Shows the health of buildings.
// ==UserScript== // @name Building Health Bars // @namespace // @version 1 // @description Shows the health of buildings. // @author @nudoo // @match *://* // @match *://** // @icon // @require // @require // @license MIT // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict" const { Cow, CowUtils, MooUI } = window let settings = { "health-bars": true, "circle-bars": false, "in-look-dir": false, "in-weapon-range": false, "weapon-range-mult": "1", "bars-color": "#933db8", "hit-counter": false } const settingsMap = Object.entries(settings) const storageName = "building-health-settings" function setVisualSetting(key, value) { settings[key] = value localStorage.setItem(storageName, JSON.stringify(settings)) } for (let i = 0; i < settingsMap.length; i++) { const visualSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageName) || null) if (!visualSettings) { localStorage.setItem(storageName, JSON.stringify(settings)) break } if (!visualSettings.hasOwnProperty(settingsMap[i][0])) { setVisualSetting(settingsMap[i][0], settingsMap[i][1]) } } settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageName)) const columnsSettings = { settings: { targetColumn: "settings", togglers: [{ key: "health-bars", name: "Health bars", description: "Shows the health of buildings.", isActive: settings["health-bars"], options: [ new MooUI.OptionCheckbox({ key: "circle-bars", name: "Circle bars", description: "If enabled, the bars will be displayed as circles", isActive: settings["circle-bars"] }), new MooUI.OptionCheckbox({ key: "in-look-dir", name: "In look dir", description: "Bars will be drawn only when you look in their direction.", isActive: settings["in-look-dir"] }), new MooUI.OptionCheckbox({ key: "in-weapon-range", name: "In weapon range", description: "Bars will only be drawn when your weapon can reach them.", isActive: settings["in-weapon-range"] }), new window.MooUI.OptionIRange({ key: "weapon-range-mult", name: "Weapon range mult", description: "Adds the distance to the range of the weapon so that the drawing of the bars is further than the distance of the weapon.", min: 1, max: 3, step: "any", fixValue: 1, value: settings["weapon-range-mult"] }), new window.MooUI.OptionIColor({ key: "bars-color", name: "Color", description: "Color of bars", value: settings["bars-color"] }) ] }, { key: "hit-counter", name: "Hit counter", description: "Shows how many hits you need to hit the building.", isActive: settings["hit-counter"] }] } } class MenuBuilder { constructor() { = void 0 this.settings = new MooUI.Column() } buildTogglers() { for (const columnSettings of Object.values(columnsSettings)) { const column = this[columnSettings.targetColumn] for (const toggler of columnSettings.togglers) { column.add(new MooUI.Checkbox(toggler)) } } } build() { = MooUI.createMenu({ toggleKey: { code: "Escape" }, appendNode: document.getElementById("gameUI") }) document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<style> .column-container { border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px !important; } .ui-model { border-radius: 4px !important; } { border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 0px !important; } .options-container { border-radius: 0px 0px 4px 4px !important; } .ui-option-input-color { border-radius: 4px !important; } </style>`) this.settings.setHeaderText("Settings") this.settings.collisionWidth = -999999 this.buildTogglers() => { = "6px" column.header.element.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => { if (event.button !== 2) return column.header.isOpen ??= false column.header.isOpen = !column.header.isOpen = column.header.isOpen ? "6px 6px 0 0" : "6px" }) }) } } const menuBuilder = new MenuBuilder() let menu = void 0 let lastWeaponRangeMultChange = null window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { menu = menu.getModel("weapon-range-mult").on("input", () => { lastWeaponRangeMultChange = }) }) function drawCircleBar(color, width, scale, endAngle) { const { context } = Cow.renderer context.strokeStyle = color context.lineWidth = width context.lineCap = "round" context.beginPath() context.arc(0, 0, scale, 0, endAngle) context.stroke() context.closePath() } Cow.addRender("building-health-bars", () => { if (!Cow.player) return const { context } = Cow.renderer const weaponRange = (Cow.player.weapon.range + Cow.player.scale / 2) * parseFloat(menu.getModelValue("weapon-range-mult")) if (( - lastWeaponRangeMultChange) <= 1500) { const color = menu.getModelValue("bars-color") context.fillStyle = color context.strokeStyle = color context.globalAlpha = .3 context.lineWidth = 4 context.translate(Cow.player.renderX, Cow.player.renderY) context.beginPath() context.arc(0, 0, weaponRange, 0, Math.PI * 2) context.fill() context.globalAlpha = .7 context.stroke() context.closePath() context.restore() } else { lastWeaponRangeMultChange = null } Cow.objectsManager.eachVisible((object) => { if (!object.isItem) return const distance = CowUtils.getDistance(Cow.player, object) - object.scale const angle = CowUtils.getDirection(object, Cow.player) if (menu.getModelActive("in-weapon-range") && distance > weaponRange) return if (menu.getModelActive("in-look-dir") && CowUtils.getAngleDist(angle, Cow.player.lookAngle) > Cow.config.gatherAngle) return if (menu.getModelActive("hit-counter")) { const damage = Cow.player.weapon.dmg * Cow.items.variants[Cow.player.weaponVariant].val const damageAmount = damage * (Cow.player.weapon.sDmg || 1) * ( === 40 ? 3.3 : 1) const hits = Math.ceil( / damageAmount) const offsetY = menu.getModelActive("circle-bars") ? 2 : 22 context.font = `18px Hammersmith One` context.fillStyle = "#fff" context.textBaseline = "middle" context.textAlign = "center" context.lineWidth = 8 context.lineJoin = "round" context.translate(object.renderX, object.renderY) context.strokeText(hits, 0, offsetY) context.fillText(hits, 0, offsetY) context.restore() } if (!menu.getModelActive("health-bars")) return if (menu.getModelActive("circle-bars")) { const endAngle = (( / object.maxHealth) * 360) * (Math.PI / 180) const width = 14 const scale = 22 context.translate(object.renderX, object.renderY) context.rotate(object.dir ?? object.dir2) drawCircleBar("#3d3f42", width, scale, endAngle) drawCircleBar(menu.getModelValue("bars-color"), width / 2.5, scale, endAngle) context.restore() return } const { healthBarWidth, healthBarPad } = window.config const width = healthBarWidth / 2 - healthBarPad / 2 const height = 17 const radius = 8 context.translate(object.renderX, object.renderY) context.fillStyle = "#3d3f42" context.roundRect(-width - healthBarPad, -height / 2, 2 * width + 2 * healthBarPad, height, radius) context.fill() context.fillStyle = menu.getModelValue("bars-color") context.roundRect(-width, -height / 2 + healthBarPad, 2 * width * ( / object.maxHealth), height - 2 * healthBarPad, radius - 1) context.fill() context.restore() }) }) })()