To syntax highlight GreasyFork Code by PrismJS
// ==UserScript== // @name GreasyFork Code: Syntax Highlight by PrismJS // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @grant none // @version 0.4.1 // @author CY Fung // @description To syntax highlight GreasyFork Code by PrismJS // @run-at document-start // @inject-into page // @unwrap // @license MIT // @match* // @match* // // ==/UserScript== (() => { const USE_SHADOW_MODE = true; // performance fix for long coding const cdn = ''; const resoruces = { 'prism-core.js': `${cdn}/components/prism-core.js`, 'prism-clike.js': `${cdn}/components/prism-clike.min.js`, 'prism-javascript.js': `${cdn}/components/prism-javascript.min.js`, 'prism-css.js': `${cdn}/components/prism-css.min.js`, 'prism-stylus.js': `${cdn}/components/prism-stylus.min.js`, 'prism.css': `${cdn}/themes/prism.min.css`, 'prism-dark.css': `${cdn}/themes/prism-dark.min.css`, } const doActionCSS = () => ` .code-container, .code-container-shadow{ height:100vh; } .code-container .CodeMirror, .code-container textarea{ height:100%; } `; const global_css = () =>` html { line-height: 1.5; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -moz-tab-size: 4; -o-tab-size: 4; tab-size: 4; font-family: ui-sans-serif,system-ui,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica Neue,Arial,Noto Sans,sans-serif,Apple Color Emoji,Segoe UI Emoji,Segoe UI Symbol,Noto Color Emoji; font-feature-settings: normal; font-variation-settings: normal } .code-container code, .code-container kbd, .code-container pre, .code-container samp, .code-container-pre, .code-container-pre code, .code-container-pre pre { font-family: ui-monospace,SFMono-Regular,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,Liberation Mono,Courier New,monospace; font-size: 1em } #script-content > .code-container[class] { width: 100%; } .code-container[class], .code-container-shadow[class] { border-radius: 0; } .code-container > pre:only-child, .code-container-pre{ padding:0; } pre.code-container-pre[class]{ padding: 0; border: 0; margin: 0; } code.syntax-highlighted[class] { font-family: monospace; font-size: 13px; font-variant-ligatures: contextual; line-height: 1.15rem; text-shadow: none !important; } .hljs-comment[class], .hljs-quote[class] { font-style: inherit; color: #259789; } .hljs-add-marker-width .marker-fixed-width[class] { user-select: none !important; width: calc(var(--hljs-marker-width, 0em) + 16px); background: var(--marker-color-background, #f4f4f4); padding-right: 6px; margin-right: 4px; contain: paint style; color: var(--marker-color-text, inherit); } .marker-fixed-width[marker-text]::before { content:attr(marker-text); } `; const cssForCodePage = () => /\/scripts\/\d+[^\s\/\\]*\/code(\/|$)/.test(location.href) ? ` html:not([dkkfv]) div.code-container { display:none; } .code-container, .code-container pre:only-child, .code-container pre:only-child code:only-child, .code-container-pre { max-height: calc(100vh + 4px); max-width: calc(100vw + 4px); } ` : ''; const cssAdd = () =>` ${global_css()} ${cssForCodePage()} .code-container, .code-container-shadow { max-width: 100%; display: inline-flex; flex-direction: column; overflow: auto; border-radius: 8px; max-height: 100%; overflow: visible; } .code-container > pre:only-child, .code-container-pre { max-width: 100%; display: inline-flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; height: 0; } .code-container > pre:only-child > code:only-child, .code-container-pre > code:only-child{ max-width: 100%; flex-grow: 1; height: 0; } .code-container pre code, .code-container-pre code { padding: 0; font-family: Consolas; cursor: text; overflow: auto; box-sizing: border-box; } .code-container pre code .marker, .code-container-pre code .marker { display: inline-block; color: #636d83; text-align: right; padding-right: 20px; user-select: none; cursor: auto; } .code-container[contenteditable]{ outline: 0 !important; contain: strict; box-sizing: border-box; } .code-container[contenteditable]>pre[contenteditable="false"]{ contain: strict; width: initial; box-sizing: border-box; } html { --token-color-keyword: #07a; --token-color-punctuation: #1415ec; --token-color-comment: #259789; --token-color-function: #da204f; } [dark] { --token-color-keyword: #898af2; --token-color-punctuation: #fadbdb; --token-color-comment:#59c6b9; --token-color-function: #e98aa2; --marker-color-background: #242424; --marker-color-text: #b6b2b2; } code .token.comment { color: var(--token-color-comment); } code .token.atrule, code .token.attr-value, code .token.keyword { color: #1415ec; color: var(--token-color-keyword); } .language-stylus .token.atrule, .language-stylus .token.attr-value, .language-stylus .token.keyword { color: #700d0d; } code .token.punctuation{ color: var(--token-color-punctuation); } code .token.variable-declaration, code .token.variable { color: #0d10cd; } code .token.selector{ color: #1373bb; } code .token.function { color:var(--token-color-function); } .language-stylus .token.variable-declaration, .language-stylus .token.variable { color: #0d10cd; } .language-stylus .token.selector{ color: #1373bb; } .language-stylus .token.punctuation{ color:#700d0d; } .language-stylus .token.function { color:#da204f } .token, span.marker { contain: content; } `; const Promise = (async function () { })().constructor; const delayPn = delay => new Promise((fn => setTimeout(fn, delay))); const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => { const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject }; return class PromiseExternal extends Promise { constructor(cb = h) { super(cb); if (cb === h) { /** @type {(value: any) => void} */ this.resolve = resolve_; /** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */ this.reject = reject_; } } }; })(); // -------- fix requestIdleCallback issue for long coding -------- const pud = new PromiseExternal(); if (typeof window.requestIdleCallback === 'function' && !window.requestIdleCallback842 && window.requestIdleCallback.length === 1) { window.requestIdleCallback842 = window.requestIdleCallback; window.requestIdleCallback = function (callback, ...args) { console.error(322) return (this || window).requestIdleCallback842(async function () { await pud.then(); setTimeout(()=>{ callback.apply(this, arguments); }); }, ...args); } } // -------- fix requestIdleCallback issue for long coding -------- const pScript = new PromiseExternal(); const pElementQuery = new PromiseExternal(); HTMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName331 = HTMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName; Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName331 = Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName; HTMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTagName = getElementsByTagName; Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName = getElementsByTagName; let byPass = true; const observablePromise = (proc, timeoutPromise) => { let promise = null; return { obtain() { if (!promise) { promise = new Promise(resolve => { let mo = null; const f = () => { let t = proc(); if (t) { mo.disconnect(); mo.takeRecords(); mo = null; resolve(t); } } mo = new MutationObserver(f); mo.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }) f(); timeoutPromise && timeoutPromise.then(() => { resolve(null) }); }); } return promise } } } const documentReady = new Promise(resolve => { Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { resolve(); 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} else if (pre.classList.contains('lang-css')) { preLang = 'lang-css'; } else if (pre.classList.contains('uglyprint')){ let m =/\/\/\s*={2,9}(\w+)={2,9}\s*[\r\n]/.exec(pre.textContent); if(m){ m = m[1]; if(m === 'UserScript') preLang = 'lang-js'; if(m === 'UserStyle') preLang = 'lang-css'; } } if (preLang === 'lang-js') { className = 'language-javascript'; } else if (preLang === 'lang-css') { const text = textContent; let m = /\n@preprocessor\s+([-_a-zA-Z]{3,8})\s*\n/.exec(text); className = 'language-css' if (m) { const preprocessor = m[1]; if (preprocessor === 'stylus') { className = 'language-stylus'; } else if (preprocessor === 'uso') { className = 'language-stylus'; } else if (preprocessor === 'less') { className = 'language-less'; } else if (preprocessor === 'default') { className = 'language-stylus'; } else { className = 'language-stylus'; } } } return className; } /** @param {HTMLElement} pre */ function prepareCodeAreaAsync(pre) { if (pre.isConnected === false) return; const preParentNode = pre.parentNode; const preNextNode = pre.nextSibling; const codeContainer = pre.closest('.code-container'); const doContentEditable = codeContainer && codeContainer.querySelector('.code-container>pre:only-child'); pre.remove(); for (const li of pre.querySelectorAll('li')) { li.append(document.createTextNode('\n')); } const textContent = pre.textContent; const className = getLangClassName(pre, textContent); if (!className) return; if (doContentEditable) { // avoid selection to the outside by mouse dragging codeContainer.setAttribute('contenteditable', ''); pre.