To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube JS Engine Tamer // @namespace UserScripts // @version 0.18.18 // @match* // @match* // @match* // @license MIT // @author CY Fung // @icon // @description To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine // @grant none // @require // @run-at document-start // @unwrap // @inject-into page // @allFrames true // @exclude /^https?://\S+\.(txt|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|xml|svg|manifest|log|ini)[^\/]*$/ // ==/UserScript== (() => { /** @type {WeakMapConstructor} */ const WeakMap = window.WeakMapOriginal || window.WeakMap; const NATIVE_CANVAS_ANIMATION = false; // for #cinematics const FIX_schedulerInstanceInstance = 2 | 4; const FIX_yt_player = true; // DONT CHANGE const FIX_Animation_n_timeline = true; const NO_PRELOAD_GENERATE_204 = false; const ENABLE_COMPUTEDSTYLE_CACHE = true; const NO_SCHEDULING_DUE_TO_COMPUTEDSTYLE = true; const CHANGE_appendChild = true; // discussions#236759 const FIX_bind_self_this = false; // EXPERIMENTAL !!!!! this affect page switch after live ends const FIX_weakMap_weakRef = false; // EXPERIMENTAL !!!!! Might Incompatible to some userscripts (as the strong relationship is removed) const FIX_error_many_stack = true; // should be a bug caused by uBlock Origin // const FIX_error_many_stack_keepAliveDuration = 200; // ms // const FIX_error_many_stack_keepAliveDuration_check_if_n_larger_than = 8; const FIX_Iframe_NULL_SRC = false; const IGNORE_bindAnimationForCustomEffect = true; // prevent `v.bindAnimationForCustomEffect(this);` being executed const FIX_ytdExpander_childrenChanged = true; const FIX_paper_ripple_animate = true; const FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta = true; // omit the incorrect yt-animated-rolling-number const FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta_emitterBehavior = true; const FIX_doIdomRender = true; const FIX_Shady = true; // [[ 2024.04.24 ]] const MODIFY_ShadyDOM_OBJ = true; // << if MODIFY_ShadyDOM_OBJ >> const WEAKREF_ShadyDOM = true; const OMIT_ShadyDOM_EXPERIMENTAL = 1 | 0; // 1 => enable; 2 => composedPath const OMIT_ShadyDOM_settings = 0 | 0 | 0; // 1: inUse; 2: handlesDynamicScoping; 4: force // {{ PRELIM TESTING PURPOSE }} // << end >> const WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL = 1 | 2; // 2 - conflict control with ShadyDOM weakref const FIX_ytAction_ = true; // ytd-app const FIX_onVideoDataChange = false; // const FIX_onClick = true; const FIX_onStateChange = true; const FIX_onLoopRangeChange = true; // const FIX_maybeUpdateFlexibleMenu = true; // ytd-menu-renderer const FIX_VideoEVENTS_v2 = true; // true might cause bug in switching page const ENABLE_discreteTasking = true; // << if ENABLE_discreteTasking >> const FIX_stampDomArray_stableList = true; const ENABLE_weakenStampReferences = true; // disabled in old browsers // << end >> const FIX_perfNow = true; // history state issue; see const ENABLE_ASYNC_DISPATCHEVENT = false; // problematic const FIX_Polymer_dom = true; const SCRIPTLET_REMOVE_PRUNE_propNeedles = true; // brave scriptlet related const DEBUG_removePrune = false; // true for DEBUG const FIX_XHR_REQUESTING = true; const LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE = false; // for DEBUG const IGNORE_bufferhealth_CHECK = false; // experimental; true will make "Stats for nerds" no info. const DENY_requestStorageAccess = true; // remove document.requestStorageAccess const DISABLE_IFRAME_requestStorageAccess = true; // no effect if DENY_requestStorageAccess is true const DISABLE_COOLDOWN_SCROLLING = true; // YT cause scroll hang in MacOS const FIX_removeChild = true; const FIX_fix_requestIdleCallback_timing = true; const HOOK_CSSPD_LEFT = true; // global css hack for style.left const FORCE_NO_REUSEABLE_ELEMENT_POOL = true; const FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS = true; // Based on Tabview Youtube's implementation const DO_createStampDomArrayFnE1_ = true; // added in 2025.02.11 - to improve stampDom responsiveness const DO_createStampDomArrayFnE1_noConstraintE = true; const DO_createStampDomArrayFnE1_nativeAppendD = true; const DO_createStampDomArrayFnF1_ = true; const DO_createStampDomArray_STRICT_FULFILLMENT = true; // avoid issues; can be changed to false const FIX_POPUP_UNIQUE_ID = true; // currently only for channel about popup; // ----------------------------- POPUP UNIQUE ID ISSUE ----------------------------- // example. // first tp-yt-paper-dialog: show once the page is loaded. // second tp-yt-paper-dialog: click "...more" // third tp-yt-paper-dialog: click "... and 3 more links" // check with document.querySelectorAll('ytd-popup-container tp-yt-paper-dialog').length // currently, uniqueId is preassigned by the network resolveCommand. // so don't modify the source side, just modify the display side (popup display) via handleOpenPopupAction // other related functions e.g. handleClosePopupCommand_, getAndMaybeCreatePopup_, handleClosePopupAction_, getAndMaybeCreatePopup_ // handleOpenPopupAction -> createCacheKey // handleClosePopupAction_ -> createCacheKey // handleGetPopupOpenedAction_ -> createCacheKey // getAndMaybeCreatePopup_ -> createCacheKey // closePopup -> createCacheKey // yt-close-popup-command -> handleClosePopupCommand_ // ensurePopup_ -> getAndMaybeCreatePopup_ // yt-close-popup-action -> handleClosePopupAction_ // closePopup -> handleClosePopupAction_ // handleOpenPopupAction -> handleClosePopupAction_ // handleClosePopupCommand_ -> handleClosePopupAction_ // closeSheet -> handleClosePopupAction_("yt-sheet-view-model") // yt-open-popup-action -> handleOpenPopupAction // yt-close-popup-action -> handleClosePopupAction_ -> createCacheKey // yt-close-popup-command -> handleClosePopupCommand_ -> handleClosePopupAction_ -> createCacheKey // Experimental flag "ytpopup_disable_default_html_caching" is disabled by default. // Not sure enabling it can make GC or not (Yt Components are usually not GC-able) // ----------------------------- POPUP UNIQUE ID ISSUE ----------------------------- const FIX_DOM_IF_REPEAT = true; // semi-experimental (added in 0.17.0) const FIX_DOM_IF_TEMPLATE = true; // const FIX_DOM_REPEAT_TEMPLATE = true; // to be implemented const FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange = false; // semi-experimental (added in 0.17.0) // found buggy for chat ticker sizing const DEBUG_DBR847 = false; const DEBUG_xx847 = false; const FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange_SET_TO_PROPNAME = true; // default true. false might be required for future change const DEBUG_renderDebounceTs = false; const FIX_VIDEO_PLAYER_MOUSEHOVER_EVENTS = true; // avoid unnecessary reflows due to cursor moves on the web player. /* FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange avoid Polymer.flush // var Is = function() { do { var a = window.ShadyDOM && ShadyDOM.flush(); window.ShadyCSS && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim.flush(); var b = NNa() } while (a || b) }; , NNa = function() { var a = !!ts.size; ts.forEach(function(b) { try { b.flush() } catch (c) { setTimeout(function() { throw c }) } }); return a }; // why flush twice after all ts are completed? (!!ts.size => true => loop again) // this coding logic should be incorrect (mistake). */ // ----------------------------- Shortkey Keyboard Control ----------------------------- // dependency: FIX_yt_player const FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS = 2; // 0 - no fix; 1 - basic fix; 2 - advanced fix // [0] no fix - not recommended // [1] basic fix - just fix the global focus detection variable // [2] advanced fix - call the shortcut actions directly, auto foucs change, direct control of spacebar behavior, etc // (note) 0 or 1 if you find conflict with other userscripts/plugin const CHANGE_SPEEDMASTER_SPACEBAR_CONTROL = 0; // 0 - disable; 1 - force true; 2 - force false const USE_IMPROVED_PAUSER###ME_UNDER_NO_SPEEDMASTER = true; // only for SPEEDMASTER = false & FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS = 2 const PROP_OverReInclusion_AVOID = true; const PROP_OverReInclusion_DEBUGLOG = false; const PROP_OverReInclusion_LIST = new Set([ 'hostElement72', 'parentComponent72', 'localVisibilityObserver_72', 'cachedProviderNode_72', '__template72', '__templatizeOwner72', '__templateInfo72', '__dataHost72', '__CE_shadowRoot72', 'elements_72', 'ky36', 'kz62', 'm822', // To be reviewed. // chat messages 'disabled', 'allowedProps', 'filledButtonOverrides', 'openPopupConfig', 'supportsInlineActionButtons', 'allowedProps', 'dimension', 'loadTime', 'pendingPaint', 'countdownDurationMs', 'countdownMs', 'lastCountdownTimeMs', 'rafId', 'playerProgressSec', 'detlaSincePausedSecs', 'behaviorActionMap', 'selected', 'maxLikeCount', 'maxReplyCount', 'isMouseOver', 'respectLangDir', 'noEndpoints', 'objectURL', 'buttonOverrides', 'queuedMessages', 'STEP', 'BLOCK_ON', 'MIN_PROGESS', 'MAX_PROGESS', 'DISMISSED_CONTENT_KEYSPACE', 'followUpDialogPromise', 'followUpDialogPromiseResolve', 'followUpDialogPromiseReject', 'hoverJobId', 'JSC$14573_touched', // tbc 'toggleable', 'isConnected', 'scrollDistance', 'dragging', 'dragMouseStart', 'dragOffsetStart', 'containerWidthDiff', 'disableDeselectEvent', 'emojiSize', 'buttonOverride', 'shouldUseStickyPreferences', 'longPressTimeoutId', // others 'observeVisibleOption', 'observeHiddenOption', 'observePrescanOption', 'visibilityMonitorKeys', // 'filledButtonOverrides', 'openPopupConfig', 'supportsInlineActionButtons', 'observeVisibleOption', 'observeHiddenOption', 'observePrescanOption', 'visibilityMonitorKeys', // 'dimension', 'loadTime', 'pendingPaint', // 'disabled', 'allowedProps', // 'enableMssLazyLoad', 'popupContainerConfig', 'actionRouterNode', 'actionRouterIsRoot', 'actionMap', 'dynamicActionMap', // 'actionMap', // 'sharedTooltipPosition', 'sharedTooltipAnimationDelay', 'disableEmojiPickerIncrementalLoading', 'useResolveCommand', 'activeRequest', 'popoutWindowCheckIntervalId', 'supportedTooltipTargets', 'closeActionPanelTimerId', 'delayCloseActionPanelTimerId', 'tooltipTimerIds', 'queuedTooltips', 'isPopupConfigReady', 'popoutWindow', 'actionMap', 'clearTimeout', 'switchTemplateAtRegistration', 'hasUnmounted', 'switchTemplateAtRegistration', 'stopKeyboardEventPropagation', 'tangoConfiguration', 'itemIdToDockDurationMap', 'actionMap', 'emojiManager', 'inputMethodEditorActive', 'suggestionIndex', 'JSC$10745_lastSuggestionRange', 'actionMap', 'asyncHandle', 'shouldAnimateIn', 'lastFrameTimestamp', 'scrollClampRaf', 'scrollRatePixelsPerSecond', 'scrollStartTime', 'scrollStopHandle' // 'buttonOverrides', 'queuedMessages', 'clearTimeout', 'actionMap', // 'stopKeyboardEventPropagation', 'emojiSize', // 'switchTemplateAtRegistration', 'hasUnmounted', // 'buttonOverrides', 'queuedMessages', 'clearTimeout', 'actionMap', // 'isReusable', 'tangoConfiguration', // 'itemIdToDockDurationMap', 'bottomAlignMessages', 'actionMap', // */ ]); // const CAN_TUNE_VOLUMN_AFTER_R###ME_OR_PAUSE = false; // NO USE; TO BE REVIEWED // ----------------------------- Shortkey Keyboard Control ----------------------------- /* window.addEventListener('edm',()=>{ let p = [...this.onerror.errorTokens][0].token; (()=>{ console.log(p); throw new Error(p);console.log(334,p) })() }); window.addEventListener('edn',()=>{ let p = [...this.onerror.errorTokens][0].token+"X"; (()=>{ console.log(p); throw new Error(p);console.log(334,p) })() }); window.addEventListener('edr',()=>{ let p = '123'; (()=>{ console.log(p); throw new Error(p);console.log(334,p) })() }); */ // only for macOS with Chrome/Firefox 100+ const advanceLogging = typeof AbortSignal !== 'undefined' && typeof (AbortSignal || 0).timeout === 'function' && typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /\b(Macintosh|Mac\s*OS)\b/i.test((navigator || 0).userAgent || ''); const win = this instanceof Window ? this : window; // Create a unique key for the script and check if it is already running const hkey_script = 'jswylcojvzts'; if (win[hkey_script]) throw new Error('Duplicated Userscript Calling'); // avoid duplicated scripting win[hkey_script] = true; // const [setTimeoutX0, clearTimeoutX0] = [setTimeout, clearTimeout]; let BY_PASS_KEYBOARD_CONTROL = false; // const setImmediate = ((self || 0).jmt || 0).setImmediate; /** @type {(f: ()=>{})=>{}} */ const nextBrowserTick = (self || 0).nextBrowserTick || 0; const nextBrowserTick_ = nextBrowserTick || (f => f()); let p59 = 0; const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor; const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => { const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject }; return class PromiseExternal extends Promise { constructor(cb = h) { super(cb); if (cb === h) { /** @type {(value: any) => void} */ this.resolve = resolve_; /** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */ this.reject = reject_; } } }; })(); const HTMLElement_ = HTMLElement; const nativeAppendE = HTMLElement_.prototype.append; const nativeRemoveE = HTMLElement_.prototype.remove; const DocumentFragment_ = DocumentFragment; const nativeAppendD = DocumentFragment_.prototype.append; const Node_ = Node; /** @param {number} x @param {number} d */ const toFixed2 = (x, d) => { let t = x.toFixed(d); let y = `${+t}`; return y.length > t.length ? t : y; } const isChatRoomURL = location.pathname.startsWith('/live_chat'); const TRANSLATE_DEBUG = false; function getTranslate() { pLoad.then(() => { let nonce = document.querySelector('style[nonce]'); nonce = nonce ? nonce.getAttribute('nonce') : null; const st = document.createElement('style'); if (typeof nonce === 'string') st.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); st.textContent = ".yt-formatted-string-block-line{display:block;}"; let parent; if (parent = document.head) parent.appendChild(st); else if (parent = (document.body || document.documentElement)) parent.insertBefore(st, parent.firstChild); }); const snCache = new Map(); if (TRANSLATE_DEBUG) { console.log(11) } /** @type {(str: string?) => string} */ function _snippetText(str) { // str can be underfinded if (!str || typeof str !== 'string') return ''; let res = snCache.get(str); if (res === undefined) { let b = false; res = str.replace(/[\s\u3000\u200b]*[\u200b\xA0\x20\n]+[\s\u3000\u200b]*/g, (m) => { b = true; return m.includes('\n') ? '\n' : m.replace(/\u200b/g, '').replace(/[\xA0\x20]+/g, ' '); }); res = res.replace(/^[\s\u3000]+|[\u3000\s]+$/g, () => { b = true; return ''; }); if (b) { snCache.set(str, res); snCache.set(res, null); } else { res = null; snCache.set(str, null); } } return res === null ? str : res; } /** @type {(snippet: Object) => string} */ function snippetText(snippet) { let runs = snippet.runs; const n = runs.length; if (n === 1) return _snippetText(runs[0].text); let res = new Array(n); let ci = 0; for (const s of runs) { res[ci++] = _snippetText(s.text); } return res.join('\n'); } const _DEBUG_szz = (t) => => { const tsr = x.transcriptSegmentRenderer; return ({ t: => x.text).join('//'), a: tsr.startMs, b: tsr.endMs }); }); const fixRuns = (runs) => { if (runs.length === 1 && runs[0]?.text?.includes('\n')) { // const text = runs[0].text; const nlc = text.includes('\r\n') ? '\r\n' : text.includes('\n\r') ? '\n\r' : text.includes('\r') ? '\r' : '\n'; const s = text.split(nlc); let bi = 0; runs.length = s.length; for (const text of s) { runs[bi++] = { ...runs[0], text, ...{blockLine: true} }; } } for (const s of runs) { s.text = _snippetText(s.text); } } function translate(initialSegments) { // 2023.07.13 - fix initialSegments with transcriptSectionHeaderRenderer if (!initialSegments) return initialSegments; if (TRANSLATE_DEBUG) { console.log(12); Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify(initialSegments)).then((r) => { let obj = JSON.parse(r); console.log(7558, 1, obj) return obj; }).then(p => { let obj = _DEBUG_szz(p) console.log(7558, 2, obj) }) } //let mapRej = new WeakSet(); const n1 = initialSegments.length; if (!n1) return fRes; let n2 = 0; const fRes = new Array(n1); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const s8 = Symbol(); { /** @type {Map<String, Object>} */ let cacheTexts = new Map(); // avoid duplicate with javascript object properties // /-* * @type {Map<String, number>} *-/ // let mh1 = new Map(); // avoid duplicate with javascript object properties // 1: ok // 2: abandoned effect text for (const initialSegment of initialSegments) { const transcript = (initialSegment || 0).transcriptSegmentRenderer; if (!transcript) { // - transcriptSectionHeaderRenderer fRes[n2++] = initialSegment; continue; } const runs = transcript.snippet.runs if (!runs || runs.length === 0) { initialSegment[s8] = true; continue; } let startMs = (+transcript.startMs || 0); //integer let endMs = (+transcript.endMs || 0); //integer if (startMs === endMs) { // effect text // //mapRej.add(initialSegment) continue; } if (endMs - startMs < 30) { continue; } const text = snippetText(transcript.snippet); const hEntry = cacheTexts.get(text); const mh1e = hEntry === undefined ? 0 : hEntry === null ? 2 : 1; if (mh1e === 2) continue; const entry = { startMs, endMs, initialSegment, text }; if (mh1e === 0) { if (/^[,.\x60\x27\x22\u200b\xA0\x20;-]*$/.test(text)) { initialSegment[s8] = true; cacheTexts.set(text, null); //effect only // //mapRej.add(initialSegment) continue; } } else if (hEntry) { const timeDiff = entry.startMs - hEntry.endMs; let shouldMerge = false; if (timeDiff >= 0) { if (timeDiff < 25) { shouldMerge = true; } else if (timeDiff < 450 && entry.endMs - entry.startMs < 900) { shouldMerge = true; } else if (timeDiff < 150 && entry.endMs - entry.startMs > 800) { shouldMerge = true; } if (shouldMerge && hEntry.endMs <= endMs && startMs <= endMs) { // abandon the current entry. // absorbed by previous entry hEntry.endMs = entry.endMs; hEntry.initialSegment.transcriptSegmentRenderer.endMs = entry.initialSegment.transcriptSegmentRenderer.endMs; // update fRes & initialSegments as well using object reference //mapRej.add(entry.initialSegment); continue; } } else if (entry.startMs < hEntry.startMs && hEntry.startMs < entry.endMs) { // abandon the current entry. // absorbed by previous entry if (entry.endMs > hEntry.endMs) { hEntry.endMs = entry.endMs; hEntry.initialSegment.transcriptSegmentRenderer.endMs = entry.initialSegment.transcriptSegmentRenderer.endMs; // update fRes & initialSegments as well using object reference } //mapRej.add(entry.initialSegment); continue; } } //if not abandoned cacheTexts.set(text, entry); //replace the previous valid entry object if any // for (const s of runs) { // s.text = _snippetText(s.text); // } fixRuns(runs); fRes[n2++] = initialSegment; } // cacheTexts.clear(); // let GC do it. cacheTexts = null; // mh1.clear(); // let GC do it. // mh1 = null; } const si_length = fRes.length = n2; const sj_length = n1; if (si_length !== sj_length) { // for equal length, no fix is required & ignore spacing fix // collect the abandon text to become second subtitle let sj_start = 0; let invalid_sj = -1; for (let si = 0; si < si_length; si++) { const segment = fRes[si]; let transcript = segment.transcriptSegmentRenderer; if (!transcript) continue; // e.g. transcriptSectionHeaderRenderer const runs = transcript.snippet.runs; // fixRuns(runs); if (runs.length > 1 || runs[0].text.includes('\n')) continue; // skip multi lines const main_startMs = (+transcript.startMs || 0); const main_endMs = (+transcript.endMs || 0); transcript = null; /** @type {Map<string, number>} */ let tMap = new Map(); // avoid duplicate with javascript object properties // assume that it is asc-ordered array of key startMs; for (let sj = sj_start; sj < sj_length; sj++) { const initialSegment = initialSegments[sj]; if (!initialSegment || initialSegment[s8]) continue; // should invalid_sj be set ? const tSegment = initialSegment.transcriptSegmentRenderer; if (!tSegment) { // - transcriptSectionHeaderRenderer invalid_sj = sj; // should invalid_sj be set ? continue; } const startMs = (+tSegment.startMs || 0) const isStartValid = startMs >= main_startMs; if (!isStartValid) { invalid_sj = sj; continue; } // isStartValid must be true if (startMs > main_endMs) { sj_start = invalid_sj + 1; break; } const endMs = (+tSegment.endMs || 0) if (endMs <= main_endMs) { const mt = snippetText(tSegment.snippet); const prev = tMap.get(mt); if (endMs >= startMs) { tMap.set(mt, (prev || 0) + 1 + (endMs - startMs)); } } } if (tMap.size <= 1) continue; // no second line let rg = [...tMap.entries()]; // N x 2 2D-array [string,number][] tMap = null; // rg.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); //descending order of number let targetZ = rg[1][1]; if (targetZ > 4) { let az = 0; let fail = false; for (let idx = 2, rgl = rg.length; idx < rgl; idx++) { az += rg[idx][1]; if (az >= targetZ) { fail = true; break; } } if (!fail) { const rgA = rg[0][0]; const rgB = rg[1][0]; const isDiff = rgB.replace(/\s/g, '') !== rgA.replace(/\s/g, ''); if (isDiff && rgA === _snippetText(runs[0].text)) { if (runs[0] && runs[0].text) runs[0].blockLine = true; runs.push({ text: rgB, blockLine: true }); } } } rg = null; } TRANSLATE_DEBUG && Promise.resolve(fRes).then((r) => { let obj = r; console.log(7559, 1, obj) return obj; }).then(p => { let obj = _DEBUG_szz(p) console.log(7559, 2, obj) }); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- snCache.clear(); return fRes; } return translate } let translateFn = null; FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS && !isChatRoomURL && (() => { const wmx = new WeakMap(); function fixSegments(ytObj) { let a, b; let seg = ((a = == null ? void 0 : a[b = 'searchR###ltSegments']) || ((a = == null ? void 0 : a[b = 'initialSegments']) || []; if (!seg || !a || !b || typeof (seg || 0) !== 'object' || !Number.isFinite(seg.length * 1)) return; translateFn = translateFn || getTranslate(); let cSeg; cSeg = wmx.get(seg); if (!cSeg) { let vSeg = null; try { vSeg = translateFn(seg); } catch (e) { } if (seg && typeof seg === 'object' && seg.length >= 1 && vSeg && typeof vSeg === 'object' && vSeg.length >= 1) { // console.log('translated', vSeg); cSeg = vSeg; wmx.set(seg, cSeg); wmx.set(cSeg, cSeg); } } if (cSeg && cSeg !== seg) { a[b] = cSeg; } } const dfn = Symbol(); const Object_ = Object; Object_[dfn] = Object_.defineProperties; let activation = true; Object_.defineProperties = function (obj, pds) { let segments, get_; if (activation && pds && (segments = pds.segments) && (get_ = segments.get)) { activation = false; segments.get = function () { fixSegments(this); return; }; } return Object_[dfn](obj, pds); }; })(); let pf31 = new PromiseExternal(); // native RAF let __requestAnimationFrame__ = typeof webkitRequestAnimationFrame === 'function' ? window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window); // 1st wrapped RAF const baseRAF = (callback) => { return p59 ? __requestAnimationFrame__(callback) : __requestAnimationFrame__((hRes) => { pf31.then(() => { callback(hRes); }); }); }; // 2nd wrapped RAF window.requestAnimationFrame = baseRAF; const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0); const indr = o => insp(o).$ || o.$ || 0; const prototypeInherit = (d, b) => { const m = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(b); for (const p in m) { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(d, p)) { Object.defineProperty(d, p, m[p]); } } }; const firstObjectKey = (obj) => { for (const key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && typeof obj[key] === 'object') return key; } return null; }; function searchNestedObject(obj, predicate, maxDepth = 64) { // normal case: depth until 36 const r###lt = []; const visited = new WeakSet(); function search(obj, depth) { visited.add(obj); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { // Recursively search nested objects and arrays if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') { // Prevent infinite loops by checking if the object is already visited or depth exceeded if (depth + 1 <= maxDepth && !visited.has(value)) { search(value, depth + 1); } } else if (predicate(value)) { r###lt.push([obj, key]); } } } typeof (obj || 0) === 'object' && search(obj, 0); return r###lt; } /** @type {(o: Object | null) => WeakRef | null} */ const mWeakRef = typeof WeakRef === 'function' ? (o => o ? new WeakRef(o) : null) : (o => o || null); /** @type {(wr: Object | null) => Object | null} */ const kRef = (wr => (wr && wr.deref) ? wr.deref() : wr); const isIterable = (obj) => (Symbol.iterator in Object_(obj)); if (typeof Document.prototype.requestStorageAccessFor === 'function') { if (DENY_requestStorageAccess) { // Document.prototype.requestStorageAccessFor = undefined; console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer]', 'requestStorageAccessFor is removed.'); } else if (DISABLE_IFRAME_requestStorageAccess && window !== top) { Document.prototype.requestStorageAccessFor = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(); }); }; } } const traceStack = (stack) => { let r###lt = new Set(); let p = new Set(); let u = '' for (const s of stack.split('\n')) { if (s.split(':').length < 3) continue; let m = /(([\w-_\.]+):\d+:\d+)[^:\r\n]*/.exec(s); if (!m) continue; p.add(m[2]); if (p.size >= 3) break; if(!u) u = m[2]; else if(p.size === 2 && u && u=== m[2]) break; r###lt.add(s); } return [...r###lt].join('\n'); } if (FIX_bind_self_this && !Function.prototype.bind488 && !Function.prototype.bind588) { // window.m3bb = new Set(); // const smb = Symbol(); const vmb = 'dtz02' // Symbol(); // return kThis for thisArg const vmc = 'dtz04' // Symbol(); // whether it is proxied fn const vmd = 'dtz08' // Symbol(); // self fn proxy (fn--fn) // const fnProxySelf = function (...args) { // if (args[0] === smb) return this; // const cnt = kRef(this.ref); // if (cnt) { // if (typeof cnt[this.prop] !== 'function') console.error(`this.${this.prop} is not a function. [${ || 'nil'}]`) // return cnt[this.prop](...args); // might throw error // } // } // fnProxySelf.bind588 = fnProxySelf.bind; // const pFnHandler = { // get(target, prop){ // if(prop === 'bind588') return 2; // const fnThis = target(smb); // if (fnThis && fnThis.prop && fnThis.ref) { // const cnt = kRef(fnThis.ref || null) || null; // if (cnt) { // const h = cnt[fnThis.prop]; // const v = h[prop]; // if (typeof v === 'function'){ // if(typeof h === 'function'){ // if (prop === 'call' || prop === 'bind' || prop === 'bind588' || prop === 'bind488' || prop === 'apply') { // if(h.bind588 === 1){ // const g = function(...args){ // console.log(1288, this) // return, ...args); // }; // console.log(399, g) // return g[prop]; // // console.log(12778) // // console.log(target, // // return target[prop]; // } // // independent of this // return v; // function.bind,, function.apply // } // } // console.warn('cnt[fnThis.prop][prop] is function; might rely on this', { prop, fProp: fnThis.prop, is:, h: h }); // // return new Proxy(fnProxySelf.bind588({ prop: prop, ref: new WeakRef(cnt[fnThis.prop]) }), pFnHandler); // } // return v; // } // } // }, // set(target, prop, value) { // const fnThis = target(smb); // if (fnThis && fnThis.prop && fnThis.ref) { // const cnt = kRef(fnThis.ref || null) || null; // if (cnt) { // const h = cnt[fnThis.prop]; // if (h) { // h[prop] = value; // } else { // console.log('h is nout found', { prop, fProp: fnThis.prop, is:, h: h }); // } // } // } // return true; // } // }; const thisConversionFn = (thisArg) => { if (!thisArg) return null; const kThis = thisArg[vmb]; if (kThis) { const ref = kThis.ref; return (ref ? kRef(ref) : null) || null; } return thisArg; } const pFnHandler2 = { get(target, prop) { if (prop === vmc) return target; return Reflect.get(target, prop); }, apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList) { thisArg = thisConversionFn(thisArg); if (thisArg) return Reflect.apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList); } } const proxySelfHandler = { get(target, prop) { if(prop === vmb) return target; const ref = target.ref; const cnt = kRef(ref); if (!cnt) return; if (typeof cnt[prop] === 'function' && !cnt[prop][vmc] && !cnt[prop][vmb]) { if (!cnt[prop][vmd]) cnt[prop][vmd] = new Proxy(cnt[prop], pFnHandler2); return cnt[prop][vmd]; } return cnt[prop]; }, set(target, prop, value) { const cnt = kRef(target.ref); if (!cnt) return true; if(value && (value[vmc] || value[vmb])){ cnt[prop] = value[vmc] || thisConversionFn(value); return true; } cnt[prop] = value; return true; } }; const weakWrap = (thisArg) => { thisArg = thisConversionFn(thisArg); if (!thisArg) { console.error('thisArg is not found'); return null; } return new Proxy({ ref: mWeakRef(thisArg) }, proxySelfHandler); } if (!window.getComputedStyle533 && typeof window.getComputedStyle === 'function') { window.getComputedStyle533 = window.getComputedStyle; window.getComputedStyle = function (a, ...args) { a = thisConversionFn(a); if (a) { return getComputedStyle533(a, ...args); } return null; } } Function._count_bind_00 = 0; // Function._count_bind_01 = 0; // let matchNativeCode = (Object+""); // let matchNativeCode1 = matchNativeCode.includes("[native code]"); // let matchNativeLen = matchNativeCode.length -; // const matchConstructor = (thisArg) => { // const f = `${(thisArg || 0).constructor}`; // if (f.length > 45) return true; // if (matchNativeCode1 && f.length - === matchNativeLen) { // if (f.includes('[native code]')){ // return false; // } // return true; // } // return false; // } // const acceptThis = (thisArg)=>{ // // if(!thisArg || typeof thisArg !