Greasy Fork is available in English.
Prevent the site from navigating away from Google Cache pages, as the target page may no longer exist
// ==UserScript==// @name Stay on the Google Cache page// @name:zh-CN 拦截Google快照跳转// @version 1.0// @description Prevent the site from navigating away from Google Cache pages, as the target page may no longer exist// @description:zh-CN 某些站点会在Google快照页面强行跳转离开,然而可能目标页面早已404,此脚本用来阻止跳转// @namespace https://webcache.googleusercontent// @author PatrickZ// @match*// @run-at document-start// @license MIT// @grant none// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';window.onbeforeunload = function() {return "Are you sure?";};})();