Modified Shutdownchat, unmatched scripts, brace to be thunderstruck
// ==UserScript== // @name Meklin Shutdownchat Script // @version 1.9 // @description Modified Shutdownchat, unmatched scripts, brace to be thunderstruck // @author MeKLiN // @namespace // @match* // @icon // @license MIT // @grant none // @exclude* // @exclude* // @run-at document-start // @require // @require // ==/UserScript== // Declare global variables var blocked_uuids = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('blocked_uuids')) || []; var observer; var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); var customChatmsg; var customInputWindow; var customInputWindow2; var customInputWindow3; var customInputWindow4; // Declare only once var clonedGridboxTools; //dontusethis var ignoreListDiv = document.createElement("div"); // Call the function to observe the chatbox observeChatbox(); // Function to initialize the script function initializeScript() { console.log("MSS 1.1 STARTED"); debugger; // Call the function to create the toggle button createToggleButton(); // Call the initial function to start handling new chat messages handleNewChatMessages(); // Call the function to observe mutations in the chatbox observeChatboxMutations(); // Call the function to create the ignore list button createButtons(); // Call the function to create the save and load buttons createSaveLoadButtons(); // Call the function to create the ignore button in the user menu createIgnoreButton(); // Call the function to create the clear cache button createClearCacheButton(); // Call the function to create the collapse button createCollapseButton(); // Clone gridbox cloneGridbox(); // Create the custom input window createCustomInputWindow(); // Create additional custom input window createAdditionalCustomInputWindow(); // Now, you should be able to access customInputWindow console.log(customInputWindow); // Call the function to ignore a user ignoreUser('example_uuid'); // Call the cloneGridbox function when needed cloneGridbox(); // Call the function to create Ignore List Button createIgnoreListButton(); // Call the function to initialize the observer initializeObserver(); // Create customInputWindow4 customInputWindow4 = document.createElement("div"); customInputWindow4.className = "your-custom-class"; // Clone gridbox function cloneGridbox() { var gridboxTools = document.querySelector('.gridbox_tools'); var clonedGridboxTools = gridboxTools.cloneNode(true); // Append the new button to the custom input window customInputWindow4.appendChild(clonedGridboxTools); // ... other logic related to cloneGridbox ... // Append the custom input window to the body document.body.appendChild(customInputWindow4); } } // Function to initialize the observer function initializeObserver() { // Check if the .chatbox element is found if (chatbox) { // Initialize the observer if not already initialized if (!observer) { observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // Handle mutations console.log("Mutations:", mutations); // You can add your logic to handle mutations here }); // Start observing the .chatbox element observer.observe(chatbox, { childList: true }); } } } // Call the function to initialize the observer initializeObserver(); console.log("MAIN OBSERVER INITIALIZED") function createToggleButton() { // Add a button to the body var toggleBackgroundButton = document.createElement("button"); toggleBackgroundButton.textContent = "Toggle Background"; document.body.appendChild(toggleBackgroundButton); // Add an event listener to the button toggleBackgroundButton.addEventListener("click", function() { // Get the container element var container = document.querySelector("#container"); // Toggle the background style if ( === "") { // Set the background color when it's not set = "#e0e0e0"; } else { // Remove the background color when it's set = ""; } }); } // Function to observe mutations in the chatbox function observeChatboxMutations() { var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox') if (chatbox instanceof Node && !observer) { // Create a mutation observer to monitor changes in the chatbox observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (node) { if (node.nodeName === "P" && node.dataset.t === "c") { // Your logic for handling new chat messages goes here console.log("Processing Chatbox Now"); } }); }); }); // Start observing the chatbox observer.observe(chatbox, { childList: true }); } else { console.error("Chatbox element not found or is not a valid Node. Cannot add event listener."); } } // Now you can call observeChatbox() from any other function that needs to observe the chatbox // Function to create a MutationObserver for the chatbox function observeChatbox() { // Get the chatbox element var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); // Check if the chatbox element is found if (chatbox) { // Initialize the observer if not already initialized if (!observer) { observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // Handle mutations console.log("Mutations:", mutations); // You can add your logic to handle mutations here }); // Start observing the chatbox