=='object') return false; // // // if((((thisArg||0).constructor||0).name || 'XXXXXXXX').length < 3) return true; // // if(typeof thisArg.path === 'string') return true; // // if(typeof thisArg.fn === 'function') return true; // // if(typeof === 'string') return true; // // if(typeof thisArg.isLoaded === 'boolean') return true; // return false; // } const patchFn = (fn) => { let s = `${fn}`; if (s.length < 11 || s.includes('\n')) return false; if(s.includes('bind(this')) return true; if(s.includes('=this') && /[,\s][a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*=this[;,]/.test(s) ) return true; // var a=this; // f.bind(this) return false; } Function.prototype.bind488 = Function.prototype.bind; Function.prototype.bind = function(thisArg, ...args){ if (thisConversionFn(thisArg) !== thisArg) { return this.bind488(thisArg, ...args); } if( thisArg && patchFn(this) ){ // console.log(599,`${this}`) try { // let b1 = thisArg && typeof thisArg === 'object' && typeof thisArg.isAttached === 'boolean' && !thisArg.dtz06; // ready cnt // let b2 = !b1 && thisArg && (thisArg instanceof Node) && typeof thisArg.nodeName === 'string' && !thisArg.dtz06; // dom // let b3 = !b1 && !b2 && thisArg && typeof thisArg === 'object' && typeof === 'string' && !thisArg.dtz06; // init stage ? // // let b4 = !b1 && !b2 && !b3 && thisArg && typeof thisArg === 'object' && !thisArg.dtz06 && matchConstructor(thisArg); // // let b5 = !b1 && !b2 && !b3 && !b4 && thisArg && typeof thisArg === 'object' && !thisArg.dtz06 && acceptThis(thisArg); // // let b5 = !b1 && !b2 && !b3 && thisArg && typeof thisArg === 'object' && !thisArg.dtz06 && !(thisArg instanceof Window); // // let b4 = false; // let b4 = !b1 && !b2 && !b3 && thisArg && !thisArg.dtz06; // // b3 = false; // // b4 = false; // // b5 = false; // if (b1 || b2 || b3 ||b4 ) { const f = this; const ps = thisArg.__proxySelf0__ || (thisArg.__proxySelf0__ = weakWrap(thisArg)); if (ps && ps[vmb]) { Function._count_bind_00++; return f.bind488(ps, ...args) } // } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } return this.bind488(thisArg, ...args); } Function.prototype.bind588 = 1; } if (FIX_weakMap_weakRef && !window.WeakMapOriginal && typeof window.WeakMap === 'function' && typeof WeakRef === 'function') { const WeakMapOriginal = window.WeakMapOriginal = window.WeakMap; const wm6 = new WeakMapOriginal(); const skipW = new WeakSet(); window.WeakMap = class WeakMap extends WeakMapOriginal { constructor(iterable = undefined) { super(); if (iterable && iterable[Symbol.iterator]) { for (const entry of iterable) { entry && this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } } delete(a) { if (!this.has(a)) return false; super.delete(a); return true; } get(a) { const p = super.get(a); if (p && typeof p === 'object' && p.deref && !skipW.has(p)) { let v = kRef(p); if (!v) { super.delete(a); } return v || undefined; } return p; } has(a) { if (!super.has(a)) return false; const p = super.get(a); if (p && typeof p === 'object' && p.deref && !skipW.has(p)) { if (!kRef(p)) { super.delete(a); return false; } } return true; } set(a, b) { let wq = b; if (b && (typeof b === 'function' || typeof b === 'object')) { if (b.deref) { skipW.add(b); wq = b; } else { wq = wm6.get(b); if (!wq) { wq = mWeakRef(b); wm6.set(b, wq); } } } super.set(a, wq); return this; } } Object.defineProperty(window.WeakMap, Symbol.toStringTag, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: "WeakMap", writable: false }); } const isWatchPageURL = (url) => { url = url || location; return location.pathname === '/watch' || location.pathname.startsWith('/live/') }; const isCustomElementsProvided = typeof customElements !== "undefined" && typeof (customElements || 0).whenDefined === "function"; const promiseForCustomYtElementsReady = isCustomElementsProvided ? Promise.resolve(0) : new Promise((callback) => { const EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY = "ytI-ce-registry-created"; if (typeof customElements === 'undefined') { if (!('__CE_registry' in document)) { // Object.defineProperty(document, '__CE_registry', { get() { // return undefined }, set(nv) { if (typeof nv == 'object') { delete this.__CE_registry; this.__CE_registry = nv; this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY)); } return true; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }) } let eventHandler = (evt) => { document.removeEventListener(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY, eventHandler, false); const f = callback; callback = null; eventHandler = null; f(); }; document.addEventListener(EVENT_KEY_ON_REGISTRY_READY, eventHandler, false); } else { callback(); } }); const whenCEDefined = isCustomElementsProvided ? (nodeName) => customElements.whenDefined(nodeName) : (nodeName) => promiseForCustomYtElementsReady.then(() => customElements.whenDefined(nodeName)); FIX_perfNow && performance.timeOrigin > 9 && (() => { if (performance.now23 || performance.now16 || typeof !== 'function') return; const f = performance.now23 =; let k = 0; // 0 <= k < 9998m let u = 0; let s = ((performance.timeOrigin % 7) + 1) / 7 - 1e-2 / 7; // s > 0.14 // By definition, is mono increasing. // Fixing in is required to ensure is strictly increasing. = performance.now16 = function () { /** * Bug 1842437 - When attempting to go back on, the content remains the same * * If consecutive session history entries had history.state.entryTime set to same value, * back button doesn't work as expected. The entryTime value is coming from * and modifying its return value slightly to make sure two close consecutive calls don't * get the same r###lt helped with resolving the issue. */ // see // see const v = typeof (this || 0).now23 === 'function' ? this.now23() + s : + s; // v > 0.14 if (u + 0.0015 < (u = v)) k = 0; // note: hRes should be accurate to 5 µs in isolated contexts else if (k < 0.001428) k += 1e-6 / 7; // M = 10000 * m; m * 9### = 0.001428 else { // more than 9998 consecutive calls /** * * max no. of consecutive calls * * Sample Size: 4800 * Sample Avg = 1565.375 * Sample Median = 1469.5 * Sample Max = 5660 << 7500 << 9999 * * * */ k = 0; s += 1 / 7; } return v + k; // 0 < v - M < v - M + k < v } let loggerMsg = ''; if (`${}` === `${}`) { const msg1 = ' is modified but is not strictly increasing.'; const msg2 = ' cannot be modified and is not strictly increasing.'; loggerMsg = !== performance.now16 ? msg1 : msg2; // might not able to set in Firefox } loggerMsg && console.warn(loggerMsg); })(); FIX_removeChild && (() => { if (typeof Node.prototype.removeChild === 'function' && typeof Node.prototype.removeChild062 !== 'function') { Node.prototype.removeChild062 = Node.prototype.removeChild; Node.prototype.removeChild = function (child) { if (typeof this.__shady_native_removeChild !== 'function' || ((child instanceof Node) && child.parentNode === this)) { this.removeChild062(child); } else if ((child instanceof Element) && === 'tp-yt-paper-tooltip') { // tooltip bug } else { console.warn('[yt-js-engine-tamer] Node is not removed from parent', { parent: this, child: child }) } return child; } } })(); FIX_VIDEO_PLAYER_MOUSEHOVER_EVENTS && !isChatRoomURL && (() => { const [setIntervalX0, clearIntervalX0] = [setInterval, clearInterval]; // let cid = 0; let mousemoveFn = null; let mousemoveDT = 0; let mousemoveCount = 0; // let qv = false; const cif = () => { if (!mousemoveFn) return; const ct =; if (mousemoveDT + 1200 > ct) { // avoid setTimeout delay too long without execution mousemoveFn && mousemoveFn(); } mousemoveFn = null; }; let mousemoveCId = 0; let mouseoverFn = null; HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener4882 = HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener; HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener = function (a, b, c) { if ( == 'movie_player' && `${a}`.startsWith('mouse') && c === undefined) { const bt = `${b}`; if (bt.length >= 61 && bt.length <= 71 && bt.startsWith('function(){try{return ') && bt.includes('.apply(this,arguments)}catch(')) { b[`__$$${a}$$1926__`] = true; this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`] = (this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`] || 0) + 1; if (this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`] > 1073741823) this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`] -= 536870911; // console.log(3928, a, this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`]) if (!this[`__$$${a}$$1938__`]) { this[`__$$${a}$$1938__`] = b; if (a === 'mousemove') { this.addEventListener4882('mouseenter', (evt) => { if (mousemoveCId) return; mousemoveCId = setIntervalX0(cif, 380); }); this.addEventListener4882('mouseleave', (evt) => { clearIntervalX0(mousemoveCId); mousemoveCId = 0; }); } this.addEventListener4882(a, (evt) => { const evt_ = evt; if (!this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`]) return; if (!this[`__$$${a}$$1938__`]) return; if (a === 'mousemove') { mouseoverFn && mouseoverFn(); if (mousemoveDT + 350 > (mousemoveDT = { (++mousemoveCount > 1e9) && (mousemoveCount = 9); } else { mousemoveCount = 0; } const f = mousemoveFn = () => { if (f !== mousemoveFn) return; mousemoveFn = null; this[`__$$${a}$$1938__`](evt_); }; if (mousemoveCount <= 1) mousemoveFn(); } else { if (a === 'mouseout' || a === 'mouseleave') { mousemoveFn = null; mousemoveDT = 0; mousemoveCount = 0; this[`__$$${a}$$1938__`](evt_); mouseoverFn && mouseoverFn(); } else { // mouseover, mouseenter mousemoveFn = null; mousemoveDT = 0; mousemoveCount = 0; mouseoverFn && mouseoverFn(); // just in case const f = mouseoverFn = () => { if (f !== mouseoverFn) return; mouseoverFn = null; this[`__$$${a}$$1938__`](evt_); } nextBrowserTick(mouseoverFn); } } }, c); return; } else { return; } } } return this.addEventListener4882(a, b, c) } HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener4882 = HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener; HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener = function (a, b, c) { if ( == 'movie_player' && `${a}`.startsWith('mouse') && c === undefined) { if (b[`__$$${a}$$1926__`]) { b[`__$$${a}$$1926__`] = false; if (this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`]) this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`] -= 1; // console.log(3929, a, this[`__$$${a}$$1937__`], b[`__$$${a}$$1926__`]) return; } } return this.removeEventListener4882(a, b, c) } })(); FIX_DOM_IF_REPEAT && (() => { // // DOM-IF is still a core class of Polymer, so no polymerController is available. // Be careful of the mixture of polymer functions and native Element functions // Be careful of the coding design is different with the modern Yt elements /* function Ks(a, b, c) { if (kj && !BOa(a)) throw Error("strictTemplatePolicy: template owner not trusted"); c = c || {}; if (a.__templatizeOwner) throw Error("A <template> can only be templatized once"); a.__templatizeOwner = b; var d = (b ? b.constructor : Js)._parseTemplate(a) , e = d.templatizeInstanceClass; e || (e = COa(a, d, c), d.templatizeInstanceClass = e); var g = BOa(a); EOa(a, d, c, g); c = function() { return e.apply(this, arguments) || this } ; h(c, e); c.prototype._methodHost = g; c.prototype.__dataHost = a; c.prototype.__templatizeOwner = b; c.prototype.__hostProps = d.hostProps; return c } */ // Polymer.enqueueDebouncer const s81 = Symbol(); const s83 = Symbol(); const s84 = Symbol(); const s85 = Symbol(); const s85b = Symbol(); const s85c = Symbol(); let renderDebounceTs = null; let renderDebouncePromise = null; let qp; let cme = 0; const shadyFlushMO = new MutationObserver(() => { if (!renderDebounceTs) return; if (renderDebounceTs.size > 0) { console.warn('renderDebounceTs.size is incorect', renderDebounceTs.size); try { Polymer.flush(); return; } catch (e) { } } renderDebouncePromise && Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (renderDebouncePromise) { renderDebouncePromise && renderDebouncePromise.resolve(); renderDebouncePromise = null; DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log('__DBR847__ renderDebouncePromise.resolve by MutationObserver') } }); // Polymer.flush window.ShadyDOM && ShadyDOM.flush(); window.ShadyCSS && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim.flush(); }); if (FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange) { const observablePromise = (proc, timeoutPromise) => { let promise = null; return { obtain() { if (!promise) { promise = new Promise(resolve => { let mo = null; const f = () => { let t = proc(); if (t) { mo.disconnect(); mo.takeRecords(); mo = null; resolve(t); } } mo = new MutationObserver(f); mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }) f(); timeoutPromise && timeoutPromise.then(() => { resolve(null) }); }); } return promise } } } let p = 0; qp = observablePromise(() => { if (!(p & 1)) { if (window.ShadyDOM && ShadyDOM.flush) { p |= 1; if (!ShadyDOM.flush847) { ShadyDOM.flush847 = ShadyDOM.flush; ShadyDOM.flush = function () { DEBUG_xx847 && console.log('xx847 ShadyDOM.flush') renderDebouncePromise && Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (renderDebouncePromise) { renderDebouncePromise && renderDebouncePromise.resolve(); renderDebouncePromise = null; DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log('__DBR847__ renderDebouncePromise.resolve by ShadyDOM.flush') } }); let r = this.flush847(...arguments); if (r) { document.documentElement.setAttribute('nw3a24np', (cme = (cme % 511 + 1))); } return r } } } } if (!(p & 2)) { if (window.ShadyCSS && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim.flush) { p |= 2; const ScopingShim = window.ShadyCSS && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim; if (!ScopingShim.flush848) { ScopingShim.flush848 = ScopingShim.flush; ScopingShim.flush = function () { DEBUG_xx847 && console.log('xx847 ScopingShim.flush') renderDebouncePromise && Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (renderDebouncePromise) { renderDebouncePromise && renderDebouncePromise.resolve(); renderDebouncePromise = null; DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log('__DBR847__ renderDebouncePromise.resolve by ScopingShim.flush') } }); return this.flush848(...arguments); } } } } if (p === 3) { p |= 8; let r = (window.ShadyDOM && ShadyDOM.flush && ShadyDOM.flush847 && window.ShadyCSS && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim.flush && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim.flush848); if (r) { let w = Set.prototype.add; let u = null; Set.prototype.add = function () { u = this; throw new Error(); } try { Polymer.enqueueDebouncer() } catch (e) { } Set.prototype.add = w; if (u !== null) { renderDebounceTs = u; if (DEBUG_renderDebounceTs) { renderDebounceTs.add58438 = renderDebounceTs.add; renderDebounceTs.add = function () { console.log('renderDebounceTs.add') console.log(traceStack((new Error()).stack)) // debugger; return this.add58438(...arguments) } renderDebounceTs.delete58438 = renderDebounceTs.delete; renderDebounceTs.delete = function () { console.log('renderDebounceTs.delete') const stack = `${(new Error()).stack}` let isCallbackRemoval = false; if (stack) { let t = stack.replace(/[^\r\n]+renderDebounceTs\.delete[^\r\n]+/, '').replace('://',''); const s = t.split(':'); if (s.length === 3 && +s[1] > 0 && +s[2] > 0) { isCallbackRemoval = true; } } if (isCallbackRemoval) { return this.delete58438(...arguments) } console.log(traceStack((new Error()).stack)) // debugger; return this.delete58438(...arguments) } } DEBUG_renderDebounceTs && (window.renderDebounceTs = renderDebounceTs); console.log('renderDebounceTs', renderDebounceTs, `debug=${DEBUG_renderDebounceTs}`); } } return true; } }) // if(window.ShadyDOM && ShadyDOM.flush){ // console.log('FIX_DOM_IF_RenderDebouncerChange X1') // } // if(window.ShadyCSS && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim && window.ShadyCSS.ScopingShim.flush){ // console.log('FIX_DOM_IF_RenderDebouncerChange X2') // } // console.log('FIX_DOM_IF_RenderDebouncerChange X3') } Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, '_lastIf', { get() { return this[s81]; }, set(nv) { if (nv === false && this.nodeName === "DOM-IF" && this.__renderDebouncer === null && this[s81] === undefined) { // DOM-IF initialization nv = null; // avoid (this.if == this._lastIf) primitive type conversion (object vs false) this.__xiWB8__ = 2; const cProto = this.__proto__; if (cProto && !cProto.__xiWB7__) { cProto.__xiWB7__ = 1; // dom-if __template // dom-repeat template if (FIX_DOM_IF_TEMPLATE && !cProto.__template && !cProto.__template847) { cProto.__template847 = true; try { // note: this is not "_template" in Polymer ( see POLYMER_COMPONENT_DEFINITION ) Object.defineProperty(cProto, '__template', { get() { const v = this[s84]; return (typeof (v || 0) === 'object' && v.deref) ? kRef(v) : v; }, set(nv) { if (typeof (nv || 0) === 'object' && !nv.deref) nv = mWeakRef(nv); this[s84] = nv; return true; } }); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } console.log('FIX_DOM_IF - __template') } // dom-if __ensureTemplate // dom-repeat __ensureTemplatized if (FIX_DOM_IF_TEMPLATE && !cProto.__ensureTemplate847 && typeof cProto.__ensureTemplate === 'function' && cProto.__ensureTemplate.length === 0 && this instanceof HTMLElement && `${cProto.__ensureTemplate}`.length > 20) { // note that "_templateInfo" diffs the different version of DOM-IF cProto.__ensureTemplate847 = cProto.__ensureTemplate; cProto.__ensureTemplate = function () { if (!(this instanceof HTMLElement) || arguments.length > 0) return this.__ensureTemplate847(...arguments); if (!this.__template) { let b; if (this._templateInfo) { b = this; } else { if (!this.__templateCollection011__) this.__templateCollection011__ = this.getElementsByTagName('template'); b = this.__templateCollection011__[0]; if (!b) { let a = mWeakRef(this); let c = new MutationObserver(function () { if (!this.__templateCollection011__[0]) throw Error("dom-if requires a <template> child"); // to be reviewed if (c && a) { c.disconnect(); a = kRef(a); a && a.__render(); a && (a.__templateCollection011__ = null); } c = null; a = null; }); c && c.observe(this, { childList: !0 }); return !1 } else { this.__templateCollection011__ = null; } } this.__template = b } return !0 } console.log('FIX_DOM_IF - __ensureTemplate') } // if(!cProto.__createAndInsertInstance847 && typeof cProto.__createAndInsertInstance === 'function' && cProto.__createAndInsertInstance.length === 1 && `${cProto.__createAndInsertInstance}`.length >20){ // cProto.__createAndInsertInstance847 = cProto.__createAndInsertInstance; // cProto.__createAndInsertInstance = function (a) { // Promise.resolve().then(()=>{ // console.log('__createAndInsertInstance') // window.lm5 = window.lm5 || []; // window.lm5.push([mWeakRef(this), mWeakRef(this.__instance)]) // }); // return this.__createAndInsertInstance847(a); // } // } // if(!cProto._bindTemplate847 && typeof cProto._bindTemplate === 'function' && cProto._bindTemplate.length === 2){ // cProto._bindTemplate847 = cProto._bindTemplate; // cProto._bindTemplate = function (a, b) { // return this._bindTemplate847(kRef(a), b); // might throw Error as a -> null inside _bindTemplate847 // } // } // if(!cProto._stampTemplate847 && typeof cProto._stampTemplate === 'function' && cProto._stampTemplate.length === 2){ // cProto._stampTemplate847 = cProto._stampTemplate; // cProto._stampTemplate = function (a, b) { // return this._stampTemplate847(kRef(a), b); // might throw Error as a -> null inside _stampTemplate847 // } // } console.log('FIX_DOM_IF OK', Object.keys(cProto)) } // need to fix __observeEffects // this.__observeEffects.if[0].info.method === this.__debounceRender const f = () => { const __observeEffects = this.__observeEffects; if (__observeEffects && __observeEffects.if && isIterable(__observeEffects.if)) { for (const effect of __observeEffects.if) { const info =; if (info && typeof info.method === 'function') { if (info.method === this.__debounceRender847 || info.method === this.__debounceRender) { info.method = FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange_SET_TO_PROPNAME ? '__debounceRender' : this.__debounceRender; } } } } if (__observeEffects && __observeEffects.restamp && isIterable(__observeEffects.restamp)) { for (const effect of __observeEffects.restamp) { const info =; if (info && typeof info.method === 'function') { if (info.method === this.__debounceRender847 || info.method === this.__debounceRender) { info.method = FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange_SET_TO_PROPNAME ? '__debounceRender' : this.__debounceRender; } } } } // console.log(5881, this.__observeEffects) } if (FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange) { f(); Promise.resolve().then(f); // afterward, don't care adding fn directly (the fn is already modified) } } this[s81] = nv; return true; } }); Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, '__renderDebouncer', { get() { return this[s85]; }, set(nv) { if (nv === null && this[s85] === undefined) { // DOM-IF / DOM-REPEAT initialization const cProto = this.__proto__; if (qp) { qp.obtain(); qp = null; shadyFlushMO.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: ['nw3a24np'] }); } if (FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange && !cProto.__debounceRender847 && typeof cProto.__debounceRender === 'function' && !(`${cProto.__debounceRender}`.includes("{}"))) { cProto.__debounceRender847 = cProto.__debounceRender; if (cProto.__debounceRender.length === 2) { cProto.__debounceRender = function (a, b) { if (!renderDebounceTs) return this.__debounceRender847(a, b); b = b === void 0 ? 0 : b; /* b = b === void 0 ? 0 : b; this.__renderDebouncer = us(this.__renderDebouncer, b > 0 ? Rr.after(b) : Tr, a.bind(this)); vs(this.__renderDebouncer) */ this.__DBR848__ = this.__DBR848__ || `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; if (!renderDebouncePromise) { renderDebouncePromise = new PromiseExternal(); document.documentElement.setAttribute('nw3a24np', (cme = (cme % 511 + 1))); } renderDebouncePromise.then(async () => { if (b > 0) await delayPn(b); const f = this.__dsIRYqw1__; if (f === cme) return; this.__dsIRYqw1__ = cme;; DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log(`__DBR847__ done 01 (delay=${b})`, this.__DBR848__) }); DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log(`__DBR847__ add 01 (delay=${b})`, this.__DBR848__) } } else if (cProto.__debounceRender.length === 0) { cProto.__debounceRender = function () { if (!renderDebounceTs) return this.__debounceRender847(); this.__DBR848__ = this.__DBR848__ || `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; /* var a = this; this.__renderDebouncer = us(this.__renderDebouncer, Tr, function() { return a.__render() }); vs(this.__renderDebouncer) */ if (!renderDebouncePromise) { renderDebouncePromise = new PromiseExternal(); document.documentElement.setAttribute('nw3a24np', (cme = (cme % 511 + 1))); } renderDebouncePromise.then(() => { const f = this.__dsIRYqw1__; if (f === cme) return; this.__dsIRYqw1__ = cme; this.__render() DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log('__DBR847__ done 02', this.__DBR848__) }); DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log('__DBR847__ add 02', this.__DBR848__) } } } // if(FIX_DOM_IFREPEAT_RenderDebouncerChange && !cProto.render847 && typeof cProto.render === 'function' && cProto.render.length === 0 && !(`${cProto.render}`.includes("{}"))){ // cProto.render847 = cProto.render; // cProto.render = function(){ // this.__DBR848__ = this.__DBR848__ || `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; // try{ // this.render847(); // }catch(e){} // // if(this.__DBR847__){ // // this.__DBR847__.resolve(); // // DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log('__DBR847__ resolve', this.__DBR848__) // // } // // renderDebouncePromise && renderDebouncePromise.resolve() // // renderDebouncePromise = null; // // DEBUG_DBR847 && console.log('__DBR847__ renderDebouncePromise.resolve by render', this.__DBR848__) // } // console.log('FIX_DOM_IF - render', `${cProto.render847}`, cProto.render847) // } } this[s85] = nv; return true; } }); // PS-DOM-REPEAT Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'JSC$10034_renderDebouncer', { get() { return this[s85b]; }, set(nv) { this[s85b] = nv; return true; } }) Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'JSC$10027_renderDebouncer', { get() { return this[s85c]; }, set(nv) { this[s85c] = nv; return true; } }) })(); // WEAKREF_ShadyDOM MODIFY_ShadyDOM_OBJ && ((WeakRef) => { const setupPlainShadyDOM = (b) => { (OMIT_ShadyDOM_settings & 1) && (b.inUse === true) && (b.inUse = false); (OMIT_ShadyDOM_settings & 2) && (b.handlesDynamicScoping === true) && (b.handlesDynamicScoping = false); (OMIT_ShadyDOM_settings & 4) && (b.force === true) && (b.force = false); b.patchOnDemand = true; b.preferPerformance = true; b.noPatch = true; } const isPlainObject = (b, m) => { if (!b || typeof b !== 'object') return false; const e = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(b); if (e.length <= m) return false; let pr = 0; for (const k in e) { const d = e[k]; if (!d || d.get || d.set || !d.enumerable || !d.configurable) return false; if (!('value' in d) || typeof d.value === 'function') return false; pr++; } return pr > m; } let b; let lz = 0; const sdp = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'ShadyDOM'); if (sdp && sdp.configurable && sdp.value && sdp.enumerable && sdp.writable) { // Brave - ShadyDOM exists before userscripting b = sdp.value; if (b && typeof b === 'object' && isPlainObject(b, 0)) { OMIT_ShadyDOM_EXPERIMENTAL && setupPlainShadyDOM(b); lz = 1; } } if (sdp && sdp.configurable && sdp.value && sdp.enumerable && sdp.writable && !sdp.get && !sdp.set) { } else if (!sdp) { } else { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX::ShadyDOM is not applied [ PropertyDescriptor issue ]', sdp); return; } const shadyDOMNodeWRM = new WeakMap(); console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX::ShadyDOM << 01 >>', b); const weakWrapperNodeHandlerFn = () => ({ get() { let w = shadyDOMNodeWRM.get(this); if (typeof w === 'object') w = kRef(w) || (shadyDOMNodeWRM.delete(this), undefined); return w; }, set(nv) { shadyDOMNodeWRM.set(this, mWeakRef(nv)); return true; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); function weakWrapper(_ShadyDOM) { const ShadyDOM = _ShadyDOM; if (WEAKREF_ShadyDOM && lz < 3 && typeof WeakRef === 'function' && typeof ShadyDOM.Wrapper === 'function' && ShadyDOM.Wrapper.length === 1 && typeof (ShadyDOM.Wrapper.prototype || 0) === 'object') { let nullElement = { node: null }; Object.setPrototypeOf(nullElement, Element.prototype); let p = new ShadyDOM.Wrapper(nullElement); let d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, 'node'); if (d.configurable && d.enumerable && !d.get && !d.set && d.writable && d.value === nullElement && !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ShadyDOM.Wrapper.prototype, 'node')) { Object.defineProperty(ShadyDOM.Wrapper.prototype, 'node', weakWrapperNodeHandlerFn()); console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX::ShadyDOM << WEAKREF_ShadyDOM >>') } } } let previousWrapStore = null; const standardWrap = function (a) { if (a instanceof ShadowRoot || a instanceof ShadyDOM.Wrapper) return a; if (previousWrapStore) { const s = kRef(previousWrapStore.get(a)); // kRef for play safe only if (s) { previousWrapStore.delete(a); shadyDOMNodeWRM.set(a, mWeakRef(s)); } } let u = kRef(shadyDOMNodeWRM.get(a)); if (!u) { u = new ShadyDOM.Wrapper(a); shadyDOMNodeWRM.set(a, mWeakRef(u)); } return u; } function setupWrapFunc(_ShadyDOM) { const ShadyDOM = _ShadyDOM; const wmPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(WeakMap.prototype, 'get'); if (!(wmPD && wmPD.writable && !wmPD.enumerable && wmPD.configurable && wmPD.value && !wmPD.get && !wmPD.set)) { return; } let mm = new Set(); const pget = wmPD.value; WeakMap.prototype.get = function (a) { mm.add(this); return a; } try { let nullElement = { node: null }; Object.setPrototypeOf(nullElement, Element.prototype); ShadyDOM.wrapIfNeeded(nullElement) ShadyDOM.wrap(nullElement) } catch (e) { } WeakMap.prototype.get = pget; if (mm.size !== 1) { mm.clear(); return; } const p = mm.values().next().value; if (!(p instanceof WeakMap)) return; // p.clear(); // p.get = function (a) { return a } // p.set = function (a, b) { return this } // console.log(188, window.n2n = mm, window.n2p = p) // console.log(34929,p.size) previousWrapStore = p; if (typeof ShadyDOM.wrap === 'function' && ShadyDOM.wrap.length === 1) { ShadyDOM.wrap = function (a) { 0 && console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] (OMIT_ShadyDOM) function call - wrap'); return standardWrap(a) } } if (typeof ShadyDOM.wrapIfNeeded === 'function' && ShadyDOM.wrapIfNeeded.length === 1) { ShadyDOM.wrapIfNeeded = function (a) { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] (OMIT_ShadyDOM) function call - wrapIfNeeded'); return standardWrap(a) } } } function setupLZ3(nv) { const ShadyDOM = nv; const ShadyDOMSettings = ShadyDOM.settings; if (!(ShadyDOMSettings.inUse === true && ShadyDOM.inUse === true && (ShadyDOMSettings.handlesDynamicScoping || ShadyDOM.handlesDynamicScoping) === true)) { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] OMIT_ShadyDOM is not applied [02]', window.ShadyDOM); return false; } weakWrapper(ShadyDOM); if (OMIT_ShadyDOM_EXPERIMENTAL && lz < 3) { setupPlainShadyDOM(ShadyDOMSettings); setupPlainShadyDOM(ShadyDOM); ShadyDOM.isShadyRoot = function () { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] (OMIT_ShadyDOM) function call - isShadyRoot'); return false; } setupWrapFunc(ShadyDOM); ShadyDOM.patchElementProto = function () { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] (OMIT_ShadyDOM) function call - patchElementProto') } ShadyDOM.patch = function () { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] (OMIT_ShadyDOM) function call - patch') } // To be confirmed if (OMIT_ShadyDOM_EXPERIMENTAL & 2) { ShadyDOM.composedPath = function (e) { const t = (e || 0).target || null; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] (OMIT_ShadyDOM&2) composedPath', t) } return t instanceof HTMLElement ? [t] : []; }; } } } function setupLZ6(nv) { const ShadyDOM = nv; const ShadyDOMSettings = ShadyDOM.settings; if (!