let oldFrom = 0;
let newFrom = Infinity;
if (userCreations.length > 0) {
const idx = findFirstIndex(userCreations, targetHiddenRecentDateTime);
if (idx < userCreations.length) newFrom = userCreations[idx][0];
if (idx > 0) oldFrom = userCreations[idx - 1][0];
// Find range of requests in uncertain zone (oldFrom < userId < newFrom)
const left = binarySearchLeft(networkRequestsRC, oldFrom + 1, e => e[0]);
// Prioritize certain not recent requests (at the beginning)
if (left > 0) {
return networkRequestsRC.shift(); // Take the first request (userId <= oldFrom)
const right = binarySearchLeft(networkRequestsRC, newFrom, e => e[0]);
// Prioritize certain recent requests (at the end)
if (right < networkRequestsRC.length) {
return networkRequestsRC.pop(); // Take the last request (userId >= newFrom)
// No certain requests left, process an uncertain one
// The entire remaining array is uncertain (left == 0, right == length)
const midIdx = Math.floor(networkRequestsRC.length / 2);
return networkRequestsRC.splice(midIdx, 1)[0];
// Main function to check if a user is recent
function determineRecentUserAsync(userId) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// Check cache first
const initialCheck = testByUserCreations(userId, targetHiddenRecentDateTime);
if (typeof initialCheck === 'boolean') return resolve(initialCheck);
// Schedule network request
const processAsyncFn = async () => {
const check = testByUserCreations(userId, targetHiddenRecentDateTime);
// console.log('processAsyncFn', userId, targetHiddenRecentDateTime, check)
if (typeof check === 'boolean') return resolve(check);
// console.log('network request', userId)
const userData = await getUserData(userId, false); // Assume this exists
if (userData.id !== userId) return resolve(false);
const creationTime = +new Date(userData.created_at);
insertSorted(userCreations, [userId, creationTime], e => e[1]);
resolve(creationTime >= targetHiddenRecentDateTime);
const request = [userId, processAsyncFn, null];
insertSorted(networkRequestsRC, request, e => e[0]);
// Process requests sequentially
recentUserMP = recentUserMP.then(async () => {
const entity = networkRequestsRCTake();
if (entity) await entity[1]();
if (typeof GM.registerMenuCommand === 'function') {
GM.registerMenuCommand('Configure', () => gmc.open());
GM.registerMenuCommand('Reset Everything', () => {
]).then(() => {
setTimeout(() => window.location.reload(false), 50);
UU.init({ id, logging: gmc.get('logging') });
const _VM = (typeof VM !== 'undefined' ? VM : null) || {
shortcut: {
register: () => { }
const isGPUAccelerationAvailable = (() => {
// https://gist.github.com/cvan/042b2448fcecefafbb6a91469484cdf8
try {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
return !!(canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl'));
} catch (e) {
return false;
const runLater = isGPUAccelerationAvailable ? (f) => {
} : (f) => {
setTimeout(f, 100);
const mutationRunner = (gn, elm, options) => {
let rid = 0;
(new MutationObserver((entries) => {
if (entries && entries.length >= 1) {
const tid = rid = (rid & 1073741823) + 1;
runLater(() => {
if (tid === rid) gn();
})).observe(elm, options);
function fixLibraryCodeURL(code_url) {
if (/\/scripts\/(\d+)(\-[^\/]+)\/code\//.test(code_url)) {
code_url = code_url.replace(/\/scripts\/(\d+)(\-[^\/]+)\/code\//, '/scripts/$1/code/');
let qm = code_url.indexOf('?');
let s1 = code_url.substring(0, qm);
let s2 = code_url.substring(qm + 1);
if (qm > 0) {
code_url = `${decodeURI(s1)}?${s2}`;
return code_url;
function setClickToSelect(elm) {
elm.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (`${window.getSelection()}` === "") {
if (typeof this.select === 'function') {
} else {
const range = document.createRange();  // Create a range object
range.selectNode(this);        // Select the text within the element
const selection = window.getSelection(); // Get the selection object
selection.removeAllRanges();  // First clear any existing selections
selection.addRange(range);    // Add the new range to the selection
elm.addEventListener('drag', function (evt) {
elm.addEventListener('drop', function (evt) {
elm.addEventListener('dragstart', function (evt) {
const copyText = typeof (((window.navigator || 0).clipboard || 0).writeText) === 'function' ? (text) => {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function () {
}).catch(function (err) {
alert("Unable to Copy");
} : (text) => {
const textToCopy = document.createElement('strong');
textToCopy.style.position = 'fixed';
textToCopy.style.opacity = '0';
textToCopy.style.top = '-900vh';
textToCopy.textContent = text;
const range = document.createRange();  // Create a range object
range.selectNode(textToCopy);        // Select the text within the element
const selection = window.getSelection(); // Get the selection object
selection.removeAllRanges();  // First clear any existing selections