observer.observe(chatbox, { childList: true }); } } else { console.error("Chatbox element not found. Cannot add event listener."); } } // Function to handle system messages function handleSystemMessage(systemNode) { // Move system messages to the bottom right in their own DIV var systemDiv = document.createElement("div"); systemDiv.className = "system-message"; = "fixed"; = "10px"; = "10px"; = "#f0f0f0"; = "10px"; systemDiv.appendChild(systemNode.cloneNode(true)); document.body.appendChild(systemDiv); } function createCollapseButton() { console.log("createCollapseButton function is called"); var collapseButton = document.createElement("button"); // Set the inner HTML with an SVG and additional text collapseButton.innerHTML = `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/> <path d="M8 4v5l-2.5-1.5L3 9V4l5-2zm8 0l5 2v5l-2.5-1.5L16 9V4zM3 11l3.5-1.5L8 11V9L3 7zm13 0l3.5-1.5L21 11V9l-5-2z"/> </svg>min`; // Adjust the font size of the text = "12px"; // Adjust the font size as needed = "fixed"; = "90px"; = "10px"; // Function to append the button to the body function appendButtonToBody() { document.body.appendChild(collapseButton); } // Check if the body is available if (document.body) { // Append the collapseButton to the body appendButtonToBody(); } else { // If the body is not available, wait for DOMContentLoaded event document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", appendButtonToBody); } collapseButton.addEventListener("click", function () { // Toggle visibility of the chatbox var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); = ( === 'none' || === '') ? 'block' : 'none'; }); // Get the chatbox element after creating the button var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); // Check if the chatbox element is found if (chatbox) { // Initialize the observer if not already initialized if (!observer) { observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // Handle mutations console.log("Mutations:", mutations); // You can add your logic to handle mutations here }); // Start observing the chatbox observer.observe(chatbox, { childList: true }); } // Log the chatbox element to the console console.log("Chatbox element:", chatbox); } } function handleNewChatMessages() { // Get the chatbox element console.log("Attempting to get chatbox element"); var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); // Check if the chatbox element is found if (!chatbox) { console.error("Chatbox element not found. Cannot add event listener."); return; } console.log("Chatbox element found. Proceeding with event listener setup."); // Use the existing observer if not already initialized if (!observer) { observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { // Handle mutations mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (node) { handleChatMessage(node); console.log("Mutations:", mutations); // You can add your logic to handle mutations here }); }); }); // Start observing the chatbox if observer is defined if (typeof observer !== 'undefined' && observer !== null) { observer.observe(chatbox, { childList: true }); } else { console.error("Observer not defined. Cannot add event listener."); } } // Continue with handling new chat messages var chatboxElems = chatbox.getElementsByTagName('p'); for (var i = 0; i < chatboxElems.length; i++) { var chatElem = chatboxElems[i]; if (!chatElem.handled) { chatElem.handled = true; // Additional logic for handling specific types of messages // Remove text containing 'roll' if (chatElem.textContent.toLowerCase().includes('roll')) { = 'none'; // hide the message } // Alter messages of the type .fs_3 if (chatElem.classList.contains('fs_3')) { = '12px'; = 'white'; } // Check if the message is a system message var systemMessage = chatElem.classList.contains('system'); if (systemMessage) { // Add a button to hide the system message addHideButtonToSystemMessage(chatElem); } else { // Check if the user is ignored var fcuserSpan = chatElem.querySelector('.nm.fcuser, .nm.fcmod, .user'); var uuid = fcuserSpan ? fcuserSpan.dataset.uuid : null; console.log("fcuserSpan:", fcuserSpan); // Add this line to log fcuserSpan console.log("uuid:", uuid); // Add this line to log uuid if (uuid) { // Check if the user is ignored var isIgnored = blocked_uuids.includes(uuid); // Modify the appearance based on whether the user is ignored or not if (isIgnored) { = 'none'; // hide the message } else { // Add an "ignore" button to the user menu addIgnoreButtonToUserMenu(uuid); } } } } } } // Function to get the user UUID from the user list within FreeChat context function getUserUUIDFromUserList() { var userContainer = document.querySelector("#chat > div.fc > div.gridbox_list > div.userlist p.user.fcuser[data-uuid]"); if (userContainer) { return userContainer.dataset.uuid; } else { // If user container is not found, set up a MutationObserver to wait for changes var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { userContainer = document.querySelector("#chat > div.fc > div.gridbox_list > div.userlist p.user.fcuser[data-uuid]"); if (userContainer) { console.log("User container found after mutation."); console.log("User UUID: ", userContainer.dataset.uuid); // Stop observing once the user container is found observer.disconnect(); } }); // Start observing changes in the user list observer.observe(document.querySelector("#chat > div.fc > div.gridbox_list > div.userlist"), { childList: true, subtree: true }); console.error("User container not found in the user list within FreeChat context. Waiting for mutations..."); return null; } } // Define createIgnoreListButton globally function createIgnoreListButton() { console.log("createIgnoreListButton function is called"); var ignoreListButton = document.createElement("button"); ignoreListButton.innerHTML = `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/><path d="M20 18V8a6 6 0 0 0-12 0v10h12zM12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12v10h2V12a5.978 5.978 0 0 1 5.985-6H12V2zm8.293 2.293a1 1 0 0 1 1.414 0l1.414 1.414a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.414L19.414 10l3.707 3.707a1 1 0 0 1 0 1.414l-1.414 1.414a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 0L18 13.414l-3.707 3.707a1 1 0 0 1-1.414 0l-1.414-1.414a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.414L14.586 12 10.88 8.293a1 1 0 0 1 0-1.414L12.294 5.465a1 1 0 0 1 1.414 0z"/></svg>lst`; = "fixed"; = "100px"; = "10px"; ignoreListButton.addEventListener("click", function () { // Display the ignore list (you can customize this part) alert("Ignore List:\n" + blocked_uuids.join(", ")); }); document.body.appendChild(ignoreListButton); } // Wrap function calls inside DomContentLoaded event listener ensuring page load document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { // Function to be called after DOMContentLoaded function afterDOMContentLoaded() { console.log("dom loaded!") } // Use MutationObserver to detect when userlist and chatbox are added to the DOM var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (node) { if (node.classList && (node.classList.contains('userlist') || node.classList.contains('chatbox'))) { // Userlist or chatbox added to the DOM, stop observing and call functions observer.disconnect(); afterDOMContentLoaded(); } }); }); }); // Start observing the body for added nodes observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); // Check if userlist and chatbox are already present var userlist = document.querySelector('.userlist'); var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); if (userlist && chatbox) { // Call the function to create the button createIgnoreListButton(); // ... rest of your code ... } else { console.error("The userlist element is not found."); } }); // Function to remove chat log entries function removeChatEntries() { // Get all chat log entries var chatEntries = document.querySelectorAll('.chat-entry'); // Remove each chat log entry chatEntries.forEach(function (entry) { entry.remove(); }); } // Example usage removeChatEntries(); // Function to show a notification function showNotification(message) { var notification = document.createElement("div"); = "fixed"; = "10px"; = "10px"; = "#000000"; = "10px"; = "1px solid #ccc"; = "5px"; = "12px"; = "#C0FF00"; = 1; = "opacity 2s ease-in-out"; notification.innerHTML = message; document.body.appendChild(notification); // Set a timeout to fade out the notification setTimeout(function () { = 0; }, 5000); // Adjust the timeout value as needed // Remove the notification from the DOM after fading out setTimeout(function () { document.body.removeChild(notification); }, 6000); // Adjust the timeout value to match the fade-out duration } // Function to create a button to clear the JSON local saved cache function createClearCacheButton() { console.log("createClearCacheButton function is called"); var clearCacheButton = document.createElement("button"); clearCacheButton.innerText = "clr"; = "fixed"; = "50px"; = "10px"; clearCacheButton.addEventListener("click", function () { // Clear the JSON local saved cache localStorage.removeItem('blocked_uuids'); showNotification("Cache cleared. Please refresh the page."); }); // Check if the body is available if (document.body) { // Append the clearCacheButton to the body document.body.appendChild(clearCacheButton); } else { // If the body is not available, wait for DOMContentLoaded event document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Append the clearCacheButton to the body document.body.appendChild(clearCacheButton); }); } } // Function to create a button to collapse the view function getNickname(fcuserSpan) { if (!fcuserSpan) return; // Check if fcuserSpan is a direct child of p var isDirectChild = fcuserSpan.parentNode.nodeName === "P"; var nickname; if (isDirectChild) { nickname = fcuserSpan.innerText.replace(/[:\-]/g, '').trim(); } else { // If not a direct child, assume it's under an anchor tag (a) in the user list nickname = fcuserSpan.parentNode.querySelector('.fcuser').innerText.replace(/[:\-]/g, '').trim(); } return nickname; } // Function to handle the new chat messages // Function to add a button to hide system messages function addHideButtonToSystemMessage(chatElem) { var hideButton = document.createElement('button'); hideButton.textContent = 'Hide'; = '5px'; hideButton.addEventListener('click', function () { = 'none'; // hide the system message }); // Append the button to the system message chatElem.appendChild(hideButton); } // Function to add an "ignore" button to the user menu function addIgnoreButtonToUserMenu(chatElem) { // Check if the user menu exists var userMenu = document.querySelector('.usermenu'); if (userMenu && chatElem && chatElem.querySelector) { // Check if the user is already ignored var uuid = chatElem.querySelector('.nm.fcuser, .nm.fcmod')?.dataset.uuid; var isIgnored = blocked_uuids.includes(uuid); // Create a button for either ignoring or unignoring the user var ignoreButton = document.createElement('button'); ignoreButton.textContent = isIgnored ? 