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unban from fortnite
// ==UserScript== // @name UNBAN SCRIPT // @namespace // @version v0.4 // @description unban from fortnite // @author Vaqu // @match http://*/* // @icon  // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; //unban script! //use script on bios then epic games should be unbanned form fortnite //MAKE SURE TO READ THE COMMENTS FOR IT TO WORK //TUTORIAL: //Copy paste script and go into bios //Disable tpm in bios //go into run - apps - epiclauncher //paste script //restart pc //make sure the script is still on //IF IT DOESNT WORK: //Reinstall windows //do steps again but this time in bios disable fan cooling //restart + reinstall fortnite //Should be unbanned now var unbanner = this.applyService("EPICONLINESERVICES:FORTNITE-BANNED")) var user = "fs vagunogirls"; // fill with ur username var statusOfBan = true; //false = your not banned. true = you are banned, should be autoset at true var restrictions = 1; function applyer(){ if(statusOfBan == true){ script.write("fortnite-banned".script(false)) filler.slice("-banned".from(script)) //if u are still banned run this script in tampermonkey browser(copy and paste) {COMING SOON} /*function killBan(){ //let i = this.apply(epicServices, "status=unbanned") //i++ //function unban(username){ //} //for (j = 0; j + 1; j++){ unban(user) //} }*/ }else if(statusOfBan == false){ return; } } parseInt("epicGamesServices", applyer()) parseInt(23, "epicGamesLauncher") epicGamesLauncher.banned = false; //thank me later })();