// ==UserScript== // @name 躲啥躲 // @description b站PC端视频/番剧等评论归属显形,点击可调整文字颜色 // @author (σ`д′)σ // @version 1.2.2 // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/477707 // @license GPL-3.0-or-later // @match *://www.bilibili.com/video/* // @match *://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/* // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-end // @supportURL https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/477707 // @homepageURL https://github.com/Xli33/odd-monkey // ==/UserScript== (() => { 'use strict'; const getEl = (name) => document.querySelector(name); // comment area const elComment = getEl('#commentapp') || getEl('#comment-module'); if (!elComment) return; if (location.pathname.startsWith('/video/')) { // observe once const observeOnce = (parent, sel, callback, options) => { new MutationObserver((mutations, ob) => { const el = parent.querySelector(sel); if (el) { ob.disconnect(); callback(el); } }).observe(parent, { childList: true, // subtree: true, ...options }); }; // watch on need observeOnce(elComment, 'bili-comments', (el) => { // info to show const id = '--' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000), labelClass = 'com-ip' + id, colorClass = labelClass + '-input'; const getExtraEle = (text) => { if (!text) return ''; const ele = document.createElement('label'); ele.part = labelClass; ele.innerHTML = `${text}<input type="color" part=${colorClass} />`; ele.title = '点击调色'; for (const k in colorEvent) { ele.firstElementChild[k] = colorEvent[k]; } return ele; }; const colorEvent = { oninput(e) { elComment.style.setProperty(id, e.target.value); }, onchange(e) { localStorage._ipsv = e.target.value; }, onclick(e) { e.target.value = elComment.style.getPropertyValue(id); } }; elComment.style.setProperty(id, localStorage._ipsv || '#9499a0'); GM_addStyle( `bili-comments::part(${labelClass}){color:var(${id})}bili-comments::part(${colorClass}){overflow:hidden;width:0;height:0;border:none;padding:0;visibility:hidden;}` ); // by hook if (customElements.get('bili-comment-renderer')) { const update = (proto, isFooter, key = 'updated') => { const refUpdated = proto[key]; const baseFunc = function (e) { refUpdated.call(this, e); this.setAttribute('exportparts', labelClass + ',' + colorClass); }; proto[key] = !isFooter ? baseFunc : function (e) { baseFunc.call(this, e); if (isFooter) { this.renderRoot.querySelector(`:host>label[part=${labelClass}]`) ? this.renderRoot.firstElementChild.replaceWith( getExtraEle(this.data.reply_control.location) ) : this.renderRoot.prepend(getExtraEle(this.data.reply_control.location)); } }; }; const map = { 'bili-comment-action-buttons-renderer': true, 'bili-comment-thread-renderer': null, 'bili-comment-renderer': null, 'bili-comment-replies-renderer': null, 'bili-comment-reply-renderer': null }; for (const k in map) { update(customElements.get(k).prototype, map[k]); } return; } // by watcher observeOnce(el.shadowRoot, '#feed', (el) => { // handle list const handleList = (arr) => { arr.forEach((e) => { e.setAttribute('exportparts', labelClass + ',' + colorClass); observeOnce(e.shadowRoot, '#commentapp', (el) => { el.setAttribute('exportparts', labelClass + ',' + colorClass); observeOnce(el.shadowRoot, '#footer', (fel) => { fel.firstElementChild.setAttribute('exportparts', labelClass + ',' + colorClass); fel.firstElementChild.shadowRoot.prepend( getExtraEle(fel.firstElementChild.data.reply_control.location) ); // more to handle el.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.setAttribute( 'exportparts', labelClass + ',' + colorClass ); const handleList = (arr) => { arr.forEach((e) => { e.setAttribute('exportparts', labelClass + ',' + colorClass); observeOnce(e.shadowRoot, '#footer', (el) => { el.firstElementChild.setAttribute( 'exportparts', labelClass + ',' + colorClass ); new MutationObserver(() => { el.firstElementChild.shadowRoot.querySelector(`>label[part=${labelClass}]`) ? el.firstElementChild.shadowRoot.firstElementChild.replaceWith( getExtraEle(el.firstElementChild.data.reply_control.location) ) : el.firstElementChild.shadowRoot.prepend( getExtraEle(el.firstElementChild.data.reply_control.location) ); }).observe(el.previousElementSibling.children[1].shadowRoot, { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); }); }; new MutationObserver((mutations) => { handleList( mutations .filter((e) => e.addedNodes[0]?.nodeName === 'BILI-COMMENT-REPLY-RENDERER') .flatMap((e) => e.addedNodes[0]) ); }).observe( el.