'Unignore' : 'Ignore'; // Add an event listener to handle ignoring/unignoring the user ignoreButton.addEventListener('click', function () { if (isIgnored) { // Unignore the user unignoreUser(uuid); } else { // Ignore the user ignoreUser(uuid); } }); // Append the button to the user menu userMenu.appendChild(ignoreButton); } else { console.error("Invalid userMenu, chatElem, or querySelector is not supported. Conditions: userMenu=" + userMenu + ", chatElem=" + chatElem + ", chatElem.querySelector=" + (chatElem ? chatElem.querySelector : null)); } } // Function to ignore a user function ignoreUser(uuid) { // Add your logic here to handle ignoring a user // For example, you can add the user's UUID to the blocked_uuids array blocked_uuids.push(uuid); // Save the updated blocked_uuids to localStorage localStorage.setItem('blocked_uuids', JSON.stringify(blocked_uuids)); // You can also add additional logic as needed console.log("Ignoring user with UUID:", uuid); } // Function to unignore a user function unignoreUser(uuid) { blocked_uuids = blocked_uuids.filter(function (blockedUuid) { return blockedUuid !== uuid; }); // Add additional logic as needed console.log("Unignoring user with UUID:", uuid); } // Function to get the user UUID from a chat message function getUserUUIDFromChatMessage(messageNode) { var uuidElement = messageNode.querySelector('.nm.fcuser, .nm.fcmod'); if (uuidElement) { return uuidElement.dataset.uuid; } else { console.error("UUID element not found in the chat message:", messageNode); return null; } } // Function to handle different types of chat messages function handleChatMessage(node) { // Check if the node is a chat message if (node.nodeName === "P" && node.dataset.t === "c") { // Get the uuid of the user who sent the message var uuid = getUserUUIDFromChatMessage(node); if (uuid) { console.log("Found message with UUID:", uuid); // Check if the uuid is in the blocked list if (blocked_uuids.includes(uuid)) { console.log("Blocking message with UUID:", uuid); // Hide the message = "none"; } else { // Alter messages of the type .fs_3 if (node.classList.contains('fs_3')) { = '12px'; = 'white'; } // Add an "ignore" button to the user menu addIgnoreButtonToUserMenu(node); } } } else if (node.nodeName === "P" && node.querySelector(".sysmsg.fcsys")) { // Handle system messages handleSystemMessage(node); } } // Function to block/unblock a user function blockUser(uuid) { console.log("blockUser function is called"); var index = blocked_uuids.indexOf(uuid); if (index !== -1) { // User is already blocked, so unblock blocked_uuids.splice(index, 1); showNotification("User unblocked!"); } else { // User is not blocked, so block blocked_uuids.push(uuid); showNotification("User blocked!"); } // Save the updated blocked_uuids to localStorage localStorage.setItem('blocked_uuids', JSON.stringify(blocked_uuids)); } // usermenu block button event listener: document.querySelector('.usermenu button[data-btntype="block"]').addEventListener('click', function() { console.log("User menu block button clicked"); // Get the parent element of the button, assuming it contains user-related data var userContainer = this.closest('.user-container'); // Assuming the user UUID is stored in a data attribute called data-uuid var userUUID = userContainer ? userContainer.dataset.uuid : null; // Check if userUUID is not null before blocking if (userUUID) { // Now you have the user UUID, and you can proceed to block the user blockUser(userUUID); } else { console.error("User UUID not found. Unable to block user."); } }); // Function to create an ignore button in the user menu function createIgnoreButton() { console.log("createIgnoreButton function is called"); // Check if the ignore button is already created var ignoreButton = document.querySelector('.usermenu button[data-btntype="ignore"]'); if (!ignoreButton) { ignoreButton = document.createElement("button"); ignoreButton.innerText = "Ignore"; ignoreButton.setAttribute("data-btntype", "ignore"); // Set a new attribute for identification = "block"; = "5px"; // Adjust the styling as needed // Insert the ignore button into the user menu var userMenu = document.querySelector('.usermenu'); if (userMenu) { userMenu.insertBefore(ignoreButton, userMenu.firstChild); // Add click event directly to the button ignoreButton.addEventListener("click", function () { // Log to console to check if the button click is being registered console.log("Ignore button