(ShadyDOMSettings.inUse === true && ShadyDOM.inUse === true && (ShadyDOMSettings.handlesDynamicScoping || ShadyDOM.handlesDynamicScoping) === true)) { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] OMIT_ShadyDOM is not applied [02]', window.ShadyDOM); return false; } weakWrapper(ShadyDOM); if (OMIT_ShadyDOM_EXPERIMENTAL && lz < 3) { setupPlainShadyDOM(ShadyDOMSettings); setupPlainShadyDOM(ShadyDOM); setupWrapFunc(ShadyDOM); } } if (b && typeof b.Wrapper === 'function' && typeof b.settings === 'object' && typeof b.wrap === 'function') { const nv = b; if (setupLZ6(nv) === false) return; lz = 6; console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX::ShadyDOM << 02b >>', nv) return; } delete window.ShadyDOM; Object.defineProperty(window, 'ShadyDOM', { get() { return b; }, set(nv) { let ret = 0; try { do { if (!nv || !nv.settings) { if (lz < 1 && nv && typeof nv === 'object' && isPlainObject(nv, 0)) { OMIT_ShadyDOM_EXPERIMENTAL && setupPlainShadyDOM(nv); lz = 1; break; } else { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX::ShadyDOM is not applied [nv:null]', nv); break; } } const sdp = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this || {}, 'ShadyDOM'); if (!(sdp && sdp.configurable && sdp.get && sdp.set)) { console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] OMIT_ShadyDOM is not applied [ incorrect PropertyDescriptor ]', nv); break; } if (setupLZ3(nv) === false) break; lz = 3; console.log(3719, '[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX::ShadyDOM << 02a >>', nv) ret = 1; } while (0); } catch (e) { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX::ShadyDOM << ERROR >>', e) } if (!ret) b = nv; else { delete this.ShadyDOM; this.ShadyDOM = nv; } return true; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); })(typeof WeakRef !== 'undefined' ? WeakRef : function () { }); if (ENABLE_ASYNC_DISPATCHEVENT && nextBrowserTick) { const filter = new Set([ 'yt-action', // 'iframe-src-replaced', 'shown-items-changed', 'can-show-more-changed', 'collapsed-changed', 'yt-navigate', 'yt-navigate-start', 'yt-navigate-cache', 'yt-player-updated', 'yt-page-data-fetched', 'yt-page-type-changed', 'yt-page-data-updated', 'yt-navigate-finish', // 'data-changed','yt-watch-comments-ready' ]) EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent938 = EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent; EventTarget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (event) { const type = (event || 0).type; if (typeof type === 'string' && event.isTrusted === false && (event instanceof CustomEvent) && event.cancelable === false) { if (!filter.has(type) && !type.endsWith('-changed')) { if (this instanceof Node || this instanceof Window) { nextBrowserTick(() => this.dispatchEvent938(event)); return true; } } } return this.dispatchEvent938(event); } } // avoid REGEXP testPattern execution in Brave's scriptlet for performance boost SCRIPTLET_REMOVE_PRUNE_propNeedles && (() => { // const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; const pdOri = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Map.prototype, 'size'); if (!pdOri || pdOri.configurable !== true) return; let propNeedles = null; const pdNew = { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () { propNeedles = this; if (DEBUG_removePrune) debugger; // to locate Brave scriptlets throw new Error(); } } Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, 'size', pdNew); try {; // } catch (e) { } Object.defineProperty(Map.prototype, 'size', pdOri); if (!propNeedles) return; const entries = [...propNeedles.entries()]; propNeedles.clear(); console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] propNeedles is cleared from scriptlet', entries, propNeedles); })(); if (FIX_XHR_REQUESTING) { const URL = window.URL || new Function('return URL')(); const createObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL.bind(URL); XMLHttpRequest = (() => { const XMLHttpRequest_ = XMLHttpRequest; if ('__xmMc8__' in XMLHttpRequest_.prototype) return XMLHttpRequest_; const url0 = createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: 'text/plain' })); const c = class XMLHttpRequest extends XMLHttpRequest_ { constructor(...args) { super(...args); } open(method, url, ...args) { let skip = false; if (!url || typeof url !== 'string') skip = true; else if (typeof url === 'string') { let turl = url[0] === '/' ? `${url}` : `${url}`; if (turl.includes('googleads') || turl.includes('')) { skip = true; } else if (turl.includes('')) { skip = true; } else if (turl.includes('')) { skip = true; } else if (turl.includes('')) { skip = true; } else if (turl.includes('')) { // /api/stats/ if (turl.includes('')) { skip = true; } else if (turl.includes('')) { skip = true; } else { // skip = true; // for user activity logging e.g. watched videos } } else if (turl.includes('')) { skip = true; } else if (turl.includes('')) { // //?cpn= skip = true; } } if (!skip) { this.__xmMc8__ = 1; return, url, ...args); } else { this.__xmMc8__ = 2; return'GET', url0); } } send(...args) { if (this.__xmMc8__ === 1) { return super.send(...args); } else if (this.__xmMc8__ === 2) { return super.send(); } else { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer]', 'xhr warning'); return super.send(...args); } } } c.prototype.__xmMc8__ = 0; prototypeInherit(c.prototype, XMLHttpRequest_.prototype); return c; })(); } // Alternative HACK -> Tabview Youtube if (DISABLE_COOLDOWN_SCROLLING && typeof EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener52178 !== 'function' && typeof EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener === 'function') { // ---- << this.overscrollConfig HACK >> ----- // 2024.04.19 - Playlist in Single Column Mode cannot be scrolled correctly. /* ;function gZb(a, b) { b = void 0 === b ? !0 : b; a.addEventListener("wheel", hZb); a.overscrollConfig = { cooldown: b } } function iZb(a) { a.overscrollConfig = void 0; a.removeEventListener("wheel", hZb) } function hZb(a) { var b = a.deltaY , c = , d = null; if (window.Polymer && window.Polymer.Element) { if (c = a.path || a.composedPath && a.composedPath()) { c = g(c); for (var e =; !e.done && (e = e.value, !jZb(e, b)); e = if (e.overscrollConfig) { d = e; break } } } else for (; c && !jZb(c, b); ) { if (c.overscrollConfig) { d = c; break } c = c.parentElement } d && (b = d.overscrollConfig, b.cooldown ? (d = a.deltaY, c = b.lastDeltaY || 0, b.lastDeltaY = d, e = b.lastStopped || 0, c && e && 0 < c == 0 < d ? Math.abs(c) >= Math.abs(d) ? (d = e + 1200, c = !1) : (d = e + 600, c = !0) : (d = + 600, c = !0), d > && (a.preventDefault(), c && (b.lastStopped = : a.preventDefault()) } */ let wheelHandler = function (a) { if (window.Polymer && window.Polymer.Element) { let c; if (c = a.path || a.composedPath && a.composedPath()) { for (const e of c) { const cnt = insp(e); if (e.overscrollConfig) e.overscrollConfig = void 0; if (cnt.overscrollConfig) cnt.overscrollConfig = void 0; } } } else { let e =; for (; e instanceof Element; e = e.parentElement) { const cnt = insp(e); if (e.overscrollConfig) e.overscrollConfig = void 0; if (cnt.overscrollConfig) cnt.overscrollConfig = void 0; } } }; let checkWheelListenerObjs = null; let getObjsFn = () => { let euyVal = 0; const eukElm = {}; Object.setPrototypeOf(eukElm, HTMLElement.prototype); const euzObj = new Proxy(eukElm, { get(target, prop) { throw `ErrorF31.get(${prop})` }, set(target, prop, value) { throw `ErrorF33.set(${prop}, ${value})` } }); const euxElm = new Proxy(eukElm, { get(target, prop) { if (prop === 'scrollTop') { euyVal = euyVal | 8; return 0; } if (prop === 'overscrollConfig') { euyVal = euyVal | 16; return void 0; } if (prop === 'scrollHeight' || prop === 'clientHeight' || prop === 'offsetHeight') { return 640; } if (prop === 'scrollLeft') { euyVal = euyVal | 8; return 0; } if (prop === 'scrollWidth' || prop === 'clientWidth' || prop === 'offsetWidth') { return 800; } throw `ErrorF45.get(${prop})` }, set(target, prop, value) { throw `ErrorF47.set(${prop}, ${value})` } }); const eukEvt = {}; Object.setPrototypeOf(eukEvt, WheelEvent.prototype); const euyEvt = new Proxy(eukEvt, { get(target, prop) { if (prop === 'deltaY' || prop === 'deltaX') { euyVal = euyVal | 1; return -999; } if (prop === 'target') { euyVal = euyVal | 2; return euxElm } if (prop === 'path' || prop === 'composedPath') { euyVal = euyVal | 2; return [euxElm] } throw `ErrorF51.get(${prop})` }, set(target, prop, value) { throw `ErrorF53.set(${prop}, ${value})` } }); const setVal = (v) => { euyVal = v; } const getVal = () => { return euyVal; } return { euzObj, euyEvt, setVal, getVal }; } let checkWheelListener = (callback) => { let callbackIdentifier = ''; let res = null; try { const { euzObj, euyEvt, getVal, setVal } = checkWheelListenerObjs || (checkWheelListenerObjs = getObjsFn()); setVal(0); if (, euyEvt) !== void 0) throw 'ErrorF99'; throw `R###LT${getVal()}`; } catch (e) { res = e; } res = `${res}` || `${null}`; if (res.length > 20) res = `${res.substring(0, 20)}...`; callbackIdentifier = res; if (callbackIdentifier === 'R###LT27') 0; else if (callbackIdentifier === 'R###LT0') { // a.isSearch && !a.disableWheelScroll && B("desktop_enable_dmpanel_wheel_scroll") } else if (callbackIdentifier.startsWith('R###LT')) { console.log('wheel eventListener - R###LT', callbackIdentifier, callback) } return callbackIdentifier; }; let callbackFound = false; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener52178 = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, callback, option = void 0) { // M-youtube-js-engine-tamer.52178 if (type === 'wheel' && !option && typeof callback === 'function' && callback.length === 1) { // (( match with signature `a.addEventListener("wheel", hZb);` )) [subject to further review] const callbackIdentifier = callback.yaujmoms || (callbackFound ? 'IGNORE' : (callback.yaujmoms = checkWheelListener(callback))); // R###LTXX / ErrorFXX / Other... if (callbackIdentifier === 'R###LT27') { this.overscrollConfigDisable = true; if (!callbackFound) { callbackFound = true; // suppose only one function is assigned to overscrollConfig cooldown [no function binding] getObjsFn = checkWheelListener = null; checkWheelListenerObjs = null; wheelHandler = null; } return void 0; } else if (!callbackFound && !this.overscrollConfigDisable) { this.overscrollConfigDisable = true; this.addEventListener52178('wheel', wheelHandler, { passive: false }); } } return this.addEventListener52178(type, callback, option); }; // ---- << this.overscrollConfig HACK >> ----- } const { pageMediaWatcher, shortcutKeysFixer, keyboardController } = (() => { let p_a_objWR = null; let isSpaceKeyImmediate = false; // for ADVANCED_FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS let ytPageReady = 0; let isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = false; // youtube experimental feature // can be forced by CHANGE_SPEEDMASTER_SPACEBAR_CONTROL let isGlobalSpaceControl = true; let mediaPlayerElementWR = null; let focusedElementAtSelection = null; // let want_control_video = false; let spaceBarControl_keyG = ''; let lastUserAction = 0; const wmKeyControlPhase = new WeakMap(); let currentSelectionText = null; const getCurrentSelectionText = () => { if (currentSelectionText !== null) return currentSelectionText return (currentSelectionText = `${getSelection()}`) } const pageMediaWatcher = () => { // CAN_TUNE_VOLUMN_AFTER_R###ME_OR_PAUSE && document.addEventListener('wheel', () => { // want_control_video = false; // }, { capture: true, passive: true }); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate', () => { ytPageReady = 0; }); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', () => { ytPageReady = 0; }); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-cache', () => { ytPageReady = 0; }); document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', () => { ytPageReady = 1; }); document.addEventListener('durationchange', () => { for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll('#movie_player video[src], #movie_player audio[src]')) { if (elm.duration > 0.01) { if (elm.closest('[hidden]')) continue; mediaPlayerElementWR = mWeakRef(elm); return; } } }, { capture: true, passive: true }); document.addEventListener('selectionchange', (evt) => { if (!evt || !evt.isTrusted || !(evt instanceof Event)) return; currentSelectionText = null; if (!( instanceof Node)) return; focusedElementAtSelection =; }, { capture: true, passive: true }) document.addEventListener('pointerdown', (evt) => { if (evt.isTrusted && evt instanceof Event) lastUserAction =; }, { capture: true, passive: true }); document.addEventListener('pointerup', (evt) => { if (evt.isTrusted && evt instanceof Event) lastUserAction =; }, { capture: true, passive: true }); document.addEventListener('keydown', (evt) => { if (evt.isTrusted && evt instanceof Event) lastUserAction =; }, { capture: true, passive: true }); document.addEventListener('keyup', (evt) => { if (evt.isTrusted && evt instanceof Event) lastUserAction =; }, { capture: true, passive: true }); }; const checkKeyB = (p_a_obj) => { const boolList = new Set(); const p_a_obj_api = p_a_obj.api; const nilFunc0 = function () { return void 0 }; const mt = new Proxy({}, { get(target, prop) { if (prop === 'get') return nilFunc0; return mt; } }); const nilFunc = function () { return mt }; const mw = new Proxy({}, { get(target, prop) { if (prop in p_a_obj_api) { if (typeof p_a_obj_api.constructor.prototype[prop] === 'function') return nilFunc; let q = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p_a_obj_api, prop); if (q && q.value) { if (!q.writable) return q.value; if (typeof q.value === 'string') return ''; if (typeof q.value === 'number') return 0; if (typeof q.value === 'boolean') return false; if (q.value && typeof q.value === 'object') return {}; } } return undefined; }, set(target, prop) { throw 'mwSet'; } }); const mq = new Proxy({}, { get(target, prop) { if (prop === 'api') return mw; if (prop in p_a_obj) { if (typeof p_a_obj.constructor.prototype[prop] === 'function') return nilFunc; let q = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p_a_obj, prop); if (q && q.value) { if (!q.writable) return q.value; if (typeof q.value === 'string') return ''; if (typeof q.value === 'number') return 0; if (typeof q.value === 'boolean') return false; if (q.value && typeof q.value === 'object') return {}; } } return undefined; }, set(target, prop, val) { if (typeof val === 'boolean') boolList.add(prop) throw `mqSet(${prop},${val})`; } }); let res = '' try { res = `R###LT::${, 9, false, false, false, false, "Tab", "Tab")}`; } catch (e) { res = `ERROR::${e}`; } if (boolList.size === 1) { const value = boolList.values().next().value; if (res === `ERROR::mqSet(${value},${true})`) { p_a_obj.__uZWaD__ = value; } } console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] global shortcut control', { '__uZWaD__': p_a_obj.__uZWaD__ }); } let pm_p_a = null; const p_a_init = function () { const r = this.init91(); const keyBw = this.__cPzfo__ || '__NIL__'; const p_a_obj = this[keyBw]; if (!p_a_obj) return; try { checkKeyB(p_a_obj); } catch (e) { } p_a_objWR = mWeakRef(p_a_obj); if (FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS > 0) { if (p_a_obj && !p_a_obj.hVhtg) { p_a_obj.hVhtg = 1; p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyUp91 = p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyUp; p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyUp = p_a_xt.handleGlobalKeyUp; p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyDown91 = p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyDown; p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyDown = p_a_xt.handleGlobalKeyDown; p_a_obj.__handleGlobalKeyBefore__ = p_a_xt.__handleGlobalKeyBefore__; p_a_obj.__handleGlobalKeyAfter__ = p_a_xt.__handleGlobalKeyAfter__; } // if (CAN_TUNE_VOLUMN_AFTER_R###ME_OR_PAUSE && p_a_obj && p_a_obj.api && !p_a_obj.api.hVhtg) { // const api = p_a_obj.api // api.hVhtg = 1; // api.playVideo91 = api.playVideo; // api.playVideo = p_a_jt.playVideo; // api.pauseVideo91 = api.pauseVideo; // api.pauseVideo = p_a_jt.pauseVideo; // } } if (pm_p_a) { pm_p_a.resolve(); pm_p_a = null; } return r; }; const p_a_xt = { __handleGlobalKeyBefore__(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, activeElement) { if (FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS === 2) { // if (flagSpeedMaster !== false && !getGlobalSpacebarControlFlag()) return false; if (activeElement) { const controlPhaseCache = wmKeyControlPhase.get(activeElement); if (controlPhaseCache === 6 && getCurrentSelectionText() !== "") void 0; else if (controlPhaseCache === 1 || controlPhaseCache === 2 || controlPhaseCache === 5) return false; else if ((controlPhaseCache !== 6 || focusedElementAtSelection === document.activeElement) && getCurrentSelectionText() !== "") return false; } const isSpaceBar = a === 32 && b === false && c === false && d === false && e === false && f === ' ' && h === 'Space'; const isDelayedSpaceBar = FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS === 2 && isSpaceBar && !isSpaceKeyImmediate && (isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = getSpeedMasterControlFlag()); // console.log(582, isDelayedSpaceBar) if (isDelayedSpaceBar) return void 0; // accept delay spacebar under isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled (no rejection) if (activeElement && (h === 'Space' || h === 'Enter')) { const controlPhase = wmKeyControlPhase.get(activeElement); if (controlPhase === 4 || controlPhase === 5) return false; } if (focusedElementAtSelection === activeElement && getCurrentSelectionText() !== "") return false; // if (!isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled && a === 32 && b === false && c === false && d === false && e === false && f === ' ' && h === 'Space') { // if (!isSpaceKeyImmediate) return false; // } } }, __handleGlobalKeyAfter__(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, activeElement, ret) { if (FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS === 2 && ret && a >= 32 && ytPageReady === 1 && - lastUserAction < 40 && activeElement === document.activeElement) { const isSpaceBar = a === 32 && b === false && c === false && d === false && e === false && f === ' ' && h === 'Space'; const isDelayedSpaceBar = FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS === 2 && isSpaceBar && !isSpaceKeyImmediate && (isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = getSpeedMasterControlFlag()); // console.log(583, isDelayedSpaceBar) if (isDelayedSpaceBar) return void 0; // accept delay spacebar under isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled (no rejection) const mediaPlayerElement = kRef(mediaPlayerElementWR); let mediaWorking = false; if (mediaPlayerElement && (mediaPlayerElement.readyState === 4 || mediaPlayerElement.readyState === 1) && mediaPlayerElement.networkState === 2 && mediaPlayerElement.duration > 0.01) { mediaWorking = true; } else if (mediaPlayerElement && !mediaPlayerElement.paused && !mediaPlayerElement.muted && mediaPlayerElement.duration > 0.01) { mediaWorking = true; } // console.log(182, mediaWorking, mediaPlayerElement.readyState , mediaPlayerElement.networkState) mediaWorking && Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (activeElement === document.activeElement) { return activeElement.blur() } else { return false } }).then((r) => { r !== false && mediaPlayerElement.focus(); }); } }, handleGlobalKeyUp(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) { if (BY_PASS_KEYBOARD_CONTROL) return this.handleGlobalKeyUp91(a, b, c, d, e, f, h); const activeElement = document.activeElement; const allow = typeof this.__handleGlobalKeyBefore__ === 'function' ? this.__handleGlobalKeyBefore__(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, activeElement) : void 0; if (allow === false) return false; const ret = this.handleGlobalKeyUp91(a, b, c, d, e, f, h); // console.log('handleGlobalKeyUp',ret, a, b, c, d, e, f, h); typeof this.__handleGlobalKeyAfter__ === 'function' && this.__handleGlobalKeyAfter__(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, activeElement, ret); return ret; }, handleGlobalKeyDown(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, l) { if (BY_PASS_KEYBOARD_CONTROL) return this.handleGlobalKeyDown91(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, l); const activeElement = document.activeElement; // if (a === 32 && b === false && c === false && d === false && e === false && f === ' ' && h === 'Space' && !(isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = getSpeedMasterControlFlag())) { // return this.handleGlobalKeyDown91(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, l); // } const allow = typeof this.__handleGlobalKeyBefore__ === 'function' ? this.__handleGlobalKeyBefore__(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, activeElement) : void 0; if (allow === false) return false; const ret = this.handleGlobalKeyDown91(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, l); // console.log('handleGlobalKeyDown',ret, a, b, c, d, e, f, h,l) typeof this.__handleGlobalKeyAfter__ === 'function' && this.__handleGlobalKeyAfter__(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, activeElement, ret); return ret; } }; // const p_a_jt = { // API // playVideo(a) { // without spinner effect // if (CAN_TUNE_VOLUMN_AFTER_R###ME_OR_PAUSE) { // const mediaPlayerElement = kRef(mediaPlayerElementWR); // if (mediaPlayerElement && !mediaPlayerElement.paused && !mediaPlayerElement.muted && mediaPlayerElement.duration > 0.01) { // want_control_video = true; // // Promise.resolve().then(()=> mediaPlayerElement.focus() ); // } // } // return this.playVideo91(a); // }, // pauseVideo(a) { // without spinner effect // if (CAN_TUNE_VOLUMN_AFTER_R###ME_OR_PAUSE) { // const mediaPlayerElement = kRef(mediaPlayerElementWR); // if (mediaPlayerElement && mediaPlayerElement.paused && !mediaPlayerElement.muted && mediaPlayerElement.duration > 0.01) { // want_control_video = true; // // Promise.resolve().then(()=> mediaPlayerElement.focus() ); // } // } // return this.pauseVideo91(a); // } // }; let flagSpeedMaster = null; const getSpeedMasterControlFlag = () => { const config = ( || 0).config_ || (win.ytcfg || 0).data_ || 0; isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = false; if (config && config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS && config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control) { isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = true; } if (config && config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS && config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control) { isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = true; } if (flagSpeedMaster === null) { const p = (((config || 0).WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIGS || 0).WEB_PLAYER_CONTEXT_CONFIG_ID_KEVLAR_WATCH || 0).serializedExperimentFlags; if (!p) { flagSpeedMaster = false; } else { flagSpeedMaster = (p.includes('web_enable_speedmaster=true') && p.includes('web_speedmaster_spacebar_control=true') && p.includes('web_speedmaster_updated_edu=true')); } } if (!flagSpeedMaster) isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = false; return isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled; } const getGlobalSpacebarControlFlag = () => { const config = ( || 0).config_ || (win.ytcfg || 0).data_ || 0; isGlobalSpaceControl = false; if (config && config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS && config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.global_spacebar_pause) { isGlobalSpaceControl = true; } if (config && config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS && config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS.global_spacebar_pause) { isGlobalSpaceControl = true; } return isGlobalSpaceControl; } const keyboardController = async (_yt_player) => { const keyQT = getQT(_yt_player); const keySV = getSV(_yt_player); const keyDX = getDX(_yt_player); console.log(`[QT,SV,DX]`, [keyQT, keySV, keyDX]); if (!keyDX) return; if (keyDX === keyQT || keyDX === keySV) return; if (typeof keyDX !== 'string') return; let lastAccessKey = ''; let lastAccessKeyConfirmed = ''; const mb = new Proxy({}, { get(target, prop) { if (prop === 'handleGlobalKeyUp') lastAccessKeyConfirmed = lastAccessKey; throw 'mbGet' }, set(target, prop, val) { throw 'mbSet' } }); const ma = new Proxy({}, { get(target, prop) { lastAccessKey = prop; return mb }, set(target, prop, val) { throw 'maSet' } }); let keyBw = ''; try { _yt_player[keyDX]; } catch (e) { if (e === 'mbGet' && typeof lastAccessKeyConfirmed === 'string' && lastAccessKeyConfirmed.length > 0) { keyBw = lastAccessKeyConfirmed; } } if (!keyBw) return; if (typeof _yt_player[keyDX].prototype.init !== 'function' || _yt_player[keyDX].prototype.init.length !== 0) return; pm_p_a = new PromiseExternal(); _yt_player[keyDX].prototype.__cPzfo__ = keyBw; _yt_player[keyDX].prototype.init91 = _yt_player[keyDX].prototype.init; _yt_player[keyDX].prototype.init = p_a_init; await pm_p_a.then(); const p_a_obj = kRef(p_a_objWR); const isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabledA = getSpeedMasterControlFlag(); if (CHANGE_SPEEDMASTER_SPACEBAR_CONTROL > 0) { isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = CHANGE_SPEEDMASTER_SPACEBAR_CONTROL == 1; if (!isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled) { if (config && config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) { config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control = false; } if (config && config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS) { config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control = false; } } else { if (config && config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS) { config.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control = true; } if (config && config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS) { config.EXPERIMENTS_FORCED_FLAGS.web_speedmaster_spacebar_control = true; } } } const isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabledB = getSpeedMasterControlFlag(); console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] speedmaster by space (yt setting)', isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabledA, isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabledB); // console.log(p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyUp) console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] p_a', p_a_obj); // console.log(p_a_obj.api) // QT -> DX(SV) -> p_a /* * * g.k.handleGlobalKeyUp = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) { b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b; c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c; d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d; e = void 0 === e ? !1 : e; var l = g.PT(this); l && l.handleGlobalKeyUp(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) } */ /* * * * g.k.handleGlobalKeyUp = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) { return this.Bw ? this.Bw.handleGlobalKeyUp(a, b, c, d, e, f, h) : !1 } */ // if(!keyDX) return; // console.log(4999, keyDX) }; const ytR###meFn = function () { // ADVANCED_FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS const p_a_obj = kRef(p_a_objWR); // const api = p_a_obj.api; // console.log(540); let boolList = null; let ret; isSpaceKeyImmediate = true; try { ret = 0; ret = ret | (p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyDown(32, false, false, false, false, ' ', 'Space', false) ? 1 : 0); let p_a_objT; if (!spaceBarControl_keyG) { // just in case boolList = new Set(); p_a_objT = new Proxy(p_a_obj, { get(target, prop, handler) { const val = target[prop]; if (typeof val !== 'boolean') return val; boolList.add(prop); // console.log(555, prop, val); if (typeof prop === 'string' && prop.length <= 3 && val === true && boolList.length === 1) { spaceBarControl_keyG = prop; p_a_obj.__uZWaD__ = spaceBarControl_keyG; val = false; } return val; } }); } else if (p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] === true) { p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] = false; p_a_objT = p_a_obj; // console.log(p_a_obj, spaceBarControl_keyG, p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] ) } else { p_a_objT = p_a_obj; } ret = ret | (p_a_objT.handleGlobalKeyUp(32, false, false, false, false, ' ', 'Space') ? 2 : 0); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } isSpaceKeyImmediate = false; if (boolList && boolList.size === 1) { const value = boolList.values().next().value; spaceBarControl_keyG = value; p_a_obj.__uZWaD__ = spaceBarControl_keyG; } if (spaceBarControl_keyG && p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] === true) p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] = false; return ret; } const shortcutKeysFixer = () => { let pausePromiseControlJ = 0; const obtainCurrentControlPhase = (evt, mediaPlayerElement) => { let controlPhase = 0; const aElm = document.activeElement; if (aElm) { const controlPhaseCache = wmKeyControlPhase.get(aElm); if (typeof controlPhaseCache === 'number') { controlPhase = controlPhaseCache; } else { if (aElm instanceof HTMLInputElement) controlPhase = 1; else if (aElm instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) controlPhase = 1; else if (aElm instanceof HTMLButtonElement) controlPhase = 2; else if (aElm instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) controlPhase = 2; else if (aElm instanceof HTMLImageElement) controlPhase = 2; else if (aElm instanceof HTMLEmbedElement) controlPhase = 2; else { if (aElm instanceof HTMLElement && aElm.closest('[role]')) controlPhase = 5; if (aElm instanceof HTMLDivElement) controlPhase = 2; else if (aElm instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) controlPhase = 2; else if (!