selection.addRange(range);    // Add the new range to the selection
try {
document.execCommand('copy');  // Try to copy the selected text
} catch (err) {
alert("Unable to Copy");
selection.removeAllRanges();  // Remove the selection range after copying
let avoidDuplication = 0;
const avoidDuplicationF = () => {
const p = avoidDuplication;
avoidDuplication = Date.now();
if (avoidDuplication - p < 30) return false;
return true;
// https://violentmonkey.github.io/vm-shortcut/
const shortcuts = [
['ctrlcmd-alt-keys', () => avoidDuplicationF() && gmc.open()],
['ctrlcmd-alt-keyb', () => avoidDuplicationF() && toggleListDisplayingItem('blacklisted')],
['ctrlcmd-alt-keyh', () => avoidDuplicationF() && toggleListDisplayingItem('hidden')]
for (const [scKey, scFn] of shortcuts) {
_VM.shortcut.register(scKey, scFn);
const addSettingsToMenu = () => {
const nav = document.querySelector('#site-nav > nav')
if (!nav) return;
const scriptName = GM.info.script.name;
const scriptVersion = GM.info.script.version;
const menu = document.createElement('li');
menu.setAttribute('alt', `${scriptName} ${scriptVersion}`);
menu.setAttribute('title', `${scriptName} ${scriptVersion}`);
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.setAttribute('href', '#');
link.textContent = GM.info.script.name;
nav.insertBefore(menu, document.querySelector('#site-nav > nav > li:first-of-type'));
menu.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const toggleListDisplayingItem = (t) => {
const m = document.documentElement;
const p = t + '-shown';
let currentIsShown = m.hasAttribute(p)
if (!currentIsShown) {
m.setAttribute(p, '')
} else {
const createListOptionGroup = () => {
const html = `<div class="list-option-group" id="${id}-options">${GM.info.script.name} Lists:<ul>
<li class="list-option blacklisted"><a href="#" id="hyperlink-35389"></a></li>
<li class="list-option hidden"><a href="#" id="hyperlink-40361"></a></li>
const firstOptionGroup = document.querySelector('.list-option-groups > div');
firstOptionGroup && firstOptionGroup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html);
const blacklistedOption = document.querySelector(`#${id}-options li.blacklisted`);
blacklistedOption && blacklistedOption.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
}, false);
const hiddenOption = document.querySelector(`#${id}-options li.hidden`);
hiddenOption && hiddenOption.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
}, false);
const addOptions = (scriptList) => {
if (!scriptList) return;
mutationRunner(() => {
let aBlackList = document.querySelector('#hyperlink-35389');
let aHidden = document.querySelector('#hyperlink-40361');
if (!aBlackList || !aHidden) return;
aBlackList.textContent = `Blacklisted scripts (${document.querySelectorAll('.script-list li.blacklisted').length})`;
aHidden.textContent = `Hidden scripts (${document.querySelectorAll('.script-list li.hidden').length})`;
}, scriptList, { childList: true, subtree: true });
const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => {
const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject };
return class PromiseExternal extends Promise {
constructor(cb = h) {
if (cb === h) {
/** @type {(value: any) => void} */
this.resolve = resolve_;
/** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */
this.reject = reject_;
const corsFetchMap = new Map();
const corsFetch = async (url, options) => {
if (top !== window) return;
const uo = new URL(url);
const protocol = uo.protocol.replace(/[^\w]+/g, '');
const hostname = uo.hostname;
const origin0 = `${protocol}://${hostname}`;
let promiseF = null;
let prFn = corsFetchMap.get(origin0);
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (!prFn) {
prFn = new Promise((resolve) => {
let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const rid = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`;
iframe.id = `iframe-${rid}`;
iframe.name = `iframe-${rid}`;
window.addEventListener('message', (evt) => {
if (evt && evt.origin === origin0) {
const data = evt.data;
if (data && data.id38) {
const { id38, msg, fetchId: fetchId_, args } = data;
if (msg === 'ready') {
const iframeWindow = evt.source;
resolve((...args) => {
if (!iframe.isConnected) return -1;
const fetchId = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`;
const promise = new PromiseExternal();
corsFetchMap.set(`${id38}-${fetchId}`, promise);
msg: 'fetch',
}, '*');
return promise;
} else if (msg === 'fetchResponse') {
const promise = corsFetchMap.get(`${id38}-${fetchId_}`);
if (promise) {
iframe.src = `${protocol}://${hostname}/robots.txt?id38=${rid}&p38=${protocol}&h38=${hostname}`;
Object.assign(iframe.style, {
'position': 'fixed',
'left': '-300px',
'top': '-300px',
'width': '30px',
'height': '30px',
'pointerEvents': 'none',
'zIndex': '-1',
'contain': 'strict'
(document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(iframe);
corsFetchMap.set(origin0, prFn);