clicked"); // Invoke the function to get the user UUID from the user list var userUUID = getUserUUIDFromUserList(); // Check if the user UUID is found if (userUUID) { blockUser(userUUID); } else { console.error("User UUID not found. Ignoring user without blocking."); } }); } else { console.error("User menu not found."); } } } // Function to get the user UUID from the chat log function getUserUUIDFromChatLog() { var chatLog = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); if (chatLog) { // Find the first chat message in the log var firstChatMessage = chatLog.querySelector('p[data-t="c"]'); if (firstChatMessage) { // Get the UUID from the first chat message var uuidElement = firstChatMessage.querySelector('.nm.fcuser, .nm.fcmod'); if (uuidElement) { return uuidElement.dataset.uuid; } else { // Handle the case where UUID element is not found console.error("UUID element not found in the first chat message:", firstChatMessage); return null; } } else { // Handle the case where no chat messages are found console.error("No chat messages found in the chat log."); return null; } } else { // Handle the case where the chatbox element is not found console.error("Chatbox element not found."); return null; } } // Create the ignore list div once and append the content dynamically var ignoreListDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "fixed"; = "135px"; // Move to the top = "10px"; = "white"; // Adjust styling as needed = "10px"; = "1px solid black"; // Add border for visibility = "12px"; // Set font size to 12px // Create a heading for the ignore list var ignoreListHeading = document.createElement("h3"); ignoreListHeading.innerText = "Ignore List"; ignoreListDiv.appendChild(ignoreListHeading); // Create a list to display ignored users var ignoreList = document.createElement("ul"); = "none"; // Remove default list styling ignoreListDiv.appendChild(ignoreList); // Append the ignore list div to the body document.body.appendChild(ignoreListDiv); // Function to create a list item with the ignore list entry and remove button function createIgnoreListItem(uuid, username) { var listItem = document.createElement("li"); listItem.innerText = `${username} (${uuid})`; // Create a remove button for each entry var removeButton = document.createElement("button"); removeButton.innerText = "Remove"; removeButton.addEventListener("click", function () { // Remove the entry when the button is clicked removeIgnoreEntry(uuid); }); // Append the remove button to the list item listItem.appendChild(removeButton); // Append the list item to the ignore list ignoreList.appendChild(listItem); } // Function to refresh the ignore list display function refreshIgnoreList() { // Clear the existing content ignoreList.innerHTML = ""; // Populate the ignore list with entries and remove buttons blocked_uuids.forEach(function (uuid) { createIgnoreListItem(uuid); }); } // Populate the ignore list with entries and remove buttons blocked_uuids.forEach(function (uuid) { createIgnoreListItem(uuid); }); // Function to handle removing an entry from the ignore list function removeIgnoreEntry(uuid) { var index = blocked_uuids.indexOf(uuid); if (index !== -1) { // Remove the entry from the ignore list blocked_uuids.splice(index, 1); // Refresh the ignore list display after removal refreshIgnoreList(); } } // Function to save blocked_uuids to a text file function saveToTextFile() { var textToSave = blocked_uuids.join('\n'); var blob = new Blob([textToSave], { type: 'text/plain' }); var link = document.createElement('a'); = 'ignore_list.txt'; link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); link.onclick = function () { document.body.removeChild(link); }; = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(link);; } // Function to load blocked_uuids from a text file function loadFromTextFile() { var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'file'; input.accept = '.txt'; input.onchange = function (event) { var file =[0]; if (file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { // Parse the content of the file and update blocked_uuids blocked_uuids ='\n').map(function (uuid) { return uuid.trim(); }); // Update the ignore list display refreshIgnoreList(); }; reader.readAsText(file); } };; } // Function to create a button to save and load ignore list function createSaveLoadButtons() { var saveButton = document.createElement("button"); saveButton.innerText = "Save to Text File"; saveButton.addEventListener("click", function () { saveToTextFile(); }); var loadButton = document.createElement("button"); loadButton.innerText = "Load from Text File"; loadButton.addEventListener("click", function () { loadFromTextFile(); }); var buttonContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "10px"; buttonContainer.appendChild(saveButton); buttonContainer.appendChild(loadButton); // Append the button container to the ignore list div ignoreListDiv.appendChild(buttonContainer); } // Function to create buttons, including the collapse button function createButtons() { // Create a container for the buttons var buttonContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "fixed"; = "10px"; = "10px"; document.body.appendChild(buttonContainer); // Function to create a button function createButton(text, clickHandler) { var button = document.createElement("button"); button.innerText = text; button.addEventListener("click", clickHandler); buttonContainer.appendChild(button); } // Create the collapse button createButton("Collapse", function () { var chatbox = document.querySelector('.chatbox'); = ( === 'none' || === '') ? 