(aElm instanceof HTMLElement) && (aElm instanceof Element)) controlPhase = 2; // svg } if ((controlPhase === 2 || controlPhase === 5) && (aElm instanceof HTMLElement) && aElm.contains(mediaPlayerElement)) { controlPhase = 0; } if ((controlPhase === 2 || controlPhase === 5) && evt && && === aElm) { if (aElm.closest('[contenteditable], input, textarea')) { controlPhase = 5; } else if (aElm.closest('button')) { controlPhase = 4; } } if (aElm.closest('#movie_player')) controlPhase = 6; wmKeyControlPhase.set(aElm, controlPhase); } } return controlPhase; } const isStateControllable = (api) => { let appState = null; let playerState = null; let adState = null; try { appState = api.getAppState(); playerState = api.getPlayerState(); adState = api.getAdState(); } catch (e) { } // ignore playerState -1 return appState === 5 && adState === -1 && (playerState === 1 || playerState === 2 || playerState === 3); }; const keyEventListener = (evt) => { if (BY_PASS_KEYBOARD_CONTROL) return; if (evt.isTrusted && evt instanceof Event) lastUserAction =; if (isSpaceKeyImmediate || !evt.isTrusted || !(evt instanceof KeyboardEvent)) return; if (!ytPageReady) return; if (evt.defaultPrevented === true) return; const p_a_obj = kRef(p_a_objWR); if (!p_a_obj) return; const mediaPlayerElement = kRef(mediaPlayerElementWR); if (!mediaPlayerElement) return; // let focusBodyIfSuccess = false; const controlPhase = obtainCurrentControlPhase(evt, mediaPlayerElement); if (controlPhase === 6 && getCurrentSelectionText() !== "") void 0; else if (controlPhase === 1 || controlPhase === 2 || controlPhase === 5) return; else if ((controlPhase !== 6 || focusedElementAtSelection === document.activeElement) && getCurrentSelectionText() !== "") return; if (evt.code === 'Space' && !getGlobalSpacebarControlFlag()) return; // console.log(`${evt.type}::controlPhase`,controlPhase) // if (controlPhase == 4) { // focusBodyIfSuccess = true; // } spaceBarControl_keyG = spaceBarControl_keyG || p_a_obj.__uZWaD__ || '' if (spaceBarControl_keyG && p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] === true) p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] = false; if (FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS < 2) return; if (!(!evt.shiftKey && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey && !evt.metaKey)) return; // ignore if modifier key is pressed -> let other event listener to handle first let rr; const isSpaceBar = evt.code === 'Space' && !evt.shiftKey && !evt.ctrlKey && !evt.altKey && !evt.metaKey; let useImprovedPauseR###me = false; if (USE_IMPROVED_PAUSER###ME_UNDER_NO_SPEEDMASTER && isSpaceBar && !(isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = getSpeedMasterControlFlag())) { const api = p_a_obj.api; const stateControllable = isStateControllable(api); // console.log(2122, appState, playerState, adState) if (stateControllable && isWatchPageURL() && mediaPlayerElement.duration > 0.01 && (mediaPlayerElement.readyState === 4 || mediaPlayerElement.readyState === 1) && mediaPlayerElement.networkState === 2) { useImprovedPauseR###me = true; } } // force flag: CHANGE_SPEEDMASTER_SPACEBAR_CONTROL if (evt.type === 'keydown') { if (useImprovedPauseR###me) { const isPaused = mediaPlayerElement.paused; const cj = ++pausePromiseControlJ; Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (cj !== pausePromiseControlJ) return; if (mediaPlayerElement.paused !== isPaused) return; const ret = ytR###meFn(); if (!ret) { // fallback isPaused ? api.playVideo() : api.pauseVideo(); } /* let a = void 0; console.log('Rb', api.Rb()) a = !window._yt_player.nL(api.Rb()); p_a_obj.Wd.kG(a) a ? api.playVideo() : api.pauseVideo(); */ }); rr = true; } else { isSpaceKeyImmediate = true; rr = p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyDown(evt.keyCode, evt.shiftKey, evt.ctrlKey, evt.altKey, evt.metaKey, evt.key, evt.code, evt.repeat); isSpaceKeyImmediate = false; if (spaceBarControl_keyG && p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] === true) p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] = false; } } else if (evt.type === 'keyup') { if (isSpaceBar && useImprovedPauseR###me && !(isSpeedMastSpacebarControlEnabled = getSpeedMasterControlFlag())) { rr = true; } else { isSpaceKeyImmediate = true; rr = p_a_obj.handleGlobalKeyUp(evt.keyCode, evt.shiftKey, evt.ctrlKey, evt.altKey, evt.metaKey, evt.key, evt.code); isSpaceKeyImmediate = false; if (spaceBarControl_keyG && p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] === true) p_a_obj[spaceBarControl_keyG] = false; } /* if (d) switch (c) { case 32: case 13: if ("BUTTON" === d.tagName || "A" === d.tagName || "INPUT" === d.tagName) b = !0, e = !1; else if (e) { var m = d.getAttribute("role"); !m || "option" !== m && "button" !== m && 0 !== m.indexOf("menuitem") || (b = !0,, f = !0) } break; case 37: case 39: case 36: case 35: b = "slider" === d.getAttribute("role"); break; case 38: case 40: m = d.getAttribute("role"), d = 38 === c ? d.previousSibling : d.nextSibling, "slider" === m ? b = !0 : e && ("option" === m ? (d && "option" === d.getAttribute("role") && d.focus(), f = b = !0) : m && 0 === m.indexOf("menuitem") && (d && d.hasAttribute("role") && 0 === d.getAttribute("role").indexOf("menuitem") && d.focus(), f = b = !0)) } if (e && !f) switch (c) { case 38: f = Math.min(this.api.getVolume() + 5, 100); XV(this.Wd, f, !1); this.api.setVolume(f); h = f = !0; break; case 40: f = Math.max(this.api.getVolume() - 5, 0); XV(this.Wd, f, !0); this.api.setVolume(f); h = f = !0; break; case 36: this.api.Yh() && (this.api.startSeekCsiAction(), this.api.seekTo(0, void 0, void 0, void 0, 79), h = f = !0); break; case 35: this.api.Yh() && (this.api.startSeekCsiAction(), this.api.seekTo(Infinity, void 0, void 0, void 0, 80), h = f = !0) } */ } if (rr) { // focusBodyIfSuccess && Promise.resolve().then(() => { // activeElement === document.activeElement && activeElement.blur(); // }); evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.stopPropagation(); } }; document.addEventListener('keydown', keyEventListener, { capture: true }); document.addEventListener('keyup', keyEventListener, { capture: true }); } return { pageMediaWatcher, shortcutKeysFixer, keyboardController }; })(); pageMediaWatcher(); FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS > 0 && shortcutKeysFixer(); const check_for_set_key_order = (() => { let mySet = new Set(); mySet.add("value1"); mySet.add("value2"); mySet.add("value3"); // Function to convert Set values to an array function getSetValues(set) { return Array.from(set.values()); } // Function to test if the Set maintains insertion order function testSetOrder(set, expectedOrder) { let values = getSetValues(set); return expectedOrder.join(',') === values.join(','); } // Test 1: Initial order if (mySet.values().next().value !== "value1") return false; if (!testSetOrder(mySet, ["value1", "value2", "value3"])) return false; // Test 2: After deleting an element mySet.delete("value2"); if (mySet.values().next().value !== "value1") return false; if (!testSetOrder(mySet, ["value1", "value3"])) return false; // Test 3: After re-adding a deleted element mySet.add("value2"); if (mySet.values().next().value !== "value1") return false; if (!testSetOrder(mySet, ["value1", "value3", "value2"])) return false; // Test 4: After adding a new element mySet.add("value4"); if (mySet.values().next().value !== "value1") return false; if (!testSetOrder(mySet, ["value1", "value3", "value2", "value4"])) return false; // Test 5: Delete+Add mySet.delete("value1"); mySet.delete("value3"); mySet.add("value3"); mySet.add("value1"); if (mySet.values().next().value !== "value2") return false; if (!testSetOrder(mySet, ["value2", "value4", "value3", "value1"])) return false; return true; })(); // const qm47 = Symbol(); const qm57 = Symbol(); const qm53 = Symbol(); const qn53 = Symbol(); const ump3 = new WeakMap(); const stp = document.createElement('noscript'); = 'weakref-placeholder'; PROP_OverReInclusion_AVOID && (() => { if (typeof HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty72 === 'function' || typeof HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty !== 'function') return; const f = HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty72 = HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty; let byPassVal = null; let byPassCount = 0; let mmw = new Set(); HTMLElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function (prop) { if (arguments.length !== 1) return f.apply(this, arguments); if (byPassVal !== null && typeof prop === 'string') { if (PROP_OverReInclusion_LIST.has(prop)) { byPassCount++; return byPassVal; } PROP_OverReInclusion_DEBUGLOG && mmw.add(prop); } return this.hasOwnProperty72(prop); }; /* z.prototype.forwardDynamicProps = function() { var B = m(this.inst); B = h(B); for (var F =; !F.done; F = { var H = h(F.value); F =; H =; my(this, F, H); r(b) && !ly(F) && Wua(this.inst, F) } } */ let byPassZeroShowed = false; const forwardDynamicPropsGeneral = function () { byPassVal = true; byPassCount = 0; PROP_OverReInclusion_DEBUGLOG && mmw.clear(); const ret = this.forwardDynamicProps72(); byPassVal = null; if (byPassCount === 0 && !byPassZeroShowed) { byPassZeroShowed = true; console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] byPassCount = 0 in forwardDynamicProps') } byPassCount = 0; if (PROP_OverReInclusion_DEBUGLOG && mmw.size > 0) { console.log(399, '[yt-js-engine-tamer]', [...mmw]); mmw.clear(); } return ret; }; const propCheck = (proto) => { if (typeof (proto || 0) == 'object' && typeof proto.forwardDynamicProps === 'function' && typeof proto.forwardDynamicProps72 !== 'function') { proto.forwardDynamicProps72 = proto.forwardDynamicProps; if (proto.forwardDynamicProps.length === 0) { proto.forwardDynamicProps = forwardDynamicPropsGeneral; } } }; const valMap = new WeakMap(); Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'didForwardDynamicProps', { get() { propCheck(this.constructor.prototype); return valMap.get(this); }, set(nv) { propCheck(this.constructor.prototype); valMap.set(this, nv); return true; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); promiseForCustomYtElementsReady.then(() => { if (typeof customElements !== 'object' || typeof customElements.define72 === 'function' || typeof customElements.define !== 'function') return; if (customElements.define.length !== 2) return; customElements.define72 = customElements.define; customElements.define = function (b, w) { propCheck(w.prototype); const ret = this.define72(b, w); return ret; } }); })(); const convertionFuncMap = new WeakMap(); let val_kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list = null; const csb = (a, b) => { for (const c in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b[c]) return c; return null } const createStampDomArrayFnE1_ = function (a, b, c, d, shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished, h) { // this.__$$fs894$$__ = this.__$$fs894$$__ || `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; // console.log(1880, this.__$$fs894$$__) this[`__0p892::${b}__`] = (this[`__0p892::${b}__`] || Promise.resolve(0)).then(async () => { try { // console.log(1882 , this.__$$fs894$$__) // const t892 = this.__$$fs892$$__; // const t892 = this.__$$fs892$$__ = 1; if ((this.hostElement || 0).isConnected) this[`__0fs892::${b}__`] = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; const t892 = this[`__0fs892::${b}__`]; // c - mapping // d - reuseComponents // e - events (shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished) // h - stamperStableList // this is for flushing the new elements to a blank container. (without reusing) // const sdc01 = this.__$$StampDomCounter$$__; // console.log('createStampDomArrayFnE1_', a, c) const b_ = b; const c_ = c; const a_ = a; // const {data, __data} = this; // for data integrity check const doDeferRenderStamperBinding_ = async (cp) => { const i = cp[stampIdxSb]; const u = a_[i]; const c = c_; const x = csb(c, u); this.deferRenderStamperBinding_(cp, c[x], u[x]); // necessary? }; const container = this.getStampContainer_(b_); const domShell = container.__domApi; if (!domShell || !domShell.appendChild || typeof domShell.childElementCount !== 'number') throw new Error(); const domShellElementCount = domShell.childElementCount; const noscript = document.createElement('noscript'); // document.body.appendChild(noscript); let doc = document; // ---------- doc ---------- // let docHTML = '<html></html>'; // try { // docHTML = trustedTypes.defaultPolicy.createHTML(docHTML) || docHTML; // } catch (e) { } // try { // const parser = new DOMParser(); // doc = parser.parseFromString(docHTML, "text/html"); // } catch (e) { } // ---------- doc ---------- //, noscript); //; // doc = null; // parser = null; // console.log(doc,38); const nofn = () => true; const n = a_.length; const fns = new Array(n); let cxt = 0; let qxd = domShellElementCount > 0 ? new WeakSet() : null; const nextTickFnE1 = () => { a_.some((u, i) => { const x = csb(c, u); if (!x) { fns[i] = nofn; cxt++; } else { const cp = this.createComponent_(c[x], u[x], d); cp[stampIdxSb] = i; doDeferRenderStamperBinding_(cp); // mutex = mutex.then(() => { noscript.appendChild(cp); // }); // Promise.resolve(cp).then(doDeferRenderStamperBinding_); let q = cp; fns[i] = () => { if (q && q.parentNode === noscript) { const cp = q; q = null; } if (!q) return true; }; } }); noscript.setAttribute('ylul8gr', `${}`); }; const nextTickFnF1 = () => { let startNode = null; const isSet = new Set(); a_.some((u, i) => { const x = csb(c, u); if (!x) { fns[i] = nofn; cxt++; } else { const is = this.getComponentName_(c[x], u[x]); isSet.add(is); let np = startNode || domShell.firstElementChild; let chosenNode = null; while (np) { if (np instanceof Node_ && === is && !qxd.has(np)) { qxd.add(np); chosenNode = np; break; } np = np.nextElementSibling; } const cp = chosenNode || this.createComponent_(c[x], u[x], d); let oldIdx = cp[stampIdxSb]; if (chosenNode !== null && cp === chosenNode) { cp[stampIdxSb] = i; doDeferRenderStamperBinding_(cp); fns[i] = nofn; startNode = chosenNode; } else { cp[stampIdxSb] = i; doDeferRenderStamperBinding_(cp); // mutex = mutex.then(() => { noscript.appendChild(cp); // ui formation // }); // Promise.resolve(cp).then(doDeferRenderStamperBinding_); let q = cp; fns[i] = () => { if (q && q.parentNode === noscript) { const cp = q; q = null; } if (!q) return true; }; } } }); if (isSet.size === 1 && qxd !== null) { const is = isSet.values().next().value; if (typeof is === 'string' && is.length >= 1) { let np = startNode || domShell.firstElementChild; const removal = []; while (np) { if (np instanceof Node_ && === is && !qxd.has(np)) { removal.push(np); np[stampIdxSb] = -1; } np = np.nextElementSibling; } // by default, removal.length shoule be zero. just play safe. if (removal.length > 0) { const dFrag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); dFrag.append(...removal); removal.length = 0; } } } noscript.setAttribute('ylul8gr', `${}`); } const pr = new Promise(resolvePR => { let mo = new MutationObserver(() => { if (typeof fns[n - 1] !== 'function') return; if (!noscript.hasAttribute('ylul8gr')) return; const everyTrue = fns.every(fn => fn() === true); if (everyTrue) { if (mo) { mo.disconnect(); mo.takeRecords(); mo = null; } resolvePR(); } }); mo.observe(noscript, { subtree: false, childList: true, attributes: ['ylul8gr'] }); if (domShellElementCount > 0) { nextBrowserTick_(nextTickFnF1); } else { nextBrowserTick_(nextTickFnE1); } }); await pr.then(); fns.length = 0; qxd = null; // console.log(3025) //, noscript); //; //; noscript.remove(); // trigger isAttached change const hostElement = this.hostElement; // console.log('em77', hasElement, noscript.childElementCount, domShell.childElementCount, cxt, a_.length); // if(a_.length !== noscript.childElementCount+ domShell.childElementCount+ cxt){ // const pd = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; // console.log('em77b', pd, [...a_], [...noscript.childNodes], [...domShell.childNodes]) // setTimeout(()=>{ // console.log('em77c', pd, [...domShell.childNodes]) // }, 1000) // } // const sdc02 = this.__$$StampDomCounter$$__; /** @type {DocumentFragment} */ // const gFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const gFragment = doc.createDocumentFragment(); const fnE = () => { const evt = new CustomEvent("yt-rendererstamper-finished", { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !1, composed: !0, detail: { container } }); hostElement.dispatchEvent(evt); }; let f1, f2; f1 = async () => { await new Promise(r => nextBrowserTick_(r)); if (t892 !== this[`__0fs892::${b}__`]) return; // await new Promise(r=>setTimeout(r, 1000)); // if ( !== data || this.__data !== __data) return; const domShellElementCountCurrent = domShell.childElementCount; if (domShellElementCountCurrent !== domShellElementCount) return; if (hostElement.isConnected === false || this.isAttached === false || !hostElement.contains(container) || container.__domApi !== domShell) { return; } // const t1 =; if (DO_createStampDomArrayFnE1_nativeAppendD) { let elm; while (elm = noscript.firstChild) {, elm); // no attached / detached } } else { let elm; while (elm = noscript.firstChild) { gFragment.appendChild(elm); } } // const t2 =; // console.log('createStampDomArrayFn_{T2}', t2-t1); // nextBrowserTick_(f2); return true; }; f2 = async () => { await new Promise(r => nextBrowserTick_(r)); if (t892 !== this[`__0fs892::${b}__`]) return; // if ( !== data || this.__data !== __data) return; const domShellElementCountCurrent = domShell.childElementCount; if (domShellElementCountCurrent !== domShellElementCount) return; if (hostElement.isConnected === false || this.isAttached === false || !hostElement.contains(container) || container.__domApi !== domShell) { return; } // const t1 =; // const arr = [...noscript.childNodes]; // g.append(...arr); // if(gFragment.childElementCount>10){ // for(const p of gFragment.childNodes){ // const w = document.createDocumentFragment(); // w.append(p); // domShell.appendChild(w); // await Promise.resolve(0); // } // }else{ domShell.appendChild(gFragment); // } // for (const cp of arr) { // const i = cp[stampIdxSb]; // const u = a_[i]; // const c = c_; // const x = csb(c, u); // this.deferRenderStamperBinding_(cp, c[x], u[x]); // necessary? // } this.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_(); this.markDirty && this.markDirty(); // const t2 =; // console.log('createStampDomArrayFn_{T3}', t2-t1); // time consuming if (shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished) { nextBrowserTick_(fnE); } // this.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_(); return true; }; const r1 = await f1(); if (r1 === true) { const r2 = await f2(); // p892R(); } // console.log(1883 , this.__$$fs894$$__) } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } finally { // } }).catch(() => 0); }; const stampIdxSb = Symbol(); // const byPassIs55 = new Set(['ytd-rich-grid-renderer', 'ytd-rich-item-renderer', 'ytd-rich-grid-media', 'ytd-rich-section-renderer', 'ytd-rich-shelf-renderer']); // some issues for the view model // const byPassIs55 = new Set(['ytd-rich-grid-renderer', 'ytd-rich-shelf-renderer']); const byPassIs55 = new Set([ 'ytd-rich-grid-renderer', 'ytd-rich-shelf-renderer', // avoid disappearing of video/short entries 'ytd-unified-share-panel-renderer', 'yt-third-party-share-target-section-renderer', 'ytd-add-to-playlist-renderer', // avoid share-panel being non-central 'ytd-continuation-item-renderer', 'tp-yt-paper-spinner', 'ytd-multi-page-menu-renderer', 'yt-multi-page-menu-section-renderer' ]); // const byPassB55 = new Set(['continuations']); const byPassB55 = new Set(['flexible-item-buttons', 'continuations', 'header', 'sections']); let stampContainer = null; const requestDomApiObject = { getStampContainer_: () => stampContainer }; const requestDomApiProxy = new Proxy(requestDomApiObject, { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (prop === 'getStampContainer_') return target[prop]; throw new Error("requestDomApiProxyGet"); }, set(target, prop, value, receiver) { throw new Error("requestDomApiProxySet"); } }); const createStampDomArrayFn_ = (fn) => { if (val_kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list === null) { const config_ = (( || 0).config_ || 0); val_kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list = ((config_ || 0).EXPERIMENT_FLAGS || 0).kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list === true; } const gn = function (a, b, c, d, shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished, h) { // this.__$$StampDomCounter$$__ = (this.__$$StampDomCounter$$__ || 0) + 1; // this.__$$fs892$$__ = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; // if (a.length > 10) { // console.log(58691,, b, c); // } if ((this.hostElement || 0).isConnected) this[`__0fs892::${b}__`] = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; let n = (a || 0).length, t; if (n === 1 && typeof (t = (a[0] || {})) === 'object' && Object.keys(t).length === 0) n = 0; if (n >= 1) { if (h === undefined && typeof b === 'string' && c && typeof c === 'object' && && val_kevlar_should_maintain_stable_list) { if (c.clientSideToggleMenuItemRenderer) { h = false; } else { h = true; } } if (DO_createStampDomArrayFnE1_ && typeof ( || 0) === 'string' && typeof (b || 0) === 'string' && typeof (c || 0) === 'object') { // !!c <=> typeof c should be always object let fulfillment = false; if (DO_createStampDomArray_STRICT_FULFILLMENT) { const isPlaylistRendering = === 'ytd-playlist-panel-renderer' && b === 'items' && (c || 0).playlistPanelVideoRenderer; const isTranscriptRendering = === 'ytd-transcript-segment-list-renderer' && b === 'segments-container' && (c || 0).transcriptSegmentRenderer; const isProductListRendering = === 'ytd-product-list-renderer' && b === 'contents' && (c || 0).productListItemRenderer; const isGuideSectionItemRendering = === 'ytd-guide-section-renderer' && b === 'items' && ((c || 0).guideCollapsibleEntryRenderer || (c || 0).guideCollapsibleSectionEntryRenderer || (c || 0).guideEntryRenderer); const isPlaylistVideosRendering = === 'ytd-playlist-video-list-renderer' && b === 'contents' && (c || 0).playlistVideoRenderer; const isShareTargetItemRendering = === 'yt-third-party-share-target-section-renderer' && b === 'contents' && (c || 0).shareTargetRenderer; fulfillment = (isPlaylistRendering || isTranscriptRendering || isProductListRendering || isGuideSectionItemRendering || isPlaylistVideosRendering || isShareTargetItemRendering); // strict fulfillment; avoid issues } else { fulfillment = true; } const constraintE = DO_createStampDomArrayFnE1_noConstraintE ? true : !shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished; const dk55 = (window.dk55 || (window.dk55 = new Set())); dk55.add(`(is=${}, b=${b})`); if (!d && constraintE && h && a.length > 1 && !byPassIs55.has( && !byPassB55.has(b) && fulfillment) { // h (stamperStableList) = true // d (reuseComponents) = false // a.length > 1 to avoid chatroom display issue const container = this.getStampContainer_(b); if (container) { // this.__$$fs892$$__ = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36)}`; let domShell = container.__domApi; if (!domShell) { // -- request __domApi -- stampContainer = container; try {, undefined, b, undefined, false, false, false); } catch (e) { } stampContainer = null; // -- request __domApi -- //, undefined, b, undefined, d); // erase the contents. so byPass is required. domShell = container.__domApi; if (!domShell) { try {, undefined, b, undefined, false, false, false); domShell = container.__domApi; } catch (e) { } } } if (domShell && domShell.appendChild) { // console.log(5882,, b) if (domShell.firstElementChild === null) {, a, b, c, d, shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished, h); return; } else if (DO_createStampDomArrayFnF1_ && domShell.firstElementChild instanceof Node_) { // let t1 =; let error = 0; const createDocumentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment; document.createDocumentFragment = function () { throw new Error("DN96IZkGLTY6"); } let r; try { r =, a, b, c, d, shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished, h); } catch (e) { error = (e.message === 'DN96IZkGLTY6') ? 1 : e; } document.createDocumentFragment = createDocumentFragment; if (!error) return r; if (error !== 1) throw e; // let t2 =; // console.log('createStampDomArrayFnF1_', t2-t1);, a, b, c, d, shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished, h); return; } } } } } } // console.log(2949, a,b,c,d,e,h) return, a, b, c, d, shouldTriggerRendererStamperFinished, h) } gn.originalFn = fn; convertionFuncMap.set(fn, gn); return gn; } const fixStampDomArrayStableList = (h) => { if (!h.stampDomArray_) return; const proto = h.__proto__; const f = proto.stampDomArray_; if (!proto.stampDomArrayF001_ && typeof f === 'function' && f.length === 6) { proto.stampDomArrayF001_ = 1; proto.stampDomArray_ = convertionFuncMap.get(f) || createStampDomArrayFn_(f); } } const weakenStampReferences = (() => { const DEBUG_STAMP = false; const s1 = Symbol(); const handler1 = { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (prop === 'object') { return kRef(target[s1]); // avoid memory leakage } if (prop === '__proxy312__') return 1; return target[prop]; } }; const handler2 = { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (prop === 'indexSplices') { return kRef(target[s1]); // avoid memory leakage } if (prop === '__proxy312__') return 1; return target[prop]; } } return (h) => { if (h.rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_ || h.stampDomArraySplices_) { const proto = h.__proto__; if (!proto.yzxer && (proto.rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_ || proto.stampDomArraySplices_)) { proto.yzxer = 1; const list = [ // "rendererStamperObserver_", // 3 ==> rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_ "rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_", // 3 "forwardRendererStamperChanges_", // 3 "stampDomArraySplices_", // 3 "stampDomArray_", // 6 "deferRenderStamperBinding_", // 3 ]; for (const key of list) { const pey = `${key}$wq0iw_`; const vKey = proto[key]; if (typeof vKey !== 'function') continue; if (proto[pey] || vKey.length === 0) continue; if (key === 'stampDomArraySplices_' && vKey.length === 3) { proto[pey] = vKey; proto[key] = function (a, b, c) { if (typeof a === 'string' && typeof b === 'string' && typeof c === 'object' && c && c.indexSplices && c.indexSplices.length >= 1 && !c.indexSplices.rzgjr) { c.indexSplices = => { if (e.__proxy312__) return e; e[s1] = mWeakRef(e.object); e.object = null; return new Proxy(e, handler1); }); c.indexSplices.rzgjr = 1; c[s1] = mWeakRef(c.indexSplices); c.indexSplices = null; c = new Proxy(c, handler2) arguments[2] = c; } // console.log(key, arguments.length, [...arguments]); return proto[pey].call(this, a, b, c); } } else if (key === 'rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_' && vKey.length === 3) { // Nil } else if (DEBUG_STAMP) { console.log(proto.isRenderer_, 'ms_' + key, vKey.length, proto[pey] = vKey; proto[key] = function () { if (key === 'rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_' && typeof arguments[3] === 'object') { console.log(key, arguments.length, { value: arguments[3].value, base: arguments[3].base, }) } console.log(key, arguments.length, [...arguments]); return proto[pey].apply(this, arguments); } } } // const m = (Object.mkss = Object.mkss || new Set()); // Object.keys(h.__proto__).filter(e => e.toLowerCase().includes('stamp') && typeof h[e] === 'function').forEach(e => m.add(e)) // console.log([...m]) } } } })(); const setupDiscreteTasks = (h, rb) => { if (rb) { if (h.ky36) return; } if (typeof h.onYtRendererstamperFinished === 'function' && !(h.onYtRendererstamperFinished.km34)) { const f = h.onYtRendererstamperFinished; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { if (this.updateChildVisibilityProperties && !this.markDirty) { return f.apply(this, arguments); } Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onYtRendererstamperFinished = g; } if (typeof h.onYtUpdateDescriptionAction === 'function' && !(h.onYtUpdateDescriptionAction.km34)) { const f = h.onYtUpdateDescriptionAction; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onYtUpdateDescriptionAction = g; } if (typeof h.handleUpdateDescriptionAction === 'function' && !(h.handleUpdateDescriptionAction.km34)) { const f = h.handleUpdateDescriptionAction; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.handleUpdateDescriptionAction = g; } if (typeof h.handleUpdateLiveChatPollAction === 'function' && !(h.handleUpdateLiveChatPollAction.km34)) { const f = h.handleUpdateLiveChatPollAction; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.handleUpdateLiveChatPollAction = g; } if (typeof h.onTextChanged === 'function' && !(h.onTextChanged.km34)) { const f = h.onTextChanged; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onTextChanged = g; } if (typeof h.onVideoDataChange === 'function' && !(h.onVideoDataChange.km34)) { const f = h.onVideoDataChange; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onVideoDataChange = g; } if (typeof h.onVideoDataChange_ === 'function' && !