const fetchFn = await prFn.then();
const promise = fetchFn(url, options);
if (promise === -1) {
prFn = null;
if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') {
promiseF = promise;
if (!promiseF) return null;
const promiseR###lt = await promiseF.then();
return promiseR###lt;
const standardFetch = async (url, options) => {
if (options && options.headers) {
options.headers = new Headers(options.headers);
const response = await fetch(url, options);
let json = null;
if (response.ok === true) {
try {
json = await response.json();
} catch (e) { }
const res = {
status: response.status,
url: response.url,
ok: response.ok,
return res;
* Get script data from Greasy Fork API
* @param {number} id Script ID
* @returns {Promise} Script data
let networkMP1 = Promise.resolve();
let networkMP2 = Promise.resolve();
let previousIsCache = false;
// let ss = [];
// var sum = function(nums) {
//   var total = 0;
//   for (var i = 0, len = nums.length; i < len; i++) total += nums[i];
//   return total;
// };
let reqStoresA = new Map();
let reqStoresB = new Map();
const getOldestEntry = (noCache)=>{
const reqStores = noCache ? reqStoresB : reqStoresA;
const oldestEntry = reqStores.entries().next();
if(!oldestEntry || !oldestEntry.value) return [];
const id = oldestEntry.value[0]
const req = oldestEntry.value[1]
return [id, req];
let mutexC = Promise.resolve();
const getScriptDataAN = (noCache)=>{
mutexC = mutexC.then(async () => {
const [id, req] = getOldestEntry(noCache);
if (!(id > 0)) return;
const DO_CORS = /^(cn-greasyfork|greasyfork|sleazyfork)\.org$/.test(window.location.hostname) ? `api.${window.location.hostname}` : '';
const url = `https://${DO_CORS || window.location.hostname}/scripts/${id}.json`;
const fetchUrl = sessionStorage.getItem(`redirect41-${url}`) || url;
const onPageElement = document.querySelector(`[data-script-namespace][data-script-id="${id || 'null'}"][data-script-name][data-script-version][href]`)
if (onPageElement && /^https\:\/\/update\.\w+\.org\/scripts\/\d+\/[^.?\/]+\.user\.js$/.test(onPageElement.getAttribute('href') || '')) {
const r###lt = {
"id": +onPageElement.getAttribute('data-script-id'),
// "created_at": "2023-08-24T21:16:50.000Z",
// "daily_installs": 21,
// "total_installs": 3310,
// "code_updated_at": "2023-12-20T07:46:54.000Z",
// "support_url": null,
// "fan_score": "74.1",
"namespace": `${onPageElement.getAttribute('data-script-namespace')}`,
// "contribution_url": null,
// "contribution_amount": null,
// "good_ratings": 11,
// "ok_ratings": 0,
// "bad_ratings": 0,
// "users": [
//     {
//         "id": 371179,
//         "name": "𝖢𝖸 𝖥𝗎𝗇𝗀",
//         "url": "https://greasyfork.org/users/371179-%F0%9D%96%A2%F0%9D%96%B8-%F0%9D%96%A5%F0%9D%97%8E%F0%9D%97%87%F0%9D%97%80"
//     }
// ],
"name": `${onPageElement.getAttribute('data-script-name')}`,
// "description": "Adds various features and improves the Greasy Fork experience",
// "url": "https://greasyfork.org/scripts/473830-greasy-fork",
// "code_url": "https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/473830/Greasy%20Fork%2B%2B.user.js",
"code_url": `${onPageElement.getAttribute('href')}`,
// "license": "MIT License",
"version": `${onPageElement.getAttribute('data-script-version')}`,
// "locale": "en",
// "deleted": false
await (networkMP1 = networkMP1.then(() => new Promise(unlock => {
const maxAgeInSeconds = 900;
const rd = previousIsCache ? 1 : Math.floor(Math.random() * 80 + 80);
let fetchStart = 0;
const fetchOptions = noCache ? {
method: 'GET',
cache: 'reload',
credentials: 'omit',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': `max-age=${maxAgeInSeconds}`,
} : {
method: 'GET',
cache: 'force-cache',
credentials: 'omit',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': `max-age=${maxAgeInSeconds}`,
new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, rd))
.then(() => {
fetchStart = Date.now();
.then(() => DO_CORS ? corsFetch(fetchUrl, fetchOptions): standardFetch(fetchUrl, fetchOptions))
.then((response) => {
if (fetchUrl !== response.url) {
sessionStorage.setItem(`redirect41-${url}`, response.url);
sessionStorage.setItem(`redirect41-${fetchUrl}`, response.url);
let fetchStop = Date.now();
// const dd = fetchStop - fetchStart;
// dd (cache) = {min: 1, max: 8, avg: 3.7}
// dd (normal) = {min: 136, max: 316, avg: 162.62}
// ss.push(dd)
// ss.maxValue = Math.max(...ss);
// ss.minValue = Math.min(...ss);
// ss.avgValue = sum(ss)/ss.length;
// console.log(dd)
// console.log(ss)
previousIsCache = (fetchStop - fetchStart) < (3.7 + 162.62) / 2;
UU.log(`${response.status}: ${response.url}`)
// UU.log(response)
if (response.ok === true) {
return response.json;
if (response.status === 503) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 270 + rd)).then(() => {
return getScriptData(id, true);
if (response.status === 404) {
// script XXXX has been reported and is pending review by a moderator.
