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dc-fetch series

시리즈 게시글 목차 불러오기

// ==UserScript==
// @name         dc-fetch series
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  시리즈 게시글 목차 불러오기
// @author       You
// @match        https://gall.dcinside.com/board/view*
// @match        https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=dcinside.com
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(async function() {
'use strict';
const CACHE_VALID_TIME = 3 * 3600 * 1000
async function getCached(key)
const value = await GM.getValue(key);
if(!value) return null;
const parsed = JSON.parse(value);
if(Date.now() - parsed.time >= CACHE_VALID_TIME) return null;
return parsed.value;
async function setCached(key, value, forced = false)
const cached = getCached(key);
if(!forced && JSON.stringify(value) === JSON.stringify(cached)) return cached;
await GM.setValue(key, JSON.stringify({ value, time: Date.now() }));
return value;
async function invalidateCached(key)
await GM.setValue(key, JSON.stringify({ value: null, time: -Infinity }));
function extractQueryString(href) // without ?
if(href.includes('?')) href = href.slice(href.indexOf('?') + 1)
if(href.includes('#')) href = href.slice(0, href.indexOf('#'))
return href;
function parseQueryString(str)
const pairs = extractQueryString(str).split('&').map(v => v.split('='))
const map = new Map();
for(let [key, value] of pairs){
key = key.slice(0, -2);
value = value.split(',');
const old = map.get(key)
map.set(key, old.concat(value))
map.set(key, [].concat(old, value))
map.set(key, value)
return map;
async function fetchDom(uri)
const key = 'fetch|' + uri;
let text = await getCached(key);
if(text === null){
console.log('fetch ' + uri);
const res = await fetch(uri);
text = await res.text();
await setCached(key, text);
console.log('fetch ' + uri + ' from cache');
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'text/html');
async function search(id, keyword, is_mgallery = false)
const uri = `https://gall.dcinside.com/${is_mgallery ? 'mgallery/' : '' }board/lists`;
const qs = `?id=${id}&s_type=search_subject_memo&s_keyword=${encodeURIComponent(keyword).replace(/%/g, '.')}`;
const dom = await fetchDom(`${uri}${qs}`);
const search_list = dom.getElementById('kakao_seach_list');
const trs = Array.from(search_list.getElementsByTagName('tr'));
return trs.map(tr => {
const $ = selector => tr.querySelector(selector)
const text = element => element.innerText.trim()
return {
no: +text($('.gall_num')),
uri: $('a').href,
title: text($('.gall_tit')),
gall_title: text($('.gall_name')),
date: text($('.gall_date'))
// console.error(dom, e)
return null;
}).filter(article => article);
function parseTitle(title)
title = title.trim()
title = title.split(')').slice(1).join(')');
const matched = title.match(/(\d+)화/)
if(matched !== null) {
let comment = title.slice(matched.index + matched[0].length).trim()
while(comment.startsWith('(') && comment.endsWith(')')){
comment = comment.slice(1, -1).trim()
return {
keyword: title.slice(0, matched.index).trim(),
series_no: +matched[1].trim(),
} else {
return {
keyword: title,
series_no: 1,
comment: ''
function normalize(title)
return title.replace(/[[\]{}()~?!*&^%$#@+_":><';|\\ ,]/g, '')
function str_distance(a, b)
if(a === b) return 0;
function make_pairs(str)
return Array(str.length-1).fill(null).map((_, i) => str.slice(i, i+2))
const a_pairs = make_pairs(a);
const a_set = new Set(a_pairs);
const b_pairs = make_pairs(b)
const b_set = new Set(b_pairs);
let distance = 1;
b_pairs.forEach(pair => {
if(!a_set.has(pair)) {
a_pairs.forEach(pair => {
if(!b_set.has(pair)) {
return distance;
const query = parseQueryString(location.search)
if(!query.has('id') || !query.has('no')) return;
const id = query.get('id');
const no = query.get('no');
const title = document.getElementsByClassName('title_subject')[0].innerText;
const {keyword, series_no, comment} = parseTitle(title);
const search_r###lt = await search(id, keyword, location.pathname.startsWith('/mgallery'));
const normalized_keyword = normalize(keyword);
const related = search_r###lt
.map(r###lt => {
return {
.filter(article => {
const article_qs = parseQueryString(article.uri)
// if(article_qs.get('id') !== id) return false;
return str_distance(normalize(article.keyword), normalized_keyword) <= 4
console.log('keyword', keyword);
console.log('related', related);
const series_article_sorted = related
.concat({series_no, title, uri: location.href})
.sort((a, b) => b.series_no - a.series_no);
function is_same_article_uri(a, b) {
if(typeof a !== 'string' || typeof b !== 'string') return false;
const a_content_qs = parseQueryString(a);
const b_content_qs = parseQueryString(b);
return a_content_qs.get('id') === b_content_qs.get('id') && a_content_qs.get('no') === b_content_qs.get('no')
function series_content_assertion(dom) {
const content = dom.getElementsByClassName('write_div')[0];
if(content.innerHTML.length < 30) throw new Error('낚시(너무 짧음)');
const series = dom.getElementsByClassName('dc_series')[0];
if(!series) throw new Error('시리즈 없음');
async function getFail(uri)
const key = 'fail|' + uri;
return await getCached(key);
async function setFail(uri, message)
const key = 'fail|' + uri;
return await setCached(key, message);
async function getSeries(series_last_article)
const key = 'series|' + series_last_article.uri;
const value = await getCached(key);
if(value) return new DOMParser().parseFromString(value, 'text/html').body.children[0];
const dom = await fetchDom(series_last_article.uri);
const series = dom.getElementsByClassName('dc_series')[0];
const series_content = Array.from(series.children)
const last_article_series_element = series_content.at(-2).cloneNode(true);
last_article_series_element.href = series_last_article.uri;
last_article_series_element.innerText = '· ' + series_last_article.title
await setCached(key, series.outerHTML)
return series;
async function invalidate(uri)
await invalidateCached('fail|' + uri);
await invalidateCached('series|' + uri);
// series_article_sorted.forEach(article => invalidate(article.uri));
for(const series_last_article of series_article_sorted) {
const lastFail = await getFail(series_last_article.uri);
if(lastFail) throw { message: lastFail };
const series = await getSeries(series_last_article);
const series_content = Array.from(series.children)
const content_self = series_content.filter(content => {
if(typeof content.href !== 'string') return false;
const content_qs = parseQueryString(content.href);
return is_same_article_uri(content.href, location.href);
if(!is_same_article_uri(series_last_article.uri, location.href) && content_self.length === 0)
throw new Error('자기 자신이 없음');
content_self.forEach(content => {
content.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
const local_series = document.getElementsByClassName('dc_series')[0];
const content = document.getElementsByClassName('write_div')[0];
local_series.style.display = 'none';
local_series.parentNode.insertBefore(series, local_series);
console.log('성공: ', series_last_article.uri);
console.log('실패: ', series_last_article.uri, e);
await setFail(series_last_article.uri, e.message);