(h.onVideoDataChange_.km34)) { const f = h.onVideoDataChange_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onVideoDataChange_ = g; } /* // affect chat message icon tooltips if (typeof h.addTooltips === 'function' && !(h.addTooltips.km34)) { const f = h.addTooltips; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.addTooltips = g; } */ /* if (typeof h.onMouseOver_ === 'function' && !(h.onMouseOver_.km34) && typeof h.createTooltipIfRequired_ === 'function') { console.log(212,; const f = h.onMouseOver_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { if (!this.__mEZ__) { const w = document.createElement; let EU = null; document.createElement = function () { let r = w.apply(this, arguments); EU = r; return r; }; let done = false; try { this.polymerController.createTooltipIfRequired_(); done = true; } catch (e) { } if (!done) { try { this.createTooltipIfRequired_(); done = true; } catch (e) { } } this.__mEZ__ = EU; document.createElement = w; } if(this.__mEZ__){ this.__mEZ__.remove(); // this.__mEZ__.for = null; [...this.__mEZ__.querySelectorAll('.hidden')].forEach(e=>e.classList.remove('hidden')) } console.log(212,this,, this.__mEZ__) return f.apply(this, arguments) } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onMouseOver_ = g; } */ if (typeof h.addTooltips_ === 'function' && !(h.addTooltips_.km34)) { const f = h.addTooltips_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.addTooltips_ = g; } if (typeof h.updateRenderedElements === 'function' && !(h.updateRenderedElements.km34)) { const f = h.updateRenderedElements; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.updateRenderedElements = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 2) && typeof h.loadPage_ === 'function' && !(h.loadPage_.km34)) { const f = h.loadPage_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.loadPage_ = g; } // updatePageData_ : possible conflict with Omit ShadyDOM if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 2) && typeof h.updatePageData_ === 'function' && !(h.updatePageData_.km34)) { const f = h.updatePageData_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.updatePageData_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.onFocus_ === 'function' && !(h.onFocus_.km34)) { const f = h.onFocus_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onFocus_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.onBlur_ === 'function' && !(h.onBlur_.km34)) { const f = h.onBlur_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onBlur_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.buttonClassChanged_ === 'function' && !(h.buttonClassChanged_.km34)) { const f = h.buttonClassChanged_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a, b) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.buttonClassChanged_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.buttonIconChanged_ === 'function' && !(h.buttonIconChanged_.km34)) { const f = h.buttonIconChanged_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.buttonIconChanged_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.dataChangedInBehavior_ === 'function' && !(h.dataChangedInBehavior_.km34)) { const f = h.dataChangedInBehavior_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.dataChangedInBehavior_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.continuationsChanged_ === 'function' && !(h.continuationsChanged_.km34)) { const f = h.continuationsChanged_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.continuationsChanged_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.forceChatPoll_ === 'function' && !(h.forceChatPoll_.km34)) { const f = h.forceChatPoll_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.forceChatPoll_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.onEndpointClick_ === 'function' && !(h.onEndpointClick_.km34)) { const f = h.onEndpointClick_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onEndpointClick_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.onEndpointTap_ === 'function' && !(h.onEndpointTap_.km34)) { const f = h.onEndpointTap_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onEndpointTap_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.handleClick_ === 'function' && !(h.handleClick_.km34)) { const f = h.handleClick_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a, b) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.handleClick_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.onReadyStateChange_ === 'function' && !(h.onReadyStateChange_.km34)) { const f = h.onReadyStateChange_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onReadyStateChange_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.onReadyStateChangeEntryPoint_ === 'function' && !(h.onReadyStateChangeEntryPoint_.km34)) { const f = h.onReadyStateChangeEntryPoint_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onReadyStateChangeEntryPoint_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.readyStateChangeHandler_ === 'function' && !(h.readyStateChangeHandler_.km34)) { const f = h.readyStateChangeHandler_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.readyStateChangeHandler_ = g; } if (typeof h.xmlHttpHandler_ === 'function' && !(h.xmlHttpHandler_.km34)) { const f = h.xmlHttpHandler_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.xmlHttpHandler_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.executeCallbacks_ === 'function' && !(h.executeCallbacks_.km34)) { const f = h.executeCallbacks_; // overloaded const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.executeCallbacks_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.handleInvalidationData_ === 'function' && !(h.handleInvalidationData_.km34)) { const f = h.handleInvalidationData_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a, b) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.handleInvalidationData_ = g; } if (typeof h.onInput_ === 'function' && !(h.onInput_.km34)) { const f = h.onInput_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onInput_ = g; } if (typeof h.trigger_ === 'function' && !(h.trigger_.km34)) { const f = h.trigger_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.trigger_ = g; } if (typeof h.requestData_ === 'function' && !(h.requestData_.km34)) { const f = h.requestData_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.requestData_ = g; } if (typeof h.onLoadReloadContinuation_ === 'function' && !(h.onLoadReloadContinuation_.km34)) { const f = h.onLoadReloadContinuation_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a, b) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onLoadReloadContinuation_ = g; } if (typeof h.onLoadIncrementalContinuation_ === 'function' && !(h.onLoadIncrementalContinuation_.km34)) { const f = h.onLoadIncrementalContinuation_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a, b) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onLoadIncrementalContinuation_ = g; } if (typeof h.onLoadSeekContinuation_ === 'function' && !(h.onLoadSeekContinuation_.km34)) { const f = h.onLoadSeekContinuation_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a, b) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onLoadSeekContinuation_ = g; } if (typeof h.onLoadReplayContinuation_ === 'function' && !(h.onLoadReplayContinuation_.km34)) { const f = h.onLoadReplayContinuation_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a, b) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onLoadReplayContinuation_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.onNavigate_ === 'function' && !(h.onNavigate_.km34)) { const f = h.onNavigate_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onNavigate_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.ytRendererBehaviorDataObserver_ === 'function' && !(h.ytRendererBehaviorDataObserver_.km34)) { const f = h.ytRendererBehaviorDataObserver_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.ytRendererBehaviorDataObserver_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.ytRendererBehaviorTargetIdObserver_ === 'function' && !(h.ytRendererBehaviorTargetIdObserver_.km34)) { const f = h.ytRendererBehaviorTargetIdObserver_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.ytRendererBehaviorTargetIdObserver_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.unregisterRenderer_ === 'function' && !(h.unregisterRenderer_.km34)) { const f = h.unregisterRenderer_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.unregisterRenderer_ = g; } if ((WEAK_REF_BINDING_CONTROL & 1) && typeof h.textChanged_ === 'function' && !(h.textChanged_.km34)) { const f = h.textChanged_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { if (void 0 !== this.isAttached) { const hostElement = this.hostElement; if (!(hostElement instanceof Node) || hostElement.nodeName === 'NOSCRIPT') { return; } } Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.textChanged_ = g; } /** * * Neglect following * * h.onYtAction_ * h.startLoadingWatch [ buggy for yt-player-updated ] * h.deferRenderStamperBinding_ * * h.stampDomArray_ * h.stampDomArraySplices_ * */ // RP.prototype.searchChanged_ = RP.prototype.searchChanged_; // RP.prototype.skinToneChanged_ = RP.prototype.skinToneChanged_; // RP.prototype.onEmojiHover_ = RP.prototype.onEmojiHover_; // RP.prototype.onSelectCategory_ = RP.prototype.onSelectCategory_; // RP.prototype.onShowEmojiVariantSelector = RP.prototype.onShowEmojiVariantSelector; // RP.prototype.updateCategoriesAndPlaceholder_ = RP.prototype.updateCategoriesAndPlaceholder_; if (typeof h.searchChanged_ === 'function' && !(h.searchChanged_.km34)) { const f = h.searchChanged_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.searchChanged_ = g; } if (typeof h.skinToneChanged_ === 'function' && !(h.skinToneChanged_.km34)) { const f = h.skinToneChanged_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.skinToneChanged_ = g; } if (typeof h.onEmojiHover_ === 'function' && !(h.onEmojiHover_.km34)) { const f = h.onEmojiHover_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onEmojiHover_ = g; } if (typeof h.onSelectCategory_ === 'function' && !(h.onSelectCategory_.km34)) { const f = h.onSelectCategory_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onSelectCategory_ = g; } if (typeof h.onShowEmojiVariantSelector === 'function' && !(h.onShowEmojiVariantSelector.km34)) { const f = h.onShowEmojiVariantSelector; const g = ump3.get(f) || function (a) { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onShowEmojiVariantSelector = g; } if (typeof h.updateCategoriesAndPlaceholder_ === 'function' && !(h.updateCategoriesAndPlaceholder_.km34)) { const f = h.updateCategoriesAndPlaceholder_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.updateCategoriesAndPlaceholder_ = g; } if (typeof h.watchPageActiveChanged_ === 'function' && !(h.watchPageActiveChanged_.km34)) { const f = h.watchPageActiveChanged_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.watchPageActiveChanged_ = g; } if (typeof h.activate_ === 'function' && !(h.activate_.km34)) { const f = h.activate_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.activate_ = g; } if (typeof h.onYtPlaylistDataUpdated_ === 'function' && !(h.onYtPlaylistDataUpdated_.km34)) { const f = h.onYtPlaylistDataUpdated_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onYtPlaylistDataUpdated_ = g; } FIX_stampDomArray_stableList && fixStampDomArrayStableList(h); const ENABLE_weakenStampReferencesQ = ENABLE_weakenStampReferences && typeof DocumentTimeline !== 'undefined' && typeof WeakRef !== 'undefined'; ENABLE_weakenStampReferencesQ && weakenStampReferences(h); /** * * Neglect following * * h.rendererStamperObserver_ * h.rendererStamperApplyChangeRecord_ * h.flushRenderStamperComponentBindings_ * h.forwardRendererStamperChanges_ * */ if (typeof h.tryRenderChunk_ === 'function' && !(h.tryRenderChunk_.km34)) { const f = h.tryRenderChunk_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.tryRenderChunk_ = g; } if (typeof h.renderChunk_ === 'function' && !(h.renderChunk_.km34)) { const f = h.renderChunk_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.renderChunk_ = g; } if (typeof h.deepLazyListObserver_ === 'function' && !(h.deepLazyListObserver_.km34)) { const f = h.deepLazyListObserver_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.deepLazyListObserver_ = g; } if (typeof h.onItemsUpdated_ === 'function' && !(h.onItemsUpdated_.km34)) { const f = h.onItemsUpdated_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.onItemsUpdated_ = g; } if (typeof h.requestRenderChunk_ === 'function' && !(h.requestRenderChunk_.km34)) { const f = h.requestRenderChunk_; const g = ump3.get(f) || function () { Promise.resolve().then(() => f.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } ump3.set(f, g); g.km34 = 1; h.requestRenderChunk_ = g; } /** * * Neglect following * * h.dataChanged_ [ buggy for page swtiching ] * * h.updateChangeRecord_ [ see ] * * h.cancelPendingTasks_ * h.fillRange_ * h.addTextNodes_ * h.updateText_ * h.stampTypeChanged_ * */ } const keyStConnectedCallback = Symbol(); // avoid copying the value // const keyStDisconnectedCallback = Symbol(); // avoid copying the value const cmf = new WeakMap(); const dmf = new WeakMap(); const gvGenerator = (nv) => { return function () { const cnt = insp(this); const hostElement = cnt.hostElement || 0; const dollar = hostElement ? (this.$ || indr(this)) : 0; let p = (hostElement instanceof HTMLElement) && (dollar || !; if (p && (!dollar && ! { const nodeName = hostElement.nodeName; if (typeof nodeName !== 'string') { // just in case } else if (nodeName.startsWith("DOM-")) { // dom-if, dom-repeat, etc } else { // yt element - new model, yt-xxxx, anixxxxxx p = false; } } if (p) { if (typeof cnt.markDirty === 'function') { // the yt element might call markDirty (occasionally) p = false; } else if ( === 'ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer') { // see p = false; } } if (p) { // << dom-repeat & dom-if >> // sequence on the same instance this[qm57] = (this[qm57] || Promise.resolve()).then(() => nv.apply(this, arguments)).catch(console.log); } else { nv.apply(this, arguments); } }; } // const assignedHolderWS = new WeakSet(); const setupWeakRef = (h) => { } let nativeHTMLElement = window.HTMLElement; try { const q = document.createElement('template'); q.innerHTML = '<ytz-null361></ytz-null361>'; nativeHTMLElement = q.content.firstChild.constructor } catch (e) { } if (!nativeHTMLElement.prototype.connectedCallback) { nativeHTMLElement.prototype.connectedCallback79 = nativeHTMLElement.prototype.connectedCallback; nativeHTMLElement.prototype.connectedCallback = function () { let r; if (this.connectedCallback79) r = this.connectedCallback79.apply(this, arguments); return r; } } ENABLE_discreteTasking && Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'connectedCallback', { get() { const f = this[keyStConnectedCallback]; if ( { setupDiscreteTasks(this, true); if (f) this.ky36 = 1; } return f; }, set(nv) { let gv; if (typeof nv === 'function') { gv = cmf.get(nv) || gvGenerator(nv); if (gv !== nv) { cmf.set(nv, gv); cmf.set(gv, gv); dmf.set(gv, nv); } } else { gv = nv; } this[keyStConnectedCallback] = gv; // proto or object if ( { setupDiscreteTasks(this); } return true; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); const pLoad = new Promise(resolve => { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { resolve(); } else { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", resolve, false); } }); if (FIX_fix_requestIdleCallback_timing && !window.requestIdleCallback471 && typeof window.requestIdleCallback === 'function') { window.requestIdleCallback471 = window.requestIdleCallback; window.requestIdleCallback = function (f, ...args) { return (this || window).requestIdleCallback471(async function () { await pLoad.then(); // await new Promise(nextBrowserTick_);, ...arguments) }, ...args); } } pLoad.then(() => { let nonce = document.querySelector('style[nonce]'); nonce = nonce ? nonce.getAttribute('nonce') : null; const st = document.createElement('style'); if (typeof nonce === 'string') st.setAttribute('nonce', nonce); st.textContent = "none-element-k47{order:0}"; st.addEventListener('load', () => { pf31.resolve(); p59 = 1; }, false); (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(st); }); const prepareLogs = []; const skipAdsDetection = new Set(['/robots.txt', '/live_chat', '/live_chat_replay']); let winError00 = window.onerror; let fix_error_many_stack_state = !FIX_error_many_stack ? 0 : skipAdsDetection.has(location.pathname) ? 2 : 1; if (!JSON || !('parse' in JSON)) fix_error_many_stack_state = 0; ; FIX_Iframe_NULL_SRC && !isChatRoomURL && typeof kagi === 'undefined' && (() => { const emptyBlobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: 'text/html' })); const lcOpt = { sensitivity: 'base' }; document.createElement24 = document.createElement; document.createElement = function (t) { if (typeof t === 'string' && t.length === 6) { if (t.localeCompare('iframe', undefined, lcOpt) === 0) { const p = this.createElement24(t); try { const stack = new Error().stack; const isSearchbox = stack.includes('initializeSearchbox'); // see if (!isSearchbox) { p.src = emptyBlobUrl; // avoid iframe is appended to DOM without any url } } catch (e) { } return p; } } return this.createElement24.apply(this, arguments); }; })(); ; fix_error_many_stack_state === 1 && (() => { let p1 = winError00; let stackNeedleDetails = null; Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'matchAll', { get() { stackNeedleDetails = this; return true; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); try { JSON.parse("{}"); } catch (e) { console.warn(e) fix_error_many_stack_state = 0; } delete Object.prototype['matchAll']; let p2 = window.onerror; window.onerror = p1; if (fix_error_many_stack_state === 0) return; if (stackNeedleDetails) { JSON.parse.stackNeedleDetails = stackNeedleDetails; stackNeedleDetails.matchAll = true; } if (p1 === p2) return (fix_error_many_stack_state = 0); // p1!==p2 fix_error_many_stack_state = !stackNeedleDetails ? 4 : 3; })(); ; fix_error_many_stack_state === 2 && (() => { let p1 = winError00; let objectPrune = null; let stackNeedleDetails = null; Object.defineProperty(Function.prototype, 'findOwner', { get() { objectPrune = this; return this._findOwner; }, set(nv) { this._findOwner = nv; return true; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'matchAll', { get() { stackNeedleDetails = this; return true; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); try { JSON.parse("{}"); } catch (e) { console.warn(e) fix_error_many_stack_state = 0; } delete Function.prototype['findOwner']; delete Object.prototype['matchAll']; let p2 = window.onerror; if (p1 !== p2) return (fix_error_many_stack_state = 4); // p1 != p2 if (fix_error_many_stack_state == 0) return; // the following will only execute when Brave's scriptlets.js is executed. prepareLogs.push("fix_error_many_stack_state NB") if (stackNeedleDetails) { stackNeedleDetails.pattern = null; = null; stackNeedleDetails.expect = null; stackNeedleDetails.matchAll = true; } if (objectPrune) { objectPrune.findOwner = objectPrune.mustProcess = objectPrune.logJson = () => { } delete objectPrune._findOwner; } fix_error_many_stack_state = 3; JSON.parse.stackNeedleDetails = stackNeedleDetails; JSON.parse.objectPrune = objectPrune; })(); ; fix_error_many_stack_state === 3 && (() => { let p1 = winError00; try { JSON.parse("{}"); } catch (e) { console.warn(e) fix_error_many_stack_state = 0; } let p2 = window.onerror; if (p1 === p2) return; window.onerror = p1; if (fix_error_many_stack_state === 0) return; fix_error_many_stack_state = 4; // p1 != p2 })(); fix_error_many_stack_state === 4 && (() => { // the following will only execute when Brave's scriptlets.js is executed. prepareLogs.push("fix_error_many_stack_state AB") JSON.parseProxy = JSON.parse; JSON.parse = ((parse) => { parse = parse.bind(JSON); // get a new instance of the current JSON.parse return function (text, reviver) { const onerror = window.onerror; window.onerror = null; let r; try { r = parse(...arguments); } catch (e) { r = e; } window.onerror = onerror; if (r instanceof Error) { throw r; } return r; } })(JSON.parse); })(); // << if FIX_yt_player >> // credit to @nopeless ( const PERF_471489_ = true; // PERF_471489_ is not exactly the same to Youtube Player perf v0.7 // This script uses a much gentle way to tamer the JS engine instead. // << end >> const steppingScaleN = 200; // transform: scaleX(k/N); 0<k<N const nilFn = () => { }; let isMainWindow = false; try { isMainWindow = window.document === } catch (e) { } let NO_PRELOAD_GENERATE_204_BYPASS = NO_PRELOAD_GENERATE_204 ? false : true; let headLinkCollection = null; // const assertor = (f) => f() || console.assert(false, `${f}`); const fnIntegrity = (f, d) => { if (!f || typeof f !== 'function') { console.warn('f is not a function', f); return; } let p = `${f}`, s = 0, j = -1, w = 0; for (let i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++) { const t = p[i]; if (((t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') || (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z'))) { if (j < i - 1) w++; j = i; } else { s++; } } let itz = `${f.length}.${s}.${w}`; if (!d) { return itz; } else { return itz === d; } }; const getZqOu = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'ZqOu'; let arr = []; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p && typeof p.start === 'function' && p.start.length === 0 // Ou && typeof p.isActive === 'function' && p.isActive.length === 0 && typeof p.stop === 'function' && p.stop.length === 0 && !p.isComplete && !p.getStatus && !p.getResponseHeader && !p.getLastError && !p.send && !p.abort && !p.sample && !p.initialize && ! && !p.getName // && !p.dispose && !p.isDisposed ) { arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0]; } } const getZqQu = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'ZqQu'; let arr = []; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p && typeof p.start === 'function' && p.start.length === 1 // Qu && typeof p.isActive === 'function' && p.isActive.length === 0 && typeof p.stop === 'function' && p.stop.length === 0 && !p.isComplete && !p.getStatus && !p.getResponseHeader && !p.getLastError && !p.send && !p.abort && !p.sample && !p.initialize && ! && !p.getName // && !p.dispose && !p.isDisposed ) { arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0]; } } const getVG = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'VG'; let arr = []; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p && typeof === 'function' && === 1 && typeof p.hide === 'function' && p.hide.length === 0 && typeof p.stop === 'function' && p.stop.length === 0) { arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0]; } } const getzo = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'zo'; let arr = []; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { if ( typeof v === 'function' && v.length === 3 && k.length < 3 ) { const vt = `${v}`; if (vt.length >= 21 && vt.includes(".style[")) { if (/\((\w{1,3}),(\w{1,3}),(\w{1,3})\)\{[\s\S]*\1\.style\[\2\]=\3\W/.test(vt)) { arr.push(k); } else { console.warn('[yt-js-engine-tamer] unexpected zo::vt', vt); } } } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0]; } } const addProtoToArr = (parent, key, arr) => { let isChildProto = false; for (const sr of arr) { if (parent[key].prototype instanceof parent[sr]) { isChildProto = true; break; } } if (isChildProto) return; arr = arr.filter(sr => { if (parent[sr].prototype instanceof parent[key]) { return false; } return true; }); arr.push(key); return arr; } const getuG = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'uG'; let arr = []; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p && typeof p.createElement === 'function' && p.createElement.length === 2 && typeof p.detach === 'function' && p.detach.length === 0 && typeof p.update === 'function' && p.update.length === 1 && typeof p.updateValue === 'function' && p.updateValue.length === 2 ) { arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0]; } } const getQT = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'QT'; let arr = []; let brr = new Map(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p) { let q = 0; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 7) q += 400; else if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 8) q += 300; else if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function') q += 200; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 0) q -= 600; // avoid SV if (q < 200) continue; // p.handleGlobalKeyUp must be available if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyDown === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyDown.length === 8) q += 80; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyDown === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyDown.length === 7) q += 30; if (typeof p.step === 'function' && p.step.length === 1) q += 10; if (typeof p.step === 'function' && p.step.length !== 1) q += 5; // differentiate QT and DX q += 280; if (typeof p.cueVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.loadVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.preloadVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.seekBy === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.seekTo === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getStoryboardFormat === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getDuration === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.loadModule === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.unloadModule === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getOption === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getOptions === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.setOption === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.addCueRange === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getDebugText === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getCurrentBroadcastId === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.setSizeStyle === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.showControls === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.hideControls === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getVideoContentRect === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.toggleFullscreen === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.isFullscreen === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.cancelPlayback === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getProgressState === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.isInline === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.setInline === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.toggl###btitles === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getPlayerSize === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.wakeUpControls === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.setCenterCrop === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.getLoopVideo === 'function') q += 4; if (typeof p.setLoopVideo === 'function') q += 4; if (q > 0) arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; if (q > 0) brr.set(k, q); } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { arr = => [key, (brr.get(key) || 0)]); if (arr.length > 1) arr.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); if (arr.length > 2) console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0][0]; } } const getSV = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'SV'; let arr = []; let brr = new Map(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p) { let q = 0; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 7) q += 400; else if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 8) q += 300; else if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function') q += 200; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 0) q += 600; // SV if (q < 200) continue; // p.handleGlobalKeyUp must be available if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyDown === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyDown.length === 8) q += 80; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyDown === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyDown.length === 7) q += 30; if (typeof p.step === 'function' && p.step.length === 1) q += 10; if (typeof p.step === 'function' && p.step.length !== 1) q += 5; // differentiate QT and DX q += 280; if (typeof p.cueVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.loadVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.preloadVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.seekBy === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.seekTo === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getStoryboardFormat === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getDuration === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.loadModule === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.unloadModule === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getOption === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getOptions === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setOption === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.addCueRange === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getDebugText === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getCurrentBroadcastId === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setSizeStyle === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.showControls === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.hideControls === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getVideoContentRect === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.toggleFullscreen === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.isFullscreen === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.cancelPlayback === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getProgressState === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.isInline === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setInline === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.toggl###btitles === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getPlayerSize === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.wakeUpControls === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setCenterCrop === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getLoopVideo === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setLoopVideo === 'function') q -= 4; if (q > 0) arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; if (q > 0) brr.set(k, q); } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { arr = => [key, (brr.get(key) || 0)]); if (arr.length > 1) arr.