return null
console.warn(response.status, response);
new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 470)).then(unlock); // reload later
.then((data) => req.resolve(data))
.catch((e) => {
UU.log(id, url)
// reject(e)
})).catch(() => { }))
const getScriptData = (id, noCache) => {
if (!(+id > 0)) return Promise.resolve();
id = +id;
const reqStores = noCache ? reqStoresB : reqStoresA;
const cachedReq = reqStores.get(id);
if (cachedReq) return cachedReq;
const req = new PromiseExternal();
reqStores.set(id, req);
return req;
* Get user data from Greasy Fork API
* @param {string} userID User ID
* @returns {Promise} User data
const getUserData = (userID, noCache) => {
if (!(userID >= 0)) return Promise.resolve()
const DO_CORS = /^(cn-greasyfork|greasyfork|sleazyfork)\.org$/.test(window.location.hostname) ? `api.${window.location.hostname}` : '';
const url = `https://${DO_CORS || window.location.hostname}/users/${userID}.json`;
const fetchUrl = sessionStorage.getItem(`redirect41-${url}`) || url;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
networkMP2 = networkMP2.then(() => new Promise(unlock => {
const maxAgeInSeconds = 900;
const rd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 80 + 80);
const fetchOptions = noCache ? {
method: 'GET',
cache: 'reload',
credentials: 'omit',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': `max-age=${maxAgeInSeconds}`,
} : {
method: 'GET',
cache: 'force-cache',
credentials: 'omit',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': `max-age=${maxAgeInSeconds}`,
new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, rd))
.then(() => DO_CORS ? corsFetch(fetchUrl, fetchOptions) : standardFetch(fetchUrl, fetchOptions))
.then((response) => {
if (fetchUrl !== response.url) {
sessionStorage.setItem(`redirect41-${url}`, response.url);
sessionStorage.setItem(`redirect41-${fetchUrl}`, response.url);
UU.log(`${response.status}: ${response.url}`)
if (response.ok === true) {
return response.json;
if (response.status === 503) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 270 + rd)).then(() => {
return getUserData(userID, true); // reload later
if (response.status === 404) {
// user XXXX has been reported and is pending review by a moderator. ????
return null
console.warn(response.status, response);
new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 470)).then(unlock);
.then((data) => resolve(data))
.catch((e) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 270)
UU.log(userID, url)
// reject(e)
})).catch(() => { })
const getTotalInstalls = (data) => {
if (!data || !data.scripts) return;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const totalInstalls = [];
data.scripts.forEach((element) => {
totalInstalls.push(parseInt(element.total_installs, 10));
resolve(totalInstalls.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0));
const communicationId = WinComm.newCommunicationId();
const wincomm = WinComm.createInstance(communicationId);
const isInstalled = (script) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promiseScriptCheck.then(d => {
if (!d) return null;
const data = d.data;
const al = data.type % 10;
if (al === 0) {
// no namespace
resolve([null, script.name, '']);
} else if (al === 1) {
// namespace
if (!script.namespace) {
getRafPromise() // foreground
.then(() => getScriptData(script.id))
.then((script) => {
resolve([null, script.name, script.namespace]);
} else {
resolve([null, script.name, script.namespace]);
}).then((res) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!res) return '';
const [_, name, namespace] = res;
wincomm.request('installedVersion.req', {
}).then(d => {
const external = unsafeWindow.external;
const scriptHandler = GM.info.scriptHandler;
if (external && external.Violentmonkey && (scriptHandler || 'Violentmonkey') === 'Violentmonkey') {
external.Violentmonkey.isInstalled(name, namespace).then((data) => resolve(data));
if (external && external.Tampermonkey && (scriptHandler || 'Tampermonkey') === 'Tampermonkey') {
external.Tampermonkey.isInstalled(name, namespace, (data) => {
(data.installed) ? resolve(data.version) : resolve();
const compareVersions = (v1, v2) => {
if (!v1 || !v2) return NaN;
if (v1 === null || v2 === null) return NaN;
if (v1 === v2) return 0;
const sv1 = v1.split('.').map((index) => parseInt(index));
const sv2 = v2.split('.').map((index) => parseInt(index));
const count = Math.max(sv1.length, sv2.length);
for (let index = 0; index < count; index++) {
if (isNaNx(sv1[index]) || isNaNx(sv2[index])) return NaN;
if (sv1[index] > sv2[index]) return 1;
if (sv1[index] < sv2[index]) return -1;
return 0;
* Return label for the hide script button
* @param {boolean} hidden Is hidden
* @returns {string} Label
const blockLabel = (hidden) => {
return hidden ? (locales[lang] ? locales[lang].notHide : locales.en.notHide) : (locales[lang] ? locales[lang].hide : locales.en.hide)
* Return label for the install button
* @param {number} update Update value
* @returns {string} Label
const installLabel = (update) => {
switch (update) {
case 0: {
return locales[lang] ? locales[lang].reinstall : locales.en.reinstall
case 1: {
return locales[lang] ? locales[lang].update : locales.en.update
case -1: {
return locales[lang] ? locales[lang].downgrade : locales.en.downgrade
