A sleek Geasy Fork redesign with light/dark mode and custom colors.
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Greasy Fork Theme Engine [BETA]
- // @namespace https://naeembolchhi.github.io/
- // @version 0.18
- // @description A sleek Geasy Fork redesign with light/dark mode and custom colors.
- // @author NaeemBolchhi
- // @license GPL-3.0-or-later
- // @icon data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 300 300" style="fill: %23D72323;"><path d="M200.3 269.9c-15.7 6.6-32.7 10.1-50.3 10.1-34.7 0-67.4-13.5-91.9-38.1C33.5 217.4 20 184.7 20 150s13.5-67.4 38.1-91.9C82.6 33.5 115.3 20 150 20s67.4 13.5 91.9 38.1C266.5 82.6 280 115.3 280 150c0 17.6-3.5 34.6-10 50.3 5 5 10 10.1 15.1 15.1 9.6-19.8 15-42 15-65.4C300 67.2 232.8 0 150 0S0 67.2 0 150s67.2 150 150 150c23.4 0 45.6-5.4 65.4-15-5.1-5-10.1-10.1-15.1-15.1z"/><path d="M267.8 300c-9.6-1.3-16.5-7-23.1-13.7-14.9-15.3-30.1-30.2-45.2-45.3-9.3-9.3-12-20.1-7.5-32.7.3-.8.3-2.1-.2-2.6-3.9-4.1-7.9-8-12-12.1-6.4 4-13.1 6.7-20.5 7.6-15.5 1.9-29-2.4-40.2-13.2-12.3-11.8-24.2-24-36.2-36.1-3.5-3.5-4.1-7.4-2.2-11.2 1.9-3.7 5.9-6.4 9.7-5.6 2.5.5 5.1 2 6.9 3.8 7.4 7.1 14.5 14.4 21.8 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.6l13.8-13.8c-6.2-6.1-12.6-12.5-18.9-18.9-1.9-1.9-3.8-3.7-5.6-5.6-3.8-4.2-3.7-9.7.2-13.6 3.9-3.9 9.5-4.1 13.6-.1 7.5 7.3 14.8 14.7 22.1 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4l14.3-14.3c-2-1.8-4.5-4-6.8-6.3-6-5.9-11.9-11.8-17.8-17.8-2.7-2.7-3.7-5.9-2.4-9.6 1.4-3.9 4.2-6.3 8.3-6.9 3.4-.6 6 1 8.4 3.3l14.7 14.7c7.4 7.4 14.9 14.6 22 22.2 14.7 15.7 17 39.1 6.1 57.7-.4.7-.7 1.4-1.3 2.4 3.9 3.9 7.9 7.8 11.9 2 .6 2.8.3 12.5-4.4 23.3-1.7 32.7 7.6 15.1 15.1 30.1 30.3 45.3 45.2 6.7 6.5 12.4 13.4 13.7 23v5.8c-.2.5-.4 1.1-.5 1.6-1.8 9.5-6.6 17-15.5 21.2-3.3 1.6-6.9 2.3-10.4 3.5-1.9.2-3.8.2-5.8.2z"/><path d="M170 219.6c-2.7.7-5.4 1.2-8.2 1.5-3.1.4-6.2.6-9.2.6-17.9 0-34.2-6.6-47.2-19.2-10.2-9.8-20.2-20-30-29.8l-6.6-6.6c-9.5-9.5-11.7-22.7-5.8-34.3 4.9-9.6 14.4-16 24.5-16.6.5-6.9 3.5-13.6 8.9-18.9 5.2-5.1 11.8-8.2 18.7-8.7.2-2.5.7-4.9 1.6-7.4 3.8-10.8 12.6-18.1 23.9-20 1.5-.2 3.1-.4 4.6-.4 5.4 0 13.4 1.6 21.1 9.2 4.7 4.7 9.6 9.5 14.8 14.7 2.1 2.2 4.4 4.4 6.5 6.5 5.3 5.2 10.7 10.6 15.9 16.2 10.2 10.9 16.4 24.5 17.9 39.3.9 8.2.2 16.4-1.8 24.2h.1c12.8 0 24.7 5.1 34.7 14.8 3.6-10.9 5.6-22.6 5.6-34.7 0-60.8-49.2-110-110-110S40 89.2 40 150s49.2 110 110 110c12.1 0 23.8-2 34.7-5.6-9.8-10.1-14.8-22.1-14.7-34.8z"/></svg>
- // @match *://greasyfork.org/*
- // @match *://sleazyfork.org/*
- // @exclude */assets/*
- // @run-at document-start
- // ==/UserScript==
- // Main event initiator.