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); if (arr.length > 2) console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0][0]; } } const getDX = (_yt_player) => { const w = 'DX'; let arr = []; let brr = new Map(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p) { let q = 0; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 7) q += 400; else if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 8) q += 300; else if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function') q += 200; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyUp === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyUp.length === 0) q -= 600; // avoid SV if (!(typeof p.init === 'function' && p.init.length === 0)) q -= 300; // init is required if (q < 200) continue; // p.handleGlobalKeyUp must be available if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyDown === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyDown.length === 8) q += 80; if (typeof p.handleGlobalKeyDown === 'function' && p.handleGlobalKeyDown.length === 7) q += 30; if (typeof p.step === 'function' && p.step.length === 1) q += 10; if (typeof p.step === 'function' && p.step.length !== 1) q += 5; // differentiate QT and DX q += 280; if (typeof p.cueVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.loadVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.preloadVideoByPlayerVars === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.seekBy === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.seekTo === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getStoryboardFormat === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getDuration === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.loadModule === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.unloadModule === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getOption === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getOptions === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setOption === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.addCueRange === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getDebugText === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getCurrentBroadcastId === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setSizeStyle === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.showControls === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.hideControls === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getVideoContentRect === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.toggleFullscreen === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.isFullscreen === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.cancelPlayback === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getProgressState === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.isInline === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setInline === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.toggl###btitles === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getPlayerSize === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.wakeUpControls === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setCenterCrop === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.getLoopVideo === 'function') q -= 4; if (typeof p.setLoopVideo === 'function') q -= 4; if (q > 0) arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; if (q > 0) brr.set(k, q); } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) Key does not exist. [${w}]`); } else { arr = => [key, (brr.get(key) || 0)]); if (arr.length > 1) arr.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]); if (arr.length > 2) console.log(`[yt-js-engine-tamer] (key-extraction) [${w}]`, arr); return arr[0][0]; } } const isPrepareCachedV = (FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta ? true : false) && (window === top); let pageSetupVideoId = null; // set at finish; '' for indeterminate state let pageSetupState = 0; isPrepareCachedV && (() => { pageSetupVideoId = ''; const clearCachedV = () => { pageSetupVideoId = ''; pageSetupState = 0; } document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', clearCachedV, false); // user action document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-cache', clearCachedV, false); // pop state document.addEventListener('yt-page-data-fetched', clearCachedV, false); // still consider invalid until url is ready in yt-navigate-finish document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', () => { pageSetupState = 1; try { const url = new URL(location.href); if (!url || !isWatchPageURL(url)) { pageSetupVideoId = ''; } else { pageSetupVideoId = url.searchParams.get('v') || ''; } } catch (e) { pageSetupVideoId = ''; } }, false); })(); let videoPlayingY = null; isPrepareCachedV && (() => { let getNext = true; let videoPlayingX = { get videoId() { if (getNext) { getNext = false; let elements = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-watch-flexy[video-id]'); const arr = []; for (const element of elements) { if (!element.closest('[hidden]')) arr.push(element); } if (arr.length !== 1) this.__videoId__ = ''; else { this.__videoId__ = arr[0].getAttribute('video-id'); } } return this.__videoId__ || ''; } } videoPlayingY = videoPlayingX; const handler = (evt) => { const target = (evt || 0).target; if (target instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { getNext = true; } } document.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', handler, true); document.addEventListener('durationchange', handler, true); })(); const cleanContext = async (win) => { const waitFn = requestAnimationFrame; // shall have been binded to window try { let mx = 16; // MAX TRIAL const frameId = 'vanillajs-iframe-v1'; /** @type {HTMLIFrameElement | null} */ let frame = document.getElementById(frameId); let removeIframeFn = null; if (!frame) { frame = document.createElement('iframe'); = frameId; const blobURL = typeof webkitCancelAnimationFrame === 'function' && typeof kagi === 'undefined' ? (frame.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: 'text/html' }))) : null; // avoid Brave Crash frame.sandbox = 'allow-same-origin'; // script cannot be run inside iframe but API can be obtained from iframe let n = document.createElement('noscript'); // wrap into NOSCRPIT to avoid reflow (layouting) n.appendChild(frame); while (!document.documentElement && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn); // requestAnimationFrame here could get modified by YouTube engine const root = document.documentElement; root.appendChild(n); // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL if (blobURL) Promise.resolve().then(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL)); removeIframeFn = (setTimeout) => { const removeIframeOnDocumentReady = (e) => { e && win.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false); e = n; n = win = removeIframeFn = 0; setTimeout ? setTimeout(() => e.remove(), 200) : e.remove(); } if (!setTimeout || document.readyState !== 'loading') { removeIframeOnDocumentReady(); } else { win.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", removeIframeOnDocumentReady, false); } } } while (!frame.contentWindow && mx-- > 0) await new Promise(waitFn); const fc = frame.contentWindow; if (!fc) throw "window is not found."; // throw error if root is null due to exceeding MAX TRIAL try { const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, clearTimeout, cancelAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, requestIdleCallback, getComputedStyle } = fc; const res = { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, clearTimeout, cancelAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, requestIdleCallback, getComputedStyle }; for (let k in res) res[k] = res[k].bind(win); // necessary if (removeIframeFn) Promise.resolve(res.setTimeout).then(removeIframeFn); res.animate = fc.HTMLElement.prototype.animate; res.perfNow =; return res; } catch (e) { if (removeIframeFn) removeIframeFn(); return null; } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); return null; } }; const promiseForYtActionCalled = new Promise(resolve => { const appTag = isChatRoomURL ? 'yt-live-chat-app' : 'ytd-app'; if (typeof AbortSignal !== 'undefined') { let hn = () => { if (!hn) return; hn = null; resolve(document.querySelector(appTag)); }; document.addEventListener('yt-action', hn, { capture: true, passive: true, once: true }); } else { let hn = () => { if (!hn) return; document.removeEventListener('yt-action', hn, true); hn = null; resolve(document.querySelector(appTag)); }; document.addEventListener('yt-action', hn, true); } }); cleanContext(window).then(__CONTEXT__ => { if (!__CONTEXT__) return null; const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout, clearTimeout, cancelAnimationFrame, setInterval, clearInterval, animate, requestIdleCallback, getComputedStyle, perfNow } = __CONTEXT__; performance.now17 = perfNow.bind(performance); __requestAnimationFrame__ = requestAnimationFrame; const isGPUAccelerationAvailable = (() => { // try { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); return !!(canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl')); } catch (e) { return false; } })(); const foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU = (() => { if (isGPUAccelerationAvailable) return null; const pd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, 'visibilityState'); if (!pd || typeof pd.get !== 'function') return null; const pdGet = pd.get; let pr = null; let hState = === 'hidden'; // let cid = 0;, 'visibilitychange', (evt) => { const newHState = === 'hidden'; if (hState !== newHState) { // if (cid > 0) cid = clearInterval(cid); hState = newHState; if (!hState && pr) pr = pr.resolve(); } }); // cid = setInterval(() => { // const newHState = document.visibilityState === 'hidden'; // if (hState !== newHState) { // hState = newHState; // if (!hState && pr) pr = pr.resolve(); // } // }, 100); return (() => { if (pr) return pr; const w = ((!hState && setTimeout(() => { if (!hState && pr === w) pr = pr.resolve(); })), (pr = new PromiseExternal())); return w; }); })(); let rafPromise = null; const getRafPromise = () => rafPromise || (rafPromise = new Promise(resolve => { requestAnimationFrame(hRes => { rafPromise = null; resolve(hRes); }); })); const foregroundPromiseFn = foregroundPromiseFn_noGPU || getRafPromise; const wmComputedStyle = new WeakMap(); if (!window.__native__getComputedStyle__ && !window.__jst__getComputedStyle__ && typeof window.getComputedStyle === 'function' && window.getComputedStyle.length === 1) { window.__native__getComputedStyle__ = getComputedStyle; if (ENABLE_COMPUTEDSTYLE_CACHE) { window.__original__getComputedStyle__ = window.getComputedStyle; window.getComputedStyle = function (elem) { if (!(elem instanceof Element) || (arguments.length === 2 && arguments[1]) || (arguments.length > 2)) { return window.__original__getComputedStyle__(...arguments); } let cs = wmComputedStyle.get(elem); if (!cs) { cs = window.__native__getComputedStyle__(elem); wmComputedStyle.set(elem, cs); } return cs; }; } else { window.__original__getComputedStyle__ = null; } window.__jst__getComputedStyle__ = window.getComputedStyle; } NO_SCHEDULING_DUE_TO_COMPUTEDSTYLE && promiseForYtActionCalled.then(() => { if (typeof window.__jst__getComputedStyle__ === 'function' && window.__jst__getComputedStyle__.length === 1 && window.__jst__getComputedStyle__ !== window.getComputedStyle) { window.getComputedStyle = window.__jst__getComputedStyle__; } }); const isUrlInEmbed = location.href.includes(''); const isAbortSignalSupported = typeof AbortSignal !== "undefined"; const promiseForTamerTimeout = new Promise(resolve => { !isUrlInEmbed && isAbortSignalSupported && document.addEventListener('yt-action', function () { setTimeout(resolve, 480); }, { capture: true, passive: true, once: true }); !isUrlInEmbed && isAbortSignalSupported && typeof customElements === "object" && whenCEDefined('ytd-app').then(() => { setTimeout(resolve, 1200); }); setTimeout(resolve, 3000); }); const promiseForPageInitied = new Promise(resolve => { !isUrlInEmbed && isAbortSignalSupported && document.addEventListener('yt-action', function () { setTimeout(resolve, 450); }, { capture: true, passive: true, once: true }); !isUrlInEmbed && isAbortSignalSupported && typeof customElements === "object" && whenCEDefined('ytd-app').then(() => { setTimeout(resolve, 900); }); setTimeout(resolve, 1800); }); NO_PRELOAD_GENERATE_204_BYPASS || promiseForPageInitied.then(() => { NO_PRELOAD_GENERATE_204_BYPASS = true; headLinkCollection = null; }); NATIVE_CANVAS_ANIMATION && (() => { observablePromise(() => { HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.animate = animate; }, promiseForTamerTimeout).obtain(); })(); FIX_ytAction_ && (async () => { const appTag = isChatRoomURL ? 'yt-live-chat-app' : 'ytd-app'; const ytdApp = await new Promise(resolve => { whenCEDefined(appTag).then(() => { const ytdApp = document.querySelector(appTag); if (ytdApp) { resolve(ytdApp); return; } let mo = new MutationObserver(() => { const ytdApp = document.querySelector(appTag); if (!ytdApp) return; if (mo) { mo.disconnect(); mo.takeRecords(); mo = null; } resolve(ytdApp); }); mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); }); }); if (!ytdApp) return; const cProto = insp(ytdApp).constructor.prototype; if (!cProto) return; let mbd = 0; const fixer = (_ytdApp) => { const ytdApp = insp(_ytdApp); if (ytdApp && typeof ytdApp.onYtActionBoundListener_ === 'function' && !ytdApp.onYtActionBoundListener57_) { ytdApp.onYtActionBoundListener57_ = ytdApp.onYtActionBoundListener_; ytdApp.onYtActionBoundListener_ = ytdApp.onYtAction_.bind(ytdApp); mbd++; } } observablePromise(() => { if (typeof cProto.created === 'function' && !cProto.created56) { cProto.created56 = cProto.created; cProto.created = function (...args) { const r = this.created56(...args); fixer(this); return r; }; mbd++; } if (typeof cProto.onYtAction_ === 'function' && !cProto.onYtAction57_) { cProto.onYtAction57_ = cProto.onYtAction_; cProto.onYtAction_ = function (...args) { Promise.resolve().then(() => this.onYtAction57_(...args)); }; mbd++; } if (ytdApp) fixer(ytdApp); /* const actionRouter_ = ytdApp ? ytdApp.actionRouter_ : null; if (actionRouter_ && typeof actionRouter_.handleAction === 'function' && !actionRouter_.handleAction57) { actionRouter_.handleAction57 = actionRouter_.handleAction; actionRouter_.handleAction = function (...args) { Promise.resolve().then(() => this.handleAction57(...args)); } mbd++; } */ // if(mbd === 3) return 1; if (mbd >= 3) return 1; }, new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000))).obtain(); })(); FORCE_NO_REUSEABLE_ELEMENT_POOL && promiseForYtActionCalled.then(async () => { const appTag = isChatRoomURL ? 'yt-live-chat-app' : 'ytd-watch-flexy'; const app = await observablePromise(() => { return document.querySelector(appTag); }).obtain(); if (!app) return; const appCnt = insp(app); if (typeof appCnt.createComponent_ !== 'function' || appCnt.createComponent_.length != 3) return; const mapGet = Map.prototype.get; /** @type {Map | null} */ let qcMap = null; Map.prototype.get = function (a) { if (a === 'dummy-4718') qcMap = this; return, a); }; const r = appCnt.createComponent_('dummy-4718', {}, true); Map.prototype.get = mapGet; if (r && (r.nodeName || '').toLowerCase() === 'dummy-4718') { // clearInterval(ckId); // ckId = 0; if (qcMap !== null && qcMap instanceof Map) { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] qcMap', qcMap); const setArrayC = (c) => { if (c instanceof Array) { c.length = 0; c.push = function () { }; c.pop = function () { }; c.shift = function () { }; c.unshift = function () { }; c.splice = function () { }; c.sort = function () { }; c.reverse = function () { }; } } const cleaning = function () { qcMap.forEach(setArrayC); qcMap.clear(); } qcMap.set = function (b, c) { setArrayC(c); // console.log('qcMap.set', b, c); if (qcMap.size > 0) { // play safe console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] qcMap', 'clear 01') cleaning(); } } qcMap.get = function (b) { // console.log('qcMap.get', b); if (qcMap.size > 0) { // play safe console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] qcMap', 'clear 02') cleaning(); } } if (qcMap.size > 0) { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] qcMap', 'clear 03') cleaning(); } } } }); const observablePromise = (proc, timeoutPromise) => { let promise = null; return { obtain() { if (!promise) { promise = new Promise(resolve => { let mo = null; const f = () => { let t = proc(); if (t) { mo.disconnect(); mo.takeRecords(); mo = null; resolve(t); } } mo = new MutationObserver(f); mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }) f(); timeoutPromise && timeoutPromise.then(() => { resolve(null) }); }); } return promise } } } // let _yt_player_promise = null; /* const getYtPlayerPromise = () => { if (!_yt_player_promise) { _yt_player_promise = new Promise(resolve => { let cid = setInterval(() => { let t = (((window || 0)._yt_player || 0) || 0); if (t) { clearInterval(cid); resolve(t); } }, 1); promiseForTamerTimeout.then(() => { resolve(null) }); }); } return _yt_player_promise; } */ const _yt_player_observable = observablePromise(() => { const _yt_player = (((window || 0)._yt_player || 0) || 0); if (_yt_player) { _yt_player[`__is_yt_player__${}`] = 1; return _yt_player; } }, promiseForTamerTimeout); const polymerObservable = observablePromise(() => { const Polymer = window.Polymer; if (typeof Polymer !== 'function') return; if (!(Polymer.Base || 0).connectedCallback || !(Polymer.Base || 0).disconnectedCallback) return; return Polymer; }, promiseForTamerTimeout); const schedulerInstanceObservable = observablePromise(() => { return (((window || 0).ytglobal || 0).schedulerInstanceInstance_ || 0); }, promiseForTamerTimeout); const timelineObservable = observablePromise(() => { let t = (((document || 0).timeline || 0) || 0); if (t && typeof t._play === 'function') { return t; } }, promiseForTamerTimeout); const animationObservable = observablePromise(() => { let t = (((window || 0).Animation || 0) || 0); if (t && typeof t === 'function' && t.length === 2 && typeof t.prototype._updatePromises === 'function') { return t; } }, promiseForTamerTimeout); const getScreenInfo = { screenWidth: 0, screenHeight: 0, valueReady: false, onResize: () => { getScreenInfo.valueReady = false; }, sizeProvided: () => { if (getScreenInfo.valueReady) return true; getScreenInfo.screenWidth = screen.width; getScreenInfo.screenHeight = screen.height; if (getScreenInfo.screenWidth * getScreenInfo.screenHeight > 1) { getScreenInfo.valueReady = true; return true; } return false; } }; window.addEventListener('resize', getScreenInfo.onResize, true); // const hookLeftPending = new WeakMap(); const isNaNx = Number.isNaN; const hookLeftPD = { get() { const p = 'left'; // const o = hookLeftPending.get(this); // if (o && o.key) { // this.setProperty(p, o.value); // o.key = null // } return this.getPropertyValue(p); }, set(v) { const p = 'left'; const cv = this.getPropertyValue(p); const sv = v; // const did = Math.floor(Math.random() * 314159265359 + 314159265359).toString(36); // console.log(8380,did, cv, sv) if (!cv && !sv) return true; if (cv === sv) return true; // skip 0~9px => L>=4 const qsv = `${sv}`.length >= 4 && `${sv}`.endsWith('px') ? +sv.slice(0, -2) : NaN; if (!isNaNx(qsv)) { const qcv = `${cv}`.length >= 4 && `${cv}`.endsWith('px') ? +cv.slice(0, -2) : NaN; if (!isNaNx(qcv) && getScreenInfo.sizeProvided()) { const { screenWidth, screenHeight } = getScreenInfo; let pWidth = screenWidth + ####; let pHeight = screenHeight + 768; const minRatio = 0.003; const dw = pWidth * 0.0003; // min dw = 0.3072 const dh = pHeight * 0.0003; // min dh = 0.2304 // console.log(8381,did, Math.abs(qcv - qsv) < dw) if (Math.abs(qcv - qsv) < dw) return true; } v = `${qsv > -1e-5 && qsv < 1e-5 ? 0 : qsv.toFixed(4)}px`; if (`${v}`.length > `${sv}`.length) v = sv; // console.log(8382, did, sv, nv, cv, this) } // Promise.resolve().then(() => { // const o = hookLeftPending.get(this); // if (o && o.key === did) { // this.setProperty(p, o.value); // o.key = null; // } // }); // hookLeftPending.set(this, { // key: did, // value: nv // }); // if (nv != v) { // console.log(8387, v, nv); // } this.setProperty(p, v); // console.log(8383, did, this.getPropertyValue(p)) return true; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }; if (HOOK_CSSPD_LEFT) { Object.defineProperty(CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, 'left', hookLeftPD); } const generalEvtHandler = async (_evKey, _fvKey, _debug) => { const evKey = `${_evKey}`; const fvKey = `${_fvKey}`; const debug = !!_debug; const _yt_player = await _yt_player_observable.obtain(); if (!_yt_player || typeof _yt_player !== 'object') return; const getArr = (_yt_player) => { let arr = []; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_yt_player)) { const p = typeof v === 'function' ? v.prototype : 0; if (p && typeof p[evKey] === 'function' && p[evKey].length >= 0 && !p[fvKey] ) { arr = addProtoToArr(_yt_player, k, arr) || arr; } } if (arr.length === 0) { console.warn(`Key prop [${evKey}] does not exist.`); } else { return arr; } }; const arr = getArr(_yt_player); if (!arr) return; debug && console.log(`FIX_${evKey}`, arr); const f = function (...args) { Promise.resolve().then(() => this[fvKey](...args)); }; for (const k of arr) { const g = _yt_player; const gk = g[k]; const gkp = gk.prototype; debug && console.log(237, k, gkp) if (typeof gkp[evKey] == 'function' && !gkp[fvKey]) { gkp[fvKey] = gkp[evKey]; gkp[evKey] = f; } } } if (!isChatRoomURL) { FIX_onVideoDataChange && generalEvtHandler('onVideoDataChange', 'onVideoDataChange57'); // FIX_onClick && generalEvtHandler('onClick', 'onClick57'); FIX_onStateChange && generalEvtHandler('onStateChange', 'onStateChange57'); FIX_onLoopRangeChange && generalEvtHandler('onLoopRangeChange', 'onLoopRangeChange57'); if (FIX_VideoEVENTS_v2) { const FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG = 0; generalEvtHandler('onVideoProgress', 'onVideoProgress57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // -- // generalEvtHandler('onAutoplayBlocked', 'onAutoplayBlocked57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // generalEvtHandler('onLoadProgress', 'onLoadProgress57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // << CAUSE ISSUE >> generalEvtHandler('onFullscreenChange', 'onFullscreenChange57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // -- // generalEvtHandler('onLoadedMetadata', 'onLoadedMetadata57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // generalEvtHandler('onDrmOutputRestricted', 'onDrmOutputRestricted57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // generalEvtHandler('onAirPlayActiveChange', 'onAirPlayActiveChange57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // generalEvtHandler('onAirPlayAvailabilityChange', 'onAirPlayAvailabilityChange57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); // generalEvtHandler('onApiChange', 'onApiChange57', FIX_VideoEVENTS_DEBUG); } // onMutedAutoplayChange // onVolumeChange // onPlaybackRateChange // onAirPlayActiveChange // onAirPlayAvailabilityChange // onApiChange // onAutoplayBlocked // onDrmOutputRestricted // onFullscreenChange // onLoadProgress // onLoadedMetadata // onVideoDataChange // onVideoProgress } (ENABLE_discreteTasking || FIX_Polymer_dom) && (async () => { const Polymer = await polymerObservable.obtain(); if (!Polymer) return; if (FIX_Polymer_dom) { const checkPDFuncValue = (pd) => { return pd && pd.writable && pd.enumerable && pd.configurable && typeof pd.value == 'function' } const checkPDFuncValue2 = (pd) => { return pd && typeof pd.value == 'function' } const checkPDFuncGet = (pd) => { return pd && typeof pd.get == 'function' } const domX = Polymer.dom(document.createElement('null')); const domXP = (((domX || 0).constructor || 0).prototype || 0); const pd1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(domXP, 'getOwnerRoot'); const pd2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'parentElement'); const pd3 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(domXP, 'querySelector'); // undefined const pd4 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'querySelector'); const pd4b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, 'querySelector'); const pd5 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(domXP, 'querySelectorAll'); // undefined const pd6 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'querySelectorAll'); const pd6b = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, 'querySelectorAll'); // getOwnerRoot - to be reviewed if (0 && checkPDFuncValue(pd1) && checkPDFuncGet(pd2) && !domXP.getOwnerRoot15 && typeof domXP.getOwnerRoot === 'function') { domXP.getOwnerRoot15 = domXP.getOwnerRoot; domXP.getOwnerRoot = function () { try { const p = this.node; if (p instanceof HTMLElement) { const pp =; if (pp instanceof HTMLElement && pp.isConnected === true) { return pp.getRootNode(); } } } catch (e) { } return this.getOwnerRoot15(); } Polymer.__fixedGetOwnerRoot__ = 1; } if ((!pd3 || checkPDFuncValue(pd3)) && checkPDFuncValue2(pd4) && checkPDFuncValue2(pd4b) && !('querySelector15' in domXP)) { domXP.querySelector15 = domXP.querySelector; const querySelectorFn = function (query) { try { const p = this.node; // if (p instanceof HTMLElement && p.isConnected === true) { // return, query); // } if (p instanceof Document && p.isConnected === true) { return, query); } } catch (e) { } return this.querySelector15(query); } Object.defineProperty(domXP, 'querySelector', { get() { return querySelectorFn; }, set(nv) { if (nv === querySelectorFn) return true; this.querySelector15 = nv; return true; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Polymer.__fixedQuerySelector__ = 1; } if ((!pd5 || checkPDFuncValue(pd5)) && checkPDFuncValue2(pd6) && checkPDFuncValue2(pd6b) && !('querySelectorAll15' in domXP)) { domXP.querySelectorAll15 = domXP.querySelectorAll; const querySelectorAllFn = function (query) { try { const p = this.node; // if (p instanceof HTMLElement && p.isConnected === true) { // return, query); // } if (p instanceof Document && p.isConnected === true) { return, query); } } catch (e) { } return this.querySelectorAll15(query); } Object.defineProperty(domXP, 'querySelectorAll', { get() { return querySelectorAllFn; }, set(nv) { if (nv === querySelectorAllFn) return true; this.querySelectorAll15 = nv; return true; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Polymer.__fixedQuerySelectorAll__ = 1; } } if (ENABLE_discreteTasking) { Polymer.Base.__connInit__ = function () { setupDiscreteTasks(this); } /** @type {Function} */ const connectedCallbackK = function (...args) { !this.mh35 && typeof this.__connInit__ === 'function' && this.__connInit__(); const r = this[qm53](...args); !this.mh35 && typeof this.__connInit__ === 'function' && this.__connInit__(); this.mh35 = 1; return r; }; connectedCallbackK.m353 = 1; const qt53 = Polymer.Base.connectedCallback; Polymer.Base[qm53] = dmf.get(qt53) || qt53; Polymer.Base.connectedCallback = connectedCallbackK; /** @type {Function} */ const createdK = function (...args) { !this.mh36 && typeof this.__connInit__ === 'function' && this.__connInit__(); const r = this[qn53](...args); !this.mh36 && typeof this.__connInit__ === 'function' && this.