default: {
return locales[lang] ? locales[lang].install : locales.en.install
const hideBlacklistedDiscussion = (element, list) => {
const scriptLink = element.querySelector('a.script-link')
const m = /\/scripts\/(\d+)/.exec(scriptLink);
const id = m ? +m[1] : 0;
if (!(id > 0)) return;
switch (list) {
case 'hiddenList': {
const container = element.closest('.discussion-list-container') || element;
if (hiddenList.indexOf(id) >= 0) {
// if (customBlacklist && (customBlacklist.test(name) || customBlacklist.test(description)) && !element.classList.contains('blacklisted')) {
//     element.classList.add('blacklisted', 'custom-blacklist');
//     if (gmc.get('hideBlacklistedScripts') && gmc.get('debugging')) {
//         let scriptLink = element.querySelector('.script-link');
//         if (scriptLink) { scriptLink.textContent += ' (custom-blacklist)'; }
//     }
// }
UU.log('No blacklists');
const hideBlacklistedScript = (element, list) => {
if (!element) return;
const scriptLink = element.querySelector('.script-link')
const name = scriptLink ? scriptLink.textContent : '';
const descriptionElem = element.querySelector('.script-description')
const description = descriptionElem ? descriptionElem.textContent : '';
if (!name) return;
switch (list) {
case 'nonLatins':
if ((nonLatins.test(name) || nonLatins.test(description)) && !element.classList.contains('blacklisted')) {
element.classList.add('blacklisted', 'non-latins');
if (gmc.get('hideBlacklistedScripts') && gmc.get('debugging')) {
let scriptLink = element.querySelector('.script-link');
if (scriptLink) { scriptLink.textContent += ' (non-latin)'; }
case 'blacklist':
if (isBlackList(name, description) && !element.classList.contains('blacklisted')) {
element.classList.add('blacklisted', 'blacklist');
if (gmc.get('hideBlacklistedScripts') && gmc.get('debugging')) {
let scriptLink = element.querySelector('.script-link');
if (scriptLink) { scriptLink.textContent += ' (blacklist)'; }
case 'customBlacklist': {
const customBlacklist = customBlacklistRF;
if (customBlacklist && (customBlacklist(name) >= 0 || customBlacklist(description) >= 0) && !element.classList.contains('blacklisted')) {
element.classList.add('blacklisted', 'custom-blacklist');
if (gmc.get('hideBlacklistedScripts') && gmc.get('debugging')) {
let scriptLink = element.querySelector('.script-link');
if (scriptLink) { scriptLink.textContent += ' (custom-blacklist)'; }
UU.log('No blacklists');
const hideHiddenScript = (element, id, list) => {
id = +id;
if (!(id >= 0)) return;
const isInHiddenList = () => hiddenList.indexOf(id) !== -1;
const updateScriptLink = (shouldHide) => {
if (gmc.get('hideHiddenScript') && gmc.get('debugging')) {
let scriptLink = element.querySelector('.script-link');
if (scriptLink) {
if (shouldHide) {
scriptLink.innerHTML += ' (hidden)';
} else {
scriptLink.innerHTML = scriptLink.innerHTML.replace(' (hidden)', '');
// Check for initial state and set it
if (isInHiddenList()) {
// Add button to hide the script
const insertButtonHTML = (selector, html) => {
const target = element.querySelector(selector);
if (!target) return;
let p = document.createElement('template');
p.innerHTML = html;
target.parentNode.insertBefore(p.content.firstChild, target.nextSibling);
const isHidden = element.classList.contains('hidden');
const blockButtonHTML = `<span class=block-button role=button style-16377>${blockLabel(isHidden)}</span>`;
const blockButtonHeaderHTML = `<span class=block-button role=button style-77329 style="">${blockLabel(isHidden)}</span>`;
insertButtonHTML('.badge-js, .badge-css', blockButtonHTML);
insertButtonHTML('header h2', blockButtonHeaderHTML);
// Add event listener
const button = element.querySelector('.block-button');
if (button) {
button.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (!isInHiddenList()) {
GM.setValue('hiddenList', hiddenList);
} else {
const index = hiddenList.indexOf(id);
hiddenList.splice(index, 1);
GM.setValue('hiddenList', hiddenList);
const blockBtn = element.querySelector('.block-button');
if (blockBtn) blockBtn.textContent = blockLabel(element.classList.contains('hidden'));
const insertButtonHTML = (element, selector, html) => {
const target = element.querySelector(selector);
if (!target) return;
let p = document.createElement('template');
p.innerHTML = html;
let button = p.content.firstChild
target.parentNode.insertBefore(button, target.nextSibling);
return button;
const addInstallButton = (element, url) => {
return setupInstallLink(insertButtonHTML(element, '.badge-js, .badge-css', `<a class="install-link" href="${url}" style-54998></a>`));
async function digestMessage(message, algo) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(message);
const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest(algo, data);
return hash;
function qexString(buffer) {
const byteArray = new Uint8Array(buffer);
const len = byteArray.length;
const hexCodes = new Array(len * 2);
const chars = 'a4b3c5d7e6f9h2t';
for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++) {
const byte = byteArray[i];
hexCodes[j++] = chars[byte >> 4];
hexCodes[j++] = chars[byte & 0x0F];
return hexCodes.join('');
const encodeFileName = (s) => {
if (!s || typeof s !== 'string') return s;
s = s.replace(/[.!~*'"();\/\\?@&=$,#]/g, '-').replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
