Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress. https://greasyfork.org/en/users/449798-ace-dx
!! Note: The script has been updated, and so has the name. Please disable the old existing script in your script manager before installing this one. !!
A human typer for Google Docs. It types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress. You can set custom delay ranges (how slow/fast it types) for each character (letter) and the script chooses a random delay between your ranges for each character in your input text.
A new button next to Extensions will be added in your Google Docs.
- Custom Text
- ETA (approx. as delay is random between the range)
- Lower and Upper bounds for delay (ms)
- Stop button to stop midway if required
If you wish to validate the script's functionality by checking the Docs/Slides history, please let it type a text for at least 15 minutes as the history does not get updated every minute. Alternatively, you can open the document from another device to see it typing.
Note: In Google Slides, you must click on the textbox you wish to type inside before activating the Human-Typer.