A collection of css tweaks to be used with the "GitHub Custom Global Navigation" UserScript: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/478687-github-custom-global-navigation
/* ==UserStyle== @name Custom Global Nav Tweaks @namespace github.com/JunkiEDM @version 1.4.0 @description A collection of css tweaks to be used with the "GitHub Custom Global Navigation" UserScript: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/478687-github-custom-global-navigation @author JunkiEDM @preprocessor less @var checkbox full-buttons "Full mobile action buttons" 1 @var checkbox hide-reponav "Using GitHub Custom Global Navigation" 0 @var checkbox custom-header "Use custom header" 0 ==/UserStyle== */ @-moz-document domain("github.com") { & when (@hide-reponav = 1) { .AppHeader-context-compact { display: none; } } .AppHeader-context-full:not(.f3 *, .AppHeader-globalBar *) { font-size: 20px; } .AppHeader img.avatar.d-none { display: inline-block!important; } .customizedRepositoryHeader { padding-top: 0!important; & when (@full-buttons = 1) { &.mb-2, > div.mb-3 { margin-bottom: 0!important; } } } .about-margin { width: 100%; margin-left: 0; } @media (max-width: 767.98px) { :root { --Layout-pane-width: 100vw !important; } .Layout--sidebarPosition-flowRow-end { --Layout-sidebar-width: 100vw !important; } .Layout.Layout--sidebarPosition-end { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: stretch; width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; & > .Layout-sidebar { max-width: none !important; & > .about-margin { width: calc(100vw - 96px) !important; margin-left: 24px; } } } .Layout .Layout-main, .ml-n3 { margin-right: 0; } .AppHeader-context-full:not(.f3 *, .AppHeader-globalBar *) { font-size: 18px; } .customizedRepositoryHeader.px-md-4 { padding-right: var(--base-size-24, 24px); padding-left: var(--base-size-24, 24px); } & when (@full-buttons = 1) { @media (max-width: 460px) { & .btn .Counter, [data-component="buttonContent"] .Counter { display: none; } } @media (min-width: 330px) { & .btn .octicon:not(.octicon-triangle-down) { --icon-margin-right: 1vw; margin-right: calc(var(--icon-margin-right) + -1px)!important; &.octicon-bell { margin-right: calc(var(--icon-margin-right) + 1px)!important; } } & .d-inline { margin-left: -2px!important; } } #repository-container-header > .d-flex.flex-wrap.flex-justify-end.mb-3.px-3.px-md-4.px-lg-5 { margin-bottom: 0!important; } #responsive-meta-container { & > .d-block.d-md-none.mb-2.px-3.px-md-4.px-lg-5 { padding-top: var(--base-size-16, 16px) !important; & > .d-flex.flex-wrap.gap-2 { display: none!important; } } & .d-flex.gap-2.mt-n3.mb-3.flex-wrap { display: none !important; } } #repository-details-container { justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 100%; max-width: 100% !important; & > .pagehead-actions { max-width: calc(100vw - 36px); width: 100%; display: flex !important; justify-content: space-evenly; gap: 8px; & > li { display: flex; flex-grow: 1; margin-right: 0; @media (max-width: 330px) { /* browsing github with an ipod nano */ & .d-inline { display: none!important; } & .btn .octicon { margin-right: 0!important; vertical-align: middle!important; } & *:not(template) { content: " "!important; font-size: 0!important; } & .btn .dropdown-caret { margin-left: 8px; } } &:last-child:not(:has(*:not(template))) { display: none; } & .btn-sm { padding: 3px 8px; height: 100%; &:not(.px-2) { flex-grow: 1; } } & > *:not(template) { width: 100%; flex-grow: 1; text-align: center; &.starring-container { /* Star */ & .BtnGroup-parent:first-child .BtnGroup-item { width: 100%; height: 100%; } } &.d-flex { /* Fork */ &:has(> #fork-button), > div.position-relative.d-inline-block { display: flex!important; flex-grow: 1; & #fork-button { width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; align-content: center; } } } &:is(notifications-list-subscription-form) details, &:is([partial-name="notifications-subscriptions-menu"]) button { /* Watch */ width: 100%; & > summary { text-align: center; width: 100%; } } &:is([partial-name="notifications-subscriptions-menu"]) > [data-target="react-partial.reactRoot"] > div { &.d-md-none { display: none; } &.d-md-block.d-none { display: block !important; } } &:is(include-fragment) > div > button { width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 3px 32px; } &:is(details[id^="funding-links"]) > #sponsor-button, & > button[aria-label^="Sponsor"], &:is([data-url-param="sponsor"]) > button { width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; @media (max-width: 556px) { padding: 0; font-size: 0; &.btn-sm .octicon, .icon-sponsor { vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 0 !important; } } } } } } } } & when (@custom-header = 1) { #context-region-dialog:not([open]) { all: unset; display: contents; & > .Overlay-header, & > [data-catalyst] ul > li a svg { display: none; } & > [data-catalyst], [data-catalyst] :is(div, li) { display: contents; } & > [data-catalyst] ul { display: flex; position: absolute; top: 114px; left: 50px; z-index: 1; font-size: var(--h3-size-mobile, 18px) !important; font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-semibold, 600); & > li { & a:hover { color: var(--fgColor-default, var(--color-fg-default)) !important } &:first-of-type { &::after { margin: 2px; content: " / "; display: block; box-sizing: border-box; } } } } } #repo-title-component > strong[itemprop="name"] { display: none !important; } } #repository-container-header > .container-xl { flex-direction: column } #repository-container-header > .container-xl > .width-fit .d-none { display: inline-block !important; &:is([itemprop="name"], .Label--secondary) when (@custom-header = 1) { display: none !important; } } } }