return encodeURI(s);
const isLibraryURLWithVersion = (url) => {
if (!url || typeof url !== 'string') return;
if (url.includes('.js?version=')) return true;
if (/\/scripts\/\d+\/\d+\/[^.!~*'"();\/\\?@&=$,#]+\.js/.test(url)) return true;
return false;
const showInstallButton = async (scriptID, element) => {
await getRafPromise().then();
// if(document.querySelector(`li[data-script-id="${scriptID}"]`))
let _baseScript = null;
if (element.nodeName === 'LI' && element.hasAttribute('data-script-id') && element.getAttribute('data-script-id') === `${scriptID}` && element.getAttribute('data-script-language') === 'js') {
const version = element.getAttribute('data-script-version') || ''
let scriptCodeURL = element.getAttribute('data-code-url');
if (!scriptCodeURL || !isVaildURL(scriptCodeURL)) {
const name = element.getAttribute('data-script-name') || ''
// if (!/[^\x00-\x7F]/.test(name)) {
// const scriptName = useHashedScriptName ? qexString(await digestMessage(`${+scriptID} ${version}`, 'SHA-1')).substring(0, 8) : encodeURI(name);
// const token = useHashedScriptName ? `${scriptName.substring(0, 2)}${scriptName.substring(scriptName.length - 2, scriptName.length)}` : String.fromCharCode(Date.now() % 26 + 97) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 19861 + 19861).toString(36);
const scriptFilename = element.getAttribute('data-script-type') === 'library' ? `${encodeFileName(name)}.js` : `${encodeFileName(name)}.user.js`;
// const scriptFilename = `${scriptName}.user.js`;
// code_url: `https://${location.hostname}/scripts/${scriptID}-${token}/code/${scriptFilename}`,
// code_url: `https://update.${location.hostname}/scripts/${scriptID}.user.js`,
scriptCodeURL = `https://update.${location.hostname}/scripts/${scriptID}/${scriptFilename}`
_baseScript = {
id: +scriptID,
// name: name,
code_url: scriptCodeURL,
version: version
// }
const baseScript = _baseScript || (await getScriptData(scriptID));
if ((element.nodeName === 'LI' && element.getAttribute('data-script-type') === 'library') || (baseScript.code_url.includes('.js?version='))) {
let scriptCodeURL = element.getAttribute('data-code-url');
if (!scriptCodeURL || !isVaildURL(scriptCodeURL)) {
const script = baseScript.code_url.includes('.js?version=') ? baseScript : (await getScriptData(scriptID));
scriptCodeURL = script.code_url;
if (scriptCodeURL && isLibraryURLWithVersion(scriptCodeURL)) {
const code_url = fixLibraryCodeURL(scriptCodeURL);
const button = addInstallButton(element, code_url);
button.textContent = `Copy URL`;
button.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
const target = (evt || 0).target;
if (!target) return;
let a = target.nodeName === 'A' ? target : target.querySelector('a[href]');
if (!a) return;
let href = target.getAttribute('href');
if (!href) return;
} else {
if (!baseScript || !baseScript.code_url || !baseScript.version) return;
const button = addInstallButton(element, baseScript.code_url);
button.textContent = `${installLabel()} ${baseScript.version}`;
const script = baseScript && baseScript.name && baseScript.namespace ? baseScript : (await getScriptData(scriptID));
if (!script) return;
const installed = await isInstalled(script);
const version = (
baseScript.version && script.version && compareVersions(baseScript.version, script.version) === 1
) ? baseScript.version : script.version;
const update = compareVersions(version, installed);  // NaN  1  -1  0
const label = installLabel(update);
button.textContent = `${label} ${version}`;
const updateReqStoresWithElementsOrder = (x) => {
try {
const reqStoresA_ = reqStoresA;
const reqStoresB_ = reqStoresB;
const order2 = [...reqStoresA_.keys()];
const order3 = [...reqStoresB_.keys()];
const orders1 = x;
const orders = new Set([...orders1, ...order2, ...order3]);
const reqStoresA2 = new Map();
const reqStoresB2 = new Map();
for (const id of orders) {
const reqA = reqStoresA_.get(id);
if (reqA) reqStoresA2.set(id, reqA);
const reqB = reqStoresB_.get(id);
if (reqB) reqStoresB2.set(id, reqB);
reqStoresA = reqStoresA2;
reqStoresB = reqStoresB2;
} catch (e) {
let lastIdArrString = '';
const foundScriptList = async (scriptList) => {
// add options and style for blacklisted/hidden scripts
if (gmc.get('hideBlacklistedScripts') || gmc.get('hideHiddenScript')) {
mutationRunner(() => {
if (!scriptList || scriptList.isConnected !== true) return;
const scriptElements = scriptList.querySelectorAll('li[data-script-id]:not([e8kk])');
for (const element of scriptElements) {
element.setAttribute('e8kk', '1');
const scriptID = +element.getAttribute('data-script-id');
if (!(scriptID > 0)) continue;
// blacklisted scripts
if (gmc.get('nonLatins')) hideBlacklistedScript(element, 'nonLatins');
if (gmc.get('blacklist')) hideBlacklistedScript(element, 'blacklist');
if (gmc.get('customBlacklist')) hideBlacklistedScript(element, 'customBlacklist');
// hidden scripts
if (gmc.get('hideHiddenScript')) hideHiddenScript(element, scriptID, true);
// install button
if (gmc.get('showInstallButton')) {
showInstallButton(scriptID, element)
const idArr = [...scriptList.querySelectorAll('li[data-script-id]')].map(e => +e.getAttribute('data-script-id'));
const idArrString = idArr.join(',');
if (lastIdArrString !== idArrString) {
lastIdArrString = idArrString;