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'false'); } const code = document.createElement('code'); code.classList.add(className); code.classList.add('syntax-highlighted') let htmlCode = ''; if (className === 'language-javascript') { htmlCode = Prism.highlight(textContent, Prism.languages.javascript, 'javascript'); } else if (className === 'language-stylus') { htmlCode = Prism.highlight(textContent, Prism.languages.stylus, 'stylus'); } else if (className === 'language-less') { htmlCode = Prism.highlight(textContent, Prism.languages.less, 'less'); } else { htmlCode = Prism.highlight(textContent, Prism.languages.css, 'css'); } // Adding line numbers htmlCode = htmlCode || ''; const htmlSplit = htmlCode ? htmlCode.split('\n') : []; const totalLines = htmlSplit.length; let mwStyle = ''; if (totalLines >= 1) { code.classList.add('hljs-add-marker-width'); const len = `${totalLines}`.length * 0.5; mwStyle = `${len}em`; htmlCode =, i) => `<span class="marker marker-fixed-width" marker-text="${i + 1}"></span>${n}`).join('\n') || ''; } else { code.classList.remove('hljs-add-marker-width'); } code.innerHTML = htmlCode;'--hljs-marker-width', mwStyle); if(pre.firstChild === pre.lastChild && pre.firstChild instanceof Node){ pre.firstChild.replaceWith(code); }else{ pre.innerHTML = ''; pre.appendChild(code); } pre.classList.add('code-container-pre'); if(USE_SHADOW_MODE){ const shadowDiv = document.createElement("div"); shadowDiv.classList.add('code-container-shadow') const shadow = shadowDiv.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); const styles = document.querySelectorAll('link, style'); for(style of styles) { if(style.classList.contains("stylus")) continue; if(style.nodeName === 'LINK' && style.rel !== 'stylesheet') continue; shadow.appendChild(style.cloneNode(true)) } shadow.appendChild(pre) preParentNode.insertBefore(shadowDiv, preNextNode); }else{ preParentNode.insertBefore(pre, preNextNode); } } const documentBodyHeadReady = onBodyHeadReadyAsync(); documentBodyHeadReady.then(async () => { if (!location.pathname.endsWith('/code')) { return; } document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = `${cssAdd()}`; self.Prism = self.Prism || {}; self.Prism.manual = true; await loadJS(resoruces['prism-core.js']); await loadJS(resoruces['prism-clike.js']); await loadJS(resoruces['prism-javascript.js']); await loadJS(resoruces['prism-css.js']); await loadJS(resoruces['prism-stylus.js']); if (document.documentElement.hasAttribute('dark')) { loadCSS(resoruces['prism-dark.css']); } else { loadCSS(resoruces['prism.css']); } pScript.resolve(); }); let keydownActive = false; documentReady.then(async () => { if (!location.pathname.endsWith('/code')) { byPass = false; return; } await pScript.then(); await Promise.race([pElementQuery, delayPn(800)]); const targets = document.querySelectorAll('.code-container pre.lang-js, .code-container pre.lang-css, .code-container pre.uglyprint'); // pre.uglyprint : too long code ; see if (targets.length === 0) return; await delayPn(40); document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).textContent = doActionCSS(); await delayPn(40); byPass = false; // Code highlighting const promises = [...targets].map(prepareCodeAreaAsync) await Promise.all(promises); await delayPn(40); document.documentElement.setAttribute('dkkfv', ''); keydownActive = true; }); function selectAllWithinElement(element) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); let range = document.createRange(); if (element) { range.selectNodeContents(element); window.getSelection().addRange(range); } else { console.error('Element not found with ID:', element); } } document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => { if (keydownActive && e && e.code === 'KeyA' && e.isTrusted && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { const target =; const container = target ? target.closest('div.code-container') : null; const code = container ? container.querySelector('code') : null; if (container && code) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); setTimeout(() => { selectAllWithinElement(code); }, 1) } } }, true); })();