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.shadowRoot.querySelector( '#expander-contents' ), { childList: true } ); handleList( Array.from( el.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll( '#expander-contents>bili-comment-reply-renderer' ) ) ); }); }); }); }; new MutationObserver((mutations) => { handleList( mutations .filter((e) => e.addedNodes[0]?.nodeName === 'BILI-COMMENT-THREAD-RENDERER') .flatMap((e) => e.addedNodes[0]) ); }).observe(el, { childList: true }); handleList(Array.from(el.children)); }); }); return; } // if comments exist new MutationObserver((mutations, ob) => { const elReplyList = elComment.querySelector('.reply-list'); if (elReplyList) { ob.disconnect(); watchReply(elReplyList); } }).observe(elComment, { childList: true, subtree: true }); const watchReply = (elReplyList) => { // 防重复执行mutation let flag; const { apiData } = elComment.firstElementChild.__vue_app__.config.globalProperties.$store.state, id = '--' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000), labelClass = 'com-ip' + id; // 要展示的信息 const getExtraEle = (text) => { if (!text) return ''; const ele = document.createElement('label'); ele.className = labelClass; ele.innerHTML = `${text}<input type="color"/>`; ele.title = '点击调色'; return ele; }; // 处理子级评论 // 子评论下有新的子评论,也可能是原评论位置变动 const handl###bReply = (el) => { // console.log("%c子评论", "font-size:16px;color:cyan"); // const { reply_control } = el.__vueParentComponent.ctx.subReply; const { rootReplyId, userId } = el.querySelector('.sub-reply-avatar').dataset; const { reply_control } = findReply( rootReplyId, false, userId, Array.from(el.parentNode.children).indexOf(el) ); el.querySelector('.sub-reply-info').prepend(getExtraEle(reply_control.location)); }; // get by rrid... const findReply = (rrid, isRoot, subUid, subIndex) => { const rootReply = apiData.replyList.res.data.replies.find((e) => e.rpid_str === rrid); return ( (isRoot ? rootReply : rootReply?.replies .filter((e) => !e.invisible) .find((e, i) => e.mid_str === subUid && i === subIndex)) ?? { reply_control: {} } ); }; // 观察评论区节点并给新评论增加ip等额外信息展示 new MutationObserver((mutations) => { if (flag) { flag = null; return; } mutations .filter((e) => e.addedNodes.length > 0) .forEach((e) => { if (e.type !== 'childList' || e.addedNodes[0].nodeType !== 1) return; // 根评论下有新的子评论 if (e.target === elReplyList && e.addedNodes[0].classList.contains('reply-item')) { // const { reply_control } = // e.addedNodes[0].__vueParentComponent.ctx.reply; const { reply_control } = findReply( e.addedNodes[0].querySelector('.root-reply-avatar').dataset.rootReplyId, true ); e.addedNodes[0] .querySelector('.reply-info') .prepend(getExtraEle(reply_control.location)); // 处理根评论下的子评论 e.addedNodes[0].querySelectorAll('.sub-reply-item').forEach((se) => { handl###bReply(se); }); flag = true; return; } if ( e.target.classList.contains('sub-reply-list') && e.addedNodes[0].classList.contains('sub-reply-item') && !e.addedNodes[0].querySelector('.sub-reply-info > .' + labelClass) ) { handl###bReply(e.addedNodes[0]); flag = true; } }); }).observe(elReplyList, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }); // 通过列表代理color input相关事件 elReplyList.oninput = (e) => { if (e.target.parentNode.className === labelClass) { elReplyList.style.setProperty(id, e.target.value); } }; elReplyList.onchange = (e) => { if (e.target.parentNode.className === labelClass) { // elReplyList.style.setProperty(id, e.target.value); localStorage._ipsv = e.target.value; } }; elReplyList.onclick = (e) => { if (e.target.nodeName === 'INPUT' && e.target.parentNode.className === labelClass) { e.target.value = elReplyList.style.getPropertyValue(id); } }; // 添加css elReplyList.style.setProperty(id, localStorage._ipsv || '#9499A0'); GM_addStyle( `.${labelClass}{margin-right:10px;color:var(${id})}.${labelClass}>input{overflow:hidden;width:0;height:0;border:none;visibility:hidden;}` ); }; })();