}, scriptList, { subtree: true, childList: true });
const foundDiscussionList = (discussionsList) => {
targetHiddenRecentDateTime = Date.now() - valHideRecentUsersWithin * 3600000;
mutationRunner(() => {
if (!discussionsList || discussionsList.isConnected !== true) return;
const scriptElements = discussionsList.querySelectorAll('.discussion-list-item:not([e8kk])');
for (const element of scriptElements) {
element.setAttribute('e8kk', '1');
// blacklisted scripts
if (gmc.get('hideHiddenScript')) hideBlacklistedDiscussion(element, 'hiddenList');
let t;
let userId = 0;
if (t = element.querySelector('a.user-link[href*="/users/"]')) {
const m = /\/users\/(\d+)/.exec(`${t.getAttribute('href')}`);
if (m) {
userId = +m[1];
if (userId > 0) {
determineRecentUserAsync(userId).then((isNewUser) => {
element.classList.toggle('discussion-item-by-recent-user', isNewUser);
let discussionId = 0;
if (t = element.querySelector('a.discussion-title[href*="/discussions/')) {
const m = /\/\w+\/(\d+)/.exec(`${t.getAttribute('href')}`);
if (m) {
discussionId = +m[1];
let btnContainer = null;
const meta = element.querySelector('div.discussion-meta');
if (meta) {
btnContainer = document.createElement('additional-buttons');
if (btnContainer) {
if (discussionId > 0) {
const btn = document.createElement('a');
btn.classList = 'discussion-list-item-report-comment'
btn.textContent = 'Report Comment';
const m = /^(https?:\/\/[a-z-]{10,15}\.org\/(([a-z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,3})?)\/)?)\w+/.exec(location.href);
if (m) {
btn.href = `${m[1]}reports/new?item_class=discussion&item_id=${discussionId}`;
}, discussionsList, { subtree: true, childList: true });
const foundScriptDiscussionList = (discussionsList) => {
targetHiddenRecentDateTime = Date.now() - valHideRecentUsersWithin * 3600000;
mutationRunner(() => {
if (!discussionsList || discussionsList.isConnected !== true) return;
const scriptElements = discussionsList.querySelectorAll('.discussion-list-item:not([e8kk])');
for (const element of scriptElements) {
element.setAttribute('e8kk', '1');
let t;
let userId = 0;
if (t = element.querySelector('a.user-link[href*="/users/"]')) {
const m = /\/users\/(\d+)/.exec(`${t.getAttribute('href')}`);
if (m) {
userId = +m[1];
if (userId > 0) {
determineRecentUserAsync(userId).then((isNewUser) => {
element.classList.toggle('discussion-item-by-recent-user', isNewUser);
let discussionId = 0;
if (t = element.querySelector('a.discussion-title[href*="/discussions/')) {
const m = /\/\w+\/(\d+)/.exec(`${t.getAttribute('href')}`);
if (m) {
discussionId = +m[1];
let btnContainer = null;
const meta = element.querySelector('div.discussion-meta');
btnContainer = document.createElement('additional-buttons');
if (btnContainer) {
if (discussionId > 0) {
const btn = document.createElement('a');
btn.classList = 'discussion-list-item-report-comment'
btn.textContent = 'Report Comment';
const m = /^(https?:\/\/[a-z-]{10,15}\.org\/(([a-z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,3})?)\/)?)\w+/.exec(location.href);
if (m) {
btn.href = `${m[1]}reports/new?item_class=discussion&item_id=${discussionId}`;
}, discussionsList, { subtree: true, childList: true });
let promiseScriptCheckResolve = null;
const promiseScriptCheck = new Promise(resolve => {
promiseScriptCheckResolve = resolve
const milestoneNotificationFn = async (o) => {
const { userLink, userID } = o;
const milestones = gmc.get('milestoneNotification').replace(/\s/g, '').split(',').map(Number);
if (!userID) return;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 800)); // delay for reducing server burden
await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); // foreground
const userData = await getUserData(+userID.match(/\d+(?=\D)/g));
if (!userData) return;
const [totalInstalls, lastMilestone] = await Promise.all([
GM.getValue('lastMilestone', 0)]);
const milestone = milestones.filter(milestone => totalInstalls >= milestone).pop();
UU.log(`total installs are "${totalInstalls}", milestone reached is "${milestone}", last milestone reached is "${lastMilestone}"`);
if (milestone <= lastMilestone) return;
if (milestone && milestone >= 0) {
GM.setValue('lastMilestone', milestone);
const lang = document.documentElement.lang;
const text = (locales[lang] ? locales[lang].milestone : locales.en.milestone).replace('$1', milestone.toLocaleString());
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title: GM.info.script.name,
image: logo,
onclick: () => {
window.location = `https://${window.location.hostname}${userID}#user-script-list-section`;
} else {
const onReady = async () => {
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if (gminfo) {
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scriptName: gminfoscript.name || '', // not name_i18n
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userScriptManagerNotDetected: (d, evt) => promiseScriptCheckResolve(null),
'installedVersion.res': wincomm.handleResponse
document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).textContent = `;(${mWindow.contentScriptText})(${JSON.stringify(scriptHandlerObject)}, ${WinComm.createInstance});`;
setTimeout(() => {
getRafPromise().then(() => {
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userID = userID ? /users\/(\d+)/.exec(userID) : null;