'block' : 'none'; }); // Create the clear cache button createButton("Clear Cache", function () { localStorage.removeItem('blocked_uuids'); showNotification("Cache cleared. Please refresh the page."); }); // Create the button to hide system messages createButton("Hide System", function () { // Get all system messages var systemMessages = document.querySelectorAll('.chatbox .system'); // Toggle visibility of system messages systemMessages.forEach(function (systemMessage) { = ( === 'none' || === '') ? 'block' : 'none'; }); }); } // Function to create and style the gridbox_tools clone input window function createCustomInputWindow() { // Create the custom input window var customInputWindow1 = document.createElement("div"); customInputWindow.className = "gridbox_tools"; customInputWindow.innerHTML = ` <div class="tb"> <!-- Add other elements here similar to the default menu --> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="chatmsg fs_1" style="color: rgb(221, 221, 221);" maxlength="500"> <button class="sendbtn material-icons">Send</button> </div> `; // Append the custom input window to the body document.body.appendChild(customInputWindow); // Style the text input var customChatmsg = customInputWindow.querySelector(".chatmsg"); = "1"; = "5px"; // Style the send button var customSendbtn = customInputWindow.querySelector(".sendbtn"); customSendbtn.innerText = "msg"; // Customize the button text as needed // Add event listener for the send button customSendbtn.addEventListener("click", function () { handleCustomButtonClick(customChatmsg.value.trim()); }); } // Function to create and style additional custom input window function createAdditionalCustomInputWindow() { // Create the custom input window var customInputWindow2 = document.createElement("div"); customInputWindow2.className = "command-input-window"; customInputWindow2.innerHTML = ` <input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="custom-chatmsg" placeholder="Type your command..."> <button class="custom-sendbtn material-icons">Send</button> <button class="custom-sendbtn2">Send 2</button> `; // Style the custom input window = "fixed"; = "10px"; = "10px"; = "flex"; = "center"; // Append the custom input window to the body document.body.appendChild(customInputWindow2); // Style the text input var customChatmsg = customInputWindow2.querySelector(".custom-chatmsg"); = "1"; = "5px"; // Style the send buttons var customSendbtn = customInputWindow2.querySelector(".custom-sendbtn"); customSendbtn.innerText = "cmd"; // Customize the button text as needed var customSendbtn2 = customInputWindow2.querySelector(".custom-sendbtn2"); customSendbtn2.innerText = "msg"; // Customize the button text as needed var sendButtons = [customSendbtn, customSendbtn2]; // Create a third button for saying hello var customSendbtn3 = document.createElement("button"); customSendbtn3.innerText = "hi"; // Customize the button text as needed // Append the button to the custom input window customInputWindow2.appendChild(customSendbtn3); // Add an event listener for the "Send" button customSendbtn.addEventListener("click", function () { handleCustomButtonClick(customChatmsg.value.trim()); }); // Add a click event listener to the "Hello" button customSendbtn3.addEventListener("click", function () { // Your logic for handling the "Hello" button goes here var command = customChatmsg.value.trim(); // Clear the input field after processing the command customChatmsg.value = ""; // Simulate a click on the button; }); // Create the button element var customSendBtn = document.createElement("button"); customSendBtn.className = "sendbtn"; // Add the desired class name customSendBtn.innerHTML = '<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M3 3h18v2H3V3zm0 4h12v2H3V7zm0 4h18v2H3v-2zm0 4h12v2H3v-2z"></path></svg>'; // Replace the innerHTML with your SVG code or use an external SVG file // Append the button to the desired container (e.g., document.body) document.body.appendChild(customSendBtn); // Append the third button to the custom input window customInputWindow2.appendChild(customSendbtn3); // Style all send buttons sendButtons.forEach(function (btn) { = "pointer"; = "5px"; // Add event listener for each button btn.addEventListener("click", function () { handleButtonClick(btn); console.log("handleButtonClick clicked!"); }); }); // Append the new button to the custom input window customInputWindow2.appendChild(customSendbtn2); // Add an event listener for the new "Message" button customSendbtn2.addEventListener("click", function () { // Your logic for handling the command goes here var command = customChatmsg.value.trim(); // Clear the input field after processing the command customChatmsg.value = ""; }); // Append