- (() => {
- 'use strict';
- // Pendulum
- const pendulum = setInterval(() => {
- try {
- if (!document.querySelector('head')) {
- return;
- }
- themeStyles(true);
- // if favicon
- } catch(e) {console.error("early-load-failed");catchErrors(e);}
- }, 100);
- // Only execute if window is interactive or fully loaded at this point.
- if (document.readyState === 'interactive' || document.readyState === 'complete') {
- setTimeout((() => {
- clearInterval(pendulum);
- themeStyles();
- removeStyles();
- // check theme choice in localstorage
- // any favicon function
- // add the toggle for theme changing
- /* DOM Changes START */
- commonUpdate();
- /* DOM Changes END */
- // fix favicon again, just in case
- loadTime();
- }), 100);
- }
- // Modifying head when available.
- let observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
- if (document.body) {
- clearInterval(pendulum);
- themeStyles();
- removeStyles();
- // any favicon function
- observer.disconnect();
- }
- });
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- // Execute DOM modifications when ready state changes.
- document.onreadystatechange = () => {
- // Modify body when document is interactive.
- if (document.readyState === 'interactive') {
- // check theme choice in localstorage
- // add the toggle for theme changing
- /* DOM Changes */
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- // Modify body when document is complete.
- if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
- // fix favicon again, just in case
- loadTime();
- }
- }
- })();
- // Update Sequence Common
- function commonUpdate() {
- processTheme();
- setBasic();
- forkNAV();
- forkHEADER();
- addFOOTER();
- forkHOME();
- listenEvents();
- }
- // Catch errors.
- function catchErrors(e) {
- console.log(e instanceof TypeError)
- console.log(e.message)
- console.log(e.name)
- console.log(e.fileName)
- console.log(e.lineNumber)
- console.log(e.columnNumber)
- console.log(e.stack)
- }
- // SVG Icons
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- background: transparent;
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- align-items: center;
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- fill: var(--engine-accent-color);
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- display: none;
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- width: calc(var(--_height) / 3.5);
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- width: calc(var(--_height) / 3);
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- background: var(--engine-search-hover);
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- background: var(--engine-search-hover);
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- display: flex;
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- transform: scale(0.8);
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- <span>•••</span>
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- </section>
- </bottom>
- <bottom class="translate">
- <section class="help">
- </section>
- <section class="options">
- </section>
- </bottom>
- <bottom class="colors">
- <section class="accents">
- </section>
- <section class="others">
- </section>
- </bottom>
- </sidebar>
- <backdrop></backdrop>
- `.replace(/>\s+</g,'><');
- document.body.insertBefore(elemake("nav",newNAV,{"key":["id","class"],"val":["main-nav","hidden"]}), document.body.children[0]);
- toggleTheme(localStorage.themeChoice);
- }
- // Header is different on HOMEPAGE
- function forkHEADER() {
- let headerDiv = document.querySelector('#main-header > .width-constraint'),
- userProfileLink = '',
- userProfileName = profileSVG,
- signOutLink = '',
- signInLink = '',
- notificationLink = '';
- if (headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .user-profile-link')) {
- userProfileLink = ` href="${headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .user-profile-link > a').href}"`;
- userProfileName = `<span>${headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .user-profile-link > a').textContent}</span>`;
- signOutLink = `<a class="signout" href="${headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .sign-out-link > a').href}">${logoutSVG}</a>`;
- } else {
- signInLink = ` href="${headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .sign-in-link > a').href}"`;
- }
- if (headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .notification-widget')) {
- notificationLink = `<a class="notification" href="${headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .notification-widget').getAttribute('href')}"><span>${headerDiv.querySelector('#nav-user-info > .notification-widget').textContent}</span></a>`;
- }
- let headerHTML = `
- <a class="${window.siteMatch}-svg" href="/">
- ${forkSVG}
- </a>
- <form class="engine-search-main" action="/${window.currentLocale}/scripts" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="get">
- <input class="engine-search-input" name="q" value="" autocomplete="off" type="search" required>
- <span class="engine-search-clear">${clearSVG}</span>
