Unmute audio for kick.com on Firefox
// ==UserScript== // @name UNMUTE KICK ON FIREFOX 100% WORKING FIX!!! // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/1200587-trilla-g // @match *://kick.com/* // @description Unmute audio for kick.com on Firefox // @grant none // @version 3.0 // @author Trilla_G // ==/UserScript== // Function to change the mute button value to "vjs-vol-3" const autoChangeVolume = () => { const muteButton = document.querySelector('.vjs-mute-control.vjs-control.vjs-button.vjs-vol-0'); if (muteButton) { muteButton.click(); // Automatically click the mute button setTimeout(() => { if (muteButton.classList.contains('vjs-vol-0')) { muteButton.classList.replace('vjs-vol-0', 'vjs-vol-3'); console.log('Volume changed to "vjs-vol-3".'); } }, 1600); // 2-second delay before changing the class (adjust as needed) } }; // Function to observe URL changes using MutationObserver const observeUrlChanges = () => { const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { const newUrl = window.location.href; if (newUrl.includes('kick.com') || newUrl.includes('kick.com/video')) { autoChangeVolume(); } }); // Start observing changes to the href attribute of the document's body observer.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true }); // Cleanup observer on page unload window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => observer.disconnect()); }; // Initial run of the script setTimeout(autoChangeVolume, 1600); // 2-second delay before the initial click // Initial observation of URL changes observeUrlChanges();