the new button to the custom input window customInputWindow2.appendChild(customSendbtn2); // Function to handle default "Send" button click function handleDefaultSendButtonClick(btn, customChatmsg) { var command = customChatmsg.value.trim(); // Your logic for handling the command with the default "Send" button goes here // Use btn to identify which button triggered the click event // Clear the input field after processing the command customChatmsg.value = ""; } // Add an event listener for the original "Send" button var defaultSendBtn = customInputWindow.querySelector(".sendbtn"); defaultSendBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { handleButtonClick(defaultSendBtn); }); // Function to handle button clicks function handleButtonClick(btn, customChatmsg) { var command = customChatmsg.value.trim(); // Your logic for handling the command goes here // Use btn to identify which button triggered the click event // Clear the input field after processing the command customChatmsg.value = ""; } function handleCustomButtonClick(command) { // Your logic for handling the command goes here // This might involve calling the necessary functions from furtherchat.js // Ensure the logic aligns with the existing chat system // Clear the input field after processing the command customChatmsg.value = ""; } // Function to create and style the combined input window function createCombinedInputWindow() { // Create the custom input window var customInputWindow3 = document.createElement("div"); customInputWindow.className = "combined-input-window"; // Append the custom input window to the body document.body.appendChild(customInputWindow); // <!-- Add other elements here similar to the default menu --> customInputWindow.innerHTML = ` <div class="tb"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="chatmsg fs_1" style="color: rgb(221, 221, 221);" maxlength="500"> <button class="sendbtn material-icons">Send</button> <button class="custom-sendbtn2">Send 2</button> </div> `; // Move the following code inside the createCombinedInputWindow function var additionalButtonsHTML = ` <select class="sizesel"> <option value="0">smaller</option> <option value="1">normal</option> <option value="2">bigger</option> <option value="3">more bigger</option> </select> <button style="display: inline-block;">YouTube Player</button> <div class="fccb"> <input type="checkbox"> <label><span class="material-icons"></span>Kageshi Mode</label> </div> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="chatmsg fs_1" maxlength="700" style="color: rgb(221, 221, 221);"> <button class="sendbtn material-icons"></button> `; customInputWindow.querySelector('.tb').innerHTML += additionalButtonsHTML; // Event listener for your "Command" button var customSendbtn2 = customInputWindow.querySelector(".custom-sendbtn2"); customSendbtn2.addEventListener("click", function () { // Call the backend function or method for "Send 2" // Adjust the logic as needed send2ButtonClick(); }); // Event listener for your additional buttons var additionalButtons = customInputWindow.querySelectorAll(".your-additional-buttons-class"); additionalButtons.forEach(function (button) { button.addEventListener("click", function () { // Call the backend function or method associated with the clicked button // Adjust the logic as needed yourAdditionalButtonClick(button); }); }); // Additional styling or event listeners for the combined input window if needed } // Create the combined input window createCombinedInputWindow(); // Function to handle the "Send 2" button click function send2ButtonClick() { // Your logic for handling "Send 2" goes here console.log("Send 2 button clicked!"); } // Function to handle additional button clicks function yourAdditionalButtonClick(button) { // Determine which button was clicked based on its properties or class, and call the corresponding backend method if (button.classList.contains("your-specific-button-class")) { // Call the backend method for the specific button console.log("Your specific button clicked!"); } else { // Handle other buttons if needed } } // Append the custom input window to the body document.body.appendChild(customInputWindow); // Style the text input var customChatmsg = customInputWindow.querySelector(".chatmsg"); = "1"; = "5px"; // Style the send button var customSendbtn = customInputWindow.querySelector(".sendbtn"); customSendbtn.innerText = "msg"; // Customize the button text as needed // Add event listener for the send button customSendbtn.addEventListener("click", function () { handleCustomButtonClick(customChatmsg.value.trim()); }); // Assuming you have a reference to your combined input window var combinedInputWindow = document.querySelector(".combined-input-window"); // Event listener for your "Command" button var customSendbtn2 = combinedInputWindow.querySelector(".custom-sendbtn2"); customSendbtn2.addEventListener("click", function () { // Call the backend function or method for "Send 2" // Adjust the logic as needed send2ButtonClick(); }); // Event listener for your additional buttons var additionalButtons = combinedInputWindow.querySelectorAll(".your-additional-buttons-class"); additionalButtons.forEach(function (button) { button.addEventListener("click", function () { // Call the backend function or method associated with the clicked button // Adjust the logic as needed yourAdditionalButtonClick(button); }); }); } // Declare customInputWindow4 at the beginning of your code var customInputWindow4 = document.createElement("div"); customInputWindow4.className = "your-custom-class"; // Fix the typo here // Clone gridbox function cloneGridbox() { var gridboxTools = document.querySelector('.gridbox_tools'); var clonedGridboxTools = gridboxTools.cloneNode(true); // Append the new button to the custom input window customInputWindow4.appendChild(clonedGridboxTools); // Append the new button to the custom input window var customSendbtn2 = customInputWindow4.querySelector(".custom-sendbtn2"); customSendbtn2.addEventListener("click", function () { // Your logic for handling the "Send 2" command goes here var command = customChatmsg.value.trim(); // Clear the input field after processing the command customChatmsg.value = ""; }); // Additional styling or event listeners for the combined input window if needed // Move this block inside the createCombinedInputWindow function // Add additional buttons and elements from your HTML code var additionalButtonsHTML = ` <select class="sizesel"> <option value="0">smaller</option> <option value="1">normal</option> <option value="2">bigger</option> <option value="3">more bigger</option> </select> <button style="display: inline-block;">YouTube Player</button> <div class="fccb"> <input type="checkbox"> <label><span class="material-icons"></span>Kageshi Mode</label> </div> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="chatmsg fs_1" maxlength="700" style="color: rgb(221, 221, 221);"> <button class="sendbtn material-icons"></button> `; clonedGridboxTools.querySelector('.tb').innerHTML += additionalButtonsHTML; // Append the custom input window to the body document.body.appendChild(customInputWindow4); } //fc_cam.prototype.setkmode = function(t) { // this.kageshi_mode = t, // null === || null === this.user || || this.paused || this.kageshi_mode && (this.pausecam(this.user), //, this.pb.roots.default.fc.p_1200798.encode({ // cn: this.camno // }, null).finish())) //} function fc_coolbox(t, e, n, i, s, o, c) { = t; this.pb = e; this.cb = s; this.msglimit = o; this.pmctrl = n; this.layout = i; this.yt_cb = c; this.font_colour = "#FF0000"; this.font_size = 1; this.elem = document.createElement("div"); this.elem.className = "tb"; // Create the color picker this.text_cp = document.createElement("input"); this.text_cp.className = "jscolor"; this.text_cp.setAttribute("data-jscolor", "{position:'top',hash:false,value:'" + this.font_colour + "',borderRadius:'1px',borderColor:'" + + "',controlBorderColor:'" + + "',backgroundColor:'" + + "'}"); this.text_cp.onchange = this.cp_change.bind(this); this.elem.appendChild(this.text_cp); // Create the font size selector this.sel_fs = document.createElement("select"); this.sel_fs.className = "sizesel"; this.sel_fs.onchange = this.fs_change.bind(this); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let option = document.createElement("option"); option.innerHTML = (i === 0) ? "smaller" : (i === 1) ? "normal" : (i === 2) ? "bigger" : "more bigger"; option.value = i; this.sel_fs.appendChild(option); } this.sel_fs.selectedIndex = this.font_size; this.elem.appendChild(this.sel_fs); // Create the YouTube Player button this.btn_ytpl = document.createElement("button"); this.btn_ytpl.innerHTML = "YouTube Player"; this.btn_ytpl.onclick = this.yt_click.bind(this); = "none"; this.elem.appendChild(this.btn_ytpl); // Create the Kageshi Mode checkbox //this.cb_kmode = new fc_checkbox(false, "Kageshi Mode"); //this.cb_kmode.addonclick(this.kmode_click.bind(this)); //this.elem.appendChild(this.cb_kmode.elem); // Create the input for messages this.text_msg = document.createElement("input"); this.text_msg.setAttribute("type", "text"); this.text_msg.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); this.text_msg.className = "chatmsg fs_" + this.font_size; = this.font_colour; this.text_msg.value = ""; this.text_msg.onkeyup = this.msg_keyup.bind(this); this.text_msg.autocomplete = "off"; this.elem.appendChild(this.text_msg); // Create the Send button this.btn_send = document.createElement("button"); this.btn_send.className = "sendbtn material-icons"; this.btn_send.onclick = this.send_click.bind(this); this.elem.appendChild(this.btn_send); // Append additional buttons for Hello, Message, and Command this.btn_hello = document.createElement("button"); this.btn_hello.innerHTML = "Hello"; this.btn_hello.onclick = this.hello_click.bind(this); this.elem.appendChild(this.btn_hello); this.btn_msg = document.createElement("button"); this.btn_msg.innerHTML = "Message"; this.btn_msg.onclick = this.msg_click.bind(this); this.elem.appendChild(this.btn_msg); this.btn_cmd = document.createElement("button"); this.btn_cmd.innerHTML = "Command"; this.btn_cmd.onclick = this.cmd_click.bind(this); this.elem.appendChild(this.btn_cmd); } // Call the function to initialize the script initializeScript();