- <span class="engine-search-submit">${findSVG}</span>
- </form>
- <span class="dummy"></span>
- ${notificationLink}
- <a class="profile"${userProfileLink}${signInLink}>${userProfileName}</a>
- ${signOutLink}
- <span class="menu">${menuSVG}</span>
- `.replace(/>\s+</g,'><');
- if (window.onHomepage) {
- headerHTML = `
- <span class="dummy"></span>
- ${notificationLink}
- <a class="profile"${userProfileLink}${signInLink}>${userProfileName}</a>
- ${signOutLink}
- <span class="menu">${menuSVG}</span>
- `.replace(/>\s+</g,'><');
- }
- headerDiv.innerHTML = headerHTML;
- if (!window.onHomepage) {
- forkSEARCH();
- let sInput = document.querySelector('.engine-search-input');
- if (window.location.search.match(/q=/)) {
- sInput.value = getVar(window.location.href).q.replace(/\+/g,' ');
- } else if (window.location.search.match(/c=/)) {
- sInput.value = getVar(window.location.href).c.replace(/\+/g,' ');
- } else if (window.location.pathname.match(/\/by-site\//)) {
- sInput.value = window.location.pathname.replace(/.*by-site\//,'');
- }
- function isActive(key) {
- const reKey = new RegExp(key, "i");
- if (!window.location.pathname.match(reKey)) {return '';}
- return ' class="active"';
- }
- const searchOPTIONS = `
- <a${isActive('scripts$')} href="/${window.currentLocale}/scripts?q=${sInput.value}">Scripts</a>
- <a${isActive('scripts/by-site')} href="/${window.currentLocale}/scripts/by-site/${sInput.value}">Sites</a>
- <a${isActive('scripts/libraries')} href="/${window.currentLocale}/scripts/libraries?q=${sInput.value}">Libraries</a>
- <a${isActive('scripts/code-search')} href="/${window.currentLocale}/scripts/code-search?c=${sInput.value}">Code</a>
- <a${isActive('users$')} href="/${window.currentLocale}/users?q=${sInput.value}">Users</a>
- `;
- headerDiv.parentNode.appendChild(elemake("div", searchOPTIONS, {"key":["class"],"val":["search-options"]}));
- sInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {'bubbles': true}));
- }
- }
- // Update HOMEPAGE with new Search
- function forkHOME() {
- if (!document.getElementById('home-script-nav')) {return;}
- let topSites = document.querySelectorAll('#home-top-sites a'),
- siteTags = '';
- for (let x = 0; x < topSites.length; x++) {
- siteTags = siteTags + topSites[x].outerHTML;
- }
- let logoSVG = forkSVG + greasySVG;
- if (window.siteMatch === 'sleazy') {
- logoSVG = forkSVG + sleazySVG;
- }
- document.querySelector('body > div.width-constraint > section.text-content').innerHTML = `
- <a class="${window.siteMatch}-svg" href="/">
- ${logoSVG}
- </a>
- <form class="engine-search-main" action="${document.querySelector('#home-script-nav .home-search').getAttribute('action')}" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="get">
- <input class="engine-search-input" name="q" value="" autocomplete="off" type="search" required>
- <span class="engine-search-clear">${clearSVG}</span>
- <span class="engine-search-submit">${findSVG}</span>
- </form>
- <span class="engine-welcome">What are we forking today?</span>
- <div id="engine-top-sites">${siteTags}</div>
- `.replace(/>\s+</g,'><');
- forkSEARCH();
- }
- // New search box
- function forkSEARCH() {
- let input = document.querySelector('.engine-search-input'),
- clear = document.querySelector('.engine-search-clear'),
- submit = document.querySelector('.engine-search-submit');
- if (window.onHomepage) {
- input.parentNode.parentNode.classList.add('all-center-home');
- }
- function checkInput() {
- if (input.value === '') {
- input.parentNode.classList.remove('active');
- } else {
- input.parentNode.classList.add('active');
- }
- }
- input.addEventListener('input', checkInput);
- clear.addEventListener('click', () => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- clear.parentNode.children[0].value = '';
- checkInput();
- clear.parentNode.children[0].focus();
- }, 100);
- });
- submit.addEventListener('click', () => {
- submit.parentNode.submit();
- });
- }
- // Event listeners in one place
- function listenEvents() {
- // Close Sidebar
- function closeNav() {
- document.querySelector('#main-nav').classList.remove('visible');
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelector('#main-nav').classList.add('hidden');
- }, 100);
- }
- document.querySelector('#main-nav span.close-menu').addEventListener('click', closeNav);
- document.querySelector('#main-nav backdrop').addEventListener('click', closeNav);
- // Open Sidebar
- function openNav() {
- document.querySelector('#main-nav').classList.remove('hidden');
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelector('#main-nav').classList.add('visible');
- }, 10);
- }
- document.querySelector('#main-header span.menu').addEventListener('click', openNav);
- document.querySelector('#main-nav section.theme-switch > span.system').addEventListener('click', () => {toggleTheme('system')});
- document.querySelector('#main-nav section.theme-switch > span.day').addEventListener('click', () => {toggleTheme('light')});
- document.querySelector('#main-nav section.theme-switch > span.night').addEventListener('click', () => {toggleTheme('dark')});
- }