__connInit__(); this.mh36 = 1; return r; }; createdK.m353 = 1; Polymer.Base[qn53] = Polymer.Base.created; Polymer.Base.created = createdK; } })(); /* e.nativeAppendChild = d.prototype.appendChild, d.prototype.appendChild = function(h) { return function(l) { if (l instanceof DocumentFragment) { var m = Array.from(l.children); l =, l); if (this.isConnected) { m = g(m); for (var p =; !p.done; p = YD(p.value) } return l } m = l instanceof Element && l.isConnected; p =, l); m && ZD(l); this.isConnected && YD(l); return p } }(e), */ CHANGE_appendChild && !Node.prototype.appendChild73 && Node.prototype.appendChild && (() => { const f = Node.prototype.appendChild73 = Node.prototype.appendChild; if (f) Node.prototype.appendChild = function (a) { if (this instanceof Element) { // exclude DocumentFragment try { let checkFragmentA = (a instanceof DocumentFragment); if (!NO_PRELOAD_GENERATE_204_BYPASS && document.head === this) { if (headLinkCollection === null) headLinkCollection = document.head.getElementsByTagName('LINK'); for (const node of headLinkCollection) { if (node.rel === 'preload' && === 'fetch') { node.rel = 'prefetch'; // see } } } else if (checkFragmentA && this.nodeName.startsWith('YT-')) { // yt-animated-rolling-number, yt-attributed-string checkFragmentA = false; } if (checkFragmentA && a.firstElementChild === null) { // no element in fragmentA let doNormal = false; for (let child = a.firstChild; child instanceof Node; child = child.nextSibling) { if (child.nodeType === 3) { doNormal = true; break; } } if (!doNormal) return a; } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } return arguments.length === 1 ?, a) : f.apply(this, arguments); } })(); if (FIX_Shady) { observablePromise(() => { const { ShadyDOM, ShadyCSS } = window; if (ShadyDOM) { ShadyDOM.handlesDynamicScoping = false; // 9 of 10 ShadyDOM.noPatch = true; // 1 of 10 ShadyDOM.patchOnDemand = false; // 1 of 10 ShadyDOM.preferPerformance = true; // 1 of 10 ShadyDOM.querySelectorImplementation = undefined; // 1 of 10 } if (ShadyCSS) { ShadyCSS.nativeCss = true; // 1 of 10 ShadyCSS.nativeShadow = true; // 6 of 10 ShadyCSS.cssBuild = undefined; // 1 of 10 ShadyCSS.disableRuntime = true; // 1 of 10 } if (ShadyDOM && ShadyCSS) return 1; }, promiseForTamerTimeout).obtain(); // clear until 1 is return } // let schedulerInstancePropOfTimerType = ''; // let schedulerInstancePropOfTimerId = ''; (FIX_schedulerInstanceInstance & 2) && (async () => { const schedulerInstanceInstance_ = await schedulerInstanceObservable.obtain(); if (!schedulerInstanceInstance_) return; const checkOK = typeof schedulerInstanceInstance_.start === 'function' && !schedulerInstanceInstance_.start993 && !schedulerInstanceInstance_.stop && !schedulerInstanceInstance_.cancel && !schedulerInstanceInstance_.terminate && !schedulerInstanceInstance_.interupt; if (checkOK) { schedulerInstanceInstance_.start993 = schedulerInstanceInstance_.start; let requestingFn = null; let requestingArgs = null; const f = function () { requestingFn = this.fn; requestingArgs = [...arguments]; return 12373; }; const fakeFns = [ f.bind({ fn: requestAnimationFrame }), f.bind({ fn: setInterval }), f.bind({ fn: setTimeout }), f.bind({ fn: requestIdleCallback }) ]; let mzt = 0; let _fnSelectorProp = null; const mkFns = new Array(4); /* case 1: var a = this.K; this.g = this.I ? window.requestIdleCallback(a, { timeout: 3E3 }) : window.setTimeout(a, ma); break; case 2: this.g = window.setTimeout(this.M, this.N); break; case 3: this.g = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.L); break; case 4: this.g = window.setTimeout(this.J, 0) } */ const startFnHandler = { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (prop === '$$12377$$') return true; if (prop === '$$12378$$') return target; // console.log('get',prop) return target[prop] }, set(target, prop, value, receiver) { // console.log('set', prop, value) if (value >= 1 && value <= 4) _fnSelectorProp = prop; if (value === 12373 && _fnSelectorProp) { const schedulerTypeSelection = target[_fnSelectorProp]; const timerIdProp = prop; // if (schedulerTypeSelection && schedulerTypeSelection >= 1 && schedulerTypeSelection <= 4 && timerIdProp) { // schedulerInstancePropOfTimerType = _fnSelectorProp || ''; // schedulerInstancePropOfTimerId = timerIdProp || ''; // } if (schedulerTypeSelection === 3 && requestingFn === requestAnimationFrame) { // rAF(fn) target[timerIdProp] = baseRAF.apply(window, requestingArgs); } else if (schedulerTypeSelection === 2 && requestingFn === setTimeout) { // setTimeout(fn, delay) // rare target[timerIdProp] = mkFns[2].apply(window, requestingArgs); } else if (schedulerTypeSelection === 4 && requestingFn === setTimeout && !requestingArgs[1]) { // setTimeout(fn, 0) // often if ((FIX_schedulerInstanceInstance & 4) && typeof nextBrowserTick == 'function') { const f = requestingArgs[0]; const tir = ++mzt; nextBrowserTick(() => { if (target[timerIdProp] === -tir) f(); }); target[_fnSelectorProp] = 940; target[timerIdProp] = -tir; } else { const f = requestingArgs[0]; const tir = ++mzt; Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (target[timerIdProp] === -tir) f(); }); target[_fnSelectorProp] = 930; target[timerIdProp] = -tir; } } else if (schedulerTypeSelection === 1 && (requestingFn === requestIdleCallback || requestingFn === setTimeout)) { // setTimeout(requestIdleCallback) // often if (requestingFn === requestIdleCallback) { target[timerIdProp] = requestIdleCallback.apply(window, requestingArgs); } else { target[timerIdProp] = mkFns[2].apply(window, requestingArgs); } } else { target[_fnSelectorProp] = 0; target[timerIdProp] = 0; } } else { target[prop] = value; } return true; } }; let startBusy = false; schedulerInstanceInstance_.start = function () { if (startBusy) return; startBusy = true; try { mkFns[0] = window.requestAnimationFrame; mkFns[1] = window.setInterval; mkFns[2] = window.setTimeout; mkFns[3] = window.requestIdleCallback; const tThis = this['$$12378$$'] || this; window.requestAnimationFrame = fakeFns[0] window.setInterval = fakeFns[1] window.setTimeout = fakeFns[2] window.requestIdleCallback = fakeFns[3] _fnSelectorProp = null; Proxy(tThis, startFnHandler)); _fnSelectorProp = null; window.requestAnimationFrame = mkFns[0]; window.setInterval = mkFns[1]; window.setTimeout = mkFns[2]; window.requestIdleCallback = mkFns[3]; } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } startBusy = false; } schedulerInstanceInstance_.start.toString = schedulerInstanceInstance_.start993.toString.bind(schedulerInstanceInstance_.start993); } })(); FIX_yt_player && !isChatRoomURL && (async () => { const fOption = 1 | 2 | 4; const _yt_player = await _yt_player_observable.obtain(); if (!_yt_player || typeof _yt_player !== 'object') return; const g = _yt_player; let k; if (fOption & 1) { // rAf scheduling const keyZqOu = getZqOu(_yt_player); if (!keyZqOu) { console.warn('[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX_yt_player::keyZqOu error'); return; } k = keyZqOu const gk = g[k]; if (typeof gk !== 'function') { console.warn('[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX_yt_player::g[keyZqOu] error'); return; } const gkp = gk.prototype; const dummyObject = new gk; const nilFunc = () => { }; const nilObj = {}; // console.log(1111111111) let keyBoolD = ''; let keyWindow = ''; let keyFuncC = ''; let keyCidj = ''; for (const [t, y] of Object.entries(dummyObject)) { if (y instanceof Window) keyWindow = t; } const dummyObjectProxyHandler = { get(target, prop) { let v = target[prop] if (v instanceof Window && !keyWindow) { keyWindow = t; } let y = typeof v === 'function' ? nilFunc : typeof v === 'object' ? nilObj : v; if (prop === keyWindow) y = { requestAnimationFrame(f) { return 3; }, cancelAnimationFrame() { } } if (!keyFuncC && typeof v === 'function' && !(prop in target.constructor.prototype)) { keyFuncC = prop; } // console.log('[get]', prop, typeof target[prop]) return y; }, set(target, prop, value) { if (typeof value === 'boolean' && !keyBoolD) { keyBoolD = prop; } if (typeof value === 'number' && !keyCidj && value >= 2) { keyCidj = prop; } // console.log('[set]', prop, value) target[prop] = value; return true; } }; Proxy(dummyObject, dummyObjectProxyHandler)); // console.log('gkp.start',gkp.start); // console.log('gkp.stop',gkp.stop); gkp._activation = false; gkp.start = function () { // p59 || console.log(12100) if (!this._activation) { this._activation = true; foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => { this._activation = false; if (this[keyCidj]) { Promise.resolve().then(this[keyFuncC]); } }); } this[keyCidj] = 1; this[keyBoolD] = true; }; gkp.stop = function () { this[keyCidj] = null; }; /* g[k].start = function() { this.stop(); this.D = true; var a = requestAnimationFrame , b = cancelAnimationFrame; this.j =, this.C) } ; g[k].stop = function() { if (this.isActive()) { var a = requestAnimationFrame , b = cancelAnimationFrame;, this.j) } this.j = null } */ } if (fOption & 2) { const keyzo = PERF_471489_ ? getzo(_yt_player) : null; if (keyzo) { k = keyzo; const attrUpdateFn = g[k]; // console.log(5992, attrUpdateFn) g['$$original$$' + k] = attrUpdateFn; const zoTransform = async (a, c) => { let transformType = ''; let transformValue = 0; let transformUnit = ''; let transformTypeI = 0; const aStyle =; let cType = 0; const cl = c.length; if (cl >= 8) { // scale(1) if (c.startsWith('scale') && c.charCodeAt(6) === 40 && c.charCodeAt(cl - 1) === 41) { cType = 1; let t = c.charCodeAt(5); if (t === 88 || t === 120) cType = 1 | 4; if (t === 89 || t === 121) cType = 1 | 8; } else if (c.startsWith('translate') && c.charCodeAt(10) === 40 && c.charCodeAt(cl - 1) === 41) { cType = 2; let t = c.charCodeAt(9); if (t === 88 || t === 120) cType = 2 | 4; if (t === 89 || t === 121) cType = 2 | 8; } let w = 0; if (w = (cType === 5) ? 1 : (cType === 9) ? 2 : 0) { let p = c.substring(7, cl - 1); let q = p.length >= 1 ? parseFloat(p) : NaN; if (typeof q === 'number' && !isNaNx(q)) { transformType = w === 1 ? 'scaleX' : 'scaleY'; transformValue = q; transformUnit = ''; transformTypeI = 1; } else { cType = 256; } } else if (w = (cType === 6) ? 1 : (cType === 10) ? 2 : 0) { if (c.endsWith('px)')) { let p = c.substring(11, cl - 3); let q = p.length >= 1 ? parseFloat(p) : NaN; if (typeof q === 'number' && !isNaNx(q)) { transformType = w === 1 ? 'translateX' : 'translateY'; transformValue = q; transformUnit = 'px'; transformTypeI = 2; } else if (p === 'NaN') { return; } } else { cType = 256; } } else if (cType > 0) { cType = 256; } } if (cType === 256) { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer] zoTransform undefined', c); } if (transformTypeI === 1) { const q = Math.round(transformValue * steppingScaleN) / steppingScaleN; const vz = toFixed2(q, 3); c = `${transformType}(${vz})`; const cv = aStyle.transform; if (c === cv) return; aStyle.transform = c; } else if (transformTypeI === 2) { const q = transformValue; const vz = toFixed2(q, 1); c = `${transformType}(${vz}${transformUnit})`; const cv = aStyle.transform; if (c === cv) return; aStyle.transform = c; } else { // eg empty const cv = aStyle.transform; if (!c && !cv) return; else if (c === cv) return; aStyle.transform = c; } }; const elmTransformTemp = new WeakMap(); const elmPropTemps = { 'display': new WeakMap(), 'width': new WeakMap(), 'height': new WeakMap(), 'outlineWidth': new WeakMap(), 'position': new WeakMap(), 'padding': new WeakMap(), "cssText": new WeakMap(), "right": new WeakMap(), "left": new WeakMap(), "top": new WeakMap(), "bottom": new WeakMap(), "transitionDelay": new WeakMap(), "marginLeft": new WeakMap(), "marginTop": new WeakMap(), "marginRight": new WeakMap(), "marginBottom": new WeakMap(), } const ns5 = Symbol(); const nextModify = (a, c, m, f, immediate) => { const a_ = a; const m_ = m; const noKey = !m_.has(a_); if (immediate || noKey) { m_.set(a_, ns5); f(a_, c); noKey && nextBrowserTick_(() => { const d = m_.get(a_); if (d === undefined) return; m_.delete(a_); if (d !== ns5) f(a_, d); }); } else { m_.set(a_, c); } }; const set66 = new Set(); const log77 = new Map(); // const set77 = new Set(['top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right']); // caption positioning - immediate change const modifiedFn = function (a, b, c, immediateChange = false) { // arrow function does not have function.prototype // console.log(140000, a, b, c); if (typeof c === 'number' && typeof b === 'string' && a instanceof HTMLElement) { const num = c; c = `${num}`; if (c.length > 5) c = (num < 10 && num > -10) ? toFixed2(num, 3) : toFixed2(num, 1); } if (typeof b === 'string' && typeof c === 'string' && a instanceof HTMLElement) { let elmPropTemp = null; if (b === "transform") { // div.ytp-hover-progress.ytp-hover-progress-light // div.ytp-play-progress.ytp-swatch-background-color nextModify(a, c, elmTransformTemp, zoTransform, immediateChange); // let ast = null; // if (a instanceof HTMLElement && !('__styleH745__' in a) && (ast = { // a.__styleH745__ = 1; // Object.defineProperty(ast, 'left', hookLeftPD); // } return; } else if (elmPropTemp = elmPropTemps[b]) { // if (c.length > 5 && c.includes('.')) { // console.log(123213, c) // } const b_ = b; nextModify(a, c, elmPropTemp, (a, c) => { const style =; const cv = style[b_]; if (!cv && !c) return; if (cv === c) return; style[b_] = c; }, immediateChange); return; } else if (b === "outline-width") { const b_ = 'outlineWidth'; elmPropTemp = elmPropTemps[b_]; nextModify(a, c, elmPropTemp, (a, c) => { const style =; const cv = style[b_]; if (!cv && !c) return; if (cv === c) return; style[b_] = c; }, immediateChange); return; } else if (b === 'maxWidth' || b === 'maxHeight') { // I think these can be directly assigned. const b_ = b; const style =; const cv = style[b_]; if (!cv && !c) return; if (cv === c) return; style[b_] = c; return; } else { // if(immediate && elmPropTemps[b]){ // console.log(5191, b) // } // caption-window // margin-left max-height max-width font-family fill color font-size background white-space margin // text-align background-color // console.log(27304, a, b, c) if (!set66.has(b)) { set66.add(b); nextBrowserTick_(() => { if (!a.classList.contains('caption-window') && !a.classList.contains('ytp-caption-segment')) { console.log(27304, a, b, c) } }) } }, a, b, c); return; } else if (typeof (b || 0) === 'object') { // this is to fix caption positioning // const immediate = ( || 0).length > 14 && (('top' in b) || ('left' in b) || ('right' in b) || ('bottom' in b)); const immediate = ( || 0).length > 14; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(b)) {, a, k, v, immediate); } } else { // a = circle, b = stroke-dasharray, c= "1.8422857142857143 32" // ytp-ad-timed-pie-countdown-inner if (typeof b === 'string') { let m = log77.get(b); if (!m) { m = []; console.log(27306, m); log77.set(b, m); } m.push([a, b, c]); } else { console.log(27306, a, b, c); }, a, b, c); return; } // console.log(130000, a, b, c); }; g[k] = modifiedFn; /* g.zo = function(a, b, c) { if ("string" === typeof b) (b = yo(a, b)) && ([b] = c); else for (var d in b) { c = a; var e = b[d] , f = yo(c, d); f && ([f] = e) } } */ } } if (fOption & 4) { const keyuG = PERF_471489_ ? getuG(_yt_player) : null; if (keyuG) { k = keyuG; const gk = g[k]; const gkp = gk.prototype; /** @type { Map<string, WeakMap<any, any>> } */ const ntLogs = new Map(); if (typeof gkp.updateValue === 'function' && gkp.updateValue.length === 2 && !gkp.updateValue31) { gkp.updateValue31 = gkp.updateValue; gkp.updateValue = function (a, b) { if (typeof a !== 'string') return this.updateValue31(a, b); const element = this.element; if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) return this.updateValue31(a, b); let ntLog = ntLogs.get(a); if (!ntLog) ntLogs.set(a, (ntLog = new WeakMap())); let cache = ntLog.get(element); if (cache && cache.value === b) { return; } if (!cache) { this.__oldValueByUpdateValue__ = null; ntLog.set(element, cache = { value: b }); } else { this.__oldValueByUpdateValue__ = cache.value; cache.value = b; } return this.updateValue31(a, b); } /* g.k.update = function(a) { for (var b = g.u(Object.keys(a)), c =; !c.done; c = c = c.value, this.updateValue(c, a[c]) } ; g.k.updateValue = function(a, b) { (a = this.Td["{{" + a + "}}"]) && wG(this, a[0], a[1], b) } */ } } } })(); FIX_yt_player && !isChatRoomURL && FIX_SHORTCUTKEYS > 0 && (async () => { // keyboard shortcut keys controller const _yt_player = await _yt_player_observable.obtain(); if (!_yt_player || typeof _yt_player !== 'object') return; keyboardController(_yt_player); })(); FIX_yt_player && !isChatRoomURL && (async () => { // timer scheduling const _yt_player = await _yt_player_observable.obtain(); if (!_yt_player || typeof _yt_player !== 'object') return; let keyZqQu = getZqQu(_yt_player); if (!keyZqQu) return; const g = _yt_player let k = keyZqQu const gk = g[k]; if (typeof gk !== 'function') return; const gkp = gk.prototype; const extractKeysZqQu = () => { let _keyeC = ''; try { Proxy({ isActive: () => { } }, { set(target, prop, value) { if (value === 0) _keyeC = prop; return true; } })); } catch (e) { } if (!_keyeC) return; const keyeC = _keyeC; let keyC = ''; // this.C = this.ST.bind(this) let keyhj = ''; // 1000ms try { Proxy({ stop: () => { }, [keyeC]: 0, }, { get(target, prop) { if (prop in target) return target[prop]; if (!keyC) { keyC = prop; return null; // throw error } else if (!keyhj) { keyhj = prop; } } })); } catch (e) { if (!keyC || !keyhj) { console.log(e) } } if (!keyC || !keyhj) return; let keyST = ''; let keyj = ''; let keyB = ''; let keyxa = ''; const possibleKs = new Set(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(gkp)) { if (k === 'stop' || k === 'start' || k === 'isActive' || k === 'constructor' || k === keyeC || k === keyC || k === keyhj) { continue; } if (typeof v === 'function') { const m = /this\.(\w+)\.call\(this\.(\w+)\)/.exec(v + ''); if (m) { keyST = k; keyj = m[1]; keyB = m[2]; } else { possibleKs.add(k); } } } if (!keyST || !keyj || !keyB) return; for (const k of possibleKs) { if (k === keyST || k === keyj || k === keyB) { continue; } const v = gkp[k]; if (typeof v === 'function' && (v + '').includes(`this.stop();delete this.${keyj};delete this.${keyB}`)) { keyxa = k; } } return [keyeC, keyC, keyhj, keyST, keyj, keyB, keyxa]; } const keys = extractKeysZqQu(); if (!keys || !keys.length) return; const [keyeC, keyC, keyhj, keyST, keyj, keyB, keyxa] = keys; // [timerId, binded executorFn, 1000ms, executorFn, dataJ, objectB, disposeFn] if (!keyeC || !keyC || !keyhj || !keyST || !keyj || !keyB || !keyxa) return; let disposeKeys = null; gkp[keyxa] = function () { // dispose if (!disposeKeys) { disposeKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).filter(key => { if (key != keyeC && key != keyC && key != keyhj && key != keyST && key != keyj && key != keyB && key != keyxa) { const t = typeof this[key]; return t === 'undefined' || t === 'object' } return false; }); } for (const key of disposeKeys) { const v = this[key]; if ((v || 0).length >= 1) v.length = 0; // function (){if(this.fn)for(;this.fn.length;)this.fn.shift()()} } if (this[keyeC] > 0) this.stop(); this[keyj] = null; this[keyB] = null; }; gkp.start = function (a) { if (this[keyeC] > 0) this.stop(); const delay = void 0 !== a ? a : this[keyhj]; this[keyeC] = window.setTimeout(this[keyC], delay); }; gkp.stop = function () { if (this[keyeC] > 0) { window.clearTimeout(this[keyeC]); this[keyeC] = 0; } }; gkp.isActive = function () { return this[keyeC] > 0; }; gkp[keyST] = function () { this.stop(); // this[keyeC] = 0; const fn = this[keyj]; const obj = this[keyB]; let skip = false; if (!fn) skip = true; else if (IGNORE_bufferhealth_CHECK && obj) { let m; if ((m = obj[keyC]) instanceof Map || (m = obj[keyj]) instanceof Map) { if (m.has("bufferhealth")) skip = true; } } if (!skip) {; } }; /* g.k.eC = 0; g.k.xa = function() {; this.stop(); delete this.j; delete this.B } ; g.k.start = function(a) { this.stop(); this.eC =, void 0 !== a ? a : this.hj) } ; g.k.stop = function() { this.isActive() && g.Sa.clearTimeout(this.eC); this.eC = 0 } ; g.k.isActive = function() { return 0 != this.eC } ; g.k.ST = function() { this.eC = 0; this.j && } ; */ })(); FIX_Animation_n_timeline && (async () => { const [timeline, Animation] = await Promise.all([timelineObservable.obtain(), animationObservable.obtain()]); if (!timeline || !Animation) return; const aniProto = Animation.prototype; // aniProto.sequenceNumber = 0; // native YouTube engine bug - sequenceNumber is not set const getXroto = (x) => { try { return x.__proto__; } catch (e) { } return null; } const timProto = getXroto(timeline); if (!timProto) return; if ( ( typeof timProto.getAnimations === 'function' && typeof === 'function' && typeof timProto._discardAnimations === 'function' && typeof timProto._play === 'function' && typeof timProto._updateAnimationsPromises === 'function' && !timProto.nofCQ && typeof aniProto._updatePromises === 'function' && !aniProto.nofYH ) ) { timProto.nofCQ = 1; aniProto.nofYH = 1; const originalAnimationsWithPromises = ((_updateAnimationsPromises) => { /* v.animationsWithPromises = v.animationsWithPromises.filter(function (c) { return c._updatePromises(); }); */ const p = Array.prototype.filter; let res = null; Array.prototype.filter = function () { res = this; return this; };{}); Array.prototype.filter = p; if (res && typeof res.length === 'number') { /** @type {any[]} */ const _res = res; return _res; } return null; })(timProto._updateAnimationsPromises); if (!originalAnimationsWithPromises || typeof originalAnimationsWithPromises.length !== 'number') return; // console.log('originalAnimationsWithPromises', originalAnimationsWithPromises) aniProto._updatePromises31 = aniProto._updatePromises; /* aniProto._updatePromises = function(){ console.log('eff',this._oldPlayState, this.playState) return this._updatePromises31.apply(this, arguments) } */ aniProto._updatePromises = function () { var oldPlayState = this._oldPlayState; var newPlayState = this.playState; // console.log('ett', oldPlayState, newPlayState) if (newPlayState !== oldPlayState) { this._oldPlayState = newPlayState; if (this._readyPromise) { if ("idle" == newPlayState) { this._rejectReadyPromise(); this._readyPromise = void 0; } else if ("pending" == oldPlayState) { this._resolveReadyPromise(); } else if ("pending" == newPlayState) { this._readyPromise = void 0; } } if (this._finishedPromise) { if ("idle" == newPlayState) { this._rejectFinishedPromise(); this._finishedPromise = void 0; } else if ("finished" == newPlayState) { this._resolveFinishedPromise(); } else if ("finished" == oldPlayState) { this._finishedPromise = void 0; } } } return this._readyPromise || this._finishedPromise; }; let restartWebAnimationsNextTickFlag = false; const looperMethodT = () => { const runnerFn = (hRes) => { var b = timeline; b.currentTime = hRes; b._discardAnimations(); if (0 == b._animations.length) { restartWebAnimationsNextTickFlag = false; } else { getRafPromise().then(runnerFn); } } const restartWebAnimationsNextTick = () => { if (!restartWebAnimationsNextTickFlag) { restartWebAnimationsNextTickFlag = true; getRafPromise().then(runnerFn); } } return { restartWebAnimationsNextTick } }; const looperMethodN = () => { const acs = document.createElement('a-f'); = 'a-f'; if (!document.getElementById('afscript')) { const style = document.createElement('style'); = 'afscript'; style.textContent = ` @keyFrames aF1 { 0% { order: 0; } 100% { order: 1; } } #a-f[id] { visibility: collapse !important; position: fixed !important; display: block !important; top: -100px !important; left: -100px !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; outline:0 !important; border:0 !important; z-index:-1 !important; width: 0px !important; height: 0px !important; contain: strict !important; pointer-events: none !important; animation: 1ms steps(2, jump-none) 0ms infinite alternate forwards running aF1 !important; } `; (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(style); } document.documentElement.insertBefore(acs, document.documentElement.firstChild); const _onanimationiteration = function (evt) { const hRes = evt.timeStamp; var b = timeline; b.currentTime = hRes; b._discardAnimations(); if (0 == b._animations.length) { restartWebAnimationsNextTickFlag = false; acs.onanimationiteration = null; } else { acs.onanimationiteration = _onanimationiteration; } } const restartWebAnimationsNextTick = () => { if (!restartWebAnimationsNextTickFlag) { restartWebAnimationsNextTickFlag = true; acs.onanimationiteration = _onanimationiteration; } } return { restartWebAnimationsNextTick } }; const { restartWebAnimationsNextTick } = ('onanimationiteration' in document.documentElement) ? looperMethodN() : looperMethodT(); // console.log(571, timProto); timProto._play = function (c) { c = new Animation(c, this); this._animations.push(c); restartWebAnimationsNextTick(); c._updatePromises();; c._updatePromises(); return c } const animationsWithPromisesMap = new Set(originalAnimationsWithPromises); originalAnimationsWithPromises.length = 0; originalAnimationsWithPromises.push = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.splice = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.slice = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.indexOf = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.unshift = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.shift = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.pop = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.filter = null; originalAnimationsWithPromises.forEach = null; = null; const _updateAnimationsPromises = () => { animationsWithPromisesMap.forEach(c => { if (!c._updatePromises()) animationsWithPromisesMap.delete(c); }); /* v.animationsWithPromises = v.animationsWithPromises.filter(function (c) { return c._updatePromises(); }); */ } timProto._updateAnimationsPromises31 = timProto._updateAnimationsPromises; timProto._updateAnimationsPromises = _updateAnimationsPromises; delete timProto._updateAnimationsPromises; Object.defineProperty(timProto, '_updateAnimationsPromises', { get() { if (animationsWithPromisesMap.size === 0) return nilFn; return _updateAnimationsPromises; }, set(nv) { delete this._updateAnimationsPromises; this._updateAnimationsPromises = nv; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true, }); let pdFinished = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(aniProto, 'finished'); aniProto.__finished_native_get__ = pdFinished.get; if (typeof pdFinished.get === 'function' && !pdFinished.set && pdFinished.configurable === true && pdFinished.enumerable === true) { Object.defineProperty(aniProto, 'finished', { get() { this._finishedPromise || (!animationsWithPromisesMap.has(this) && animationsWithPromisesMap.add(this), this._finishedPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolveFinishedPromise = function () { resolve(this) }; this._rejectFinishedPromise = function () { reject({ type: DOMException.ABORT_ERR, name: "AbortError" }) }; }), "finished" == this.playState && this._resolveFinishedPromise()); return this._finishedPromise }, set: undefined, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } let pdReady = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(aniProto, 'ready'); aniProto.__ready_native_get__ = pdReady.get; if (typeof pdReady.get === 'function' && !pdReady.set && pdReady.configurable === true && pdReady.enumerable === true) { Object.defineProperty(aniProto, 'ready', { get() { this._readyPromise || (!animationsWithPromisesMap.has(this) && animationsWithPromisesMap.add(this), this._readyPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolveReadyPromise = function () { resolve(this) }; this._rejectReadyPromise = function () { reject({ type: DOMException.ABORT_ERR, name: "AbortError" }) }; }), "pending" !== this.playState && this._resolveReadyPromise()); return this._readyPromise }, set: undefined, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } if (IGNORE_bindAnimationForCustomEffect && typeof aniProto._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation === 'function' && !aniProto._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation21 && aniProto._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation.length === 0) { aniProto._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation21 = aniProto._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation; const _rebuildUnderlyingAnimation = function () { // if (isNaN(this._sequenceNumber)) return; // do not rebuild underlying animation if native animation is used. this.effect && this.effect._onsample && (this.effect._onsample = null); return this._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation21(); } aniProto._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation = _rebuildUnderlyingAnimation; // delete aniProto._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation; // Object.defineProperty(aniProto, '_rebuildUnderlyingAnimation', { // get() { // if (isNaN(this._sequenceNumber)) return nilFn; // return this._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation21; // }, // set(nv) { // delete this._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation; // this._rebuildUnderlyingAnimation = nv; // }, // enumerable: true, // configurable: true // }); } /* function f(c) { var b = v.timeline; b.currentTime = c; b._discardAnimations(); 0 == b._animations.length ? d = !1 : requestAnimationFrame(f) } var h = window.requestAnimationFrame; window.requestAnimationFrame = function(c) { return h(function(b) { v.timeline._updateAnimationsPromises(); c(b); v.timeline._updateAnimationsPromises() }) } ; v.AnimationTimeline = function() { this._animations = []; this.currentTime = void 0 } ; v.AnimationTimeline.prototype = { getAnimations: function() { this._discardAnimations(); return this._animations.slice() }, _updateAnimationsPromises: function() { v.animationsWithPromises = v.animationsWithPromises.filter(function(c) { return c._updatePromises() }) }, _discardAnimations: function() { this._updateAnimationsPromises(); this._animations = this._animations.filter(function(c) { return "finished" != c.playState && "idle" != c.playState }) }, _play: function(c) { c = new v.Animation(c,this); this._animations.push(c); v.restartWebAnimationsNextTick(); c._updatePromises();; c._updatePromises(); return c }, play: function(c) { c && c.remove(); return this._play(c) } }; var d = !1; v.restartWebAnimationsNextTick = function() { d || (d = !0, requestAnimationFrame(f)) } ; var a = new v.AnimationTimeline; v.timeline = a; try { Object.defineProperty(window.document, "timeline", { configurable: !0, get: function() { return a } }) } catch (c) {} try { window.document.timeline = a } catch (c) {} */ /* var g = window.getComputedStyle; Object.defineProperty(window, "getComputedStyle", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: function() { v.timeline._updateAnimationsPromises(); var e = g.apply(this, arguments); h() && (e = g.apply(this, arguments)); v.timeline._updateAnimationsPromises(); return e } }); */ } })(); !isUrlInEmbed && Promise.resolve().then(() => { // ==================================== FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta ==================================== class LimitedSizeSet extends Set { constructor(n) { super(); this.limit = n; } add(key) { if (!super.has(key)) { super.add(key); let n = super.size - this.limit; if (n > 0) { const iterator = super.values(); do { const firstKey =; // Get the first (oldest) key super.delete(firstKey); // Delete the oldest key } while (--n > 0) } } } removeAdd(key) { super.delete(key); this.add(key); } } // const wk3 = new WeakMap(); // let mtxVideoId = ''; // let aje3 = []; const mfvContinuationRecorded = new LimitedSizeSet(8); // record all success continuation keys const mfyContinuationIgnored = new LimitedSizeSet(8); // ignore continuation keys by copying the keys in the past let mtzlastAllowedContinuation = ''; // the key stored at the last success; clear when scheduling changes let mtzCount = 0; // the key keeps unchanged // let mjtNextMainKey = ''; let mjtRecordedPrevKey = ''; // the key stored at the last success (no clear) let mjtLockPreviousKey = ''; // the key before fetch() should be discarded. (uncertain continuation) let mbCId322 = 0; // cid for delay fetchUpdatedMetadata // let allowNoDelay322=false; let mbDelayBelowNCalls = 0; // after N calls, by pass delay; reset when scheduling changes let mpKey22 = ''; // last success continutation key & url pair let mpUrl22 = ''; // last success continutation key & url pair let mpKey21 = ''; // latest requested continutation key & url pair let mpUrl21 = ''; // latest requested continutation key & url pair async function sha1Hex(message) { const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(message); // encode as (utf-8) Uint8Array const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", msgUint8); // hash the message const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)); // convert buffer to byte array const hashHex = hashArray .map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")) .join(""); // convert bytes to hex string return hashHex; } async function continuationLog(a, ...args) { let b = a; try { if (advanceLogging) b = await sha1Hex(a); let c = => { return e === a ? b : e }); console.log(...c) } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } function copyPreviousContiuationToIgnored374(toClearRecorded) { if (mfvContinuationRecorded.length > 0) { for (const [e, d] of mfvContinuationRecorded) { mfyContinuationIgnored.removeAdd(e); } toClearRecorded && mfvContinuationRecorded.clear(); } } function setup_ytTaskEmitterBehavior_TaskMgr374(taskMgr) { const tmProto = taskMgr.constructor.prototype; if (tmProto && typeof tmProto.addJob === 'function' && tmProto.addJob.length === 3 && typeof tmProto.cancelJob === 'function' && tmProto.cancelJob.length === 1) { if (!tmProto.addJob714) { tmProto.addJob714 = tmProto.addJob; tmProto.addJob = function (a, b, c) { const jobId = this.addJob714(a, b, c); if (jobId > 0) { // const ez = wk3.get(this); // const dz = ez ? : null; // aje3.push({mtx, jobId, a,b,c, element: this, dz, data: (ez?.data || null) }) this.