if (userID) userID = userID[1];
if (userID) {
userID = +userID;
if (userID > 0) {
getUserData(userID, true);
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const userID = userLink ? userLink.getAttribute('href') : undefined;
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url1 = url1.replace(/\?\w+=\w+(&\w+=\w+)*$/, '');
url2 = url2.replace(/\?\w+=\w+(&\w+=\w+)*$/, '');
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const elementLookup = (selector, fn) => {
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const isScriptListPage = !isPageUnderScript && pageType === 'scripts';
const isUserIDPage = !isPageUnderScript && urlMatch(window.location.pathname, userID);
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elementLookup('.script-list', foundScriptList);
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// hidden scripts on details page
const installLinkElement = document.querySelector('#script-info .install-link[data-script-id]');
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if (gmc.get('hideHiddenScript')) {
const id = +installLinkElement.getAttribute('data-script-id');
hideHiddenScript(document.querySelector('#script-info'), id, false);
installLinkElement.addEventListener('click', async function (e) {
if (e && e.isTrusted && location.pathname.includes('/scripts/')) {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 800));
await new Promise(r => window.requestAnimationFrame(r));
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100));
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// window.ethicalads = { wait: new Promise() }
document.dispatchEvent(new Event("DOMContentLoaded"));
document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(new Event("turbo:load"));
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} else if (isDiscussionListPage) {
elementLookup('.discussion-list', foundDiscussionList);
} else if (isFeedbackListPage) {
elementLookup('.script-discussion-list', foundScriptDiscussionList);
// total installs
if (gmc.get('showTotalInstalls') && document.querySelector('#user-script-list')) {
const dailyInstalls = [];
const totalInstalls = [];
const dailyInstallElements = document.querySelectorAll('#user-script-list li dd.script-list-daily-installs');
for (const element of dailyInstallElements) {
dailyInstalls.push(parseInt(element.textContent.replace(/\D/g, ''), 10));
const totalInstallElements = document.querySelectorAll('#user-script-list li dd.script-list-total-installs');
for (const element of totalInstallElements) {
totalInstalls.push(parseInt(element.textContent.replace(/\D/g, ''), 10));
const dailyInstallsSum = dailyInstalls.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const totalInstallsSum = totalInstalls.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
const convertLi = (li) => {
if (!li) return null;
const a = li.firstElementChild
if (a === null) return li;
if (a === li.lastElementChild && a.nodeName === 'A') return a;
return null;
const plusSign = document.querySelector('#user-script-list-section a[rel="next"][href*="page="], #user-script-list-section a[rel="prev"][href*="page="]') ? '+' : '';
const dailyOption = convertLi(document.querySelector('#script-list-sort .list-option:nth-child(1)'));
dailyOption && dailyOption.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span> (${dailyInstallsSum.toLocaleString()}${plusSign})</span>`);
const totalOption = convertLi(document.querySelector('#script-list-sort .list-option:nth-child(2)'));
totalOption && totalOption.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span> (${totalInstallsSum.toLocaleString()}${plusSign})</span>`);
// milestone notification
if (gmc.get('milestoneNotification')) {
milestoneNotificationFn({ userLink, userID });
if (isScriptFirstUse) GM.setValue('firstUse', false).then(() => {
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element.textContent = element.textContent.replace(/\bhttps:\/\/(cn-greasyfork|greasyfork|sleazyfork)\.org\/scripts\/\d+\-[^\/]+\/code\/[^\.]+\.js\?version=\d+\b/, (_) => {
return fixLibraryCodeURL(_);
element.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\u200B'), element);
element.style.display = 'inline-flex';
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function contentLength(text) {
return text.replace(/\n/g, '  ').length;
function contentLengthMax() {
return 50000;
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function updateText(ainfo, span) {
const value = ainfo.value;
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span.textContent = `Text Length: ${contentLength(value)} / ${contentLengthMax()}`;
function onChange(evt) {
let ainfo = (evt || 0).target;
if (!ainfo) return;
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if (!span) return;
updateText(ainfo, span);
function kbEvent(evt) {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
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ainfo.addEventListener('keypress', kbEvent, false);
ainfo.addEventListener('keyup', kbEvent, false);
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ainfo.parentNode.insertBefore(span, ainfo.nextSibling);
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Promise.resolve().then(() => {
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