__lastJobId863__ = jobId; } return jobId; } } if (!tmProto.cancelJob714) { tmProto.cancelJob714 = tmProto.cancelJob; tmProto.cancelJob = function (a) { const res = this.cancelJob714(a); // if (a > 0) { // for (const e of aje3) { // if (e.jobId === a) e.cancelled = true; // } // } return res; } } } } const FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta_bool = FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta && isPrepareCachedV && check_for_set_key_order && !isChatRoomURL; FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta_bool && whenCEDefined('ytd-video-primary-info-renderer').then(() => { let dummy; let cProto; // let mc = 4; // dummy = await observablePromise(() => { // const r = document.querySelector('ytd-video-primary-info-renderer'); // if (!r) return; // let cProto = insp(r).constructor.prototype; // if (cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata) return r; // if (--mc < 0) return -1; // return null; // }).obtain(); dummy = document.createElement('ytd-video-primary-info-renderer'); if (!(dummy instanceof Element)) return; // console.log(5022, dummy) cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype; cProto.__getEmittorTaskMgr859__ = function () { let taskMgr_ = null; try { taskMgr_ = (this.ytTaskEmitterBehavior || 0).getTaskManager() || null; } catch (e) { } return taskMgr_; } if (typeof cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata === 'function' && cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata.length === 1 && !cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata717) { // console.log(1234, cProto, cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata717 = cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata; let c_; cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata718 = function (a) { // delay or immediate call the actual fetchUpdatedMetadata let doImmediately = false; if (a && typeof a === 'string' && mjtRecordedPrevKey && mjtRecordedPrevKey === mpKey22 && a === mpKey22 && (!pageSetupVideoId || pageSetupVideoId !== mpUrl22)) { if (!pageSetupVideoId && videoPlayingY.videoId === mpUrl22) doImmediately = true; } else if (typeof a !== 'string' || mbDelayBelowNCalls > 3 || !mpKey22 || (mpKey22 === a && mpKey22 !== mjtLockPreviousKey) || (mjtLockPreviousKey && mjtLockPreviousKey !== a)) { doImmediately = true; } if (mbCId322) { clearTimeout(mbCId322); mbCId322 = 0; } if (doImmediately) return this.fetchUpdatedMetadata717(a); let delay = mjtLockPreviousKey === a ? 8000 : 800; mbCId322 = setTimeout(() => { this.fetchUpdatedMetadata717(a); }, delay); console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer]', '5190 delayed fetchUpdatedMetadata', delay); } cProto.fetchUpdatedMetadata = function (a) { if (!pageSetupState) { if (c_) clearTimeout(c_); c_ = setTimeout(() => { this.fetchUpdatedMetadata718(a); }, 300); return; } // pageSetupState == 0 try { mbDelayBelowNCalls++; if (arguments.length > 1 || !(a === undefined || (typeof a === 'string' && a))) { console.warn("CAUTION: fetchUpdatedMetadata coding might have to be updated."); } // console.log('fum377', a) if (typeof a === 'string' && mfyContinuationIgnored.has(a)) { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer]', '5040 skip fetchUpdatedMetadata', a); return; } if (!a && ( || 0).updatedMetadataEndpoint) { if (mjtRecordedPrevKey && mjtLockPreviousKey !== mjtRecordedPrevKey) { mjtLockPreviousKey = mjtRecordedPrevKey; LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(mjtLockPreviousKey, '5150 Lock Key', mjtLockPreviousKey); } // mjtNextMainKey = true; mtzlastAllowedContinuation = ''; mtzCount = 0; // allowNoDelay322 = false; // fetch new metadata, cancel all previous continuations copyPreviousContiuationToIgnored374(true); } else if (typeof a === 'string') { const videoPlayingId = videoPlayingY.videoId; // if(mjtNextMainKey === true) mjtNextMainKey = a; let update21 = !!pageSetupVideoId; if (mpKey22 === a && mpUrl22 === videoPlayingId && mpUrl22 && videoPlayingId && (!pageSetupVideoId || pageSetupVideoId === videoPlayingId)) { update21 = true; } else if (mpKey22 === a && mpUrl22 !== pageSetupVideoId) { LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(mpKey22, '5060 mpUrl22 mismatched', mpKey22, mpUrl22, pageSetupVideoId || '(null)', videoPlayingId || '(null)'); return; } if (update21) { mpKey21 = a; mpUrl21 = pageSetupVideoId || videoPlayingId; } if (!mfvContinuationRecorded.has(a)) mfvContinuationRecorded.add(a); } LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(a, '5180 fetchUpdatedMetadata\t', a, pageSetupVideoId || '(null)', videoPlayingY.videoId || '(null)'); // if (!pageSetupVideoId && typeof a === 'string' && a.length > 40) return; // ignore incorrect continuation // if(a === mjtNextMainKey) allowNoDelay322 = false; return this.fetchUpdatedMetadata718(a); } catch (e) { console.log('Code Error in fetchUpdatedMetadata', e); } return this.fetchUpdatedMetadata717(a) } } if (typeof cProto.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest === 'function' && cProto.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest.length === 0 && !cProto.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest717) { // console.log(1234, cProto, cProto.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest717 = cProto.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest; let mJob = null; cProto.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest = function () { try { if (arguments.length > 0) { console.warn("CAUTION: scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest coding might have to be updated."); } // mfy = mfv; // mjtNextMainKey = ''; mtzlastAllowedContinuation = ''; mtzCount = 0; if (mbCId322) { clearTimeout(mbCId322); mbCId322 = 0; } mbDelayBelowNCalls = 0; // allowNoDelay322 = false; copyPreviousContiuationToIgnored374(true); const taskMgr = this.__getEmittorTaskMgr859__(); if (FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta_emitterBehavior && taskMgr && !taskMgr.addJob714 && taskMgr.addJob && taskMgr.cancelJob) setup_ytTaskEmitterBehavior_TaskMgr374(taskMgr); if (FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta_emitterBehavior && taskMgr && !taskMgr.addJob714) { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer]', 'scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest error 507'); } // prevent depulicated schedule job by clearing previous JobId if (taskMgr && typeof taskMgr.addLowPriorityJob === 'function' && taskMgr.addLowPriorityJob.length === 2 && typeof taskMgr.cancelJob === 'function' && taskMgr.cancelJob.length === 1) { let res; if (mJob) { const job = mJob; mJob = null; console.log('cancelJob', job) taskMgr.cancelJob(job); // clear previous [Interval Meta Update] job // p.cancelJob(a,b); } // const updatedMetadataEndpoint = let pza = taskMgr.__lastJobId863__; try { res = this.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest717(); } catch (e) { } let pzb = taskMgr.__lastJobId863__ if (pza !== pzb) { mJob = pzb; // set [Interval Meta Update] jobId } // if (updatedMetadataEndpoint && updatedMetadataEndpoint.videoId) { // mtxVideoId = updatedMetadataEndpoint.videoId || ''; // set the current target VideoId // } else { // mtxVideoId = ''; // sometimes updatedMetadataEndpoint is not ready // } return res; } else { console.log('[yt-js-engine-tamer]', 'scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest error 601'); } } catch (e) { console.log('Code Error in scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest', e); } return this.scheduleInitialUpdatedMetadataRequest717(); } } }); FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta_bool && promiseForYtActionCalled.then((ytAppDom) => { let dummy; let cProto; dummy = ytAppDom; if (!(dummy instanceof Element)) return; cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype; if (typeof cProto.sendServiceAjax_ === 'function' && cProto.sendServiceAjax_.length === 4 && !cProto.sendServiceAjax717_) { // console.log(1234, cProto,; // cProto.handleServiceRequest717_ = cProto.handleServiceRequest_; // cProto.handleServiceRequest_ = function (a, b, c, d) { // console.log(123401, arguments); // return this.handleServiceRequest717_(a, b, c, d); // } // cProto.handleServiceRequest717_ = cProto.handleServiceRequest_; // cProto.handleServiceRequest_ = function(a,b,c,d){ // console.log(59901, a?.is, b?.updatedMetadataEndpoint?.videoId, c?.continuation) // if(a?.is === 'ytd-video-primary-info-renderer' && b?.updatedMetadataEndpoint?.videoId && c?.continuation && typeof c?.continuation ==='string'){ // console.log('mfv', c.continuation); // mfv.add( c.continuation); // } // return this.handleServiceRequest717_(a,b,c,d); // } function extraArguments322(a, b, c) { let is = (a || 0).is; let videoId = ((b || 0).updatedMetadataEndpoint || 0).videoId; let continuation = (c || 0).continuation; if (typeof is !== 'string') is = null; if (typeof videoId !== 'string') videoId = null; if (typeof continuation !== 'string') continuation = null; return { is, videoId, continuation }; } cProto.sendServiceAjax717_ = cProto.sendServiceAjax_; cProto.sendServiceAjax_ = function (a, b, c, d) { // console.log(8001) try { const { is, videoId, continuation } = extraArguments322(a, b, c); if ((videoId || continuation) && (is !== 'ytd-video-primary-info-renderer')) { console.warn("CAUTION: sendServiceAjax_ coding might have to be updated."); } if (pageSetupVideoId && videoId && continuation) { if (mpKey21 && mpUrl21 && mpKey21 === continuation && mpUrl21 !== pageSetupVideoId) { mfyContinuationIgnored.removeAdd(continuation); mfvContinuationRecorded.delete(continuation); return; } } if (mjtLockPreviousKey && mjtLockPreviousKey !== continuation && continuation) { copyPreviousContiuationToIgnored374(false); mfyContinuationIgnored.delete(continuation); mfvContinuationRecorded.removeAdd(continuation); mfyContinuationIgnored.removeAdd(mjtLockPreviousKey); mfvContinuationRecorded.delete(mjtLockPreviousKey); mjtLockPreviousKey = ''; } // if (mjtNextMainKey === continuation) { // copyPreviousContiuationToIgnored(false); // mfyContinuationIgnored.delete(continuation); // mfvContinuationRecorded.add(continuation); // } if (mfyContinuationIgnored && continuation) { if (mfyContinuationIgnored.has(continuation)) { LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(continuation, '5260 matched01', continuation) return; } } // console.log(59902, a?.is, b,c,d) // console.log(59903, a?.is, b?.updatedMetadataEndpoint?.videoId, c?.continuation) if (is === 'ytd-video-primary-info-renderer' && videoId && continuation && !mfvContinuationRecorded.has(continuation)) { // console.log('mfv377', continuation); mfvContinuationRecorded.add(continuation); } // if (videoId) { // if (!pageSetupVideoId) return; // ignore page not ready // // if (mtxVideoId && b.updatedMetadataEndpoint.videoId !== mtxVideoId) return; // ignore videoID not matched // if (videoId !== pageSetupVideoId) { // return; // } // } } catch (e) { console.log('Coding Error in sendServiceAjax_', e) } // console.log(8002) // console.log(123402, arguments); // console.log(5162, 'a',a?.is,'b',b,'c',c,'d',d); // console.log(5211, b?.updatedMetadataEndpoint?.kdkw33); // if(b &&b.updatedMetadataEndpoint && !b.updatedMetadataEndpoint.kdkw33){ // b.updatedMetadataEndpoint = new Proxy(b.updatedMetadataEndpoint, { // get(target, prop, receiver){ // console.log('xxs99', target.videoId, mtx) // if(prop ==='kdkw33') return 1; // console.log(3322, prop, target) // if(prop === 'initialDelayMs') { // throw new Error("ABCC"); // } // return target[prop]; // }, // set(target, prop, value, receiver){ // if(prop ==='kdkw33') return true; // target[prop]=value; // return true; // } // }); // } // console.log(5533, b?.updatedMetadataEndpoint?.kdkw33) return this.sendServiceAjax717_(a, b, c, d); } } function delayClearOtherKeys(lztContinuation) { // // schedule delayed removal if mfyContinuationIgnored is not empty // getRafPromise().then(() => { // // assume the repeat continuation could be only for popstate which is triggered by user interaction // // foreground page only // }); if (lztContinuation !== mtzlastAllowedContinuation) return; if (lztContinuation !== mpKey21 || lztContinuation !== mpKey22) return; if (!mfyContinuationIgnored.size) return; if (mfyContinuationIgnored.size > 1) { LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(lztContinuation, 'delayClearOtherKeys, current = ', lztContinuation); } mfyContinuationIgnored.forEach((value, key) => { if (key !== lztContinuation) { mfyContinuationIgnored.delete(key); LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(key, 'previous continuation removed from ignored store', key); } }); } if (typeof cProto.getCancellableNetworkPromise_ === 'function' && cProto.getCancellableNetworkPromise_.length === 5 && !cProto.getCancellableNetworkPromise717_) { cProto.getCancellableNetworkPromise717_ = cProto.getCancellableNetworkPromise_; cProto.getCancellableNetworkPromise_ = function (a, b, c, d, e) { // console.log(8003) try { const { is, videoId, continuation } = extraArguments322(b, c, d); if ((videoId || continuation) && (is !== 'ytd-video-primary-info-renderer')) { console.warn("CAUTION: getCancellableNetworkPromise_ coding might have to be updated."); } if (pageSetupVideoId && videoId && continuation) { if (mpKey21 && mpUrl21 && mpKey21 === continuation && mpUrl21 !== pageSetupVideoId) { mfyContinuationIgnored.removeAdd(continuation); mfvContinuationRecorded.delete(continuation); return; } } if (mjtLockPreviousKey && mjtLockPreviousKey !== continuation && continuation) { copyPreviousContiuationToIgnored374(false); mfyContinuationIgnored.delete(continuation); mfvContinuationRecorded.removeAdd(continuation); mfyContinuationIgnored.removeAdd(mjtLockPreviousKey); mfvContinuationRecorded.delete(mjtLockPreviousKey); mjtLockPreviousKey = ''; } // if (mjtNextMainKey === continuation) { // copyPreviousContiuationToIgnored(false); // mfyContinuationIgnored.delete(continuation); // mfvContinuationRecorded.add(continuation); // } const lztContinuation = continuation; if (mfyContinuationIgnored && lztContinuation && typeof lztContinuation === 'string') { if (mfyContinuationIgnored.has(lztContinuation)) { LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(lztContinuation, '5360 matched02', lztContinuation) return; } } // if (videoId) { // if (!pageSetupVideoId) return; // ignore page not ready // // if (mtxVideoId && c.updatedMetadataEndpoint.videoId !== mtxVideoId) return; // ignore videoID not matched // if (videoId !== pageSetupVideoId) { // return; // } // } if (typeof lztContinuation === 'string' && mtzlastAllowedContinuation !== lztContinuation) { mtzlastAllowedContinuation = lztContinuation; // console.log(70401, lztContinuation, mfyContinuationIgnored.size) LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(lztContinuation, '5382 Continuation sets to\t', lztContinuation, `C${mtzCount}.R${mfvContinuationRecorded.size}.I${mfyContinuationIgnored.size}`); mjtRecordedPrevKey = lztContinuation; if (mjtLockPreviousKey === lztContinuation) mjtLockPreviousKey = ''; // if (mfyContinuationIgnored.size > 0) { // delayClearOtherKeys(lztContinuation); // } mtzCount = 0; // allowNoDelay322 = false; } else if (typeof lztContinuation === 'string' && mtzlastAllowedContinuation && mtzlastAllowedContinuation === lztContinuation) { // repeated if (++mtzCount > 1e9) mtzCount = 1e4; LOG_FETCHMETA_UPDATE && continuationLog(lztContinuation, '5386 Same Continuation\t\t', lztContinuation, `C${mtzCount}.R${mfvContinuationRecorded.size}.I${mfyContinuationIgnored.size}`); // if (mtzCount >= 3) allowNoDelay322 = true; if (mtzCount >= 3 && mfyContinuationIgnored.size > 0) { Promise.resolve(lztContinuation).then(delayClearOtherKeys).catch(console.warn); } if (mtzCount === 5) { mfvContinuationRecorded.clear(); mfvContinuationRecorded.add(lztContinuation); } } if (typeof lztContinuation === 'string' && lztContinuation && (pageSetupVideoId || videoPlayingY.videoId)) { mpKey22 = lztContinuation; mpUrl22 = pageSetupVideoId || videoPlayingY.videoId; } if (mbCId322) { clearTimeout(mbCId322); mbCId322 = 0; } } catch (e) { console.log('Coding Error in getCancellableNetworkPromise_', e) } // console.log(8004) // console.log(123403, arguments); // if(c.updatedMetadataEndpoint) console.log(123404, pageSetupVideoId, JSON.stringify(c.updatedMetadataEndpoint)) // console.log(5163, a?.is,b,c,d,e); return this.getCancellableNetworkPromise717_(a, b, c, d, e); } } }); // ==================================== FIX_avoid_incorrect_video_meta ==================================== FIX_ytdExpander_childrenChanged && !isChatRoomURL && whenCEDefined('ytd-expander').then(() => { let dummy; let cProto; dummy = document.createElement('ytd-expander'); cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype; if (fnIntegrity(cProto.initChildrenObserver, '0.48.21') && fnIntegrity(cProto.childrenChanged, '0.40.22')) { cProto.initChildrenObserver14 = cProto.initChildrenObserver; cProto.childrenChanged14 = cProto.childrenChanged; cProto.initChildrenObserver = function () { var a = this; = new MutationObserver(function () { a.childrenChanged() } );, { subtree: !0, childList: !0, attributes: !0, characterData: !0 }); this.childrenChanged() } ; cProto.childrenChanged = function () { if (this.alwaysToggleable) { this.canToggle = this.alwaysToggleable; } else if (!this.canToggleJobId) { this.canToggleJobId = 1; foregroundPromiseFn().then(() => { this.canToggleJobId = 0; this.calculateCanCollapse() }) } } // console.log(cProto.initChildrenObserver) console.debug('ytd-expander-fix-childrenChanged'); } }); FIX_paper_ripple_animate && whenCEDefined('paper-ripple').then(() => { let dummy; let cProto; dummy = document.createElement('paper-ripple'); cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype; if (fnIntegrity(cProto.animate, '0.74.5')) { cProto.animate34 = cProto.animate; cProto.animate = function () { if (this._animating) { var a; const ripples = this.ripples; for (a = 0; a < ripples.length; ++a) { var b = ripples[a]; b.draw(); this.$ = b.outerOpacity; b.isOpacityFullyDecayed && !b.isRestingAtMaxRadius && this.removeRipple(b) } if ((this.shouldKeepAnimating || 0) !== ripples.length) { if (!this._boundAnimate38) this._boundAnimate38 = this.animate.bind(this); foregroundPromiseFn().then(this._boundAnimate38); } else { this.onAnimationComplete(); } } } console.debug('FIX_paper_ripple_animate') // console.log(cProto.animate) } }); if (FIX_doIdomRender) { const xsetTimeout = function (f, d) { if (xsetTimeout.m511 === 1 && !d) { xsetTimeout.m511 = 2; xsetTimeout.m568 = f; } else { return setTimeout.apply(window, arguments) } } /** * IGb = function(a) { var b, c = null == (b = a.requestAninmationFrameResolver) ? void 0 : b.promise; c || (a.requestAninmationFrameResolver = new Vi, c = a.requestAninmationFrameResolver.promise, Da.requestAnimationFrame(function() { var d; null == (d = a.requestAninmationFrameResolver) || d.resolve(); a.requestAninmationFrameResolver = null })); return c } */ const xrequestAnimationFrame = function (f) { const h = `${f}`; if (h.startsWith("function(){setTimeout(function(){") && h.endsWith("})}")) { let t = null; xsetTimeout.m511 = 1; f(); if (xsetTimeout.m511 === 2) { t = xsetTimeout.m568; xsetTimeout.m568 = null; } xsetTimeout.m511 = 0; if (typeof t === 'function') { foregroundPromiseFn().then(t); } } else if (h.includes("requestAninmationFrameResolver")) { foregroundPromiseFn().then(f); } else { return requestAnimationFrame.apply(window, arguments); } } let busy = false; const doIdomRender = function () { if (!this) return; if (busy) { return this.doIdomRender13(...arguments); } busy = true; const { requestAnimationFrame, setTimeout } = window; window.requestAnimationFrame = xrequestAnimationFrame; window.setTimeout = xsetTimeout; let r = this.doIdomRender13(...arguments); window.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame; window.setTimeout = setTimeout; busy = false; return r; }; for (const ytTag of ['ytd-lottie-player', 'yt-attributed-string', 'yt-image', 'yt-icon-shape', 'yt-button-shape', 'yt-button-view-model', 'yt-icon-badge-shape']) { whenCEDefined(ytTag).then(() => { let dummy; let cProto; dummy = document.createElement(ytTag); cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype; cProto.doIdomRender13 = cProto.doIdomRender; cProto.doIdomRender = doIdomRender; if (cProto.doIdomRender13 === cProto.templatingFn) cProto.templatingFn = doIdomRender; console.debug('[yt-js-engine-tamer] FIX_doIdomRender', ytTag) }); } } FIX_POPUP_UNIQUE_ID && whenCEDefined('ytd-popup-container').then(async () => { const sMap = new Map(); const ZTa = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split(""); const ZT = function () { for (var a = Array(36), b = 0, c, d = 0; d < 36; d++) d == 8 || d == 13 || d == 18 || d == 23 ? a[d] = "-" : d == 14 ? a[d] = "4" : (b <= 2 && (b = 33554432 + Math.random() * 16777216 | 0), c = b & 15, b >>= 4, a[d] = ZTa[d == 19 ? c & 3 | 8 : c]); return a.join("") }; const popupContainerCollection = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-popup-container'); const popupContainer = await observablePromise(() => { return popupContainerCollection[0]; }).obtain(); let cProto; cProto = insp(popupContainer).constructor.prototype; if (!cProto || typeof cProto.handleOpenPopupAction !== 'function' || cProto.handleOpenPopupAction3868 || cProto.handleOpenPopupAction.length !== 2) { console.log('FIX_POPUP_UNIQUE_ID NG') return; } cProto.handleOpenPopupAction3868 = cProto.handleOpenPopupAction; cProto.handleOpenPopupAction = function (a, b) { if (typeof (a || 0) === 'object' && !a.__jOdQA__) { a.__jOdQA__ = true; try { const h = this.hostElement; if (h instanceof HTMLElement) { const map = h.__skme44__ = h.__skme44__ || new Map(); let mKey = ''; const wKey = firstObjectKey(a); const wObj = wKey ? a[wKey] : null; if (wKey && wObj && typeof (wObj.popup || 0) === 'object') { const pKey = firstObjectKey(wObj.popup) const pObj = pKey ? wObj.popup[pKey] : null; let contentKey = ''; let headerKey = ''; if (pObj && pObj.identifier && pObj.content && pObj.header) { contentKey = firstObjectKey(pObj.content) headerKey = firstObjectKey(pObj.header) } if (contentKey && headerKey) { mKey = `${wKey}(popupType:${wObj.popupType},popup(${pKey}(content(${contentKey}:...),header(${headerKey}:...),identifer(surface:${pObj.identifier.surface}))))` if (mKey) { if (!wObj.uniqueId) { for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { wObj.uniqueId = ZT(); if (!sMap.has(wObj.uniqueId)) break; } } const oId = wObj.uniqueId let nId_ = map.get(mKey); if (!nId_) { map.set(mKey, nId_ = oId); } wObj.uniqueId = nId_ || wObj.uniqueId; const nId = wObj.uniqueId sMap.set(oId, nId); sMap.set(nId, nId); wObj.uniqueId = nId; pObj.targetId = nId; pObj.identifier.tag = nId; if (oId !== nId) { console.log('FIX_POPUP_UNIQUE_ID', oId, nId); } } } } // console.log(12213, mKey, a, b, h) } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } try { const r###lts = searchNestedObject(a, (x) => { if (typeof x === 'string' && x.length === 36) { if (/[a-zA-Z\d]{8}-[a-zA-Z\d]{4}-[a-zA-Z\d]{4}-[a-zA-Z\d]{4}-[a-zA-Z\d]{12}/.test(x)) return true; } return false; }); for (const [obj, key] of r###lts) { const oId = obj[key]; const nId = sMap.get(oId); if (nId) obj[key] = nId; } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } return this.handleOpenPopupAction3868(...arguments) } console.log('FIX_POPUP_UNIQUE_ID OK') }); // FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS && (async ()=>{ // })(); // FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS && whenCEDefined('ytd-transcript-search-panel-renderer').then(async () => { // let dummy; // let cProto; // dummy = document.createElement('ytd-transcript-search-panel-renderer'); // cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype; // if (!cProto || typeof cProto.bodyChanged !== 'function' || cProto.bodyChanged1848 || cProto.bodyChanged.length !== 0) { // console.log('FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS NG') // return; // } // cProto.bodyChanged1848 = cProto.bodyChanged; // const wmx = new WeakMap(); // const sb35 = Symbol(); // cProto.bodyChanged = function () { // let a = null; // try { // a = this.getBodyRenderer(); // } catch (e) { } // if (!a || !a.initialSegments) { // a =; // if (a.body) a = a.body; // if (a.transcriptSegmentListRenderer) a = a.transcriptSegmentListRenderer; // } // const a_ = a; // const initialSegments = (a_ || 0).initialSegments; // if (typeof (initialSegments || 0) === 'object' && initialSegments.length >= 1){ // ((async () => { })()).then(() => { // const c = wmx.get(initialSegments); // if (!c) { // const d = translateFn(initialSegments); // wmx.set(initialSegments, d); // console.log('translated', d); // wmx.set(d, d); // a_.initialSegments = d; // } else { // a_.initialSegments = c; // } // }).then(() => { // // this.bodyChanged1848(); // }); // }else{ // // return this.bodyChanged1848(); // } // } // console.log('FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS OK') // }); FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS && !isChatRoomURL && whenCEDefined('yt-formatted-string').then(async () => { let dummy; let cProto; dummy = document.createElement('yt-formatted-string'); cProto = insp(dummy).constructor.prototype; if (!cProto || typeof cProto.setNodeStyle_ !== 'function' || cProto.setNodeStyle17_ || cProto.setNodeStyle_.length !== 2) { console.log('FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS(2) NG'); return; } cProto.setNodeStyle17_ = cProto.setNodeStyle_; cProto.setNodeStyle_ = function (a, b) { if (b instanceof HTMLElement_ && typeof (a || 0) === 'object') b.classList.toggle('yt-formatted-string-block-line', !!a.blockLine); return this.setNodeStyle17_(a, b); } console.log('FIX_TRANSCRIPT_SEGMENTS(2) OK'); }); }); }); if (isMainWindow) { console.groupCollapsed( "%cYouTube JS Engine Tamer", "background-color: #EDE43B ; color: #000 ; font-weight: bold ; padding: 4px ;" ); console.log("Script is loaded."); console.log("This script changes the core mechanisms of the YouTube JS engine."); console.log("This script is experimental and subject to further changes."); console.log("This might boost your YouTube performance."); console.log("CAUTION: This might break your YouTube."); if (prepareLogs.length >= 1) { console.log(" =========================================================================== "); for (const msg of prepareLogs) { console.log(msg) } console.log(" =========================================================================== "); } console.groupEnd(); } })();